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jounnor CRYSTAL GROWTH ELSEVIER Journal of Crystal Growth 193 (1998) 739-745 Author index Addadi, L., see Bromberg, R. 193 (1998) 656 Buff, W., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 80 Amano, C., K. Tateno, H. Takenouchi and Y. Buchanan, M., see Mei, X. 193 (1998) 148 Ohiso, MOVPE growth of C-doped Buka, A., see Gonzalez-Cinca, R. 193 (1998) 712 GaAs/AIAs DBRs for wafer fusion 193 (1998) 460 Buschmann, V., S. Klein, H. FueB and H. Ammerahl, U., G. Dhalenne, A. Revcolevschi, Hahn, HREM study of 3C-SiC nanopar- J. Berthon and H. Moudden, Crystal ticles: influence of growth conditions on growth and characterization of the spin- crystalline quality 193 (1998) 335 ladder compound (Sr,Ca),; 4Cu 404; 193 (1998) 55 Busse, P., F. Deuerler and J. Potschke, The Anton, R., see Franke, T. 193 (1998) 451 stability of the ODS alloy CMSX6-Al,0, Aswal, D.K., M. Shinmura, Y. Hayakawa and during melting and solidification under M. Kumagawa, In situ observation of low gravity 193 (1998) 413 melting/dissolution, nucleation and growth of NdBa,Cu,O, by high temper- Casademunt, J., see Gonzalez-Cinca, R. 193 (1998) 712 ature optical microscopy 193 (1998) 61 Chen, J.X., A.Z. Li, Q.K. Yang, C. Lin, Y.C. Ren, S.R. Jin, C.C. Li and M. Qi, Novel Bakovets, V.V., Growth and wetting angles as Ing. 49Gao.5;P/(In)GaAs/GaAs p-type the control parameters of crystal shape in modulation doped heterostructure grown Czochralski method 193 (1998) 720 by gas source molecular beam epitaxy 193 (1998) 28 Ballif, C., see Regula, M. 193 (1998) 109 Chen, Y., L.P. Guo, D.J. Johnson and R.H. Begarney, M.J., M.L. Warddrip, M.J. Kappers Prince, Plasma-induced low-temperature and R.F. Hicks, Kinetics of carbon tetrach- growth of graphitic nanofibers on nickel loride decomposition during the metalor- - substrates 193 (19983)4 2 ganic vapor-phase epitaxy of gallium Cheng, L., see Wang, L. 193 (19984)8 4 arsenide and indium arsenide 193 (19983)0 5 Cheng, L.-S., see Yang, H.-F. 193 (19984)7 8 Behres, A., see Xu, J. 193 (1998) 50 Cheng, X.J., see Xu, J. 193 (1998) 50 Behres, A., see Xu, J. 193 (19987)3 8 Cheng, X.J., see Xu, J. 193 (19986)3 6 Berdiskihk, T., see Mei, X. 193 (19981)4 8 Cheng, X.J., see Xu, J. 193 (19987)3 8 Bernard, M.C., see Furlong, M.J. 193 (19981)1 4 Choi, W.-J., see Kim, I. 193 (19982)9 3 Berthon, J., see Ammerahl, U. 193 (1998) 55 Chow, Y.T., see Zhang, H. 193 (19983)7 0 Bettini, J., see de Castro, M.P.P. 193 (19985)1 0 Cortés, R., see Furlong, M.J. 193 (19981)1 4 Bhat, A.P., see Nagaraja, HS. 193 (19986)7 4 Curreri, P.A., see Sen, S. 193 (19986)9 2 Blanco, A., see Yates, H.M. 193 (1998) 9 Borzs6nyi, T., see Gonzalez-Cinca, R. 193 (19987)1 2 Dapkus, P.D., see Kim, I. 193 (1998) 293 Brandon, S., see Virozub, A. 193 (19985)9 2 Darriet, B., see Brisson, O. 193 (1998) 597 Brisson, O., A. Simonnet and B. Darriet and Dawes, J., see Zhang, H. 193 (1998) 370 J.-C. Launay, Transmission electron De Boer, W.B., see Zhao, Q.X. 193 (1998) 328 microscopy investigation of AgGaSe, De Carvalho, M.M., see de Castro, M.P.P. 193 (1998) 510 single crystals and study of annealing effi- De Castro, M.P.P., N.C. Frateschi, J. Bettini ciency by electrical conductivity measure- and M.M. de Carvalho, Ino 49Gapo.5;P ments 193 (1998) 597 growth on pre-patterned GaAs substrates Bromberg, R., N. Kessler and L. Addadi, Anti- by chemical beam epitaxy 193 (1998) 510 body recognition of specific crystal faces of Deng Peizhen, see Xu Jianwei 193 (1998) 123 1,4-dinitrobenzene 193 (1998) 656 Deng Peizhen, see Xu Ke 193 (1998) 127 0022-0248/98/$ — see front matter © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0022-0248(98)00778-7 740 Author index Deuerler, F., see Busse, P. 193 (1998) 413 Grasza, K., Computational modeling of the Dhalenne, G., see Ammerahl, U. 193 (1998) 55 low supersaturation nucleation in crystal Dhindaw, B.K., see Sen, S. 193 (1998) 692 growth by “contactless” physical vapor Doi, Y., see Iijima, M. 193 (1998) 182 transport 193 (1998) 426 Dour, G., E. Ehret, A. Laugier, D. Sarti, M. Grein, C.H., see Oh, J. 193 (1998) 241 Garnier and F. Durand, Continuous sol- Guillén-Cervantes, A., see Lopez-Lopez, M. 193 (1998) 528 idification of photovoltaic multicrystalline Guo, L.P., see Chen, Y. 193 (1998) 342 silicon from an inductive cold crucible 193 (1998) 230 Drebushchak, V.A., T.A. Kravchenko and Hahn, H., see Buschmann, V. 193 (19983)3 5 V.S. Pavlyuchenko, Synthesis of pure pen- Haidoux, A., see Tomasini, P. 193 (19985)7 2 tlandite in bulk 193 (1998) 728 Han, P.