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Journal of Crystal Growth 107 (1991) 1077-1090 North-Holland AUTHOR INDEX Abernathy, C.R., Carbon incorporation in Asaka, M., see Ashizawa 107 (1991) 903 GaAs and AlGaAs grown by MOMBE Ashizawa, Y., T. Noda, K. Morizuka, M. using trimethylgallium 107 (1991) 982 Asaka and M. Obara, LPMOCVD growth Abernathy, C.R., see Bohling 107 (1991) 1068 of C doped GaAs layers and Abraham, P., A. Bekkaoui, V. Souliére, J. AlGaAs /GaAs heterojunction bipolar Bouix and Y. Monteil, Thermal decom- transistors 107 (1991) 903 position studies of group V hydrides 107 (1991) 26 Asonen, H., see Tapurra 107 (1991) 1070 Achargui, N., A. Benachemhou, A. Foucaran, Aspnes, D.E., see Colas 107 (1991) 47 G. Bougnot, P. Coulon, J.P.,Laurenti and Aspnes, D.E., see Quinn 107 (1991) 1045 J. Camassel, Hetero-epitaxy of Aulombard, R.L., see Pagés 107 (1991) 670 ZnSiAs,/GaAs grown by atmospheric Autore, G., see Genova 107 (1991) 1065 107 (1991) pressure MOVPE Azoulay, R., see Draidia 107 (1991) 483 Ackaert, A., P. Demeester, L. Buydens, G. Azoulay, R., A. Clei, L. Dugrand, N. Draidia, Coudenys, P. Van Daele and M. Renaud, G. Le Roux and S. Biblemont, Electrical Selective MOVPE growth of GaAs on Si and structural characierization of GaAs and its applications to LEDs 107 (1991) on InP grown by OMCVD; application to Ahigren, W.L., see Tompa 107 (1991) GaAs MESFETs 107 (1991) Ahrenkiel, R.K., see Venkatasubramanian 107 (1991) Aihara, N., see Onuma 107 (1991) Balk, ., see Wisser 107 (1991) Aina, L., M. Mattingly, M. Serio and E. Balk, , see Kayser 107 (1991) Martin, MOVPE of AlInAs HEMT struc- Balk, , see Finders 107 (1991) tures 107 (1991) Balk, ., see Behet 107 (1991) Akasaki, I., see Hiramatsu 107 (1991) Balk, ., see Pohl 107 (1991) Albrecht, H., see Ebbinghaus 107 (1991) Balk, , see Zimmer 107 (1991) 348 Alexandre, F., see Benchimol 107 (1991) Balk, ., see Hivel 107 (1991) 355 Allen, J.T., see Pemble 107 (1991) Balk, P., see Hergeth 107 (1991) 537 Alwan, J.J., see York 107 (1991) Balk, Mi aP., -seee- aM-uBsoal-fa -e-e-) 107 (1991) 1043 Amano, H., see Hiramatsu 107 (1991) Baur, B., see Heinecke 107 (1991) 1062 Anayama, C., see Kondo 107 (1991) 578 Bedair, S.M., see Gong 107 (1991) 83 Anderson, P.L., see Tompa 107 (1991) 198 Bedair, S.M., see McDermott 107 (1991) 96 Andersson, J.Y., see Paska 107 (1991) 845 Bedair, S.M., see Liu 107 (1991) 878 Ando, H., see Fujii 107 (1991) 1030 Beernink, K.J., see York 107 (1991) 741 André, J.P., see Mpaskoutas 107 (1991) 192 Behet, M., A. Brauers and P. Balk, Plasma André, J.P., J.N. Patillon, P. Riglet, J.Y. MOVPE of ternary and quaternary layers 107 (1991) 209 Lesiourd, H. Le Coz and B.G. Martin, Bekkaoui, A., see Abraham 107 (1991) 26 High optical and electrical quality Benachemhou, A., see Achargui 107 (1991) 410 GalInAs/InP, GaAs/InP double hetero- Benchimol, J.L., G. Le Roux, H. Thibierge, structures for optoelectronic integration 107 (1991) 855 C. Daguet, F. Alexandre and F. Brillouet, Annapragada, A.V., K.F. Jensen and T.-F. Incorporation of group III and group V Kuech, Infrared spectroscopic determina- elements in chemical beam epitaxy of tion of substitutional carbon in MOVPE GalInAsP alloys 107 (1991) grown films of GaAs 107 (1991) 248 Bhat, R., see Colas 107 (1991) Aoyagi, Y., see Iwai 107 (1991) 136 Bhat, R., see Caneau 107 (1991) Araki, S., see Takeda 107 (1991) 351 Bhat, R., see Colas 107 (1991) Asahi, H., T. Kaneko, Y. Okuno and S. Bhat, R., see Colas 107 (1991) Gonda, MOMBE (metalorganic molecu- Bhat, R., E. Kapon, S. Simhony, E. Colas, lar beam epitaxy) growth of InGaAlAsSb D.M. Hwang, N.G. Stoffel and M.A. system on GaSb 107 (1991) 1009 Koza, Quantum wire lasers by OMCVD Asai, K., see Fujita 107 (1991) 473 growth on nonplanar substrates 107 (1991) 1078 Author index 107 (1991) Bhat, R., C. Caneau, C.E. Zah, M.A. Koza, Brauers, A., see Pohl 107 (1991) W.A. Bonner, D.M. Hwang, S.A. Schwarz, Brauers, A., see Zacheja S.G. Menocal and F.G. Favire, Orienta- Brauers, A., see Zimmer 107 (1991) 107 (1991) tion dependence of S, Zn, Si, Te, and Sn Brauers, A., see Hével 107 (1991) doping in OMCVD growth of InP and Brianese, N., see Hével GaAs: application to DH lasers and Briggs, A.T.R., see Cureton 107 (1991) lateral p—n junction arrays grown on Brillouet, F., see Benchimol 107 (1991) non-planar substrates 107 (1991) Briot, O., see Pagés 107 (1991) Bhat, R., M.A. Koza, C.E. Zah, C. Caneau, Brown, P.D., see Simmons 107 (1991) C.C. Chang, S.A. Schwarz, A.S. Gozdz, Brysch, W., see Zimmer 107 (1991) P.S.D. Lin and A. Yi-Yan, A novel tech- Buchan, N.I., T.F. Kuech, M.A. Tischler and nique for the preservation of gratings in R. Potemski, Epitaxial growth of GaAs InP and InGaAsP and for the simulta- with (C,H,),GaCl and AsH, in a hot-wall neous preservation of InP, InGaAs, and system 107 (1991) InGaAsP in OMCVD 107 (1991) Buhaenko, D.S., see Pemble 107 (1991) Biblemont, S., see Azoulay 107 (1991) Bulle-Lieuwma, C.W.T., see Valster 107 (1991) Biefeld, R.M., J.R. Wendt and S.R. Kurtz, Burkhard, H., see Haacke 107 (1991) Improving the performance of InAs,_ , Button, C.C., see Roberts 107 (1991) Sb,/InSb infrared detectors grown by Buydens, L., see Demeester 107 (1991) metalorganic chemical vapor deposition 107 (1991) Buydens, L., see Ackaert 107 (1991) Bimberg, D., see Wolf 107 (1991) Byrne, C.F., see Smith 107 (1991) Bimberg, D., see Grundmann 107 (1991) Bimberg, D., see Bohrer 107 (1991) Boermans, M.J.B., see Valster 107 (1991) Camassel, J., see Achargui 107 (1991) Bohling, D.A., G.T. Muhr, C.R. Abernathy, Camassel, J., J.P. Laurenti, S. Juillaguet, F. A.S. Jordan, S.J. Pearton and W.S. Hob- Reinhardt, K. Wolter, H. Kurz and D. son, The search for all-hydride MOMBE: Griitzmacher, Finite interface effects for examination of trimethylamine alane, tri- thin GaInAs/InP quantum wells grown methylamine gallane, and arsine 107 (1991) 1068 by LP-MOVPE with a growth interrup- Bodhrer, J.. M. Grundmann, U. Lienert, D. tion sequence 107 (1991) Bimberg, H. Ishikawa, M. Kamada and Caneau, C., R. Bhat, M. Koza, J.R. Hayes N. Watanabe, Determination of the band and R. Esagui, Etching of InP by HCl in discontinuity of MOCVD grown In,_, an OMVPE reactor 107 (1991) Ga,As/In,_,Al,As_ heterostructures Caneau, C., see Colas 107 (1991) with optical and structural methods 107 (1991) Caneau, C., see Bhat 107 (1991) Bollig, B., see Lakner 107 (1991) Caneau, C., see Bhat 107 (1991) Bona, G.L., see Roentgen 107 (1991) Cardone, F., see Tischler 107 (1991) Bonner, W.A., see Bhat 107 (1991) Carlin, J.F., A.R udra, R. Houdré, A. Staehli Bottka, N., D.K. Gaskill, P.D. Wright, R.W. and M. Ilegems, Growth of GalnAs by Kaliski and D.A. Williams, Qualification chemical beam epitaxy 107 (1991) 1057 of OMVPE AlGaAs/GaAs HBT struc- Carr, N., see Thompson 107 (1991) 860 tures using nondestructive photoreflec- Castro-Zavala, J.G., see Pena-Sierra 107 (1991) 337 tance spectroscopy 107 (1991) Chang, C.C., see Bhat 107 (1991) 871 Bougnot, G., see Achargui 107 (1991) Chen, C.Y., see Colas 107 (1991) 243 Bougnot, G., F. Delannoy, F. Pascal, P. Chen, Q., see Dapkus 107 (1991) 73 Grosse, A. Giani, J. Kaoukab, J. Bougnot, Chern, C.S., see McKee 107 (1991) 445 R. Fourcade, P.J. Walker, N.J. Mason Chern, C.S., see Zhao 107 (1991) 699 and H. Lambert, Improvement of the Cheuvart, P., see Desjonquéres 107 (1991) 626 crystalline, optical and electrical quality Chiu, T.H., J.E. Cunningham, J.A. Ditzen- of MOVPE GalnSb layers 107 (1991) 502 berger and W.Y. Jan, Growth and diffu- Bougnot, J., see Bougnot 107 (1991) 502 sion study of carbon doped GaAs super- Bouix, J., see Abraham 107 (1991) 26 lattice grown by chemical beam epitaxy 107 (1991) 1051 Bourdillot, M., see Smith 107 (1991) 605 Chung, B.-C., R.T. Green and H.F. MacMil- Bove, Ph., see Maurel 107 (1991) 1076 lan, High carbon doping of Al ,Ga,_,As Brauers, A., see Behet 107 (1991) 209 (0 < x <1) by atomic layer epitaxy 107 (1991) 89 Brauers, A., Alternative precursors for IIJ]-V Clausen, Jr., E.M., see Colas 107 (1991) 243 MOVPE criteria for evaluation 107 (1991) 281 Clei, A., see Azoulay 107 (1991) 926 Author index Cockayne, B., see Jones 107 (1991) 297 De Croon, M.H.J.M., see Giling 107 (1991) Cohen, R.M., see Ma 107 (1991) 416 Deacon, G.B., see Pain 107 (1991) Colas, E., D.E. Aspnes, R. Bhat, S.S. Studna, Decoster, D., see Liu 107 (1991) J.P. Harbison, L.T. Florez, M.A. Koza Delannoy, F., see Bougnot 107 (1991) and V.G. Keramidas, In situ monitoring Demeester, P., L. Buydens, I. Moerman, D. of crystal growth by reflectance difference Lootens and P. Van Daele, Non-planar spectroscopy 107 (1991) MOVPE growth using a novel shadow- Colas, E., A. Shahar, B.D. Soole, W.J. masking technique 107 (1991) Tomlinson, J.R. Hayes, C. Caneau and R. Demeester, P., see Moerman 107 (1991) 175 Bhat, Lateral and longitudinal patterning Demeester, P., see Ackaert 107 (1991) of semiconductor structures by crystal DenBaars, S.P., see Dapkus 107 (1991) 73 growth on nonplanar and_ dielectric- Deppe, D.G., see Dupuis 107 (1991) 790 masked GaAs substrates: application to Deppert, K., see Samuelson 107 (1991) 68 thickness-modulated waveguide structures 107 (1991) Deppert, K., see Schmidt 107 (1991) 259 Colas, E., E.M. Clausen, Jr., E. Kapon, D.M. Deppert, K., see Jonsson 107 (1991) 1047 Hwang, S. Simhony, R. Bhat, C.Y. Chen, Desjonquéres, F., A. Tromson-Carli, P. P.S.D. Lin, L. Schiavone and B. Van der Cheuvart, R. Druilhe, C. Grattepain, A. Gaag, Direct evidence of lateral bandgap Katty, Y. Marfaing, R. Triboulet and D. patterning on stepped structures grown Lorans, Low temperature growth of on non-planar, vicinal GaAs surfaces by (Cd,Hg)Te layers by MOVPE 107 (1991) 626 cathodoluminescence investigations 107 (1991) Dickson, R.S., see Pain 107 (1991) 632 Colas, E., see Bhat 107 (1991) Dip, A., see Gong 107 (1991) 83 Cole, S., L. Davis, W.J. Duncan, E.M. Marsh, Ditzenberger, J.A., see Chiu 107 (1991) 1051 R.H. Moss, W.J.M. Rothwell, P.S. Domen, K., see Kondo 107 (1991) 578 Skevington and G.D.T. Spiller, Doping Draidia, N., R. Azoulay, L. Dugrand, A.C. level anomalies resulting from exposure to Papadopoulo, Y. Gao, B. Sermage, P. Os- dopant precursors during cooling in sart and J. Meddeb, Optical quality im- MOVPE 107 (1991) 254 provement of MOVPE grown Cole-Hamilton, D.J., see McQueen 107 (1991) 325 GaAlAs/GaAs double heterostructures Coleman, J.J., see York 107 (1991) 741 on silicon substrates 107 (1991) Colter, P.C., see Gong 107 (1991) 83 Draidia, N., see Azoulay 107 (1991) Cook, L., see