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sournacor GRYS TAL ELSEVIER Journal of Crystal Growth 203 (1999) 604-608 Author index Abe, K., see Nakanishi, H. 203 (1999) 75 Bollen, D., see Bogels, G. 203 (1999) 554 Adair, J.H., see Bell, N.S. 203 (1999) 213 Boufaden, T., see Rebey, A. 203 (1999) 12 Akane, T., M. Sano, H. Okumura, Y. Tubo, Brandt, M.S., see Vogg, G. 203 (1999) 570 T. Ishikawa and S. Matsumoto, Charac- Buijnsters, J.G., see Bogels, G. 203 (1999) 554 terization of gas-source molecular beam epitaxial growth of strain-compensated Campion, R.P., see Blant, A.V. 203 (1999) 349 Si, -,-,Ge,C,/Si(0 0 1) heterostructure 203 (1999) 80 Carbonell, L.. G. Mula and S. Tatarenko, Alawadhi, H., see Miotkowski, I. 203 (1999) 51 Influence of a compressive strain on the Albrecht, M., see Vogg, G. 203 (1999) 570 stoichiometry of the (00 1)CdTe surface Audinet, L., see Ricolleau, C. 203 (1999) 486 during molecular beam epitaxy 203 (1999) 61 Chang, J.R., Y.K. Su, D-H. Jaw, H.P. Shiao Baldochi, S.L., see Santo, A.M.E. 203 (1999) 156 and W. Lin, Metalorganic vapor phase Ban, V.S., see Deutsch, M. 203 (1999) 412 epitaxy (MOVPE) growth and character- Becker, P., J. Liebertz and L. Bohaty, Top- ization of AlInAsSb and AllInAsSb, seeded growth of bismuth triborate, InGaAs multiple-quantum-well structures 203 (1999) 481 BiB,O, 203 (1999) 149 Chen Huanchu, see Zhang Shujun 203 (1999) 168 Bell, N.S. and J.H. Adair, Adsorbate effects on Chen, Q.-S., W.-R. Hu and V. Prasad, Effect of glycothermally produced a-alumina par- liquid bridge volume on the instability in ticle morphology 203 (1999) 213 small-Prandtl-number half zones 203 (1999) 261 Bennema, P., see Bégels, G. 203 (1999) 554 Cheng, T.S., see Blant, A.V. 203 (1999) 349 Benz, K.W., see Schweizer, M. 203 (1999) 500 Cheng Zhenxiang, see Zhang Shujun 203 (1999) 168 Berglund, K.A., see LeCaptain, D.J. 203 (1999) 564 Chian, J.H., see Lan, C.W. 203 (1999) 286 Berglund, K.A., see Schwartz, A.M. 203 (1999) 599 Chinyama, K.G. K.P. O’Donnell, A. Bermudez, V., M.D. Serrano, P.S. Dutta and Rosenauer and D. Gerthsen, Morphology E. Dieguez, Opposite domain formation in of ultrathin CdSe quantum confinement Er-doped LiNbO, bulk crystals grown by layers in ZnSe matrices 203 (1999) 362 the off-centered Czochralski technique 203 (1999) 179 Christoffersen, J., see Christoffersen, M.R. 203 (1999) 234 Bettini, J., see de Castro, M.P.P. 203 (1999) 317 Christoffersen, M.R., N. Seierby, T.B. Zunic Bhat, H.L., see Udayashankar, N.K. 203 (1999) 333 and J. Christoffersen, Kinetics of dissolu- Binnewies, M., see Patzke, G.R. 203 (1999) 141 tion of triclinic calcium pyrophosphate Bicelli, L.P., see Kozlov, V.M. 203 (1999) 255 dihydrate crystals 203 (1999) 234 Blant, A.V., S.V. Novikov, T.S. Cheng, L.B. Flannery, I. Harrison, R.P. Campion, D. Coldren, L.A., see Hall, E. 203 (1999) 447 Korakakis, E.C. Larkins, Y. Kribes and Croll, A., see Schweizer, M. 203 (1999) 500 C.T. Foxon, Ga-metal inclusions in GaN grown on sapphire 203 (1999) 349 De Carvalho, M.M., see de Castro, M.P.P. 203 (1999) 317 Bogels, G., J.G. Buijnsters, S.A.C. Verhaegen, De Castro, M.P.P., N.C. Frateschi, J. Bettini, H. Meekes, P. Bennema and D. Bollen, C.A. Ribeiro and M.M. de Carvalho, Spa- Morphology