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Preview Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 2000: Vol 5 Index

JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS PLACED AT RISK, 5(4), 461-462 Copyright © 2000, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. TITLE INDEX Volume 5 (2000) Book Reviews: Reforming American Education Being Responsive to Cultural from the Bottom to the Top, Differences: How Teachers reviewed by Kathy Tiner, 437 Learn, reviewed by Marilyn Third Millennium Schools: A M. Irving, 319 World of Difference in Effec- The Black-White Test Score tiveness and Improvement, re- Gap, reviewed by Gerunda B. viewed by Stephen B. Plank, Hughes, 417 433 Change Forces: The Sequel, re- Two-Year Colleges for Women viewed by Kevin Welner, 447 and Minorities: Enabling Ac- Collaborative Observation: Putting cess to the Baccalaureate, re- Classroom Instruction at the viewed by Marc Cutright, 429 Center of School Reform, te- When Children Don’t Learn: viewed by Charles Teddlie, 441 Student Failure and the Cul- Educating Immigrant Students: ture of Teaching, reviewed by What We Need to Know to Beverly Caffee Glenn, 315 Meet the Challenges, reviewed Articles: by Marisa Castellano, 423 Child Abuse: What Teachers in Forging Links: Effective Schools the *90s Know, Think, and and Effective Departments, re- Do, Janice Hinson and Rich- viewed by Eugene C. Schaffer, ard Fossey, 251 329 Community-Based Support for The New American High School, Preschool Readiness Among reviewed by Marian Eaton, Children in Poverty, Colleen 323 E. Huebner, 291 No Quick Fixes: Perspectives on Creating a Comprehensive School Schools in Difficulty, reviewed Reform Model: The Talent De- by Marcella R. Dianda, 453 velopment High School With Starting Out Right: A Guide to Pro- Career Academies, Will J. Jor- moting Children’s Reading Suc- dan, James M. McPartland, cess; and Start Early, Finish Nettie E. Legters, and Robert Strong: How to Help Every Child Balfanz, 159 Become a Reader, reviewed by Dropping Out Among Mexi- Barbara A. Wasik, 413 can American Youth: Re- 462 TITLE INDEX viewing the Literature Research and Reform: CRESPAR Through an Ecological Per- in the 21st Century, Robert E. spective, Robyn S. Hess, Slavin, 205 267 Roots & Wings: Effects of Early Learning in CRESPAR, Whole-School Reform on Stu- Barbara A. Wasik, Nancy dent Achievement, Robert E. Karweit, Mary Alice Bond, Slavin and Nancy A. Madden, Lannette Burns Woodruff, 109 Gary Jaeger, and Sarah Adee, Seeking Justice in Educational 93 Opportunity: An Analysis of Editor’s Introduction, Sam the Evidence on _ School Stringfield, 1, 213, 337 Vouchers and Children Placed Implementing Districtwide Re- at Risk, Martha Abele Mac form in Schools With Title I Iver, 397 Schoolwide Programs: The The Talent Development Model First Two Years of Children of Schooling: Placing Stu- Achieving in Philadelphia, dents At Promise for Aca- Kenneth K. Wong and Gail L. demic Success, A. Wade Sunderman, 355 Boykin, 3 State Education Indicators for Title I: The Evolving Research Monitoring Progress of Title I: Base, Geoffrey D. Borman, 27 A New Annual Series of Re- Transforming High-Poverty Ur- ports, Rolf K. Blank and ban Middle Schools Into Jennifer G. Manise, 215 Strong Learning Institutions: Inequities in Early Care and Edu- Lessons From the First Five cation: What Is America Years of the Talent Develop- Buying?, Jason Sachs, 383 ment Middle School, Robert The National Network of Partner- Balfanz and Douglas Mac ship Schools: How Research Iver, 137 Influences Educational Prac- Understanding Resilience: The tice, Mavis G. Sanders and Role of Social Resources, Joyce L. Epstein, 61 Saundra Murray Nettles, Organizational Characteristics of Wilfridah Mucherah, and Schools That Successfully Dana S. Jones, 47 Serve Low-Income Urban Af- What Does it Take to “Go To rican American Students, Scale”? Reflections on the Beverly Cole-Henderson, 77 Promise and the Perils of The Persistent Dream: A Princi- Comprehensive School Re- pal’s Promising Reform of an form, Thomas Hatch, 339 At-Risk Elementary Urban Working Together for Reliable School, Carol A. Mullen and School Reform, Amanda Dat- R. Lynne Patrick, 229 now and Sam Stringfield, 183 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS PLACED AT RISK, 5(4), 463-464 Copyright © 2000, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. AUTHOR INDEX Volume 5 (2000) Adee, Sarah, see Wasik, Barbara A. Jordan, Will J., McPartland, Balfanz, Robert, and Mac Iver, James M., Legters, Nettie E., Doug, 137 and Balfanz, Robert, 159 Balfanz, Robert, see Jordan, Will J. Karweit, Nancy, see Wasik, Blank, Rolf K., and Manise, Barbara A. Jennifer G., 215 Legters, Nettie E., see Jordan, Bond, Mary Alice, see Wasik, Will J. Barbara A. Mac Iver, Doug, see Balfanz, Borman, Geoffrey D., 27 Robert Boykin, A. Wade, 3 Mac Iver, Martha Abele, 397 Burns Woodruff, Lannette, see Madden, Nancy A., see Slavin, Wasik, Barbara A. Robert E. Castellano, Marisa, 423 Manise, Jennifer G., see Blank, Cole-Henderson, Beverly, 77 Rolf K. Cutright, Marc, 429 McPartland, James M., see Jor- Datnow, Amanda, and Stringfield, dan, Will J. Sam, 183 Mullen, Carol A., and Patrick, R. Dianda, Marcella R., 453 Lynne, 229 Eaton, Marian, 323 Mucherah, Wilfridah, see Net- Epstein, Joyce L., see Sanders, tles, Sandra Murray Mavis G. Nettles, Sandra Murray, Mucherah, Fossey, Richard, see Hinson, Wilfirdah, and Jones, Dana S., Janice 47 Glenn, Beverly Caffee, 315 Patrick, R. Lynne, see Mullen, Hatch, Thomas, 339 Carol A. Hess, Robyn S., 267 Plank, Stephen B., 433 Hinson, Janice, and Fossey, Rich- Sachs, Jason, 383 ard, 251 Sanders, Mavis G., and Epstein, Huebner, Colleen E., 291 Joyce L., 61 Hughes, Gerunda B., 417 Schaffer, Eugene C., 329 Irving, Marilyn M., 319 Slavin, Robert E., and Madden, Jaeger, Gary, see Wasik, Barbara A. Nancy A.,109 Jones, Dana S., see Nettles, San- Slavin, Robert E., 205 dra Murray Stringfield, Sam, 1, 213, 337 464 AUTHOR INDEX Stringfield, Sam, see Datnow, Wasik, Barbara A., Karweit, Nancy, Amanda Bond, Mary Alice, Burns Wood- Sunderman; Gail L., see Wong, ruff, Lannette, Jaeger, Gary, and Kenneth K. Adee, Sarah, 93 Teddlie, Charles, 441 Welner, Kevin, 447 Tiner, Kathy, 437 Wong, Kenneth K., and Sunderman, Wasik, Barbara A., 413 Gail L., 355

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