-D., see Yang, H.-F. 193 (19984)7 8 Duan, S.-K., see Yang, H.-F. 193 (1998) 478 Hardikar, S., see Modak, P. 193 (19985)0 1 Durand, F., see Dour, G. 193 (1998) 230 Hayakawa, Y., see Aswal, D.K. 193 (1998) 61 Heime, K., see Xu, J. 193 (1998) 50 Eguchi, M., see Watanabe, M. 193 (1998) 402 Heime, K., see Xu, J. 193 (19987)3 8 Ehret, E., see Dour, G. 193 (1998) 230 Hernandez-Calderon, I., see Lopez-Lopez, M. 193 (19985)2 8 Hernandez-Machado, A., see Gonzalez-Cinca, Fang Zujie, see Xu Ke 193 (1998) 127 R. 193 (19987)1 2 Feigelson, R.S., see Lee, M. 193 (1998) 347 Hibiya, T., see Watanabe, M. 193 (19984)0 2 Feigelson, R.S., see Lee, M. 193 (1998) 355 Hicks, R.F., see Begarney, M.J. 193 (19983)0 5 Flisch, A., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 90 Hirabayashi, I., see Takagi, A. 193 (1998) 71 Frangois, C.J.P., see Tracy, S.L. 193 (1998) 374 Holtz, P.O., see Zhao, Q.X. 193 (19983)2 8 Franke, T., P. Kreutzer, Th. Zacher, W. Hondoh, T., see Salamatin, A.N. 193 (19981)9 7 Naumann and R. Anton, In situ RHEED, Hong, X., K. Lu, L. Li and D. Tang, Viscosity AFM, and REM investigations of the sur- and density of BaB,0,4, BaB,O,—NaF and face recovery of MBE-grown GaAs(0 0 1)- BaB,O,—Na,O melts 193 (1998) 610 layers during growth interruptions 193 (1998) 451 Hozman, J., see Kubinek, R. 193 (1998) 174 Frateschi, N.C., see de Castro, M.P.P. 193 (1998) 510 Hsu, C.-T., Variation with composition of the Froment, M., see Furlong, M.J. 193 (1998) 114 properties in ZnS,Se, _, 193 (1998) 33 Fu, Z., B. Lin, G. Liao and Z. Wu, The effect of Hsu, T.C., Y. Hsu and G.B. Stringfellow, Effect Zn buffer layer on growth and lumines- of P precursor on surface structure and cence of ZnO films deposited on Si sub- ordering in GaInP 193 (1998) 1 strates 193 (1998) 316 Hsu, Y., see Hsu, T.C. 193 (1998) 1 FueB, H., see Buschmann, V. 193 (1998) 335 Huang, D.D., see Liu, J.P. 193 (1998) 535 Fujii, T., see Sekijima, T. 193 (1998) 446 Hudait, M.K., see Modak, P. 193 (1998) 501 Fukuda, T., see Lan, C.W. 193 (1998) 552 Fukuda, T., see Kawaguchi, T. 193 (1998) 605 Iga, R., see Yamamoto, N. 193 (1998) 16 Furlong, M.J., M. Froment, M.C. Bernard, R. lida, K., see Takiguchi, H. 193 (1998) 641 Cortés, A.N. Tiwari, M. Krejci, H. Zogg lijima, M., H. Kamemizu, N. Wakamatsu, T. and D. Lincot, Aqueous solution epitaxy Goto, Y. Doi and Y. Moriwaki, Effects of of CdS layers on CulnSe, 193 (1998) 114 Ca addition on the formation of octacal- Furukawa, Y., see Nabetani, Y. 193 (1998) 470 cium phosphate and apatite in solution at pH 7.4 and at 37°C 193 (1998) 182 Gallagher, D.T., Q. Pan and G.L. Gilliland, Imaeda, M., see Kawaguchi, T. 193 (1998) 605 Mechanism of ionic strength dependence Ishibashi, A., see Okuyama, H. 193 (1998) 43 of crystal growth rates in a subtilisin vari- Islam, M.R., see Saghir, M.Z. 193 (1998) 623 ant 193 (1998) 665 Itaya, A., see Nagai, Y. 193 (1998) 732 Garnier, M., see Dour, G. 193 (1998) 230 Gill, W.N., see Naik, M.B. 193 (1998) 133 Janzén, E., see Tuominen, M. 193 (1998) 101 Gilliland, G.L., see Gallagher, D.T. 193 (1998) 665 Jennings, H.M., see Tracy, S.L. 193 (1998) 374 Gonzalez-Cinca, R., L. Ramirez-Piscina, Jennings, H.M., see Tracy, S.L. 193 (1998) 382 J.Casademunt, A. Hernandez-Machado, T. Jin, S.R., see Chen, J.X. 193 (1998) 28 Toth-Katona, T. Bérzsényi and A. Buka, Johnson, D.J., see Chen, Y. 193 (1998) 342 Heat diffusion anisotropy in dendritic growth: phase field simulations and experi- Kadota, Y., see Yamamoto, N. 193 (1998) 16 ments in liquid crystals 193 (1998) 712 Kakanakova-Georgieva, A., see Tuominen, Goto, T., see Iijima, M. 193 (1998) 182 M. 193 (1998) 101 Author index 741 Kaldis, E., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 80 Kumagawa, M., see Aswal, D.K. 193 (1998) 61 Kaldis, E., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 90 Kuwano, J., see Kayama, M. 193 (1998) 648 Kamemizu, H., see lijima, M. 193 (1998) 182 Kuznetsov, V.A., T.M. Okhrimenko and M. Kang, G.Y. and J.K. Yoon, The growth of Rak, Growth promoting effect of organic potassium lithium niobate (KLN) with low impurities on growth kinetics of KAP and Nb,O, content 193 (1998) 615 KDP crystals 193 (1998) 164 Kappers, M.J., see Begarney, M.J. 193 (1998) 305 Kwon, Y.