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Journal of Crystal Growth 120 (1992) 399-404 journos CRYSTAL North-Holland GROWTH Author index Abernathy, C.R. and D.A Bohling, Low Ball, G , see Lane 120 (1992) 245 temperature growth of AlGaAs by Ballingall, J., see Hersee 120 (19922)1 8 MOMBE (CBE) using trimethylamine Ban, V.S., see Jones 120 (19921)5 0 alane 120 (1992) 195 Barrau, J., see Starck 120 (1992) 180 Abernathy, C.R., F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, T.R Baur, B., see Heinecke 120 (1992) 140 Fullowan, R.K. Montgomery, P.W. Wisk, Baur, B., see Beer 120 (19923)1 2 J.R. Lothian, P.R. Smith and R.N. Not Baur, B., see Heinecke 120 (1992) 376 tenburg, Growth of GaAs/ AlGaAs Beer, K., B. Baur, H. Heinecke and R HBTs by MOMBE (CBE) 120 (1992) 234 Treichler, Improvements in silicon dop- Aketagawa, K., see Tatsumi 120 (1992) 275 ing of InP and GalnAs in metalorganic Alexandre, F., see Benchimol 120 (1992) 189 molecular beam epitaxy 120 (19923)1 2 Allenson, M.B., see Lane 120 (1992) 245 Benchimol, J.L., X.Q. Zhang, Y. Gao, G. Le Amin, S.J., see Skevington 120 (19921)3 5 Roux, H. Thibierge and F. Alexandre, Amin, S.J., see Skevington 120 (1992) 328 Chemical beam epitaxy of AlGaAs and Ando, H., T. Fujii, A.S andhu, T. Takahashi, AllnAs using trimethylamine alane pre- H. Ishikawa, N. Okamoto and N cursor 120 (19921)8 9 Yokoyama, Growth of carbon-doped base Bensaoula, A., see Roth 120 (19922)1 2 GaAs / AlGaAs HBT by gas-source MBE Bhat, R.., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 using TEG, TEA, TMG, AsH,, and Bhat, R., Current status of selective area Si,H, 120 (1992) 228 epitaxy by OMCVD 120 (19923)6 2 Ando, H., see Sandhu 120 (1992)29 6 Bhattacharya, P.K., see Sherwin 120 (1992) 162 Antolini, A., see Genova 120 (1992) 333 Bohling, D.A., see Abernathy 120 (1992) 195 Armstrong, J.V., T. Farrell, T.B. Joyce, P Bonnevie, D., see Goldstein 120 (1992) 157 Kightley, TJ. Bullough and PJ. Good- Boulou, M., see Starck 120 (19923)4 9 hew, Monitoring real-time CBE growth Bradley, R.R., see Woodhouse 120 (19923)2 3 of GaAs and AlGaAs using dynamic op- Brillouet, F., see Pagnod-Rossiaux 120 (19923)1 7 tical reflectivity 120 (1992) 84 Brock, T., see Munns 120 (1992) 184 Armstrong, J.V., see Farrell 120 (1992) 395 Bullough, T_J., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 84 Armstrong, S.R., R.D. Hoare, M.E. Pemble, Bullough, T.J., see Joyce 120 (19922)0 6 1.M. Povey, A. Stafford and A.G. Taylor, Bullough, T.J., see Farrell 120 (1992) 395 Optical second harmonic generation studies of the nature of the GaAs(100) Caneau, C., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 surface in air 120 (1992) 94 Carlin, J.F., A. Rudra, R. Houdré, P. Rute- Asahi, H., see Kaneko 120 (1992) 39 rana and M. Ilegems, Effect of growth Asahi, H., T. Kaneko, Y. Okuno, Y. Itani, K interruptions on ultra-thin InAs/InP Asami and S. Gonda, MOMBE growth quantum wells grown by chemical beam characteristics of antimonide compounds 120 (1992) 252 epitaxy 120 (1992) 155 Asami, K., see Asahi 120 (1992)25 2 Carlin, J.F., see Rudra 120 (19923)3 8 Asonen, H., see Tappura 120 (1992) 145 Chin, A., see Hersee 120 (1992) 218 Asonen, H., see Zhang 120 (1992) 172 Chiu, T.H., see Cunningham 120 (1992) 306 Aspnes, D.E., R. Bhat, C. Caneau, E. Colas, Chiu, T.H., M.D. Williams, J.E. Zucker, F.G L.T. Florez, S. Gregory, J.P. Harbison, | Storz