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Preview Journal of Econometrics January 1992-February 1994: Vol 51-60 Index

Subject Index Adaptive estimation in time series regression models. Douglas G. Steiger- wald. : ‘ 54 (1992) 251-1275 Adaptive estimators * On the finite sample behavior r of Douglas G Steigerwald 54 (1992) 371-400 Additive heteroscedasticity * Seemingly unrelated regressions under Theory and share equation applications. David M. Mandy and Carlos Martins-Filho 58 (1993) 315-346 Adjustment filters The effect of seasonal on tests for a unit root. Eric serine and Pierre Perron. 55 (1993) 57-98 Discussion: The effect of seasonal on tests for a unit root Francis X. Diebold. 55 (1993) 99-103 Aggregate employment time series * Nonparametric evidence on asymmetry in business cycles using . Robert Hussey. $1 (1992) 217-231 Aggregation * Persistence, cointegration, and A disaggregated ana- lysis of output fluctuations in the U.S. economy. M.H. Pesaran, R.G. Pierse and K.C. Lee ie casas a 56 (1993) 57-88 Aitken estimation * Quasi- for heteroskedasticity of unknown form John G. Cragg. 54 (1992) 179-201 Allocative efficiency * A simplification of the Kopp- Diewert method of palit cost efficiency and some implications. Yaw M. Men- sah.. 60 (1994) 133-144 ANOVA F tests * Monte Cca rlo results on n several new and existing tests for the error component models. Badi H. Baltagi, Young-Jae Chang, anQdi L i. 54 (1992) 95-120 Approximate slopes * A comparison of nonnested tests for misspecified models using the method of Jeffrey E. Zabel. ; $7 (1993) 205-232 Approximate tests * A comparison of several exact and for structural shift under heteroscedasticity. Jerry G. Thursby , 53 (1992) 363-386 Approximation errors * Seasonality and in rational expectations models. Lars Peter Hansen and Thomas J. Sargent. 55 (1993) 21-55 AR(1) disturbances * Monte Carlo evidence on panel data regressions with and an arbitrary variance on the initial observations. Badi H Baltagi, Young-Jae Chang, anQdi L i : er §2 (1992) 371 AR(4) process * Bayes regression with autoregressive errors: A Gibbs sampling approach. Siddhartha Chib , 58 (1993) 275 Arbitrage pricing theory * A multi-dynamic-factor model for stock returns. Victor Ng, Robert F. Engle, and Michael Rothschild. 52 (1992) 245 Arbitrary variance * Monte Carlo evidence on panel data regressions with AR(1) disturbances and an on the initial observations. Badi H. Baltagi, Young-Jae Chang, and Qi Li §2 (1992) 371 ARCH * Local scale models: State space alternative to integrated GARC H processes. Neil Shephard. 60 (1994) 181 ARCH disturbances * Unobserved component time series models wi th Andrew Harvey, Esther Ruiz, and Enrique Sentana. 52 (1992) 129- ARCH effects * Testing for neglected nonlinearity in time series models A comparison of neural network methods and alternative tests Tae-Hwy Lee, Halbert White, and Clive W.J. Granger. ... . . 56 (1993) 269-2 ARCH modeling in finance: A review of the theory and empirical evidence. Tim BollerslevR,a y Y. Chou, and KennethF . Kroner 52 (1992) 5-59 Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 ARCH models A comparison of risk-premium forecasts implied by parametric versus nonparametric conditional mean estimators. Thomas H. McCurdy and Thanasis Stengos §2 (1992) 225-244 A multi-dynamic-factor model for stock returns. Victor Ng, Robert F Engle, and Michael Rothschild §2 (1992) 245-266 Aggregate output fluctuations * Time series properties of Steven N. Durlauf 56 (1993) 39-56 Filtering and forecasting with misspecified I: Getting the right variance with the wrong model. Daniel B. Nelson §2 (1992) 61-90 Implied from options prices. Robert F. Engle and Chowdhury Mustafa 52 (1992) 289-311 Measuring risk aversion from excess returns on a stock index. Ray Chou, Robert F. Engle, and Alex Kane (1992) 201-224 Prediction in dynamic models with time-dependent conditional vari- ances. Richard