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Preview Journal of Crystal Growth 1995 - 1996: Vol 151-160 Index

ISSN 0022-0248 JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROW TH VOLUME 160 MASTER INDEX Volumes 151-160 EDITORS: M. SCHIEBER (Principal Editor), Hebrew University : R.S. FEIGELSON, Stanford University SC D.T.J. HURLE, University of Bristol > é R. KERN, Université Aix—Marseille T. NISHINAGA, University of Tokyo —_ o oO G.B. STRINGFELLOW, University of Utah = a 2) _ . CO-FOUNDERS: N. CABRERA, B. CHALMERS, F.C. FRANK ADVISOR: R.A. LAUDISE North-Holland http:/ /w ww.elsevier.nl JCRGAE 151-160 (MI) 421-484 (1996) Journal of Crystal Growth EDITORIAL BOARD M. SCHIEBER (Principal Editor) R.S. FEIGELSON D.TJ. HURLE Dept. Mater. Sci., School Appl. Sci. & Technol. Ctr. Materials Res., 105 McCullough Bldg. H.H. Wills Phys. Lab., Univ. Bristol Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA 94305-4045, USA Tyndall Avenue Telefax: +972-2-666 804 Telefax: +1-415-723 3044 Bristol BS8 1TL, UK R. KERN T. NISHINAGA G.B. STRINGFELLOW CRMC?, CNRS, Campus Luminy, Case 913 Dept. Electron. Eng., Univ. of Tokyo Dept. Mater. Sci., 304 EMRO, Univ. of Utah F-13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA Telefax: +33-91-418 916 Telefax: +8 1-3-5684-3974 Telefax: +1-801-581 4816 ASSOCIATE EDITORS A. BARONNET (/ndustrial, Biological, Molecular Crystals) T. HIBIYA (Oxides, Melt Thermophysical Properties, F. ROSENBERGER (Protein Crystallization, CRMC?, CNRS, Campus Luminy, Case 913 Microgravity) Fluid Dynamics) F-13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France Fundamental Res. Labs., NEC CORPORATION Center for Microgravity and Materials Research Telefax: +33-91-418916 34, Miyukigaoka, Tsukuba 305, Japan Univ. Alabama, Huntsville, AL 35899, USA Telefax: +8 1-298-566 136 Telefax: +1-205-895 6791 K.W. BENZ (Microgravity, Electronic Materials) Kristallographisches Inst., Universitat H. KOMATSU (Proteins Molecular Crystallization, R.W. ROUSSEAU (Solution Growth, Hebelstr. 25, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany Growth from Solutions) Industrial Crystallization) Telefax: +49-761-203 4369 Inst. Mater. Res., Tohoku Univ. School of Chem. Eng., Georgia Inst. of Technol. Katahira 2-1-1, Sendai 980, Japan Atlanta, GA 30332-0100, USA A.A. CHERNOV (Kinetics of Crystallization) Telefax: +81-22-215 2011 Telefax: +1-404-894 2866 Inst. Crystallography, Acad. of Sciences Leninskii Prosp., Moscow 117333, Russian Fed. T.F. KUECH (Thin Films and Electronic K. SATO (Biocrystallization and Telefax: +7-095-135 1011 and Optical Devices) Organic Crystals) Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. Wisconsin-Madison Fac. Appl. Biol. Sci., Hiroshima Univ. A.Y. CHO (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) Madison, WI 53706, USA Higashi-Hiroshima 724, Japan Room 1C-323, AT&T Bell Laboratories Telefax: +1-608-265 3782 Telefax: +81-824-227 062 Murray Hill, NJ 07974-2070, USA Telefax: +1-908-582 2043 A. McPHERSON (Protein Growth) L.F. SCHNEEMYEER (Superconductivity, Dept. Biochemistry, Univ. of California Oxides, Novel Materials) B. COCKAYNE (JOCG News) Riverside, CA 92521, USA Room 1A-363, AT&T Bell Labs. School of Metallurgy and Mater. Telefax: +1-909-787 3790 Murray Hill, NJ 07974-2070, USA Univ. Birmingham, P.O. Box 363, Edgbaston, Birmingham Telefax: +1-908-582 2521 B15 2TT, UK P.A. MORRIS HOTSENPILLER (Electrooptical Crystals, Telefax: +44-121-471-2207 Book Reviews) D.W. SHAW (Semiconductors, Epitaxy, Devices) E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Exp. Station Texas Instruments Inc., P.O. Box 655936, MS 147 S.R. CORIELL (Theory) Wilmington, DE 19888-0358, USA Dallas, TX 75265, USA A153 Mater, Natl. Inst. of Standards & Technol. Telefax: +1-302-695 3375 Telefax: +1-214-995 7785 Gaithersburgh, MD 20899-0001, USA J.B. MULLIN (Semiconductors) I. SUNAGAWA (Morphology and Minerals) D. ELWELL (Priority Communications, EMC, “The Hoo”, Brockhill Road 3-54-2 Kashiwa-cho, Tachikawa-shi Superconductivity) West Malvern, Worcs., WR14 4DL, UK Tokyo 190, Japan Hughes Aircraft Company Telefax: +44-1684-575 591 Telefax: +81-425-35 3637 P.O. Box H, M/S A2408, 500 Superior Avenue New Port Beach, CA 92658-8908, USA K. NAKAJIMA (Liquid and Vapor Phase Epitaxy) G. VAN TENDELOO (Electron Microscopy, Telefax: +1-714-759 2868 ULSI Mater. Lab., Fujitsu Labs. Ltd. Fullerenes, Superconductivity) Morinosato-Wakamiya 10-1, Atsugi 243-01, Japan University of Antwerp, RUCA M.E. GLICKSMAN (Solidification) Telefax: +81-462-48 3473 Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium School of Eng., Mater. Eng. Dept., Rensselaer Polytechnic Telefax: +32-3-2180 217 Inst., Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA H. OHNO (Epitaxy) Telefax: +1-518-276 8554 Research Inst. of Electrical Commun. A.F. WITT (Semiconductor Crystals) Tohoku Univ., Sendai 980 77, Japan Dept. of Metall. & Mater. Sci., Massachusetts M.A.G. HALLIWELL (X-ray Diffraction) Telefax: +81-22-217 5553 Inst. of Technol., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Philips Analytical X-ray, Lelyweg | Telefax: +1-617-253 5827 7602 EA Almelo, The Netherlands K. PLOOG (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) Paul-Drude-Inst. fiir FestkOrperelektronik A. ZANGWILL (Theory (Epitaxy)) Hausvogteiplatz 5~7, D-10117 Berlin, Germany School of