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Preview Journal of Chromatography 1997: Vol 699 Index

Author Index Vol. 699 Author Index Vol. 699 Adamson, N.J. and Reynolds, E.C. Krull, LS., Strong, R., Sosic, Z., Cho, B.-Y., Beale, S.C., Wang, Rules relating electrophoretic mobility, charge and C.-C. and Cohen, S. molecular size of peptides and proteins 699(1997)133 Labeling reactions applicable to chromatography and Bao, J.J. electrophoresis of minute amounts of proteins Capillary electrophoretic immunoassays 699(1997)463 699(1997)173 Bao, J.J., Fujima, J.M. and Danielson, N.D. Lee, W.-C. Determination of minute enzymatic activities by means of Protein separation using non-porous sorbents 699(1997)29 capillary electrophoretic techniques 699(1997)481 Leonard, M. Beale, S.C., see Krull, 1S. 699(1997)173 New packing materials for protein chromatography Bossi, A., see Righetti, PG. 699(1997)77 699(1997)3 Bossi, A., see Righetti, PG. 699(1997)105 Léster, K. and Josi¢, D. Cassiano, L., see Messana, I. 699(1997)149 Analysis of protein aggregates by combination of cross- Castagnola, M., see Messana, I. 699(1997)149 linking reactions and chromatographic separations Cho, B.-Y., see Krull, I.S. 699(1997)173 699(1997)439 Cohen, S., see Krull, I.S. 699(1997)173 Lundahl, P., see Lundqvist, A. 699(1997)209 Conti, M., see Righetti, PG. 699(1997)91 Lundqvist, A. and Lundahl, P. Corradini, D. Chromatography on cells and biomolecular assemblies Buffer additives other than the surfactant sodium dodecyl] 699(1997)209 sulfate for protein separations by capillary electrophoresis Messana, I., Rossetti, DV., Cassiano, L., Misiti, F., Giardina, B. 699( 1997)221 and Castagnola, M. Peptide analysis by capillary (zone) electrophoresis Danielson, N.D., see Bao, J.J. 699(1997)481 Deyl, Z. and MikSik, I. 699(1997)149 Post-translational non-enzymatic modification of proteins. I. MiksSik, I., see Deyl, Z. 699(1997)287 Chromatography of marker adducts with special emphasis Miksik, I. and Deyl, Z. to glycation reactions 699(1997)287 Post-translational non-enzymatic modification of proteins. Deyl, Z., see MikSik, I. 699(1997)311 II. Separation of selected protein species after glycation and other carbonyl-mediated modifications 699(1997)311 Evangelista Dyr, J. and Suttnar, J. Separation used for purification of recombinant proteins Misiti, F., see Messana, I. 699(1997)149 699( 1997)383 Miyazaki, K., see Kishino, S. 699(1997)371 Frantzen, F. Orsini, G., see Righetti, PG. 699(1997)105 Chromatographic and electrophoretic methods for modified Oscarsson, S. hemoglobins 699(1997)269 Factors affecting protein interaction at sorbent interfaces Fujima, J.M., see Bao, J.J. 699(1997)481 699(1997)117 Gelfi, C., see Righetti, PG. 699(1997)63 Pacakova, V., Stulfk, K. and Ticha, M. Gelfi, C., see Righetti, PG. 699(1997)91 High-performance separations in isolation and Giardina, B., see Messana, I. 699(1997)149 characterization of allergens 699(1997)403 Guerin, M.D., see Jenkins, M.A. 699(1997)257 Reynolds, E.C., see Adamson, N.J. 699(1997)133 Hage, D.S. and Tweed, S.A. Righetti, P.G. and Bossi, A. Recent advances in chromatographic and electrophoretic Isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients: an update methods for the study of drug—protein interactions 699(1997)77 699( 1997)499 Righetti, P.G., Bossi, A., Wenisch, E. and Orsini, G. Jenkins, M.A. and Guerin, M.D. Protein purification in multicompartment electrolyzers with Capillary electrophoresis procedures for serum protein isoelectric membranes 699(1997)105 analysis: comparison with established techniques Righetti, P.G. and Gelfi, C. 699( 1997)257 Electrophoresis gel media: the state of the art Josi¢, D., see Léster, K. 699(1997)439 699(1997)63 Kaufmann, M. Righetti, P.G., Gelfi, C. and Conti, M. Unstable proteins: how to subject them to chromatographic Current trends in capillary isoelectric focusing of proteins separations for purification procedures 699(1997)347 699(1997)91 Kishino, S. and Miyazaki, K. Rodrigues, A.E. Separation methods for glycoprotein analysis and Permeable packings and perfusion chromatography in preparation 699(1997)371 protein separation 699(1997)47 528 Author Index Vol. 699 Rossetti, DV., see Messana, I. 699(1997)149 Stulik, K., see Pacdkova, V. 699(1997)403 Shibusawa, Y. Suttnar, J., see Evangelista Dyr, J. 699(1997)383 Lipoproteins: comparison of different separation strategies Ticha, M., see Pacakova, V. 699(1997)403 699(1997)419 Tweed, S.A., see Hage, D.S. 699(1997)499 Sosic, Z., see Krull, I.S. 699(1997)173 Wang, C.