and growth mechanism of tial composition dependence in InGaP multiply twinned AgBr and AgCl needle growth on pre-patterned GaAs substrates crystals 203 (1999) 554 by chemical beam epitaxy 203 (1999) 317 Bohaty, L., see Becker, P. 203 (1999) 149 Deng Peizhen, see Dong Jun 203 (1999) 163 Boilot, J.P., see Ricolleau, C. 203 (1999) 486 Derby, J.J., see Yeckel, A. 203 (1999) 87 0022-0248/99/$-see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0022-0248(99)00227-4 Author index 605 Deutsch, M., M.C. Gerstenberg, H.F. Gossen- Hamai, M., see Tagami, M. 203 (19995)9 4 berger, V.S. Ban and S.R. Forrest, Macro- Han Jianru, see Zhang Shujun 203 (19991)6 8 scopically ordered thin films of an organic Han, T.P.J., see Duffy, S. 203 (19994)0 5 salt grown by low-pressure organic vapor- Harrison, I., see Blant, A.V. 203 (19993)4 9 phase deposition 203 (1999) 412 Hasegawa, M., see Tanaka, M. 203 (19994)0 0 Devine, K.D., see Salinger, A.G. 203 (1999) 516 Hatta, E., see Iwata, Y. 203 (19991)2 5 Dieguez, E., see Bermudez, V. 203 (1999) 179 Hayafuji, N., see Kadoiwa, K. 203 (1999) 18 Dold, P., see Schweizer, M. 203 (1999) 500 Hennigan, G.L., see Salinger, A.G. 203 (19995)1 6 Dong Jun, Deng Peizhen and Xu Jun, The Heuken, M., see Schwambera, M. 203 (19993)4 0 growth of Cr**, Yb** : yttrium aluminum Higuchi, M., T. Togi and K. Kodaira, Growth garnet (YAG) crystal and its absorption of rutile single crystals by the pulling-down spectra properties 203 (1999) 163 method 203 (1999) 450 Doty, F.P., see Yeckel, A. 203 (1999) 87 Hu, W.R., see Wang, W. 203 (1999) 227 Duan, L.H., see Xu, D.P. 203 (1999) 40 Hu, W.R., see Chen, Q:S. 203 (1999) 261 Duffy, S., J.-P.R. Wells, H.G. Gallagher and Hutchinson, S.A., see Salinger, A.G. 203 (1999) 516 T.P.J. Han, Bridgman growth and laser excitation of LiYF, : Sm** 203 (1999) 405 Imaeda, M., see Kawaguchi, T. 203 (1999) 173 Dutta, P.S., see Bermudez, V. 203 (1999) 179 Imai, M., see Sakai, Y. 203 (1999) 244 Ishikawa, T., see Akane, T. 203 (1999) 80 Ebe, T., Factors determining the saturation of Iwata, Y., H. Kobayashi, S. Kikuchi, E. Hatta point defects in growing silicon crystals 203 (1999) 387 and K. Mukasa, In situ reflection high- El Jani, B., see Rebey, A. 203 (1999) 12 energy electron diffraction (RHEED) ob- servation of Bi,Te3;/Sb,Te, multilayer film Ferrari, C., see Jeganathan, K. 203 (19993)2 7 growth 203 (1999) 125 Flannery, L.B., see Blant, A.V. 203 (19993)4 9 Izumi, S., see Kadoiwa, K. 203 (1999) 18 Forrest, S.R., see Wei, J. 203 (19993)0 2 Forrest, S.R., see Deutsch, M. 203 (19994)1 2 Jacobs, K., see Griesche, J. 203 (1999) 45 Foxon, C.T., see Blant, A.V. 203 (19993)4 9 Jaw, D.H., see Chang, J.R. 203 (1999) 481 Frateschi, N.C., see de Castro, M.P.P. 203 (19993)1 7 Jeganathan, K., C. Ferrari and J. Kumar, Fukuda, T., see Kawaguchi, T. 203 (19991)7 3 Structural characterisation of remelt liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) grown AlGaAs hetero- Gacoin, T., see Ricolleau, C. 203 (1999) 486 epitaxial layer 203 (1999) 327 Gallagher, H.G., see Duffy, S. 203 (1999) 405 Gandais, M., see Ricolleau, C. 203 (1999) 486 Jiang, R., see Liu, S. 203 (1999) 454 Garcia, V.M., P.K. Nair and M.T.S. Nair, Kadoiwa, K., S. Izumi, Y. Yamamoto, N. Hay- Copper selenide