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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com JOURNAL OF Scij enceDirj ect Eicioenaoemaiice sSelhe & Control ELSEVIER Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 30 (2006) 2905-2909 www.elsevier.com/locate/ jedc Author index to volume 30 (2006) Adam, K., Evans, G.W., Honkapohja, S., Are hyperinflation paths learnable? Aihara, S., Bagchi, A., Filtering and identification of Heston’s stochastic volatility model and its market risk Akabayashi, H., An equilibrium model of child maltreatment Alemdar, N.M., Sirakaya, S., Hiisseinov, F., Optimal time aggregation of infinite horizon control problems Angelini, E., Henry, J., Marcellino, M., Interpolation and backdating with a large information set Anufriev, M., Bottazzi, G., Pancotto, F., Equilibria, stability and asymptotic dominance in a speculative market with heterogeneous traders Aoki, K., Optimal commitment policy under noisy information Aruoba, S.B., Fernandez-Villaverde, J., Rubio-Ramirez, J.F.. Comparing solution methods for dynamic equilibrium economies Athreya, K., Fresh start or head start? Uniform bankruptcy exemptions and welfare Attari, M., Mello, A.S., Financially constrained arbitrage in illiquid markets Baccara, M., Battauz, A., Ortu, F., Effective securities in arbitrage-free markets with bid—ask spreads at liquidation: a linear programming characterization Bagchi, A., see Aihara, S. Batini, N., Justiniano, A., Levine, P., Peariman, J., Robust inflation-forecast-based rules to shield against indeterminacy 149] Battauz, A., see Baccara, M. 55 Beetsma, R.M.W.J., Lans Bovenberg, A., Political shocks and public debt: The case for a conservative central bank revisited 1857 Benigno, P.. Woodford. M., Optimal taxation in an RBC model: A linear-quadratic approach 1445 Bettendorf, L.J.H., Heijdra, B.J., Population ageing and pension reform in a small open economy with non-traded goods 2389 Bhamra, H.S., Uppal, R., The role of risk aversion and intertemporal substitution in dynamic consumption-portfolio choice with recursive utility 967 Bhattacharya, J.. Haslag, J.H., Martin, A., Sub-optimality of the Friedman rule in Townsend’s turnpike and stochastic relocation models of money: Do finite lives and initial dates matter? 879 Blackburn, K., Bose, N.. Emranul Haque, M., The incidence and persistence of corruption in economic development 2447 Blake. D., see Cairns, A.J.G. 843 Blankenau, W.F., Cassou, $.P., Labor market trends with balanced growth 807 Bose, N.. see Blackburn, K. 2447 Bottazzi, G., see Anufriev, M. 1787 Branger, N., Mahayni, A.. Tractable hedging: An implementation of robust hedging strategies 1937 Briickner, M., Schabert, A., Can money matter for interest rate policy? 2823 Bullard, J., Diks, C., Wagener, F., Computing in economics and finance 144] Bunzel, H., Habit persistence, money, and overlapping generations 2425 Caballe, J... Jarque. X.. Michetti, E.. Chaotic dynamics in credit constrained emerging economies 1261 Cairns, A.J.G., Blake, D., Dowd, K., Stochastic lifestyling: Optimal dynamic asset allocation for defined contribution pension plans Camacho, M., Perez-Quiros, G., Saiz, L., Are European business cycles close enough to be just one? Cassou, S.P., see Blankenau, W.F. Cazzavillan, G., Pintus, P.A., Capital externalities in OLG economies 2906 Author index | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 30 (2006) 2905-2909 Chakravorty, U., Magné, B., Moreaux, M., A Hotelling model with a ceiling on the stock of pollution Chang, S.-C., Wu, H.-M., Production experiences and market structure in R&D competition Chang, W.-y., Tsai, H.-f., Lai, C.