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INDEX JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY Editor WENDY K. SILVERMAN, Florida International University, Miami Associate Editors PAUL J. FRICK, University of New Orleans ANNETTE M. LA GRECA, University of Miami Editorial Assistant CLAUDIO ORTIZ Volume 31, Numbers 1 to 4 March to December 2002 ISSN 1537-4416 Published quarterly on behalf of the Section on Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 10 Industrial Avenue, Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262. Copyright © 2002 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Consulting Editors Richard R. Abidin, University of Virginia Jeff Laurent, University of Alabama Thomas M. Achenbach, University of Vermont Department of Christopher J. Lonigan, Florida State University Psychiatry Craig A. Mason, University of Maine Anne Marie Albano, New York University School of Medicine Robert J. McMahon, University of Washington Paula Barrett, Griffith University, Australia Tracy L. Morris, West Virginia University Maureen M. Black, University of Maryland School of Medicine Susan G. O'Leary, Stony Brook University Michele Cooley-Quille, Johns Hopkins University Thomas H. Ollendick, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Susan L. Crowley, Utah State University University Ronald Drabman, University of Mississippi Medical Center Helen Orvaschel, Nova Southeastern University Dennis Drotar, Case Western Reserve University School of John Piacentini, University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine Medicine Eric F. Dubow, Bowling Green State University Pier J. M. Prins, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Catherine C. Epkins, Texas Tech University Ron Prinz, University of South Carolina lan Evans, Massey University, New Zealand Brian Rabian, Child Study Center, Pennsylvania State Sheila M. Eyberg, University of Florida University Albert D. Farrell, Virginia Commonwealth University Mark D. Rapport, University of Central Florida Rex L. Forehand, University of Georgia Michael C. Roberts, University of Kansas Golda S. Ginsburg, Johns Hopkins University School of Donald K. Routh, University of Miami Medicine Sandra W. Russ, Case Western Reserve University Arnold W. Goedhart, Leiden University School of Medicine, Randall T. Salekin, University of Alabama Netherlands Stephen R. Shirk, University of Denver Alan M. Gross, University of Mississippi Susan H. Spence, University of Queensland John H. Grych, Marquette University J. Kevin Thompson, University of South Florida Jan N. Hughes, Texas A&M University Jonathan G. Tubman, Florida International University, Miami Allen C. Israel, University at Albany, SUNY Michael W. Vasey, Ohio State University James Jaccard, University at Albany, SUNY Vish C. Viswesvaran, Florida International University, Miami Charlotte Johnston, University of British Columbia Mark D. Weist, University of Maryland School of Medicine Nadine J. Kaslow, Emory University School of Medicine Carolyn Webster-Stratton, University of Washington Alan E. Kazdin, Yale University Carol K. Whalen, University of California, Irvine Christopher A. Kearney, University of Nevada, Las Vegas David Wolfe, University of Western Ontario Philip C. Kendall, Temple University Vicky Veitch Wolfe, Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario Janet Kistner, Florida State University William Yule, University of London Institute of Psychiatry Author Index to Volume 31 Durbin, C. E.—see Buckley et al. Edwards, D. L.—see Henggeler et al. Key to Pagination Epkins, C. C_—A Comparison of Two Self-Report Measures of Children’s Social Anxiety in Clinic and Month Pages CRIED I ras cso sc sicescsesise sacs sacnscesessoreraventensetientinteed 69 Epkins, C. C.