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Journal of Ecology Volume 98 2010 EDITORS Michael Hutchings David Gibson Richard Bardgett Mark Rees Anthony Davy (Biological Flora) MANAGING EDITOR Andrea Baier JOURNAL ADMINISTRATOR Nickie Roake ASSOCIATE EDITORS Rien Aerts John Lee Marcelo Aizen Michelle Leishman Peter Alpert Christopher Lortie Amy Austin Fernando Maestre Peter Bellingham Angela Moles Stephen Bonser Jonathan Newman Richard Bradshaw Christer Nilsson Judith Bronstein Honor Prentice Rob Brooker Chris Preston (Bioiogical Flora) James Cahill Michael Proctor (Biological Flora) Ray Callaway Rob Salguero-Gomez Charles Canham Luis Santamaria Galdon David Coomes Susan Schwinning Hans Cornelissen Marina Semchenko Ellen Damschen Brian Silliman Jason Fridley Sedonia Sipes Frank Gilliam Ashley Sparrow Loren GOmez-Aparicio David Streeter (Biological Flora) Dali Guo Peter Thrall Kyle Harms Roy Turkington Martin Heil Matthew Turnbull Hans Jacquemyn Michael Usher (Biological Flora) Robert Jones Marcel van der Heijden Thomas Kitzberger Scott Wilson Peter Klinkhamer Gerhard Zotz Hans de Kroon Pieter Zuidema Published for the British Ecological Society by Wiley-Blackwell The journal is covered by Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, does not extend to other kinds of copying such as copying BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Science, Current for general distribution, for advertising or promotional Contents Agricultural and Biological Environmental Sciences, purposes, for creating new collective works or for resale. Ecological Abstracts, Environmental Abstracts, Environmental OnlineOpen articles are made available in accordance with Periodical Bioliography, Science Citation Index and the terms of the Creative Commons Deed, Attribution 2.5 SciSearch. (further details available from www.creativecommons. org), which allows Open Access dissemination of the Journal of Ecology© 2010 British Ecological Society. All article, but does not permit commercial exploitation or the rights reserved. No part of this publication may be creation of derivative works. Special requests should be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any addressed to [email protected]. means without the prior permission in writing from the copyright holder. Authorization to photocopy items for Jouorfn Ecoalolgyi s published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, internal and personal use is granted by the copyright holder 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford 0X4 2DQ, UK, Tel: +44 1865 for libraries and other users registered with their local 776868, Fax: +44 1865 714591. Blackwell's programme has Reproduction Rights Organisation (RRO), e.g. Copyright been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical and Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, Medical business to from Wiley-Blackwell. MA 01923, USA (www.copyright.com), provided the appropriate fee is paid directly to the RRO. This consent Printed in Singapore by COS Printing Co Pte Ltd ” Contents Volume Contents Volume 98 Number1 January 2010 Forum MAheaansc urin- g the- Invasion ey Hybrit dizat on aynam a molecular analy Functional traits Native and exotic invasive | Plant-soil (below- ground) ee Variation in arbuscular n 1 Plant diversity and Sees — An idealized modade l for t jid o CA DDiivveerrssiitty y eennhhaannccee s Drivers of lowland rain forest EyXnDlIad iNnIiNnGn hNvYdArFoOlOa(n Shifts in species and ph aNeed eefra ienee efeOre s Habitat fragmentation Do linear landscape elements ir iv Plant-climate interactions Volume 197 Re ~ of thpe rairir iep— aen border to climate change: impacts of increasing drought may be mitigated by increasing CO» WYCKOFF AND R. BOV Contents litei stryr as pred he on forb populations to chainc nlimagte veariasbili ty? NI F Piant-herbivore interactions Gast ropod« g razing] shapes the)v ertici cald istributt ion of epiphytic lichenisn forest canopies affb eteencyronees oa resistance to a fungal pathogeni nl ima bean (Phaseolus /unatus L.) K ticc versityy ieldi nceased plant produc and herbivore performance ANDB Volume 98 Number2 March 2010 Journal of Ecology News SPECIAL FEATURE: ADVANCES IN PLANT DEMOGRAPHY USING MATRIX MODELS Editoriat