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Journal of Index Ecology 2003 91, 1125-1129 Bloor, J.M.G. & Grubb, P.J. Growth and mortality in ESSAY REVIEWS high and low light: trends among 15 shade-tolerant Higgins, S.I., Clark, J.S., Nathan, R., Hovestadt, T., tropical rain forest tree species, 77 Schurr, F., Fragoso, J.M.V., Aguiar, M.R., Ribbens, E. Boedeltje, G., Bakker, J.P., Bekker, R.M., van Groenendael, & Lavorel, S. Forecasting plant migration rates: man- J.M. & Soesbergen, M. Plant dispersal in a lowland aging uncertainty for risk assessment, 341 stream in relation to occurrence and three specific life- Weigelt, A. & Jolliffe, P. Indices of plant competition, history traits of the species in the species pool, 855 707 de Boer, T. see Hangelbroek, H.H. Booth, MLS., Caldwell, M.M. & Stark, J.M. Overlapping resource use in three Great Basin species: implications TFANSEEY LECTURE for community invasibility and vegetation dynamics, Korner, C. Carbon limitation in trees, 4 36 Booth, R.E. & Grime, J.P. Effects of genetic impover- ishment on plant community diversity, 72 STANDARD PAPERS Bragazza, L., Gerdol, R. & Rydin, H. Effects of mineral Aerts, R. see van Heerwaarden, L.M. and nutrient input on mire bio-geochemistry in two Agrawal, A.A. & van Zandt, P.A. Ecological play in the geographical regions, 417 coevolutionary theatre: genetic and environmental Bridgham, S.D. see Kellogg, C.H. determinants of attack by a specialist weevil on milk- Brubaker, L.B. see Oswald, W.W. weed, 1049 Bruns, T.D. see Kennedy, P.G. Aguiar, M.R. see Higgins, S.I. Bullock, J.M. see Stokes, K.E. Aguilar, M. see Tuomisto, H. Burdon, J.J. see Smith, D.L. Aldinger, J. see Camill, P. Burslem, D.F.R.P. see Pearson, T.R.H. Alexander, H.M. & Schrag, A.M. Role of soil seed banks Burt, T.P. see Holden, J. and newly dispersed seeds in population dynamics of the annual sunflower, Helianthus annuus, 987 Cahill Jr, J.F. Lack of relationship between below- Allison, V.J. see Rajaniemi, T.K. ground competition and allocation to roots in 10 Alpert, P., Holzapfel, C. & Slominski, C. Differences grassland species, 532 in performance between genotypes of Fragaria chilo- Cahoon, D.R., Hensel, P., Rybezyk, J., McKee, K.L., ensis with different degrees of resource sharing, 27 Proffitt, C.E. & Perez, B.C. Mass tree mortality leads Andersen, D.C. see Cooper, D.J. to mangrove peat collapse at Bay Islands, Honduras Anderson, R.L., Foster, D.R. & Motzkin, G. Integrating after Hurricane Mitch, 1093 lateral expansion into models of peatland develop- Caldwell, M.M. see Booth, MLS. ment in temperate New England, 68 Camill, P., Umbanhowar Jr, C.E., Teed, R., Geiss, C.E., Andrié, M. & Willis, K.J. The phytogeographical regions Aldinger, J., Dvorak, L., Kenning, J., Limmer, J. & of Slovenia: a consequence of natural environmental Walkup, K. Late-glacial and Holocene climatic effects variation or prehistoric human activity?, 807 on fire and vegetation dynamics at the prairie—forest Armesto, J.J. see Christie, D.A. ecotone in south-central Minnesota, 822 Arnold, M.L. see Johnston, J.A. Caspersen, J.P. see Chave, J. Avila-Sakar, G., Leist, L.L. & Stephenson, A.G. Effects Castellanos, E.M. see Figueroa, M.E. of the spatial pattern of leaf damage on growth and Castillo, J.M. see Figueroa, M.E. reproduction: nodes and branches, 867 Chave, J., Condit, R., Lao, S., Caspersen, J.P., Foster, Azevedo, A.M.G. see Costa, C.S.B. R.B. & Hubbell, S.P. Spatial and temporal variation of biomass in a tropical forest: results from a large Bakker, J.P. see Boedeltje, G. census plot in Panama, 240 