—see Frey & Epkins March 1-152 Eyberg, S. M.—see Calzada & Eyberg June 153-296 Eyberg, S. M.—see Querido et al. September 297-416 Farmer, A. D., Jr—Predictors and Consequences of December 417-584 Aggressive—Withdrawn Problem Profiles in Early Grade II ss sccaccichsveonsesedae eine testinceeonnrasreeaceceautantnateaneiintree 299 Findling, R. L.—see Youngstrom et al. ARTICLES Fonagy, P.—see Barber et al. Abramson, L. Y.—see Hankin & Abramson Fox, T. L.—Sibling Relationships of Anxious Children: A Anthony, J. L_—An Affect-Based, Hierarchical Model of POMS T TOI css cicacnscsecesrecenvcedhcestentiersrsinenIiNeO Temperament and Its Relations With Internalizing Frank, S. J.—The Role of Separation—Individuation Sympt tology Experiences and Personality in Predicting Externalizing Avenevoli, S.—see Pollock et al. and Internalizing Dimensions of Functional Impairment in Barber, C. C_—The Target Symptom Rating: A Brief Clinical a Rural Pre-Adolescent and Adolescent Sample...........00000++ 431 Measure of Acute Psychiatric Symptoms in Children and Frey, E. D.—Examining Cognitiv. Models of Externalizing Adolescents and Internalizing Problems in Subgroups of Juvenile Barrett, P. M.—see Fox et al. INI 55s senses ces cetraee ch vaswsnareactinin ies evareennenaaeoncnenene Barrios, V. — see Wood et al. Fultz, J.—see Barber et al. Benton, J.—see Daleiden et al. Gadow, K. D.—see Sprafkin et al. Bergman, R. L.—see Wood et al. Glaser, D. N.—Structural Equation Modeling Texts: A Primer Berlin, L_—Response Inhibition, Hyperactivity, and Conduct MI IE TION i corstoneaectecniccnsncarncesvyncronsaonnbaeaecdemoennsc soaTe Problems Among Preschool Children ...........:c.1c11ssesseeseeee2e4e2 Goedhart, A. W.—see van Widenfelt et al. Beyers, W.—see Goosens & Beyers Goosens, L.—Comparing Measures of Childhood Loneliness: Bierman, K. L.—see Farmer et al. Internal Consistency and Confirmatory Factor Analysis ......252 Black, M. M.—Behavior Problems Among Preschool Children Gracious, B. L.—see Youngstrom et al. Born to Adolescent Mothers: Effects of Maternal Depression Grills, A. E—Peer Victimization, Global Self-Worth, and and Perceptions of Partner Relationships ..........:..:001001000000000 16 Anxiety in Middle School Children ........:.cccccssseessesseseeeseeeeeee9e Boergers, J.—see Spirito et al. Guilamo-Ramos, V.—see Jaccard & Guilamo-Ramos Bohlin, G.—see Berlin & Bohlin Hankin, B. L.—Measuring Cognitive Vulnerability to Bourland, S.—see Woodruff-Borden et al. Depression in Adolescence: Reliability, Validity, and Buckley, M. E— Development and Validation of a Q-Sort RI INI asses scicereeess cons tsesnsaain Gr siosspdactniesesascermceed 491 Procedure to Assess Temperament and Behavior in Hartung, C. M.—Sex Differences in Young Children Preschool-Age Children FR = Who Meet Criteria for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Calabrese, J. R—see Youngstrom et al. REI siisinsseinctee sasptrisesssnsonaascnioecmaictisesticeantacteeeiacensiee d 453 Calzada, E. J.—Self-Reported Parenting Practices in Dominican Hayden, E. P.—see Buckley et al. and Puerto Rican Mothers of Young Children.......................534 Heller, T. L.—see Thurber et al. Cambron, S.—see Woodruff-Borden et al. Henggeler, S. W.—Transporting Efficacious Treatments to Field Carlson, C. L.—Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Predicts a Different Settings: The Link Between Supervisory Practices and Pattern of Impairment in the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Therapist Fidelity in MST Program .........cc.ccesceeeesereeseeeneenees l 55 Disorder . Hinshaw, S. P.—see Thurber et al. Carter, A. S.—see Pollock et al. Hooe, E. S.