Matrix projection models meet variation in the real world raphic effects of extreme weather events on a short-lived calcareous grassland species: stochastic life table response experi- t-dependent pollinator limitation in stochastic environments: can increased seed set overpower the cost of reproduction in an erstorey herb? {egion versus site variation in th—e lon dynl amics of thre2 e SHOt t- lived perennials MAA eriments, demo \graphy and pty opulation Mm odels toe stim ate itn eraction strength based on transient and asym om orr ust? Ac om parlea nalysis f transient poptu lation dynamics in plants shrinkagei nt hea in 100p able , response expe riment analysis oft he stochastic growth rate npiricalt estso f life-history¢ e volution tt heory sata miviesseipo f plant ¢ MO gTapry AM ntegra Pro jection1 Modelsf or tees anew arameeriza ion met onda validat iono f model odiouk an importance index serene cE.v idenjcane of the plante conomics spectrum’ in a subarctic flora Ecological ian teasee reiae /ariation in gene expression of Andropogon gerardliin response toa ltered environmental conditions } rha ted with climate ¢ nang Plant-soil (below-ground) interactions Influence of plant Species and soil conditions on plant—soil feedbian mcixke d grassland communitie Conspecific plants ol feedbacks reduce survivorship and growth of tropical tree seedlings t-soil feedbacks influence survivorship and growth of temperate tree seedlings HY-N\ EIIVMIAANNN NAA NN D R K K Vv Idiosyncrasy and overdominance in the structure of natural communities of a S there a role for stochas- Volume tic processes? Contents ___ A. J.D UMBRELL, M. NELSON, T. HELGASON, WAN Net carbon transfer between Pseudotsuga menziesii disturbance Invasion ecology Combined effects of / Plant diversity and community cseresead ers osystem prope, rties - ddéa terr Little evident Plant development and = er Canopy seed storage is associated w xual din iy Volume 98 Number3 May 2010 Determinants . oy —- nr andS tructure Plant functionalt n Austra ee |i nf it Ce InO F at r OakS avanna Bir is and ant s provide c Plant-climate interactions Wind-contro iCeU | linear Com ptiton ~ vi Plant population and community dynamics . Volume 625 Early succession— planti Sfa ciliattale arn df erns inhibit {forest development on Puerto Rican landslides Contents WALK ANDAU, E. VE ; A.D. SPARR tment subsidie=s s uppor reeS t opiio ns in non- peter ed tropical forestt h abitats ul CG HKUBO. M. KANZAKI. S. TAN AND F rsta jintgh er oleo fsp:e c ies iynamics in aburn dance-occt ipancy relat‘ onships t responses tos imulate hurricane impacts in a subtropical wet forest, Puerto Rico 3ARCIA a NTIEL, Kt HOLMM.D,. U D. HORTON ANDt es associations in an old-growth temperate orest in north- eastern China fQ uercus i lex in Medit erranean shru bland is— = direct and indirect interactions mediated by herbs e nian la ion to seed size alongeni ndrorenental evadietis a long-term studyf rom semi-arid and Mediterranean annual sate me ecology Beyond biomass: measuring the effects of community-level nitrogen enrichment onf loral traits, pollinator visitation and plant repro- portance of competition — a reply to Freckleton et a/. (2009) Essay Review ise of chronosequences in studies of ecological succession and soil development _ Plant- soil (below-ground) interactions ogen uptake by Carex aquatilis during the winter—spring transiinat l ioow n Arctic wet meadow sally suppress mycorrhiza? A meta-analysis n stoichiometry controls litter decomposition in a tropical rain forest o Invasion prot Onal composition controls invasion sucicn ae Caslifsorn ia serpentine grassland dl survival trade-off and extreme high growth rates drive pattofee xrotnic str ee invasions in closed- liche and biome shifts between native and novel ranges in plant species introduced to Australia combination of pre-adapted traits ann d rapid adG aptive chang nt he invasive plant Centaurea stoebe Determinants of plant community diversity and structure nk between plant traits and abundance: evidence from coastal California woody plants ts of resource availabi ity and c limate on the diversity of wood-decaying fung — pre tie and development Effects of clonal integratio Nand light aval lability on the growth and physiology