T. Baillie and Tim Bollerslev (1992) 91-113 Qualitative threshold Christian Gourieroux and Alain Monfort (1992) 159-199 Stationarity of GARCH processes and of some nonnegative time series Philippe Bougerol and Nico Picard (1992) Stock market volatility and the information contoefn sttoc k index options. Theodore E. Day and Craig M. Lewis (1992) 267 ARCH models in finance. Edited by Robert F. Engle and Michael kothschild (1992) 1-311 4RCH structure * Identification and estimation of noninvertible non- Gaussian MA(q) processes. James B. Ramsey and Alvaro Mon- tenegro 54 (1992) 301-320 ARMA process * Prediction in dynamic models with time-dependent conditional variances. Richard T. Baillie and Tim Bollerslev 52 (1992) Asset pricing A comparison of risk-premium forecasts implied by parametric versus nonparametric conditional mean estimators. Thomas H. McCurdy and Thanasis Stengos §2 (1992) 22 A multi-dynamic-factor model for stock returns. Victor Ng, Robert F Engle, and Michael Rothschild §2 (1992) Asymmetry * Nonparametric evidence on in business cycles using aggregate employment time series. Robert Hussey 51 (1992) 2 Asymptotic and finite sample distribution theory for IV estimators and tests in partially identified structural equations. In Choi and Peter C.B Phillips 51 (1992) 113 Asymptotic bias Discussion: The effect of seasonal adjustment filters on tests for a unit root. Francis X. Diebold 55 (1993) 99-103 The effect of seasonal adjustment filters on tesfort as un it root. Eric Ghysels and Pierre Perron 55 (1993) 57-98 Asymptotic distribution(s) Cointegration in partial systems and the efficiency of single-equation analysis. Soren Johansen 52 (1992) 389-402 Discussion: Seasonal cointegration. Denise R. Osborn 55 (1993) 299-303 Efficient estimation and testing of cointegrating vectors in the presence of deterministic trends. Bruce E. Hansen 53 (1992) 87-121 Finite-sample properties of single-equation estimators under structural chaJnirog Hoedos.him a 53 (1992) 189-209 Seasonal cointegration: The Japanese consumption function. R.F Engle, C.W.J. Granger, S. Hylleberg, and HLS. Lee. . 55 (1993) 275-298 Specification tests for binary choice models based on index quantiles Roger W. Klein. . re ia 59 (1993) 343-375 The spurious effect of unit roots on vector autoregressions: An analyti- cal study. Hiro Y. Toda and Peter C.B. Phillips. 59 (1993) 229-255 Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 Asymptotic expansions * Overdispersion tests for truncated Poisson regres- sion models. Shiferaw Gurmu and Pravin K. Trivedi 54 (1992) 347-370 Asymptotic MSE criterion * Minimum MSE estimation of a regression model with fixed effects from a series of cross-sections Marno Verbeek and Theo Nijman 59 (1993) 125-136 Asymptotic normality * Quadratic mode regression. Myoung-jae Lee 57 (1993) 1-19 Asymptotic properties Semiparametric least squares (SLS) and weighted SLS estimation of single-index models. Hidehiko Ichimura 58 (1993) 71-120 The potential for efficiency gains in estimation from the use of addi- tional moment restrictions. Gordon C.R. Kemp 53 (1992) 387-399 Asymptotic sampling behavior * Distribution theory for the analysis of binary choice under uncertainty with nonparametric estimation of expectations. Hyungtaik Ahn and Charles F. Manski 56 (1993) 291-321 Asymptotic tests * Nonnested testing for autocorrelation in the linear regression model. Paramsothy Silvapulle and Maxwell L. King 58 (1993) 295-3 Asymptotic theory Fellow’s opinion Rules of thumb and pseudo-science. Esfandiar Maasoumi 53 (1992) Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root: How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root? Denis Kwiatkowski, Peter C.B. Phillips, Peter Schmidt, and Yongcheol Shin 54 (1992) Asymptotic variance * Some efficiency bounds for semiparametric discrete choice models. T. Scott Thompson 58 (1993)2 Auction theory * Deciding between the common and private value para- digms in empirical models of auctions. Harry J. Paarsch 51 (1992) Autocorrelation(s) Higher-order sample and the unit root hypothesis. Herman J Bierens 57 (1993) 160 Nonnested testing for in the linear regression model. Paramsothy Silvapulle and Maxwell L. King 58 (1993) 295-314 Robustness of size of tests of and heteroscedasticity to nonnor- mality. Merran Evans. 