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Author Index to Volume 98 Key to Pagination Issue No. Month Pages February 1-246 May 247-470 August 471-652 November 653-914 ARTICLES Cardoso-Martins, Claudia, Corréa, Marcela F., Lemos, Leticia S., and Napoleao, Ricardo F.—Is There a Syllabic Stage in Spelling Abbott, Robert D.—see Nagy, William Development? Evidence From Portuguese-Speaking Children. . . Ackerman, Phillip L., and Beier, Margaret E.—Determinants of Carlo, Maria—see Branum-Martin, Lee Domain Knowledge and Independent Study Learning in an Carlo, Maria S.—see Proctor, C. Patrick Adult Sample Carlson, Coleen D.—see Branum-Martin, Lee Allen, Jeff—see Robbins, Steven B. Casillas, Alex—see Robbins, Steven B. Arbuthnott, Katherine D.—see Kritzig, Gregory P. Chambers, Bette, Cheung, Alan C. K., Madden, Nancy A., Slavin, August, Diane—see Proctor, C. Patrick Robert E., and Gifford, Richard—Achievement Effects of Em- bedded Multimedia in a Success for All Reading Program. . . Chatterji, Madhabi—Reading Achievement Gaps, Correlates, and Baines, Ed—see Blatchford, Peter Moderators of Early Reading Achievement: Evidence From Bassett, Paul—see Blatchford, Peter the Eariy Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS) Kindergarten Bauman, Sheri, and Del Rio, Adrienne—Preservice Teachers’ Re- to First Grade Sample ; sponses to Bullying Scenarios: Comparing Physical, Verbal, Chen, Shi-Wei—see Wang, Min and Relational Bullying Cheng, Chenxi—see Wang, Min Baumert, Jiirgen—see Trautwein, Ulrich Cheung, Alan C. K.—see Chambers, Bette Beier, Margaret E.—see Ackerman, Phillip L. Cho, Kwangsu, Schunn, Christian D., and Wilson, Roy W.—Va- Berninger. Virginia W.—see Nagy, William lidity and Reliability of Scaffolded Peer Assessment of Writ- Best, Rachel M., Dockrell, Julie E., and Braisby, Nick—Lexical ing From Instructor and Student Perspectives............ Acquisition in Elementary Science Classes Chorzempa, Barbara Fink, and Graham, Steve—Primary-Grade Biemiller, Andrew, and Boote, Catherine—An Effective Method Teachers’ Use of Within-Class Ability Grouping in Reading. . . for Building Meaning Vocabulary in Primary Grades Chowne, Anne—see Blatchford, Peter Blatchford, Peter, Baines, Ed, Rubie-Davies, Christine, Bassett, Coker, David—Impact of First-Grade Factors on the Growth and Paul, and Chowne, Anne—The Effect of a New Approach to Outcomes of Urban Schoolchildren’s Primary-Grade Writing. .. Group Work on Pupil—Pupil and Teacher—Pupil Interactions. . . 750 Collins, Stephanie—see Pressley, Michael Bois, Julien—see Trouilloud, David Compton, Donald L., Fuchs, Douglas, Fuchs, Lynn S., and Bryant, Bond, Mary Alice—see Wasik, Barbara A, Joan D.—Selecting At-Risk Readers in First Grade for Early Boote, Catherine—see Biemiller, Andrew Intervention: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study of Decision Bosman, Anna M. T., van Hell, Janet G., and Verhoeven, Ludo Rules and Procedures —Learning the Spelling of Strange Words in Dutch Benefits Compton, Donald L.—see Fuchs, Lynn S. From Regularized Reading Connor, Carol McDonald, Morrison, Frederick J., and Slominski, Braisby, Nick—see Best, Rachel M. Lisa—Preschool Instruction and Children’s Emergent Literacy Branum-Martin, Lee, Mehta, Paras D., Fletcher, Jack M., Carlson, Growth Coleen D., Ortiz, Alba, Carlo, Maria, and Francis, David J. Corréa, Marcela F.—see Cardoso-Martins, Claudia —Bilingual Phonological Awareness: Multilevel Construct Craig, Sharon A.—The Effects of an Adapted Interactive Writing Validation Among Spanish-Speaking Kindergarteners in Tran- Intervention on Kindergarten Children’s Phonological Aware- sitional Bilingual Education Classrooms ness, Spelling, and Early Reading Development: A Contextu- Bressoux, Pascal—see Trouilloud, David alized Approach to Instruction Brown, William H.—see Odom, Samuel L. Bryant, Joan D.—see Compton, Donald L. Dally, Kerry—The Influence of Phonological Processing and Inat- Buhs, Eric S., Ladd, Gary W., and Herald, Sarah L.