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Preview Journal of Comparative Physiology 1992 - 1993: Vol 171 Table of Contents

Journal of Sensory, Neural, Comparativ and Behavioral Physiology Physiology Volume 171 1993 Founded in 1924 by K. von Frisch and A. Kiihn, Volumes 1—29 (1934) under the title “Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Biologie, Abt. C: Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Physiologie”. Volumes 30-76 (1972) published as “Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Physiologie”. Volumes 77-92 (1974) published under the title “Journal of Comparative Physiology’. Beginning with Volume 93 (1974) called “Journal of Comparative Physiology A - Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology / B - Metabolic and Transport Functions”. Beginning with Volumé 123 (1978) Section B called “Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology”. Beginning with Volume 154 (1984), this journal was divided into two separate journals, A and B. Editorial Board R. DeVoe, Bloomington, IN J.D. Pettigrew, St. Lucia H. Autrum, Munchen R. Hardie, Cambridge (Brisbane) F.G. Barth, Wien F. Huber, Seewiesen C.L. Prosser, Urbana, IL W. Heiligenberg, La Jolla, CA M. Konishi, Pasadena, CA J.D. Pye, London J.G. Hildebrand, Tucson, AZ MF. Land, Brighton H.F. Rowell, Basel G. Neuweiler, Munchen S. Laughlin, Cambridge D.G. Stavenga, Groningen H. Markl, Konstanz N.J. Strausfeld, Tucson, AZ Advisory Board A. Michelsen, Odense U. Thurm, Minster H. Atwood, Toronto W.R.A. Muniz, Clayton R. Wehner, Ziirich J.K. Bowmaker, London (Melbourne) T.J. Wiens, Winnipeg J.A. Coles, Bordeaux C.H. Page, Piscataway, NJ F. Yokohari, Fukuoka F. Delcomyn, Urbana, IL F. Papi, Pisa Copyright lisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. 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While the advice and information in this journal is believed to be true and accu- Printed in Germany — Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993 rate at the date of its going to press, neither the authors, the editors, nor the pub- Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co KG, 1000 Berlin 33 Springer-Verlag Springer-Verlag Springer-Verlag Postfach 105280 Heidelberger Platz 3 175 Fifth Avenue W-6900 Heidelberg 1 1000 Berlin 33 New York, NY 10010, USA Telephone (06221) 4870 Telephone (030) 8207-0 Telephone 001-212-460-1500 Telex 461 723 Telex 183319 Telex (023) 232235 Fax (0)6221/48 76 24 Fax (0)30/821 4091 Fax (201) 348-4505 Contents Abdel-Latif H > Hassan EI-S cordings from the motor nervous system of Heiligenberg W, Kawasaki M: An internal Able KP — Holberton RL the nematode, Ascaris suum 17 current source yields immunity of electrosen- Allison JD: Acoustic modulation of neural Deegan JF II — Jacobs GH sory information processing to unusually activity in the preoptic area and ventral hy- Delaney A — Blest AD strong jamming in electric fish 309 pothalamus of the green treefrog (Hyla ciner- Diekamp BM, Gerhardt HC: Midbrain audi- Helversen O von — Stumpner A ea) 387 tory sensitivity in the spring peeper (Pseudac- Hengstenberg R —> Preuss T Andrews B — Fuzessery ZM ris crucifer): correlations with behavioral Hensler K: Neuronal co-processing of course Arikawa K — Bandai K studies 245 deviations and head movements in locusts. Atema J > Voigt R Dillier F-X — Schmidt I I. Descending deviation detectors 257 Dmitrieva LP, Gottlieb G: Development of Hensler K: Neuronal co-processing of course Bandai K, Arikawa K, Eguchi E: Localiza- brainstem auditory pathway in mallard duck deviations and head movements in locusts. tion of spectral receptors in the ommatidium embryos and hatchlings 665 II. Thoracic interneurons 273 of butterfly compound eye determined by Henson OW Jr > Huffman RF polarization sensitivity 289 Ebihara S, Gwinner E: Different circadian Hepburn HR > Muller WJ Barth FG — Baurecht D pacemakers control feeding and locomotor Hewes RS — Murray