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Journal of Index Ecology 1999, 87, STANDARD PAPERS Connolly, J. see Wayne, P.M. 1082-1086 Contreras, O. see Lusk, C.H. Aberg, P. see Pavia, H. Corbit, M., Marks, P.L. & Gardescu, S. Hedgerows as Agyeman, V.K., Swaine, M.D. & Thompson, J. habitat corridors for forest herbs in central New York, Responses of tropical forest tree seedlings to irradi- USA, 220 ance and the derivation of a light response index, 815 Crawley, M.J. see Edwards, G.R. Alexander, H.M. see Holah, J.C. Crawley, M.J. see Turnbull, L.A. Allen, G.A. see Antos, J.A. Cresswell, J.E. The influence of nectar and pollen Ammann, B. see Tinner, W. availability on pollen transfer by individual flowers Amos, L. see Hartley, S.E. of oil-seed rape (Brassica napus) when pollinated by Anten, N.P.R. & Hirose, T. Interspecific differences in bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius), 670 above-ground growth patterns result in spatial and temporal partitioning of light among species in a Dale, M.R.T. see Little, L.R. tall-grass meadow, 583 Deckers, J. see Bossuyt, B. Antos, J.A. & Allen, G.A. Patterns of reproductive Derner, J.D. & Briske, D.D. Intraclonal regulation in a effort in male and female shrubs of Oemleria cerasi perennial, caespitose grass: a field evaluation of formis: a 6-year study, 77 above- and below-ground resource availability, 737 Augspurger, C.K. see Robertson, K.M. D’Hertefeldt, T. & Jonsdottir, I.S. Extensive physio- logical integration in intact clonal systems of Carex Backes, K. see Gansert, D. arenaria, 258 Bakker, J.P. see Van Wijnen, H.J. During, H.J. see Pechackova, S. Band, S.R. see Thompson, K. Barrett, S.C.H., Case, A.L. & Peters, G.B. Gender Edwards, G.R. & Crawley, M.J. Herbivores, seed modification and resource allocation in subdioecious banks and seedling recruitment in mesic grassland, Wurmbea dioica (Colchicaceae), 123 423 Barrett, S.C.H. see Larson, B.M.H. Eguiarte, L.E. see Golubov, J. Bazzaz, F.A. see Wayne, P.M. Einsmann, J.C., Jones, R.H., Pu, M. & Mitchell, R.J. Bergman, I. see Hornberg, G. Nutrient foraging traits in 10 co-occurring plant spe- Bockelmann, A.C. & Neuhaus, R. Competitive exclu- cies of contrasting life forms, 609 sion of Elymus athericus from a high-stress habitat in Ericson, L., Burdon, J.J. & Miiller, W.J. Spatial and a European salt marsh, 503 temporal dynamics of epidemics of the rust fungus Bossuyt, B., Hermy, M. & Deckers, J. Migration of Uromyces valerianae on populations of its host, herbaceous plant species cross ancient—recent forest Valeriana, 649 ecotones in central Belgium, 628 Escudero, A., Somolinos, R.C., Olano, J.M. & Rubio, Briske, D.D. see Derner, J.D. A. Factors controlling the establishment of Helianthe- Brown, C.L. & Whelan, R.J. Seasonal occurrence of mum squamatum, an endemic gypsophile of semi-arid fire and availability of germinable seeds in Hakea Spain, 290 sericea and Petrophile sessilis, 932 Brubaker, L.B. see Gavin, D.G. Fair, J., Lauenroth, W.K. & Coffin, D.P. Demography Bruelheide, H. & Scheidel, U. Slug herbivory as a of Bouteloua gracilis in a mixed prairie: analysis of limiting factor for the geographical range of Arnica genets and individuals, 233 montana, 839 Falinska, K. Seed bank dynamics in abandoned mea- Bruelheide, H. see Scheidel, U. dows during a 20-year period in the Bialowieza Burdon, J.J. see Ericson, L. National Park, 461 Farhoush, C. see Lamers, L.P.M. Carnelli, A.L. see