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] Clin Epidemiol Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 1224-1236, 2002 0895-4356/02 $-see front matter Copyright © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. ELSEVIER VOLUME 55 LIST OF CONTENTS Number 1 Commentary Anthony R. Mawson On not taking the world as you find it—epidemiology in its place Original Articles Kristjan G. Gudmundsson, Increased total mortality and cancer mortality in men with Dupuytren’s Reynir Arngrimsson, Nikulas Sigfisson, disease: A 15-year follow-up study and Thorbjérn Jonsson Karen M. Kuntz, Barrett T. Kitch, \ novel approach to defining the relationship between lung function Anne L. Fuhibrigge, A. David Paltiel, and symptom status in asthma and Scott T. Weiss Chia-Lin Li, Shih-Tzer Tsai, and Pesus Chou Comparison of metabolic risk profiles between subjects with fasting and 2-hour plasma glucose impairment: The Kinmen Study Alexis Elbaz, James H. Bower, Risk tables for parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease Demetrius M. Maraganore, Shannon K. McDonnell, Brett J. Peterson, J. Eric Ahiskog, Daniel J. Schaid, and Walter A. Rocca X. Badia, L. Prieto, M. Roset, A. Diez-Pérez, Development of a short osteoporosis quality of life questionnaire and M. Herdman by equating items from two existing instruments M. Di Bari, G. Silvestrini, \f. Chiarlone, Features of excessive alcohol drinking in older adults distinctively W. De Alfieri, V. Patussi, M. Timpanelli, captured by behavioral and biological screening instruments R. Pini, G. Masotti, and N. Marchionni An epidemiological study M.H. Metzger, M. Goldberg, J.F. Chastang, Factors associated with self-reporting of chronic health problems A. Leclerc, and M. Zins in the French GAZEL cohort Ahmad Al-Windi , Elmfeldt Dag, The influence of perceived well-being and reported symptoms on and Svardsudd Kurt health care utilization: A population-based study Hein Raat, Gouke J. Bonsel, Reliability and validity of comprehensive health status measures in Marie-Louise Essink-Bot, children: The Child Health Questionnaire in relation to the Health Jeanne M. Landgraf, Utilities Index and Reinoud J.B.J. Gemke Klaus Linde, Michael Scholz, Should systematic reviews include non-randomized and uncontrolled Dieter Melchart and Stefan N. Willich studies? The case of acupuncture for chronic headache P.C. Lambert, A.J. Sutton, K.R. Abrams, \ comparison of summary patient-level covariates in meta-regression and D.R. Jones with individual patient data meta-analysis Pharmacoepidemiology Report Isabelle Savoie, and Arminée Kazanjian Utilization of lipid-lowering drugs in men and women: A reflection of the research evidence? ] Clin Epidemiol Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 1224-1236, 2002 0895-4356/02 $-see front matter Copyright © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. ELSEVIER VOLUME 55 LIST OF CONTENTS Number 1 Commentary Anthony R. Mawson On not taking the world as you find it—epidemiology in its place Original Articles Kristjan G. Gudmundsson, Increased total mortality and cancer mortality in men with Dupuytren’s Reynir Arngrimsson, Nikulas Sigfisson, disease: A 15-year follow-up study and Thorbjérn Jonsson Karen M. Kuntz, Barrett T. Kitch, \ novel approach to defining the relationship between lung function Anne L. Fuhibrigge, A. David Paltiel, and symptom status in asthma and Scott T. Weiss Chia-Lin Li, Shih-Tzer Tsai, and Pesus Chou Comparison of metabolic risk profiles between subjects with fasting and 2-hour plasma glucose impairment: The Kinmen Study Alexis Elbaz, James H. Bower, Risk tables for parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease Demetrius M. Maraganore, Shannon K. McDonnell, Brett J. Peterson, J. Eric Ahiskog, Daniel J. Schaid, and Walter A. Rocca X. Badia, L. Prieto, M. Roset, A. Diez-Pérez, Development of a short