JA Barth FG > Wirth E activity rhythms in European starlings 63 Hitchcock T + Lee DN Baurecht D, Barth FG: Vibratory communi- Eguchi E > Bandai K Hochstrate P ~ Hamdorf K cation in spiders. I. Representation of male El-Feghaly E — Pollack GS Hoéglund G > Hamdorf K courtship signals by female vibration recep- Emde G von der, Bleckmann H: Differential Holberton RL, Able KP: Persistence of cir- tor 231 responses of two types of electroreceptive af- cannual cycles in a migratory bird held in Belanger JH, Orchard I: The role of sensory ferents to signal distortions may permit ca- constant dim light 477 input in maintaining output from the locust pacitance measurement in a weakly electric HGlldobler B, Obermayer M, Wilson EO: oviposition digging central pattern genera- fish, Gnathonemus petersii 683 Communication in the primitive cryptobiotic tor 495 Engel JE, Wu C-F: Interactions of membrane ant Prionopelta amabilis (Hymenoptera: Biebricher R > Hassan EI-S excitability mutations affecting potassium Formicidae) 9 Bleckmann H > Emde G von der and sodium currents in the flight and giant Hoy RR - Pires A Blest AD, Stowe S, Carter M, O’Gara E, De- fiber escape systems of Drosophila 93 Huber F > Loher W laney A: Light-dependent endocytosis of Huffman RF, Henson OW Jr: Labile cochlear Follett BK, Kumar V, Juss TS: Circadian na- crab rhabdomeral membrane potentiated by tuning in the mustached bat. I. Concomitant ture of the photoperiodic clock in Japanese okadaic acids is reduced by either of two shifts in biosonar emission frequency 725 quail 533 inhibitors of protein kinase C, or by a Huffman RF, Henson OW Jr: Labile cochlear Fuzessery ZM, Buttenhoff P, Andrews B, Ca?*-channel blocking agent, diltiazem 523 tuning in the mustached bat. II. Concomi- Kennedy JM: Passive sound localization of Block GD — Colwell CS tant shifts in neural tuning 735 prey by the pallid bat (Antrozous p. pallidus) Braucker R + Machemer-R6hnisch S 767 Bruns V > Miller M Ishibashi T > Nishikawa M Burda H — Miiller M Gerhardt HC > Diekamp BM Itagaki H > Mitchell BK Burrows M, Pfliiger HJ: Output connections Gleich O > K6ppl C of a wind sensitive interneurone with motor Gottlieb G — Dmitrieva LP Jacobs GH, Deegan II JF: Cone photopig- neurones innervating flight steering muscles Grothe B > Vater M ments in nocturnal and diurnal procyonids in the locust 437 Gwinner E => Ebihara S 351 Bush T > O’Carroll DC James AC — O’Carroll DC Buttenhoff P — Fuzessery ZM Habbicht H > Vater M Juss TS — Follett BK Hamdorf K, Hochstrate P, Héglund G, Canfield JG + Rose GJ Moser M, Sperber S, Schlecht P: Ultra-violet Kawasaki M > Heiligenberg W Carter M —> Blest AD sensitizing pigment in blowfly photorecep- Kelley DB > Watson JT Caston J — Dahhaoui M tors Ri-6; probable nature and binding Kennedy JM — Fuzessery ZM Chao ET > Michel WC sites 601 Kirschfeld K — Sandler C Chiba Y > Tomioka K Hassan EI-S, Abdel-Latif H, Biebricher R: Koester J — Skelton ME Chittka L, Menzel R: The evolutionary adap- Studies on the effects of Ca** and Co** K6ppl C, Gleich O, Manley GA: An auditory tation of flower colours and the insect pollin- on the swimming behavior of the blind Mexi- fovea in the barn owl cochlea 695 ators’ colour vision 171 can cave fish 413 Koéssl M > Vater M Clayton N: Lateralization and unilateral Hateren JH van: Theoretical predictions of Krebs JR > Clayton NS transfer of spatial memory in marsh tits 799 spatiotemporal receptive fields of fly LMCs, Kumar V = Follett BK Clayton NS, Krebs JR: Lateralization in Pari- and experimental validation 157 dae: comparison of a storing and a non-stor- Hecht EI > Lewis ER Lac S du, Lisberger SG: Eye movements and ing species on a one-trial associative memory Hedwig B: On the control of stridulation in brainstem neuronal responses evoked by cer- task 807 the acridid grasshopper Omocestus viridulus ebellar and vestibular stimulation in chicks Collett TS - Schmidt I L. I. Interneurons involved in rhythm