Wayne, P.M. Farley, R.A. & Fitter, A.H. Temporal and spatial vari- Carrington, M.E. & Keeley, J.E. Comparison of post- ation in soil resources in a deciduous woodland, 688 fire seedling establishment between scrub commu- Farley, R.A. & Fitter, A.H. The responses of seven nities in mediterranean and _ non-mediterranean co-occurring woodland herbaceous perennials to climate ecosystems, 1025 localized nutrient-rich patches, 849 Carson, W.P. see Stevens, M.H.H. Fitter, A.H. see Farley, R.A. Case, A.L. see Barrett, S.C.H. Foster, B.L. Establishment, competition, and the distri- Coffin, D.P. see Fair, J. bution of native grasses among Michigan old-fields, 476 Cole, R.G. & Syms, C. Using spatial pattern analysis to Franco, M. see Goluboy, J. distinguish causes of mortality: an example from kelp Fraser, L.H. & Grime, J.P. Interacting effects of her- © 1999 British in north-eastern New Zealand, 963 bivory and fertility on a synthesized plant community, Ecological Society Conedera, M. see Tinner, W. 514 Journal of Index Ecology 1999, 87, STANDARD PAPERS Connolly, J. see Wayne, P.M. 1082-1086 Contreras, O. see Lusk, C.H. Aberg, P. see Pavia, H. Corbit, M., Marks, P.L. & Gardescu, S. Hedgerows as Agyeman, V.K., Swaine, M.D. & Thompson, J. habitat corridors for forest herbs in central New York, Responses of tropical forest tree seedlings to irradi- USA, 220 ance and the derivation of a light response index, 815 Crawley, M.J. see Edwards, G.R. Alexander, H.M. see Holah, J.C. Crawley, M.J. see Turnbull, L.A. Allen, G.A. see Antos, J.A. Cresswell, J.E. The influence of nectar and pollen Ammann, B. see Tinner, W. availability on pollen transfer by individual flowers Amos, L. see Hartley, S.E. of oil-seed rape (Brassica napus) when pollinated by Anten, N.P.R. & Hirose, T. Interspecific differences in bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius), 670 above-ground growth patterns result in spatial and temporal partitioning of light among species in a Dale, M.R.T. see Little, L.R. tall-grass meadow, 583 Deckers, J. see Bossuyt, B. Antos, J.A. & Allen, G.A. Patterns of reproductive Derner, J.D. & Briske, D.D. Intraclonal regulation in a effort in male and female shrubs of Oemleria cerasi perennial, caespitose grass: a field evaluation of formis: a 6-year study, 77 above- and below-ground resource availability, 737 Augspurger, C.K. see Robertson, K.M. D’Hertefeldt, T. & Jonsdottir, I.S. Extensive physio- logical integration in intact clonal systems of Carex Backes, K. see Gansert, D. arenaria, 258 Bakker, J.P. see Van Wijnen, H.J. During, H.J. see Pechackova, S. Band, S.R. see Thompson, K. Barrett, S.C.H., Case, A.L. & Peters, G.B. Gender Edwards, G.R. & Crawley, M.J. Herbivores, seed modification and resource allocation in subdioecious banks and seedling recruitment in mesic grassland, Wurmbea dioica (Colchicaceae), 123 423 Barrett, S.C.H. see Larson, B.M.H. Eguiarte, L.E. see Golubov, J. Bazzaz, F.A. see Wayne, P.M. Einsmann, J.C., Jones, R.H., Pu, M. & Mitchell, R.J. Bergman, I. see Hornberg, G. Nutrient foraging traits in 10 co-occurring plant spe- Bockelmann, A.C. & Neuhaus, R. Competitive exclu- cies of contrasting life forms, 609 sion of Elymus athericus from a high-stress habitat in Ericson, L., Burdon, J.J. & Miiller, W.J. Spatial and a European salt marsh, 503 temporal dynamics of epidemics of the rust fungus Bossuyt, B., Hermy, M. & Deckers, J. Migration of Uromyces valerianae on populations of its