51 (1992) 24 Robustness to nonnormality of the Durbin- Watson test for Mukhtar M. Ali and Subhash C. Sharma 57 (1993) 136 Testing for in the presence of lagged dependent variables: A specification error approach. Hashem Dezhbakhsh and Jerry G Thursby 60 (1994)2 Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root: How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root? Denis Kwiatkowski, Peter C.B. Phillips, Peter Schmidt, and Yongcheol Shin 54 (1992) Autocorrelation properties Discussion: The effect of sampling error on the time series behavior of consumption data. Allan W. Gregory and Tony Wirjanto. 55 (1993)2 The effect of sampling error on the time series behavior of consumption data. William R. Bell and David W. Wilcox. 55 (1993) Autoregressive disturbances * Testing for in a time series regression with missing observations. Thomas S. Shively 57 (1993)2 Autoregressive errors Bayes regression with : A Gibbs henatestis — Siddhartha eo re 58 (1993)2 The power problems of unit root tests in time series with . David N Dejong, John C. Nankervis, N.E. Savin, and Charles H. Whiteman. §3 (1992) 32 Average derivatives * How sensitive are ? Wolfgang Hardle and A.B Tsybakov 58 (1993): Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 Bayes estimator, empirical * Testing and estimating location vectors when the error covariance matrix is unknown. William Griffiths and George Judge 54 (1992) 121-138 Bayes inference in the Tobit censored regression model Siddhartha Chib 51 (1992) 79-99 Bayes regression with autoregressive errors: A Gibbs sampling approach 275-294 Siddhartha Chib 58 (1993) Bayes solution * A general framework for panel data models with an application to Canadian customer-dialed long distance telephone service. Cheng Hsiao, Trent W. Appelbe, and Christopher R Dineen 59 (1993) 63-86 Bayesian analysis of logit models using natural conjugate priors. Gary Koop and Dale J. Poirier 56 (1993) 323-340 Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods for combining models and forecasts with applications to forecasting international growth rates. Chung- ki Min and Arnold Zellner 56 (1993) 89-118 Bayesian approach A to state space multivariate time series modeling. Jeffrey H Dorfman and Arthur M. Havenner §2 (1992) 315 Co-integration and trend-stationarity in macroeconomic time series Evidence from the likelihood function. David N. DeJong §2 (1992) Bayesian autoregression Discussion: Forecasting time series with common seasonal patterns John Geweke 55 (1993) 202 Forecasting time series with common seasonal patterns. Fabio Canova $5 (1993) 200 Bayesian inference * Robust in elliptical regression models. Jacek Osiewalski and Mark F.J. Steel 57 (1993) Bayesian marginal equivalence of elliptical regression models Jacek Osiewalski and Mark F.J. Steel 59 (1993) Bayesian prediction tests for structural stability. Jeffrey A. Mills §2 (1992) Bayesian test statistics * Exogeneity tests in a truncated structural equa- tion. Hiroki Tsurumi and Peter Mehr 56 (1993): Bayesian vector autoregressive models Discussion: Seasonal Arnold Zellner 55 (1993)2 Seasonal A search along some time domain priors. Jacques Raynauld and Jean-Guy Simonato 55 (1993) Bias An econometric approach to the construction of generalized Theil- Torngqvist indices for multilateral comparisons. E.A. Selvanathan and D.S. Prasada Rao 54 (1992) 335-346 Discrete/continuous models of consumer demand with binding non- negativity constraints. Jeongwen Chiang and Lung-Fei Lee 54 (1992) 79-93 More on grouping coarseness in linear normal regression models. Steven B. Caudill §2 (1992) 407-417 Bias, asymptotic Discussion: The effect of seasonal adjustment filters on tests for a unit root. Francis X. Diebold ; 55 (1993) 99-103 The effect of seasonal adjustment filters on tests for a unit root. Eric Ghysels and Pierre Perron. ; j 55 (1993) 57-98 Bias, selection * Experimental estimates of the impact of wage subsidies Jeffrey A. Dubin and Douglas Rivers ak aah ae 56 (1993) 19-242 Bias correction methods * Selectivity in polychotomous sample selec- tion models. Carl P. Schmertmann. 