osteoporosis quality of life questionnaire and M. Herdman by equating items from two existing instruments M. Di Bari, G. Silvestrini, \f. Chiarlone, Features of excessive alcohol drinking in older adults distinctively W. De Alfieri, V. Patussi, M. Timpanelli, captured by behavioral and biological screening instruments R. Pini, G. Masotti, and N. Marchionni An epidemiological study M.H. Metzger, M. Goldberg, J.F. Chastang, Factors associated with self-reporting of chronic health problems A. Leclerc, and M. Zins in the French GAZEL cohort Ahmad Al-Windi , Elmfeldt Dag, The influence of perceived well-being and reported symptoms on and Svardsudd Kurt health care utilization: A population-based study Hein Raat, Gouke J. Bonsel, Reliability and validity of comprehensive health status measures in Marie-Louise Essink-Bot, children: The Child Health Questionnaire in relation to the Health Jeanne M. Landgraf, Utilities Index and Reinoud J.B.J. Gemke Klaus Linde, Michael Scholz, Should systematic reviews include non-randomized and uncontrolled Dieter Melchart and Stefan N. Willich studies? The case of acupuncture for chronic headache P.C. Lambert, A.J. Sutton, K.R. Abrams, \ comparison of summary patient-level covariates in meta-regression and D.R. Jones with individual patient data meta-analysis Pharmacoepidemiology Report Isabelle Savoie, and Arminée Kazanjian Utilization of lipid-lowering drugs in men and women: A reflection of the research evidence? Volume Contents Letters to the Editors Paolo Vineis The number needed to treat is value-laden Stephen Pauker, John Sinclair, Response Richard Cook, Gordon Guyatt, and Deborah Cook Rainer Liidtke Statistical comments on a re-analysis of a previous meta-analysis of homeopathic RCTs E. Ernst and M.H. Pittler Response Number 2 Original Articles Robert L. Kane, Boris Bershadsky, Efforts to standardize the reporting of pain Wen-Chieh Lin, Todd Rockwood, and Kirkham Wood Xinjun Li and Kari Hemminki Parental cancer as a risk factor for bone cancer: A nation-wide study from Sweden Nguyen Hoang Long, Vinod K. Diwan, Difference in symptoms suggesting pulmonary tuberculosis among and Anna Winkvist men and women Daniel H. Solomon, David A. Ganz, Which patients with unstable angina or non-Q-wave myocardial Jerry Avorn, Robert J. Glynn, infarction should have immediate cardiac catheterization? A Eric L. Knight, C. Michael Gibson, clinical decision rule for predicting who will fail medical therapy and Peter H. Stone Thomas Lumley, Richard A. Kronmal, A stroke prediction score in the elderly: Validation and Web-based Mary Cushman, Teri A. Manolio, application and Steven Goldstein Jesper Kjzrgaard, Validity of diagnoses of and operations for nonmalignant Inge Haunstrup Clemmensen, gynecological conditions in the Danish National Hospital Registry Birthe Lykke Thomsen, and Hans H. Storm Zhijie Yu, Aulikki Nissinen, Erkki Vartiainen, Socio-economic status and serum lipids: A cross-sectional study in a Gang Hu, Huiguang Tian, and Zeyu Guo Chinese urban population Megumi Hara, Satoshi Sasaki, Comparison of cause-specific mortality between respondents and Tomotaka Sobue, Seiichiro Yamamoto, nonrespondents in a population-based prospective study: Ten-year and Shoichiro Tsugane, follow-up of JPHC Study Cohort I for the JPHC Study Group Sonia Hernandez-Diaz and Incidence of serious upper gastrointestinal bleeding/perforation in the Luis Alberto Garcia Rodriguez general population: Review of epidemiologic studies William H. Rogers, Ira B. Wilson, Assessing the performance of a new depression screener for primary Kathleen M. Bungay, Diane J. Cynn, care (PC-SADO) and David A. Adler Mariét Hagedoorn, Kommer C.A. Sneeuw, Changes in physical functioning and quality of life in patients with and Neil K. Aaronson cancer: Response shift and relative evaluation of one’s condition Peter D. Faris, William A. Ghali, Multiple