Tompa 107 (1991) 198 Druilhe, R., see Desjonquéres 107 (1991) Coudenys, G., see Moerman 107 (1991) 175 Dugrand, L., see Draidia 107 (1991) Coudenys, G., see Ackaert 107 (1991) 822 Dugrand, L., see Azoulay 107 (1991) Coulon, P., see Achargui 107 (1991) 410 Duncan, W.J., see Cole 107 (1991) Crawley, J., see Moerman 107 (1991) 175 Duncan, W.M., see Gong 107 (1991) Culshaw, P.N., see McQueen 107 (1991) 325 Duncan, W.M., see McDermott 107 (1991) Cunningham, J.E., see Chiu 107 (1991) 1051 Dupuis, R.D., D.G. Deppe, C.J. Pinzone, Cureton, C.G., E.J. Thrush and A.T.R. Briggs, N.D. Gerrard, S. Singh, G.J. Zydzik, J.P. Lateral and vertical composition control van der Ziel and C.A. Green, Ing4 7 in MOCVD-grown InP/GalInAs(P) struc- Gay s53As—InP heterostructures for verti- tures 107 (1991) 549 cal cavity surface emitting lasers at 1.65 Czuprin, P., see Wisser 107 (1991) 111 um wavelength 107 (1991) Durand, A., see Smith 107 (1991) Durose, K., see Simmons 107 (1991) Daguet, C., see Benchimol 107 (1991) 978 Diitting, K., see Laube 107 (1991) Dapkus, P.D., B.Y. Maa, Q. Chen, W.G. Jeong and S.P. DenBaars, Atmospheric pressure atomic layer epitaxy: mecha- Ebbinghaus, G., R. Strzoda, T. Scherg, H. nisms and applications 107 (1991) Albrecht, R. Penz and C. Lauterbach, Dapkus, P.D., see Grodzinski 107 (1991) Two-step MOVPE growth for planar David, J.P.R., see Roberts 107 (1991) InP/InGaAs/InP pin—FET combina- Davies, G.J., P.J. Skevington, E.G. Scott, C.L. tions with locally diffused buffer layer 107 (1991) Franch and J.S. Foord, Some compari- Ebert, W., see Rosenzweig 107 (1991) sons of chemical beam epitaxy with gas Egawa, T., H. Tada, Y. Kobayashi, T. Soga, source molecular beam epitaxy 107 (1991) 999 T. Jimbo and M. Umeno, Room tempera- Davis, G.J., see French 107 (1991) 1038 ture low threshold CW operation of Davis, L., see Cole 107 (1991) 254 MOCVD-grown AlGaAs/GaAs SQW 1080 Author index lasers on Si substrates with SiO, back- actions for alkyl group elimination from coating 107 (1991) precursors in OMVPE 107 (1991) 644 Ekstrém, O., see Landgren 107 (1991) Fujita, Sz., S. Hayashi, M. Funato, T. Yoshie El-Masry, N.A., see McDermott 107 (1991) and Sg. Fujita, Properties of Zn,_,Cd,S El-Masry, N.A., see Karam 107 (1991) ternary and Zn,_,Cd,S,_,Se, qua- Elliman, R., see Pain 107 (1991) ternary thin films on GaAs grown by Esagui, R., see Caneau 107 (1991) OMVPE 107 (1991) 674 Escobosa, A., see Pena-Sierra 107 (1991) Fujita, Sz., see Kawakami 107 (1991) 1072 Evans, J.F., see Ho 107 (1991) Fujita, Y., T. Terada, S. Fujii and T. Iuchi, Reaction measurements and growth of HgTe/CdTe by photo-assisted MOCVD using an excimer laser 107 (1991) 621 FFaarnagr,i , Z.J.M,. ,s ees eeL iuM a 110077 ((11999911)) Fukufir,a cTt.i onaanld- laHy.e rS aitsou,p eSrtleatpt-ifcleosw gorno wt(h1 1a1n)dB Favire, F.G., see Bhat 107 (1991) GaAs vicinal surfaces 107 (1991) 231 Feil, W.A., see Wills 107 (1991) Funato, M., see Fujita 107 (1991) 674 Finders, J., J. Geurts, A. Kohl, M. Weyers, B. Furuhata, N., H. Shimawaki and A. Okamoto, Opitz, O. Kayser and P. Balk, Composi- Selective growth of p*-GaAs by metal- tion of selectively grown In,Ga,_,As organic molecular beam epitaxy 107 (1991) 1049 structures from locally resolved Raman spectroscopy 107 (1991) 151 Finke, M.N., see Valster 107 (1991) 403 Galeuchet, Y.D. and P. Roentgen, Selective Florez, L.T., see Colas 107 (1991) 47 area MOVPE of GalnAs/InP hetero- Fontijn, G.M., see Young 107 (1991) 274 structures on masked and nonplanar (100) Foord, J.S., see Davies 107 (1991) 999 and {111} substrates 107 (1991) 147 Foord, J.S., see French 107 (1991) 1038 Gallois, B., see Zhao 107 (1991) 699 Foord, J.S., A.J. Murrell, D. O’Hare, N.K. Ganiére, J.-D., see Ougazzaden 107 (1991) 761 Singh, A.T.S. Wee and T.J. Whitaker, Gao, D., see Pain 107 (1991) 610 Studies of the surface reactivity of novel Gao Hongkai, Yun Feng, Zhang Jikang, Hou hydride adduct precursors for CBE growth Xun and Gong Ping, Investigation of of III-V compounds 107 (1991) 1040 MOCVD growth of Al,Ga,_,As/GaAs Fotiadis, D.I., see Jensen 107(1991) 1 and Al,Ga,_,As/GaAs/Ai,Ga,_,As/ Foucaran, A., see Achargui 107 (1991) 410 GaAs multilayer structures with high Al Fourcade, R., see Bougnot 107 (1991) 502 content 107 (1991) 428 Franch, C.L., see Davies 107 (1991) 999 Gao, Y., see Draidia 107 (1991) 483 Francis, S.M., see Pemble 107(1991) 37 Gao, Y., see Ougazzaden 107 (1991) 761 Franke, D., see Rosenzweig 107 (1991) 802 Garcia, J.C., see Maurel 107 (1991) 1076 French, C.L., A.T.S. Wee, J.S. Foord and Garrett, B., see Glew 107 (1991) 784 G.J. Davies, Mechanistic aspects relating Gaskill, D.K., see Bottka 107 (1991) 893 to the growth of Ga,In,_,As by CBE 107 (1991) 1038 Gastaldi, L., see Genova 107 (1991) 1065 Frijlink, P.M., J.L. Nicolas and P. Suchet, Genova, F., G. Morello, G. Autore and L. Layer uniformity in a multiwafer MOVPE Gastaldi, CBE growth of InGaAs for reactor for III-V compounds 107 (1991) 166 optoelectronic applications 107 (1991) 1065 Frohlich, K., see Souc 107 (1991) 710 Gerling, M., see Pistol 107 (1991) 458 Fujii, S., see Fujita 107 (1991) 621 Gerling, M., see Titze 107 (1991) 513 Fujii, T., H. Ando, A. Sandhu, H. Ishikawa Gerrard, N.D., see Dupuis 107 (1991) 790 and Y. Sugiyama, Gas-source