Physics, Georgia Inst. of Technol. Telefax: +49-30-203 77201 Atlanta, GA 30332, USA Telefax: +1-404-894 9958 Scope of the Journal Subscription Information 1996 Experimental and theoretical contributions are invited in the following fields: Theory of Volumes 158-169 of Journal of Crystal Growth (ISSN 0022-0248) are scheduled for nucleation and growth, molecular kinetics and transport phenomena, crystallization in publication. (Frequency: semimonthly.) Prices are available from the publishers upon viscous media such as polymers and glasses. Crystal growth of metals, minerals, semi- request. Subscriptions are accepted on a prepaid basis only. Issues are sent by SAL conductors, magnetics, inorganic, organic and biological substances in bulk or as thin (Surface Air Lifted) mail wherever this service is available. Airmail rates are available films. Apparatus, instrumentation and techniques for crystal growth, and purification upon request. Please address all enquiries regarding orders and subscriptions to: methods. Characterization of single crystals by physical and chemical methods Elsevier Science B.V., Order Fulfilment Department . i i i j i 7 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abstracted/Indexed in: Tel: +31 20 485 3642: Fax: +31 20 485 3598 Aluminium Industry Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts; Current Contents: Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences; El] Compendex Plus; Engineered Materials Abstracts; Claims for issues not received should be made within six months of our publication Engineering Index; INSPEC; Metals Abstracts; Physics Briefs. (mailing) date. US mailing notice — Journal of Crystal Growth (ISSN 0022-0248) is published semimonthly by Elsevier Science B.V., Molenwerf 1, P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Annual subscription price in the USA is US $6535 (valid in North, Central and South America only), including air speed delivery. Second class postage paid at Jamaica NY 11431. US postmasters: Send address changes to Journal of Crystal Growth, Publications Expediting, Inc., 200 Meacham Avenue, Elmont NY 11003. Airfreight and mailing in the USA by Publications Expediting. ©) The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS Norht-Holland, an imprint of Elsevier Science jouercor CRYSTAL GROWTH ELSEVIER Journal of Crystal Growth 160 (1996) 421-471 Author index to volumes 151-—160 Abad, H., see Jonker 159 (1996) Akita, N., see Suzuki 159 (1996) Abe, S., K. Masumoto, K. Mochizuki and K. Akiyama, H., see Fukatsu 157 (1995) Suto, Interdiffusion of Ca in PbS/ Al-Allak, H.M., A.W. Brinkman, H. Richter Pb, ,Ca,S quantum well structures 151 (1995) and D. Bonnet, Dependence of CdS /CdTe Abstreiter, G., see Presting 157 (1995) thin film solar cell characteristics on the Abstreiter, G., see Schittenhelm 157 (1995) processing conditions 159 (1996) Abstreiter, G., see Brunner 157 (1995) Albacete, A., see Arsene 158 (1996) Abstreiter, G., see Dondl 157 (1995) Albert, D., J. Kraus, E. Kurtz, S. Einfeldt and Abstreiter, G., see Gutheit 157 (1995) D. Hommel, Raman spectroscopy and selec- Achiziger, N., see Reisléhner 159 (1996) tive pair luminescence on ZnSe:N 159 (1996) Adachi, S., see Suto 160 (1996) Alexander, J.1.D., see Lin 151 (1995) Adams, R.A., see Dabbicco 159 (1996) Alexandre, F., see Driad 158 (1996) Adams, R.A., see Taylor 159 (1996) Alexiev, D., see Butcher 156 (1995) Aers, G.C., see Lafontaine 157 (1995) Alexiev, D., see Mo 158 (1996) Aherne, T., see Rakennus 159 (1996) Alexiev, D., see Mo 160 (1996) Aherne, T., A.L. Bradley, J.P. Doran, J. O’Gor- Alexis, J.P., see Cloitre 159 (1996) man, J.F. Heffernan, J. Hegarty, H. De Aliev, G.N., R.M. Datsiev, S.V. Ivanov, P.S. Neve, C. Brys, G. Geens, P. Van Daele, R. Kop’ev, R.P. Seisyan and S.V. Sorokin, Baets, P. Demeester, K. Rakennus, A. Sa- Optics and magneto-optics of ZnSe het- lokatve, P. Uusimaa and M. Pessa, Optical eroepitaxial layers 159 (1996) properties of a ZnSSe microcavity fabri- Aliev, G.N., R.P. Seisyan and O. Coschug- cated by epitaxial lift-off 159 (1996) 636 Toates, Effects of spatial dispersion in the Ahmed, M.U., E.D. Jones, J.B. Mullin and temperature dependence of the optical ab- N.M. Stewart, Arrhenius results for the dif- sorption in ZnSe heteroepitaxial layers and fusion of Hg into CdTe 159 (1996) CdTe and ZnTe crystals 159 (1996) Ahmed, M.U., E.D. Jones and N.M. Stewart, Allegretti, F.E. and T. Nishinaga, Periodic sup- Cd self-diffusion in Cu doped CdTe 160 (1996) ply epitaxy: a new approach for the selec- Ahmed, S., see Stirner 159 (1996) tive area growth of GaAs by molecular Ahn, J., see Yang 151 (1995) beam epitaxy 156 (1995) Aibara, S., Crystallization of wheat y-gliadin Alleysson, P., J. Cibert, G. Feuillet and L.S. under a microgravity environment using Dang, Room temperature excitonic lasing in space station MIR 155 (1995) 247 CdTe/CdMnTe multi-quantum-well _het- Aigouy, L., see Cloitre 159 (1996) 438 erostructures 159 (1996) Aindow, M., see Cheng 154 (1995) 251 Almendra, A., see Curello 157 (1995) Aindow, M., see Jones 159 (1996) 1096 Alonzo, V., F. Berthier, V.G. Glebovsky, L. Akimoto, K., see Maruyama 159 (1996) 4] Priester and V.N. Semenov, Study of the Akimoto, K., T. Ogawa, T. Maruyama and Y. microstructure of a Ni(100) single crystal Kitajima, Extended X-ray absorption fine grown by