60 (1994) 101-132 Binary choice * Distribution theory for the analysis of under uncer- tainty with nonparametric estimation of expectations. Hyungtaik Ahn and Charles F. Manski. 56 (1993) 291 Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 Binary choice model(s) A simulation approach to the problem of computing Cox’s statistic for testing nonnested models. M. Hashem Pesaran and Bahram Pesaran , §7 (1993) 377-392 Specification tests for based on index quantiles. Roger W. Klein 59 (1993) 343-375 Binary response Nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals for discrete regression functions. M.C. Rodriguz-Campos and R. Cao-Abad 58 (1993) 207-22 Semiparametric estimation of a work-trip mode choice model. Joel L Horowitz 58 (1993) 49-70 Binding nonnegativity constraints * Discrete/continuous models of con- sumer demand with Jeongwen Chiang and Lung-Fei Lee 54 (1992) 79-93 Bivariate censored selection model * Efficiency bounds for some semipara- metric selection models. Whitney K. Newey and James L. Powell 58 (1993) 169-184 Block identifiability * Tests of overidentification and predetermination in simultaneous equation models. T.W. Anderson and Naoto Kunitomo ; 54 (1992) 49-78 Bootstrap confidence intervals * Nonparametric for discrete regres- sion functions. M.C. Rodriguz-Campos and R. Cao-Abad. 58 (1993) 207-222 Bounds, efficiency * Calculating the (local) semiparametric efficiency bounds for the generated regressors problem. Paul Rilstone 56 (1993) 35 C-alpha test * Joint and separate score tests for state dependence and Punobserved heterogeneity. Sanjiv Jaggia and Pravin K. Trivedi 60 (1994) Canonical correlations * Five alternative methods of estimating long-run equilibrium relationships. Jesus Gonzalo 60 (1994) 203-2 Capacity utilization * Morrison’s measure of A critique. James H Hauver and Jet Yee. . . §2 (1992) 403 Capital asset pricing model * Measuring risk aversion from excess returns on a stock index. Ray Chou, Robert F. Engle, and Alex Kane. §2 (1992) 201 Categorical data Discussion: The importance of seasonality in inventory models. Jean- Marie Dufour 55 (1993) 129 The importance of seasonality in inventory models: Evidence from business survey data. Marc Nerlov, David Ross, and Douglas Will- son. esses 55 (1993) 105-128 Causality * Another look at the evidence on money-income . Ben- jamin M. Friedman and Kenneth N. Kuttner. 57 (1993) 189-203 Censored regression model Bayes inference in the Tobit Siddhartha Chib. 51 (1992) 79-99 Orthogonality conditions for Tobit models with fixed effects and lagged dependent variables. Bo E. Honore 59 (1993) 35-61 Some aspects of measurement error in a _ Andrew A. Weiss 56 (1993) 169-188 Censored selection modells) Efficiency bounds for some semiparametric selection models. Whitney K. Newey and James L. Powell iia i ths feral eh aig 58 (1993) 169-184 semiparametric estimation of with a nonparametric selection mechanism. Hyungtaik Ahn and James L. Powell. 58 (1993) 3-29 Characteristics approach * Econometric issues of estimating hedonic price functions: With an application to the U.S. market for automobiles Nestor M. Arguea and Cheng Hsiao af 56 (1993) 243-267 Characteristics function * Computing p-values for the generalized Durbin- Watson and other invariant test statistics. Craig F. Ansley, Robert Kohn, and Thomas S. Shively. . 