and $.N.G. Chu, CBE growth of Kamiya, V.G. Keramidas, M.A. Koza, InGaAsP/InP multiple quantum wells M.A.A. Pudensi, W.E. Quinn, S.A for optical modulator applications 120 (19923)4 3 Schwarz, M.C. Tamargo and H. Tanaka, Choi, K.Y., see Edwards 120 (1992) 78 Optically monitoring and controlling epi- Choi, K.Y., see Droopad 120 (1992) 200 taxial growth 120 (1992) 71 Christer, J., see Stagg 120 (1992) 98 400 Author index Chu, S.N.G., see Chiu 120 (1992) 343 techniques in the study of reaction mech- Clérot, F., see Le Corre 120 (1992) 353 anisms in CBE; investigations of the re- Colas, E., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 activity of tritertiarybutylgallium and tri- Crawley, J., see Stagg 120 (1992) 98 isobutylgallium as alternative precursors Cremer, C., see Heinecke 120 (1992) 376 for epilayer growth 120 (1992) 103 Crouch, M.A., see Lane 120 (1992) 245 Foord, J.S., see Davies 120 (19923)6 9 Cullis, A.G., see Lane 120 (1992) 245 Foxon, C.T., see Lacklison 120 (1992) 50 Cunningham, J.E., M. Williams, T.H. Chiu, Francesio, L., see Genova 120 (1992) 333 W. Jan, F. Storz and E. Westerwick, French, C.L., see FitzGerald 120 (1992) 57 Confinement of 5 Be at the one mono- French, C.L., and J.S. Foord, Reaction ki- layer level in GaAs 120 (19923)0 6 netics for the CBE growth of GaAs from triethylgallium; computer modelling stud- Davies, G.J., see Singh 120 (1992) 33 ies incorporating recent surface spectro- Davies, G.J., see Foord 120 (1992) 103 scopic data 120 (1992) 63 Davies, G.J., see Skevington 120 (1992) 328 French, C.L., see Davies 120 (1992) 369 Davies, G.J., PJ. Skevington, C.L. French Fujii, T., see Ando 120 (1992)22 8 and J.S. Foord, Selective area growth of Fujii, T., see Sandhu 120 (19922)9 6 III-V compound semiconductors by Fullowan, T.R., see Abernathy 120 (1992) 234 chemical beam epitaxy 120 (1992) 369 Dawsey, J.R., see Lane 120 (1992) 245 Gaborit, F., see Goldstein 120 (1992) 157 Deppert, K., S. Jeppesen, J. Jonsson, G. Gaborit, F., see Pagnod-Rossiaux 120 (1992) 317 Paulsson and L. Samuelson, Effects of Gailhanou, M., see Rudra 120 (1992) 338 pressure and temperature on RD de- Gao, Y., see Benchimol 120 (1992) 189 tected growth oscillations 120 (1992) 88 Garabedian, P., see Pagnod-Rossiaux 120 (1992) 317 Domen, K., see Sandhu 120 (1992) 296 Gastaldi, L., see Genova 120 (1992) 333 Droopad, R., see Edwards 120 (1992) 78 Gates, S.M., Kinetics and mechanisms of Droopad, R., K.T. Shiralagi, R.A. Puechner, surface reactions in epitaxial growth of Si K.Y. Choi and G.N. Maracas, Low tem- from SiH, and Si,H, 120 (19922)6 9 perature GaAs grown by gas source Genova, F., A. Antolini, L. Francesio, L molecular beam epitaxy 120 (1992) 200 Gastaldi, C. Lamberti, C. Papuzza and C. Durel, S., see Le Corre 120 (1992) 353 Rigo, Influence of growth parameters on Edwards, J.L.,G.N. Maracas, K.T. Shiralagi, the interface abruptness in CBE-grown K.Y. Choi and R. Droopad, In-situ and InGaAs /InP QWs and SLs 120 (19923)3 3 ex-situ characterization of GaAs/AIAs Gibson, E.M., see Lacklison 120 (1992) 50 quantum well structures using spec- Gill, $.S., see Lane 120 (1992) 245 troscopy ellipsometry 120 (1992) 78 Goldstein, L., C. Starck, J.-Y. Emery, F Emeis, N., see Heinecke 120 (1992) 140 Gaborit, D. Bonnevie, F. Poingt and M Emery, J.-Y., see Goldstein 120 (1992) 157 Lambert, Optoelectronic devices by gas Emery, J.