electron beam floating zone melt- structure study of heavily Cl doped ZnSe 159 (1996) 350 ing 156 (1995) Akinaga, H., S. Miyanishi, Y. Suzuki, K. Tana- Alperovich, V.I., see Romanov 159 (1996) ka, T. Katayama and K. Ando, Epitaxial Amberg, G., see Levenstam 158 (1996) growth and magneto-optical study of ferro- Anbukumar, S., see Srinivasan 151 (1995) magnetic-MnSb /antiferromagnetic-MnTe Anders, M.J., M.M.G. Bongers, P.L. Bastos heterostructures 159 (1996) 1022 and L.J. Giling, Position dependent growth Author index to volumes 151—160 rate and composition of low pressure Ataka, M., see Niimura 154 (1995) organometallic vapour phase epitaxy grown Atanassova, S., K. Neykov and I. Gutzow, Sol- InGaP and AlGaAs on GaAs inverted mesa ubility, inhibited growth and dissolution ki- grooves 154 (1995) 240 netics of calcium oxalate crystals in solu- Andersson, M., see Levenstam 158 (1996) 224 tions, containing a-ketoglutaric acid 160 (1996) Ando, K., see Akinaga 159 (1996) 1022 Atici, Y. and D. Cherns, Transmission electron André, E., see Chollet 157 (1995) 161 microscope study of surface steps on Anselmo, A.P., see Jafri 154 (1995) 280 SiGe /Si(001) superlattices produced by dif- Antonov, E.N., see Louchev 155 (1995) 276 ferential etching 154 (1995) Antsigin, V.D., V.A. Gusev, G.M. Rylov, S.Yu. Atici, Y., Observation of defects and tetragonal Glazkov, I.N. Kupriyanov, Yu.N. Pal’ yanov, distortions in In Ga, .As/GaAs(001) het- Yu.M. Borzdov and A.F. Khokhryakov, The erostructures by TEM 156 (1995) peculiarities of the local thermal diffusivity Aubel, D., see Claverie 157 (1995) of large synthetic diamonds 151 (1995) Auchter, C., see Kastner 159 (1996) Anzai, H., J.M. Delrieu, S. Takasaki, S. Nakat- Audinet, L., see Ricolleau 159 (1996) suji and J. Yamada, Crystal growth of or- Aulombard, R.L., see Konczewicz 159 (1996) ganic charge-transfer complexes by electro- Aulombard, R.L., see Cloitre 159 (1996) crystallization with controlled applied cur- Aulombard, R.L., see Cloitre 159 (1996) rent 154 (1995) Avrutin, V.S., N.F. Izumskaya, A.F. Vyatkin Aoyagi, Y., see Lee 160 (1996) and V.A. Yunkin, Silicon molecular beam Aoyama, T., T. Suzuki, K. Arai and T. Tat- epitaxial growth on ultra-small mesa struc- sumi, Segregation of interface carbon dur- tures 157 (1995) ing silicon epitaxial goowth by UHV-CVD 157 (1995) Axon, C.J., see Shreter 159 (1996) Aperathitis, E., see Ashenford 159 (1996) Aplin, P.S., see Shreter 159 (1996) Babucke, H., P. Thiele, T. Prasse, V. Egorov, Arai, K., see Aoyama 157 (1995) M. Rabe and F. Henneberger, Electro-opti- Arizmendi, L., see Santos 156 (1995) cal modulation in the blue-green spectral Arsene, M.A., A. Albacete, F. Voillot, J.P. range using ZnSe-based waveguides 159 (1996) Peyrade, A. Barra, J. Galibert, S.M. Wasim Bacher, G., M. Illing, R. Spiegel, T. Kimmell, and E. Hernandez, Synthesis and growth of K. Herz, A. Forchel, B. Jobst, D. Hommel large stoichiometric single crystals of cop- and G. Landwehr, Room temperature emis- per indium diselenide by horizontal varying sion in narrow (14 nm) Cdo, <Zno.5Se/ gradient zone freeze technique 158 (1996) ZnSe quantum wires with strong lateral con- Asai, H., see Kuwabara 159 (1996) finement effects 159 (1996) Asano, T., K. Funato, F. Nakamura and A. Bacher, G., see Eisert 159 (1996) Ishibashi, Epitaxial growth of ZnMgTe and Badoz, P.A., see Renard 157 (1995) double heterostructure of ZnTe /ZnMgTe on Badoz, P.A., see Boucaud 157 (1995) GaAs substrate by metalorganic chemical Badoz, P.A., see Garchery 157 (1995) vapor deposition 156 (1995) Baets, R., see Aherne 159 (1996) Ashenford, D.E., see Ozanyan 159 (1996) Bagnall, D.M., see Trager-Cowan 159 (1996) Ashenford, D.E., see Ribayrol 159 (1996) Bagnall, D.M., P.G. Middleton, F. Torabi- Ashenford, D.E., see Klar 159 (1996) Goudarzi, K.P. O’ Donnell, PJ. Wright and Ashenford, D.E., see Cain 159 (1996) B. Cockayne, Overexcited CdSe quantum Ashenford, D.E., A.W. Dweydari, D. Sands, well lasers 159 (1996) C.G. Scott, M. Yousaf, E. Aperathitis, Z. Bahr, G., see Helmers 154 (1995) Hatzopoulos and P. Panayotatos, Investiga- Bailly, F., M. Barbé and C. Cohen-Solal, Set- tion of p—i—n solar cell efficiency enhance- ting up of misfit dislocations in heteroepi- ment by use of MQW structures in the taxial growth and critical thicknesses 153 (1995) i-region 159 (1996) 920 Baird, T., see Turner 158 (1996) Ashenford, D.E., see Chen 159 (1996) 1066 Baj, M., see Suski 159 (1996) Ashley, T., C.T. Elliott, N.T. Gordon, R.S. Baj, M., see Wasik 159 (1996); Hall, A.D. Johnson and G.J. Pryce, Room Baker, D.R., see Verbrugge 155 (1995) temperature narrow gap semiconductor Bal, M., see Duffar 151 (1995) diodes as sources and detectors in the 5—10 Balasubramanian, R., K.B.R. Varma and A. pm wavelength region 159 (1996) 1100 Selvarajan, Growth and characterization of Assungao, M., see Boemare 159 (1996) 826 single crystal cored fibers (SCCF) of novel Aswal, D.K., see Gupta 156 (1995) 74 nonlinear organic optical materials 151 (1995) Author index to volumes 151-160 Balladore, J.L., see Claverie 157 (1995) 420 Bauer, G., see Straub 159 (1996) Ban, V.S., see Burrows 156 (1995) 91 Bauer, P., see Wirth] 159 (1996) Banan, M., see Yuan 151 (1995) 235 Baumann, H., see Kurtz 159 (1996) Bangert, U., A.J. Harvey, C. Dieker and H. Baumberg, J.J., see Fox 159 (1996) Hardtdegen, Nucleation of