-c., Effects of an anticipated expansion in international public goods on public capita! accumulation Chareka, P., Matarise, F., Turner, R., A test for additive outliers applicable to long-memory time series Chiarella, C., Dieci, R., Gardini, L., Asset price and wealth dynamics in a financial market with heterogeneous agents Chiarella, C., He, X.-Z., Hommes, C., A dynamic analysis of moving average rules Clementi, G.L., Cooley, T.F., Wang, C., Stock grants as a commitment device Coakley, J., Fuertes, A.-M., Testing for sign and amplitude asymmetries using threshold autoregressions Collard, F., Feve, P., Ghattassi, I., Predictability and habit persistence Cooley, T.F., see Clementi, G.L. Covas, F., Uninsured idiosyncratic production risk with borrowing constraints Cremers, E.T., Dynamic efficiency in the two-sector overlapping generations model Damgaard, A., Computation of reservation prices of options with proportional transaction costs de Hek, P.A., On taxation in a two-sector endogenous growth model with endogenous labor supply Dechert, W.D., O'Donnell, S.I.. The stochastic lake game: A numerical solution Desai, M., Henry, B., Mosley, A., Pemberton, M., A clarification of the Goodwin model of the growth cycle Dieci, R., see Chiarella, C. Dieci, R., see Westerhoff, F.H. Diks, C., Panchenko, V., A new statistic and practical guidelines for nonparametric Granger causality testing Diks, C., see Bullard, J. Dockner, E.J.. see Jorgensen, S. Dowd, K., see Cairns, A.J.G. Dufour, J.-M., Khalaf, L., Kichian, M., Inflation dynamics and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve: An identification robust econometric analysis Eisenack, K., Welsch, H., Kropp, J.P., A qualitative dynamical modelling approach to capital accumulation in unregulated fisheries El-Gamal, M.A., Ryu, D., Short-memory and the PPP hypothesis Emranul Haque, M., see Blackburn, K. Evans, G.W., see Adam, K. Fanelli, L., Multi-equational linear quadratic adjustment cost models with rational expectations and cointegration Fernandes, M., Financial crashes as endogenous jumps: estimation, testing and forecasting Fernandez-Villaverde, J... Rubio-Ramirez, J.F.. Solving DSGE models with perturbation methods and a change of variables Fernandez-Villaverde, J., see Aruoba, S.B. Féve, P., see Collard, F. Fornari, F., Mele, A., Approximating volatility diffusions with CEV-ARCH models Fuertes, A.-M., see Coakley, J. Gardini, L., see Chiarella, C. Gatu, C., Kontoghiorghes, E.J., Estimating all possible SUR models with permuted exogenous data matrices derived from a VAR process Ghattassi, I., see Collard, F. Giesecke, K., Default and information Giesecke, K., Weber, S., Credit contagion and aggregate losses Giordani, P., Séderlind, P., Is there evidence of pessimism and doubt in subjective distributions? Implications for the equity premium puzzle Goetz, R.U., see Xabadia, A. Goldbaum, D., Self-organization and the persistence of noise in financial markets Grinols, E., Lin, H.C., Global patent protection: channels of north and south welfare gain Author index | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 30 (2006) 2905-2909 Haruvy, E., Roth, A.E., Unver, M.U., The dynamics of law clerk matching: An experimental and computational investigation of proposals for reform of the market Haslag, J.H., see Bhattacharya, J. He, X.