Barber, K.E. see Hughes, P.D.M. Chimner, R.A. see Cooper, D.J. Baskin, C.C. see Tweddle, J.C. Christie, D.A. & Armesto, J.J. Regeneration microsites Baskin, J.M. see Tweddle, J.C. and tree species coexistence in temperate rain forests Batista, W.B. & Platt, W.J. Tree population responses of Chiloé Island, Chile, 776 to hurricane disturbance: syndromes in a south- Clark, J.S. see Higgins, S.I. eastern USA old-growth forest, 197 Condit, R. see Chave, J. Bekker, R.M. see Boedeltje, G. Cooper, D.J., Andersen, D.C. & Chimner, R.A. Multiple Bialozyt, R. see Ziegenhagen, B. pathways for woody plant establishment on flood- © 2003 British Biesbrouck, B. see Verheyen, K. plains at local to regional scales, 182 Ecological Society Blom, C.W.P.M. see Vervuren, P.J.A. Copal, A. see Vergeer, P. Costa, C.S.B., Marangoni, J.C. & Azevedo, A.M.G. Foster, R.B. see Wehncke, E.V. Plant zonation in irregularly flooded salt marshes: Fragoso, J.M.V. see Higgins, S.I. relative importance of stress tolerance and biological Franco, A.C. see Hoffmann, W.A. interactions, 951 Frelich, L.E., Machado, J.-L. & Reich, P.B. Fine-scale Coulson, S.J. see Hodkinson, I.D. environmental variation and structure of understorey Cruz, A., Pérez, B. & Moreno, J.M. Resprouting of the plant communities in two oid-growth pine forests, Mediterranean-type shrub Erica australis with modi- 283 fied lignotuber carbohydrate content, 348 Fridley, J.D. Diversity effects on production in different Cruz, A.P. see Phillips, O.L. light and fertility environments: an experiment with communities of annual plants, 396 Dalling, J.W. see Pearson, T.R.H. Fujita, T., Itaya, A., Miura, M., Manabe, T. & Dalling, J.W. see Wehncke, E.V. Yamamoto, S.-I. Long-term canopy dynamics van Damme, J.M.M. see Elberse, 1.A.M. analysed by aerial photographs in a temperate old- Davy, A.J. see Figueroa, M.E. growth evergreen broad-leaved forest, 686 Day, K.J., Hutchings, M.J. & John, E.A. The effects of Funes, F. see Satti, P. spatial pattern of nutrient supply on the early stages of growth in plant populations, 305 Gavin, D.G. see Oswald, W.W. Day, K.J., Hutchings, M.J. & John, E.A. The effects of Geiss, C.E. see Camill, P. spatial pattern of nutrient supply on yield, structure Gerdol, R. see Bragazza, L. and mortality in plant populations, 541 Gersani, M. see Falik, O. Dewalt, S.J. see Ickes, K. Gobbi, M. see Satti, P. Dickie, J.B. see Tweddle, J.C. Goeriz, R.E. see Pearson, T.R.H. Dixon, J.M. see Hambler, D.J. Goldberg, D.E. see Rajaniemi, T.K. Donovan, L.A. see Johnston, J.A. Gough, L. see van Wijk, M.T. Dvorak, L. see Camill, P. Gregg, K.B. see Kéry, M. Grime, J.P. see Booth, R.E. Ehrlén, J. see Johansson, P. van Groenendael, J.M. see Boedeltje, G. Elberse, I.A.M., van Damme, J.M.M. & van Tienderen, Grubb, P.J. see Bloor, J.M.G. P.H. Plasticity of growth characteristics in wild Guillon, J.-M. & Fievet, D. Environmental sex deter- barley (Hordeum spontaneum) in response to nutrient mination in response to light and biased sex ratios limitation, 371 in Equisetum gametophytes, 49 Ericson, L. see Smith, D.L. Gulias, J. see Traveset, A. Eriksson, O. see Ehrlén, J. Guntenspergen, G.R. see Verheyen, K. Escudero, A. & Mediavilla, S. Decline in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency with leaf age and nitrogen Hadincova, V. see Herben, T. resorption as determinants of leaf life span, 880 Hamilton, J.G. see Schenk, H.J. Hangelbroek, H.H., Santamaria, L. & de Boer, T. Local Facelli, J.M. see Hastwell, G.T. adaptation of the pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus Falik, O., Reides, P., Gersani, M. & Novoplansky, A. to contrasting substrate types mediated by changes in Self/non-self discrimination in roots, 525 propagule provisioning, 1081 Fernandez, H. see Satti, P. Hasenstein, K.H. sce van Zandt, P.A. Fievet, D. see Guillon, J.