wavy growth Baume, P., J. Gutowski, E. Kurtz, D. Hommel modes in quantum well stacks of III-V and G. Landwehr, Intensity-dependent en- compound alloys 152 (1995) ergy and lineshape variation of donor- Bangert, U., B. Tang and M. Missous, Thermal acceptor-pair bands in highly compensated behaviour of aluminium films grown by ZnSe:N 159 (1996) molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs 154 (1995) Baume, P., see Heitz 159 (1996) Banister, A.J., see Fiddes 159 (1996) Baumgartner, H., see Eisele 157 (1995) Banouni, M., M. Nasser and G. Leveque, Ultra- Beaumont, B., P. Gibart and J.P. Faurie, Nitro- violet photoemission experiments on HgTe gen precursors in metalorganic vapor phase (110) cleaved surfaces 159 (1996) epitaxy of (Al, Ga)N 156 (1995) 140 Baraboshkin, A.N., see Vakarin 151 (1995) Becker, C.R., see von Truchsess 159 (1996) 1104 Baranova, O.V., see Vasilevskiy 159 (1996) Becker, C.R., see Behr 159 (1996) 1123 Barat, C., see Kaddeche 158 (1996) Becker, C.R., see von Truchsess 159 (1996) 1128 Barata, P.A. and M.L. Serrano, Salting-out pre- Becker, C.R., see Oehling 159 (1996) 1157 cipitation of potassium dihydrogen phos- Becla, P., see Thio 159 (1996) 345 phate (KDP). I. Precipitation mechanism 160 (1996) 361 Becla, P., see Terry 159 (1996) 1070 Barbé, M., see Bailly 153 (1995) 115 Bednarski, H. and J. Cisowski, On the d-—d Barber, P.G., A.L. Fripp, Jr., W.J. Debnam, Jr., exchange interaction in Mn-alloyed semi- G. Woodell, R.F. Berry and R.T. Simchick, magnetic semiconductors 159 (1996) 1018 Experimental verification of agreement be- Behlke, J. and A. Knespel, Observation of pre- tween thermal and real time visual melt—so- crystallization aggregation in protein solu- lid interface positions in vertical Bridgman tions during centrifugation 158 (1996) 388 grown germanium 160 (1996) 55 Behner, U., see Dettmer 157 (1995) 142 Barcz, A., G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz and J. Behr, T., T. Litz, A. Waag and G. Landwehr, Kossut, Manganese diffusion in MBE-grown Growth model for the molecular beam epi- Cd(Mn)Te structures 159 (1996) 980 taxial growth of CdTe using reflection high Baribeau, J.-M., Interface morphology and re- energy electron diffraction oscillation mea- laxation in high temperature grown surements 156 (1995) 206 Si, ,G,e/ S i superlattices 157 (1995) 52 Behr, T., see Wenisch 159 (1996) 26 Barklie, R.C., see Hemment 157 (1995) 147 Behr, T., see Hommel 159 (1996) 566 Bares, J.E. and K.P. Trumble, Tri-arc Czoch- Behr, T., S. Einfeldt, D. Hommel, C.R. Becker, ralski growth of single crystal molybdenum G. Landswehr and H. Cerva, Correlation disilicide 160 (1996) between crystal defects and the band gap of Baron, T., K. Saminadayar and S. Tatarenko, epitaxially grown Hg,_,Zn,Se on GaAs- Plasma nitrogen doping efficiency in molec- (001) 159 (1996) 1123 ular beam epitaxy of tellurium-based II-VI Behrend, J., see Hey 154 (1995) l compounds 159 (1996) Behringer, M., see Hommel 159 (1996) 566 Baron, T., see Kheng 159 (1996) Beisswanger, F., H. Jorke, H. Kibbel, H.-J. Barra, A., see Arsene 158 (1996) Herzog, A. Schiippen and R. Sauer, Assess- Basaran, E., C.P. Parry, R.A. Kubiak, T-E. ment of intervalley f-scattering time con- Whall and E.H.C. Parker, Electrochemical stants in Si/SiGe heterostructures 157 (1995) 222 capacitance—voltage depth profiling of Belas, E., R. Grill, J. Franc, A. Toth, P. Héschl, heavily boron-doped silicon 157 (1995) H. Sitter and P. Moravec, Determination of Bastos, P.L., see Anders 154 (1995) the migration energy of Hg interstitials in Batke, E., see von Truchsess 159 (1996) (HgCd)Te from ion milling experiments 159 (1996) 1117 Batke, E., see von Truchsess 159 (1996) Bell, S.J., K.L. Jennings, E.D. Danielson, E.I. Batra, A.K., see Chang 158 (1996) Solomon and R.L. Musselman, Single crys- Baudet, M., see Rouillard 156 (1995) tal morphology of the copper acetate dimers Bauer, G., J. Li and E. Koppensteiner, X-ray Cu,(CH,COO),-2H,O and Cu,(CH,- reciprocal space mapping of Si/Si,_ ,Ge, COO),PZ 154(1995) 108 heterostructures 157 (1995) 61 Belogorokhov, A.I., L.I. Belogorokhova, A.G. Bauer, G., see Kasper 157 (1995) 68 Belov, V.M. Lakeenkov, L.M. Liberant and Bauer, G., see Li 157 (1995) 137 N.A. Smimova, Atomic configuration and 424 Author index to volumes 151—160 far-infrared optical spectra of lattice vibra- Bimberg, D., see Kurtz 159 (1996) tions of Zn—Te and Cd-—Te modes in Bimberg, D., see Kuttler 159 (1996) Cd,_ ,Zn,Te (x = 0-0.2) 159 (1996) Bischoff, J.L., see Diani 157 (1995) Belogorokhova, L.I., see Belogorokhov 159 (1996) Bjorketun, L.