—see Anthony et al. & Phillips et al. Ceballo, R.—see Olson et al. Hudson, J. L.—Parent—Child Interactions in Clinically Chazan-Cohen, R.—see Pollock et al. Anxious Children and Their Siblings ...........::.::c0000000ee0e00004008 Compas, B. E.—see Langrock et al. Hussey, J. M.—see Black et al. Copeland, M. E.—see Langrock et al. Huth-Bocks, A.—see Levendosky et al. Coyne, L.—see Barber et al. Jaccard, J.—Analysis of Variance Frameworks in Clinical Currier, R. O.—see Reitman et al. Child and Adolescent Psychology: Issues and Daleiden, E.—The Guide to the Assessment of Test Session PN INIIND osiietihspticancasacssc iatmeeaanesaoeameoescaseiptales 130 Behavior: Validity in Relation to Cognitive Testing and Jaccard, J.—Analysis of Variance Frameworks in Clinical Parent-Reported Behavior Problems in a Clinical Sample....263 Child and Adolescent Psychology: Advanced Issues and Danielson, C. K.—see Youngstrom et al. PIE 5c scaneg icra aaa ascncccos raster eneiccteseusosiactreon 278 Dierker, L. C_—see Pollock et al. Johnston, C.—see Ohan & Johnston Donaldson, D.—see Spirito et al. Kazdin, A. E.—see Nock & Kazdin Donenberg, G. R.—see Weersing et al. Keenan, K.—see Hartung et al. Dong, Q.—Consequences of Divorce on the Adjustment of Keller, G.—see Langrock et al. Children in China Kistner, J. A.—see Ziegert & Kistner Donovan, C.—see Price et al. & Spence et al. Klein, D. N.—see Buckley et al. Drabman, R. S.—see Daleiden et al. Kotch, J. B.—see Black et al. Driscoll, K.—see Phillips et al. Lahey, B. B.—see Hartung et al. Dubowitz, H.—see Black et al. Langrock, A. M.—Coping With the Stress of Parental Dunn, J.—Out of the Picture: A Study of Family Drawings by Depression: Parents’ Reports of Children’s Coping, Children From Step-, Single-Parent, and Non-Step Emotional, and Behavioral Problems .........c..sc001000000000000000000-3 12 Larsson, A.—see Svensson et al. 582 Leslie, M. B.—Sex-Specific Predictors of Suicidality Among Shortt, A. L.—see Fox et al. NANI MINIs coc ccicx canes vosescessesveastuseouiavesiasmnnendesibvdotevevectecsucete 27 Siebelink, B. M—see van Widenfelt et al. Letourneau, E. J.—see Henggeler et al. Silverman, W. K.—Growing a Journal Up, Growing Up Levendosky, A. A.—Adolescent Peer Relationships and BIN WIE sak cccovceensueccsia pia cts uididaceson miotiaceneulapateeaecte 3 Mental Health Functioning in Families With Domestic Spence, S. H—Problem Solving Orientation and MN a sciincsistasradcate teers ddd vantst cata tesnsuncnianeasbaucevelneasiaie 206 Attributional Style: Moderators of the Impact of Negative Levy, I.—see Dunn et al. Life Events on the Development of Depressive Symptoms in Liao, J. G.—see Henggeler et al. PUNO Essise actavinsvessecemssasoneceeciatarseoleasuntonranttinbed 219 Loney, J.—see Hartung et al. & Sprafkin et al. Spence, S. H.—see Price et al. Lonigan, C. J.—see Anthony et al. & Phillips et al. Spirito, A—Treatment-as-Usual for Adolescent Suicide Lower, R. J.—see Frank et al. Attempters: Implicationfso r the Choice of Comparison Mann, M.—see Carlson & Mann Groups in Psychotherapy Research McCracken, J.—see Wood et al. Sprafkin, J.— Further Evidence of Reliability and Validity of the Merchant, M. J.—see Langrock et al. Child Symptom Inventory—4: Parent Checklist in Clinically Merikangas, K. R. —see Pollock et al. BEING MIO Sic siaceis ss Aish cso rasaan cpap letopasiscae seco vg Moerk, K. C.—see Buckley et al. Stanton, C.—see Spirito et al. Morrow, C.—see Woodruff-Borden et al. Starr, R. H., Jr.—see Black et al. Neese, D. T.—see Barber et al. Stein, J. A.—see Leslie et al. Nock, M. K.—Examination of Affective, Cognitive, and Stein, M. A.—see Hartung et al. Behavioral Factors and Suicide-Related Outcomes in Stickle, T. R.