— Peer Exclu- tentive Behavior on Reading Acquisition sion and Victimization: Processes That Mediate the Relation Darnon, Céline, Muller, Dominique, Schrager, Sheree M., Pan- Between Peer Group Rejection and Children’s Classroom En- nuzzo, Nelly, and Butera, Fabrizio—Mastery and Performance Goals Predict Epistemic and Relational Conflict Regulation. . . . Bus, Adriana G.—see Verhallen, Maria J. A. J. Dearing. Eric, Kreider, Holly, Simpkins, Sandra, and Weiss, Heather B. Butcher, Kirsten R.—Learning From Text With Diagrams: Promot- —Family Involvement in School and Low-Income Children’s Lit- ing Mental Model Development and Inference Generation. . . eracy: Longitudinal Associations Between and Within Families. . . Butera, Fabrizio—see Darnon, Céline Deater-Deckard, Kirby—see Petrill, Stephen A. de Jong, Maria T.—see Verhallen, Maria J. A. J. Capizzi, Andrea M.—see Fuchs, Lynn S. Del Rio, Adrienne—see Bauman, Sheri vi AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 98 DeThorne, Laura $.—see Petrill, Stephen A. Lemos, Leticia S.—see Cardoso-Martins, Claudia Dockrell, Julie E.—see Best, Rachel M. Levitt, Heather A.—see McCoach, D. Betsy Duckworth, Angela Lee, and Seligman, Martin E. P.—Self- Li, Shouming—see Odom, Samuel L. Discipline Gives Girls the Edge: Gender in Self-Discipline, Liow, Susan J. Rickard, and Lau, Lily H.-S.—The Development of Bilingual Children’s Early Spelling in English 868 Durik, Amanda M., Vida, Mina, and Eccles, Jacquelynne S.—Task Liu, Hongyun—see Shu, Hua Values and Ability Beliefs as Predictors of High School Lit- Liidtke, Oliver—see Trautwein, Ulrich (two entries) eracy Choices: A Developmental Analysis Madden, Nancy A.—see Chambers, Bette Eccles, Jacquelynne $.—see Durik, Amanda M. Maier, Markus A.—see Pekrun, Reinhard Elliot, Andrew J.—see Pekrun, Reinhard Marquart, Jules M.—see Odom, Samuel L. Marsh, Herbert W.—see Trautwein, Ulrich Fantuzzo, John W.—see Ginsburg-Block, Marika D. McBride-Chang, Catherine—see Shu, Hua Fletcher, Jack M.—see Branum-Martin, Lee McCartney, Kathleen—see O'Connor, Erin Fletcher, Jack M.—see Fuchs, Lynn S. McCoach, D. Betsy, O'Connell, Ann A., Reis, Sally M., and Levitt, Francis, David J.—see Branum-Martin, Lee Heather A.—Growing Readers: A Hierarchical Linear Model of Fuchs, Douglas—see Compton, Donald L. Children’s Reading Growth During the First 2 Years of School. . . Fuchs, Douglas—see Fuchs, Lynn S. Mehta, Paras D.—see Branum-Martin, Lee Fuchs, Lynn S., Fuchs, Douglas, Compton, Donald L., Powell, Meiring, Anne—see Roberts, Theresa A. Sarah R., Seethaler, Pamela M., Capizzi, Andrea M.., Mestas, Miranda—see Urdan, Tim Schatschneider, Christopher, and Fletcher, Jack M.—The Miller, Justin, and Schwanenflugel, Paula J——Prosody of Syntactically Cognitive Correlates of Third-Grade Skill in Arithmetic, Al- Complex Sentences in the Oral Reading of Young Children gorithmic Computation, and Arithmetic Word Problems Miller, Jens, and Husemann, Nicole—Internal Comparisons in Fuchs, Lynn S.—see Compton, Donald L. Everyday Life Miller, Kornelia—see Hardy, llonca Gaskins, Irene W.—see Pressley, Michael Morrison, Frederick J.—see Connor, Carol McDonald Gerber, Michael—see Swanson, H. Lee Muller, Dominique—see Darnon, Céline Gifford, Richard—see Chambers, Bette Ginsburg-Block, Marika D., Rohrbeck, Cynthia A., and Fantuzzo, John W.—A Meta-Analytic Review of Social, Self-Concept, Nagy, William, Berninger, Virginia W., and Abbott, Robert D. and Behavioral Outcomes of Peer-Assisted Learning —Contributions of Morphology Beyond Phonology to Liter- Glassner, Amnon—see Weinstock, Michael P. acy Outcomes of Upper Elementary and Middle-School Stu- Graham, Steve—see Chorzempa, Barbara Fink Green-Demers, Isabelle—see Legault, Lisa Napoledo, Ricardo F.—see Cardoso-Martins, Claudia Griffith-Ross, Diana A.