-M. Hastwell, G.T. & Facelli, JM. Differing effects of Figueroa, M.E., Castillo, J.M., Redondo, S., Luque, T., shade-induced facilitation on growth and surviva! Castellanos, E.M., Nieva, F.J., Luque, C.J., Rubio- during the establishment of a chenopod shrub, 941 Casal, A.E. & Davy, A.J. Facilitated invasion by Hayes, A. see Xiong, S. hybridization of Sarcocornia species in a salt-marsh van Heerwaarden, L.M., Toet, S. & Aerts, R. Nitrogen succession, 616 and phosphorus resorption efficiency and proficiency Fischer, M. see Lienert, J. in six sub-arctic bog species after 4 years of nitrogen Fischer, R.C., Wanek, W., Richter, A. & Mayer, V. Do fertilization, 1060 ants feed plants? A '°N labelling study of nitrogen Henry, H.A.L. see Walker, N.A. fluxes from ants to plants in the mutualism of Phei- Henry, H.A.L. & Jefferies, R.L. Plant amino acid dole and Piper, 126 uptake, soluble N turnover and microbial N capture Forseth, I.N. see Peek, MLS. in soils of a grazed Arctic salt marsh, 627 Foster, B.L. & Tilman, D. Seed limitation and the Hensel, P. see Cahoon, D.R. regulation of community structure in oak savanna Herben, T., Krahulec, F., Hadincova, V., Pechatkova, S. grassland, 999 & Wildova, R. Year-to-year variation in plant com- © 2003 British Ecological Society, Foster, D.R. see Anderson, R.L. petition in a mountain grassland, 103 Journaolf Ecology, Foster, D.R. see Verheyen, K. Hermy, M. see Verheyen, K. 91; 1125 1129 Foster, R.B. see Chave, J. Hobbie, S.E. see van Wijk, M.T. Hodkinson, I.D., Coulson, S.J. & Webb, N.R. Commu- Kling, G.W. see Oswald, W.W. nity assembly along proglacial chronosequences in Kohyama, T., Suzuki, E., Partomihardjo, T., Yamada, T. the high Arctic: vegetation and soil development in & Kubo, T. Tree species differentiation in growth, north-west Svalbard, 651 recruitment and allometry in relation to maximum Hoffmann, W.A. & Franco, A.C. Comparative growth height in a Bornean mixed dipterocarp forest, 797 analysis of tropical forest and savanna woody plants Krahulec, F. see Herben, T. using phylogenetically independent contrasts, 475 de Kroon, H. see Vervuren, P.J.A. Holden, J. & Burt, T.P. Hydrological studies on blanket peat: Kubo, T. see Kohyama, T. the significance of the acrotelm-catotelm model, 86 Kudoh, H. see Suzuki, R.O. Holzapfel, C. see Alpert, P. Kuhlenkamp, V. see Ziegenhagen, B. Holzapfel, C. see Schenk, H.J. Honnay, O. see Verheyen, K. Lambers, H. see Poot, P. Hovestadt, T. see Higgins, S.1. Lamers, L.P.M. see Tomassen, H.B.M. Hu, F.S. see Oswald, W.W. Lao, S. see Chave, J. Hubbell, S.P. see Chave, J. Larson, D.W. see Lundholm, J.T. Hubbell, S.P. see Wehncke, E.V. Lavoie, C. see Pellerin, S. Hughes, F.M.R. see Xiong, S. Lavorel, S. see Higgins, S.1. Hughes, P.D.M. & Barber, K.E. Mire development Lefévre, F. see Imbert, E. across the fen—bog transition on the Teifi floodplain Leicht, S.A. see Kellogg, C.H. at Tregaron Bog, Ceredigion, Wales, and a comparison Leist, L.L. see Avila-Sakar, G. with 13 other raised bogs, 253 Lienert, J. & Fischer, M. Habitat fragmentation affects Hutchings, M.J. see Day, K.J. the common wetland specialist Primula farinosa in north-east Switzerland, 587 Ickes, K., Dewalt, S.J. & Thomas, S.C. Resprouting of Limmer, J. see Camill, P. woody saplings following stem snap by wild pigs ina Lundholm, J.T. & Larson, D.W. Temporal variability in Malaysian rain forest, 222 water supply controls seedling diversity in limestone Imbert, E. & Lefevre, F. Dispersal and gene flow of Populus pavement microcosms, 966 nigra (Salicaceae) along a dynamic river system, 447 Luque, C.J. see Figueroa, M.E. Itaya, A. see Fujita, T. Luque, T. see Figueroa, M.E. Izzo, A.D. see Kennedy, P.G. Machado, J.