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Author Index to Volume 122 Key to Pagination Issue No. Month Pages February 1-108 May 109-230 August 231-334 November 335-456 ARTICLES Clotfelter, Ethan D.—Frequency-Dependent Performance and Handedness in Professional Baseball Players (Homo sapiens) Adamova, Tereza—see Koneéna, Martina Couvillon, P. A.—see Blaser, R. E. Anderson, James R., Hattori, Yuko, and Fujita, Kazuo—Quality Before Quantity: Rapid Learning of Reverse-Reward Contin- Dungl, Eveline, Schratter, Dagmar, and Huber, Ludwig—Discrim- gency by Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella) ination of Face-Like Patterns in the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda Arnold, Walter—see Wascher, Claudia A. F. melanoleuca) Aureli, Filippo—see Romero, Teresa Dushaj, Kola—see Schwartz, Joshua J. Bates, Mary E.—see Simmons, Andrea Megela Eduardo, Mercado, I[Il—see Liu, Estella H. Bee, Mark A., and Micheyl, Christophe—The Cocktail Party Prob- Evans, Theodore A.—see Beran, Michael J. lem: What Is It? How Can It Be Solved? And Why Should Fedor, Anna, Skollar, Gabriella, Szerencsy, Nora, and Ujhelyi, Beran, Michael J., Harris, Emily H., Evans, Theodore A., Klein, Maria—Object Permanence Tests on Gibbons (Hylobatidae). Emily D., Chan, Betty, Flemming, Timothy M., and Wash- Flemming, Timothy M., Beran, Michael J., Thompson, Roger K. burn, David A.—Ordinal Judgments of Symbolic Stimuli by R., Kleider, Heather M., and Washburn, David A.—What Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella) and Rhesus Monkeys (Ma- Meaning Means for Same and Different: Analogical Reason- caca mulatta): The Effects of Differential and Nondifferential ing in Humans (Homo sapiens), Chimpanzees (Pan troglo- Reward dytes), and Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) Beran, Michael J.—see Flemming, Timothy M. Flemming, Timothy M.—see Beran, Michael J. Bitterman, M. E.—see Blaser, R. E. Fragaszy, Dorothy M.—see Kennedy, Erica Hoy Blaser, R. E., Couvillon, P. A., and Bitterman, M. E.—Within- Freeberg, Todd M., and Harvey, Ellen M.—Group Size and Social Subjects Experiments on Blocking and Facilitation in Honey- Interactions Are Associated With Calling Behavior in Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis)... ........0.0.044- bees (Apis mellifera) Freeberg, Todd M., King, Andrew P., and West, Meredith J—Be- Boesch, Christophe—Taking Development and Ecology Seriously havioral Compatibility and Reproductive Outcomes in Two When Comparing Cognition: Reply to Tomasello and Call (2008) Distant Populations of Captive Brown-headed Cowbirds (Mo- lothrus ater) Brown, Robert—see Schwartz, Joshua J. Freeberg, Todd M.—see Schwartz, Joshua J. Bruchner, Barbara—see Rodel, Heiko G. Fujita, Kazuo—see Anderson, James R. Brudzynski, Stefan M.—see Burgdorf, Jeffrey Burgdorf, Jeffrey, Kroes, Roger A., Moskal, Joseph R., Pfaus, Gaudio, Jennifer L., and Snowdon, Charles T—Spatial Cues More James G., Brudzynski, Stefan M., and Panksepp, Jaak—Ultra- Salient Than Color Cues in Cotton-top Tamarins (Saguinus sonic Vocalizations of Rats (Rattus norvegicus) During Mat- oedipus) Reversal Learning ing, Play, and Aggression: Behavioral Concomitants, Rela- Giglio, Robson F.—see Udell, Monique A. R. tionship to Reward, and Self-Administration of Playback. . . . Greenfield, Michael D., and Schul, Johannes—Mechanisms and Burghardt, Gordon M.