gener- 629 Colwell CS, Michel S, Block GD: Evidence ation and bilateral coordination 117 Langner G — Heil P that potassium channels mediate the effects Hedwig B: On the control of stridulation in Laube B > Miiller M of serotonin on the ocular circadian pace- the acridid grasshopper Omocestus viridulus Lee DN, Weel FR van der, Hitchcock T, Ma- maker of Aplysia 651 L. IL. Shaping of hindleg movements by spik- tejowsky E, Pettigrew JD: Common princi- ing and non-spiking interneurons 129 ples of guidance by echolocation and vision Dahhaoui M, Stelz T, Caston J: Effects of Heil P, Langner G, Scheich H: Processing of 563 lesion of the inferior olivary complex by 3- frequency-modulated stimuli in the chick au- Lehrer M, Srinivasan MV: Freely flying bees acetylpyridine on learning and memory in ditory cortex analogue: evidence for topo- discriminate between stationary and moving the rat 657 graphic representations and possible mecha- objects: performance and possible mecha- Davis RE, Stretton AOW: Extracellular re- nisms of rate and directional sensitivity 583 nisms 457 Il Levine RB — Waldrop B O’Carroll DC, Osorio D, James AC, Bush T: Srinivasan MV — Lehrer M Lewis ER, Hecht EI, Narins PM: Diversity Local feedback mediated via amacrine cells Stange G: High resolution measurement of of form in the amphibian papilla of Puerto in the insect optic lobe 447 atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration Rican frogs 421 O’Gara E — Blest AD changes by the labial palp organ of the moth Lisberger SG — Lac S du Orchard I > Belanger JH Heliothis armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctui- Loher W, Weber T, Rembold H, Huber F: Osorio D > O’Carroll DC dae) 317 Persistence of phonotaxis in females of four Stelz T + Dahhaoui M species of crickets following allatectomy Paschal WG > Maekawa M Stowe S > Blest AD 325 Pettigrew JD — Lee DN Stretton AOW — Davis RE Pfliiger HJ + Burrows M Stumpner A, Helversen O von: Recognition Machemer H —> Machemer-R6hnisch S Pires A, Hoy RR: Temperature coupling in of a two-element song in the grasshopper Machemer-ROhnisch S, Braucker R, Ma- cricket acoustic communication. I. Field and Chorthippus dorsatus (Orthoptera: Gompho- chemer H: Neutral gravitaxis of gliding Lox- laboratory studies of temperature effects on cerinae) 405 odes exposed to normal and raised gravity calling song production and recognition in 779 Gryllus firmus 69 Tabata M — Morita Y Maekawa M, Wong D, Paschal WG: Spectral Pires A, Hoy RR: Temperature coupling in Tanaka H, Wong D, Taniguchi I: The influ- selectivity of FM—FM neurons in the audi- cricket acoustic communication. II. Local- ence of stimulus duration on the delay tuning tory cortex of the echolocating bat, Myotis ization of temperature effects on song pro- of cortical neurons in the FM bat, Myotis lucifugus 513 duction and recognition networks in Gryllus lucifugus 29 Manley GA — K6ppl C firmus 79 Taniguchi I > Tanaka H Marion-Poll F, Tobin TR: Temporal coding Pollack GS, El-Feghaly E: Calling song rec- Tobin TR — Marion-Poll F of pheromone pulses and trains in Manduca ognition in the cricket Teleogryllus oceani- Tomioka K, Chiba Y: Characterization of an sexta 505 cus: comparison of the effects of stimulus optic lobe circadian pacemaker by in situ Mason AC, Schildberger K: Auditory inter- intensity and sound spectrum on selectivity and in vitro recording of neural activity in neurons in Cyphoderris monstrosa (Orthop- for temporal pattern 759 the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus 1 tera: Haglidae) 749 Popper AN — Yan HY Trapido-Rosenthal HG > Michel WC Matejowsky E > Lee DN Preiss R: Set point of retinal velocity of Menzel R > Chittka L ground images in the control of swarming Uchida K — Morita Y Meyer-Peters H: Seasonality of circadian lo- flight of desert locusts 251 Udin SB — Scherer WJ comotor activity in an insect 713 Preuss T, Hengstenberg R: Structure and kin- Michel S + Colwell CS ematics