54 (1992) 277-300 Chi-square estimation * Minimum and tests for model selection. Quang H. Vuong and Weiren Wang. 56 (1993) 141-168 Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 Chi-square test(s) Efficient estimation and testing of cointegrating vectors in the presence of deterministic trends. Bruce E. Hansen 53 (1992) §g 21 Specification diagnostics for duration models: A martingale approach Brian P. McCall 60( 1994) 293 312 Choice analysis * How sensitive are average derivatives? Wolfgang Hardle and A.B. Tsybakov 58 (1993) 2 Choice model(s) Nonparametric identification and estimation of polychotomous Rosa L. Matzkin 58 (1993) On the computation of semiparametric estimates in limited dependent variable models. C.A.P. Pinkse 58 (1993) Semiparametric estimation of a work-trip mode Joel | Horowitz 58 (1993) Some efficiency bounds for semiparametric discrete T. Scott Thompson 58 (1993)2 ? Specification tests for binary based on index quantiles. Roger W Klein 59 (1993) Choice probabilities * Discrete/continuous models of consumer demand with binding nonnegativity constraints. Jeongwen Chiang and Lung-Fei Lee $4 (1992) 7 Classical prediction tests * Bayesian prediction tests for structural stability Jeffrey A. Mills §2 (1992) Coefficient stability * Alternative point-optimal tests for regression Robert D. Brooks §7 (1993) Cohort aggregation techniques Identification and estimation of dynamic models with a time series of repeated cross sections. Robert Moffitt 59 (1993) Labour supply and intertemporal substitution. Richard Blundell, Cos- tas Meghir, and Pedro Neves 59 (1993) Minimum MSE estimation of a regression model with fixed effects from a series of cross-sections. Marno Verbeek and Theo Nijman 59 (1993) Cohort approach * Minimum MSE estimation of a regression model with fixed effects from a series of cross-sections. Marno Verbeek and Theo Nijman 59 (1993) Cointegrating vectors Efficient estimation and testing of in the presence of deterministic trends. Bruce E. Hansen 53 (1992) 8 21 Five alternative methods of estimating long-run equilibrium relation- ships. Jesus Gonzalo 60( 1994) 203 233 Cointegration Discussion: Seasonal Denise R. Osborn 55 (1993) 299-303 Heteroskedastic Bruce E. Hansen 54 (1992) 139 158 Maximum likelihood inference on and seasonal cointegration Hahn Shik Lee 54 (1992) 47 Persistence, , and aggregation: A disaggregated analysis of output fluctuations in the U.S. economy. M.H. Pesaran, R.G. Pierse and K.C. Lee 56 (1993): Seasonal The Japanese consumption function. R.F. Engle, C.W.J. Granger, S. Hylleberg, and H.S. Lee 55 (1993)2 Spurious regressions and residual-based tests for when regressors are cointegrated. In Choi 60 (1994) ; Cointegration and trend-stationarity in macroeconomic time series: Evid- ence from the likelihood function. David N. DeJong §2 (1992): Cointegration in partial systems and the efficiency of single-equation ana- lysis. Soren Johansen §2 (1992) ; Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 Cointegration analysis * Testing structural hypotheses in a multivariate of the PPP and the UIP for UK. Soren Johansen and Katarina Juselius : a 53 (1992) 211-244 Component time series models * Unobserved with ARCH disturban- ces. Andrew Harvey, Esther Ruiz, and Enrique Sentana. . §2 (1992) 129-157 Conditional covariance estimates * Filtering and forecasting with misspeci- fied ARCH models I: Getting the right variance with the wrong model. Daniel B. Nelson 52 (1992) 61-90 Conditional heteroskedasticity * Unit root tests with . Kiwhan Kim and Peter Schmidt ? 