—Updating von Uexkiill: New Directions in Evolution of Synchronous Chorusing: Emergent Properties Communication Research and Adaptive Functions in Neoconocephalus katydids (Or- Burns, James G.—The Validity of Three Tests of Temperament in thoptera: Tettigoniidae) Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) Gulickx, M. M. C.—see Kempes, M. M. Call, Josep—see Herrmann, Esther Harris, Emily H.—see Beran, Michael J. Call, Josep—see Tomasello, Michael Harrison, Kelly A.—see Siviy, Stephen M. Call, Josep—see Uher, Jana Harvey, Ellen M.—see Freeberg, Todd M. Campbell, Thomas G., and Persaud, Navindra—The Adaptiveness Hattori, Yuko—see Anderson, James R. of Self-Control: Simulation of Foraging Mice Heintz, Matthew—see Parr, Lisa A. Capitanio, J. P.—see Kinnally, Erin L. Herrmann, Esther, Wobber, Victoria, and Call, Josep—Great Apes’ Castano, Marisol—see Schwartz, Joshua J. (Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, Gorilla gorilla, Pongo pyg- Chan, Betty—see Beran, Michael J. maeus) Understanding of Tool Functional Properties After Church, Barbara A.—see Liu, Estella H. Limited Experience Vill AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 122 Hook, Michelle A., and Rogers, Lesley J—Visuospatial Reaching Parker, M. Rockwell, Young, Bruce A., and Kardong, Kenneth V. Preferences of Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): An —The Forked Tongue and Edge Detection in Snakes (Crota- Assessment of Individual Biases Across a Variety of Tasks. . lus oreganus): An Experimental Test................. Horn, Andrew G., and Leonard, Marty L.—Acoustic Interactions in Parr, Lisa A., Heintz, Matthew, and Pradhan, Gauri—Rhesus Mon- Broods of Nestling Birds (Tachycineta bicolor) keys (Macaca mulatta) Lack Expertise in Face Processing... Huber, Ludwig—see Dungl, Eveline Peng, Andy—see Johnston, Robert E. Perelberg, Amir, and Schuster, Richard—Coordinated Breathing in Janik, Vincent M.—see Quick, Nicola J. Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) as Cooperation: In- Johnston, Robert E., and Peng, Andy—Memory for Individuals: tegrating Proximate and Ultimate Explanations.......... Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) Require Contact to Develop Persaud, Navindra—see Campbell, Thomas G. Petri, Milada, Spinka, Marek, Lhota, Stanislav, and Sipek, Petr —Head Rotations in the Play of Hanuman Langurs (Sem- Kardong, Kenneth V.—see Parker, M. Rockwell nopithecus entellus): Description and Analysis of Function... Kempes, M. M., Gulickx, M. M. C., van Daalen, H. J. C., Lou- Pfaus, James G.—see Burgdorf, Jeffrey werse, A. L., and Sterck, E. H. M.—Social Competence Is Re- Pitt, Rebecca—see Thomas, Emily duced in Socially Deprived Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca Pluhacek, Jan—see Koneéna, Martina Pradhan, Gauri—see Parr, Lisa A. mulatta) Kennedy, Erica Hoy, and Fragaszy, Dorothy M.—Analogical Rea- soning in a Capuchin Monkey (Cebus apella) Quick, Nicola J., and Janik, Vincent M.—Whistle Rates of Wild King, Andrew P.—see Freeberg, Todd M. Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): Influences of King, James E., Weiss, Alexander, and Sisco, Melissa M.