-S., see Leem, J.-Y. 193 (1998) 491 Kauerauf, B., G. Zimmermann, L. Murmann and S. Rex, Planar to cellular transition in Lakshmanan, S.K., see Naik, M.B. 193 (1998) 133 the system succinonitrile—acetone during Lan, C.W., S. Uda and T. Fukuda, Theoretical directional solidification of a bulk sample 193 (1998) 701 analysis of the micro-pulling-down process Kaukler, W.F., see Sen, S. 193 (1998) 692 for Ge,Si, _, fiber crystal growth 193 (1998) 552 Kawaguchi, T., M. Imaeda and T. Fukuda, Laudise, R.A., see Kloc, Ch. 193 (1998) 563 Selective edge-growth with controlled fer- Laugier, A., see Dour, G. 193 (1998) 230 roelectric-domain structure by liquid- Launey, J.-C., see Brisson, O. 193 (1998) 597 phase epitaxy 193 (1998) 605 Lee, C.-R., J.-Y. Leem, S.-K. Noh, S.-E. Park, Kayama, M. and J. Kuwano, Effects of the J.-I. Lee, C.-S. Kim, S.-J. Son and K.-Y. phosphorus-ion additive on the crystal Leem, Characteristics of Mg-doped GaN habit of the emerald crystals grown from epilayers grown with the variation of Mg the V,0,—-Li,O-P,0O, fluxes 193 (19986)4 8 incorporation 193 (1998) 300 Kern, R., see Miiller, P. 193 (19982)5 7 Lee, C.-R., see Leem, J.-Y. 193 (1998) 491 193 (19986)5 6 Lee, D.U., see Kim, T.W. 193 (1998) 496 Kessler, N., see Bromberg, R. Khoo, B.C., see Ma, W.J. 193 (19984)3 0 Lee, J.-I., see Lee, C.-R. 193 (1998) 300 193 (1998) 43 Lee, J.-I., see Leem, J.-Y. 193 (1998) 491 Kijima, S., see Okuyama, H. 193 (1998) 39 Lee, M., R.S. Feigelson and R.K. Route, Kikuma, I., see Udono, H. 193 (19983)0 0 Growth of lead barium niobate Kim, C.-S., see Lee, C.-R. (Pb, _,.Ba,Nb,O,) crystals by the vertical Kim, I., K. Uppal, W.-J. Choi and P.D. Dap- Bridgman method. I. Self-seeded growth 193 (1998) 347 kus, Composition control of InGaAsP in Lee, M. and R:S. Feigelson, Growth of lead metalorganic chemical vapor deposition barium niobate (Pb, _ ,Ba,Nb,O,) crystals using tertiarybutylphosphine and _ terti- by the vertical Bridgman method. II. arybutylarsine 193 (1998) 293 Sto.61Bao,39 Nb2O,¢-seeded growth 193 (1998) 355 Kim, T.W., D.U. Lee and Y.S. Yoon, The Leem, J.-Y., see Lee, C.-R. 193 (1998) 300 interfacial layer formation of the Ag/InP Leem, J.-Y., C.-R. Lee, J.-I. Lee, S.K. Noh, heterointerfaces 193 (1998) 496 Y.-S. Kwon, Y.-H. Ryu and S.-J. Son, Kishi, K., see Yamamoto, N. 193 (1998) 16 Characteristics of Si-doped GaN compen- Klein, S., see Buschmann, V. 193 (1998) 335 sated with Mg 193 (19984)9 1 Klepetsanis, P.G. and P.G. Koutsoukos, Ki- Leem, K.-Y., see Lee, C.-R. 193 (19983)0 0 netics of calcium sulfate formation in aque- Lévy, F., see Regula, M. 193 (19981)0 9 ous media: effect of organophosphorus Li, A.Z., see Chen, J.X. 193 (1998) 28 compounds 193 (1998) 156 Li, C.C., see Chen, J.X. 193 (1998) 28 Kloc, Ch. and R.A. Laudise, Vapor pressures Li, J.P., see Liu, J.P. 193 (19985)3 5 of organic semiconductors: a-hexathio- Li, L., see Hong, X. 193 (19986)1 0 phene and a-quaterthiophene 193 (19985)6 3 Liao, G., see Fu, Z. 193 (19983)1 6 Komatsu, R., see Sugawara, T. 193 (19983)6 4 Lin, B., see Fu, Z. 193 (19983)1 6 Kondo, Y., see Yamamoto, N. 193 (1998) 16 Lin, C., see Chen, J.X. 193 (1998) 28 Kong, M.Y., see Liu, J.P. 193 (19985)3 5 Lin, L., see Liu, X. 193 (1998) 23 Kou, S., see Lin, M.H. 193 (19984)4 3 Lin, M.H. and S. Kou, Czochralski pulling of Koutsoukos, P.G., see Klepetsanis, P.G. 193 (19981)5 6 InSb single crystals from a molten zone on Kravchenko, T.A., see Drebushchak, V.A. 193 (19987)2 8 a solid feed 193 (1998) 443 Krejci, M., see Furlong, M.J. 193 (19981)1 4 Lincot, D., see Furlong, M.J. 193 (1998) 114 Kreutzer, P., see Franke, T. 193 (19984)5 1 Lipenkov, V.Y., see Salamatin, A.N. 193 (1998) 197 Krupanidhi, S.B., see Modak, P. 193 (19985)0 1 Liu, J.P., M.Y. Kong, J.P. Li, X.F. Liu, D.D. Kubinek, R., J. Hozman and J. Varenka, De- Huang and D.Z. Sun, Low-temperature ndritic growth in viscous solutions con- growth properties of Si, _,Ge, by disilane taining organic molecules 193 (1998) 174 and solid-Ge molecular beam epitaxy 193 (1998) 535 742 Author index Liu, X., D.