59 (1993) 287-300 Conditional mean and conditional variance * Measuring risk aversion from excess returns on a stock index. Ray Chou, Robert F. Engle, and Alex Kane — §2 (1992) 201-224 Conditional mean estimators * A comparison of risk-- premium forecasts implied by parametric versus nonparametric . Thomas H McCurdy and Thanasis Stengos 52 (1992) 225-244 Conditional score * Joint and separate score tests for state . dependence and unobserved heterogeneity. Sanjiv Jaggia and Pravin K. Trivedi 60 (1994) 273-291 Conditional variance restriction * The potential for efficiency gains in estimation from the use of additional moment restrictions. Gordon C.R. Kemp §3 (1992) 3 399 Conditional variance specification * Qualitative threshold ARC H models Christian Gourieroux and Alain Monfort. ....... 52 (1992) 159-199 Conditional variances * Prediction in dynamic models with time-. -dependent Richard T. Baillie and Tim Bollerslev. 52 (1992) 113 Conditional volatility Implied ARCH models from options prices. Robert F. Engle and Chowdhury Mustafa 52 (1992) 289-311 Stock market volatility and the information content of stock index options. Theodore E. Day and Craig M. Lewis §2 (1992) 267-287 Confidence intervals * Nonparametric bootstrap for discrete regres- sion functions. M.C. Rodriguz-Campos and R. Cao-Abad 58 (1993) 207-222 Confidence sets centered at James-Stein estimators: A surprise concerning the unknown-variance case. J.T. Gene Hwang and Aman Ullah 60 (1994) 145 Conjugate priors * Bayesian analysis of logit models using natural Gary Koop and Dale J. Poirier ; : 56 (1993) 323 Consumer demand Discrete/continuous models of with binding nonnegativity con- straints. Jeongwen Chiang and Lung-Fei Lee. : 54 (1992) 79-93 Frequency of purchase and the estimation of demand systems. Costas Meghir and Jean-Marc Robin §3 (1992) 53-85 Consumption data Discussion: The effect of sampling error on the time series behavior of Allan W. Gregory and Tony Wirjanto. ..... 55 (1993) 2 The effect of sampling error on the time series behavior of William R. Bell and David W. Wilcox - 55 (1993) 2 Consumption function Discussion: Seasonal cointegration. Denise R. Osborn. . . 55 (1993) 299-3 Seasonal cointegration: The Japanese R.F. Engle, C.W.J. Gran- ger, S. Hylleberg, and H.S. Lee 55 (1993) 275-2 Continuous-time competing-risks model * Structural duration analysis of management data. Keunkwan Ryu ‘ a 57 (1993) 91-115 Continuous time model(s) A nonnested approach to testing against discrete alternatives Marcus J. Chambers. . . 57 (1993) 319-343 Simultaneous equations for hazards Marriage duration and fertility timing. Lee A. Lillard. ewes 56 (1993) 189-217 Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 The impact of training on the frequency and duration of employment R. Mark Gritz 57 (1993) 2 Continuous-time panel * A method for the analysis of the timing and magnitude of events in a The effects of British incomes policy, 1950-73. Masako Kurosawa and Stephen Pudney 59 (1993) Control variables * Regression-based methods for using in Monte Carlo experiments. Russell Davidson and James G. MacKinnon §4 (1992) 203-222 Cornish-Fisher asymptotic expansion * Prediction in dynamic models with time-dependent conditional variances. Richard T. Baillie and Tim Bollerslev §2 (1992)9 1 Correlated effects * On the testing of with panel data. Manuel Arellano 59 (1993) Cost efficiency * A simplification of the Kopp-Diewert method of de- composing and some implications. Yaw M. Mensah 60 (1994) 133 Cost frontiers * Measuring technica! efficiency with panel data: A dual approach. Scott E. Atkinson and Christopher Cornwell 59 (19932)5 7 Covariance estimates, conditional * Filtering and forecasting with misspeci- fied ARCH models I: Getting the right variance with the wrong model. Daniel B. Nelson §2 (1992) Covariance matrix Heteroskedastic cointegration. Bruce E. Hansen 54 (1992) Quasi-Aitken estimation for heteroskedasticity of unknown form. John G. Cragg 54 (1992) Testing and estimating location vectors when the error is un- known. William Griffiths and George Judge 54 (1992) Cox test * A nonnested approach to testing continuous time models against discrete alternatives. Marcus J. Chambers 57 (1993): Cox's statistic * A simulation approach to the problem of computing for testing nonnested