MBE Geurts, J., see Finders 107 (1991) 151 growth and n-type doping of AlGaAs Giani, A., see Bougnot 107 (1991) 502 using TEG, TEA, AsH, and Si,H, 107 (1991) 1030 Giapis, K.P., see Patnaik 107 (1991) 390 Fujimoto, T., see Yoshikawa 107 (1991) 653 Giling, L.J. and M.H.J.M. de Croon, Surface Fujita, K., Y. Shiba and K. Asai, MOCVD processes during growth of GaAs by growth of GaAs on Si_ using MOCVD 107 (1991) (Al,In)GaAs/GaAs buffer layer 107 (1991) 473 Giling, L.J., see Tang 107 (1991) Fujita, Sg., see Fujita 107 (1991) 644 Giling, L.J., see Te Nijenhuis 107 (1991) Fujita, Sg., see Fujita 107 (1991) 674 Gladfelter, W.L., see Ho 107 (1991) Fujita, Sg., see Kawakami 107 (1991) 1072 Glanvill, S.R., see Pain 107 (1991) Fujita, Sz., S. Maruo, H. Ishio, P.A. Murawala Glew, R.W., P.D. Greene, G.D. Henshall, C. and Sg. Fujita, Surface photochemical re- Lowney, J.P. Stagg, J.E.A. Whiteaway, B. Author index 1081 Garrett and A.G. Norman, Growth and Haga, T., see Hiruma 107 (1991) 440 assessment of InGaAs/InGaAlAs/InP Hageman, P.R., see Te Nijenhuis 107 (1991) 496 multiple quantum well lasers 107 (1991) 784 Hails, J.E. and S.J.C. Irvine, Screening of Gonda, S., see Asahi 107 (1991) 1009 organotellurium compounds for use as Gong, J.R., P.C. Colter, D. Jung, S.A. Hus- MOVPE precursors 107 (1991) 319 sien, C.A. Parker, A. Dip, F. Hyuga, W.M. Hamaoka, K., see Suemune 107 (1991) 1041 Duncan and S.M. Bedair, Atomic layer Hanke, C., see Korte 107 (1991) 779 epitaxy of Al,Ga,_,As and device qual- Hanna, M.C., Z.H. Lu, E.W. Mao, T. Mc- ity GaAs 107 (1991) 83 Cormick, E.G. Oh, A. Majerfeld and D.M. Gong Ping, see Gao 107 (1991) 428 Szmyd, Carbon doping exceeding 107° Goorsky, M.S., see Kuech 107 (1991) 116 cm~? in GaAs grown by AP-MOVPE 107 (1991) Goorsky, M.S., see Tischler 107 (1991) 268 Harbison, J.P., see Colas 107 (1991) Gotoh, H., see Shimoyama 107 (1991) 767 Harde, P., see Wolf 107 (1991) Goulding, P.A., see Pemble 107 (1991) 37 Harde, P., see Reier 107 (1991) Gozdz, A.S., see Bhat 107 (1991) Hartmann, U., see Pohl 107 (1991) Grattepain, C., see Desjonquéres 107 (1991) 626 Hase, I., see Taira 107 (1991) Green, C.A., see Dupuis 107 (1991) 790 Haven, V., see Karam 107 (1991) Green, R.T., see Chung 107 (1991) 89 Haven, V., see Karam 107 (1991) Greene, P.D., see Glew 107 (1991) 784 Hayafuji, N., see Nishimura 107 (1991) Gregory, S., see Quinn 107 (1991) 1045 Hayashi, H., see Kamei 107 (1991) Grodzinski, P., Y. Zou, J.S. Osinski and P.D. Hayashi, S., see Fujita 107 (1991) Dapkus, Investiation of In,Ga,_,As/ Hayes, J.R., see Caneau 107 (1991) GaAs strained quantum well structures Hayes, J.R., see Colas 107 (1991) grown on non-planar substrates by Haywood, S.K., R.W. Martin, N.J. Mason, MOCVD 107 (1991) R.J. Nicholas and P.J. Walker, GaSb/ Grosse, P., see Bougnot 107 (1991) InAs heterojunctions grown by MOVPE 107 (1991) Grote, N., see Rosenzweig 107 (1991) Heime, K., see Guimaraes 107 (1991) Grundmann, D., see Wisser 107 (1991) Heime, K., see Lakner 107 (1991) Grundmann, M., A. Krost and D. Bimberg, Heime, K., see Gyuro 107 (1991) LP-MOVPE growth of antiphase domain Heinecke, H., B. Baur, F. Héger, A. Miklis free InP on (001) Si using low tempera- and B. Jobst, On the growth of GaInAs ture processing 107 (1991) by MOMBE (CBE) 107 (1991) 1062 Grundmann, M., see Bohrer 107 (1991) Henshall, G.D., see Glew 107 (1991) 784 Griitzmacher, D., Growth and analysis of Hergeth, J., D. Griitzmacher, F. Reinhardt quantum well structures 107 (1991) and P. Balk, Effect of growth parameters Griitzmacher, D., see Schwedler 107 (1991) on the interfacial structure of GalnAs/ Griitzmacher, D., see Hergeth 107 (1991) InP quantum wells 107 (1991) Griitzmacher, D., see Camassel 107 (1991) Heuberger, W., see Roentgen 107 (1991) Guimaraes, F.E.G., I. Gyuro, F. Scheffer, M. Heuken, M., see Guimaraes 107 (1991) Heuken and K. Heime, Optical and elec- Heuken, M., see Lakner 107 (1991) trical properties of the Al,Ga,_,As/ Heuken, M., see Gyuro 107 (1991) GaAs single heterojunctions grown by low Heyen, M., see Schmitz 107 (1991) pressure MOVPE 107 (1991) Hirai, T. and H. Yamane, MOCVD super- Guimaries, F.E.G., see Lakner 107 (1991) conducting oxide films 107 (1991) Gustafsson, A., see Pistol 107 (1991) Hiramatsu, K., H. Amano, I. Akasaki, H. Gyuro, I., see Guimaraes 107 (1991) Kato, N. Koide and K. Manabe, MOVPE Gyuro, I., F. Scheffer, M. Joseph, B. Roth, growth of GaN on a misoriented sapphire M. Heuken and K. Heime, Ultralow dop- substrate 107 (1991) 509 ing profiles for applications in 3D in- Hirose, F., see Suemitsu 107 (1991) 1015 tegrated varactor tuned oscillators grown Hirotani, M., see Kato 107 (1991) 832 by MOVPE 107 (1991) Hirtz, J.P., see Maurel 107 (1991) 1076 Hiruma, K., T. Haga, T. Usagawa and A. Ihara, Low contact-resistance GaAs/Al- Haacke, G., S.P. Watkins and H. Burkhard, GaAs regrowth interfaces and composi- Control of residual impurity incorpora- tional grading layer formation during tion in tertiarybutylarsine-grown GaAs 107 (1991) growth by metalorganic vapor phase epi- Haegel, N., see Karam 107 (1991) taxy 107 (1991) 440 1082 Author index 107 (1991) 376 Ho, K.-L., K.F. Jensen, J.