-Y., see Starck 120 (1992) 180 source molecular beam epitaxy 120 (19921)5 7 Goldstein, L., see Starck 120 (19921)8 0 Farrell, T., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 84 Gonda, S., see Kaneko 120 (1992) 39 Farrell, T., J.V. Armstrong, T.B. Joyce, TJ. Gonda, S., see Asahi 120 (1992)25 2 Bullough, P. Kightley and PJ. Goodhew, Goodhew, P.J., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 84 XeCl excimer laser assisted CBE growth Goodhew, P.J., see Joyce 120 (19922)0 6 of GaAs 120 (1992) 395 Goodhew, P_J., see Farrell 120 (19923)9 5 FitzGerald, E.T., C.L. French and JS. Goto, S., see Isu 120 (1992) 45 Foord, Surface chemical studies of the Goto, S., Y. Morishita, Y. Nomura, Y. influence of In and Al on the decomposi- Katayama and T. Isu, Hillock formation tion of TEG on GaAS(100) 120 (1992) 57 observed in MOMBE of InGaAs grown FitzGerald, E.T., see Foord 120 (1992) 103 on a patterned GaAs substrate 120 (19923)8 2 Flemish, J.R., see Jones 120 (19921)5 0 Gregory, S., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 Florez, L.T., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 Foord, J.S., see Singh 120 (1992) 33 Haddad, G.1., see Munns 120 (1992) 184 Foord, J.S., see FitzGerald 120 (1992) 57 Hakkarainen, T., see Tappura 120 (1992) 145 Foord, J.S., see French 120 (1992) 63 Hakkarainen, T., see Zhang 120 (19921)7 2 Foord, J.S., N.K. Singh, E.T. FitzGerald, Halliwell, M.A.G., see Skevington 120 (19923)2 8 G.J. Davies and A.C. Jones, Applications Harbison, J.P., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 of MBMS and surface spectroscopic Hata, M., see Isu 120 (1992) 45 Author index Heinecke, H., B. Baur, N. Emeis and M growth of GaAs/GaAs, GaAs/Si and Schier, Growth of highly uniform InP / AlGaAs/GaAs using TEG, AsH, and GalnAs/ GalnAsP heterostructures by amine-alane precursors 120 (1992) 206 MOMBE for device integration 120 (1992) 140 Joyce, T.B., see Farrell 120 (1992)39 5 Heinecke, H., see Beer 120 (1992) 312 Heinecke, H., B. Baur, R. Schimpe, R. Matz, Kamiya, I., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 C. Cremer, R. Héger and A. Miklis, Se- Kamp, M., F. Konig, G. Mérsch and H lective area epitaxy of InP /GalnAsP Liith, New aluminium precursors for heterostructures by MOMBE 120 (1992) 376 MOMBE (CBE): a comparative study 120 (19921)2 4 Hersee, S.D., L. Yang, M. Kao, P. Martin, J Kaneko, T., H. Asahi and S. Gonda, Theo- Mazurowski, A. Chin and J. Ballingall, retical consideration of the growth kinet- MOMBE GaAs and AlGaAs for micro- ics for GaAs and GaSb 120 (1992) 39 electronic devices 120 (19922)1 8 Kaneko, T., see Asahi 120 (1992)25 2 Hincelin, G., M. Zahzouh, R. Mellet and Kao, M., see Hersee 120 (19922)1 8 A.M. Pougnet, Growth of InP in chemi- Katayama, Y., see Isu 120 (1992) 45 cal beam epitaxy with high purity ter- Katayama, Y., see Goto 120 (19923)8 2 tiarybutylphosphine 120 (1992) 119 Keramidas, V.G., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 Hiroi, M., see Tatsumi 120 (1992) 275 Kiely, C.J., see Joyce 120 (19922)0 6 Hiroi, M. and T. Tatsumi, Selective epitaxial Kightley, P., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 84 growth of Si,_,.Ge, by cold-wall ultra- Kightley, P., see Joyce 120 (19922)0 6 high vacuum chemical vapor deposition Kightley, P., see Farrell 120 (19923)9 5 using disilane and germane 120 (1992) 279 Koide, Y., S. Zaima, K. Itoh and