models. M. Hashem Pesaran and Bahram Pesaran 57 (1993) 377-392 Correlation coefficients * Measuring the unidentified parameter of the extended Roy model of selectivity. Wim P.M. Vijverberg 57 (1993) 69-89 Cross-sectional data Discussion: The importance of seasonality in inventory models. Jean- Marie Dufour 55 (1993) 129 The importance of seasonality in inventory models: Evidence from busi- ness survey data. Marc Nerlov, David Ross, and Douglas Willson 55 (1993) 105 Cross-sectional observations * The optimal choice of controls and pre- experimental observations. Theo Nijman and Marno Verbeek $1 (1992) 183 Cross-sections Identification and estimation of dynamic models with a time series of repeated Robert Moffitt 59 (1993) 99-123 Minimum MSE estimation of a regression model with fixed effects from a series of Marno Verbeek and Theo Nijman 59 (1993) 125-136 Data augmentation algorithm * Bayes inference in the Tobit censored regression model. Siddhartha Chib 51 (1992) 79-99 Data envelopment analysis * Finite sample evidence on the performance of stochastic frontiers and using panel data. Byeong-Ho Gong and Robin C. Sickles 51 (1992) 259-284 Deaton’s errors-in-variables model * Minimum MSE estimation of a regres- sion model with fixed effects from a series of cross-sections. Marno Verbeek and Theo Nijman 59 (1993) 125-136 Decision rules * Discrete/continuous models of consumer demand with binding nonnegativity constraints. Jeongwen Chiang and Lung-Fei Lee 54 (1992) 79-93 Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 Demand equations * Discrete/continuous models of consumer demand with binding nonnegativity constraints. Jeongwen Chiang and Lung-Fei Lee 54 (1992) 79-93 Demand systems Coherency and regularity of with equality and inequality con- straints. Arthur van Soest, Arie Kapteyn, and Peter Kooreman 57 (1993) 161-188 Frequency of purchase and the estimation of Costas Meghir and Jean-Marc Robin §3 (1992) 53-85 Density and regression functions * Maximum entropy ¢es timation of Hang K. Ryu 56 (1993) 397-440 Density estimator * Highest predictive in regression models. Shigeru Iwata §3 (1992) 271 Dependent variable models A pseudo-R-squared measure for limited and qualitative Thomas Laitila 56 (1993) 341 Smooth unbiased multivariate probability simulators for maximum likelihood estimation of limited Axel Borsch-Supan and Vassilis A. Hajivassiliou 58 (1993) 347-368 Dependent variables * Orthogonality conditions for Tobit models with fixed effects and lagged Bo E. Honore 59 (1993) 35-61 Deterministic trend(s) Efficient estimation and testing of cointegrating vectors in the presence of Bruce E. Hansen §3 (1992) 87-121 Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the ‘alternative of a unit root: How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root? Denis Kwiatkowski, Peter C.B. Phillips, Peter Schmidt, and Yongcheol Shin ‘ eee Tre ae 54 (1992) 159-178 The impact of stochastic and on money-output causality A multi-country investigation (45 (1990) 291-308). Errata. Robert Krol and Lee E. Ohanian 58 (1993) 405 Detrended time series * Higher-order sample autocorrelations and the unit root hypothesis. Herman J. Bierens 57 (1993) Dickey-Fuller tests Testing for a unit root in time series using instrumental variable estimators with pretest data based model selection. Alastair Hall 54 (1992)2 2 Unit root tests with conditional heteroskedasticity. Kiwhan Kim and Peter Schmidt 59 (1993) 2 Discrete choice models Dynamic choice in social settings: Learning from the experiences of others. Charles F. Manski. . . 58 (1993) How sensitive are average derivatives? Wolfgang Hardle and A.B. Tsybakov. . 