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Journal of Clinical Ultrasound INDEX TO VOLUME 24 ISSUES 1-9 January 1996-November/December 1996 Journal of Clinical Ultrasound PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS. INC. GENERAL EDITOR AREA Russell L. Deter, MD Baylor College of Medicine CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INSTRUMENTS & TECHNIQUES Houston, TX Akira Kitabatake, MD, PhD David H. Evans, PhD Hokkaido University University of Leicester ASSISTANT TO THE GENERAL EDITOR Sapporo, Japan Leicester, England Danita Spivey CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Michael G. Hennerici, MD Martin I. Resnick, MD FOUNDER University of Heidelberg Case Western Reserve Raymond D. Elliott Mannheim, Germany University FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Cleveland, OH FOUNDING EDITOR Asim Kurjak, MD, PhD Joseph H. Holmes, MD University of Zagreb MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Zagreb, Croatia Moshe Graif SPECIAL TOPICS EDITOR Tel-Aviv University FETUS & PLACENTA Tel-Aviv, Israel Nabil Maklad, MB, PhD Anthony M. Vintzileos University of Texas Robert Wood Johnson Houston, TX URINARY SYSTEM Medical School Marie-Christine Plainfosse, MD New Brunswick, NJ Paris University Richard Jaffe Paris, France University of Rochester Rochester, NY GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM Edward I. Bluth, MD Ochsner Clinic EDITORIAL PRODUCTION, John Wiley: New Orleans, LA Hattie Heavner The Journal of Clinical Ultrasound (ISSN kinds of copying, such as copying for general Advertising Sales: Forward inquires con¬ 0091-2751) is published monthly except bi¬ distribution, for advertising or promotional cerning advertising to Susan Levey, Advertis¬ monthly in March/April; July/August; No¬ purposes, for creating new collective works, or ing Sales, John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., vember/December, one volume per year by for resale. Such permission requests and other New York, NY 10158; (212) 850-8832. 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Journal of Clinical Ultrasound Author Index to Volume 24 Abascal FA, 90 Cil E, 355 Hinney B, 523 Maestrini R, 491 Piyamongkol W, 73 Abdelwahab IF, 148 Cittadini G, 268 Hirata K, 40 Magalhaes JA, 243 Porter KB, 48 Abramovici H, 175 Connolly JA, 481 Holl J, 277 Maklad N, 513 Abu-Yousef MM, Consonni M, 141 Horie Y, 528 Makuuchi M, 203 Rabinovitz R, 179 117 Cooperman B, 37 Hostettler J-M, 151 Maldjian PD, 43 Rabinowitz JG, 359 Abuja A, 129 Co§kun A, 326 Hosyo K, 528 Mari G, 185 Rabinowitz R, 21 Akyol D, 213 Cosmi EV, 3 Hsu C-C, 67 Marinaro E, 148 Raga F, 263 A1 Zaben A, 287 Hsu J-Y, 225 Marsal K, 135 Ragosin R, 197 Algur N, 179 David MP, 257, 351 Hsu W-H, 225 Martin JG, 305 Ramos R, 359 Ali M, 235 De Diego AC, 90 Huang C-c, 11 Masamune O, 317 Rasines GL, 90 Ambardekar ST, 333 De Sio I, 345 Huang S-C, 209 Masuzaki H, 83 Renzetti P, 268 Amit A, 257 Deter RL, 53, 185 Huang T-1, 11 Masuzaki M, 83 Richter K, 157 Amster R, 351 Di Stasi M, 345 Matana A, 323 Rilkin MD, 423 Anderson C, 169 Diamant Y, 21 Ikawa S, 528 Matsumoto M, 217 Robberecht E, 367 Araki Y, 203 Dietrich M, 523 Indudhara R, 169 Matthews GJ, 501 Robert Y, 339 Arslan A, 355 Draghi F, 141 Ishida H, 317 McAninch JW, 473 Rodis JF, 123 Atad J, 175 Dubinsky TJ, 513 Ishimaru T, 83 McParland BJ, 287 Rossi G, 491 Atlas I, 175 Dubrulle F, 339 Meizner I, 96 ABBaualnszldeearni d TYe, r, 3 2R10 , 31 75 DDDuuunerasieekcn AbECe,r ,g2 31 K2 6, 48 JJae3df5fwa1 aAbJ G, 7, 97,9 2 57, MMMMeeeemltncrceih§hwi oeAertlt ,iiS 5WDC1,,9, 414296913 SSSaaabbadiihhe hDZ ,S- E2, 9-4S78, 297 Bandini V, 141 Meuli RA, 151 Sackmann M, 277 Barloon TJ, 117 Elchalal U, 96 Kagalwalla A, 287 Meuwly J-Y, 151 Sagi J, 79, 351 Beller U, 179 Ernst H, 31 Kagalwalla Y, 287 Miller RL, 197 Salker DM, 375 Bend A, 491 Eskinja N, 323 Kahn E, 37 Milner LL, 53 Salmi A, 345 Berry M, 543 Kaneko M, 40 Mitani M, 40 Sardanelli F, 268 Bhattacharya D, 333 Farin PU, 309 Kawabata M, 217 Mohan V, 375 Schalow E, 169 Bhushan B, 375 Ferrozzi G, 141 Kawasaki H, 528 Morey AF, 473 Schiavina G, 141 Bianchi S, 148 Fracchia JA, 501 Khan AN, 235, 297 Mori Y, 25 Schlief R, 31 Bijleveld CMA, 103 Freed KS, 540 Kim ED, 437 Motta J, 501 Schneider EP, 507 Biserte J, 339 Fuckar Z, 323 Kinare AS, 333 Murawaki Y, 528 Schnyder P, 151 Blanes J, 263 Fuentes A, 48 King W, 129 Muttinelli C, 3 Shapiro RS, 272 Boldes R, 179 Fujiwaki R, 145 Kitao M, 145 Sharma A, 543 Bonilla-Musoles F, Fukuda M, 40 Klein