thin films by chemical bath deposition 203 (1999) 113 afuji and T. Sonoda, Novel InGaAs con- Gerstenberg, M.C., see Deutsch, M. 203 (1999) 412 tact layer growth for hetero-junction Gerthsen, D., see Chinyama, K.G. 203 (1999) 362 bipolar transistors (HBTs) by using the Gokhale, M.R., see Wei, J. 203 (1999) 302 multiple group-V source molecular beam Goldys, E.M., see Paskova, T. 203 (1999) 1 epitaxy (MBE) system 203 (1999) 18 Gopalakrishna Naik, K., see Udayashankar, Kaiser, Th., see Schweizer, M. 203 (1999) 500 N.K. 203 (1999) 333 Kaji, K., see Sakai, Y. 203 (1999) 244 Gossenberger, H.F., see Deutsch, M. 203 (1999) 412 Kaneko, T., see Yumoto, H. 203 (1999) 136 Gotoh, Y., see Yumoto, H. 203 (1999) 136 Karakostas, Th., see Komninou, Ph. 203 (1999) 103 Grasza, K. and M. Pawlowska, Morphologi- Kawaguchi, T., K. Mizuuchi, T. Yoshino, M. cal instabilities in CdTe crystal growth Imaeda, K. Yamamoto and T. Fukuda, from the vapor phase 203 (1999) 371 Liquid-phase epitaxial growth of Zn- doped LiNbO, thin films and optical Griesche, J. and K. Jacobs, Reflection high- energy electron diffraction (RHEED) oscil- damage resistance for second-harmonic lations in phase-locked epitaxy of ZnSe 203 (1999) 45 generation 203 (1999) 173 Kikuchi, S., see Iwata, Y. 203 (1999) 125 Hall, E. and H. Kroemer, Surface morphology Kim, G., see Park, B.M. 203 (1999) 67 of GaSb grown on (1 1 1)B GaAs by mo- Klemenz, C. and H.J. Scheel, Growth and lecular beam epitaxy 203 (1999) 297 properties of Nd,,,Ba,-.,Cu,;074,5 Hall, E.. H. Kroemer and L.A. Coldren, whiskers and needle-like crystals 203 (1999) 534 Improved composition control of digitally Kobayashi, H., see Iwata, Y. 203 (1999) 125 grown AIAsSb lattice-matched to InP 203 (1999) 447 Kodaira, K., see Higuchi, M. 203 (1999) 450 606 Author index Komninou, Ph., J. Stoemenos, G. Nouet and Matsumoto, S., see Akane, T. 203 (1999) 80 Th. Karakostas, Gold films epitaxially Meekes, H., see Bogels, G. 203 (1999) 554 grown by diffusion at the 3C-SiC/Si inter- Miotkowska, S., see Miotkowski, I. 203 (1999) 51 face 203 (1999) 103 Miotkowski, I., R. Vogelgesang, H. Alawadhi, Korakakis, D., see Blant, A.V. 203 (1999) 349 M.J. Seong, A.K. Ramdas, S. Miotkowska Kozlov, V.M. and L.P. Bicelli, Influence of the and W. Paszkowicz, Lattice parameters nature of metals on the formation of the and optical characterization of Cd, _,.Mg,Se deposit’s polycrystalline structure during alloys grown by vertical gradient freezing electrocrystallization 203 (1999) 255 technique 203 (1999) 51 Kribes, Y., see Blant, A.V. 203 (1999) 349 Mizuuchi, K., see Kawaguchi, T. 203 (19991)7 3 Kroemer, H., see Hall, E. 203 (1999) 297 Moffat, H.K., see Salinger, A.G. 203 (19995)1 6 Kroemer, H., see Hall, E. 203 (1999) 447 Mogi, I., see Tagami, M. 203 (19995)9 4 Krukowski, S. and J.C. Tedenac, Surface diffu- Monemar, B., see Paskova, T. 203 (1999) 1 sion contribution to dendrite sidebranch- Morato, S.P., see Santo, A.M.E. 203 (19991)5 6 ing during growth of 2D Kossel crystal Motokawa, M., see Tagami, M. 203 (19995)9 4 from the vapor 203 (1999) 269 Mukasa, K., see Iwata, Y. 203 (19991)2 5 Kumar, J., see Jeganathan, K. 203 (1999) 327 Mula, G., see Carbonell, L. 203 (1999) 61 Lachab, M., see Wang, T. 203 (1999) 443 