—see Reitman et al. Children and Young Adolescents Strand, P. S—Coordination of Maternal Directives With Nock, M. K.—Parent-Directed Physical Aggression by Preschoolers’ Behavior: Influence of Maternal Coordination CITRATE TIE, 5 cuccnsorinacesssnesnisvavecnsipinevesceansssescsennovess 193 Training on Dyadic Activity and Child Compliance O’Connor, T. G.—see Dunn et al. Suveg, C.—see Zeman et al. Ohan, J. L.—Are the Performance Over-Estimates Given by Svensson, L.—How Children Experience Brief-Exposure Boys With ADHD Self-Protective? TVG OF SHOCTTC FROOUIS sacccssemcessecnrainsovntouvsnsersepsevsevevaenes 80 Ollendick, T. H.—see Dong et al. & Grills & Ollendick The Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group—see Olson, S. L.—Early Problem Behavior Among Children From Farmer et al. Low-Income, Mother-Headed Families: A Multiple Risk Thurber, J. R—The Social Behaviors and Peer Expectation Perspective of Girls With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Ost, L.-G.—see Svensson et al. COMGEE NONIE S osc ces easiassccecardaneynratnastuctventnigedtecosrievahtteunds d 443 Papas, M. A.—see Black et al. Treffers, P. D. A.—see van Widenfelt et al. Park, C.—see Olson et al. van Widenfelt, B. M.— The Dutch Childhood Anxiety Pelham, W. E.—see Hartung et al. Sensitivity Index: Psychometric Properties and Factor Penza-Clyve, S.—Initial Validation of the Emotion Expression Structure DOME FOF CHG LETS CDs eiicscvsssccsssrsasnsssuncsnvesveesutscedekericesesOWO Wang, Y.—see Dong et al. Phillips, B. M.—Positive and Negative Affectivity in Children: Warner, T. D.—see Querido et al. A Multitrait—Multimethod Investigation Weersing, V. R—Development of the Therapy Procedures Phillips, B. M.—see Anthony et al. Checklist: A Therapist-Report Measure of Technique Use Piacentini, J. C_—see Wood et al. in Child and Adolescent Treatment Pollock, R. A. — Anxiety Sensitivity in Adolescents at Risk for Weisz, J. R.—see Weersing et al. PRUaxNe tonscusIeiracaennssvNecaxes ccvGsauvienesue bion Neniinipuertiaeie oO Wilcox, R. R. —Understanding the Practical Advantages of Price, C. S—The Development and Psychometric Properties Moaderit ANGVA THCTNOEB sos sciccvsssssseecveaniv saevisnevseidasanevsnatesseso cDtO D of a Measure of Social and Adaptive Functioning for Willcutt, E. G.—see Hartung et al. Children and Adolescents Wood, J. J—Concurrent Validity of the Anxiety Disorders Querido, J. G—Parenting Styles and Child Behavior in Section of the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedulfeo r African American Families of Preschool Children DSM-IV: Child and Parent Versions ........:.1c00ssseeseesseseeeseSeIe D Rapee, R. M.—see Hudson & Rapee Woodruff-Borden, J—The Behavior of Anxious Parents: Reitman, D.—A Critical Evaluation of the Parenting Stress Examining Mechanisms of Transmission of Anxiety From Index—Short Form (PSI-SF) in a Head Start Population.......384 oe fg S|: SN SEE ETL TSE SE Ee | Rotheram-Borus, M. J.—see Leslie et al. Youngstrom, E. A.—Factor Structure of the Young Mania Salisbury, H.—see Sprafkin et al. Rating Scale for Use With Youths Ages 5 to 17 Years............567 Schettini, A.M .—see Frank et al. Zeman, J.—Anger and Sadness Regulation: Predictions to Schneider, J.—see Sprafkin et al. Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Children ........393 Schoenwald, S. K.—see Henggeler et al. Zeman, J.—see Penza-Clyve & Zeman Semel, M. A. — see Levendosky et al. Ziegert, D. l—Response Styles Theory: Downward Extension Sheffield, J.—see Price et al. & Spence et al. DO ATRIOS oseccccencsacccectssscavteecesarwashavashebeitisectpaesgeiecnenaeaadaienm Shipman, K.—see Zeman et al.

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