-C., see Krull, LS. 699(1997)173 Strong, R., see Krull, I.S. 699(1997)173 Wenisch, E., see Righetti, PG. 699(1997)105 Compound Index Vol. 699 Compound Index Vol. 699 Accupure Z-1 methyl, as buffer additive 248 Allergens from Arrhenatherum 408 a-Acetolactate decarboxylase 354 Allergens from Dermatophagoides farinae 410 N-(3-N-Acetyl)-p-glucosamine, as buffer additive 238 Allergens from Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 410 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine 197 Allergens from C. fumigatus 404 N-a-Acetylcysteine 297 Allergens from C. herbarum 404 2-Acetylfuran 308 Allergens from Dactylis glomerata 408, 409, 411 N“-Acetylglycyllysinemethyl ester 295 Allergens from Festuca pratensis 408, 411, 413, 414 N-Acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase 377 Allergens from fungi 409 N-Acetylneuraminic acid 303 Allergens from Holcus lanatus 411 a,-Acid glycoprotein, variants 373, 374 Allergens from Lolium perenne 411 a,-Acid glycoprotein, modified 378 Allergens from Parietaria judaica 405, 408-410, 412 a,-Acid glycoprotein 261, 263, 372-374, 379, 507, 508, 511 Allergens from Phleum pratense 408, 411 Acid phosphatase 488, 489, 491, 492 Allergens from Poa pratensis 411 Acid-stable cross-links in proteins 303-306 Allergens from Secale 408 Acridinium, as derivatizing reagent 192 Allergens, immobilized 406 N-Acryloyl-1-amino-1-deoxy-p-glucitol 68, 71 Alprazolam 511 N-Acryloyl-2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol 68, 71 Altered plasma/serum proteins 378 N-Acryloylaminoethoxyethanol 69, 71, 72 Amadori glucose adducts of serum proteins 341 N-Acryloylaminopropanol 69, 71, 72 Amadori products 289-291, 298, 299, 302, 328, 330 N-Acryloylmorpholine 68, 71 Amadori products, glycated 324 Actin 446, 447, 454 Amines 186, 192 Actin, glycated 340 Amino acid hydantoins 301 Actomyosin subfragment | ATPase 454 b-Amino acid oxidase 490 Acute phase reactants 260 Amino acids, diphenylboronic acid adducts 304 Acyl coenzyme A synthetase 483 Amino acids 179, 188-190, 296 N-Acylphosphatidylethanolamine synthase 217 Amino acids, glycated 291 Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 483 Amino acids, N-terminal, modified 168 Adenosine 492 1-Amino-1-deoxy-2-ketose derivatives, see Amadori products Adenosine deaminase 485 2-Aminoantipyrine 414 Adenylosuccinase 484 N-(4-Aminobutyl)-N-ethylisoluminol, as derivatizing Adenylosuccinate lyase 484 reagent 192 ADP ribosyltransferase 483 Aminoguanidine 290 Adrenocorticotropic hormone 162 Aminoketoses 307 Advanced glycation end-products 324 Aminopeptidase 485, 487, 489 Advanced glycation end-products, glycooxidation 330 N-(3-Aminopropyl)-1,4-butanediamine, as buffer additive 251 Agarose 66, 69 6-Aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate (6-AQC), as Agarose-polyacrylamide copolymers 69 derivatizing reagent 199 Alanine 140, 161 4-(Aminosulfony])-7-fluoro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (ABD-F), as Albumin 17, 244, 263, 292 derivatizing reagent 196 Albumins, from Leguminosae vicia 243 Ammonium peroxydisulphate 64 Alcohol dehydrogenase 366, 487, 489, 493 Amphiphilic drugs 210 Alcohol dehydrogenase, glycated 342 a-Amylase 365, 484 Aldehydic sugars 288 Anabaena PCC 7119 flavodoxin 447 Aldolase 445 Angiotensin 187, 194, 197 Alkaline p-nitrophenylphosphate phosphatase 356 N-(4-Anilinophenyl) maleimide (APM), as derivatizing Alkaline phosphatase 21, 195, 199, 246, 406, 487, 489 reagent 197 Alkaline protease 482 Anti-bovine 8,-glycoprotein I antibody 377 4-Alkylbenzyne sulfonamides 519 Anti-chloramphenicol antibody 477 Alkylsulfonates, as ion-pairing agent 245 Anti-human serum albumin antibody 126, 128 Allergens 403-418 Anti-immunoglobulin E antibody 406 530 Compound Index Vol. 699 Anti-immunoglobulin G antibody 406 