imputation versus data enhancement for dealing with missing Rollin Brant, Colleen M. Norris, data in observational health care outcome analyses P. Diane Galbraith, and Merril L. Knudtson, for the APPROACH Investigators Volume Contents Dismand Houinato, Pierre-Marie Preux, 192 Interest of LQAS method in a survey of HTLV-I infection in Benin Bénédicte Charriere, Bruno Massit, (West Africa) Gilbert Avodé, Francois Denis, Michel Dumas, Fernand Boutros-Toni, and Roger Salamon Debra Lerner, John I. Reed, The Work Limitations Questionnaire’s validity and reliability among Elena Massarotti, Lisa M. Wester, patients with osteoarthritis and Thomas A. Burke Letters to the Editor Lemuel A. Moyé and Alan T. N. Tita Hypothesis testing complexity in the name of ethics: Response to commentary J. André Knottnerus Response Number 3 Original Articles Dorly J.H. Deeg Attrition in longitudinal population studies: Does it affect the generalizability of the findings? An introduction to the series C.E.M. Van Beijsterveldt, M.P.J. van Boxtel, Predictors of attrition in a longitudinal cognitive aging study: H. Bosma, P.J. Houx, F. Buntinx, and J. Jolles The Maastricht Aging Study (MAAS) Gertrudis L.J.M. Kempen, Psychological attributes and changes in disability among and Eric van Sonderen low-functioning older persons: Does attrition affect the outcomes? Morris Weinberger, Myron H. Weinberger, Long-term follow-up of participants in clinical studies Naomi Fineberg, S. Edwin Fineberg, and Urban Wagner Sharon Perry, Melbourne F. Hovell, Urine testing to monitor adherence to TB prevents therapy Elaine Blumberg, Jill Berg, Alicia Vera, Carol Sipan, Norma Kelley, Kathleen Moser, Antonino Catanzaro, and Larry Friedman Anna L. Schwartz, Paula M. Meek, Measurement of fatigue determining minimally important Lillian M. Nail, James Fargo, clinical differences Margaret Lundquist, Melissa Donofrio, Marilyn Grainger, Terry Throckmorton, and Magdalena Mateo Margarite J. Vale, Michael V. Jelinek, Coaching patients with coronary heart disease to achieve the target James D. Best, and John D. Santamaria cholesterol: A method to bridge the gap between evidence-based medicine and the “real world”—randomized controlled trial Eric S. Johnson, Thomas D. Koepsell, Increasing incidence of serious hypoglycemia in insulin users Gayle Reiber, Andy Stergachis, and Rich Platt Marcia M. Ward, Harold S. Javitz, Lost income and work limitations in persons with chronic W. McFate Smith, and Melissa A. Whan respiratory disorders Paula Diehr, Jeff Williamson, The aging and dying process and the health of older adults Gregory L. Burke, and Bruce M. Psaty John D. Grabenstein, Harry A. Guess, Attitudinal factors among adult prescription recipients associated with Abraham G. Hartzema, Gary G. Koch, choice of where to be vaccinated and Thomas R. Konrad Volume Contents David Cella, David T. Eton, What is a clinically meaningful change on the Functional Assessment Diane L. Fairclough, Philip Bonomi, of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) Questionnaire? Results from Anne E. Heyes, Chery! Silberman, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Study 5592 Michael K. Wolf, and David H. Johnson Siran M. Koroukian and Alfred A. Rimm The “Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization” (APNCU) index to study low birth weight: Is the index biased? S. Rubenach, B. Shadbolt, J. McCallum, Assessing health-related quality of life following myocardial and T. Nakamura infarction: Is the SF-12 useful? Susan E. Andrade, Jerry H. Gurwitz, 310 Validation of diagnoses of peptic ulcers and bleeding from K. Arnold Chan, James G. Donahue, Arne Beck, administrative databases: A multi-health maintenance Myde Boles, Diana S.M. Buist, Michael Goodman, organization study Andrea Z. LaCroix, T.R. Levin and Richard Platt Pharmacoepidemiology Report Rajaa Lagnaoui, Bernard