-L. see Frelich, L.E. James, S.E., Partel, M., Wilson, S.D. & Peltzer, D.A. Mahall, B.E. see Schenk, H.J. Temporal heterogeneity of soil moisture in grassland Manabe, T. see Fujita, T. and forest, 234 Marangoni, J.C. see Costa, C.S.B. Jefferies, R.L. see Henry, H.A.L. Mayer, V. see Fischer, R.C. Jefferies, R.L. see Walker, N.A. Mazzarino, M.J. see Satti, P. Johansson, M.E. see Xiong, S. McKee, K.L. see Cahoon, D.R. Johansson, P. & Ehrlén, J. Influence of habitat quantity, Mediavilla, S. see Escudero, A. quality and isolation on the distribution and abun- Michalet, R. see Pages, J.-P. dance of two epiphytic lichens, 213 Miura, M. see Fujita, T. John, E.A. see Day, K.J. Monteagudo, A.L. see Phillips, O.L. Johnston, J.A., Arnold, M.L. & Donovan, L.A. High Mopper, S. see van Zandt, P.A. hybrid fitness at seed and seedling life history stages Moreno, J.M. see Cruz, A. in Louisiana irises, 438 Motzkin, G. see Anderson, R.L. Jolliffe, P. see Weigelt, A. Motzkin, G. see Verheyen, K. Mouton, E. see van Zandt, P.A. Kachi, N. see Suzuki, R.O. Mus, M. see Traveset, A. Kellogg, C.H., Bridgham, S.D. & Leicht, S.A. Effects of water level, shade and time on germination and Nathan, R. see Higgins, S.I. growth of freshwater marsh plants along a simulated Nieva, F.J. see Figueroa, M.E. successional gradient, 274 Nilsson, C. see Xiong, S. Kennedy, P.G., Izzo, A.D. & Bruns, T.D. There is high Novoplansky, A. see Falik, O. potential for the formation of common mycorrhizal networks between understorey and canopy trees ina Obbard, D.J. see Pannell, J.R. mixed evergreen forest, 1071! Oswald, W.W., Brubaker, L.B., Hu, F.S. & Gavin, D.G. Kenning, J. see Camill, P. Pollen-vegetation calibration for tundra communities © 2003 British Kéry, M. & Gregg, K.B. Effects of life-state on detecta- in the Arctic Foothills, northern Alaska, 1022 Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, bility in a demographic study of the terrestrial orchid Oswald, W.W., Brubaker, L.B., Hu, F.S. & Kling, G.W. Cleistes bifaria, 265 Holocene pollen records from the central Arctic 1128 Foothills, northern Alaska: testing the role of substrate Rumsey, F.J. see Taylor, K. Index in the response of tundra to climate change, 1034 Ruokolainen, K. see Tuomisto, H. Ouborg, N.J. see Vergeer, P. Rybezyk, J. see Cahoon, D.R. Pages, J.-P. & Michalet, R. A test of the indirect facilita- Rydin, H. see Bragazza, L. tion model in a temperate hardwood forest of the northern French Alps, 932 Sanchez, W.G. see Phillips, O.L. Partel, M. see James, S.E. Sandsten, H. see Rodriguez-Gironés, M.A. Partomihardjo, T. see Kohyama, T. Santamaria, L. see Hangelbroek, H.H. Pearson, T.R.H., Burslem, D.F.R.P., Goeriz, R.E. & Santamaria, L. see Rodriguez-Gironés, M.A. Dalling, J.W. Interactions of gap size and herbivory Sarmiento, A. see Tuomisto, H. on establishment, growth and survival of three species Satti, P., Mazzarino, M.J., Gobbi, M., Funes, F., of neotropical pioneer trees, 785 Roselli, L. & Fernandez, H. Soil N dynamics in relation Pechackova, S. see Herben, T. to leaf litter quality and soil fertility in north-western Peek, M.S. & Forseth, I.N. Microhabitat dependent Patagonian forests, 173 responses to resource pulses in the aridland