host, herbaceous plant species cross ancient—recent forest Valeriana, 649 ecotones in central Belgium, 628 Escudero, A., Somolinos, R.C., Olano, J.M. & Rubio, Briske, D.D. see Derner, J.D. A. Factors controlling the establishment of Helianthe- Brown, C.L. & Whelan, R.J. Seasonal occurrence of mum squamatum, an endemic gypsophile of semi-arid fire and availability of germinable seeds in Hakea Spain, 290 sericea and Petrophile sessilis, 932 Brubaker, L.B. see Gavin, D.G. Fair, J., Lauenroth, W.K. & Coffin, D.P. Demography Bruelheide, H. & Scheidel, U. Slug herbivory as a of Bouteloua gracilis in a mixed prairie: analysis of limiting factor for the geographical range of Arnica genets and individuals, 233 montana, 839 Falinska, K. Seed bank dynamics in abandoned mea- Bruelheide, H. see Scheidel, U. dows during a 20-year period in the Bialowieza Burdon, J.J. see Ericson, L. National Park, 461 Farhoush, C. see Lamers, L.P.M. Carnelli, A.L. see Wayne, P.M. Farley, R.A. & Fitter, A.H. Temporal and spatial vari- Carrington, M.E. & Keeley, J.E. Comparison of post- ation in soil resources in a deciduous woodland, 688 fire seedling establishment between scrub commu- Farley, R.A. & Fitter, A.H. The responses of seven nities in mediterranean and _ non-mediterranean co-occurring woodland herbaceous perennials to climate ecosystems, 1025 localized nutrient-rich patches, 849 Carson, W.P. see Stevens, M.H.H. Fitter, A.H. see Farley, R.A. Case, A.L. see Barrett, S.C.H. Foster, B.L. Establishment, competition, and the distri- Coffin, D.P. see Fair, J. bution of native grasses among Michigan old-fields, 476 Cole, R.G. & Syms, C. Using spatial pattern analysis to Franco, M. see Goluboy, J. distinguish causes of mortality: an example from kelp Fraser, L.H. & Grime, J.P. Interacting effects of her- © 1999 British in north-eastern New Zealand, 963 bivory and fertility on a synthesized plant community, Ecological Society Conedera, M. see Tinner, W. 514 1083 Gagnon, D. see Nantel, P. Kleijn, D. & Van Groenendael, J.M. The exploitation Index Gansert, D., Backes, K. & Kakubari, Y. Altitudinal of heterogeneity by a clonal plant in habitats with and seasonal variation of frost resistance of Fagus contrasting productivity levels, 873 crenata and Betula ermanii along the Pacific slope Krahulec, F. see Suzuki, J. of Mt. Fuji, Japan, 382 Kudoh, H., Shibaike, H., Takasu, H., Whigham, D.F. Gardescu, S. see Corbit, M. & Kawano, S. Genet structure and determinants of Gaston, K.J. see Thompson, K. clonal structure in a temperate deciduous woodland Gavin, D.G & Brubaker, L.B. A 6000-year soil pollen herb, Uvularia perfoliata, 244 record of subalpine meadow vegetation in the Olym- Kurina, L.M. & Vitousek, P.M. Controls over the pic Mountains, Washington, USA, 106 accumulation and decline of a nitrogen-fixed lichen, Givnish, T.J. On the causes of gradients in tropical tree Stereocaulon vulcani, on young Hawaiian lava flows, diversity, 193 784 Goldberg, D.E. see Nash Suding, K. Kyereh, B., Swaine, M.D. & Thompson, J. Effect of Golubov, J., Mandujano, M.D.C., Franco, M., light on the germination of forest trees in Ghana, 77 + Montana, C., Eguiarte, L.E. & Lopez-Portillo, J. Demography of the invasive woody perennial Proso Lamb, D. see Penfold, G.C. pis glandulosa (honey mesquite), 955 Lamers, L.P.M., Farhoush, C., Van Groenendael, Grime, J.P. see Fraser, L.H. J.M. & Roelofs, J.G.M. Calcareous groundwater Groenendael, J.G.M. see Lamers, L.P.M. raises