N,N’-Bis(3-aminopropy])-1,4-butanediamine (spermine), as Anti-insulin Fab 195 buffer additive 251 Anti-TAC monoclonal antibody 250 Meso-1,2-Bis(4-methoxyphenyl)ethylenediamine (p-MOED), as Antibodies 21, 232, 405, 463-480, 522 derivatizing reagent 186 Antibodies, fragments 466 a,A-Bis-quaternary ammonium alkanes, as buffer additive 235 Bis-[ B-(4-azidosalicylamido)ethyldisulfide 444 Antibodies, glucose-6-phosphatase-labelled 465 N,N’-Bisacrylylcystamine 70 Antibodies, light chains 466 N-Bisacrylylpiperazine 68, 70 Antigen-antibody complexes 405, 406, 466, 467, 469, 470, Biscarboxymethyllysine 300 473, 473, 476 Bismaleimidohexane 445 Antigens 405, 463-480 Biuret, as derivatizing reagent 188, 190 Antigens from Bermuda grass pollen 406 Blood proteins, glycated 288 Antigens from Cocos nucifera 406, 415 Bombesin 187 Antigens, glucose-6-phosphatase-labelled 465 Bovine carbonic anhydrase 493 Antiparallel oligodeoxyribonucleotides 517 Bovine growth hormone 396 Antipyrine 504 Bovine hemoglobin 447 Antisense peptide nucleic acids 517 Bovine serum albumin 10, 13, 16, 19-22, 24, 52-55, 73, 122, Antithrombin III, glycated 341 123, 125, 184, 191, 192, 198, 349, 354, 360, 503-505, 507, a,-Antitrypsin 373, 379 508, 511, 512, 516, 518, 520-522 a,-Antitrypsin, glycated 341 Bovine serum albumin, dimer 215, 216 Apolipoprotein A 428 Bovine serum albumin, monomer 215, 216 Apolipoprotein B 428 Bovine somatostatin 237, 249 Apolipoproteins 243, 252 Bradykinin 157, 187 Apoproteins 420 Brain proteins, glycated 340 Aprotinin 253 Branched polysaccharides, as dynamic coating agent 231 Arachidonic acid autooxidation products 296, 297 Brij, as buffer additive 243, 253 Arginine 140, 161, 194, 197, 288 Bromazepam 511 Arginine, glycated 292 BSA, see Bovine serum albumin Arginine-containing peptides 187, 194, 197 Buffer additives, effect of endoosmotoc flow upon 223 Arylazide 442 Butanesulfonic acid, as ion-pairing agent 245 Arylsulfonamides 518 Butanesulfonic acid, as buffer additive 253 Asparagine 140, 161 N“-tert.-Butoxycarbonylarginine 295 Aspartame 186 N*-tert.-Butoxycarbonyllysine 295 Aspartate aminotransferase, glycated 342 Butyrophenones 512 Aspartic acid 161 Avian sarcoma virus integrase 446 c-myc oncogene 455 C,-component 259, 261, 263 Bacteriophage T4 baseplates 447 Ca**-calmodulin-binding protein 454 Basic fibroblast growth factor 455 Cadaverin 234 Basic proteins 230, 236, 237, 246-253 Calcitonin 184 Bee venom 411, 413 Calcium 518 Benzodiazepines 509, 511 Caldesmon 454 Benzoin 518 Calmodulin 32, 185, 512, 518 Benzoin, as derivatizing reagent 187, 197 Calmudolin, glycated 340 B-Blockers 518 Calnexin 447, 453 6 subunitS of Fl-ATPase 447 Caproylpyrraline 297 B, subunits of F,-ATPase 451 Capsid protein p24 of HIV type 1 446 Betaine, as buffer additive 248 Carbamazepine 505 bFGF receptor 455 Carbamylated proteins 290 Bilirubin 495, 500 Carbamylnorvaline 302 Biodesign morphine antibody 468, 469 Carbamylphosphate synthetase 446, 449 Biofluids 181 Carbamylvaline 290, 302 Biomembrane vesicles 209 Carbodiimides 442, 443 Biomolecular assemblies 209-220 Carbonic anhydrase 73, 518, 519 Biosynthetic insulin 140 Carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE), as derivatizing Biotinylated human protein tyrosine phosphatase 486 reagent 192 Bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) oxalate (TCPO)-peroxide as 1-Carboxymethy1-4-methy]l-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5- derivatizing reagent 191 dicarboxaldehyde 296 Compound Index Vol. 699 Carboxymethylalanine 300 Collagen, cyanogen bromide fragments 323 Carboxymethylamino acids 290, 299-301 Collagen, cyanogen bromide peptides 324-327 Carboxymethylarginine 301 Collagen, 3-deoxyglucosone(glucose)-butylamine adduct Carboxymethylaspartic acid 301 FL-C 324 Carboxymethylglutamic acid 301 Collagen, fluorescent compounds 330 Carboxymethylglycine 300 Collagen, fluorophore LM1 324 Carboxymethylhistidine 301 Collagen, glucuronide-derived products 324 Carboxymethylhydroxylysine 299, 330 Collagen, glycated 288, 322-326, 328 Carboxymethylisoleucine 300 Collagen, hydroxynonenal adduct 324 Carboxymethylleucine 300 Collagen, lipoperoxidation adducts 324, 328 Carboxymethyllysine 290, 299-301, 