-C. Lu, L. Wang, X. Wang, D. Wang Nagai, Y., Y. Tsuboi, H. Miyasaka and A. and L. Lin, The dependence of growth rate Itaya, Effect of applied voltage on aggreg- of GaN buffer layer on growth parameters ate structure of microcrystals in vacuum- by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy 193 (1998) 23 deposited films of mesogens 193 (1998) 732 Liu, X., see Wang, L. 193 (1998) 484 Nagaraja, H.S., V. Upadhyaya, P. Mohan Liu, X.F., see Liu, J.P. 193 (1998) 535 Rao, P. Sreeramana Aithal and A.P. Bhat, Liu, Y., see Lu, T., 193 (1998) 577 Organic nonlinear optical crystals of ben- Lopez, C., see Yates, H.M. 193 (1998) 9 zoyl glycine 193 (1998) 674 Lopez-Lopez, M., A. Guillen-Cervantes, Z. Naik, M.B., S.K. Lakshmanan, R.H. Wentorf, Rivera-Alvarez and I. Hernandez-Cal- R.R. Reeves and W.N. Gill, Thermal chem- deron, Hillocks formation during the mo- ical vapor deposition of copper from hexa- lecular beam epitaxial growth of ZnSe on fluoroacetylacetonate Cu(I) GaAs substrates 193 (1998) 528 vinyltrimethylsilane: kinetic studies 193 (1998) 133 Lowndes, D.H., see Park, J.-W. 193 (1998) 516 Nastac, L., Analytical modeling of solute re- Lu, D.-C., see Liu, X. 193 (1998) 23 distribution during the initial unsteady un- Lu, D.-C., see Wang, L. 193 (1998) 484 idirectional solidification of binary dilute Lu, K., see Hong, X. 193 (1998) 610 alloys 193 (19982)7 1 Lu, T., Y. Liu, J. Shigley, T. Moses and I.M. Naumann, W., see Franke, T. 193 (19984)5 1 Reinitz, Characterization of a notable his- Ng, G.L, see Yoon, S.F. 193 (19982)8 5 toric gem diamond showing the alexan- Nijdam, A.J., see Plomp, M. 193 (19983)8 9 drite effect 193 (1998) 577 Noda, S., see Nabetani, Y. 193 (19984)7 0 Noh, S.K., see Lee, C.-R. 193 (19983)0 0 Ma, W.J., B.C. Khoo and D. Xu, Influence of Noh, S.K., see Leem, J.-Y. 193 (19984)9 1 Coriolis force on bulk flows during hori- zontal Bridgman growth on a centrifuge: Nur, O., see Zhao, Q.X. 193 (19983)2 8 a numerical study 193 (19984)3 0 MacMillan, M.F., see Tuominen, M. 193 (19981)0 1 Oh, J. and C.H. Grein, Epitaxial growth simu- Maffei, N., see Saghir, M.Z. 193 (19986)2 3 lations of CdTe(1 1 1)B on Si(0 0 1) 193 (1998) 241 Matsumoto, S., see Yamamoto, N. 193 (1998) 16 Ohiso, Y., see Amano, C. 193 (1998) 460 Maurin, M., see Tomasini, P. 193 (19985)7 2 Ohshita, Y.. M. Oshida, M. Seki and K. Mawatari, H., see Yamamoto, N. 193 (1998) 16 Watanabe, TiSi,/Si interface instability in Mei, X., H.E. Ruda, T. Berdiskihk and M. plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition Buchanan, Liquid phase epitaxial growth of titanium 193 (1998) 322 of GaP layers on textured GaP (1 1 1)B Okada, M., see Sekijima, T. 193 (1998) 446 substrates 193 (1998) 148 Okada, Y., see Udono, H. 193 (1998) 39 Meng, X., see Zhang, H. 193 (1998) 370 Okamoto, H., see Yamamoto, N. 193 (1998) 16 Meseguer, F., see Yates, H.M. 193 (1998) 9 Okhrimenko, T.M., see Kuznetsov, V.A. 193 (1998) 164 Miguez, H., see Yates, H.M. 193 (1998) 9 Okuyama, H., S. Kijima, Y. Sanaka and A. Miyasaka, H., see Nagai, Y. 193 (1998) 732 Ishibashi, Study of the growth mechanism Mizutani, U., see Takagi, A. 193 (1998) 71 of ZnCdSe by MBE using the mass spec- Modak, P., M.K. Hudait, S. Hardikar and S.B. trometer 193 (1998) 43 Krupanidhi, OMVPE growth of undoped Oshida, M., see Ohshita, Y. 193 (1998) 322 and Si-doped GaAs epitaxial layers on Ge 193 (1998) 501 Mohan Rao, P., see Nagaraja, H.S. 193 (1998) 674 Pan, J., see Yuan, Y. 193 (1998) 585 Moriwaki, Y., see lijima, M. 193 (1998) 182 Pan, Q., see Gallagher, D.T. 193 (1998) 665 Moses, T., see Lu, T., 193 (1998) 577 Park, J-W., C.M. Rouleau and D.H. Moudden, H., see Ammerahl, U. 193 (1998) 55 Lowndes, Heteroepitaxial growth of n- Miiller, P. and R. Kern, Equilibrium shape of type CdSe on GaAs(00 1) by pulsed laser epitaxially strained crystals (Volmer— deposition: studies of film—substrate inter- Weber case) 193 (1998) 257 193 (19985)1 6 diffusion and indium diffusion Murmann, L., see Kauerauf, B. 193 (1998) 701 193 (19983)0 0 Park, S.-E., see Lee, C.-R. 193 (19983)2 8 Patel, C.J., see Zhao, Q.X. Nabetani, Y., K. Sawada, Y. Furukawa, A. Pavlyuchenko, V.S., see Drebushchak, V.A. 193 (19987)2 8 Wakahara, S. Noda and A. Sasaki, Self- 193 (1998) 9 assembled InP islands grown on GaP sub- Pemble, M.E., see Yates, H.M. 193 (19986)9 2 strate 193 (1998) 470 Peters, P., see Sen, S. Author index Piechotka, M., E. Kaldis, G. Wetzel, H.