of two invasive herbs wer-scent mimicry masks« a deadly trap in he carnivorous plan— hes ratilesiana AY NAC vii Plant population and — dynamics Volume 857 Modellir 1g the growth of parasitic plants Contents The population bio decd Ades The impact of lianas on 10 years Plant-herbivore interactions Bottom-up versus top-d Plant-climate interactions Phenc logiJcUaGl changes six Austraiian subalpine Biological Flora of the British Isles BbdiIOe|hOglI Cal Eines Flora 6 elaesb E le Volume 98 Number5 September 2010 Plant-herbivore interactions Ex yerimer ntal nvest viii Determinants of plant community diversity and structure a . = Volume 96 Distance-responsive natural enemies strongly infiuence seedling establishment patterns of multiple species in an Amazonian rain Contents ffoorer est AND J. W. TERBORGH soilsa an d— —— sorting itnh etl ora of New Caledonia Unveilir nyb elow-g rotw d species absui lat in a biodiversity experiment: a test of vertical niche differentiation among grassland species C. A. M. WAGEMAKER, N. JOOP OUBORG SEMANN MM AN DER WEERDEN,F . BERENDSE AND H. DE KROON ies recru itment in alpine plant communities: the role of species interactions and productivity nraspecic variability and trait-based community assembly MO y HOFFMANN ANE MULLER Int aspect aguregat io‘nd oes not increase species richness in dune grasslands Invasion ecology California a—n ass invaders: the drivers or passengers of change? VIBEF > YELENNIIK K. BR. F LMAN AANN D J. M. A. LEVLEIVNINEE repallocalio ntocd efence and growt thared riven byd ifferent responses to generalist and specialist ivory in an invasive plant Dispersal Spatial genetic structure in an understorey dioecifiog supecsies : the roles of seed rain, seed and pollen-mediated gene flow, and local selection Ant-mediated seed dispersal does not facilitate niche expansion Ecophysiology penis t limitatic en arctic Scots pine Experir entali nvestigato n of ie cology iitni the Csa n1dd C a subspecies of A/loteropsis semialata R T. MA Plant population dynamics and reproductive ecology Size-dependent flowering and costs of reproduction affect population dynamics in a tuberous perennial woodland orchid Are xperimental test for effects of the maternal environment on delayed germination Infreq ets poropy roduction maintainsa female-biased sex ratio in the unisexual clonal moss Hy/locomium splendens y RE \ 2ONBERG eographic variation in seed mass within and among nine species of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae): effects of elevation, plant size nd seed ae | per fruit Changes in platto r fauna caus3e ¢S patialv av ril ationi n pollen limitation -PAJA ARIAER E Biological Flora of the British Isles Biological Flora of the British Isles: Spiranthes Spirali(sL .) Chevall Volume 98 Number6 November 2010 Forum Strong facilitation in mild environments:t he stress gradient hypothesis revisited Essay Review Environment-enhanced self-fertilization: implications for niche shifts in adjacent populations ix Aquatic plant ecology | Volume 1284 Effect of explosive shallow hydrothermal vents on 6' “Cand gro) wth performance in the seagrass Posidoni 70Ma Oceanica Contents VIZZINI, A. TOMASELLO, G. D. MAIDA, M Dispersal The roleo fd sageonn ins haping plant community composition of wetlands within an old-growth forest MA A > Ab 1 4, HUV AN Seeddi spersal bys catter-hoarding rodents in arid environments Chasingt hen known predicting seed dispersal mechar \ Palaeoecology and land-use history A 350-year tree-ring fire record from Biatowieza Primeval Forest W Dynamics of long-lived foundation species: the history Species so ee 0 fire, climate and human palaeo-environme ds anda n Holocene fires and ah Invasion ecology Spread (o f inv asive pretation MM Invasio Reproductive ecology Effects of ‘Popul lation size Both ss eedling banks a trees The shared influenc Plant ee tand developm ent m effect ts of pl ant D sia expectec4 understorey comm Te phog enetic structure of plantf aci Plant development andl ife-history traits Interspecific variation in functional traits, not climatic di temperate and Mediterranean tree species Biological Flora .t he British Isles Biological Flora oft 1e British Isles: Stachys sy/

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