JP, 103 Sharma R, 543 263 Klein VR, 507 Naganuma H, 317 Sheih C-P, 93, 533 Borirakchanyavat S, Ghiggi MR, 378 Ko S-f, 11 Narayan P, 169 Shinohara K, 169 481 Ginat S, 79 Kobayashi Y, 217 Nardi F, 268 Simmons MZ, 371 Bomstein J, 175 Gorka W, 287 Koda M,528 Neuman M, 179 Simoni G, 268 Brawer MK, 463 Gormaz G, 513 Kok T, 103 Nicotra M, 3 Sirichotiyakul S, 73 Brown BP, 117 Goyal M, 543 Kong M-S, 86 Sladkevicius P, 135 Buscarini E, 345 Granke DS, 540 Konno K, 317 O’Brien WF, 48 SlooflFMJH, 103 Buscarini L, 345 Gross B, 321 Kubota K, 203 Ohnami Y, 317 Smith, Jr JA, 455 Guerra F, 513 Kuhn W, 523 Smulian JC, 123 Oka T, 203 Campbell WA, 123 Giilef M, 326 Kusuda S, 217 Older RA, 389 Spiegel N, 371 Caremani M, 491 Gupta DK, 543 Kwan P-C, 225 Olivieri M, 148 Spritzer PM, 243 Caturelli E, 345 Gvirkaynak G, 213 Omert LA, 540 Srisomboon J, 73 Chaillet D, 339 Gutierrez MR, 90 Lakshman S, 45 Oran I, 519 Stampone C, 3 Stancato-Pasik A, Changchien C-S, 17, Lavie O, 179 Osawa H, 25 359 61, 67 Haagsma EB, 103 Lee R, 169 Osborne NG, 263 Stancic M, 323 Chen C-1, 11 Hahn EG, 31 Lee T-y, 11 Osmers R, 523 Suou T, 528 Chen C-L, 61, 225 Hartoov J, 79, 257, Leekam RN, 207 Ozcan N, 326 Suren A, 523 Chen C-Y, 225 351 Lemaitre L, 339 Sustic A, 323 Chen J-H, 536 Hata K, 145 Lesser M, 507 Chen T-y, 11 Hata T, 145 Levine CD, 371 Pande SA, 333 Chen W-J, 93 Hays TV, 45 Li I-T, 61 Patel NR, 45 Tadmor O, 21 Chenevey P, 305 Hecker J, 305 Li Y-W, 533 Pauletzki J, 277 Tai D-I, 61 Cheng Y-f, 11 Hennequin-Delerue Liao Y-J, 93, 533 Paumgartner G, 277 Tanara G, 268 Chiang C-D, 225, C, 339 Lipshultz LI, 437 Pauzner D, 257 Tanik A, 355 533 Herbener TE, 405 Lissak A, 175 Peeters PMJG, 103 Temu^in G, 213 Chick W, 129 Herter LD, 243 Liuzzi A, 378 Pestrak H, 37 Tessler FN, 423 Chiu K-W, 17 Heyder N, 31 Lo SK, 61 Petrikovsky B, 321 Tewari A, 169 Chou C-Y, 209 Hidaka A, 217 Lu W-T, 93 Petrikovsky BM, 37, Thomas E, 45 Chuah S-K, 17, 61 Hill LM, 305 Lue TF, 481 507 Tolu 1, 326 VOL 24, NO. 9, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1996 549 AUTHOR INDEX Tongsong T, 73 Ustiin EE, 519 Wachsberg RH, 43, Wong H-F, 86 Yang J-M, 249 Torres BA, 48 371 Woods M, 169 Yang K-C, 536 Tsuda H, 217 Valentin L, 135 Wanapirak C, 73 Wyse LJ, 507 Yao B-L, 209 Tublin ME, 423 Van der Jagt EJ, Wamock NG, 117 Yeh H-C, 359 Turan C, 326 103 Watson LR, 389 Xu B, 53 Yildirim B, 213 T)rre LL, 540 Van der Sluis A, 103 White S, 197 Van Winckel M, 367 Williams VL, 540 Uerpairojkit B, 185 Vintzileos AM, 123 Wissman R, 197 Yamabe T, 83 Zingrillo M, 378 Uno A, 317 Voet D, 367 Wolman I, 79, 257, Yamamoto K, 217 Zlotogorski Z, 21 Ustun C, 355 Voomeveld CR, 207 351 Yang C-C, 536 Zwass A, 148 550 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND Journal of Clinical Ultrasound Subject Index to Volume 24 ABDOMINAL PREGNANCY ARTERIAL FLOW BOWEL OBSTRUCTION Fetal survival in abdominal pregnancy: A Ultrasound evaluation of the penis for Intestinal ascariasis as a cause of bowel review of 11 cases. Dubinsky et al. 513 assessment of impotence. Connolly et al. obstruction in two patients: Sonographic diagnosis. Co^kun et al. 326 ABNORMALITIES ASCARIASIS BREAST CANCER Sonography of the biceps tendon of the shoulder: Normal and pathologic Intestinal ascariasis as a cause of bowel Detection of diffuse breast cancers with a findings. Farin. 309 obstruction in two patients: Sonographic new sonographic method. Richter. 157 diagnosis. Co^kun et al. 326 ACUTE CHOLECYSTITIS WITH BREAST NEOPLASMS GALLSTONE ASCARIS Ultrasonographic detection of Subhepatic appendix with fecalith Sonography of hepatobiliary ascariasis. interpectoral (Rotter’s) node involvement mimicking acute cholecystitis with Ali and Khan. 235 in breast cancer. Oran et al. 519 gallstone. Patel et al. 45 ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES CARCINOMA ACUTE HEPATITIS Intestinal ascariasis as a cause of bowel Transrectal ultrasonography for the Multi-septate gallbladder: An unusual obstruction in two patients: Sonographic detection and staging of carcinoma of the sonographic pattern in acute hepatitis. diagnosis. Co^kun et al. 326 prostate. Smith, Jr. 455 Kong and Wong. 86 ATTENUATION CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) ADNEXAL CYSTS Detection of diffuse breast cancers with a FISTULA Paraovarian and paratubal cysts: new sonographic method. Richter. 