Bégaud, Benzodiazepine use and risk of dementia: A nested case-control study Nicholas Moore, Anicet Chaslerie, Annie Fourrier, Luc Letenneur, Jean-Francois Dartigues, and Yola Moride Number 4 Original Articles Dorly J.H. Deeg, Theo van Tilburg, Attrition in the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam: The effect Johannes H. Smit, and Edith D. de Leeuw of differential inclusion in side studies Jos Twisk and Wieke de Vente Attrition in longitudinal studies: How to deal with missing data Claire Adams, Valerie Burke, Accuracy of blood pressure measurement and anthropometry among and Lawrie J. Beilin volunteer observers in a large community survey Joélle A. Erkens, Ron M.C. Herings, Cardiovascular risk factors and diseases precede ora! Ronald P. Stolk, José A. Spoelstra, hypoglycaemic therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Diederick E. Grobbee, and Hubert G.M. Leufkens Alfredo Morabia, Tom Ten Have, Assessing efficacy of chronic therapy when disease is characterized Philippe Huguelet, and Francois Ferrero by frequent relapses: The example of schizophrenia Ana Ruigémez, Saga Johansson, Incidence of chronic atrial fibrillation in general practice and Mari-Ann Wallander, its treatment pattern and Luis Alberto Garcia Rodriguez Anu Molarius and Staffan Janson Self-rated health, chronic diseases, and symptoms among middle-aged and elderly men and women Vincent S. Fan, David Au, Patrick Heagerty, Validation of case-mix measures derived from self-reports of Richard A. Deyo, Mary B. McDonell, diagnoses and health and Stephan D. Fihn David R. Urbach and Chaim M. Bell The effect of patient selection on comorbidity-adjusted operative mortality risk: Implications for outcomes studies of surgical procedures C.M. Couris, C. Colin, M. Rabilloud, Method of correction to assess the number of hospitalized incident A.M. Schott, and R. Ecochard breast cancer cases based on claims databases Joan M. Conway, Melinda L. Irwin, Estimating energy expenditure from the Minnesota Leisure Time and Barbara E. Ainsworth Physical Activity and Tecumseh Occupational Activity questionnaires — a doubly labeled water validation Volume Contents Monir Hossain, Steven Wright, Comparing performance of multinomial logistic regression and Laura A. Petersen and discriminant analysis for monitoring access to care for acute myocardial infarction Lise L. Kjaergard and Christian Gluud ] Citation bias of hepato-biliary randomized clinical trials Pharmacoepidemiology Report Fernie J.A. Penning-van Beest, Lifestyle and diet as risk factors for overanticoagulation Johanna M. Geleijnse, Erik van Meegen, Cees Vermeer, Frits R. Rosendaal, and Bruno H.C. Stricker Second Thoughts Aya Biderman and Joseph Herman 8 Did Weir Mitchell anticipate important concepts in ambulatory care and clinical epidemiology? Letters to the editor T.P. Hutchinson 4 Modeling bivariate ordinal contingency tables arising in studies of and Sigurbjorg Gudlaugsdottir interobserver variation, with application to cervical screening Sander Greenland | Choosing effect measures for epidemiologic data Stephen D. Walter 42 Response Number 5 Commentary Alvan R. Feinstein 42 Post-Therapeutic Response and Therapeutic ‘Style’: Re-formulating the ‘Placebo Effect’ Original Articles Asbjern Hrobjartsson What are the main methodological problems in the estimation of placebo effects? Rolf Weitkunat and Manfred Wildner - Exploratory causal modeling in epidemiology Are all factors created equal 4 Pamela Sakkinen, Robert D. Abbott, 5 C-reactive protein and myocardial infarction J. David Curb, Beatriz L. Rodriguez, Katsuhiko Yano, and Russell P. Tracy Rebecca Q. Ivers, Robert G. Cumming, - The accuracy of self-reported fractures in older people Paul Mitchell, and Anthony J. Peduto Lambert A. Wu, Thomas E. Kottke, 53 Implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation rates in Paul