Y. Yasuda, Hoare, R.D., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 94 In-situ RHEED study on the effect of Hoéger, R., see Heinecke 120 (1992) 376 light irradiation on Ge /Si heteroepitax- Hou, H.Q. and C.W. Tu, InGaAsP /InP ial growth by GeH, source MBE 120 (1992) 284 multiple quantum wells grown by gas- Konagai, M., Wide band-gap II-VI com- source molecular beam epitaxy 120 (1992) 167 pounds grown by MOMBE 120 (1992)26 1 Houdré, R., see Carlin 120 (1992) 155 Konagai, M., see Tokumitsu 120 (19923)0 1 Houlton, M., see Lane 120 (19922)4 5 Konig, F., see Kamp 120 (19921)2 4 Hughes, B.T., see Lane 120 (1992) 245 Koyama, F., see Uchida 120 (19923)5 7 Koza, M.A., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 Iga, K., see Uchida 120 (1992) 357 Kwon, Y., see Munns 120 (1992) 184 Iga, R., see Yamada 120 (1992) 177 Iga, R., see Sugiura 120 (1992) 389 Lacelle, C., see Roth 120 (19922)1 2 llegems, M., see Carlin 120 (1992) 155 Lacklison, D.E., C.T. Foxon, J. Zhang, B.A llegems, M., see Rudra 120 (1992) 338 Joyce and E.M. Gibson, RHEED studies Ishikawa, H., see Ando 120 (19922)2 8 of MOMBE growth using TMGa or Isu, T., M. Hata, Y. Morishita, Y. Nomura, TEGa with As, 120 (1992) 50 S. Goto and Y. Katayama, Surface diffu- Lambert, B., see Le Corre 120 (19923)5 3 sion length during MOMBE and CBE Lambert, M., see Goldstein 120 (19921)5 7 growth measured by n.-RHEED 120 (1992) 45 Lambert, M., see Pagnod-Rossiaux 120 (19923)1 7 Isu, T., see Goto 120 (1992) 382 Lamberti, C., see Genova 120 (19923)3 3 Itani, Y., see Asahi 120 (1992) 252 Lane, P.A., see Martin 120 (1992) 25 Itoh, K., see Koide 120 (1992) 284 Lane, P.A., C.R. Whitehouse, T. Martin, M Houlton, G.M. Williams, A.G. Cullis, S$.S Jan, W., see Cunningham 120 (1992) 306 Gill, J.R. Dawsey, G. Ball, B.T. Hughes, Jeppesen, S., see Deppert 120 (1992) 88 M.A. Crouch and M.B. Allenson, CBE Jones, A.C., see Foord 120 (1992) 103 growth of GaAs/GaAlAs HBTs using Jones, K.A., J.R. Flemish, H. Shen and V.S the new DEAIH-—NMe, precursor and Ban, Incorporation of phosphorus during all-gaseous dopants 120 (19922)4 5 gas phase epitaxy 120 (1992) 150 Corre, A., S. Durel, F. Clérot, B. Lam- Jénsson, J., see Deppert 120 (1992) 88 bert, A. Poudoulec, S. Salaiin and D Joyce, B.A., see Lacklison 120 (1992) 50 Lecrosnier, Critical layer thickness of Joyce, B.A., see Mokler 120 (19922)9 0 Ing g2>Gay ;gAs/InP quantum wells 120 (19923)5 3 Joyce, T.B., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 84 Le Gouezigou, L., see Pagnod-Rossiaux 120 (19923)1 7 Joyce, T.B., TJ. Bullough, P. Kightley, CJ Le Roux, G., see Benchimol 120 (1992) 189 Kiely, Y.R. Xing and PJ. Goodhew, CBE Lecrosnier, D., see Le Corre 120 (19923)5 3 402 Author index Liu, W.K., see Mokler 120 (19922)9 0 Pagnod-Rossiaux, Ph., M. Lambert, F. Ga Lothian, J.R., see Abernathy 120 (1992) 234 borit, F. Brillouet, P. Garabedian and | Lith, H., see Kamp 120 (19921)2 4 Le Gouezigou, Growth of semi-insulating Lyons, M.H., see Skevington 120 (19923)2 8 InP by GSMBE 120 (19923)1 7 Papuzza, C., see Genova 120 (1992) 333 Maigné, P., see Roth 120 (19922)1 2 Paulsson, G., see Deppert 120 (1992) 88 Mallecot, F., see Starck 120 (19923)4 9 Pavilidis, D., see Munns 120 (19921)8 4 Maracas, G.N., see Edwards 120 (1992) 78 Pearton, S.J., see Abernathy 120 (19922)3 4 Maracas, G.N., see Droopad 120 (19922)0 0 Pemble, M.E., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 94 Martin, P., see Hersee 120 (19922)1 8 Pessa, M., see Zhang 120 (19921)7 2 Martin, T., C.R. Whitehouse and P.A. Lane, Peyre, J.