perennial, Schenk, H.J., Hoizapfel, C., Hamilton, J.G. & Mahall, B.E. Cryptantha flava, 457 Spatial ecology of a small desert shrub on adjacent Pellerin, S. & Lavoie, C. Reconstructing the recent geological substrates, 383 dynamics of mires using a multitechnique approach, Schrag, A.M. see Alexander, H.M. 1008 Schulze, I. see Ziegenhagen, B. Peltzer, D.A. see James, S.E. Schurr, F. see Higgins, S.1. Pérez, B. see Cruz, A. Shaver, G.R. see van Wijk, M.T. Perez, B.C. see Cahoon, D.R. Siemann, E. & Rogers, W.E. Changes in light and nitrogen Phillips, O.L., Vargas, P.N., Monteagudo, A.L., Cruz, availability under pioneer trees may indirectly facilitate A.P., Zans, M.-E.C., Sanchez, W.G., Yli-Halla, M. & tree invasions of grasslands, 923 Rose, S. Habitat association among Amazonian tree Slominski, C. see Alpert, P. species: a landscape-scale approach, 757 Smith, D.L., Ericson, L. & Burdon, J.J. Epidemiological Platt, W.J. see Batista, W.B. patterns at multiple spatial scales: an 11-year study Polwart, A. see Thomas, P.A. of a Triphragmium ulmariae — Filipendula ulmaria Poot, P. & Lambers, H. Are trade-offs in allocation pattern metapopulation, 890 and root morphology related to species abundance? Smolders, A.J.P. see Tomassen, H.B.M. A congeneric comparison between rare and common Soesbergen, M. see Boedeltje, G. species in the south-western Australian flora, 58 Stark, J.M. see Booth, M.S. Potts, M.D. Drought in a Bornean everwet rain forest, 467 Stephenson, A.G. see Avila-Sakar, G. Proffitt, C.E. see Cahoon, D.R. Suzuki, E. see Kohyama, T. Suzuki, R.O., Kudoh, H. & Kachi, N. Spatial and Rajaniemi, T.K., Allison, V.J. & Goldberg, D.E. Root temporal variations in mortality of the biennial plant, competition can cause a decline in diversity with Lysimachia rubida: effects of intraspecific competition increased productivity, 407 and environmental heterogeneity, 114 Redondo, S. see Figueroa, M.E. Svensson, B.M. see Wikberg, S. Reich, P.B. see Frelich, L.E. Reides, P. see Falik, O. Teed, R. see Camill, P. Rengelink, R. see Vergeer, P. Thomas, S.C. see Ickes, K. Reusch, T.B.H. Floral neighbourhoods in the sea: how van Tienderen, P.H. see Elberse, 1.A.M. floral density, opportunity for outcrossing and Tilman, D. see Foster, B.L. population fragmentation affect seed set in Zostera Tobler, M.A. see van Zandt, P.A. marina, 610 Toet, S. see van Heerwaarden, L.M. Ribbens, E. see Higgins, S.I. Tomassen, H.B.M., Smolders, A.J.P., Lamers, L.P.M. & Richards, K.S. see Xiong, S. Roelofs, J.G.M. Stimulated growth of Betula pubescens Richter, A. see Fischer, R.C. and Molinia caerulea on ombrotrophic bogs: role of Riera, N. see Traveset, A. high levels of atmospheric nitrogen deposition, 357 Rodriguez-Gironés, M.A., Sandsten, H. & Santamaria, Traveset, A., Gulias, J., Riera, N. & Mus, M. Transition L. Asymmetric competition and the evolution of probabilities from pollination to establishment in propagule size, 554 a rare dioecious shrub species (Rhamnus ludovici- Roelofs, J.G.M. see Tomassen, H.B.M. salvatoris) in two habitats, 427 Roelofs, J.G.M. see Vergeer, P. Tuomisto, H., Ruokolainen, K., Aguilar, M. & Rogers, W.E. see Siemann, E. Sarmiento, A. Floristic patterns along a 43-km long © 2003 British Ecological Society, Rose, S. see Phillips, O.L. transect in an Amazonian rain forest, 743 Journal of Ecology, Roselli, L. see Satti, P. Tweddle, J.C., Dickie, J.B., Baskin, C.C. & Baskin, J.M. a1, 1125 1129 Rubio-Casal, A.E. see Figueroa, M.E. Ecological aspects of seed desiccation sensitivity, 294 1129 Ulrich, A. see Ziegenhagen, B. Wilson, D.J. see Walker, N.A. Index Umbanhowar Jr, C.E. see