330, 331, 335 Collagen, malondialdehyde adduct 324 Carboxymethylphenylalanine 300 Collagen, non-collageneous domain 328 Carboxymethyltyrosine 301 Collagen, ribation in vitro 325 Carboxymethylvaline 299 Collagen type II 329 Carboxypeptidases 484 Collagenases 377 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine succinimidy] ester, as Conalbumin 32, 193, 361 derivatizing reagent 194 Concanavalin A 32 Casein, peptides 143 Concanavalin A receptor 454 Casein, tryptic digest 482 Coproporphyrin 495 Caseins 245 Corticosteroids 500 Catalase 490, 493 Cortisol 475, 477, 517 Cationic ion-pairing additives 245 Coumarins 509 Cell nuclear factor a CP1 446 Creatine kinase 487, 490 Cells 209-220 Creatine kinase, glycated 342 Cellulase 518 Creatinine 186 Cerebrospinal fluid proteins 246 Cross-linkers 440-446 Ceruloplasmin 375 Cross-linking through peroxy radicals 337 Cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), as buffer Cryoglobulins 262 additive 243 Cryoimmunoglobulins 262 Cetyl trimethylammonium chloride (CTAC), as buffer Crystallins 329, see also Lens Proteins additive 243, 252 Crystallins, dehydroascorbic acid adducts 333 Chaperones 386 a-Crystallins 331, 333-335 Chemical cross-linkers 440 aA-Crystallins 331, 335, 337 Chemiluminescence, as post-column detection method 188 a@B-Crystallins 335, 337 Chitinase 493 B-Crystallins 335 Chitosan, as buffer additive 238, 239, 252 8,,-Crystallins 333-335 Chloramphenicol 475, 477, 517 B,-Crystallins 333-335 Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase 393, 482, 483 6-Crystallins 331, 333-335 Chloramphenicol-fluorescein conjugate 477 Crystallins, acetylated 336 Chlordiazepoxide 511 Crystallins, ascorbic acid adducts 333-335 Cholesterol 420 Crystallins, aspirin adducts 337 Cholesterol transfer protein 217 Crystallins, carbamylated 329, 331 Chondroitin sulfate 518 Crystallins, 2,3-diketogulonic acid adducts 333 Chymosin 484 Crystallins, dityrosine cross-linking 337 Chymotrypsinogen 10, 17, 32, 193, 229, 233, 236, 237, 240, Crystallins, fructation 335 248, 361 Crystallins, glycated 288, 333 Citrate synthase 446 Crystallins, lipid peroxy radicals cross-linking 337, 338 Clobazam 511 Crystallins, methylglyoxal adducts 335, 336 Clonazepam 511 Crystallins, oxidatively modified 331 Clorazepate 511 Crystallins, polymerized 333, 336 Coagulation factor VIIa (r-FVIIa) 234 Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase, glycated 341, 342 Coenzyme A_ 186 Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase 393 Colchicine 507 Cyclosporin A 197 Collagen, autooxidation adducts 330 Cyclosporins 474, 477 Collagen, a-chains 324, 325 Cysteine 140, 161, 297 Collagen, B-chains 325 L-Cysteine 197 Collagen, chain polymers 324, 326, 327 Cytochalasin B 214, 215 Collagen, cross-links 328, 329 Cytochrome b5 446, 447 532 Compound Index Vol. 699 Cytochrome c 22, 32, 84, 97,187, 229, 236, 237, 240, 241, Diphenyliodonium chloride 67 248 361, 366, 447 Dipyrraline 297 Cytochrome P-450 217, 351 Disuccinimidyl suberate 445, 457 Cytochrome P-450 oxidoreductase 217 Disuccinimidy] tartrate 449 Cytochrome P-450scc 446 Dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate) 445 Cytoskeletal proteins, glycated 340 Dithiobis(sulfosuccinimidyl propionate) 443, 445, 449, 457 Dithioerythritol 443 Dansylchloride, as derivatizing reagent 197 Dithiothreitol 443 Decamethonium bromide, as buffer additive 235, 251 Dityrosine 337 Decanesulfonic acid, as ion-pairing agent 245 DNA _ 68, 69, 72, 73 Dehydrocholic acid 113 DNA aggregates 395 Delorazepam 511 DNAse I 446 3-Deoxy-b-erythro-hexos-2-ulose 302 DNA-based therapeutic proteins 395 3-Deoxyfructose 303 DNA-binding protein 446, 449 Deoxyglucosone 296, 328, 302, 303 DnaB helicase 446, 449 Deoxyosones 290, 306, 307 DnaB protein 449 Deoxypyridinoline 292, 293 N-Dodecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-amino-1-propanesulfonate (DAPS), Deoxyribonuclease I 21 as buffer additive 243 Deoxyspergualin 518 5-Dodecyldihydro-2(3H)-furanone 307 Dephosphorylated B-casein 482 Dopamine 296 Desmethyldiazepam 511 Drosophila heat shock factor 449, 450 Desmosine 292, 305 Drug-protein complexes 499-525 Dextran, as buffer additive 229,246 Drugs 