-Z., see Chiarella, C. Heijdra, B.J., see Bettendorf, L.J.H. Henry, B., see Desai, M. Henry, J., see Angelini, E. Hens, T., Schenk-Hoppe, K.R., Markets do not select for a liquidity preference as behavior towards risk : Herrendorf, B., Valentinyi, A.. On the stability of the two-sector neoclassical growth model with externalities Holman, J.A., Neanidis, K.C., Financing government expenditures in an open economy Hommes, C., see Chiarella, C. Honkapohja, S., see Adam, K. Hotchkiss, R., see Huffaker, R. Huang, K.X.D., Liu, Z., Sellers’ local currency pricing or buyers’ local currency pricing: does it matter for international welfare analysis? Huffaker, R.. Hotchkiss, R.. Economic dynamics of reservoir sedimentation management: Optimal control with singularly perturbed equations of motion Hiisseinov, F., see Alemdar, N.M. lyigun, M., Clusters of invention, life cycle of technologies and endogenous growth Jarque, X., see Caballe, J. Jorgensen, S., Kort, P.M., Dockner, E.J.. Venture capital financed investments in intellectual capital Jouini, E.. Napp, C., Heterogeneous beliefs and asset pricing in discrete time: An analysis of pessimism and doubt Justiniano, A., see Batini, N. Kapetanios, G., Cluster analysis of panel data sets using non-standard optimisation of information criteria 1389 Khalaf, L., see Dufour, J.-M. 1707 Kichian, M., see Dufour, J.-M. 1707 Klumpp, T., Linear learning in changing environments 2577 Kontoghiorghes, E.J., see Gatu, C. 721 K6ppl, T.V., Risk sharing through financial markets with endogenous enforcement of trades 1987 Kort, P.M., see Jorgensen, S. 2339 Kropp, J.P., see Eisenack, K 2613 Krysiak, F.C., Stochastic intertemporal duality: An application to investment under uncertainty 1363 Kuzin, V., The inflation aversion of the Bundesbank: A state space approach 1671 Lai, C.-c., see Chang, W.-y. 2859 Lans Bovenberg, A., see Beetsma, R.M.W.J. 1857 Larramona, G., Sanso, M., Migration dynamics, growth and convergence 2261 Lastrapes, W.D., Potts, T.B., Durable goods and the forward-looking theory of consumption: Estimates implied by the dynamic effects of money 1409 Leippold, M., Trojani, F.. Vanini, P., Equilibrium impact of value-at-risk regulation 1277 Leitemo, K., Targeting inflation by forecast feedback rules in small open economies 393 Levine, P.. see Batini, N. 1491 Lin, H.C., see Grinols, E. 205 Linnemann, L., Interest rate policy, debt, and indeterminacy with distortionary taxation Liu, Z., see Huang. K.X.D. Magne, B., see Chakravorty, U. Mahayni, A., see Branger, N. Malchow-Moller, N., Thorsen, B.J., Corrigendum to “Repeated real options: Optimal investment behaviour and a good rule of thumb” [Journal of Economic Dynamics & Contro! 29(6) (2005) 1025-1041] Marcellino, M., see Angelini, E. 2908 Author index | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 30 (2006) 2905-2909 Marshall, D.A., Prescott, E.S., State-contingent bank regulation with unobserved actions and unobserved characteristics Martin, A., see Bhattacharya, J. Matarise, F., see Chareka, P. Mateos-Planas, X., Seccia, G., Welfare implications of endogenous credit limits with bankruptcy Meh, C.A., Quadrini, V., Endogenous market incompleteness with investment risks Mele, A., see Fornari, F. Mello, A.S., see Attari, M. Meng, Q., Impatience and equilibrium indeterminacy Michetti, E., see Caballe, J. Misina, M., Equity premium with distorted beliefs: A puzzle Mohsin, M., Durability in consumption and the dynamics of the current account Moreaux, M., see Chakravorty, U. Mosley, A., see Desai, M. Moy, H.M., Yip, C.K., The simple analytics of optimal growth with illegal migrants: A clarification Napp, C., see Jouini, E. Nevdal, E., Dynamic optimisation in the presence of threshold effects when the location of the threshold is uncertain — with an application to a possible disintegration of the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet Neanidis, K.C., see Holman, J.A. O’Donnell, S.1., see Dechert, W.D. Onatski, A., Winding number criterion for existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in linear rational expectations models Ortu, F., see Baccara, M. Osborne, T., Credit and risk in rural developing economies Panchenko, V., see Diks, C. Pancotto, F., see Anufriev, M. Papageorgiou, C., Perez-Sebastian, F., Dynamics