-O., see Kordina 154(1995) 30: Belov, A.G., see Belogorokhov 159 (1996) Blake, K., see Haigh 155 (1995) Beltram, F., see Pellegrini 159 (1996) Blakers, A.W., see Weber 154 (1995) Beltram, F., see Pellegrini 159 (1996) Bleuse, J., see Ulmer-Tuffigo 159 (1996) Benchimol, J.L., see Driad 158 (1996) Bleuse, J., see Bonnet-Gamard 159 (1996) Bender, G., S. Meisen, N. Herres, C. Wild and Blinowski, J., P. Kacman and J.A. Majewski, P. Koidl, Deformation-induced ferroelectric Ferromagnetism in Cr-based diluted mag- domain pinning in chromium doped LiNbO, 152 (1995) netic semiconductors 159 (1996) Ben Hadid, H., see Kaddeche 158 (1996) Blomfield, C.J., 1.M. Dharmadasa, K.A. Prior Benhlal, J.T., see Castaing 159 (1996) and B.C. Cavenett, Discrete Schottky barri- Benmansour, A., see Bremond 157 (1995) ers observed for the metal /n-ZnSe(100) Bennett, J.W., see Thio 159 (1996) system 159 (1996) Benz, K.W., see Grasza 151 (1995) Bobel, F.G., see Mller 157 (1995) Benz, K.W., see Hornung 154 (1995) Bocking, S., see Pande 159 (1996) Benz, K.W., see Novak 158 (1996) Bodnar, S., see Renard 157 (1995) Benz, R.G., see Parikh 159 (1996) Bodnar, S., see Boucaud 157 (1995) Berger, P.R., see Kolodzey 157 (1995) Boehler, R., see Meyer 159 (1996) Bergman, J.P., see Godlewski 159 (1996) Boemare, C., B. Gil, M. Assungao and M.H. Bergman, J.P., see Godlewski 159 (1996) Nazare, Optical studies in ZnSe /GaAs epi- Bergmann, R., see Shi 151 (1995) layers: Fabry-Perot modes in the upper Berlouis, L.E.A., see Jackson 159 (1996) branch of the polariton 159 (1996) Berry, R.F., see Barber 160 (1996) Boher, P., J.P. Piel and J.L. Stehle, Spectro- Berthier, F., see Alonzo 156 (1995) scopic ellipsometry for Si,,_x)Ge, charac- Bertru, N., M. Nouaoura, J. Bonnet and L. terization: comparison with other experi- Lassabatere, Reflection high energy electron mental techniques 157 (1995) diffraction intensity modifications induced Boilot, J.P., see Chamarro 159 (1996) by antimony flux interruption during GaSb Boilot, J.P., see Ricolleau 159 (1996) growth by molecular beam epitaxy 156 (1995) Boistelle, R., see Rinaudo 158 (1996) Bertru, N., M. Nouaoura, J. Bonnet and L. Bolkhovityanov, Yu.B., A.S. Jaroshevich, N.V. Lassabatere, GaSb molecular beam epitaxy Nomerotsky, M.A. Revenko and E.M. growth on vicinal surfaces studied by Trukhanov, Liquid phase epitaxy of highly RHEED 160 (1996) strained InGaAsP/GaAs films in the 1.4—- Beserman, R., see Wasserman 157 (1995) 1.8 eV interval of band gaps 158 (1996) Beserman, R., see Dettmer 157 (1995) Bollig, B., see Hamadeh 159 (1996) Bestwick, T., see Hooper 155 (1995) Bollmann, J., M. Wienecke, J. ROhrich and H. Bethge, K., see Kurtz 159 (1996) Kerkow, Doping and compensation phe- Bhagavannarayana, G., see Ramanan 156 (1995) nomena of Ag in CdTe 159 (1996) ; Bhat, H.L., see Dutta 152 (1995) Bonanni, A., see Bratina 159 (1996) Bhat, H.L., see Venkataramanan 154 (1995) Bonard, J.M., see Hervé 159 (1996) Bhat, H.L., see Dutta 154 (1995) Bongers, M.M.G., see Anders 154 (1995) Bhat, H.L., see Dutta 160 (1996) Bonnet, D., see Al-Allak 159 (1996) Bhat, H.L., see Dutta 160 (1996) Bonnet, J., see Bertru 156 (1995) Bickerton, J.C., see Clough 159 (1996) Bonnet, J., see Bertru 160 (1996) Bicknell, R.N., see Parikh 159 (1996) Bonnet-Gamard, J., J. Bleuse, N. Magnea and Bicknell-Tassius, R., see Tran 159 (1996) J.L. Pautrat, Emission wavelength and cav- Bieringer, P., see Neubecker 157 (1995) ity design dependence of laser behaviour in Bigenwald, P., see Konczewicz 159 (1996) HgCdTe heterostructures 159 (1996) Bigenwaid, P., see Cloitre 159 (1996) Booker, G.R., see Laczik 153 (1995) Billia, B., see Grange 151 (1995) Booker, G.R., see Laczik 158 (1996) Billia, B., Report on the book **Shaped Crystal Booker, V.B., see Yi 156 (1995) Growth’’ by V.A. Tatarchenko [Kluwer, Boothroyd, C.B., see Xin 156 (1995) Dordrecht, The Netherlands — ISBN 0- Borger, M., see Pellegrini 159 (1996) 7923-2419-6] 160 (1996) Borisov, A.G., Pattern formation during direc- Bimberg, D., see Schnabel 156 (1995) tional solidification of bicrystals 156 (1995) Author index to volumes 151—160 425 Borzdov, Yu.M., see Antsigin 151 (1995) 312 Bridenbaugh, P.M., see Laudise 154 (1995) 211 Bottcher, K., H. Hartmann and R. Réstel, Influ- Brightwell, J.W., see Clough 159 (1996) 939 ence of convection on zinc selenide single Brinkman, A.W., see Oktik 159 (1996) 195 crystal growth by chemical vapour transport 159 (1996) Brinkman, A.W., see Fiddes 159 (1996) 210 Bottomley, D.J., P. Fons and D.J. Tweet, Deter- Brinkman, A.W., see Al-Allak 159 (1996) 910 mination of the lattice constants of epitaxial Brinkman, A.W., see Horsfall 159 (1996) 1085 layers 154 (1995) Brinkmann, D., see Mariette 159 (1996) 418 Bottomley, D.J. and P. Fons, The strain energy Briot, N., see Cloitre 159 (1996) 438 density of cubic epitaxial layers 160 (1996) Briot, N., see Cloitre 159 (1996) 506 Boucaud, P., L. Gao, F. Visocekas, Z. Moussa, Briot, O., see Konczewicz 159 (1996) 117 J.-M. Lourtioz, F.H. Julien, I. Sagnes, Y. Briot, O., see Cloitre 159 (1996) 438 Campidelli, P.-A. Badoz and P. Vagos, Briot, O., see Cloitre 159 (1996) 506 Photo-induced intersubband absorption in Brisson, A., see Cuisinier 156 (1995) 443 Si/SiGe quantum wells 157 (1995) Broser, I., see Hoffmann 159 (1996) 302 Boucaud, P., C. Guedj, D. Bouchier, F.H. Julien, Broser, I., see Heitz 159 (1996) 307 J.