157 Doppler color imaging recognition of CSF Preoperative diagnosis using leakages after spinal surgery. Meuwly et transabdominal and transvaginal BENIGN PROSTATIC al. 151 sonography. Barloon et al. 117 HYPERPLASIA Comparison of transrectal ultrasound CESAREAN SECTION ADOLESCENT FEMALE prostatic volume estimation with Sonographic evaluation of the wall Relevance of the determination of magnetic resonance imaging volume thickness of the lower uterine segment in ovarian volume in adolescent girls with estimation and surgical specimen weight patients with previous cesarean section. menstrual disorders. Herter et al. 243 in patients with benign prostatic Tanik et al. 355 hyperplasia. Tewari et al. 169 ALBENDAZOLE THERAPY CHEST WALL HAMARTOMA BICEPS TENDON Abdominal cystic hydatid disease (CHD): Chest wall hamartoma diagnosed Classification of sonographic appearance Sonography of the biceps tendon of the prenatally using ultrasonography and and response to treatment. Caremani et shoulder: Normal and pathologic computed tomography. Masuzaki et al. al. 491 findings. Farin. 309 83 ALPHA-THALASSEMIA BILIARY COMPLICATIONS CHEST WALL MASSES Antenatal sonographic features of 100 Ultrasound and cholangiography for the alpha-thalassemia hydrops fetalis diagnosis of biliary complications after Occult post-thoracentesis hematoma fetuses. Tongsong et al. 73 orthotopic liver transplantation: A presenting as a pleural mass. Wachsberg comparative study. Kok et al. 103 and Maldjian. 43 AMNIONICITY BILIARY TRACT IMAGING CHILDREN Sonographic determination of first Evaluation of gallbladder volume and Diagnostic value of Doppler ultrasound trimester twin chorionicity and emptying with a novel three-dimensional in the assessment of liver cirrhosis in amnionicity. Hill et al. 305 ultrasound system: Comparison with the children: Histopathological correlation. sum-of-cylinders and the ellipsoid Gorka et al. 287 ANGIOLEIOMYOMA methods. Pauletzki et al. 277 Urachal remnants: Sonographic Imaging of angioleiomyoma. Sardanelli assessment. Robert et al. 339 et al. 268 BIOPSY Role of transrectal ultrasound and CHOLANGIOGRAPHY ANTERIOR FOSSA CYST prostate biopsy. Melchior and Brawer. Ultrasound and cholangiography for the 463 Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of diagnosis of biliary complications after anterior fossa porencephaly. Meizner and Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration orthotopic liver transplantation: A Elchalal. 96 biopsy of lung cancers. Hsu W-H, et al. comparative study. Kok et al. 103 225 ANXIETY CHOLECYSTOANTRAL FISTULA BLADDER The effect of the amount of feedback on Gallbladder perforation with anxiety levels during ultrasound Urachal remnants: Sonographic cholecystoantral fistula. Yang C-C, et al. scanning. Zlotogorski et al. 21 assessment. Robert et al. 339 536 VOL. 24, NO. 9, NOVEMBEFVDECEMBER 1996 551 £ SUBJECT INDEX CIRRHOSIS DIVERTICULA, OF THE FEMALE ECHINOCOCCUS GRANULOSIS URETHRA Paraumbilical venous collateral “Congealed waterlilly” sign: A new circulations: Color Doppler ultrasound Female urethra diverticula: Value of sonographic sign of liver hydatid cyst. features. Yeh et al. 359 transrectal sonography. Rasines et al. 90 Sabih et al. 297 COLOR DOPPLER DOPPLER ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Transvaginal Doppler examination of Flow velocity waveforms of the ductus Flow velocity waveforms of the ductus uteri with myomas. Sladkevicius et al. arteriosus in appropriate and arteriosus in appropriate and 135 small-for-gestational-age fetuses. Mari et small-for-gestational-age fetuses. Mari et al. 185 al. 185 Ultrasound in the assessment of the acute scrotum. Herbener. 405 ECTOPIC PREGNANCY DOPPLER COLOR IMAGING Fetal survival in abdominal pregnancy: A COLOR DOPPLER Doppler color imaging recognition of CSF review of 11 cases. Dubinsky et al. 513 ULTRASONOGRAPHY leakages after spinal surgery. Meuwly et al. 151 Ultrasonographic “endometrial Color Doppler ultrasound of liver lesions: three-layer” pattern: A unique finding in Signal enhancement after intravenous DOPPLER-SUPPLEMENTED ectopic pregnancy. Lavie et al. 179 injection of the ultrasound contrast agent HYSTEROCONTRAST Levovist*. Ernst et al. 31 SONOGRAPHY (HYCOSY) ECTOPIC URETER COMET-TAIL ARTIFACT Evaluation of tubal patency by Duplex kidney with an ectopic ureter hysterocontrast sonography (HyCoSy, inserted into the urethra: Report of a Clinical signiftcance of the comet-tail Echovist®) and its correlation with case. Sheih et al. 93 artifact in thyroid ultrasound. Ahuja et laparoscopic ftndings. Dietrich et al. 523 al. 129 ENDOMETRIAL ABNORMALITIES DOPPLER ULTRASONOGRAPHY The