A. Friedman, David M. Luria, the Olmsted County, Minnesota, Population: 1989-1999 Diane E. Grill, and Matthew J. Maurer Elaine D. Eaker, Robert A. Vierkant, Predictors of nursing home admission and/or death in incident and Susan F. Mickel Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia cases compared to controls: A population-based study Isao Saito, Hideki Ozawa, Hiroshi Aono, Trends in fatal coronary heart disease among people aged 25-74 Toshiko Ikebe, Tsuyoshi Yamashita, years in Oita City, Japan, from 1987-1998 and Yoshihiro Makino Volume Contents Bradley N. Doebbeling, Martha F. Jones, 77 Methodologic issues in a population-based health survey of Daniel B. Hall, William R. Clarke, Gulf War veterans Robert F. Woolson, James C. Torner, Leon F. Burmeister, Terri Snyders-Crumley, Drue H. Barrett, Kenneth H. Falter, James A. Merchant, Sarah Nusser, Dianne Anderson, and David A. Schwartz Erika Chang, Michal Abrahamowicz, Comparison of the responsiveness of lupus disease activity measures Diane Ferland, and Paul R. Fortin, to changes in systemic lupus erythematosus activity relevant to for CaNIOS Investigators patients and physicians Thomas V. Perneger, Anne-Claire Raé, Screening for pressure ulcer risk in an acute care hospital: Jean-Michel Gaspoz, Francois Borst, Development of a brief bedside scale Olga Vitek, and Céliane Héliot Kazushi Okamoto, Keiko Ohsuka, 505 Comparability of epidemiological information between self- Tomoko Shiraishi, Emi Hukazawa, and interviewer-administered questionnaires Satomi Wakasugi, and Kayoko Furuta Said A. Ibrahim, Christopher J. Burant, : Self-assessed global quality of life: A comparison between L.A. Siminoff, E.P. Stoller, and C. Kent Kwoh African-American and white older patients with arthritis David J. Margolis, Warren Bilker, 518 Statistical characteristics of area under the receiver operating Raymond Boston, Russell Localio, characteristic curve for a simple prognostic model using and Jesse A. Berlin traditional and bootstrapped approaches Ralf Bender and Maria Blettner 32 Calculating the “number needed to be exposed” with adjustment for confounding variables in epidemiological studies Letters to the Editor Takuro Shimbo, Shizuko Nagata-Kobayashi, 5: Quick estimation of threshold “number needed to treat” Takeshi Morimoto, and Tsuguya Fukui John C. Sinclair, Richard J. Cook, a: Response Gordon H. Guyatt, Stephen G. Pauker, and Deborah J. Cook Number 6 Patti A. Groome, Karleen Schulze, 53: \ comparison of published head and neck stage groupings Morten Boysen, Stephen F. Hall, in laryngeal cancer using data from two countries William J. Mackillop, Brian O’Sullivan, Jon C. Irish, Padraig R. Warde, Ken M. Schneider, Robert G. Mackenzie, D. Ian Hodson, J. Alex Hammond, Sunil P.P. Gulavita, Libni J. Eapen, Peter F. Dixon, and Randy J. Bissett Original Articles loannis A. Giannakakis, Anna-Bettina Haidich, 5 Citation of randomized evidence in support of guidelines of Despina G. Contopoulos-loannidis, therapeutic and preventive interventions George N. Papanikolaou, Maria S. Baltogianni, and John P.A. Ioannidis Anne-Louise Ponsonby, Andrew Kemp, x Feather bedding and house dust mite sensitization and Terence Dwyer, Allan Carmichael, airway disease in childhood David Couper, and Jennifer Cochrane Emilio Casariego Vales, Victor Abraira, 563 _—A predictive model for mortality of bloodstream infections Juan Carlos Corredoira Sanchez, Bedside analysis with the Weibull function Maria Pilar Alonso Garcia, Asuncion Rodriguez Feijoo, Maria José Lopez Alvarez, José Varela Otero, Amparo Coira Nieto, Ramén Rabunal Rey, and Maria Teresa Rigueiro Veloso Volume Contents Patricia Halfon, Yves Eggli, Measuring potentially avoidable hospital readmissions Guy van Melle, Julia Chevalier, Jean-Blaise Wasserfallen, and Bernard Burnand Patrick McElduff, John Attia, Estimating the contribution of individual risk