216 Dextran, as dynamic coating agent 231 Drugs of abuse 476 N,N’-Diallyltartardiamide 70 Drugs of abuse, metabolites 476 1,2-Diamino-4,5-dimethoxybenzene (DDB), as derivatizing Durazym 84 reagent 197 1,4-Diaminobutane (putrescine), as buffer additive 234, 235, EC superoxide dismutase, glycated 342 245, 250 Egg phospholipid liposomes 211 2,3-Diaminonaphthalene 302 Eglin C 110 1,5-Diaminopentane (cadaverin), as buffer additve 234, 250 Elastins 250 1,3-Diaminopropane, as buffer additive 234, 235, 250, 251 Endoplasmic reticulum proteins 453 Diazepam 505, 507, 511 Endoproteinases 451, 452, 484 Dicarbonyl intermediates 290, 302, 303 £-Endorphin metabolites 184 Dicarbonyl sugars 303 Endorphin-related peptides 184 Dicarboxylic acids 518 Enkephalin-6-endorphin 184 5-([4,6-Dichlorotriazine-2-yl]amino)fluorescein (DTAF), as Enkephalins 157, 186 derivatizing reagent 192 Enkephalins, constituting peptides 158 Dichlorotriazinylaminofluorescein, as ligand 466 Enterotoxin 447 Diethylenetriamine (DIEN), as buffer additive 251 Enzymatic activities 481-497 N,N-Diethylethanolamine, as buffer additive 237, 249 Enzymes 21 1,5-Difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene 451 Eosin Y as derivatizing reagent 191 1,5-Difluoro-2-nitrobenzene 456 Epidermal growth factor receptor 11 0, 111 4,4-Difluoro-3,3’-dinitrophenylsulfone 456 4,5(E)-Epoxy-2(E )-decenal-butylamine adduct 324 Digoxigenin-labelled B-phycoerythrin 470, 474-476 4,5(E )-Epoxy-2(E )-decenal-lysine adduct 324 Digoxin 425, 475, 517 4,5(E )-Epoxy-2(E )-heptenal-butylamine adduct 324 Dihydrofuranhydroxy-2,5-anisyl-3,4-dimethylpyrrole 307 4,5(E )-Epoxy-2(E )-heptenal-lysine adduct 324 Dihydropyridine adducts 296 Erythropoietin 250, 375, 376 Dihydropyridine adducts with amines 296 Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin receptor 447 Dihydropyridine adducts with amino acids 296 Estazolam S511 N,N’-(1,2-Dihydroxyethylene)bisacrylamide 70 Esterified cholesterol 420 Dimethy]-3,3’-dithiobispropionimidate 443 Estradiol 513 Dimethyl suberimidate 445 1,2-Ethanedithiol, as derivatizing reagent 193 N,N-Dimethylacrylamide 68, 71 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide 445, 451 Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate:5-AMP transferase 354 Ethylamine, as buffer additive 249 Dimethylsulfoxide reductase 483 N-Ethyldiethanolamine, as buffer additive 237, 249 Dipeptides 188 Ethylene diacrylate 70 Dipeptidylpeptidase [IV 449 Ethylenediamine, as buffer additive 235, 251 Compound Index Vol. 699 Eukaryotic transcription factor TFIID 446 p-Galactose oxidase 490 Galactose-binding protein 393 Factor VIII 361 Galactosidase 33, 195, 198, 393, 489, 493 Fatty acid binding protein 186 Galactosone 303 Fatty acids 500 B-1,4-Galactosyltransferase 483 Fenoprofen 505 Gizzard calponin:actin 447 Ferredoxin 447 Gliadin 188 Ferri-, and ferrohemoglobin 253 Globulins 261, 263, 354 Ferrocenic derivatization reagents 198 Glucitollysine fluorescent products 330 Feruloyl/p-coumaroyl] esterase 484 Glucitolyllysine 301 Fibrinogen 122, 123, 446, 447 Glucoamylase 110 Fibrinogen, glycated 341 Glucocorticoid receptor 446 Fibronectin 122 p-Glucosamine, as buffer additive 238 Firefly luciferase 490 Glucose 210, 213-215 Flunitrazepam 511 Glucose oxidase 218, 490 9-Fluorenylacetyl (9-FA), as derivatizing reagent 199 9-Fluorenyl methylchloroformate (9-FMOC), as derivatizing Glucose-6-phosphate 489 reagent 199 Glucose-6-phosphatase 465 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 190, 472, 474, 486, 496, Fluorescamine (4-phenylspiro[furan- 2(3H), 1-phthalan]-3,3- dione), as derivatizing reagent 193 489 Fluorescamine, as derivatizing reagent 183, 184, 186, 188 Glucose transporter 97, 447, 451 Fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled protein G 472 a-Glucosidase 484 Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) derivatized amino Glucosone 297, 303 acids 178, Glucosyllysine 292 Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), as derivatizing reagent Glucosylphenylalanine 292 193, 195 Glucosylvaline 292 Fluorescein-di-8-galactopyranoside, as substrate for Glutamate dehydrogense 512 galactosidase assay 195 Glutamic acid 140, 161, 296 