-J. CZ): a novel way of seeding the melt to Schneider, W. Buff, M. Tardy and H. grow bulk single crystal 193 (19982)5 2 Stanna, Kinetics of physical vapor trans- Sarti, D., see Dour, G. 193 (19982)3 0 port at low pressure under microgravity Sasaki, A., see Nabetani, Y. 193 (19984)7 0 conditions. I. DCMF flight hardware and Sato, K., see Takiguchi, H. 193 (19986)4 1 experimental conditions 193 (1998) 80 Satoh, H., see Sekijima, T. 193 (19984)4 6 Piechotka, M., E. Kaldis, G. Wetzel and A. Sawada, K., see Nabetani, Y. 193 (19984)7 0 Flisch, Kinetics of physical vapour trans- Schneider, H.-J., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 80 port at low pressure under microgravity Schoutsen, M., see van Hoof, P.J.C.M. 193 (19986)7 9 conditions. II. Results of the DCMF space experiment 193 (1998) 90 Seki, M., see Ohshita, Y. 193 (19983)2 2 Sekijima, T., H. Satoh, K. Tahara, T. Fujii, K. Plomp, M., A.J. Nijdam and W.J.P. van En- Wakino and M. Okada, Growth of fibrous ckevort, The structure of coarse crystal YIG single crystals by the self-adjusting surfaces: the (0 0 1) face of K,Cr,0, crys- solvent FZ method 193 (1998) 446 tals grown from aqueous solution as an example 193 (1998) 389 Sen, S., B.K. Dhindaw, P.A. Curreri, P. Peters Potschke, J., see Busse, P. 193 (1998) 413 and W.F. Kaukler, Measurement of inter- facial undercooling in a dilute Pb—Sn alloy Prince, R.H., see Chen, Y. 193 (1998) 342 near the regime of morphological instabil- ity 193 (1998) 692 Qi, M., see Chen, J.X. 193 (1998) 28 Shigley, J., see Lu, T., 193 (1998) 577 Qiu Rongsheng, see Xu Ke 193 (1998) 127 Shinmura, M., see Aswal, D.K. 193 (1998) 61 Quon, D.H.H., see Saghir, M.Z. 193 (1998) 623 Simonnet, A., see Brisson, O. 193 (1998) 597 Skudarnov, P.V., L.L. Regel and W.R. Wilcox, Radhakrishnan, K., see Yoon, S.F. 193 (1998) 285 Visualization of convection in a simulated Rak, M., see Kuznetsov, V.A. 193 (1998) 164 193 (19982)1 9 gradient freeze cell during centrifugation Rak, M., Influence of the back-stress effect on 193 (19983)2 8 Sédervall, U., see Zhao, Q.X. the interstep distance and on the surface 193 (19983)0 0 Son, S.-J., see Lee, C.-R. supersaturation 193 (1998) 189 193 (19984)9 1 Son, S.-J., see Leem, J.-Y. Ramasamy, P., see Sankaranarayanan, K. 193 (1998) 252 193 (19986)7 4 Sreeramana Aithal, P., see Nagaraja, H.S. Ramirez-Piscina, L., see Gonzalez-Cinca, R. 193 (1998) 712 193 (1998) 80 Reeves, R.R., see Naik, M.B. 193 (1998) 133 Stanna, H., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 1 Regel, L.L., see Skudarnov, P.V. 193 (1998) 219 Stringfellow, G.B., see Hsu, T.C. Sugawara, T., R. Komatsu and S. Uda, Regula, M., C. Ballif and F. Lévy, In situ TEM Growth and characterization of lithium observation of nickel promoted WS, thin- film crystallization 193 (19981)0 9 tetraborate crystals grown in_phase- matching directions 193 (1998) 364 Reinitz, I.M., see Lu, T., 193 (19985)7 7 Ren, Y.C., see Chen, J.X. 193 (1998) 28 Sun, D.Z., see Liu, J.P. 193 (1998) 535 Revcolevschi, A., see Ammerahl, U. 193 (1998) 55 Syvajarvi, M., see Tuominen, M. 193 (1998) 101 Rex, S., see Kauerauf, B. 193 (19987)0 1 Rivera-Alvarez, Z., see LOpez-Lopez, M. 193 (19985)2 8 Tahara, K., see Sekijima, T. 193 (1998) 446 Rouleau, C.M., see Park, J.-W. 193 (19985)1 6 Takagi, A., J.-G. Wen, I. Hirabayashi and U. Route, R.K., see Lee, M. 193 (19983)4 7 Mizutani, Growth mode dependence of microstructures and superconducting Ruda, H.E., see Mei, X. 193 (19981)4 8 properties of Nd,¥+,Ba,-,Cu,O, thick Ryu, Y.-H., see Leem, J.-Y. 193 (19984)9 1 films prepared by liquid-phase epitaxy 193 (1998) 71 Takenouchi, H., see Amano, C. 193 (1998) 460 Saghir, M.Z., M.R. Islam, N. Maffei and Takiguchi, H., K. Iida, S. Ueno, J. Yano and D.H.H. Quon, Three-dimensional model- K. Sato, Heterogeneous nucleation of n- ing of Bi,;,GeOx using the float zone alcohol crystals from solution assisted by technique 193 (1998) 623 vapor-deposited thin films of fatty acids 193 (19986)4 1 Salamatin, A.N., T. Hondoh, T. Uchida and V.Y. Lipenkov, Post-nucleation conver- Tang, D., see Hong, X. 193 (19986)1 0 Tardy, M., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 80 sion of an air bubble to clathrate air— hydrate crystal in ice 193 (1998) 197 Tateno, K., see Amano, C. 193 (19984)6 0 Sanaka, Y., see Okuyama, H. 193 (1998) 43 Tédenac, J.C., see Tomasini, P. 193 (19985)7 2 Sankaranarayanan, K. and P. Ramasamy, Teng, X.