—see Walezyk, Jeffrey J. Neuman, Yair-—see Weinstock, Michael P. Ng. Florrie Fei-Yin—see Pomerantz, Eva M. Hardy, Hlonca, Jonen, Angela, Méller, Kornelia, and Stern, Elsbeth Niggli, Alois—see Trautwein, Ulrich —Effects of Instructional Support Within Constructivist Learning Environments for Elementary School Students’ Un- O'Connell, Ann A.—see McCoach, D. Betsy derstanding of “Floating and Sinking” O'Connor, Erin, and McCartney, Kathleen—Testing Associations Henik, Avishai—see Rubinsten, Orly Between Young Children’s Relationships With Mothers and Herald, Sarah L.—see Buhs, Eric S. Teachers Hindman, Annemarie—see Wasik, Barbara A. Odom, Samuel L., Zercher, Craig, Li, Shouming, Marquart, Jules Homer, Bruce D.—see Lee, Hyunjeong M., Sandall, Susan, and Brown, William H.—Social Accep- Husemann, Nicole—see Miller, Jens tance and Rejection of Preschool Children With Disabilities: A Mixed-Method Analysis Jang, Hyungshim—see Reeve, Johnmarshall Ortiz, Alba—see Branum-Martin, Lee Jonen, Angela—see Hardy, lonca Ouellette, Gene P.—What’s Meaning Got to Do With It: The Role of Vocabulary in Word Reading and Reading Comprehension Kessler, Brett—see Treiman, Rebecca KGller, Olaf—see Trautwein, Ulrich Kritzig, Gregory P., and Arbuthnott, Katherine D.—Perceptual Learning Pannuzzo, Nelly—see Darnon, Céline Style and Learning Proficiency: A Test of the Hypothesis Park, Yoonjung—see Wang, Min Kreider, Holly—see Dearing, Eric Pekrun, Reinhard, Elliot, Andrew J.. and Maier, Markus A. —Achievement Goals and Discrete Achievement Emotions: A Ladd, Gary W.—see Buhs, Eric S. Theoretical Model and Prospective Test Lau, Lily H.-S.—see Liow, Susan J. Rickard Pelletier, Luc—see Legault, Lisa Le, Huy—see Robbins, Steven B. Peterson, Christina Hamme—see Robbins, Steven B. Lee, Hyunjeong, Plass, Jan L., and Homer, Bruce D.—Optimizing Peterson, Sarah E., and Schreiber, James B.—An Attributional Cognitive Load for Learning From Computer-Based Science Analysis of Personal and Interpersonal Motivation for Collab- Simulations orative Projects Lee, Kyoung Rang—see Wang, Min Petrill, Stephen A., Deater-Deckard, Kirby, Thompson, Lee Anne, Legault, Lisa, Green-Demers, 4sabelle, and Pelletier, Luc—Why DeThorne, Laura S., and Schatschneider, Christopher—Ge- Do High Schooi Students Lack Motivation in the Classroom? netic and Environmental Effects of Serial Naming and Pho- Toward an Understanding of Academic Amotivation and the nological Awareness on Early Reading Outcomes Role of Social Support Peyton, Julia A.—see Vadasy, Patricia F. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 98 Plass, Jan L.—see Lee, Hyunjeong Trautwein, Ulrich, Liidtke, Oliver, Marsh, Herbert W., Koller, Olaf, Pomerantz, Eva M., Ng, Florrie Fei-Yin, and Wang, Qian—Moth- and Baumert, Jiirgen—Tracking, Grading, and Student Moti- ers’ Mastery-Oriented Involvement in Children’s Homework: vation: Using Group Composition and Status to Predict Self- Implications for the Well-Being of Children With Negative Concept and Interest in Ninth-Grade Mathematics. ...... . Perceptions of Competence Trautwein, Ulrich, Liidtke, Oliver, Schnyder, Inge, and Niggli, Poweli, Sarah R.—see Fuchs, Lynn S. Alois—Predicting Homework Effort: Support for a Domain- Pressley, Michael, Gaskins, Irene W., Solic, Katie, and Collins, Specific, Multilevel Homework Model Stephanie—A Portrait of Benchmark School: How a School Treiman, Rebecca, and Kessler, Brett—Spelling as Statistical Produces High Achievement in Students Who Previously Trouilloud, David, Sarrazin, Philippe, Bressoux, Pascal, and Bois, Proctor, C. Patrick, August, Diane, Carlo, Maria S.. and Snow, Julien—Relation Between Teachers’ Early Expectations and Catherine—The Intriguing Role of Spanish Language Vocab- Students’ Later Perceived Competence in Physical Education ulary Knowledge in Predicting English Reading Comprehen- Classes: Autonomy-Supportive Climate as a Moderator Urdan, Tim, and Mestas, Miranda—The Goals Behind Performance Reeve, Johnmarshall, and Jang, Hyungshim—What Teachers Say Goals 354 and Do to Support Students’ Autonomy During a Learning Activity Vadasy, Patricia F., Sanders, Elizabeth A., and Peyton, Julia A. Reis, Sally M.