Fluorescent glycation products 330 Glutamine 140, 161 Fluorescent non-pentosidine components 305 Glutamine synthetase 185, 186 Fluorescent reagents, pre-column mode 192 6-Glutamylhydroxamate 185 4-Fluoro-7-nitro-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-F), as derivatizing 6-Glutamyltranspeptidase 483 reagent 186 Glutaraldehyde 443, 445, 449, 451 Fluorosurfactant DuPont, as buffer additive 252 Glutathione 184-187, 196, 197, 297 Fluorosurfactant fluorad, as buffer additive 252 Glutathione conjugates 185 Flurazepam 511 Glutathione, oxidized 196 Formaldehyde 295 Glutathione peroxidase 483 Formaldehyde dehydrogenase 364 Glutathione, protein bound 196 Formate dehydrogenase 364 Glutathione S-transferase 393 Forskolin 214, 215 Glycated albumin 186 Fragmin 446 Glycated products, strategy for analysis 339 Fructosamine 277 Glycation markers 288 Fructose-3-phosphate 298 Glycation products 330 Fructosyllysine 298, 331 Glycidyl agarose 72 Fucosyltransferase 483, 493 Glycine 140, 161, 189, 295, 296 2-Furaldehyde 308 Glycohemoglobin 340 Furan 307 Glycolytic intermediates 290 Furanglyoxal 308 Glycooxidation products 330 Furanoses 291 Glycopeptides 168 Furosemide 504, 507 Glycoproteins 234, 235, 245, 371-381, 395, 404, 406, 411 Furosine 289, 290, 298, 299 Glycoproteins, 85-kDa antigens 377 Furosyl advanced glycation end-products 330 Glycoproteins, hormones 375 2-(2-Furoy])-4(5 )-(2-furanyl)-1H-imidazole 292, 307 Glycoproteins, O-linked 414 3-(2-Furoy])quinoline-2-carboxaldhyde, as derivatizing Glycoproteins with Thomsen-Friedendreich activity 377 reagent 194 Glycosyl transferase 483 2-Furylglyoxal 303 Glycosylation products 330 Glycylglycine 295 G-SF receptor 447 Glyoxal 295 534 Compound Index Vol. 699 Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor 234, 243, Hemoglobins, vitamin C adducts 272 253 Hemoglobins, xenobiotic adducts 271, 281, 282 Growth factors 377 Heparin 518 GTP-binding protein ras 453 Heparin lyase II 493 Heparinase 493 Hair keratin, glycated 341 Heparinitase 493 Haptoglobins 64 Heptanesulfonic acid, as ion-pairing agent 245 HDL, see High-density lipoproteins Heterooligomeric protein associations 455 Heat shock proteins 518 Hexadimetrine bromide, as buffer additive 239 Helicase 447, 455 Hexamethonium bromide, as buffer additive 235, 251 Hematoregulatory peptides 184 Hexamethonium chloride, as buffer additive 235 Heme 100 Hexisamidase 493 Hemoglobin 249 Hexitollysine 290 Hemoglobin A_ 100, 101 Hexokinase 485 Hemoglobin AO 270, 272, 274, 275, 277, 278, 280, 282 High-density lipoproteins 420, 421, 423-428, 430-436 Hemoglobin Al 270, 271 High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) 243 Hemoglobin Ala 270, 272, 275, 277, 278 Hirudin 110, 112, 113 Hemoglobin Alal 271, 279, 282 Hirudin, isoforms 112 Hemoglobin Ala2 271, 279, 282 Histamine 404 Hemoglobin Alachl 279 Histidine 140, 161, 189 Hemoglobin Alach2 279 Histidinohydroxylysinonorleucine 305 Hemoglobin Alach3 279 Histidinohydroxymerodesmosine 305 Hemoglobin Alb 270, 272, 274, 275, 277, 278, 282 Histone Hl 229 Hemoglobin Albl 279 Histone H1 subtypes 232, 246, 248-250, 251 Hemoglobin Alb2 279 Histone H1 variants, phosphorylated 246 Hemoglobin Alb3 279 Histones 85, 86, 230, 246, 248, 449 Hemoglobin Alc 32, 100, 101, 270-275, 277, 279, 282 Histones, acylated 246 Hemoglobin Ald 271, 275, 276, 278 Histones, glycated 342 Hemoglobin Aldl 279 HIV-1 transmembrane envelope glycoprotein gp41 446 Hemoglobin Aldlx 279 HL29 447 Hemoglobin Ald2 279 HL31 447 Hemoglobin Ald3 279 HmaL23 447 Hemoglobin Ale 279 HmaL29 447 Hemoglobin A2 264, 275, 278, 279 HMG proteins 14/17 447 Hemoglobin C 275, 282 Horseradish peroxidase 406, 490 Hemoglobin E 275 HSA, see Human serum albumin Hemoglobin F_ 100, 101, 275, 276, 278-280, 282 Human C-reactive protein 518 Hemoglobin Fld 278 ; Human chorionic gonadotropin 235 Hemoglobin O 275 Human chorionic gonadotropin glycoforms 251 Hemoglobin S 264, 279, 282 Human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) 234 Hemoglobin T 162 Human factor Vila 250 Hemoglobins 21, 22, 69, 97, 100, 292, 360, 456, 495 Human fibroblast growth factor receptor 447 Hemoglobins, acetaldehyde adducts 279 