sensitivity and specificity of vaginal COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY sonography in detecting endometrial Color Doppler ultrasound of liver lesions: abnormalities in women with Chest wall hamartoma diagnosed Signal enhancement after intravenous postmenopausal bleeding. Wolman et al. prenatally using ultrasonography and injection of the ultrasound contrast agent 79 computed tomography. Masuzaki et al. Levovist®. Ernst et al. 31 83 Diagnostic value of Doppler ultrasound ENDOMETRIAL PATTERN Sonographic diagnosis of fatty liver using in the assessment of liver cirrhosis in a histogram technique that compares children: Histopathological correlation. Ultrasonographic “endometrial liver and renal cortical echo amplitudes. Gorka et al. 287 three-layer” pattern: A unique finding in Osawa and Mori. 25 ectopic pregnancy. Lavie et al. 179 Inter-observer variability of portal hemodynamics measured by Doppler ENDOMETRIAL THICKNESS CONGENITAL ANTERIOR ultrasound on three different locations of URETHRAL DIVERTICULUM portal vein. Tai et al. 61 Transvaginal ultrasonographic measurements of endometrial thickness: Congenital anterior urethral Prenatal diagnosis with ultrasound of A reproducibility study. Wolman et al. diverticulum: Sonographic diagnosis. anomalous course of the umbilical vein 351 Goyal et al. 543 and its relationship to fetal outcome. Kinare et al. 333 ENDOMETRIOSIS CONTRAST AGENT Transvaginal Doppler examination of Endometriosis of the extraperitoneal Color Doppler ultrasound of liver lesions: uteri with myomas. Sladkevicius et al. portion of the round ligament: US and Signal enhancement after intravenous 135 CT findings. Freed et al. 540 injection of the ultrasound contrast agent Ultrasound evaluation of the penis for Levovist®. Ernst et al. 31 assessment of impotence. Connolly et al. ENDOSCOPIC 481 ULTRASONOGRAPHY (EUS) CORROSIVE BURNS OF THE Endoscopic ultrasonography in corrosive UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL (GI) DOWN SYNDROME injury of the upper gastrointestinal tract TRACT by hydrochloric acid. Mitani et al. 40 Fetal breasts in normal and Down Endoscopic ultrasonography in corrosive syndrome fetuses. Petrikovsky BM, et al. injury of the upper gastrointestinal tract 507 EPIDIDYMIS by hydrochloric acid. Mitani et al. 40 Ultrasound assessment of testicular and DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS paratesticular masses. Tessler et al. 423 CYSTIC HYDATID DISEASE Flow velocity waveforms of the ductus Abdominal cystic hydatid disease (CHD): arteriosus in appropriate and EPIDIDYMITIS Classiftcation of sonographic appearance small-for-gestational-age fetuses. Mari et Ultrasound in the assessment of the and response to treatment. Caremani et al. 185 acute scrotum. Herbener. 405 al. 491 DUPLEX KIDNEY ESOPHAGUS DIFFUSE BREAST CANCER Duplex kidney with an ectopic ureter Use of sonography in the evaluation of Detection of diffuse breast cancers with a inserted into the urethra: Report of a the gastroesophageal junction. new sonographic method. Richter. 157 case. Sheih et al. 93 Changchien and Hsu C-C. 67 552 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND SUBJECT INDEX EXTRAPERITONEAL INGUINAL GALLBLADDER DISEASES HEPATIC VEIN ENDOMETRIOSIS Giant hyperplastic polyp of the Inter-observer variability of portal Endometriosis of the extraperitoneal gallbladder: A case report. Kubota et al. hemodynamics measured by Doppler portion of the round ligament: US and 203 ultrasound on three different locations of CT findings. Freed et al. 540 portal vein. Tai et al. 61 GALLBLADDER EMPTYING FEEDBACK DURING PREGNANCY HEPATIC VEIN VARIATION Evaluation of gallbladder volume and The effect of the amount of feedback on emptying with a novel three-dimensional Variations of the left and middle hepatic anxiety levels during ultrasound ultrasound system: Comparison with the veins: Application in living related scanning. Zlotogorski et al. 21 sum-of-cylinders and the ellipsoid hepatic transplantation. Cheng et al. 11 methods. Pauletzki et al. 277 FEMALE URETHRA DIVERTICULA HEPATIC VEENS GALLBLADDER PERFORATION Female urethra diverticula: Value of Diagnostic value of Doppler ultrasound transrectal sonography. Rasines et al. 90 Gallbladder perforation with in the assessment of liver cirrhosis in cholecystoantral fistula. Yang C-C, et al. children: Histopathological correlation. 