Nair, M.T.S., see Garcia, V.M. 203 (1999) 113 Lan, C.W. and J.H. Chian, Effects of ampoule Nair, P.K., see Garcia, V.M. 203 (1999) 113 rotation on vertical zone-melting crystal Nakagawa, D., see Wang, T. 203 (1999) 443 growth: steady rotation versus accelerated Nakajima, K., Thickness-composition dia- crucible rotation technique (ACRT) 203 (1999) 286 grams of Stranski-Krastanov mode in the Larkins, E.C., see Blant, A.V. 203 (1999) 349 GaPSb/GaP and InGaAs/GaAs systems 203 (1999) 376 LeCaptain, D.J. and K.A. Berglund, The ap- Nakanishi, H., K. Nakazato, K. Abe, S. plicability of second harmonic generation Maeda and K. Terashima, Temperature for in situ measurement of induction time dependence of the density of molten ger- of selected crystallization systems 203 (1999) 564 manium and silicon measured by a newly Li, A.Z., see Lin, C. 203 (1999) 511 developed Archimedian technique 203 (1999) 75 Li, J.B., see Xu, D.P. 203 (1999) 40 Nakazato, K., see Nakanishi, H. 203 (1999) 75 Li, S.F., see Xu, D.P. 203 (1999) 40 Naritsuka, S., see Yan, Z. 203 (1999) 25 Li, S.-Y. and J. Zhu, Al diffusion in GaN buffer Naritsuka, S. and T. Nishinaga, Liquid-phase layer during the growth of GaN film 203 (1999) 473 epitaxy (LPE) microchannel epitaxy of InP Li, W.-J., E.-W. Shi, W.-Z. Zhong and Z.-W. with high reproducibility achieved by Yin, Growth mechanism and growth habit predeposition of In thin layer 203 (19994)5 9 of oxide crystals 203 (1999) 186 Nishinaga, T., see Yan, Z. 203 (1999) 25 Li Zhengdong, see Yang Shangfeng 203 (1999) 425 Nishinaga, T., see Naritsuka, S. 203 (19994)5 9 Lichtensteiger, M., see Schweizer, M. 203 (1999) 500 Nishiyama, K., see Yumoto, H. 203 (19991)3 6 Liebertz, J., see Becker, P. 203 (1999) 149 Nouet, G., see Komninou, Ph. 203 (19991)0 3 Lin, C. and A.Z. Li, The effect of strain on the Novikov, S.V., see Blant, A.V. 203 (19993)4 9 miscibility gap in Ga-In-Sb ternary alloy 203 (1999) 511 Lin, W., see Chang, J.R. 203 (1999) 481 O'Donnell, K.P., see Chinyama, K.G. 203 (1999) 362 Liu, S., R. Ma, R. Jiang and F. Luo, Synthesis Ohshita, Y. and K. Watanabe, Chemical reac- and structure of hydrated neodymium car- tions determining the step-coverage qual- bonate 203 (1999) 454 ity in plasma-assisted chemical vapor Liu, Y.C., G.S. Song, G.C. Yang and Y.H. deposition of titanium 203 (1999) 540 Zhou, Icosahedral phase growth in chill Okumura, H., see Akane, T. 203 (1999) 80 cast TiggFe,Si, alloy 203 (1999) 131 Locmelis, S., see Patzke, G.R. 203 (1999) 141 Park, B.M., G.H. Seo and G. Kim, Effects of Lui, P.Y., see Yoon, S.F. 203 (1999) 31 pulling rate fluctuation on the interstitial- Luo, F., see Liu, S. 203 (1999) 454 vacancy boundary formation in CZ-Si single crystal 203 (1999) 67 Ma, R., see Liu, S. 203 (1999) 454 Paskova, T., E.M. Goldys and B. Monemar, Maeda, S., see Nakanishi, H. 203 (1999) 75 Hydride vapour-phase epitaxy growth and Mao Bingwei, see Yang Shangfeng 203 (1999) 425 cathodoluminescence characterisation of Matsukura, Y., see Yokoyama, M. 203 (1999) 464 thick GaN films 203 (1999) 1 Author index 607 Pastor, R.C., Crystal growth of metal fluorides Schweizer, M., A. Crdll, P. Dold, Th. Kaiser, for CO, laser operation. II. Optimization M. Lichtensteiger and K.W. Benz, of the reactive