-W. Hwang, W.L. Jensen, K.F., see Ho Gladfelter and J.F. Evans, MOVPE of Jensen, K.F., see Patnaik 107 (1991) 390 107 (1991) 73 AIN and GaN by using novel precursors 107 (1991) 376 Jeong, W.G., see Daplus Hobson, W.S., see Bohling 107 (1991) 1068 Jeppesen, S., see Samuelson 107 (1991) 68 Hockly, M., see Spurdens 107 (1991) 215 Jeppesen, S., see Jonsson 107 (1991) 1047 Hoéger, F., see Heinecke 107 (1991) 1062 Jiang, B.L., see McDermott 107 (1991) 96 Honda, Y., see Suemune 107 (1991) 1041 Jimbo, T., see Soga 107 (1991) 479 Horikoshi, Y., see Kobayashi 107 (1991) 62 Jimbo, T., see Egawa 107 (1991) 757 Hornung, V., see Rose 107 (1991) 850 Jobst, B., see Heinecke 107 (1991) 1062 Hostalek, M., see Pohl 107 (1991) 309 Johnson, E.S., Strong enhancement of band Hostalek, M., see Hével 107 (1991) 355 edge PL intensity and improved mor- Hostalek, M., see Scholz 107 (1991) 365 phology for AlGaAs grown on lenticular Hou Xun, see Gao 107 (1991) 428 GaAs substrates by low pressure MOVPE 107 (1991) Houdré, R., see Carlin 107 (1991) 1057 Johnson, S.M., see Tompa 107 (1991) Hével, R., see Pohl 107 (1991) 309 Jones, A.C., P.J. Wright and B. Cockayne, Hovel, R., see Zimmer 107 (1991) 348 Precursors for II-VI semiconductors: re- Hével, R., N. Brianese, A. Brauers, P. Balk, quirements and developments 107 (1991) M. Zimmer, M. Hostalek and L. Pohl, Jones, A.C. and S.A. Rushworth, Growth of Growth of InP with novel In and P pre- low carbon content Al,Ga,_,As by re- cursors 107 (1991) duced pressure MOVPE using trimethyl- Hrib, S., see Souc 107 (1991) amine alane 107 (1991) Hussien, S.A., see Gong 107 (1991) Jénsson, J., see Samuelson 107 (1991) Hwang, D.M., see Colas 107 (1991) Jénsson, J., K. Deppert, S. Jeppesen, G. Hwang, D.M., see Bhat 107 (1991) Paulsson, L. Samuelson and P. Schmidt, Hwang, D.M., see Bhat 107 (1991) In situ control of the growing surface in Hwang, J.-W., see Ho 107 (1991) high vacuum MOVPE of GaAs 107 (1991) 1047 Hyuga, F., see Gong 107 (1991) Jordan, A.S., see Bohling 107 (1991) 1068 Hyuga, F., see McDermott 107 (1991) Joseph, M., see Gyuro 107 (1991) 956 Juillaguet, S., see Camassel 107 (1991) 543 Jung, D., see Gong 107 (1991) Iga, K., see Uchida 107 (1991) 1055 Jirgensen, H., see Schmitz 107 (1991) Ihara, A., see Hiruma 107 (1991) 440 Ikeda, H., see Kawanishi 107 (1991) 1060 Kadoiwa, K., see Nishimura 107 (1991) Ilegems, M., see Carlin 107 (1991) 1057 Kaiser, H., see Reier 107 (1991) Inoue, Y., see Shimoyama 107 (1991) 767 Kaliski, R.W., see Bottka 107 (1991) Irikawa, M., see Tanaka 107 (1991) 898 Kamada, M., see Bohrer 107 (1991) Irvine, S.J.C., see Hails 107 (1991) 319 Kamei, H. and H. Hayashi, OMVPE growth Ishikawa, H., see Bohrer 107 (1991) 555 of GalnAs/InP and GalInAs/GalInAsP Ishikawa, H., see Fujii 107 (1991) 1030 quantum wells 107 (1991) Ishimura, E., see Kimura 107 (1991) 827 Kamp, M., G. Mérsch, M. Weyers and H. Ishio, H., see Fujita 107 (1991) 644 Liith, Correlation of carbon incorporation Ismail, K., see Karam 107 (1991) 591 from TEG and effective V/III 107 (1991) 1053 Iuchi, T., see Fujita 107 (1991) 621 Kaneko, T., see Asahi 107 (1991) 1009 Ivan, J., see Souc 107 (1991) 710 Kang, S.S., see McKee 107 (1991) 445 Iwai, S., T. Meguro, Y. Aoyagi and T. Kaoukab, J., see Bougnot 107 (1991) 502 Miyoshi, Patterned crystal growth of Kapon, E., see Colas 107 (1991) 243 GaAs using laser scanning with atomic Kapon, E., see Bhat 107 (1991) 716 layer epitaxy 107 (1991) 136 Karam, N.H., V. Haven, S.M. Vernon, N. El-Masry, E.H. Lingunis and N. Haegel, Selective area epitaxy of GaAs on Si using Jan, W.Y., see Chiu 107 (1991) 1051 atomic layer epitaxy by LP-MOVPE 107 (1991) 129 Jasinski, T.J., see McKee 107 (1991) 445 Karam, N.H., A. Mastrovito, V. Haven, K. Jenkin, G.T., see Smith 107 (1991) 605 Ismail, S. Pennycook and H.I. Smith, Pat- Jensen, K.F., D.I. Fotiadis and T.J. Mount- terning and overgrowth of nanostructure ziaris, Detailed models of the MOVPE quantum well wire arrays by LP-MOVPE 107 (1991) 591 process 107 (1991) 1 Kasahara, A., see Onuma 107 (1991) 360 Jensen, K.F., see Annapragada 107 (1991) 248 Kato, H., see Hiramatsu 107 (1991) 509 Author index 1083 Kato, K., see Onuma 107 (1991) 360 Koide, N., see Hiramatsu 107 (1991) 509 Kato, T., H. Susawa, M. Hirotani, T. Saka, Komeno, J., see Kikkawa 107 (1991) 370 Y. Ohashi, E. Shichi and S. Shibata, Komeno, J., see Takikawa 107 (1991) 942 GaAs/GaAlAs surface emitting IR LED Kondo, M., K. Domen, C. Anayama, T. with Bragg reflector gown by MOCVD 107 (1991) 832 Tanahashi and K. Nakajima, MOVPE Katoh, M., see Shimoyama 107 (1991) 767 growth and optical properties of Al Katty, A., see Desjonquéres 107 (1991) 626 GalInP/GalInP strained single quantum Kawai, H., see Taira 107 (1991) 952 well structures 107 (1991) 578 Kawakami, Y., T. Toyoda, Y.