-G., see Yang, H.-F. 193 (19984)7 8 Microtube-Czochralski technique (pT- Tiwari, A.N., see Furlong, M.J. 193 (19981)1 4 744 Author index Tomasini, P., A. Haidoux, J.C. Tédenac and Si substrate by metalorganic vapor phase M. Maurin, Methylpentacarbonylman- epitaxy 193 (19984)8 4 ganese as organometallic precursor for the Wang, P., see Zhang, H. 193 (19983)7 0 epitaxial growth of manganese selenide Wang, X., see Liu, X. 193 (1998) 23 heterostructures 193 (1998) 572 Wang, Y., see Wang, L. 193 (19984)8 4 Toth-Katona, T., see Gonzalez-Cinca, R. 193 (1998) 712 Wang, Z., see Wang, L. 193 (19984)8 4 Tracy, S.L., C.J.P. Frangois and H.M. Jenn- Warddrip, M.L., see Begarney, M.J. 193 (19983)0 5 ings, The growth of calcite spherulites from Watanabe, K., see Ohshita, Y. 193 (19983)2 2 solution I. Experimental design techniques 193 (1998) 374 Watanabe, M., M. Eguchi and T. Hibiya, Tracy, S.L., D.A. Williams and H.M. Jennings, Flow and temperature field in molten sili- The growth of calcite spherulites from con during Czochralski crystal growth in solution. II. Kinetics of formation 193 (1998) 382 a cusp magnetic field 193 (19984)0 2 Tsuboi, Y., see Nagai, Y. 193 (1998) 732 Wen, J.-G., see Takagi, A. 193 (1998) 71 Tuominen, M.., R. Yakimova, A. Wentorf, R.H., see Naik, M.B. 193 (19981)3 3 Kakanakova-Georgieva, M.F. MacMil- Wetzel, G., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 80 lan, M. Syvajarvi and E. Janzén, Investiga- Wetzel, G., see Piechotka, M. 193 (1998) 90 tion of domain evolution in sublimation Wilcox, W.R., see Skudarnov, P.V. 193 (19982)1 9 epitaxy of SiC 193 (1998) 101 Willander, M., see Zhao, Q.X. 193 (19983)2 8 Williams, D.A., see Tracy, S.L. 193 (19983)8 2 Uchida, T., see Salamatin, A.N. 193 (1998) 197 Wu, Z., see Fu, Z. 193 (19983)1 6 Uda, S., see Sugawara, T. 193 (1998) 364 Uda, S., see Lan, C.W. 193 (1998) 552 Xu, D., see Ma, W.J. 193 (1998) 430 Udono, H., I. Kikuma and Y. Okada, Lattice Xu, J., X.J. Cheng, A. Behres and K. Heime, parameter of ZnSe crystals grown from Calculation of lateral distribution of lattice melt under Zn partial pressure 193 (1998) 39 constant for horizontal MOVPE grown Ueno, S., see Takiguchi, H. 193 (1998) 641 quaternary alloys 193 (1998) 50 Upadhyaya, V., see Nagaraja, HLS. 193 (1998) 674 Xu, J. and X.J. Cheng, Analysis compositional Uppal, K., see Kim, I. 193 (1998) 293 homogeneity for MOVPE grown ternary alloys in the horizontal reactor with Van Enckevort, W.J.P., see Plomp, M. 193 (1998) 389 a rotating susceptor 193 (1998) 636 Xu, J., X.J. Cheng, A. Behres and K. Heime, Van Enckevort, W.J.P., see van Hoof, P.J.C.M. 193 (1998) 679 Erratum to “Calculation of lateral distri- butions of lattice constant for horizontal Van Hoof, P.J.C.M., W.J.P. van Enckevort MOVPE grown quaternary alloys”. [J. and M. Schoutsen, The growth of extreme- Crystal Growth 193 (1998) 50] 193 (1998) 738 ly thin crystals: a Monte Carlo study and an application to n-paraffins 193 (1998) 679 Xu Jianwei, Zhou Yongzong, Zhou Guoging, Xu Ke, Deng Peizhen and Xu Jun, Growth Varenka, J., see Kubinek, R. 193 (1998) 174 of large-sized sapphire boules by temper- Vazquez, L., see Yates, H.M. 193 (1998) 9 ature gradient technique (TGT) 193 (1998) 123 Virozub, A. and S. Brandon, Radiative heat Xu Jun, see Xu Jianwei 193 (1998) 123 transport during the vertical Bridgman Xu Jun, see Xu Ke 193 (1998) 127 growth of oxide single crystals: slabs versus cylinders 193 (1998) 592 Xu Ke, see Xu Jianwei 193 (1998) 123 Xu Ke, Xu Jun, Deng Peizhen, Zhou Yong- zong, Zhou Guoging, Qiu Rongsheng and Wakahara, A., see Nabetani, Y. 193 (19984)7 0 Fang Zujie, y-LiAlO, single crystal: Wakamatsu, N., see Iijima, M. 193 (19981)8 2 a novel substrate for GaN epitaxy 193 (1998) 127 Wakino, K., see Sekijima, T. 193 (19984)4 6 Xu, L.B., The formation of an inhomogeneous Wang, C., see Zhang, H. 193 (19983)7 0 distribution of oxygen in CZ-Si crystal: An Wang, D., see Liu, X. 193 (1998) 23 investigation with quantum reaction—dif- Wang, D., see Wang, L. 193 (19984)8 4 fusion equation 193 (1998) 541 Wang, L., see Liu, X. 193 (1998) 23 Wang, L., X. Liu, Y. Zan, D. Wang, D.-C. Lu, Yakimova, R., see Tuominen, M. 193 (1998) 101 Z. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Cheng and Z. Yamamoto, N., K. Kishi, Y. Kondo, S. Mat- Zhang, The growth and characterization sumoto, R. Iga, Y. Kadota, H. Okamoto of GaN grown on an Al,O, coated (00 1) and H. Mawatari, Ammonium sulfide Author index 745 combined etching (ACE): an effective treat- Zacher, Th., see Franke, T. 193 (1998) 451 ment for reducing impurities prior to Zan, Y., see Wang, L. 193 (1998) 484 MOVPE InP regrowth in a process using Zhang, H., X. Meng, L. Zhu, C. Wang, P. hydrocarbon gas reactive ion etching Wang, H. Zhang, Y.T. Chow and J. Dawes, (RIE) 193 (1998) 16 Growth and laser properties of laser crys- Yang, H.-F., P.-D. Han, L.-S. Cheng, Z. tal Nd: Gdop gLap »VOu 193 (1998) 370 Zhang, S.-K. Duan and X.-G. Teng, Zhang, H., see Zhang, H. 193 (1998) 370 Microstructure evolution of GaN buffer Zhang, P.H., see Yoon, S.F. 193 (1998) 285 layer on MgAl,O, substrate 193 (1998) 478 Zhang, Z., see Yang, H.-F. 193 (1998) 478 Yang, Q.K., see Chen, J.X. 193 (1998) 28 Zhang, Z., see Wang, L. 193 (1998) 484 Yano, J., see Takiguchi, H. 193 (1998) 641 Zhao, Q.X., O. Nur, U. Sdédervall, C.J. Patel, Yates, H.M., M.E. Pemble, H. Miguez, A. M. Willander, P.O. Holtz and W.B. de Blanco, C. Lopez, F. Meseguer and L. Vaz- Boer, Optical study of APCVD-grown quez, Atmospheric pressure MOCVD Si, _.Ge,/Si quantum well structures un- growth of crystalline InP in opals 193 (1998) 9 der different post-growth annealing condi- Yoon, J.K., see Kang, G.Y. 193 (1998) 615 tions 193 (19983)2 8 Yoon, S.F., P.H. Zhang, H.Q. Zheng, K. Rad- Zheng, H.Q., see Yoon, S.F. 193 (19982)8 5 hakrishnan and G.I. Ng, The effects of Zhou Guoging, see Xu Jianwei 193 (19981)2 3 beryllium doping in InGaAlAs layers Zhou Guoging, see Xu Ke 193 (19981)2 7 grown by molecular beam epitaxy 193 (1998) 285 Zhou Yongzong, see Xu Jianwei 193 (19981)2 3 Yoon, Y.S., see Kim, T.W. 193 (1998) 496 Zhou Yongzong, see Xu Ke 193 (19981)2 7 Yuan, Y. and J. Pan, The effect of vapor phase Zhu, L., see Zhang, H. 193 (19983)7 0 on the growth of TiC whiskers prepared by Zimmermann, G., see Kauerauf, B. 193 (19987)0 1 chemical vapor deposition 193 (1998) 585 Zogg, H., see Furlong, M.J. 193 (19981)1 4 junnor CRYSTAL GROWTH ELSEVIER Journal of Crystal Growth 193 (1998) 746-748 Subject index Apparatus — photolithographic 510 — for directional solidification 701 — for in situ observation of crystallization 61 Heat flow control — for physical vapor transport rate 80 — of numerical simulation 430 — of vapor growth system 426 Biological aspects Hydrodynamics, see Convection — of antibody recognition 656 Kinetics Cellular growth — of growth 80, 90, 114, 156, 164, 182, 189, 305, 342, 374, 382, — of lead-tin alloys 692 430, 470, 510, 528, 535, 577, 610 — of transparent alloys 701 — of nucleation 156, 257, 426, 510, 610, 641 Computer simulation | of particle engulfment 413 — of low supersaturation nucleation 426 of surface processes 451 — of melt growth 592 | of thin film formation 133 — of micro-pulling down process 552 — of oxygen doping in silicon 541 Lasers, crystals for — of phase field model 712 — silver gallium selenide 597 — of thin crystal growth 679 ~— ultraviolet 364, 370 Constitutional supercooling — of barium borate 610 Melt growth technique — of dilute binary alloys 271 — by Bridgman-—Stockbarger method — of lead—tin alloys 692 — — of lead barium niobate 347, 355 Convection 90, 133, 219, 552, 692, 701 — — of silver gallium selenide 597 — — of succionitrile 701 Dendritic growth of zinc selenide 39 — of liquid crystals 712 theory of heat flow 430, 592 — of neodymium barium cuprate 61 — by Czochralski method — of ODS-alloys 413 of benzil 252 — of sodium chloride 174 of gadolinium lanthanum vanadate 370 Device characterization - of germanium 720 ~— electronic materials 9, 39, 491 of indium antimonide 443 ~ nanoparticles 335 of lithium tetraborate 364 — quantum wells 328 of silicon 402, 541, 720 Diffusional control — by floating zone method — of cadmium selenide 516 — — of fibrous yttrium iron garnet 446 — of germanium in silicon—germanium 328 — — of strontium calcium cuprate 55 — of solid growth 197 — by induction cold crucible Dissolution of ~ — of silicon 230 — neodymium barium cuprate 61 — by micro-pulling down method — — of silicon germanium 552 Electronic materials, see Device characterization — by uniaxial solidification Epitaxy, see Thin film growth ~ — of a-aluminum oxide 123, 127 