-L., see Starck 120 (19923)4 9 Growth reactions and mechanisms in Poingt, F., see Goldstein 120 (19921)5 7 chemical beam epitaxy (CBE) 120 (1992) 25 Poudoulec, A., see Le Corre 120 (19923)5 3 Martin, T., see Lane 120 (19922)4 5 Pougnet, A.M., see Hincelin 120 (19921)1 9 Matabon, M.., see Starck 120 (19921)8 0 Povey, I.M., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 94 Matz, R., see Heinecke 120 (19923)7 6 Pudensi, M.A.A., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 Mazurowski, J., see Hersee 120 (19922)1 8 Puechner, R.A., see Droopad 120 (19922)0 0 Mellet, R., see Hincelin 120 (1992) 119 Miklis, A., see Heinecke 120 (19923)7 6 Qi, M., see Tokumitsu 120 (1992) 301 Misawa, S., see Okumura 120 (19921)1 4 Quinn, W.E., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 Miyamoto, T., see Uchida 120 (1992) 357 Mokler, S.M., W.K. Liu, N. Ohtani and B.A. Rakennus, K., see Tappura 120 (19921)4 5 Joyce, RHEED studies of the growth of Rakennus, K., see Zhang 120 (19921)7 2 Si(001) by gas source MBE from disilane 120 (19922)9 0 Rejman-Greene, M.A.Z., see Skevington 120 (19923)2 8 Mollot, F., see Starck 120 (19923)4 9 Ren, F., see Abernathy 120 (19922)3 4 Montgomery, R.K., see Abernathy 120 (1992) 234 Rigo, C., see Genova 120 (1992) 333 Morishita, Y., see Isu 120 (1992) 45 Roth, A.P., D. Morris, Q. Sun, C. Lacelle, Z Morishita, Y., see Goto 120 (19923)8 2 Wasilewski, P. Maigné and A. Bensaoula, Morris, D., see Roth 120 (1992) 212 Anisotropy in InGaAs/GaAs hetero- MoOrsch, G., see Kamp 120 (19921)2 4 structures grown by low-pressure Miller, R., see Rothfritz 120 (19921)3 0 MOVPE and CBE 120 (19922)1 2 Miller, R., see Trankle 120 (1992) 240 Rothfritz, H., G. Trankle, R. Miller and G Munns, G.O., see Sherwin 120 (1992) 162 Weimann, High-quality InP grown by Munns, G.O., M.E. Sherwin, T. Brock, G.1. chemical beam epitaxy 120 (19921)3 0 Haddad, Y. Kwon, G.I. Ng and D. Pavi- Rothfritz, H., see Trankle 120 (19922)4 0 lidis, InAlAs/InGaAs/InP sub-micron Rudra, A., see Carlin 120 (19921)5 5 HEMTs grown by CBE 120 (19921)8 4 Rudra, A., J.F. Carlin, P. Ruterana, M. Gail- hanou, J.L. Staehli and M. Ilegems, Nakamura, T., see Sandhu 120 (19922)9 6 Growth of GalnAs(P) and GalnAsP Newman, R.C., see Woodhouse 120 (1992) 323 GalnAs MQW structures by CBE 120 (19923)3 8 Ng, G.1., see Munns 120 (19921)8 4 Ruterana, P., see Carlin 120 (19921)5 5 Nichols, D.T., see Sherwin 120 (19921)6 2 Ruterana, P., see Rudra 120 (1992) 338 Nicklin, R., see Woodhouse 120 (1992) 323 Noguchi, Y., see Yamada 120 (1992) 177 Sakai, J., see Tatsumi 120 (1992) 275 Nomura, Y., see Isu 120 (1992) 45 Sakuma, E., see Okumura 120 (1992) 114 Nomura, Y., see Goto 120 (19923)8 2 Salaiin, S., see Le Corre 120 (19923)5 3 Nottenburg, R.N., see Abernathy 120 (1992) 234 Samuelson, L., see Deppert 120 (1992) 88 Nozaki, S., see Tokumitsu 120 (1992)3 0 Sandhu, A., see Ando 120 (1992) 228 Sandhu, A., T. Nakamura, H. Ando, K Ohtani, N., see Mokler 120 (1992) 290 Domen, N. Okamoto and T. Fujii, The Okamoto, N., see Ando 120 (19922)2 8 electrical, optical and crystalline proper- Okamoto, N., see Sandhu 120 (1992) 296 ties of GaAs:C grown by GSMBE using Okumura, H., S. Yoshida, S. Misawa and E. TMG and AsH, for application to HBTs 120 (19922)9 6 Sakuma, Epitaxial growth of GaAs and Sangster, M.J.L., see Woodhouse 120 (19923)2 3 GaN by gas source molecular beam epi- Schier, M., see Heinecke 120 (1992) 140 taxy using organic group V compounds 120 (1992) 114 Schimpe, R., see Heinecke 120 (1992)37 6 Okuno, Y., see Asahi 120 (1992) 252 Schwarz, S.A., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 Author index Shen, H., see Jones 120 (1992) 150 Tappura, K., T. Hakkarainen, K. Rakennus Sherwin, M.E., G.O. Munns, D.T. Nichols, and H. Asonen, Temperature depen- P.K. Bhattacharya and F.L. Terry, Jr dency of the composition of GalnAsP The growth of InGaAsP by CBE for SCH grown by GSMBE 120 (1992) 145 quantum well lasers operating at 1.55 Tappura, K., see Zhang 120 (1992) 172 and 1.4 um 120 (1992) 162 Tatsumi, T., K. Aketagawa, M. Hiroi and J Sherwin, M.E., see Munns 120 (1992) 184 Sakai, Selective epitaxial growth by Shirakashi, J., see Tokumitsu 120 (1992) 301 UHV-CVD using Si,H, and Cl, 120 (19922)7 5 Shiralagi, K.T., see Edwards 120 (1992) 78 Tatsumi, T., see Hiroi 120 (19922)7 9 Shiralagi, K.T., see Droopad 120 (19922)0 0 Taylor, A.G., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 94 Simes, R.J., see Starck 120 (1992) 180 Terry, Jr., F.L., see Sherwin 120 (1992) 162 Singh, N.K., J.S. Foord, PJ. Skevington and Thibierge, H., see Benchimol 120 (1992) 189 G.J. Davies, Growth and MBMS studies Thrush, E.J., see Stagg 120 (1992) 98 of reaction mechanisms for In ,Ga,_, As Tokumitsu, E., J. Shirakashi, M. Qi, T. Ya- CBE 120 (1992) 33 mada, S. Nozaki, M. Konagai and K Singh, N.K., see Foord 120 (1992) 103 Takahashi, Heavily carbon-doped p-type Skevington, P.J., see Singh 120 (1992) 33 InGaAs by MOMBE 120 (1992) 301 Skevington, P.J., and S.J. Amin, Control of Trankle, G., see Rothfritz 120 (1992) 130 growth temperature at the onset of Trankle, G., H. Rothfritz, R. Miller and G Ing <;Ga_ 47As growth by chemical beam Weimann, CBE growth of high-quality epitaxy 120 (1992) AlGaAs /GaAs heterostructures for Skevington, P-.J., M.A.G Halliwell, M.H HEMT applications 120 (19922)4 0 Lyons, S.J Amin, M.A.Z. Rejman- Treichler, R., see Beer 120 (19923)1 2 Greene and G.J. Davies, Growth of InP Tsang, W.T., Advances in MOVPE, MBE, InGaAs multiple quantum well structures and CBE 120(1992) 1 by chemical beam epitaxy 120 (1992) 328 Tu, C.W., see Hou 120 (19921)6 7 Skevington, P.J., see Davies 120 (1992) 369 Smith, P.R., see Abernathy 120 (19922)3 4 Uchida, T., T.K. Uchida, N. Yokouchi, T Staehli, J.L., see Rudra 120 (1992) 338 Miyamoto, F. Koyama and K. Iga, Photo- Stafford, A., see Armstrong 120 (1992) 94 luminescence characterization of Ga, Stagg, J.P., J. Christer, EJ. Thrush and J In, _,As (0 <x: 0.32) strained quantum Crawley, Measurement and control of wells grown on InP by chemical beam reagent concentrations in MOCVD reac- epitaxy 120 (1992) 357 tor using ultrasonics 120 (1992) Uchida, T.K., see Uchida 120 (1992) 357 Starck, C., see Goldstein 120 (1992) Starck, C., J.-Y. Emery, RJ. Simes, M Wasilewski, Z.., see Roth 120 (19922)1 2 Matabon, L. Goldstein and J. Barrau, Weimann, G.., see Rothfritz 120 (19921)3 0 Strained quaternary GalnAsP quantum Weimann, G.., see Trankle 120 (1992) 240 well laser emitting at 1.5 um grown by Westerwick, E., see Cunningham 120 (19923)0 6 gas source molecular beam epitaxy 120 (19921)8 0 Whitehouse, C.R., see Martin 120 (1992) 25 Starck, C., F. Mollot, F. Mallecot, J.