atmosphere process (RAP) Measurement of temperature fluctuations choice 203 (1999) 421 and microscopic growth rates in a silicon Paszkowicz, W., see Miotkowski, I. 203 (1999) 51 floating zone under microgravity 203 (19995)0 0 Patzke, G.R., S. Locmelis, R. Wartchow and Seierby, N., see Christoffersen, M.R. 203 (19992)3 4 M. Binnewies, Chemical transport phe- Seo, G.H., see Park, B.M. 203 (1999) 67 nomena in the ZnO-Ga,O, system 203 (1999) 141 Seong, M.J., see Miotkowski, I. 203 (1999) 51 Pawlowska, M., see Grasza, K. 203 (1999) 371 Serrano, M.D., see Bermidez, V. 203 (19991)7 9 Polak, W. and K. Sangwal, Study of the ge- Shadid, J.N., see Salinger, A.G. 203 (19995)1 6 ometry of KCI clusters nucleating from Shi, E.-W., see Li, W.-J. 203 (19991)8 6 vapour and in aqueous solutions 203 (1999) 434 Shiao, H.P., see Chang, J.R. 203 (19994)8 1 Prasad, V., see Chen, Q.-S. 203 (1999) 261 Shirahama, T., see Wang, T. 203 (19994)4 3 Song, G.S., see Liu, Y.C. 203 (19991)3 1 Ramdas, A.K., see Miotkowski, I. 203 (1999) 51 Sonoda, T., see Kadoiwa, K. 203 (1999) 18 Ratke, L., see Stocker, C. 203 (1999) 582 Stocker, C. and L. Ratke, A new ‘Jack- Rebey, A., T. Boufaden and B. El Jani, In situ son—Hunt’ model for monotectic com- optical monitoring of the decomposition of posite growth 203 (1999) 582 GaN thin films 203 (1999) 12 Stoemenos, J., see Komninou, Ph. 203 (1999) 103 Ribeiro, C.A., see de Castro, M.P.P. 203 (1999) 317 Stutzmann, M., see Vogg, G. 203 (1999) 570 Ricolleau, C., L. Audinet, M. Gandais, T. Su Genbo, see Yang Shangfeng 203 (1999) 425 Gacoin and J.P. Boilot, 3D morphology of Su, Y.K., see Chang, J.R. 203 (1999) 481 II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals grown in inverted micelles 203 (1999) 486 Tagami, M., M. Hamai, I. Mogi, K. Watanabe Rosenauer, A., see Chinyama, K.G. 203 (1999) 362 and M. Motokawa, Solidification of levi- Sakai, S., see Wang, T. 203 (1999) 443 tating water in a gradient strong magnetic field 203 (1999) 594 Sakai, Y., M. Imai, K. Kaji and M. Tsuji, Tip-splitting crystal growth observed in Takei, H., see Tanaka, M. 203 (1999) 400 crystallization from thin films of poly(ethy- Tanaka, H., see Yokoyama, M. 203 (1999) 464 lene terephthalate) 203 (1999) 244 Tanaka, M., M. Hasegawa and H. Takei, Sako, T., see Yumoto, H. 203 (1999) 136 Growth and characterization of delafos- Salinger, A.G., J.N. Shadid, S.A. Hutchinson, site-type Pd(Co, - ,.Mn,)O, (x = 0.04, 0.11) G.L. Hennigan, K.D. Devine and H.K. single crystals 203 (19994)0 0 Moffat, Analysis of gallium arsenide de- Tang Jing, see Yang Shangfeng 203 (19994)2 5 position in a horizontal chemical vapor Tatarenko, S., see Carbonell, L. 203 (1999) 61 deposition reactor using massively parallel Tedenac, J.C., see Krukowski, S. 203 (19992)6 9 computations 203 (1999) 516 Terashima, K., see Nakanishi, H. 203 (1999) 75 Sangwal, K., Kinetic effects of impurities on Togi, T., see Higuchi, M. 203 (19994)5 0 the growth of single crystals from solutions 203 (1999) 197 Tsuji, M., see Sakai, Y. 203 (19992)4 4 Sangwal, K., see Polak, W. 203 (1999) 434 Tubo, Y., see Akane, T. 203 (1999) 80 Sano, M., see Akane, T. 203 (1999) 80 Santo, A.M.E.,S.P. Morato and S.L. Baldochi, Udayashankar, N.K., K. Gopalakrishna Naik Ni?