-H. Wu, Sz. Korber, W., see Wiedemann 107 (1991) 561 Fujita and Sg. Fujita, Effects of surface Kordos, P., see Souc 107 (1991) 710 pre-treatment and hydrogen on ALE of Korte, L., R. Treichler, M. Schreiber, Ch. ZnSe on GaAs in MOMBE 107 (1991) 1072 Tanner, G. Kristen, C. Hanke and G. Kawanishi, H. and H. Ikeda, Monolayer epi- Weimann, Interaction of the dopants Mg taxial growth of GalInAs ternary by and Si in Al,Ga,_,As/GaAs_hetero- MOMBE 107 (1991) 1060 layers (MOVPE): application to DQW Kayser, O., B. Opitz, B. Westphalen, U. Nig- laser structures 107 (1991) 779 gebriigge, K. Schneider and P. Balk, Kostial, H., see Schmidt 107 (1991) 259 Selective embedded growth of GalnAs by Koui, T., see Suemune 107 (1991) 1041 low pressure MOVPE 107 (1991) Koyama, F., see Uchida 107 (1991) 1055 Kayser, O., see Finders 107 (1991) Koza, M.A., see Colas 107(1991) 47 Kayser, O., Selective growth of InP/GalInAs Koza, M.A., see Caneau 107 (1991) 203 in LP-MOVPE and MOMBE/CBE 107 (1991) Koza, M.A., see Bhat 107 (1991) Kazmierski, C., see Ougazzaden 107 (1991) Koza, M.A., see Bhat 107 (1991) 772 Kear, B., see Zhao 107 (1991) Koza, M.A., see Bhat 107 (1991) Kearley, M.Q., see Thompson 107 (1991) Knowles, P., see Smith 107 (1991) 605 Keramidas, V.G., see Colas 107 (1991) Kristen, G, see Korte 107 (1991) 779 Keyes, B.M., see Venkatasubramanian 107 (1991) Krost, A., see Wolf 107 (1991) Kikkawa, T., H. Tanaka and J. Komeno, Krost, A., see Grundmann 107 (1991) MOVPE growth of uniform AlGaAs and Kubalek, E., see Lakner 107 (1991) InGaAs using organoarsine with inverted- Kuech, T.F., M.S. Goorsky, M.A. Tischler, horizontal atmospheric-pressure reactor 107 (1991) A. Palevski, P. Solomon, R. Potemski, Kikuta, T., see Tanaka 107 (1991) C.S. Tsai, J.A. Lebens and K.J. Vahala, Kim, J., see York 107 (1991) Selective epitaxy of GaAs, Al,Ga,_, As, Kimura, Tadashi, see Kimura 107 (1991) and In ,Ga,_,As 107 (1991) Kimura, Tatsuya, Tadashi Kimura, E. Kuech, T.F., see Annapragada 107 (1991) Ishimura, F. Uesugi, M. Tsugami, K. Kuech, T.F., see Tischler 107 (1991) Mizuguchi and T. Murotani, Improve- Kuech, T.F., see Buchan 107 (1991) ment of InP crystal quality grown on Kukimoto, H., MOVPE growth of wide GaAs substrates and device applications 107 (1991) 827 bandgap II-VI materials 107 (1991) Kishimoto, A., see Suemune 107 (1991) 1041 Kumabe, H., see Nishimura 107 (1991) Klenk, M., see Wiedemann 107 (1991) 561 Kuroda, Y., see Suemune 107 (1991) Klingert, J.K., see Lum 107 (1991) 290 Kurpas, P., see Richter 107 (1991) Knight, D.G., C.J. Miner and B. Watt, Effect Kurtz, S.R., see Biefeld 107 (1991) of wafer cleavage on composition of In Kurz, H., see Camassel 107 (1991) GaAsP grown on InP by low pressure MOCVD 107 (1991) Kobayashi, N., T. Makimoto, Y. Yamauchi Lakner, H., B. Bollig, E. Kubalek, M. Heuken, and Y. Horikoshi, In-situ monitoring of K. Heime, F. Scheffer and F.EG. GaAs growth process in MOVPE by Guimaraes, Scanning transmission elec- surface photo-absorption method 107 (1991) 62 tron microscopy of heterointerfaces grown Kobayashi, Y., see Egawa 107 (1991) 757 by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Kodama, K., see Ozeki 107 (1991) 102 (MOVPE) 107 (1991) Koerner, U., see Wiedemann 107 (1991) 561 Lakrimi, M., N.J. Mason, R.J. Nicholas, G.B. Kohl, A., see Finders 107 (1991) 151 Stringfellow, G. Summers and P.J. Walker, Kohl, A., see Musolf 107 (1991) 1043 Absorption characteristics of GaSb/InAs Kohl, D., see Zacheja 107 (1991) 314 and InSb/InAs SLSs grown on (111) Kohl, D., see Schiitze 107 (1991) 1036 GaAs by MOVPE 107 (1991) 1084 Author index Lambert, H., see Bougnot 107 (1991) 502 Manabe, K., see Hiramatsu 107 (1991) Landgren, G., P. Ojala and O. Ekstrém, In- Mao, B.-Y., see Thomspon 107 (1991) fluence of the gas switching sequence on Mao, E.W., see Hanna 107 (1991) the optical properties of ultrathin In Marfaing, Y., see Desjonquéres 107 (1991) GaAs/InP quantum wells 107 (1991) Marks, T.J., see Zhang 107 (1991) Landgren, G., see Nordell 107 (1991) Marks, T.J., see Wills 107 (1991) Lane, P.A., see Martin 107 (1991) Marsh, E.M., see Cole 107 (1991) Larsen, C.A., see Li 107 (1991) Martin, B.G., see André 107 (1991) Laube, G., A. Nowitzki, K. Diitting and P. Martin, E., see Aina 107 (1991) Speier, Selective MOVPE of semi-insulat- Martin, G., see Thompson 107 (1991) ing InP layers for high speed OEICs 107 (1991) Martin, R.W., see Haywood 107 (1991) Laurenti, J.P., see Achargui 107 (1991) Martin, T., C.R. Whitehouse and P.A. Lane, Laurenti, J.P., see Camassel 107 (1991) Growth mechanism studies in CBE/ Lauterbach, C., see Ebbinghaus 107 (1991) MOMBE 107 (1991) 969 Le Coz, H., see André 107 (1991) Maruo, S., see Fujita 107 (1991) 644 Le Roux, G., see Azoulay 107 (1991) Marx, D., see Musolf 107 (1991) 1043 Le Roux, G., see Benchimol 107 (1991) Masato, H., see Suemune 107 (1991) 679 Lebens, J.A., see Kuech 107 (1991) Mason, N.J. and P.J. Walker, Influence of Lee, G.Y., see Thompson 107 (1991) gas mixing and expansion in horizontal Lesiourd, J.Y., see André 107 (1991) MOVPE reactors 107 (1991) Levy, H.M., see Thompson 107 (1991) Mason, N.J., see Haywood 107 (1991) Li, S.H., C.A. Larsen and G.B. Stringfellow, Mason, N.J., see Bougnot 107 (1991) Comparative pyrolysis studies of ethyl- Mason, N.J., see Lakrimi 107 (1991) arsines 107 (1991) Mastrovito, A., see Karam 107 (1991) Li, Y.Q., see Zhao 107 (1991) Mattingly, M., see Aina 107 (1991) Liedenbaum, C.T.H.F., see Valster 107 (1991) Maung, N., see Thompson 107 (1991) Lienert, U., see Bohrer 107 (1991) Maurel, Ph., Ph. Bove, J.C. Garcia, J.P. Hirtz Lin, P.S.D., see Colas 107 (1991) and M. Razeghi, MOMBE growth of high Lin, P.S.D., see Bhat 107 (1991) quality GaAs/GalInP heterostructures 107 (1991) 1076 Lingunis, E.H., see Karam 107 (1991) McCormick, T., see Hanna 107 (1991) 279 