-L. Peyre Whitehouse, C.R., see Lane 120 (1992) 245 and M. Boulou, Well-size dependence of Williams, G.M., see Lane 120 (19922)4 5 electro-optic effects in GalnAsP/InP Williams, M.D., see Cunningham 120 (19923)0 6 quantum wells grown by GSMBE 120 (1992) Williams, M.D., see Chiu 120 (1992) 343 Storz, F.G.., see Cunningham 120 (1992) Wisk, P.W., see Abernathy 120 (1992) 234 Storz, F.G., see Chiu 120 (1992) Woodhouse, K., R.C. Newman, R. Nicklin, Sugiura, H., see Yamada 120 (1992) R.R. Bradley and M.J.L. Sangster, The Sugiura, H., R. Iga and T. Yamada, Laser lattice sites of carbon and hydrogen in- assisted chemical beam epitaxy for selec corporated in GaAs grown by MOVPE tive growth 120 (1992) revealed by infrared spectroscopy 120 (1992) 323 Sun, Q., see Roth 120 (1992) Xing, Y.R., see Joyce 120 (19922)0 6 Takahashi, K., see Tokumitsu 120 (1992) 301 Yamada, T., R. Iga, Y. Noguchi and H Takahashi, T , see Ando 120 (19922)2 8 Sugiura, CBE growth of low threshold Tamargo, M.C., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 1.5 um InGaAs / InGaAsP MOW lasers 120 (1992) 177 Tanaka, H., see Aspnes 120 (1992) 71 Yamada, T., see Tokumitsu 120 (1992) 301 404 Author index Yamada, T., see Sugiura 120 (1992) 389 Zhang, G., T. Hakkarainen, K. Rakennus, K Yang, L., see Hersee 120 (1992) 218 Tappura, H. Asonen and M. Pessa, Low Yasuda, Y., see Koide 120 (1992) 284 dark current In, <,Gay,,As/InP SAM Yokouchi, N., see Uchida 120 (1992) 357 avalanche photodiodes grown by gas- Yokoyama, N., see Ando 120 (1992) 228 source MBE 120 (1992) 172 Yoshida, S., see Okumura 120 (1992) 114 Zhang, J., see Lacklison 120 (1992) 50 Zhang, X.Q., see Benchimol 120 (1992) 189 Zahzouh, M., see Hincelin 120 (1992) 119 Zucker, J.E., see Chiu 120 (1992) 343 Zaima, S., see Koide 120 (1992) 284 Journal of Crystal Growth 120 (1992) 405-406 omc CRYSTAL North-Holland GROWTH Subject index Aluminum by X-ray methods 98, 114, 124, 135, 167, 184, 212, 296, 328, antimonide 25 333, 338, 343 gallium arsenide 84, 124, 189, 195, 206, 218, 228, 234, 240, by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 369 323, 362 Computer simulation Antimonides of decomposition of group III elements 252 of organic gallium precursors 57, 63 Apparatus for thin film growth Devices by chemical beam epitaxy lasers 157, 162, 177, 180, 317, 338 laser assisted microelectronic 218 of gallium arsenide 395 optical modulator applications 343 of III-V compounds 389 optoelectronic 157, 167, 349, 369 by molecular beam epitaxy photodiodes 140, 172 using light irradiation transistor 184, 218, 234, 240, 245, 296 waveguides 140 of germanium 284 for miscellaneous purposes Diffusional control 45 dynamic optical reflectivity 84 Gallium measurement of second harmonic generation 94 aluminum arsenide 25. 57, 245 metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy of zinc chalco antimonide 25, 39 genides 261 arsenide 25, 33, 39, 45, 50, 57, 63, 71, 78, 88, 94, 103, 114, monitoring concentration of gas mixtures 98 124, 200, 206, 218, 228, 234, 240, 245, 296, 306, 323, 362, ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition 279 369, 389, 395 arsenide phosphide 389 indium arsenide 25, 33, 57, 140, 312, 338, 357 Characterization methods indium arsenide phosphide 140, 145, 157, 180, 338, 349, 376 by Auger electron spectroscopy 57, 103 nitride 114 by cross-section transmission electron microscopy 245 phosphide 389 by direct recoil experiments 269 Germanium 284 by electrical methods 119, 124, 130, 140, 172, 180, 184, 200, 218, 228, 234, 240, 245, 261, 296, 301, 312, 317, 343, 349 Indium by electron microscopy 155, 157, 245, 279, 338, 343, 353 aluminum arsenide 184 376, 382 arsenide 155 by Fourier transform infrared 328 gallium arsenide 33, 98, 135, 177, 184, 212, 301, 328, 333, by infrared spectroscopy 323 382. 