in a non-scale R&D growth model with human capital: Explaining the Japanese and South Korean development experiences Papagni, E., Household borrowing constraints, fertility dynamics, and economic growth Pearlman, J., see Batini, N. Pemberton, M., see Desai, M. Perez-Quiros, G., see Camacho, M. Perez-Sebastian, F., see Papageorgiou, C. Philippon, T., Corporate governance over the business cycle Phillips, K.L., Wrase, J., ls Schumpeterian ‘creative destruction’ a plausible source of endogenous real business cycle shocks? Pintus, P.A., see Cazzavillan, G. Potts, T.B., see Lastrapes, W.D. Prescott, E.S., see Marshall, D.A. Quadrini, V.. see Meh, C.A. Reis, A.B., Welfare, taxes and foreign investment Roth, A.E., see Haruvy, E. Rubio-Ramirez. J.F.. see Aruoba, S.B. Rubio-Ramirez, J.F., see Fernandez-Villaverde, J. 2509 Ryu, D., see El-Gamal, M.A. 361 Saiz. L.. see Camacho, M. 1687 Samaniego, R.M., Industrial subsidies and technology adoption in general equilibrium 1589 Sanchez-Marcos, V., Sanchez-Martin, A.R., Can social security be welfare improving when there is demographic uncertainty? 1615 Sanchez-Martin, A.R., see Sanchez-Marcos, V. 1615 Sanso, M., see Larramona, G. 2261 Schabert, A., see Briickner, M. 2823 Author index | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 30 (2006) 2905-2909 Schenk-Hoppe, K.R., see Hens, T. Seccia, G., see Mateos-Planas, X. Sener, F., Labor market rigidities and R&D-based growth in the global economy Sialm, C., Stochastic taxation and asset pricing in dynamic general equilibrium Silos, P., Assessing Markov chain approximations: A minimal econometric approach Sirakaya, S., see Alemdar, N.M. Smith, W.T., see Turnovsky, S.J. Sodal, S., Entry and exit decisions based on a discount factor approach Séderlind, P., see Giordani, P. Sorger, G., Recursive Nash bargaining over a productive asset Sutherland, A., The expenditure switching effect, welfare and monetary policy in a small open economy Swanson, E.T., Optimal nonlinear policy: signal extraction with a non-normal prior Thille, H., Inventories, market structure, and price volatility Thorsen, B.J., see Malchow-Moller, N. Tripier, F., Sticky prices, fair wages, and the co-movements of unemployment and labor productivity growth Trojani, F., see Leippold, M. Tsai, H.-f., see Chang, W.-y. Tse, C.Y., New product introduction with costly search Turner, R., see Chareka, P. Turnovsky, S.J.. Smith, W.T., Equilibrium consumption and precautionary savings in a stochastically growing economy Unver, M.U., see Haruvy, E. Uppal. R.. see Bhamra, H.-S. Valentinyi, A., see Herrendorf, B. Vanini, P., see Leippold, M. Vega-Redondo, F., Building up social capital in a changing world Wagener, F., see Bullard, J. Wang, C., see Clementi, G.L. Wang, P.-i., Wen, Y., Another look at sticky prices and output persistence Weber, S.. see Giesecke, K. Weber, T.A., An infinite-horizon maximum principle with bounds on the adjoint variable Welsch, H., see Eisenack, K. Wen, Y., see Wang, P.-f. Westerhoff, F.H., Dieci, R., The effectiveness of Keynes-Tobin transaction taxes when heterogeneous agents can trade in different markets: A behavioral finance approach Woodford, M., see Benigno, P. Wrase, J., see Phillips, K.L. Wu, H.-M., see Chang, S.-C. Xabadia, A., Goetz, R.U., Zilberman, D., Control of accumulating stock pollution by heterogeneous producers Yip. C.K., see Moy, H.M. Zakamouline, V.I.. European option pricing and hedging with both fixed and proportional transaction costs Zampolli, F., Optimal monetary policy in a regime-switching economy: The response to abrupt shifts in exchange rate dynamics Zhang, J., Second-best public debt with human capital externalities Zilberman, D., see Xabadia, A.

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