Camill, P. Wilson, S.D. see James, S.E. Wulf, M. see Ziegenhagen, B. Vargas, P.N. see Phillips, O.L. Xiong, S., Johansson, M.E., Hughes, F.M.R., Hayes, A., Vergeer, P., Rengelink, R., Copal, A. & Ouborg, N.J. Richards, K.S. & Nilsson, C. Interactive effects of soil The interacting effects of genetic variation, habitat moisture, vegetation canopy, plant litter and seed quality and population size on performance of Suc- addition on plant diversity in a wetland community, cisa pratensis, 18 976 Vergeer, P., Rengelink, R., Ouborg, N.J. & Roelofs, J.G.M. Effects of population size and genetic variation on Yamada, T. see Kohyama, T. the response of Succisa pratensis to eutrophication Yamamoto, S.-I. see Fujita, T. and acidification, 600 Yli-Halla, M. see Phillips, O.L. Verheyen, K., Guntenspergen, G.R., Biesbrouck, B. & Hermy, M. An integrated analysis of the effects of past van Zandt, P.A. see Agrawal, A.A. land use on forest herb colonization at the landscape van Zandt, P.A., Tobler, M.A., Mouton, E., Hasenstein, scale, 731 K.H. & Mopper, S. Positive and negative conse- Verheyen, K., Honnay, O., Motzkin, G., Hermy, M. & quences of salinity stress for the growth and repro- Foster, D.R. Response of forest plant species to land- duction of the clonal plant, Jris hexagona, 837 use change: al ife-history trait-based approach, 563 Zans, M.-E.C. see Phillips, O.L. Vervuren, P.J.A., Blom, C.W.P.M. & de Kroon, H. Ziegenhagen, B., Bialozyt, R., Kuhlenkamp, V., Extreme flooding events on the Rhine and the Schulze, I., Ulrich, A. & Wulf, M. Spatial patterns of survival and distribution of riparian plant species, maternal lineages and clones of Galium odoratum in 135 a large ancient woodland: inferences about seedling recruitment, 578 Walker, N.A., Henry, H.A.L., Wilson, D.J. & Jefferies, R.L. The dynamics of nitrogen movement in an Arctic salt FORUM PAPERS marsh in response to goose herbivory: a parameter- ized model with alternate stable states, 637 Ehrlén, J. & Eriksson, O. Large-scale spatial dynamics Walkup, K. see Camill, P. of plants: a response to Freckleton & Watkinson, Wanek, W. see Fischer, R.C. 316 Watkinson, A.R. see Freckleton, R.P. Freckleton, R.P. & Watkinson, A.R. Are all plant popu- Watkinson, A.R. see Stokes, K.E. lations metapopulations?, 321 Webb, N.R. see Hodkinson, I.D. Pannell, J.R. & Obbard, D.J. Probing the primacy of Wehncke, E.V., Hubbell, S.P., Foster, R.B. & Dalling, J.W. the patch: what makes a metapopulation?, 485 Seed dispersal patterns produced by white-faced Williamson, M. Species—area relationships at small monkeys: implications for the dispersal limitation of scales in continuum vegetation, 904 neotropical tree species, 677 van Wijk, M.T., Williams, M., Gough, L., Hobbie, S.E. BIOLOGICAL FLORA OF THE BRITISH & Shaver, G.R. Luxury consumption of soil nutrients: ISLES a possible competitive strategy in above-ground and below-ground biomass allocation and root morpho- Hambler, D.J. & Dixon, J.M. Primula farinosa L., 694 logy for slow-growing arctic vegetation?, 664 Hatcher, P.E. Impatiens noli-tangere L., 147 Wikberg, S. & Svensson, B.M. Ramet demography in a Randall, R.E. Smyrnium olusatrum L., 325 ring-forming clonal sedge, 847 Stokes, K.E., Bullock, JM. & Watkinson, A.R. Ulex Wildova, R. see Herben, T. gallii Planch. and Ulex minor Roth, 1106 Williams, M. see van Wijk, M.T. Taylor, K. & Rumsey, F.J. Bartsia alpina L., 908 Willis, K.J. see Andrié, M. Thomas, P.A. & Polwart, A. Taxus baccata L., 489 © 2003 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 91, 1125 1129

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