536 Gorka et al. 287 FETAL ANOMALIES Prenatal diagnosis with ultrasound of GALLBLADDER POLYP (GBP) HEPATOBILIARY ASCARIASIS anomalous course of the umbilical vein and its relationship to fetal outcome. Giant hyperplastic polyp of the Sonography of hepatobiliary ascariasis. Kinare et al. 333 gallbladder: A case report. Kubota et al. Ali and Khan. 235 203 HISTOGRAM FETAL BREAST GALLSTONES Sonographic diagnosis of fatty liver using Fetal breasts in normal and Down syndrome fetuses. Petrikovsky BM, et al. Subhepatic appendix with fecalith a histogram technique that compares 507 mimicking acute cholecystitis with liver and renal cortical echo amplitudes. gallstone. Patel et al. 45 Osawa and Mori. 25 FETAL GROWTH HISTOLOGIC EXAMINATION GARTNER’S DUCT CYST Prenatal prediction of neonatal growth Follow-up of small, postmenopausal status in twins using individualized Small ureterocele-like Gartner’s duct cyst ovarian cysts using vaginal ultrasound growth assessment. Deter et al. 53 associated with ipsilateral renal and CA-125 antigen. Auslender et al. 175 dysgenesis: Report of two cases. Sheih et al. 533 FETAL TERATOMAS HYDATID CYSTS Usefulness of ultrasonography and GASTRIC PHYTOBEZOARS Abdominal cystic hydatid disease (CHD): magnetic resonance imaging for prenatal Classification of sonographic appearance Ultrasonographic diagnosis of small diagnosis of fetal teratoma of the neck. and response to treatment. Caremani et intestinal phytobezoar. Yildirim et al. Tsuda et al. 217 al. 491 FIBER-OPTIC ENDOSCOPY HYDATID CYSTS, SOLID GASTROESOPHAGEAL JUNCTION Endoscopic ultrasonography in corrosive “Congealed waterlill5r” sign: A new injury of the upper gastrointestinal tract Use of sonography in the evaluation of sonographic sign of liver hydatid cyst. by hydrochloric acid. Mitani et al. 40 the gastroesophageal junction. Sabih et al. 297 Changchien and Hsu C-C. 67 FINE-NEEDLE ASPIRATION HYDROPS FETALIS GASTROSCHISIS BIOPSY (FNAB) Antenatal sonographic features of 100 Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration A twin gestation complicated by alpha-thalassemia hydrops fetalis biopsy of lung cancers. Hsu W-H, et al. gastroschisis in both twins. Fuentes et fetuses. Tongsong et al. 73 al. 48 225 HYSTEROCONTRAST HEMATOMAS OF THE UMBILICAL SONOGRAPHY FOCAL NODULAR HYPERPLASIA CORD Evaluation of tubal patency by Natural history of focal nodular Prenatal diagnosis of non-iatrogenic hysterocontrast sonography (HyCoSy, hyperplasia of the liver: An ultrasound hematoma of the umbilical cord. Echovist®) and its correlation with study. Di Stasi et al. 345 Petrikovsky BM, et al. 37 laparoscopic findings. Dietrich et al. 523 GALLBLADDER HEPATIC LESIONS IATROGENIC PSEUDOANEURYSMS Gallbladder compression sign: An Natural history of focal nodular Iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm of the indicator of small isoechoic hepatic hyperplasia of the liver: An ultrasound axillary artery: The role of color Doppler tumors. Chiu et al. 17 study. Di Stasi et al. 345 sonography. Sustic et al. 323 Multi-septate gallbladder: An unusual sonographic pattern in acute hepatitis. HEPATIC TUMOR IMPOTENCE Kong and Wong. 86 Gallbladder compression sign: An Ultrasound evaluation of the penis for Sonography of hepatobiliary ascariasis. indicator of small isoechoic hepatic assessment of impotence. Connolly et al. Ali and Khan. 235 tumors. Chiu et al. 17 481 VOL. 24, NO. 9, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1996 553 SUBJECT INDEX INFERTILITY Sonographic diagnosis of fatty liver using MENSTRUAL DISORDERS a histogram technique that compares Evaluation of tubal patency by Relevance of the determination of liver and renal cortical echo amplitudes. hysterocontrast sonography (HyCoSy, ovarian volume in adolescent girls with Osawa and Mori. 25 Echovist*) and its correlation with menstrual disorders. Herter et al. 243 laparoscopic findings. Dietrich et al. 523 Sonography of hepatobiliary ascariasis. Role of ultrasound in the assessment of Ali and Khan. 235 METASTASIS male infertility. Kim and Lipshultz. 