bogs; the concept of ombrotrophy revisited, 639 Larson, B.M.H. & Barrett, S.C.H. The ecology of Hallgren, E., Palmer, M.W. & Milberg, P. Data diving pollen limitation in buzz-pollinated Rhexia virginica with cross-validation: an investigation of broad-scale (Melastomataceae), 371 gradients in Swedish weed communities, 1037 Lauenroth, W.K. see Fair, J. Hara, T. see Suzuki, J. Little, L.R. & Dale, M.R.T. A method for analysing Hartley, S.E. & Amos, L. Competitive interactions spatio-temporal pattern in plant establishment, tested between Nardus stricta L. and Calluna vulgaris (L.) on a Populus balsamifera clone, 620 Hull: the effect of fertilizer and defoliation on above- Lopez-Portillo, J. see Golubov, J. and below-ground performance, 330 Lusk, C.H. & Contreras, O. Foliage area and crown Herben, T. see Pechackova, S. nitrogen turnover in temperate rain forest juvenile Herben, T. see Suzuki, J. trees of differing shade tolerance, 973 Hermy, M. see Bossuyt, B. Hirose, T. see Anten, N.P.R. Macdonald, S.E. & Yin, F. Factors influencing size Holah, J.C. & Alexander, H.M. Soil pathogenic fungi inequality in peatland black spruce and tamarack: have the potential to affect the co-existence of two evidence from post-drainage release growth, 404 tallgrass prairie species, 598 Maindonald, J.H. see King, D.A. Hornberg, G., Ostlund, L., Zackrisson, O. & Mandujano, M.D.C. see Golubov, J. Bergman, I. The genesis of two Picea—Cladina for- Marchant, R.A. see Taylor, D ests in northern Sweden, 800 Marks, P.L. see Corbit, M. Houle, G. Mast seeding in Abies balsamea, Acer sac- Mattson, K.G. see Jumpponen, A. charum and Betula alleghaniensis in an old growth, Meyer, A.H & Schmid, B. Experimental demography of cold temperate forest of north-eastern North America, the old-field perennial Solidago altissima: the 413 dynamics of the shoot population, 17 Hubschmid, P. see Tinner, W. Meyer, A.H. & Schmid, B. Seed dynamics and seedling Hutchings, M.J. see Wijesinghe, D.K. establishment in the invading perennial Solidago altis- sima under different experimental treatments, 28 Jones, R.H. see Einsmann, J.C. Meyer, A.H. & Schmid, B. Experimental demography Jonsdottir, LS. see D’Hertefeldt, T. of rhizome populations of establishing clones of Soli- Jumpponen, A., Vare, H., Mattson, K.G., Ohtonen, R. dago altissima, 42 & Trappe, J.M. Characterization of ‘safe sites’ for Milberg, P. see Hallgren, E. pioneers in primary succession on recently deglaciated Mitchell, R.J. see Einsmann, J.C. terrain, 98 Montana, C. see Golubov, J. Miiller, W.J. see Ericson, L. Kakubari, Y. see Gansert, D. Karlsson, P.S. see Weih, M. Nanami, S., Kawaguchi, H. & Yamakura, T. Dioecy- Kawaguchi, H. see Nanami, S. induced spatial patterns of two codominant tree spe- Kawano, S. see Kudoh, H. cies, Podocarpus nagi and Neolitsea aciculata, 678 © 1999 British Keeley, J.E. see Carrington, M.E. Nantel, P. & Gagnon, D. Variability in the dynamics of Ecological Society, King, D.A. & Maindonald, J.H. Tree architecture in northern peripheral versus southern populations of Journal of Ecology, relation to leaf dimensions and tree stature in temper- two clonal plant species, Helianthus divaricatus and 87, 1082-1086 ate and tropical rain forests, 1012 hus aromatica, 748 1084 Nash Suding, K. & Goldberg, D.E. Variation in the Stevens, M.H.H. & Carson, W.P. The significance of Index effects of vegetation and litter on recruitment across assemblage level thinning for species