58 (1993) 31-48 Some efficiency bounds for semiparametric . T. Scott Thompson 58 (1993) 257-274 Discrete/continuous models of consumer demand with binding nonnegativity constraints. Jeongwen Chiang and Lung-Fei Lee. 54 (1992) 79-93 Discrete regression functions * Nonparametric bootstrap confidence inter- vals for M.C. Rodriguz~-Campos and R. Cao-Abad. 58 (1993) 207-222 Discrete response * Median regression for ordered . Myoung-jae Lee. $1 (1992) 59-77 Discrete response analysis Nonparametric and semiparametric approaches to . Edited by Wolfgang Hardle and Charles F. Manski. 58 (1993) 1-274 Editors’ introduction. Nonparametric and semiparametric approaches to . Wolfgang Hardle and Charles F. Manski. 58 (1993) 1-2 Discrete time models * A nonnested approach to testing continuous time models against discrete alternatives. Marcus J. Chambers. 57 (1993) 319-343 Distributed lags and leads * Estimation of polynomial with end point constraints. Donald W.K. Andrews and Ray C. Fair. 53 (1992) 123-139 12 Subject Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 Distributed random variables * Orthogonality conditions for Tobit models with fixed effects and lagged dependent variables. Bo E. Honore 59 (1993) 35-61 Distribution theory * Asymptotic and finite sample for IV estimators and tests in partially identified structural equations. In Choi and Peter C.B. Phillips 51 (1992) 113-150 Distribution theory for the analysis of binary choice under uncertainty with nonparametric estimation of expectations. Hyungtaik Ahn and Charles F. Manski 56 (1993) 291-321 Disturbance covariance matrix * Robustness of size of tests of autocorrela- tion and heteroscedasticity to nonnormality. Merran Evans 51 (1992) 7-24 Disturbances * Properties of ordinary least squares estimators in regression models with nonspherical Denzil G. Fiebig, Michael McAleer, and Robert Bartels 54 (1992) Divisia * A revealed preference test for weakly separable utility maximiza- tion with incomplete adjustment. James L. Swofford and Gerald A Whitney 60 (1994) Dual cost function * Measuring technical efficiency with panel data: A dual approach. Scott E. Atkinson and Christopher Cornwell 59 (1993)2 Duration analysis * Structural of management data. Keunkwan Ryu 57 (1993) Duration data A method for the analysis of the timing and magnitude of events in a continuous-time panel: The effects of British incomes policy, 1950-73. Masako Kurosawa and Stephen Pudney 59 (1993) Modelling inaccuracies in job-search Nicola Torelli and Ugo Trivellato 59 (1993) Duration dependence * Joint and separate score tests for state depend- ence and unobserved heterogeneity. Sanjiv Jaggia and Pravin K. Trivedi 60 (1994) 2 Duration estimators * Semiparametric proportional hazards estimation of competing risks models with time-varying covariates. Glenn T Sueyoshi 51 (1992) Duration models A method for the analysis of the timing and magnitude of events in a continuous-time panel: The effects of British incomes policy, 1950-73. Masako Kurosawa and Stephen Pudney 59 (1993) Specification diagnostics for A martingale approach. Brian P McCall 60( 1994) The impact of training on the frequency and duration of employment R. Mark Gritz 57 (1993) Durbin- Watson * Computing p-values for the generalized and other invariant test statistics. Craig F. Ansley, Robert Kohn, and Thomas S. Shively 54 (1992) 2 Durbin- Watson test On the power function of the Robert Bartels 51 (1992) Robustness to nonnormality of the for autocorrelation. Mukhtar M. Ali and Subhash C. Sharma 57 (1993) Dynamic choice in social settings: Learning from the experiences of others. Charles F. Manski 58 (1993) Dynamic errors-in-variables models * The identification of multivariate linear Eugen Nowak 59 (1993) 213 Dynamic-factor model * A multi- for stock returns. Victor Ng, Robert F. Engle, and Michael Rothschild , 52 (19922)4 5 Dynamic linear models for time series components. Estela Bee Dagum and Benoit Quenneville. 55 (1993) 333-3 Dynamic linear models with Markov-switching. Chang-Jin Kim 60 (1994) 1-22 Dynamic linear models * Discussion for time series components. David F. Findley 55 (1993) 353-356

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