Liu, H., J.C. Roberts, J. Ramdani, S.M. Be- McDermott, B.T., N.A. El-Masry, B.L. Jiang, dair, J. Farari, J.P. Vilcot and D. Decos- F. Hyuga, S.M. Bedair and W.M. Duncan, ter, A new approach for the integration of Ordered GalnP by atomic layer epitaxy 107 (1991) optoelectronic devices using laser selective McKee, M.A., P.E. Norris, R.A. Stall, G.S. area epitaxy 107 (1991) Tompa, C.S. Chern, D. Noh, S.S. Kang Logan, R.A., see Tanbun-Ek 107 (1991) and T.J. Jasinski, Growth of highly uni- Lootens, D., see Demeester 107 (1991) form, reproducible InGaAs films in a Lorans, D., see Desjonquéres 107 (1991) 626 multiwafer rotating disk reactor by Lowney, C., see Glew 107 (1991) 784 MOCVD 107 (1991) Li, Y., see Tang 107 (1991) 263 McQueen, A.E.D., P.N. Culshaw, J.C. Wal- Lu, Z.H., see Hanna 107 (1991) 279 ton, D.V. Shenai-Khatkhate, D.J. Cole- Liickerath, R., see Richter 1071991) 13 Hamilton and J.B. Mullin, Synthesis and Liickerath, R., see Wisser 107 (1991) 111 decomposition studies of dialkyltellurides Lum, R.M. and J.K. Klingert, Alternative of type RTeR’ 107 (1991) 325 Group V precursors for CVD applications 107 (1991) 290 Meddeb, J., see Draidia 107 (1991) 483 Lundqvist, L., see Paska 107 (1991) 845 Meguro, T., see Iwai 107 (1991) 136 Lith, H., see Kamp 107 (1991) 1053 Menocal, S.G., see Bhat 107 (1991) 772 Miklis, A., see Heinecke 107 (1991) 1062 Miner, C.J., see Knight 107 (1991) 221 Ma, K.Y., Z.M. Fang, R.M. Cohen and G.B. Mircea, A., see Ougazzaden 107 (1991) 761 Stringfellow, OMVPE growth and char- Mise, K., see Uchida 107 (1991) 1055 acterization of Bi-containing III-V alloys 107 (1991) Mitsui, K., see Nishimura 107 (1991) 468 Maa, B.Y., see Dapkus 107 (1991) Miyamoto, N., see Suemitsu 107 (1991) 1015 Machajdik, D., see Souc 107 (1991) Miyashita, M., see Nishimura 107 (1991) 468 MacMillan, H.F., see Chung 107 (1991) Miyoshi, T., see Iwai 107 (1991) 136 Majerfeld, A., see Hanna 107 (1991) Mizuguchi, K., see Kimura 107 (1991) 827 Makimoto, T., see Kobayashi 107 (1991) Moerman, I., see Demeester 107 (1991) 161 Author index 1085 Moerman, I., G. Coudenys, P. Demeester, B. Noh, D.W., see Zhao 107 (1991) 699 Turner and J. Crawley, Influence of gas Nordell, N., B. Willén, C.-O.A. Olsson, U. mixing on the lateral uniformity in hori- Westergren and G. Landgren, Growth and zontal MOVPE reactors 107 (1991) 175 performance of AlGaAs/GaAs hetero- Molassioti, A., see Scholz 107 (1991) 365 structure bipolar transistors 107 (1991) Monteil, Y., see Abraham 107 (1991) 26 Norman, A.G., see Glew 107 (1991) Montie, E.A., see Thijs 107 (1991) 731 Norris, P.E., see McKee 107 (1991) Morello, G., see Genova 107 (1991) 1065 Norris, P.E., see Zhao 107 (1991) Morhaim, C., see Mpaskoutas 107 (1991) 192 Notheisen, B., see Scholz 107 (1991) Mori, Y., see Taira 107 (1991) 952 Nowitzki, A., see Laube 107 (1991) Morio, K., see Yodo 107 (1991) 659 Morizuka, K., see Ashizawa 107 (1991) 903 Morsch, G., see Kamp 107 (1991) 1053 Obara, M., see Ashizawa 107 (1991) 903 Moseley, A.J., see Thompson 107 (1991) 860 O’Hare, D., see Foord 107 (1991) 1040 Moser, M., see Scholz 107 (1991) 365 Oh, E.G., see Hanna 107 (1991) 279 Moss, R.H., see Cole 107 (1991) 254 Ohashi, Y., see Kato 107 (1991) 832 Motzkus, M., see Richter 107 (1991) 13 Ohkubo, M., see Tanaka 107 (1991) 898 Mouniziaris, T.J., see Jensen 107 (1991) 1 Ohno, T. and T. Taguchi, The effects of Mpaskoutas, M., C. Morhaim, J.N. Patillon, photo-assisted MOCVD on the doping of J.P. André, A. Valster and J.J. Rusch, Na acceptors into ZnS epitaxial layers 107 (1991) 649 Uniformity - optical properties of Ohori, T., see Takikawa 107 (1991) $42 GaInP-GaAlInP layers grown by Ohtsuka, N., see Ozeki 107 (1991) 102 MOVPE 107 (1991) 192 Oishi, M., see Yamamoto 107 (1991) 796 Muhr, G.T., see Bohling 107 (1991) 1068 Ojala, P., see Landgren 107 (1991) 573 Mullin, J.B., see McQueen 107 (1991) 325 Okamoto, A., see Furuhata 107 (1991) 1049 Munns, G.O., see Woelk 107 (1991) 1074 Okamoto, T., see Yoshikawa 107 (1991) 653 Murawala, P.A., see Fujita 107 (1991) 644 Okuno, Y., see Asahi 107 (1991) 1009 Murotani, T., see Nishimura 107 (1991) 468 Olsson. C.-O.A., see Paska 107 (1991) 845 Murotani, T., see Kimura 107 (1991) 827 Olsson, C.-O.A., see Nordell 107 (1991) 909 Murrell, A.J., see Foord 107 (1991) 1040 Olsson, N.A., see Tanbun-Ek 107 (1991) 751 Musolf, J., D. Marx, A. Kohl, M. Weyers and Onuma, K., A. Kasahara, K. Kato, N. Aihara P. Balk, Doping of GaAs and InP in and T. Udagawa, Atmospheric-pressure MOMBE using DEZn, TESn and DETe 107 (1991) 1043 MOVPE growth of InP using Lewis base monovalent cyclopentadieny] indium 107 (1991) Opitz, B., see Kayser 107 (1991) Optiz, B., see Finders 107 (1991) Nakajima, K., see Kondo 107 (1991) Osinski, J.S., see Grodzinski 107 (1991) Nakamura, F., see Taira 107 (1991) Ossart, P., see Draidia 107 (1991) Nakanishi, K., see Suemune 107 (1991) Ougazzaden, A., J.