* distribution in BaLiF,; crystals pre- and H.L. Bhat, The influence of temper- pared by the zone-melting technique 203 (1999) 156 ature gradient and lowering speed on the Scheel, H.J., see Klemenz, C. 203 (1999) 534 melt-solid interface shape of Ga,In, —,Sb Schineller, B., see Schwambera, M. 203 (1999) 340 alloy crystals grown by vertical Bridgman Schmitz, D., see Schwambera, M. 203 (1999) 340 technique 203 (1999) 333 Schoen, O., see Schwambera, M. 203 (1999) 340 Schwambera, M., O. Schoen, B. Schineller, D. Verhaegen, S.A.C., see Bégels, G. 203 (1999) 554 Schmitz and M. Heuken, Investigation of Vogelgesang, R., see Miotkowski, I. 203 (1999) 51 GalnN films and development of double- Vogg, G., M.S. Brandt, M. Stutzmann and M. hetero (DH) structures for blue and green Albrecht, From CaSi, to siloxene: epitaxial light emitters 203 (1999) 340 silicide and sheet polymer films on silicon 203 (1999) 570 Schwartz, A.M. and K.A. Berglund, The use of Raman spectroscopy for in situ monitor- Wang, C.-W., Substrate misorientation effects ing of lysozyme concentration during crys- on Zn,-,.Mg,Se layers grown on tallization in a hanging drop 203 (1999) 599 GaAs(1 1 1) by molecular beam epitaxy 203 (1999) 355 608 Author index Wang, T., M. Lachab, D. Nakagawa, T. Yeckel, A. F.P. Doty and J.J. Derby, Shirahama and S. Sakai, Investigation of Effect of steady crucible rotation on two-dimensional electron gas in AlGaN/ segregation in high-pressure vertical GaN heterostructures grown by metalor- Bridgman growth of cadmium zinc ganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) 203 (1999) 443 telluride 203 (1999) 87 Wang, W. and W.R. Hu, Concentration distri- Yin, Z.-W., see Li, W.-J. 203 (1999) 186 bution in solution crystal growth: effect of Yokoyama, M., Y. Matsukura and H. Tanaka, moving interface conditions 203 (1999) 227 Selective epitaxial growth of GaAs using Wang, Y.T., see Xu, D.P. 203 (1999) 40 dimethylgalliumchloride by multi-wafer Wartchow, R., see Patzke, G.R. 203 (1999) 141 low-pressure metal organic vapor phase Watanabe, K., see Ohshita, Y. 203 (1999) 540 epitaxy (LP-MOVPE) 203 (1999) 464 Watanabe, K., see Tagami, M. 203 (1999) 594 Yoon, S.F., P.Y. Lui and H.Q. Zheng, Deep- Wei, J., M.R. Gokhale and S.R. Forrest, Growth level transient spectroscopy characteriza- of thallium containing III-V materials by tion of Ino. 4sGao.52P grown at different gas-source molecular beam epitaxy 203 (1999) 302 V/III ratio using a valved phosphorus Wells, J.-P.R., see Duffy, S. 203 (1999) 405 cracker cell in solid source molecular beam Wright, A.C., Microstructure of zine selenide epitaxy 203 (1999) 31 single crystals grown by solid phase recrys- Yoshino, T., see Kawaguchi, T. 203 (1999) 173 tallisation 203 (1999) 309 Yumoto, H., T. Sako, Y. Gotoh, K. Nishiyama Wu Jianmin, see Yang Shangfeng 203 (1999) 425 and T. Kaneko, Growth mechanism Wu, R.H., see Xu, D.P. 203 (1999) 40 of vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) grown indium tin oxide (ITO) whiskers along the Xu, D.P., H. Yang, D.G. Zhao, J.B. Li, L.X. substrate 203 (1999) 136 Zheng, Y.T. Wang, S.F. Li, L.H. Duan and R.H. Wu, Scanning electron microscope Zeng, H.C., Purification growth of orthor- studies of cubic Al,Ga,_,N films grown hombic molybdenum