richness, 490 productivity gradients, 436 Suzuki, J., Herben, T., Krahulec, F. & Hara, T. Size Nathan, R., Safriel, U.N., Noy-Meir, I. & Schiller, G. and spatial pattern of Festuca rubra genets in a Seed release without fire in Pinus halepensis, a Med- mountain grassland: its relevance to genet establish- iterranean serotinous wind-dispersed tree, 659 ment and dynamics, 942 Neuhaus, R. see Bockelmann, A.C. Svenning, J-C. Microhabitat specialization in a species- Nicotra, A.B. Reproducfive allocation and the long-term rich palm community in Amazonian Ecuador, 55 costs of reproduction in Siparuna grandiflora, a dioe- Swaine, M.D. see Agyeman, V.K. cious neo-tropical shrub, 138 Swaine, M.D. see Kyereh, B. Nilsson, C. see Xiong, S. Syms, C. see Cole, R.G. Noy-Meir, I. see Nathan, R. Takasu, H. see Kudoh, H. Ohtonen, R. see Jumpponen, A. Taylor, D., Marchant, R.A. & Robertshaw, P. A Olano, J.M. see Escudero, A. sediment-based history of medium altitude forest in Ostlund, L. see Hérnberg, G. central Africa: a record from Kabata Swamp, Ndale volcanic field, Uganda, 303 Palmer, M.W. see Hallgren, E. Thompson, J. see Agyeman, V.K. Pavia, H., Toth, G. & Aberg, P. Trade-offs between Thompson, J. see Kyereh, B. phlorotannin production and annual growth in natural Thompson, K., Gaston, K.J. & Band, S.R. Range size, populations of the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodo- dispersal and niche breadth in the herbaceous flora of sum, 761 central England, 150 Pechackova, S., During, H.J., Rydlova, V. & Herben, Tinner, W., Hubschmid, P., Wehrli, M., Ammann, B. T. Species-specific spatial pattern of below-ground & Conedera, M. Long-term forest-fire ecology and plant parts in a montane grassland community, 569 dynamics in southern Switzerland, 273 Penfoid, G.C. & Lamb, D. Species co-existence in an Toth, G. see Pavia, H. Australian subtropical rain forest: evidence for com- Trappe, J.M. see Jumpponen, A. pensatory mortality, 316 Turnbull, L.A., Rees, M. & Crawley, M.J. Seed mass Peters, G.B. see Barrett, S.C.H. and the competition/colonization trade-off: a sowing Piqueras, J. Herbivory and ramet performance in the experiment, 899 clonal herb Trientalis europaea L., 450 Piqueras, J. Infection of Trientalis europaea by the Van Groenendael, J.M. see Kleijn, D. systemic smut fungus Urocystis trientalis: disease Van Groenendael, J.M. see Lamers, L.P.M. incidence, transmission and effects on performance Van Wijnen, H.J. & Bakker, J.P. Nitrogen and phos- of host ramets, 995 phorus limitation in a coastal barrier salt marsh: the Preston, K.A. Can plasticity compensate for architec- implications for vegetation succession, 265 tural constraints on reproduction? Patterns of seed Vare, H. see Jumpponen, A. production and carbohydrate, 697 Vitousek, P.M. see Kurina, L.M. Pu, M. see Einsmann, J.C. Rastetter, E.B. see Williams, M. F.A. The density dependence of plant responses to Rees, M. see Turnbull, L.A. elevated CO>, 183 Robertshaw, P. see Taylor, D. Wehrli, M. see Tinner, W. Robertson, K.M. & Augspurger, C.K. Geomorphic Weih, M. & Karlsson, P.S. The nitrogen economy of processes and spatial patterns of primary forest suc- mountain birch seedlings: implications for winter sur- cession on the Bogue Chitto River, USA, 1052 vival, 211] Roelofs, J.G.M. see Lamers, L.P.M. Weiher, E. The combined effects of scale and produc- Rubio, A. see Escudero, A. tivity on species richness, 1005 Rydlova, V. see Pechackova, S. Westoby, M. see