factors to Ben Ewald, Jill Cockburn, disease in a person with more than one risk factor and Richard Heller Véronique L. Roger, Jill Killian, Coronary disease surveillance in Olmstead County objectives Mary Henkel, Susan A. Weston, and methodology Taugir Y. Goraya, Barbara P. Yawn, Thomas E. Kottke, Robert L. Frye, and Steven J. Jacobsen Seren P. Johnsen, Kim Overvad, Predictive value of stroke and transient ischemic attack discharge Henrik Toft Sgrensen, diagnoses in The Danish National Registry of Patients Anne Tjgnneland, and Steen E. Husted Kevin P. Weinfurt, Measuring agreement between patient and proxy responses Sara M. Trucco, Richard J. Willke, to multidimensional health-related quality-of-life measures and Kevin A. Schulman in clinical trials: An application of psychometric profile analysis John P.A. Ioannidis, Priscilla Chew, Standardized retrieval of side effects data for meta-analysis and Joseph Lau of safety outcomes A feasibility study in acute sinusitis Abstracts Society for Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research Abstracts of the Fifth Annual SCHR Meeting Atlanta, Georgia, 2002 Number 7 Commentary Karel G.M. Moons When should we remain blind and when should our and Diederick E. Grobbee eyes remain open in diagnostic studies? Original Articles Claudio Pelucchi, Eva Negri, Alcohol drinking and bladder cancer Silvia Franceschi, Renato Talamini, and Carlo La Vecchia M.J. Henry, J.A. Pasco, E. Seeman, Fracture thresholds revisited. Geelong Osteoporosis Study G.C. Nicholson, K.M. Sanders, and M.A. Kotowicz Bjarne K. Jacobsen, Kaare H. Bonaa, Cardiovascular risk factors, change in risk factors over and Inger Njglstad 7 years, and the risk of clinical diabetes mellitus type 2 The Troms¢ Study Robert C. Kaplan, Susan R, Heckbert, Predictors of subsequent coronary events, stroke, and death Curt D. Furberg, and Bruce M. Psaty among survivors of first hospitalized myocardial infarction Laetitia Huiart, Francois Eisinger, Effects of genetic consultation on perception of a family Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, risk of breast/ovarian cancer and determinants of inaccurate Christine Lasset, Catherine Nogués, perception after the consultation Philippe Vennin, Hagay Sobol, and Claire Julian-Reynier Volume Contents Amy E. Sayle, Allen J. Wilcox, A prospective study of the onset of symptoms of pregnancy Clarice R. Weinberg, and Donna D. Baird Hildur Thors, Cecilie Svanes, Trends in peptic ulcer morbidity and mortality in Iceland and Bjarni Thjodleifsson Tran Nguyen, Richard Malley, Comparison of prediction models for adverse outcome Stanley H. Inkelis, in pediatric meningococcal disease using artificial neural and Nathan Kuppermann network and logistic regression analyses Arun S. Karlamangla, Burton H. Singer, Allostatic load as a predictor of functional decline Bruce S. McEwen, John W. Rowe, MacArthur studies of successful aging and Teresa E. Seeman Jerry Avorn, Wolfgang C. Delayed nephrologist referral and inadequate vascular Winkelmayer, Rhonda L. Bohn, access in patients with advanced chronic kidney failure Raisa Levin, Robert J. Glynn, Elliot Levy, and William Owen, Jr. Robbie Foy, Graeme MacLennan, Attributes of clinical recommendations that influence Jeremy Grimshaw, Gillian Penney, change in practice following audit and feedback Marion Campbell, and Richard Grol Adriano Chid, Giovannino Ciccone, Validity of hospital morbidity records for amyotrophic Andrea Calvo, Marco Vercellino, lateral sclerosis: A population-based study Nicoletta Di Vito, Paolo Ghiglione, Roberto Mutani, and the Piemonte and Valle d’ Aosta Register for ALS Pharmacoepidemiology Reports Jean-Pierre Grégoire, Jocelyne Moisan, Determinants of discontinuation of new courses of Rémi Guibert, Antonio Ciampi, antihypertensive medications Alain Milot, Michel Gaudet, and Isabelle Coté Number 8 Commentary Wasim