trioxide crystals on GaAs(100) by metal organic vapor from alkali-metal-containing Mo-sources 203 (1999) 547 phase epitaxy (MOVPE) 203 (1999) 40 Zhang Jiguo, see Zhang Shujun 203 (1999) 168 Xu Jun, see Dong Jun 203 (1999) 163 Zhang Shujun, Zhang’ Jiguo, Cheng Yamamoto, K., see Kawaguchi, T. 203 (1999) 173 Zhenxiang, Zhou Guangyong, Han Yamamoto, Y., see Kadoiwa, K. 203 (1999) 18 Jianru and Chen Huanchu, Studies on the Yan, Z., 8. Naritsuka and T. Nishinaga, Inter- growth and defects of GdCa,O(BO;), face supersaturation in microchannel epi- crystals 203 (19991)6 8 taxy of InP 203 (1999) 25 Zhao, D.G., see Xu, D.P. 203 (1999) 40 Yang, G.C., see Liu, Y.C. 203 (1999) 131 Zheng, H.Q., see Yoon, S.F. 203 (1999) 31 Yang, H., see Xu, D.P. 203 (1999) 40 Zheng, L.X., see Xu, D.P. 203 (1999) 40 Yang Shangfeng, Su Genbo, Tang Jing, Mao Zhong, W.-Z., see Li, W.-J. 203 (19991)8 6 Bingwei, Wu Jianmin and Li Zhengdong, Zhou Guangyong, see Zhang Shujun 203 (19991)6 8 Surface topography of rapidly grown Zhou, Y.H., see Liu, Y.C. 203 (19991)3 1 KH,PO, crystals with additives: ex situ Zhu, J., see Li, S.-Y. 203 (19994)7 3 investigation by atomic force microscopy 203 (1999) 425 Zunic, T.B., see Christoffersen, M.R. 203 (19992)3 4 sourna.or GRYSTAL GROWTH ELSEVIER Journal of Crystal Growth 203 (1999) 609-610 Subject index Apparatus - of interface control 355 - for containerless growth 594 - of nucleation 412, 599 Computer simulation Lasers, see Device characterization - of continuum transport 87 Lasers, crystals for - of dendritic growth 269 - barium lithium fluoride 156 - of stability analysis 261 — yttrium aluminum garnet 163 - of vertical zone melting 286 Lysozyme 599 Constitutional supercooling - of cadmium telluride 371 Melt growth technique - of monotectic alloys 582 - by Bridgman-Stockbarger method Convection 286, 500, 516, 582 - - of cadmium zinc telluride 87 - - of gallium indium antimonide 333 Dendritic growth - — of lithium yttrium fluoride 405 - of gadolinium calcium oxoborate 168 — by chill cast Device characterization - — of titanium iron silicide quasicrystals 131 - diodes 103, 355 - by Czochralski method - electronic materials 412 - - of germanium 75 - lasers 412 - — of lithium niobate 179 - nonlinear optics 149 - - of silicon 67 — quantum wells 362 - — of yttrium aluminum garnet 163 Diffusional control - by floating zone method - of gallium nitride 473 - - of barium lithium fluoride 156 - of polymer crystallization 244 - - of silicon 500 Diodes, see Device characterization - by pulling down method - - of rutile 450 Electronic materials, see Device characterization -a uniaxial solidification Epitaxy, see Thin film growth - — of cadmium magnesium selenide 51 Etching - theory of ~ chemical 12. 179. 317 - silicon grown in defects 387 - photolithographic 317 - stability 261 . ~ Ghee 12 - - two-dimensional nucleation 168 Eutectic growth, of Microgravity, growth under - gold 103 - of magnetic levitation 594 - of silicon 500 - of sodium chloride 227 Heat flow control, of Morphological stability — vertical zone melting 286 - of alpha-alumina 213 Hydrodynamics, see Convection - of cadmium sulphide 486 -— of cadmium telluride 371 Kinetics - of clusters 434 - of dissolution 234 — of oxide crystals 