Human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor 250, 447 Hemoglobins, acetylated 100, 271-273, 275, 280 Human growth hormone 33, 140, 237, 247, 396, 467-469, Hemoglobins, acrylamide adducts 272, 273 517 Hemoglobins, aromatic amine adducts 273 Human growth hormone, fragments 468 Hemoglobins, a-chain 271, 283 Human growth hormone, recombinant 468 Hemoglobins, B-chain 271, 272, 283 Human growth hormone, variants 469 Hemoglobins, carbamylated 271-273, 280 Human growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) 185 Hemoglobins, glutathione adducts 272, 275 Human IFNg receptor 453 Hemoglobins, glycated 100, 270, 271, 273, 275-281, 283, Human immunoglobulin G 471 288, 312, see also Hemoglobin Alal and Ala2 Human insulin 237 Hemoglobins, modified 269-286 Human insulin-like growth factor 237 Hemoglobins, nitroso adducts 272 Human intereukin-4 250 Hemoglobins, non-human 278 Human necrosis factor 253 Hemoglobins, peptides 168 Human p53 446 Hemoglobins, pre-hemoglobin glycated 271 Human platelet lysate proteins 216 Hemoglobins, variants 32, 100 Human proinsulin 237, 249 Compound Index Vol. 699 Human prostatic acid phosphatase 488, 489 Immunoglobulin M, monoclonal 265 Human red cell glucose transporter 210, 213, 215 Immunoglobulin M, paraprotein 262 Human serum albumin 122, 123, 125-128, 186, 247, 361, Immunoglobulins 122, 365, 374, 375 428, 500, 503-505, 507-509, 511-515, 518, 520, 521 Immunoglobulins, glycosidic components 375 Human serum albumin, dimer 260 Immunoglubulin G, M-light chain 260, 262, 265 Human serum amyloid P component 517 Inclusion bodies 388 Human serum proteins 215 Indocyanine green (ICG), as derivatizing reagent 198 Human tissue plasminogen activator 253 Indole 233 Human tumor necrosis factor 243 Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase 351 Humanized anti-TAC monoclonal antibody 248 Indometacin 505 Hyaluronidase 493 Inhibitory protein I 447 Hydrolytic enzyme from little neck clams 493 Inosine 492 13-Hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid-butylamine Insulin 175, 194, 195, 199, 200, 468, 470, 475, 477, 517 adduct 324 Insulin-like growth factor, glycated 341 13-Hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(£)-octadecadienoic acid-lysine Insulin-like growth factor I variants 243 adduct 324 Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) 249, 252 Hydrophobic proteins 69 Integrins 445, 447, 453, 456-458, 5-Hydroxy-2,3-dioxopentanal 303 Interferon 396, 453, 454 3-Hydroxy-5-hydroperoxy-2-methyl-5,6-dihydropyran-4- Interleukin-4 binding protein 377 one 323 Interleukin-6 muteins 111, 112 3 B-Hydroxy-7,12-dioxo-58-cholanoic acid 113 Interleukins 110, 111, 447, 456 Hydroxyacetylfuran 306 Intrinsic membrane proteins 245 Hydroxyethyl methacrylate 68 Intrinsic thylakoid membrane protein 244 Hydroxylamine, as derivatizing reagent 186 Isocyclosporin A 197 Hydroxylamine, as buffer additive 249 Isodesmosine 292, 305 Hydroxylysine 299, 305 Isoleucine 140, 161 Hydroxylysinonorleucine 305 Isradipine 507 Hydroxymethylcellulose 64 Hydroxymethylfurfural 306 Kallidin 187 Hydroxyproline 297 2-Keto-3-deoxygluconic acid 302, 303 Hydroxypropylmethy! cellulose, as buffer additive 229, 246 5-Ketofructose 303 Hydroxypyridinium cross-links 292 Ketoprofen 505, 511 3-Hydroxypyrrole-2-carboxyaldehyde 307 N-Hydroxysuccinimide ester 442 Lac, repressor 393 N-Hydroxysuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate 444, 454 Lactalbumins 73, 122, 350 Lactate 494 Ibuprofen 511 Lactate dehydrogenase 21, 354, 488, 494 IFN5d 446 Lactate dehydrogenase, isotypes 488, 489 IFN6 receptor 446 Lactoferrin, glycated 342 IgG 246 B-Lactoglobulin 186, 189 Imidazolysine 290, 295, 296 B-Lactoglobulin A 98, 243, 248, 249, 253 Imidoesters 442 B-Lactoglobulin B 244, 248, 249, 253 Imirestat 503 B-Lactoglobulin C 244, 249, 253 Immunoglobulin A 259, 260, 374, 466, 475 B-Lactoglobulin I 242 Immunoglobulin A, pepsin fragments 466 B-Lactoglobulin II 242 Immunoglobulin D 374 Lactoglobulins 97, 102 Immunoglobulin E 32, 374, 405 Laminin, glycated 342 Immunoglobulin E, antibody 36 LDL, see Low-density lipoproteins Immunoglobulin G 21, 121, 123, 125, 260-262, 265, 374, Lectins 21, 447, 522 466, 475 Lectins, receptor 447 