Maziak Asthma and the exposure—disease tenet Original Articles Choon-Lan Chang, Michael G. Marmot, The influence of economic develepment on the association between Timothy M.M. Farley, and Neil R. Poulter education and the risk of acute myocardial infarction and stroke Choon-Lan Chang, Martin J. Shipley, Can cardiovascular risk factors explain the association between Michael G. Marmot, and Neil R. Poulter education and cardiovascular disease in young women? Jen-Der Lin, Wen-Ko Chiou, Comparison of three-dimensional anthropometric body surface Hsiao-Fen Weng, Ying-Huang Tsai, scanning to waist—-hip ratio and body mass index in correlation with and Thu-Hua Liu metabolic risk factors Beatrice A. Golomb, Leena Tenkanen, Insulin sensitivity markers: Predictors of accidents and suicides in Tiina Alikoski, Tuomo Niskanen, Helsinki Heart Study screenees Vesa Manninen, Matti Huttunen, and Sarnoff A. Mednick Tomas M.L. Eagan, Geir E. Eide, Nonresponse in a community cohort study: Predictors and Amund Gulsvik, and Per S. Bakke consequences for exposure—disease associations Catherine L. Hill, Michael P. LaValley, Discrepancy between published report and actual conduct of and David T. Felson randomized clinical trials Volume Contents Victor M. Montori, Mohit Bhandari, In the dark: The reporting of blinding status in randomized P.J. Devereaux, Braden J. Manns, controlled trials William A. Ghali, and Gordon H. Guyatt Rianne Oostenbrink, Henriétte A. Moll, The EQ-5D and the Health Utilities Index for permanent sequelae and Marie-Louise Essink-Bot after meningitis: A head-to-head comparison Gabriel M. Leung, Lai Ming Ho, The effects of cash and lottery incentives on mailed surveys Moon Fai Chan, Janice M. Johnston, to physicians: A randomized trial and Fung Kam Wong Pharmacoepidemiology Reports Tarja Linjakumpu, Sirpa Hartikainen, Use of medications and polypharmacy are increasing among Timo Klaukka, Juha Veijola, the elderly Sirkka-Liisa Kivelaé, and Raimo Isoaho Robert Ball, Neal Halsey, M. Miles Braun, Development of case definitions for acute encephalopathy, Lawrence H. Moulton, Arnold D. Gale, encephalitis, and multiple sclerosis reports to the Vaccine Kottil Rammohan, Max Wiznitzer, Adverse Event Reporting System Richard Johnson, Marcel E. Salive, and the VAERS Working Group William Molloy, David Strang, Assessing the quality of drug detailing Gordon Guyatt, Joel Lexchin, Michael Bédard, Sacha Dubois, and Rosalie Russo Sebastian Schneeweiss, Malcolm Maclure, Quasi-experimental longitudinal designs to evaluate drug benefit Stephen B. Soumerai, Alexander M. Walker, policy changes with low policy compliance and Robert J. Glynn Number 9 Commentary Monica Ortendahl and James F. Fries Time-related issues with application to health gains and losses Original Articles Joy C. MacDermid, A. Donner, Patient versus injury factors as predictors of pain and disability Robert S. Richards, and James H. Roth six months after a distal radius fracture Natasja M. van Schoor, Johannes H. Smit, Different cognitive functions in relation to falls among older Saskia M.F. Pluijm, Cees Jonker, persons: Immediate memory as an independent risk factor for falls and Paul Lips Hisatomi Arima, Yutaka Kiyohara, Alcohol reduces insulin—hypertension relationship in a general Isao Kato, Yumihiro Tanizaki, population: The Hisayama study Michiaki Kubo, Hiromitsu Iwamoto, Keiichi Tanaka, Isao Abe, and Masatoshi Fujishima Noreen M. Clark, Randall Brown, Issues in identifying asthma and estimating prevalence in an Christine L.M. Joseph, urban school population Elizabeth W. Anderson, Manlan Liu, Melissa Valerio, and Molly Gong Leonelo E. Bautista, Ivan A. Arenas, Total plasma homocysteine level and risk of cardiovascular Anderson Penuela, and Luz X. Martinez disease: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies

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