-M. Lourtioz, S. Bodnar, J.L. Regolini and Broser, I., see Kutzer 159 (1996) 776 E. Finkman, Optical properties of bulk and Broser, I., G. Kaczmarczyk, P. Thurian, R. multi-quantum well SiGe:C heterostructures 157 (1995) Heitz and A. Hoffmann, Local vibrational Boucaud, P., see Boulmer 157 (1995) modes of the CuO,-cluster in ZnO 159 (1996) Bouchier, D., see Boucaud 157 (1995) Brown, P.D., see Xin 156 (1995) Bouchier, D., see Boulmer 157 (1995) Brown, P.D., see Molina 156 (1995) Boudza, A.A., see Ivanov 156 (1995) Brown, R.A., see Xia 154 (1995) Boulmer, J., P. Boucaud, C. Guedj, D. Débarre, Brown, S.W., see Kennedy 159 (1996) D. Bouchier, E. Finkman, S. Prawer, Brownlie, G.D., see Meredith 159 (1996) K. Nugent, A. Desmur-Larré, C. Godet Brownlie, G.D., see Zhu 159 (1996) and P. Roca i Cabarrocas, Realization of Brownlie, G.D., Z. Zhu, G. Horsburgh, T. Si Ge,C,/Si heterostructures by Steele, P.J. Thompson, J.M. Wallace, K.A. ji-s-y pulsed laser induced epitaxy of C” im- Prior and B.C. Cavenett, Photoluminescence planted pseudomorphic SiGe films and of excitation spectroscopic studies of nitrogen a-SiGeC:H films deposited on Si(100) 157 (1995) 436 doped ZnSe 159 (1996) Boyce, P.J., see Wolverson 159 (1996) 229 Brownlie, G.D., see Wang 159 (1996) Boyce, P.J., see Klar 159 (1996) 1061 Bruchlos, G., see Dubs 156 (1995) Bradley, A.L., see Aherne 159 (1996) 636 Brun-Le Cunff, D., see Veron 159 (1996) Bradley, I.V., J.P. Creasey, K.P. O'Donnell, Brunner, J., W. Jung, P. Schittenhelm, M. Gail, P.J. Wright and B. Cockayne, CdS—CdSe G. Abstreiter, J. Gonderman, B. Hadam, T. and CdS—ZnSe intrinsic Stark superlattices 159 (1996) Koester, B. Spangenberg, H.G. Roskos, H. Braithwaite, G., see Mironov 157 (1995) Kurz, H. Gossner and I. Eisele, Local epi- Brandon, S., see Kuppurao 155 (1995) taxy of Si/SiGe wires and dots 157 (1995) Brandon, S., see Kuppurao 155 (1995) Brunthaler, G., see Straub 159 (1996) Brandon, S., see Kuppurao 158 (1996) Brunthaler, G., see Ferreira 159 (1996) Bratina, G., L. Vanzetti, A. Bonanni, L. Sorba, Brunthaler, G., see Wirthl 159 (1996) J.J. Paggel, A. Franciosi, T. Peluso and L. Brux, O., see Presting 157 (1995) Tapfer, Structural properties of ZnSe/ Brys, C., see Aherne 159 (1996) GaAs(100) heterostructures with engineered Bryskiewicz, T., In quest of unrestricted growth band offsets 159 (1996) of bulk crystals by liquid phase electroepi- Bratina, G., see Lazzarino 159 (1996) taxy 153 (1995) Bravi, M., see Sdhnel 160 (1996) Buchanan, M., see Finnie 160 (1996) Breitkopf, T., A. Reznitsky, H. Kalt and C. Bugiel, E., see Osten 157 (1995) Klingshirm, Dynamics of band filling and of Buijs, M., R. Tijburg, K. Haberern and J. stimulated emission in CdS,_,Se, and Gaines, Lateral waveguiding in blue-green Zn,_ ,Cd,S alloys 159 (1996) II-VI semiconductor lasers 159 (1996) Bremond, G., A. Souifi, O. De Barros, A. Buller, G.S., see Massa 159 (1996) Benmansour, P. Warren and D. Dutartre, Bulutcu, A.N., see Yuksel 160 (1996) 3 Photoluminescence characterization of Buma, T., see Burrows 156 (1995) Si,_,Ge, relaxed ‘*pseudo-substrates’’ Bunkin, A.Yu. and M.B. Nishnevitch, Interac- grown on Si 157 (1995) tion of fluid flow under a rotating crystal Bridenbaugh, P.M., see Laudise 152 (1995) with the growing surface 156 (1995) 426 Author index to volumes 151—160 Burden, A.P. and J.L. Hutchison, Real-time Casado, J., see Garcia 156 (1995) 426 observation of fullerene generation in a Cases, R., see Chamarro 159 (1996) 853 modified electron microscope 158 (1996) Castaing, O., J.T. Benhlal, R. Granger and R. Burkhardt, G., see Haigh 155 (1995) Triboulet, Critical point parameters deduced Burrows, P.E., see Fenter 152 (1995) from the dielectric function in HgZnTe and Burrows, P.E., S.R. Forrest, L.S. Sapochak, J. CdZnTe alloys 159 (1996) 1112 Schwartz, P. Fenter, T. Buma, V.S. Ban and Cavenett, B.C., see Meredith 159 (1996) 103 J.L. Forrest, Organic vapor phase deposi- Cavenett, B.C., see Zhu 159 (1996) 248 tion: a new method for the growth of or- Cavenett, B.C., see Brownlie 159 (1996) 321 ganic thin films with large optical non-lin- Cavenett, B.C., see Kennedy 159 (1996) 325 earities 156 (1995) Cavenett, B.C., see Massa 159 (1996) 402 Butcher, K.S.A., see Zhou 151 (1995) Cavenett, B.C., see Wang 159 (1996) 459 Butcher, K.S.A., L. Mo, D. Alexiev and T.L. Cavenett, B.C., see Trager-Cowan 159 (1996) 618 Tansley, Growth of high purity liquid phase Cavenett, B.C., see Blomfield 159 (1996) 727 epitaxial GaAs in a silica growth system 156 (1995) Cavenett, B.C., see Thompson 159 (1996) 902 Butcher, K.S.A., see Mo 158 (1996) Caymax, M., see Chollet 157 (1995) 161 Butcher, K.S.A., see Mo 160 (1996) Cecal, A., M. Palamaru, A. Juverdeanu and M. Butcher, K.S.A., see Zhou 160 (1996) Giosan, Radiochemical study of the kinetics Butko, V.Y., see Romanov 159 (1996) of crystal growth in gels 158 (1996) Butz, R., see Edelman 157 (1995) Certier, M., M. Soltani, R. Evrard and E. Buyanova, I.A., see Ni 157 (1995) Kartheuser, Photoluminescence of p-CdTe: Buyanova, I.A., W.M. Chen, A. Henry, W.-X. characterization of impurity centers by Ni, G.V. Hansson and B. Monemar, Radia- phonon sidebands 159 (1996) 879 tive recombination processed in p-type Cerva, H., see Behr 159 (1996) 1123 modulation-doped SiGe quantum wells and Cerveh, I., see KetkéS 156 (1995) 17 Si epilayers 157 (1995) 362 Chadi, D.J., see Thio 159 (1996) 345 Chalk, S., see Cain 159 (1996) 818 Cadoret, R., see Gil-Lafon 151 (1995) 80 Chamarro, M., see Ricolleau 159 (1996) 861 Cahen, D., see Lyubomirsky 159 (1996) 1148 Chamarro, M.A., V. Voliotis, R. Grousson, P. Cain, N., M. O’Neill, J.E. Nicholls, T. Piorek, Lavallard, T. Gacoin, G. Counio, J.P. Boilot W.E. Hagston, P. Chen, S. Chalk, D.E. and R. Cases, Optical properties of Mn- Ashenford, A.J. Langley and P.F. Taday, doped CdS nanocrystals 159 (1996) Electron tunnelling in CdTe /CdMnTe dou- Chandrasekhar, D., D.J. Smith, S. Strite, M.E. ble barrier structures 159 (1996) Lin and H. Morkog, Characterization of Cairns-Smith, A.G., see Turner 158 (1996) Group IlII-nitride semiconductors by high- Calcagnile, L., G. Coli, M. De Vittorio, R. resolution electron microscopy 152 (1995) Rinaldi, P.V. Giugno, R. Cingolani, L. Chang, G.