Wright, I.J. Whelan, R.J. see Brown, C.L. Safriel, U.N. see Nathan, R. Whigham, D.F. see Kudoh, H. Scariot, A. Forest fragmentation effects on palm diver- Wijesinghe, D.K. & Hutchings, M.J. The effects of sity in central Amazonia, 66 environmental heterogeneity on the performance of Scheidel, U. & Bruelheide, H. Selective slug grazing on Glechoma hederacea: the interactions between patch montane meadow plants, 828 contrast and patch scale, 860 Scheidel, U. see Bruelheide, H. Williams, M. & Rastetter, E.B. Vegetation character- © 1999 British Schiller, G. see Nathan, R. istics and primary productivity along an arctic trans- Ecological Society, Schmid, B. see Meyer, A.H. ect: implications for scaling up, 885 Journal of Ecology, Shibaike, H. see Kudoh, H. Worbes, M. Annual growth rings, rainfall-dependent 87, 1082-1086 Somolinos, R.C. see Escudero, A. growth and long-term growth patterns of tropical trees from the Caparo Forest Reserve in Venezuela, Bretschko, G. & HeleSic, J. Advances in River Bottom 391 Ecology, 732 Wright, I.J. & Westoby, M. Differences in seedling Calow, P., Falk, D.A., Grace, J., Moore, P.D., growth behaviour among species: trait correlations Shorrocks, B. & Stearns, 8.C. The Encyclopedia of across species, and trait shifts along nutrient compared Ecology and Environmental Management, 366 to rainfall gradients, 85 Dahl, E. The Phytogeography of Northern Europe (British Isles, Fennoscandia and Adjacent Areas), 731 Xiong, S. & Nilsson, C. The effects of plant litter on Dytham, C. Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biolo- vegetation: a meta-analysis, 984 gist’s Guide, 734 Ebert, T.A. Plant and Animal Populations: Methods in Yamakura, T. see Nanami, S. Demography, 546 Yin, F. see Macdonald, S.E. Fowler, J., Cohne, L. & Jarvis, P. Practical Statistic jor Field Biology, 174 Zackrisson, O. see Hornberg, G. French, P.W. Coastal and Estuarine Management, 173 Goldsmith, F.B. Tropical Rain Forest: A Wider Per- spective, 1078 ESSAY REVIEWS Hilborn, R. & Mangel, M. The Ecological Detective: Gibson, D.J., Connolly, J.. Hartnett, D.C. & Confronting Models with Data, 366 Weidenhamer, J.D. Designs for greenhouse studies Hofbauer, J. & Sigmund, K. Evolutionary Games and of interactions between plants, | Population Dynamics, 545 Ouborg, N.j, Piquot, Y. & Van Groenendael, J.M. Jarvis, P.G. European Forests and Global Change: The Population genetics, molecular markers and the study Likely Impact of Rising CO and Temperature, 548 of dispersal in plants, 551 Joyce, C.B. & Wade, P.M. European Wet Grasslands: Biodiversity, Management and Restoration, 549 Lambers, H., Chapin, F.S. Il & Pons, T.L. Plant FORUM PAPERS Physiological Ecology, 927 Gibson, D.J., Ely, J.S. & Collins, S.L. The core- Lambers, H., Poorter, H. & Van Vuuren, M.M.I. satellite species hypothesis provides a_ theoretical Inherent Variation in Plant Growth, 547 basis for Grime’s classification of dominant, subordi- Lambert, R.A. Species History in Scotland, 732 nate, and transient species, 1064 Laumonier, Y. The Vegetation and Physiography of Heil, M. Systemic acquired resistance: available infor- Sumatra, 368 mation and open ecological questions, 34] Moreno, J.M. Large Forest Fires, 175 Neuvonen, S. Random foraging by herbivores: complex Moss, B. Ecology of Fresh waters: Man and Medium, patterns may be due to plant architecture, 526 Past to Future, 176 Newbery, D.M., Prins, H.H.T. & Brown, N. Dynamics of Tropical