-D. Ganiére, Y. Gao, Nakano, J., see Yamamoto 107 (1991) E.V.K. Rao, B. Sermage, C. Kazmierski Nelson, C.R., see Tompa 107 (1991) and A. Mircea, Low threshold 1.5 um Neumann, R., see Tews 107 (1991) SCH-MQW lasers by atmospheric pres- Nguyen Duy, T., see Smith 107 (1991) sure MOVPE and direct comparison of Nicholas, R.J., see Haywood 107 (1991) low versus atmospheric pressure MOVPE Nicholas, R.J., see Lakrimi 107 (1991) laser growth 107 (1991) Nicolas, J.L., see Frijlink 107 (1991) Ozeki, M., N. Ohtsuka, Y. Sakuma and K. Niggebriigge, U., see Kayser 107 (1991) Kodama, Pulsed jet epitaxy of III-V Nishikawa, H., see Soga 107 (1991) compounds 107 (1991) Nishimura, T., K. Kadoiwa, N. Hayafuji, M. Miyashita, K. Mitsui, H. Kumabe and T. Murotani, Surface morphology improve- Packeiser, G., H. Tews and P. Zwicknagl, ment of GaAs-on-Si using a two-reactor High frequency AlGaAs/GaAs hetero- MOCVD system and an AlAs/GaAs low junction bipolar transistors: the role of temperature buffer layer: an approach to MOVPE 107 (1991) crack-free GaAs-on-Si 107 (1991) Pagés, O., M. Renucci, O. Briot, N. Tempier Noda, S., see Takeda 107 (1991) and R.L. Aulombard, Raman characteri- Noda, T., see Ashizawa 107 (1991) zation of ZnSe/GaAs MOVPE hetero- Noh, D.W., see McKee 107 (1991) structures 107 (1991) 1086 Author index Pain, G.N., C. Sandford, G.K.G. Smith, A.W. Quinn, W.E., D.E. Aspnes and S. Gregory, Stevenson, D. Gao, L.S. Wielunski, S.P. Applications of spectroellipsometry to the Russo, G.K. Reeves and R. Elliman, Low growth of GaAs and AlGaAs by meta- temperature MOCVD of Hg, _,Cd,Te on lorganic molecular beam epitaxy 107 (1991) 1045 311, 511, 711 and shaped GaAs 107 (1991) Pain, G.N., C.J. Rossouw, S.R. Glanvill, R.S. Rakennus, K., see Tappura 107 (1991) 1070 Rowe, R.S. Dickson, G.B. Deacon and Ramdani, J., see Liu 107 (1991) 878 B.O. West, HRTEM studies of defects Rao, E.V.K., see Ougazzaden 107 (1991) 761 and interdiffusion in Hg,_ ,_ ,Mn,Cd,Te Razeghi, M., see Maurel 107 (1991) 1076 (0 <x, y <1) grown by low ‘temperature Reeves, G.K., see Pain 107 (1991) 610 MOCVD 107 (1991) Regel, G.K., see Pohl 107 (1991) 309 Palevski, A., see Kuech 107 (1991) Reier, F.W., see Wolf 107 (1991) 381 Papadopoulo, A.C., see Draidia 107 (1991) Reier, F.W., P. Harde and H. Kaiser, LP- Parker, C.A., see Gong 107 (1991) MOVPE growth and characterization of Pascal, F., see Bougnot 107 (1991) wide-gap InGaAs/InP layers (A, < 1.2 Paska, Z.F., J.Y. Andersson, L. Lundqvist um) for optical waveguide applications 107 (1991) and C.-O.A. Olsson, Growth and char- Reinhardt, F., see Schwedler 107 (1991) acterization of AlGaAs/GaAs quantum Reinhardt, F., see Hergeth 107 (1991) well structures for the fabrication of long Reinhardt, F., see Camassel 107 (1991) wavelength infrared detectors 107 (1991) Remiens, D., see Rose 107 (1991) Patel, D., see Smith 107 (1991) Renaud, M., see Ackaert 107 (1991) Patillon, J.N., see Mpaskoutas 107 (1991) Renucci, M., see Pagés 107 (1991) Patillon, J.N., see André 107 (1991) Richeson, D.S., see Zhang 107 (1991) Patnaik, S., K.F. Jensen and K.P. Giapis, Richter, W., P. Kurpas, R. Liickerath, M. MOVPE of ZnSe using organometallic al- Motzkus and R. Waschbiisch, Gas phase lyl selenium precursors 107 (1991) 390 studies of MOVPE by optical methods 107 (1991) Paulsson, G., see Samuelson 107 (1991) 68 Richter, W., see Wisser 107 (1991) Paulsson, G., see Jonsson 107 (1991) 1047 Riglet, P., see André 107 (1991) Pearton, S.J., see Bohling 107 (1991) 1068 Robein, D., see Rose 107 (1991) Pemble, M.E., D.S. Buhaenko, S.M. Francis, Roberts, J.C., see Liu 107 (1991) P.A. Goulding and J.T. Allen, Surface Roberts, J.S., K.C. Singh, C.C. Button, J.P.R. science studies of MOVPE processes: a David and J. Woodhead, AlGaAs/GaAs review of progress 107 (1991) 37 p-MODFET materials grown using intrin- Penia-Sierra, R., J.G. Castro-Zavala and A. sic carbon doping 107 (1991) Escobosa, Growth of GaAs by MOCVD Roentgen, P., see Galeuchet 107 (1991) using a solid arsenic source 107 (1991) 337 Roentgen, P., W. Heuberger, G.L. Bona and Pennycook, S., see Karam 107 (1991) 591 P. Unger, MOVPE of AlGalInP/GalInP Penz, R., see Ebbinghaus 107 (1991) 840 heterostructures for visible lasers 107 (1991) Pessa, M., see Tappura 107 (1991) 1070 Rose, B., D. Remiens, V. Hornung and D. Pinzone, C.J., see Dupuis 107 (1991) 790 Robein, Application of AP MOVPE to a Pistol, M.-E., A. Gustafsson, M. Gerling, L. new butt-coupling scheme 107 (1991) Samuelson and H. Titze, MOVPE growth Rosenzweig, M., W. Ebert, D. Franke, N. and characterization of strained layers 107 (1991) Grote, B. Sartorius and P. Wolfram, Las- Pistol, M.-E., see Titze 107 (1991) ing characteristics of InGaAs/InGaAsP Pohl, L., M. Hostalek, H. Schumann, U. MQW structures grown by low-pressure Hartmann, W. Wassermann, A. Brauers, MOVPE 107 (1991) 802 G.K. Regel, R. Hével, P. Balk and F. Rossouw, C.J., see Pain 107 (1991) Scholz, Physical properties of non-pyro- Roth, B., see Gyuro 107 (1991) 956 phoric group III precursors for MOVPE 107 (1991) Rothwell, W.J.M., see Cole 107 (1991) 254 Pohl, L., see Hével 107 (1991) Rowe, R.S., see Pain 107 (1991) 632 Pohl, L., see Scholz 107 (1991) Rudra, A., see Carlin 107 (1991) 1057 Posthill, J.B., see Venkatasubramanian 107 (1991) Rusch, J.J., see Mpaskoutas 107 (1991) 192 Potemski, R.M., see Kuech 107 (1991) Rushworth, S.A., see Jones 107 (1991) 350 Potemski, R.M., see Tischler 107 (1991) Russo, S.P., see Pain 107 (1991) 610 Potemski, R.M., see Buchan 107 (1991) Pitz, N., InP based optoelectronics 107 (1991) 107 (1991) 231 Saito, H., see Fukui 107 (1991) 832 Saka, T., see Kato

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