Immunoglobulin G, fragments 125 Lens proteins 329-337, see also Crystallins Immunoglobulin G, glycated 341 Lens proteins, ascorbic acid adducts 331 Immunoglobulin G, human 34, 35 Lens proteins, dehydroascorbic acid adducts 332, 333 Immunoglobulin G, paraprotein 261, 262 Lens proteins, glycated 288, 329, 337 Immunoglobulin G, M-light chain 260, 262, 265 Lens proteins, human 331 Immunoglobulin G2b 466 Lens proteins, oxidatively modified 329 Immunoglobulin M_ 65, 262, 265, 365 Leucine 140, 161 Immunoglobulin M, glycated 341 Leucine aminopeptidase 487 536 Compound Index Vol. 699 Leucine-enkephalin 157, 158, 162, 186, 197 Methionine 140, 161 Leucovorin 518, 520, 522 Methionine-enkephalin 157, 158, 162 Leupeptin 197 Methoxime derivatives 303 LHC II proteins 244 4-Methoxy-1,2-phenylenediamine, as derivatizing reagent 194 Ligand-receptor interactions 453 4-Methoxybenzamidine (p-MBA), as derivatizing reagent 186 Linoleic acid-13-monohydroperoxide 337 O-Methoxylamine hydrochloride 303 Lipases 217 Methyl cellulose, as buffer additive 246 Lipid peroxidation products 288 Methyl glycine (sarcosine), as buffer additive 248 Lipoproteins 259, 419-437 Methyl guanidine 186 Liposomes 209 N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide 64, 70 Lissamine, as derivatizing reagent 193 1-N-Methylglucosamine 292 Lorazepam 511 Methylglyoxal 295 Lormetazepam 511 Methylhydroxyethy! cellulose, as buffer additive 246 Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) 243, 420, 421, 423-427, Methylhydroxypropy! cellulose, as buffer additive 229 430-436, 507 Methylimidazolium compounds 295 Luciferase 349 3-Methylphenol 492 Lysine 140, 161, 288 B,-Microglobulin, glycated 341 Lysine, glycated 291, 292 Milk proteins 246-248, 358 Lysine-8-vasopressin 183 Mitochondrial ATPase 447 3-(N*-Lysino)lactic acid 331 Mitogenic fibrinogen receptor 446, 447, 453 Lysozyme 17, 22, 32, 39, 184, 187, 229, 233, 236, 237, 241, Modified celluloses, as buffer additives 229 248, 249, 350, 360, 447, 456 Molds 405 Lysozyme, glycated 342 Monobromobimane, as derivatizing reagent 196 Lysylpyrraline 290, 298 Monoclonal antibodies 110 13-Monohydroperoxide 338 a,-Macroglobulin 352 Morphine 470, 471, 475 Macrophage colony stimulating factor 1-6 102 Morpholine, as buffer additive 249, 250 Maillard product LM1 304 Mouse submaxillarus protease 452 Maillard reaction products 289 Muscle proteins 250 Malaria antigen 358 Myelin basic protein 447, 551 Maleimide 442 Myeloma proteins 466 m-Maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester 442 myo-Inositol hexakis(dihydrogen phosphate), as buffer Malondialdehyde 288, 296 additive 245, 253 Malondialdehyde, amino acid adducts 296 Myoglobin 52-54, 83, 97, 102, 186, 193, 195, 240-242, 246, Malondialdehyde, protein adducts 296 249 Maltose-binding protein 393 Myosin subfragment I 446, 447 Mammalian membrane proteins 214 Mammalian steroid hormone receptor 447 N-terminal amino acids 288 Mannose-binding protein 449 Na,K-ATPase, glycated 342 Mannosylglycine 292 NAD 113, 474, 476, 489, 494, 495 Mannosylleucine 292 NADH 113, 190, 474, 476, 477, 493-495 Mannosyllysine 292 NADP 190 Mannosylvaline 292 NADP reductase 447 Meat proteins 187 Naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA), as derivatizing Melanin 495 reagent 186, 188, 193, 197 Melanocyte stimulating hormone 162, 166, 167, 187 NDA/2-mercaptoethanol, as derivatizing reagent 190 Melittin 185, 197, 198, 404, 413 Nerve growth factor, glycated 341 Membrane proteins 209, 210, 217, 244, 350, 395, 397, 457 Neuropeptide Y 446, 447, 455 Membrane proteins, detergent-solubilized 210 Neuropeptide Y receptor 446, 447, 455 Membrane receptors 440 Nilvadipine 505 Membrane-bound chaperones 453 Ninhydrin, as derivatizing reagent 186, 187 Membrane-bound guanyl cyclase 377 Nitrophenol 477, 489, 492, 495 Mercaptoethanol 443 Nitrophenol-6-galactoside 493 Metallo B-lactamase 253 p-Nitrophenyl sugars 22 Metallothionein 181 p-Nitrophenylphosphate phosphatase, alkaline 356 Methacryloyl-1-amino-1l-deoxy-p-glucitol 68 Non-tryptophan fluorescence 332 Methanol oxidase 364 Nonapeptides 183 Methemoglobin 275, 337 Norepinephrine 296

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