-H., see Jiang 152 (1995) Vanzetti, L. Sorba and A. Franciosi, Exci- Chang, J.-M., A.K. Batra and R.B. Lal, Growth tonic nonlinearities in wide gap II-VI mul- and properties of urea-doped triglycine sul- tiple quantum wells 159 (1996) fate (UrTGS) crystals 158 (1996) Calhoun, L.C., see Trexler 159 (1996) Chang, L.-B., see Jiang 152 (1995) Callec, R., see Kayambaki 157 (1995) 300 Chang, S.K., see Lee 159 (1996) Campa, J.A. and I. Rasines, Crystal growth of Chang, S.K., C.D. Lee, S.I. Min, E.D. Sim and CuGeO, 158 (1996) 174 Y.S. Joh, Influence of lattice relaxation on Campidelli, Y., see Boucaud 157 (1995) 227 the properties of ZnSe /ZnS single quantum Candau, J.S., see Skouri 152 (1995) 209 wells by MOVPE 159 (1996) Capper, P., see Wasenczuk 159 (1996) 1090 Chatain, D., see Chatillon 151 (1995) Carlberg, T., see Levenstam 158 (1996) 224 Chatillon, C. and D. Chatain, Congruent vapor- Carlsson, J.-O., see Ottosson 151 (1995) 305 ization of GaAs(s) and stability of Ga(l) Carlsson, N., K. Georgsson, L. Montelius, L. droplets at the GaAs(s) surface 151 (1995) Samuelson, W. Seifert and R. Wallenberg, Chayen, N.E., Microgravity protein crystallisa- Improved size homogeneity of InP-on- tion aboard the photon satellite 153 (1995) GalnP Stranski-Krastanow islands by Chen Changkang, see Narlikar 158 (1996) growth on a thin GaP interface layer 156 (1995) 23 Chen Changkang, M. Spears, J.W. Hodby, B.M. Caro, J., see Storm 157 (1995) 312 Wanklyn, O. Stoppard and J.A. Wilson, Carter, M.J., see Duke 159 (1996) 916 Crystal growth and superconductivity of Carter, M.J., see Pande 159 (1996) 930 BaPb,_ ,Bi,O, 151 (1995) Author index to volumes 151—160 Chen, C.Y., see Li 156 (1995) 343 ture UHV-CVD: AFM study of the initial Chen, F., see Lee 154 (1995) 351 stages of growth 157 (1995) Chen, F., see Kolodzey 157 (1995) 386 Chong, T.C., see Zeng 160 (1996) Chen, Guang, see Tu 152 (1995) 235 Chong, T.C., see Zeng 160 (1996) Chen, H., see Guo 153 (1995) 110 Christensson, F., see Lundager Madsen 152 (1995) Chen, J., see Sivananthan 159 (1996) 94 Chu, H.-N., see Nayak 157 (1995) Chen, J.-C. and G.-H. Chin, Linear stability Chu, M.A., see Tanner 157 (1995) analysis of thermocapillary convection in Chua, S.J., see Ramam 156 (1995) the floating zone 154 (1995) Chung, Sang-Ik, see Huang 156 (1995) 52 Chen, J.F., see Wang 160 (1996) Chung, S.-I., see Togawa 160 (1996) 41 Chen, Jyh-Chen and Chieh Hu, Measurement of Chung, S-I., see Togawa 160 (1996) 49 the surface temperature distribution in the Chung, S.J., see Jung 160 (1996) 305 float zone of LiNbO, 158 (1996) Chung, Su-Jin, see Kim 159 (1996) 354 Chen, Jyh-Shinn, see Yang 154 (1995) Cibert, J., see Grin 159 (1996) 284 Chen, Mingin, see Pan 153 (1995) Cibert, J., see Ribayrol 159 (1996) 434 Chen, Nuofu, see Liu 154 (1995) Cibert, J., see Alleysson 159 (1996) 672 Chen, P., see Cain 159 (1996) Cinader, G., see Raizman 159 (1996) 126 Chen, P., J.E. Nicholls, M. O'Neill, J.H.C. Cingolani, R., see Leo 159 (1996) | 44 Hogg, W.E. Hagston, B. Lunn and D.E. Cingolani, R., see Dabbicco 159 (1996) 657 Ashenford, Influence of the barrier heights Cingolani, R., see Calcagnile 159 (1996) 793 on vertical transport in CdTe/CdMnTe su- Cintas, A., see Santos 156 (1995) 413 perlattices 159 (1996) Cisowski, J., see Bednarski 159 (1996) 1018 Chen, S.D., L. Lin, X.Z. He, MJ. Ying and Claeys, C., see Kissinger 158 (1996) 19] R.Q. Wu, High quality HgCdTe epilayers Clavaguera, N., see Rodfiguez-Viejo 155 (1995) 214 grown on (211)B GaAs by molecular beam Clavaguera-Mora, M.T., see Rodfiguez- Viejo 155 (1995) 214 epitaxy 152 (1995) Claverie, A., J. Fauré, J.L. Balladore, L. Simon, Chen, W.K., see Wang 160 (1996) A. Mesli, M. Diani, L. Kubler and D. Aubel, Chen, W.M., see Ni 157 (1995) A particular epitaxial Si,_ ,C, alloy growth Chen, W.M., see Buyanova 157 (1995) 3 mode on Si(001) evidencedby cross-sec- Chen, Y.P., see Tsen 159 (1996) tional transmission electron microscopy 157 (1995) Cheng, J.Y., see Kuo 158 (1996) Clerjaud, B., see Svob 159 (1996) Cheng, T.S., see Hooper 155 (1995) Cloitre, T., see Konczewicz 159 (1996) Cheng, T.S., C.T. Foxon, L.C. Jenkins, S.E. Cloitre, T., L. Aigouy, B. Gil, O. Briot, N. Hooper, J.W. Orton, S.V. Novikov, T.B. Briot, J.P. Alexis and R.L. Aulombard, Op- Popova and V.V. Tret’yakov, Mechanisms timization and optical studies of ZnCdSe— of nitrogen incorporation in (AlGaXAsN) ZnSe heterostructures grown by MOVPE 159 (1996) films grown by molecular beam epitaxy 158 (1996) ; Cloitre, T., P. Bigenwald, B. Gil, O. Briot, N. Cheng, T.T., M. Aindow, I.P. Jones, J.E. Hails Briot and R.L. Aulombard, Optical charac- and D.J. Williams, The role of the initial terization of MOVPE-grown ZnS-—ZnSe nucleation stage in microstructural develop- short period superlattices 159 (1996) ment for CdTe grown on heat-cleaned 2°-off Clough, S., J.C. Bickerton, J.W. Brightwell, B. (001)GaAs by metalorganic chemical vapour Ray and I.V.F. Viney, Enhancement of flu- deposition 154 (1995) 251 orescence and related spectra in Ca,_ ,Sr,S Cheng, T.T., see Jones 159 (1996) 1096 with cadmium incorporation 159 (1996) Chern, C.S., see Liang 151 (1995) 359 Coates, P.D., see Fiddes 159 (1996) Chernov, A.A., see Lundager Madsen 152 (1995) 191 Cockayne, B., see Lane 153 (1995) Cherns, D., see Atici 154 (1995) 262 Cockayne, B., see Bradley 159 (1996) Chernushich, A.P., see Permogorov 159 (1996) 475 Cockayne, B., see Trager-Cowan 159 (1996) Chianese, A., see Sdhnel 160 (1996) 355 Cockayne, B., see Bagnall 159 (1996) Chiang, Cheng-Der, see Yang 154 (1995) 34 Cody, A.M. and R.D. Cody, Dendrite formation Chibane, M., see Konczewicz 159 (1996) 117 by apparent repeated twinning of calcium Chin, G.