437 LIVER CIRRHOSIS Ultrasonographic detection of interpectoral (Rotter’s) node involvement INGUINAL ENDOMETRIOSIS Diagnostic value of Doppler ultrasound in breast cancer. Oran et al. 519 Endometriosis of the extraperitoneal in the assessment of liver cirrhosis in portion of the round ligament; US and children: Histopathological correlation. MIDGUT MALROTATION CT findings. Freed et al. 540 Gorka et al. 287 “Whirlpool sign”: Not always associated INTESTINAL ASCARIASIS LIVER CYSTS with volvulus in intestinal malrotation. Van Winckel et al. 367 Intestinal ascariasis as a cause of bowel “Congealed waterlilly” sign: A new obstruction in two patients: Sonographic sonographic sign of liver hydatid cyst. MRI diagnosis. Cofkun et al. 326 Sabih et al. 297 Comparison of transrectal ultrasound INTRA-TESTICULAR VARICOCELE prostatic volume estimation with LIVER NEOPLASMS magnetic resonance imaging volume Intra-testicular varicocele: Gray-scale Natural history of focal nodular estimation and surgical specimen weight and Doppler ultrasound findings. hyperplasia of the liver: An ultrasound in patients with benign prostatic Simmons et al. 371 study. Di Stasi et al. 345 hyperplasia. Tewari et al. 169 INTRAUTERINE DEVICES MULTI-SEPTATE GALLBLADDER LIVER TRANSPLANTATION Control of intrauterine device insertion Multi-septate gallbladder: An unusual with three-dimensional ultrasound: Is it Ultrasound and cholangiography for the sonographic pattern in acute hepatitis. the future? Bonilla-Musoles et al. 263 diagnosis of biliary complications after Kong and Wong. 86 orthotopic liver transplantation: A INTROITAL SONOGRAPHY comparative study. Kok et al. 103 MYOMA Factors affecting urethrocystographic Variations of the left and middle hepatic parameters in urinary continent women. veins: Application in living related Transvaginal Doppler examination of Yang J-M. 249 hepatic transplantation. Cheng et al. 11 uteri with myomas. Sladkevicius et al. 135 IPSILATERAL RENAL DYSGENESIS LUNG NEOPLASM Small ureterocele-like Gartner’s duct cyst Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration associated with ipsilateral renal biopsy of lung cancers. Hsu W-H, et al. Ultrasound assessment of testicular and dysgenesis: Report of two cases. Sheih et 225 paratesticular masses. Tessler et al. 423 al. 533 Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration LYMPHATIC SYSTEM biopsy of lung cancers. Hsu W-H, et al. lUGR 225 Ultrasonographic detection of Flow velocity waveforms of the ductus interpectoral (Rotter’s) node involvement arteriosus in appropriate and in breast cancer. Oran et al. 519 NEOPLASMS small-for-gestational-age fetuses. Mari et al. 185 Ultrasonographic detection of MALE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT interpectoral (Rotter’s) node involvement KIDNEY in breast cancer. Oran et al. 519 Ultrasound anatomy of the normal male Sa ohniostgorgarpahmic tdeicahgnnioqsuise othf afat tctyo mlipvaerre us sing r3e8p9r oductive tract. Older and Watson. NCOORND-I AHTERMOAGTEONMICA UMBILICAL liver and renal cortical echo amplitudes. Osawa and Mori. 25 MALIGNANCY Prenatal diagnosis of non-iatrogenic hematoma of the umbilical cord. LH LEVELS Use of sonography in the evaluation of Petrikovsky BM, et al. 37 the gastroesophageal junction. Relevance of the determination of Changchien and Hsu C-C. 67 ovarian volume in adolescent girls with ORTHOTOPIC LIVER menstrual disorders. Herter et al. 243 TRANSPLANTATION MALIGNANCY OF TESTIS Ultrasound and cholangiography for the LIVER Testicular microlithiasis: A benign diagnosis of biliary complications after condition with a malignant association. orthotopic liver transplantation; A Color Doppler ultrasound of liver lesions: Miller et al. 197 comparative study. Kok et al. 103 Signal enhancement after intravenous injection of the ultrasound contrast agent Levovist®. Ernst et al. 31 MALROTATION OVARIAN CYST Gallbladder compression sign; An “Whirlpool sign”: Not always associated Follow-up of small, postmenopausal indicator of small isoechoic hepatic with volvulus in intestinal malrotation. ovarian cysts using vaginal ultrasound tumors. Chiu et al. 17 Van Winckel et al. 367 and CA-125 antigen. Auslender et al. 175 554 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND SUBJECT INDEX OVARIAN VOLUME PORTAL HYPERTENSION Prenatal diagnosis with ultrasound of anomalous course of the umbilical vein Relevance of the determination of Paraumbilical venous collateral and its relationship to fetal outcome. ovarian volume in adolescent girls with circulations: Color Doppler ultrasound Kinare et al. 333 menstrual disorders. Herter et al. 243 features. Yeh et al. 359 PARA-TESTICULAR NEOPLASMS PORTAL VEIN PROLATE ELLIPSE Ultrasound diagnosis of para-testicular Inter-observer variability of portal The accuracy of transrectal ultrasoimd neoplasm. Bhushan et al. 375 hemodynamics measured by Doppler prostate volume estimation: Clinical ultrasound on three different locations of correlations. Matthews et al. 501 PARAOVARIAN CYSTS portal