Etching — — of binary alloys 271 — chemical 16, 305, 510 — — theory of convection 271 0022-0248/98/$ — see front matter © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0022-0248(98)00779-9 Subject index — by zone melting of potassium acid phthalate 164 — — of bismuth germanate 623 — — of potassium bichromate 389 Microgravity, growth under of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 164 — of bismuth germanate 623 theory of growth kinetics 189 — of lead-tin alloys 692 — by protein supersaturation — of mercuric iodide 80, 90 — — of subtilisin 665 Morphological stability Superlattices, multilayers — of binary alloys 271, 701 — of semi-magnetic II-VI compounds 572 — of lead—tin alloys 692 Surface energy determination — of protein crystals 665 — of n-paraffin 679 — of silicon—germanium surfaces 720 Surface structure, of — of spherulitic calcite 374, 382 — cellular solid—liquid interface 701 — of strained crystals 257 — coarse crystal faces 389 — of titanium carbide whiskers 585 — gallium arsenide 451 — gallium indium phosphide 1 Nanoparticles, see Device characterization — subtilisin 665 Nucleation — of cadmium telluride 426 Thin film growth, epitaxy — of neodymium barium cuprate 61 — by atomic layer epitaxy Numbers — — of zinc sulphide selenide 33 — Grashof 430 — by liquid phase epitaxy — Marangoni 552 ~— — of gallium phosphide 148 — Peclet 133 | | of lithium niobate 605 of lithium niobate tantalate 605 Phase diagram, of — — of neodymium barium cuprate 71 — iron—nickel—sulphur 728 — by metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy — neodymium barium cuprate 61 — — of indium gallium phosphide 510 Precursor, for — — of indium phosphide islands 470 — biological apatite 182 — — of silicon germanium 535 — magnesium selenide 572 — — theory of growth kinetics 28 — silicon carbide 335 — by molecular beam epitaxy Purification — — of indium gallium aluminum arsenide 285 — of pentlandite 728 — — of zinc cadmium selenide 43 — of succinonitrile 701 | | of zinc selenide 528 — — theory Quantum wells, see Device characterization — — — of cadmium telluride growth simulation 241 — — — of mole fraction and growth rate 43 Solid growth — by vapor phase epitaxy — by recrystallization — — theory of growth 636 — — of tungsten sulphide 109 — — through chemical vapor deposition Solution growth — — — of silicon carbide 335 — by constant evaporation — — — of silicon germanium 328 — — of benzoyl amino acetic acid 674 — — — of titanium 322 — by flux method — — through evaporation and condensation — — of emeralds 648 ~ — — of gallium arsenide 451 — — of neodymium barium cuprate 61, 71 — — — of silver on indium phosphide 496 — — of potassium lithium niobate 615 — — through metalorganic chemical vapor deposition — — of strontium calcium cuprate 55 ~ — — of aluminum arsenide 460 — — of tungsten sulphide 109 ~ — — of aluminum gallium arsenide 460 — by low temperature method ~ — — of gallium arsenide 460, 501 — — of cadmium sulphide 114 — — — of gallium indium phosphide 1 — — of calcium spherulites 374, 382 ~ — — of gallium nitride 23, 127, 300, 478, 484, 491 — — of calcium sulphate dihydrate 156 ~ — — of indium gallium arsenide phosphide 293 — — of copper indium diselenide 114 ~ — — of indium phosphide 9, 16 — — of hydroxy apatite 182 ~ — — of indium phosphide antimonide 50 — — of n-alcohol crystals 641 — — — of lithium aluminate 127 of octacalcium phosphate 182 of magnesium selenide 572 Subject index — — of III-V compounds 305 — — of silicon carbide 101 — — of zinc magnesium sulphide selenide 50 — by plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition through pulsed laser deposition — — of graphitic nanofibres 342 — — of cadmium selenide 516 by pulsed laser deposition through sputtering — — of cadmium selenide 516 — of zinc oxide 316 by sputtering — — of zinc oxide 316 Vapor growth technique — theory of nucleation 426 by chemical vapor deposition Vapor-liquid-solid growth — of copper 133 — of pentlandite 728 by evaporation and condensation — of titanium carbide whiskers 585 — of a-hexathiophene 563 — of zinc selenide whiskers 528 — of a-quaterthiophene 563 of gallium arsenide 451 Whiskers growth of mercuric iodide 80, 90 — of titanium carbide 585 of organic films 732 — of zinc selenide 528

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