—Aping Group Size and Behavior Humans: Age and Sex Effects in Chimpanzee (Pan troglo- dytes) and Human (Homo sapiens) Personality Ringland, Janice E—see Wells, Deborah L. Kinnally, Erin L., Whiteman, H. J., Mason, W. A., Mendoza, S. P., Rivers, Angela—see Thomas, Emily and Capitanio, J. P—Dimensions of Response to Novelty Are Roberts, Sam G. B., McComb, Karen, and Ruffman, Ted—An Associated With Social Engagement and Aggression in Adult Experimental Investigation of Referential Looking in Free- Male Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta) Ranging Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus).......... Kleider, Heather M.—-see Flemming, Timothy M. Rédel, Heiko G., Starkloff, Anett, Bruchner, Barbara, and von- Klein, Emily D.—see Beran, Michael J. Holst, Dietrich—Social Environment and Reproduction in Konetna, Martina, Lhota, Stanislav, Weiss, Alexander, Urbdnek, Female European Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus): Benefits Tomas, Adamova, Tereza, and Pluhatek, Jan—Personality in Of the Presence: of Estter SISters... 2... ee eee Free-Ranging Hanuman Langur (Semnopithecus entellus) Rogers, Lesley J—see Hook, Michelle A. Males: Subjective Ratings and Recorded Behavior Romero, Teresa, and Aureli, Filippo—Reciprocity of Support in Kotrschal, Kurt—see Wascher, Claudia A. F. Coatis (Nasua nasua) Krahe, Riidiger—see Ronacher, Bernhard Ronacher, Bernhard, Wohlgemuth, Sandra, Vogel, Astrid, and Kroes, Roger A.—see Burgdorf, Jeffrey Krahe, Riidiger—Discrimination of Acoustic Communication Signals by Grasshoppers (Chorthippus biguttulus): Temporal Leavens, David A.—see Thomas, Emily Resolution, Temporal Integration, and the Impact of Intrinsic Leonard, Marty L.—see Horn, Andrew G. PNR sant Seve anrer sb aiiuhe IeS ige SIS S/O TE BG. tro pcan ede beh a Lhota, Stanislav—see Koneéna, Martina Ruffman, Ted—see Roberts, Sam G. B. Lhota, Stanislav—see Petri, Milada Liu, Estella H., Eduardo, Mercado, III, Church, Barbara A., and Sabbatini, Gloria, and Visalberghi, Elisabetta—Inferences About Ordufia, Itzel—The Easy-to-Hard Effect in Human (Homo the Location of Food in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella) in sapiens) and Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Auditory Identification. WWOGENSOry MIGEENECS, 605... ans Oe ee ew oe Louwerse, A. L.—see Kempes, M. M. Scheumann, Marina—see Siindermann, Dina Schratter, Dagmar-—see Dungl, Eveline Marshall-Pescini, Sarah, and Whiten, Andrew—Social Learning of Schul, Johannes—see Greenfield, Michael D. Nut-Cracking Behavior in East African Sanctuary-Living Schuster, Richard—see Perelberg, Amir Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) Schwartz, Joshua J., and Freeberg, Todd M.—Acoustic Interaction Mason, W. A.—see Kinnally, Erin L. in Animal Groups: Signaling in Noisy and Social Contexts. . McComb, Karen—see Roberts, Sam G. B. Schwartz, Joshua J., Brown, Robert, Turner, Sarah, Dushaj, Kola, McDonald, Claire L.—see Wells, Deborah L. and Castano, Marisol—Interference Risk and the Function of Mendoza, S. P.—see Kinnally, Erin L. Dynamic Shifts in Calling in the Gray Treefrog (Hyla Micheyl, Christophe—see Bee, Mark A. versicolor) Moskal, Joseph R.—see Burgdorf, Jeffrey Seki, Yoshimasa, and Okanoya, Kazuo—Sex Differences in Au- Murphy, Christopher G.—Assessment of Distance to Potential diovisual Discrimination Learning by Bengalese Finches Mates by Female Barking Treefrogs (Hyla gratiosa) (Lonchura striata var. domestica) Murphy, Mary—see Thomas, Emily Simmons, Andrea Megela, Simmons, James A., and Bates, Mary E. —Analyzing Acoustic Interactions in Natural Bullfrog (Rana Okanoya, Kazuo—see Seki, Yoshimasa cutesbeidnay, COOMBES. 6.0.8 is 5S os oes el ewe os Ordujfia, Itzel—see Liu, Estella H. Simmons, James A.