vein. Tai et al. 61 Reversal of flow in a normal variant of PROSTATE Paraovarian and paratubal cysts: the portal vein. Ohnami et al. 317 Preoperative diagnosis using Role of transrectal ultrasound and transabdominal and transvaginal prostate biopsy. Melchior and Brawer. sonography. Barloon et al. 117 PORTAL VEINS 463 Diagnostic value of Doppler ultrasound The accuracy of transrectal ultrasound PARATHYROID CYSTS (PC) in the assessment of liver cirrhosis in prostate volume estimation: Clinical children: Histopathological correlation. A large, nonfunctioning parathyroid cyst correlations. Matthews et al. 501 Gorka et al. 287 recurring after aspiration and Transrectal ultrasonography for the subsequently cured by percutaneous ethanol injection. Zingrillo et al. 378 POST-THORACENTESIS detection and staging of carcinoma of the HEMATOMA prostate. Smith, Jr. 455 PARAUMBILICAL VEINS, DILATED Occult post-thoracentesis hematoma Ultrasound anatomy of the normal male presenting as a pleural mass. Wachsberg reproductive tract. Older and Watson. Paraumbilical venous collateral and Maldjian. 43 389 circulations: Color Doppler ultrasound features. Yeh et al. 359 POSTMENOPAUSE, CA-125 PROSTATE-SPECIFIC ANTIGEN ANTIGEN PELVIC ULTRASOUND Role of transrectal ultrasound and Follow-up of small, postmenopausal prostate biopsy. Melchior and Brawer. Relevance of the determination of ovarian cysts using vaginal ultrasound 463 ovarian volume in adolescent girls with and CA-125 antigen. Auslender et al. 175 menstrual disorders. Herter et al. 243 PROSTATE VOLUME PREGNANCY PENIS Comparison of transrectal ultrasound Antenatal sonographic features of 100 Ultrasound evaluation of the male prostatic volume estimation with alpha-thalassemia hydrops fetalis urethra for assessment of urethral magnetic resonance imaging volume fetuses. Tongsong et al. 73 stricture. Morey and McAninch. 473 estimation and surgical specimen weight Sonographic evaluation of the wall in patients with benign prostatic Ultrasound evaluation of the penis for thickness of the lower uterine segment in h5rperplasia. Tewari et al. 169 assessment of impotence. Connolly et al. patients with previous cesarean section. 481 Tanik et al. 355 PSAD PHYTOBEZOAR PREGNANCY OUTCOME The accuracy of transrectal ultrasound Uinlttersatsionnaol gprhaypthoibce dzoiaagrn. oYsiilsd iorfi msm eatl la l. Tinr annosrvmaagli naanld s oanbongorrampahly p oref gthnea nycoyl.k sac pcororrsetlaattei ovnosl.u Mmea tethsteiwmsa teiot na:l .C 5l0in1i cal 213 Stampone et al. 3 REVERSE END-DIASTOLIC PLEURAL MASS PREGNANCY, ABDOMINAL VELOCITY, IN UMBILICAL ARTERY VELOCIMETRY Occult post-thoracentesis hematoma Fetal survival in abdominal pregnancy: A presenting as a pleural mass. Wachsberg review of 11 cases. Dubinsky et al. 513 Reverse end-diastolic umbilical artery and Maldjian. 43 velocity in a case of fetal hydrops at 9 weeks, menstrual age. Hata et al. 145 PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME Fetal breasts in normal and Down SCROTAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY Relevance of the determination of s5mdrome fetuses. Petrikovsky BM, et al. ovarian volume in adolescent girls with 507 Role of ultrasound in the assessment of menstrual disorders. Herter et al. 243 male infertility. Kim and Lipshultz. 437 PRENATAL GROWTH ASSESSMENT POLYP OF THE GALLBLADDER Prenatal prediction of neonatal growth SCROTUM Giant hyperplastic polyp of the status in twins using individualized Ultrasound anatomy of the normal male gallbladder: A case report. Kubota et al. growth assessment. Deter et al. 53 reproductive tract. Older and Watson. 203 389 PRENATAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY PORENCEPHALY Ultrasound assessment of testicular and Community-based obstetrical ultrasound paratesticular masses. Tessler et al. 423 Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of reports: Documentation of compliance anterior fossa porencephaly. Meizner and with suggested minimum standards. Ultrasoimd in the assessment of the Elchalal. 96 Smulian et al. 123 acute scrotum. Herbener. 405 VOL. 24, NO. 9, NOVEMBEFVDECEMBER 1996 555 SUBJECT INDEX SECONDARY CARCINOMAS TESTICULAR TORSION TRANSVAGINAL SONOGRAPHY Color Doppler findings of secondary Ultrasound in the assessment of the Paraovarian and paratubal cysts: carcinoma of the tunica vaginalis testis. acute scrotum. Herbener. 