389 by mass spectrometry 25, 33, 39, 103, 119, 284 by optical microscopy 130, 212, 376, 382, 389 phosphide 98, 119, 130, 140, 150, 157, 162, 167, 180, 184, by optical properties 84, 88, 395 312. 317, 328. 333, 343, 349, 353. 357. 362. 376. 389 by photoluminescence 124, 130, 140, 155, 162, 167, 180, 184, 189, 195, 200, 212, 218, 240, 252, 261, 296, 312, 333 Kinetics 338, 343, 349, 353, 357 of doping 312 by Raman spectroscopy 296 of growth 25, 33, 39, 45, 50, 57, 63, 78, 84, 88, 103, 140, 145, by reflection high energy electron diffraction 50, 114, 200, 150, 162, 167, 206, 252, 261, 269, 275, 279, 284, 312, 338, 284. 290. 306. 382 343, 369, 376, 389, 395 by Rutherford back scattering 195 by second harmonic generation 94 of nucleation 140 by secondary ion mass spectrometry 189, 195, 206, 228, 234 Lattice mismatch 33, 135, 150, 167, 184, 189, 328, 338 245, 301, 306, 312, 317, 343 by spectroscopic methods 57, 63, 71, 78, 103, 130, 200, 240 Nonlinear optics 94 406 Subject index Phase diagrams of silicon 269 of gallium arsenide 71 of III-V compounds 25, 389 Precursor metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy organic aluminum 124 of aluminum gallium arsenide 124, 195, 218, 234 organic gallium 103 of gallium antimonide 39 organic phosphorus 150 gallium arsenide 39, 45, 50, 114, 124, 218, 234 gallium indium arsenide phosphide 140, 301, 312, 376 Quantum wells /size effects gallium nitride 114 of GaAs /AIAs 78 group III antimonides 252 of GalnAsP /GalnAs 338 indium gallium arsenide 382 of GalnAsP /InP 157, 162, 167, 180, 343, 349, of indium phosphide 312, 3 4 6 of InAs/InP 155 zinc chalcogenides 261 of InGaAs /InGaAsP 177 molecular beam epitaxy of InP /InGaAs 328, 2$23 , advances in | of aluminum gallium arsenide 228 Silicon 269, 279, 290 of gallium arsenide 71, 78, 200, 228 296, 306 germanium 279 of gallium indium arsenide phosphide 145, 15 + 167, 180, Surface processes 25, 33, 5 349, 353 Surface structure 88 of germanium 284 of indium gallium arsenide 33, 172 Thin film growth of indium phosphide 157, 16 7, 172, 180, 317, 349, 353 by atomic layer epitaxy of silicon 290 of zinc chalcogenides 261 by vapor phase epitaxy by chemical beam epitaxy through chemical vapor deposition advances in | of silicon 269, 275 of aluminum gallium arsenide 84, 189, 206, 240, 245 of silicon—germanium 279 aluminum indium arsenide 189 through metalorganic chemical vapor deposition gallium arsenide 33, 45, 63, 88, 103, 206, 240, 245 advances in | of aluminum gallium arsenide 323, 362 indium aluminum arsenide 184 of gallium arsenide 71, 323, 362 indium arsenide 155 of indium gallium arsenide 98, 212 indium gallium arsenide 33, 135, 177, 184, 212, of indium gallium arsenide phosphide 150 , 338, 357 ot indium phosphide 98, 150, 362 of indium gallium arsenide phosphide 150, 1622 , 177 343 of indium phosphide 119, 130, 150, 162, 184, 328, Zinc chalcogenides 261

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