-H., see Chen 154 (1995) 98 oxalate dihydrate 151 (1995) 3 Chin, M.-K., see Luo 155 (1995) 272 Cody, R.D., see Cody 151 (1995) ; Cho, Ho Sung, see Jang 156 (1995) 368 Cohen, R.M., see Huang 156 (1995) Choi, D.Y., see Jung 160 (1996) 305 Cohen, R.M., see Huang 156 (1995): Chollet, F., E. André, W. Vandervorst and M. Cohen, R.M., see Li 156 (1995) 34: Caymax, Si({100) epitaxy by low-tempera- Cohen-Solal, C., see Bailly 153 (1995) 428 Author index to volumes 151-—160 Coli, G., see Calcagnile 159 (1996) 793 quantum wells of diluted magnetic semicon- Colignon, D., E. Kartheuser, S. Rodriguez and ductors 159 (1996) 1009 M. Villeret, Optical and magnetic properties Dairaku, S., see Suzuki 159 (1996) 406 of Fe?* and Cr** in II-VI semiconduc- Dang, L.S., see Mariette 159 (1996) 418 tors: the Jahn-Teller effect 159 (1996) Dang, L.S., see Gourgon 159 (1996) 537 Collart, E.J.H., DJ. Gravesteijn, E.G.C. Lath- Dang, L.S., see Alleysson 159 (1996) 672 ouwers and W.J. Kersten, Arsenic doping in Danielson, E.D., see Bell 154 (1995) 108 Si-MBE using low energy ion implantation Dann, A.J., see Meredith 159 (1996) 103 (LEID 157 (1995) : Datsiev, R.M., see Aliev 159 (1996) 523 Comsa, G., see Rosenfeld 151 (1995) Datta, P.K., see Duke 159 (1996) 916 Constantinidis, G., see Kayambaki 157 (1995) Daudin, B., see Veron 159 (1996) 694 Contour, J.P., see Sant 153 (1995) Davies, J.J., see Wolverson 159 (1996) 229 Cookson, D.J., see Gerson 160 (1996) Davies, J.J., see Klar 159 (1996) 1061 Coquillat, D., see Ribayrol 159 (1996) Daweritz, L., see Hey 154 (1995) | Coriell, S.R., see Sekerka 154(1995) : Dawson, M., see Hooper 155 (1995) 157 Coschug-Toates, O., see Aliev 159 (1996) Débarre, D., see Boulmer 157 (1995) 436 Cdte, D., see Svob 159 (1996) De Barros, O., see Bremond 157 (1995) 116 Counio, G., see Chamarro 159 (1996) Debnam, Jr., W.J., see Barber 160 (1996) Counter, J.A., see Gerson 160 (1996) De Carvalho, M.M.G., see De Oliveira 151 (1995) Cox, R.T., see Kheng 159 (1996) De Keyzer, R., see Goessens 151 (1995) 3: Creasey, J.P., see Bradley 159 (1996) Dellagiovanni, M., see Ritchie 153 (1995) Cristiano, F., see Hemment 157 (1995) Delrieu, J.M., see Anzai 154 (1995) Cui, F.Z., see Lu 155 (1995) Demeester, P., see Aherne 159 (1996) Cui, H., see Lu 155 (1995) Demianiuk, M., see Mac 159 (1996) Cui, S.F., Y.T. Wang, Y. Zhuang, M. Li and De Neve, H., see Aherne 159 (1996) Z.H. Mai, In-plane X-ray scattering of epi- Deng Jiangdong, Li Zengfa, Zhang Guangyin taxial structures 152 (1995) : and Geng Yanxiang, Detection of surface Cuisinier, F.J.G., P. Steuer, A. Brisson and J.C. defects of Si epitaxial wafers by the magic- Voegel, High resolution electron micros- mirror approach 152 (1995) copy study of crystal growth mechanisms in Denhoff, M., see Hamed 152 (1995) chicken bone composites 156 (1995) De Oliveira, C.E.M. and M.M.G. de Carvalho, Cullis, A.G., A.J. Pidduck and M.T. Emeny, A simple technique for Czochralski growth Growth morphology evolution and disloca- of GaSb single crystals from scum-free melt 151 (1995) tion introduction in the InGaAs /GaAs het- Derby, J.J., see Yeckel 152 (1995) eroepitaxial system 158 (1996) Derby, J.J., see Xiao 152 (1995) Curello, G., R. Gwilliam, M. Harry, KJ. Ree- Derby, J.J., see Kuppurao 155 (1995) son, B.J. Sealy, T. Rodriguez and A. Al- Derby, J.J., see Kuppurao 155 (1995) mendra, Interface reaction between Ir films Derby, J.J., see Kuppurao 158 (1996) and relaxed SiGe MBE layers by rapid ther- DeSisto, W.J., E.S. Snow and C.L. Vold, Met- mal annealing 157 (1995) alorganic chemical vapor deposition of Curzon, A.E., see Hamed 152 (1995) YBCO thin films on (100) MgO 154 (1995) Desmur-Larré, A., see Boulmer 157 (1995) Dabbicco, M., C.J. Stevens, R.A. Adams, R.A. Dettmer, K., see Koschinski 157 (1995) Taylor, J.F. Ryan, R. Cingolani and I. Sue- Dettmer, K., see Wassermar 157 (1995) mune, Time-resolved study of stimulated Dettmer, K., U. Behner and R. Beserman, Com- emission in ZnSe /Zn(S,Se) superlattices 159 (1996) 657 parison of different Si /Ge alloy buffer con- Dabbicco, M., see Fox 159 (1996) 771 cepts for (Si,,Ge,,),, superlattices 157 (1995) Dabbicco, M., see Stevens 159 (1996) 835 Deufel, M., see Kastner 159 (1996) Dabringhaus, H., see Gutjahr 158 (1996) 296 Deufel, M., see Gebhardt 159 (1996) Dabringhaus, H., see Gutjahr 158 (1996) 310 De Vittorio, M., see Calcagnile 159 (1996) Dahl, M., see Meyer 159 (1996) 997 Dhanaraj, G., see Venkataramanan 154 (1995) Dahl, M., see Stihler 159 (1996) 1001 Dhar, N.K., see Million 159 (1996) Dahl, M., A. Mergler, M. Sawicki, T. Litz, A. Dharmadasa, I.M., see Blomfield 159 (1996) Waag, T. Gerhard, G. Karczewski, T. Woj- Diani, M., see Claverie 157 (1995) towicz and J. Kossut, Optically detected Diani, M., L. Kubler, J.L. Bischoff, J.J. Grob, spin-glass transition in superlattices and B. Prévot and A. Mesli, Synthesis of epitax-

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