Communities, 543 BIOLOGICAL FLORA OF THE BRITISH ISLES Peterson, D.L. & Parker, V.T. x ologic al S¢ ale . Clabby, G. & Osborne, B.A. Mycelis muralis (L.) Theory and Applications, 1079 Dumort. (Lactuca muralis (L.) Gaertner), 156 Richardson, D.M. Ecology and Biogeography of Pinus, Hutchings, M.J. & Price, E.A.C. Glechoma hederacea 173 L. (Nepeta glechoma Benth., N. hederacea (L.) Trev.), Schieving, F. Plato’s Plant. On the Mathematical Struc- 347 ture of Simple Plants and Canopies, 735 Kull, T. Cyripedium calceolus L., 913 Sheail, J. Nature Conservation in Britain: The Forma- Taylor, K. Cornus suecica L. (Chamaepericlymenum tive Years, 928 suecicum (L.) Ascherson & Graebner), 1068 Starfinger, U., Edwards, K., Kowarik, I. & Williamson, Taylor, K. Galium aparine L., 713 M. Plant Invasions: Ecological Mechanisms and Tofts, R. Cirsium eriophorum (L.) Scop.(Carduus erio- Human Responses, 929 phorus L.; Cnicus eriophorus (L.) Roth), 529 Talling, J.F. & Lemoalle, J. Ecological Dynamics of Tropical Inland Waters, 733 Urbanska, K.M., Webb, N.R. & Edwards, P.J. BOOK REVIEWS Restoration Ecology and Sustainable Development, 543 Ambasht, R.S. Modern Trends in Ecology and Environ- Wadsworth, R. & Treweek, J. Geographical Informa- ment, 176 tion Systems for Ecology. An Introduction, 1080 Bailey, R.G., Jose, P.V. & Sherwood, B.R. United Westlake, D.F., Kvét, J. & Szczepanski, A. The Pro- Kingdom Floodplains, 365 duction Ecology of Wetlands, 735 Balée, W. Advances in Historical Ecology, 367 Wielgolaski, F.E. Ecosystems of the World. 3. Polar and © 1999 British Baskin, C.C. & Baskin, J.M. Seeds: Ecology, Biogeo- Alpine Tundra, 925 Ecological Society, graphy, and Evolution of Dormancy and Germination, Yamada, I. Tropical Rain Forests of Southeast Asia, Journal of Ecology, 174 1078 87, 1082-1086 SHORT REVIEWS Gotelli. N.J. A Primer of Ecology, 2nd edn, 369 Kareiva, F.P. Exploring Ecology and its Applications, Baretta-Bekker, H.J.G., Duursma, E.K. & Kuipers, 177 B.R. Encyclopedia of Marine Sciences, 2nd edn, 550 Mairota, P., Thornes, J.B. & Geeson, N. Atlas of Bolen, E.G. Ecology of North America, 177 Mediterranean Environments in Europe: the Deserti- Brown, D.E., Reichenbacher, F. & Franson, S.E. A fication Context, 369 Classification of North American Biotic Communities, Margulis, L. & Schwatrz, K.V. Five Kingdoms: An 178 Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth, 178 Burga, C.A. & Perret, R. Vegetation und Klima der Prince, H. Wetlands of the American Midwest: A His- Schweiz seit dem jungeren Eiszeitalter, 369 torical Geography of Changing Attitudes, 177 Burkhardt, F. Charles Darwin’s Letters: A Selection, Proctor, J. Scottish Vegetation: Plant Ecology in 1825-1859, 930 Scotland, 178 Cheplick, G.P. Population Biology of Grasses, 550 Rodwell, J.S. British Plant Communities: 1, Woodlands De Kok, L.J. & Stulen, I. Responses of Plant Metabo- and Scrub; 2, Mires and Heaths; 3, Grasslands and lism to Air Pollution and Global Change, 550 Montane Communities; 4, Aquatic Communities, Everson, P. & Williamson, T. The Archaeology of Swamps and Tall-Herb Fens, 178 Landscape, 930 Sinclair, T.R. & Gardner, F.P. Principles of Ecology in Gaston, K.J. & Spicer, J.I. Biodiversity: An Introduc- Plant Production, 178 tion, 178 Stace, C. Field Flora of the British Isles, 930 © 1999 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 87, 1082-1086 Journal of Ecology bone

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