—see Simmons, Andrea Megela Sipek, Petr—see Petri, Milada Panksepp, Jaak—see Burgdorf, Jeffrey Sisco, Melissa M.—see King, James E. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 122 Siviy, Stephen M., and Harrison, Kelly A—Effects of Neonatal Visalberghi, Elisabetta—see Sabbatini, Gloria Handling on Play Behavior and Fear Towards a Predator Odor Vogel, Astrid—see Ronacher, Bernhard in Juvenile Rats (Rattus norvegicus). .............445 von Holst, Dietrich—see Rédel, Heiko G. Skollar, Gabriella—see Fedor, Anna Snowdon, Charles T.—see Gaudio, Jennifer L. Wascher, Claudia A. F., Arnold, Walter, and Kotrschal, Kurt Spinka, Marek—see Petri, Milada —Heart Rate Modulation by Social Contexts in Greylag Geese Starkloff, Anett—see Rédel, Heiko G. (Anser anser) Sterck, E. H.M i—see Kempes, M. M. Washburn, David A.—see Beran, Michael J. Siindermann, Dina, Scheumann, Marina, and Zimmermann, Elke Washburn, David A.—see Flemming, Timothy M. —Olfactory Predator Recognition in Predator-Naive Gray Weiss, Alexander—see King, James E. Mouse Lemurs (Microcebus murinus). . 2... . Weiss, Alexander—see Koneéna, Martina Szerencsy, N6ra—see Fedor, Anna Wells, Deborah L., McDonald, Claire L., and Ringland, Janice E. —Color Preferences in Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and Thomas, Emily, Murphy, Mary, Pitt, Rebecca, Rivers, Angela, and Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). ........0..0.00000005 213 Leavens, David A.—Understanding of Visual Attention by West, Meredith J—see Freeberg, Todd M. Adult Humans (Homo sapiens): A Partial Replication of Po- Whiteman, H. J.—see Kinnally, Erin L. vinelli, Bierschwale, and Cech (1999) Whiten, Andrew—see Marshall-Pescini, Sarah Thompson, Roger K. R.—see Flemming, Timothy M. Wobber, Victoria—see Herrmann, Esther Tomasello, Michael, and Call, Josep—Assessing the Validity of Wohlgemuth, Sandra—see Ronacher, Bernhard Ape-Human Comparisons: A Reply to Boesch (2007) 449 Wynne, Clive D. L.—see Udell, Monique A. R. Turner, Sarah—see Schwartz, Joshua J. Tyack, Peter L—Convergence of Calls as Animals Form Social Young, Bruce A.—see Parker, M. Rockwell Bonds, Active Compensation for Noisy Communication Channels, and the Evolution of Vocal Learning in Mammals. Zimmermann, Elke—see Siindermann, Dina Udell, Monique A. R., Giglio, Robson F., and Wynne, Clive D. L. OTHER —Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris) Use Human Gestures But Not Nonhuman Tokens to Find Hidden Food Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers ......... ili (November) Uher, Jana, and Call, Josep—How the Great Apes (Pan troglodytes, Call for Nominations 378 Pongo pygmaeus, Pan paniscus, Gorilla gorilla) Perform on E-Mail Notification of Your Latest Issue Online! . . . . 34, 166, 282 the Reversed Reward Contingency Task II: Transfer to New Instructions to Authors 108, iii (May), 334, 456 Quantities, Long-Term Retention, and the Impact of Quantity Low Publication Prices for APA Members and Affiliates .... . 448 NUMMER Beak otS SE n aso fGi 5-9 wk aa Tse Faster @ Oi ieee ala 204 Members of Underrepresented Groups: Reviewers for Journal Ujhelyi, Maria—see Fedor, Anna Manuscripts Wanted 427 Urbanek, TomaS—see Konetna, Martina New Editors Appointed, 2010-2015 417 Subscription Order Form ii (February), ii (May), ii (August), van Daalen, H. J. C_—see Kempes, M. M. ii (November)

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