of the prosternal organs and their Vater M, Habbicht H, Késsl M, Grothe B: Michel WC, Trapido-Rosenthal HG, Chao influence on head position in the blowfly The functional role of GABA and glycine ET, Wachowiak M: Stereoselective detection Calliphora erythrocephala Meig. 483 in monaural and binaural processing in the of amino acids by lobster olfactory receptor Reinke H, Necker R: Spinal dorsal column inferior colliculus of horseshoe bats 541 neurons 705 afferent fiber composition in the pigeon: an Voigt R, Atema J: Tuning of chemoreceptor Mitchell BK, Itagaki H: Interneurons of the electrophysiological investigation 397 cells of the second antenna of the American subsesophageal ganglion of Sarcophage bul- Rembold H — Loher W lobster (Homarus americanus) with a com- lata responding to gustatory and mechano- Ritzmann RE > Nye SW parison of four of its other chemoreceptor sensory stimuli 213 Robert D, Rowell CHF: Locust flight steer- organs 673 Morita Y, Tabata M, Uchida K, Samejima ing, I. Head movements and the organiza- M: Pineal-dependent locomotor activity of tion of correctional manoeuvres 41 Wachowiak M — Michel WC lamprey, Lampetra japonica, measured in re- Robert D, Rowell CHF: Locust flight steer- Waldrop B, Levine RB: Intersegmental inter- lation to LD cycle and circadian rhythmi- ing. II. Acoustic avoidance manoeuvres and neurons serving larval and pupal mechano- city 555 associated head movements, compared with sensory reflexes in the moth Manduca sexta Moser M > Hamdorf K correctional steering 53 195 Miiller M, Laube B, Burda H, Bruns V: Struc- Rose GJ, Canfield JG: Longitudinal tracking Watson JT, Kelley DB: Testicular masculin- ture and function of the cochlea in the Afri- responses of the weakly electric fish, Sterno- ization of vocal behavior in juvenile female can mole rat (Cryptomys hottentotus): evi- pygus 791 Xenopus laevis reveals sensitive periods for dence for a low frequency acoustic fovea Rowell CHF — Robert D song duration, rate, and frequency spectra 469 343 Muller WJ, Hepburn HR: Temporal and spa- Samejima M — Morita Y Weber T > Loher W tial patterns of wax secretion and related be- Sandler C, Kirschfeld K: Light-induced Weel FR van der > Lee DN havior in the division of labour of the honey- changes in extracellular calcium concentra- Wehner R — Schmidt I bee (Apis mellifera capensis) 111 tion in the compound eye of Calliphora, Lo- Willows AOD — Murray JA Murray JA, Hewes RS, Willows AOD: custa and Apis 573 Wilson EO — HGlldobler B Water-flow sensitive pedal neurons in Trito- Scheich H —> Heil P Wirth E, Barth FG: Forces in the spider orb nia: role in rheotaxis 373 Scherer WJ, Udin SB: Xenopus exhibits sea- web 359 Narins PM — Lewis ER sonal variation in retinotectal latency but Wong D > Maekawa M Necker R > Reinke H not tecto-isthmo-tectal latency 207 Wong D — Tanaka H Neumeyer C: Tetrachromatic color vision in Schildberger K + Mason AC Wu C-F — Engel JE goldfish: evidence from color mixture exper- Schlecht P - Hamdorf K iments 639 Schmidt I, Collett TS, Dillier F-X, Wehner Yan HY, Popper AN: Auditory sensitivity of Nishikawa M, Yokohari F, Ishibashi T: Re- R: How desert ants cope with enforced de- the cichlid fish Astronotus ocellatus (Cuvier) sponse characteristics of two types of cold tours on their way home 285 105 receptors on the antennae of the cockroach, Schmitz B: Directionality of antennal sweeps Yokohari F > Nishikawa M Periplaneta americana L. 299 elicited by water jet stimulation of the tailfan Nye SW, Ritzmann RE: Motion analysis of in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii 617 Erratum 420 leg joints associated with escape turns of the Skelton ME, Koester J: The morphology, in- cockroach, Periplaneta americana 183 nervation and neural control of the anterior arterial system of Aplysia california 141 Obermayer M — HGlldobler B Sperber S + Hamdorf K Indexed in Current Contents

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