405 Preoperative diagnosis using Draghi et al. 141 transabdominal and transvaginal sonography. Barloon et al. 117 TESTICULAR TRAUMA SHOULDER Transvaginal sonography of the yolk sac Ultrasound in the assessment of the Sonography of the biceps tendon of the acute scrotum. Herbener. 405 in normal and abnormal pregnancy. shoulder: Normal and pathologic Stampone et al. 3 findings. Farin. 309 TESTIS Transvaginal sonohysterography: A new aid in the diagnosis of residual SOFT TISSUE CHONDROMAS Color Doppler findings of secondary trophoblastic tissue. Wolman et al. 257 carcinoma of the tunica vaginalis testis. Sonographic evaluation of soft tissue chondroma. Bianchi et al. 148 Draghi et al. 141 TRANSVAGINAL Ultrasound assessment of testicular and ULTRASONOGRAPHY SONO-URETHROGRAPHY paratesticular masses. Tessler et al. 423 Control of intrauterine device insertion with three-dimensional ultrasound: Is it Ultrasound evaluation of the male THREE-DIMENSIONAL the future? Bonilla-Musoles et al. 263 urethra for assessment of urethral ULTRASOUND stricture. Morey and McAninch. 473 The sensitivity and specificity of vaginal Control of intrauterine device insertion sonography in detecting endometrial SONOHYSTEROGRAPHY with three-dimensional ultrasound: Is it abnormalities in women with the future? Bonilla-Musoles et al. 263 postmenopausal bleeding. Wolman et al. Transvaginal sonohysterography: A new 79 aid in the diagnosis of residual Evaluation of gallbladder volume and trophoblastic tissue. Wolman et al. 257 emptying with a novel three-dimensional Transvaginal ultrasonographic ultrasound system: Comparison with the measurements of endometrial thickness: SPINAL SURGERY sum-of-cylinders and the ellipsoid A reproducibility study. Wolman et al. methods. Pauletzki et al. 277 351 Doppler color imaging recognition of CSF leakages after spinal surgery. Meuwly et THYROID TRANSVAGINAL ULTRASOUND al. 151 Clinical significance of the comet-tail Transvaginal ultrasonographic findings SPLEEN artifact in thyroid ultrasound. Ahuja et in vesico-uterine fistula. Huang et al. 209 al. 129 The wandering spleen with collateral TRISOMY 21 vessels containing gastric varices: Color TISSUE CORE NEEDLE BIOPSY Doppler ultrasound imaging. Koda et al. Fetal breasts in normal and Down 528 Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration syndrome fetuses. Petrikovsky BM, et al. biopsy of lung cancers. Hsu W-H, et al. STRICTURE 225 TROPHOBLASTIC TISSUE, Ultrasound evaluation of the male urethra for assessment of urethral TRANSRECTAL SONOGRAPHY RESIDUAL stricture. Morey and McAninch. 473 Female urethra diverticula: Value of Transvaginal sonohysterography: A new transrectal sonography. Rasines et al. 90 aid in the diagnosis of residual SUBHEPATIC APPENDIX trophoblastic tissue. Wolman et al. 257 Subhepatic appendix with fecalith TRANSRECTAL mimicking acute cholecystitis with ULTRASONOGRAPHY TRUS gallstone. Patel et al. 45 Role of transrectal ultrasound and Role of transrectal ultrasound and prostate biopsy. Melchior and Brawer. prostate biopsy. Melchior and Brawer. SUPERFICIAL DORSAL PENILE 463 463 VEIN THROMBOSIS PENILE MONDOR’S PHLEBITIS Role of ultrasound in the assessment of Role of ultrasound in the assessment of male infertility. Kim and Lipshultz. 437 male infertility. Kim and Lipshultz. 437 Superficial dorsal penile vein thrombosis (penile Mondor’s phlebitis): Ultrasound Transrectal ultrasonography for the The accuracy of transrectal ultrasound diagnosis. Shapiro. 272 detection and staging of carcinoma of the prostate volume estimation: Clinical correlations. Matthews et al. 501 prostate. Smith, Jr. 455 SYNOVIAL OSTEOCHONDROMATOSIS OF THE TRANSRECTAL ULTRASOUND TUMOR DISTAL RADIOULNAR JOINT Chest wall hamartoma diagnosed Comparison of transrectal ultrasound Synovial osteochondromatosis of the prostatic volume estimation with prenatally using ultrasonography and distal radioulnar joint: Ultrasound magnetic resonance imaging volume computed tomography. Masuzaki et al. diagnosis. Leekam and Voomeveld. 207 83 estimation and surgical specimen weight in patients with benign prostatic TESTICULAR MICROLITHIASIS hyperplasia. Tewari et al. 169 TUNICA VAGINALIS TESTIS Testicular microlithiasis: A benign The accuracy of transrectal ultrasound Color Doppler findings of secondary condition with a malignant association. prostate volume estimation: Clinical carcinoma of the tunica vaginalis testis. Miller et al. 197 correlations. Matthews et al. 501 Draghi et al. 141 556 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND

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