—see McCoach, D. Betsy —Code-Oriented Instruction for Kindergarten Students At Robbins, Steven B., Allen, Jeff, Casillas, Alex, Peterson, Christina Risk for Reading Difficulties: A Randomized Field Trial With Hamme, and Le, Huy—Unraveling the Differential Effects of Paraeducator Implementers. .... 0... 0.5 e eee eens Motivational and Skills, Social, and Self-Management Mea- van Hell, Janet G.—see Bosman, Anna M. T. sures From Traditional Predictors of College Outcomes Verhallen, Maria J. A. J., Bus, Adriana G., and de Jong, Maria T. Roberts, Theresa A., and Meiring, Anne—Teaching Phonics in the —The Promise of Multimedia Stories for Kindergarten Chil- Context of Children’s Literature or Spelling: Influences on dren At Risk First-Grade Reading, Spelling, and Writing and Fifth-Grade Verhoeven, Ludo—see Bosman, Anna M. T. Comprehension 690 Vida, Mina—see Durik, Amanda M. Rohrbeck, Cynthia A.—see Ginsburg-Block, Marika D. Rubie-Davies, Christine—see Blatchford, Peter Walczyk, Jeffrey J., and Griffith-Ross, Diana A.—Time Restriction Rubinsten, Orly, and Henik, Avishai—Double Dissociation of and the Linkage Between Subcomponent Efficiency and Al- Functions in Developmental Dyslexia and Dyscalculia gebraic Incquality Success... . 2. wcrc ccccsvevesces Wang, Min, Cheng, Chenxi, and Chen, Shi-Wei—Contribution of Saez, Leilani—see Swanson, H. Lee Morphological Awareness to Chinese-English Biliteracy Ac- Sandall, Susan—see Odom, Samuel L. quisition 542 Sanders, Ehzabeth A.—see Vadasy. Patricia F. Wang, Min, Park, Yoonjung, and Lee, Kyoung Rang—Korean- Sarrazin, Philippe—see Trouilloud, David English Biliteracy Acquisition: Cross-Language Phonological Schatschneider, Christopher—see Fuchs, Lynn S. and Orthographic Transfer Schatschneider, Christopher—see Petrill, Stephen A. Wang, Qian—see Pomerantz, Eva M. Schellenberg, E. Glenn—Long-Term Positive Associations Be- Wasik, Barbara A., Bond, Mary Alice, and Hindman, Annemarie tween Music Lessons and IQ —The Effects of a Language and Literacy Intervention on Schnyder, Inge—see Trautwein, Ulrich Head Start Children and Teachers................5-5 Schrager, Sheree M.—see Darnon, Céline Weinstock, Michael P., Neuman, Yair, and Glassner, Amnon Schreiber, James B.—see Peterson, Sarah E. —lIdentification of Informal Reasoning Fallacies as a Function Schunn, Christian D.—see Cho, Kwangsu of Epistemological Level, Grade Level, and Cognitive Ability Schwanenflugel, Paula J.—see Miller, Justin Weiss, Heather B.—see Dearing, Eric Seethaler, Pamela M.—see Fuchs, Lynn S. Wilson, Roy W.—see Cho, Kwangsu Seligman, Martin E. P.—see Duckworth, Angela Lee Wu, Sina—see Shu, Hua Shu, Hua, McBride-Chang, Catherine, Wu, Sina, and Liu, Hongyun —Understanding Chinese Developmental Dyslexia: Morpho- Zercher, Craig—see Odom, Samuel L. logical Awareness as a Core Cognitive Construct Simpkins, Sandra—see Dearing, Eric OTHER Slavin, Robert E.—see Chambers, Bette Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers .............0065 914 Slominski, Lisa—see Connor, Carol McDonald American Psychological Association Subscription Claims Snow, Catherine—see Proctor, C. Patrick Information 43, 456, 553 Solic, Katie—see Pressley, Michael Call for Nominations 664 Stern, Elsbeth—see Hardy, lionca E-Mail Notification of Your Latest Issue Online! .... = 121, 353, 597 Swanson, H. Lee—Cross-Sectional and Incremental Changes in Instructions to Authors iii (February), 469, viii (November) Working Memory and Mathematical Problem Solving Low Publication Prices for APA Members and Swanson, H. Lee, Sdez, Leilani, and Gerber, Michael—Growth in Affiliates 181, 381, 652 Literacy and Cognition in Bilingual Children at Risk or Not at New Editors Appointed, 2008-2013 823 Risk for Reading Disabilities Note From the Editor ii (February), ii (May) Notice of Death ii (August) Thompson, Lee Anne—see Petrill, Stephen A. Subscription Order Form 147, 264, 582, 749

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