186 - of growth 40, 61, 67, 125, 186, 197, 227, 244, 317, 599 - of polyethylene terephthalate 244 0022-0248/99/$-see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0022-0248(99)00228-6 610 Subject index Nucleation Thin film growth, epitaxy of cadmium sulphide 486 by chemical bath deposition of electrodeposits 255 - of copper selenide 113 of potassium chloride 434 by liquid phase epitaxy of potassium dihydrogen phosphide 564 - of aluminum gallium arsenide 327 Numbers - of indium phosphide 25, 459 Grashof 87 - of lithium niobate 173 Marangoni 261, 582 by metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy Peclet 87, 582 - of indium gallium phosphide 317 Taylor 87, 286 by molecular beam epitaxy - of aluminum arsenide antimonide 447 - of antimony telluride 125 Phase diagrams, of - of bismuth telluride 125 ~- bismuth borate 149 ~ of cadmium telluride 61 —- growth modes 376 - of gallium antimonide 297 - of gallium nitride 349 Quantum wells, see Device characterization - of indium gallium arsenide 18 - of indium gallium phosphide 31 - of indium gallium thallium arsenide 302 Solid growth technique ~ of indium thallium phosphide 302 ~ by recrystallization - of silicon germanium carbon 80 - — of zinc selenide 309 - of zinc magnesium selenide 355 Solution growth — of zinc selenide 45 - by electrodeposition by reactive deposition epitaxy - — of cadmium 255 - of calcium disilicide 570 ~ - of copper 255 - of siloxene 570 - - of nickel 255 by vapor phase epitaxy - by extractive crystallization - through chemical vapor deposition - — of silver bromide 554 - — of cadmium selenide 362 - — of silver chloride 554 - — of gallium nitride 1, 473 - by flux - — of titanium silicide 540 - — of bismuth borate 149 - - of zinc selenide 362 - — of molybdenum trioxide 547 - through metalorganic chemical vapor deposition - — of neodymium barium cuprate 534 - - of aluminum gallium nitride 40, 443 ~- by hanging drop - — of aluminum indium arsenide antimonide 481 - - of lysozyme 599 - — of gallium arsenide 464, 516 ~ by hydrothermal method of gallium nitride 12 - - of alpha-alumina 213 of indium gallium nitride 340 — by inverted micelles theory of ~ — of cadmium sulphide 486 - growth modes 376 - by low temperature method - strain induced miscibility 511 - - of hydrated neodymium carbonate 454 - — of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 197, 425 Vapor growth technique - by metathetical reaction by chemical transport - - of palladium cobalt cuprate 400 - of zine gallium oxide 141 — theory by evaporation and condensation - - of growth habit 186 - of cadmium telluride 371 Stefan problem or moving boundary problem 87, 227 - of organic salt 412 Surface energy determination by reactive atmosphere process - of triclinic calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate 234 ~ of metal fluorides 421 Surface structure, of theory - aluminum gallium nitride 40 - of dendritic growth 269 - cadmium telluride 61, 371 Vapor-liquid-solid growth - gallium nitride 349 of indium tin oxide 136 - ionic clusters 434 - s-k growth modes 376 Whiskers growth - silicon germanium carbon 80 of indium tin oxide 136 — zinc selenide 45 of neodymium barium cuprate 534

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