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Journal of Chromatography A Author Index Aginsky, V.N. Damm, J.B.L. and Overklift, G.T. Determination of the age of ballpoint pen ink by gas Indirect UV detection as a non-selective detection and densitometric thin-layer chromatography method in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of 678(1994)119 heparin fragments by high-performance capillary Althaus, F.R., see Panzeter, P.L. 678(1994)35 electrophoresis 678(1994)151 Andersson, E., see Buscher, B.A.P. 678(1994)145 Dass, C., Mahalakshmi, P. and Grandberry, D. Andrzejewski, D., see Weisz, A. 678(1994)77 Manipulation of ion-pairing reagents for reversed-phase Annino, R. high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of Industrial-grade field-mountable gas chromatograph for phosphorylated opioid peptides from their non- process monitoring and control 678(1994)279 phosphorylated analogues 678(1994)249 Barbaro, A.M., see Biagi, G-L. 678(1994)127 Davis, B.H., see Shi, B. 678(1994)97 Barry, E.F., see Ombaba, J.M. 678(1994)319 Derksen, M.W.J., see Vervoort, R.J.M. 678(1994)1 BaSkeviciuté, B., see Pesliakas, H. 678(1994)25 Dorsey, J.G., see Ciolino, L.A. 678(1994)201 Belgaied, J.E., Hoyos, M. and Martin, M. Drabowicz, J., see Kudzin, Z.H. 678(1994)299 Velocity profiles in thermal field-flow fractionation Erbersdobler, H.F., see Ruttkat, A. 678(1994)103 678(1994)85 Font, G., see Redondo, M.J. 678(1994)375 Betts, T.J. Font, G., see Viana, E. 678(1994)109 Comparison of two esterified y-cyclodextrins with Frank, J., see Valk6, I.E. 678(1994)139 some other chirally selective gas chromatographic Froimowitz, M., see Yin, D. 678(1994)176 phases using volatile oil constituents 678(1994)370 Gabel, D., see Harfst, S. 678(1994)41 Biagi, G.L., Barbaro, A.M. and Recanatini, M. Godber, J.S., see Shin, T.-S. 678(1994)49 Determination of lipophilicity by means of reversed- Golebiowski, C., see Kumar, N. 678(1994)259 phase thin-layer chromatography. III. Study of the Grandberry, D., see Dass, C. 678(1994)249 TLC equations for a series of ionizable quinolone Grushka, E., see Cohen, N. 678(1994)167 derivatives 678(1994)127 Hachisako, H., see Murakami, R. 678(1994)180 Billiet, H.A.H., see Valko, I.E. 678(1994)139 Harfst, S., Moller, D., Ketz, H., Résler, J. and Gabel, D. Boluda, R., see Redondo, M.J. 678(1994)375 Reversed-phase separation of ionic organoborate Bonfichi, R. clusters by high-performance liquid chromatography Computer-assisted rapid development of gradient high- 678(1994)41 performance liquid chromatographic methods for the Hernandez, F., see Sancho, JV. 678(1994)59 analysis of antibiotics 678(1994)213 Hogendoorn, E.A., see Sancho, JV. 678(1994)59 Brinkman, U.A.Th., see Brouwer, E.R. 678(1994)223 Horng, J.-Y. and Huang, S.-D. Brinkman, U.A.Th., see Rinkema, F.D. 678(1994)289 Determination of the semi-volatile compounds Brouwer, E.R. and Brinkman, U.A.Th. nitrobenzene, isophorone, 2,4-dinitrotoluene and 2,6- Determination of phenolic compounds in surface water dinitrotoluene in water using solid-phase using on-line liquid chromatographic precolumn-based microextraction with a polydimethylsiloxane-coated column-switching techniques 678(1994)223 fibre 678(1994)313 Buscher, B.A.P., Irth, H., Andersson, E., Tjaden, U.R. Hoyos, M., see Belgaied, J.E. 678(1994)85 and Van der Greef, J. Huang, S.-D., see Horng, J.-Y. 678(1994)313 Determination of inositol phosphates in fermentation Ichitani, Y., see Matsumoto, K. 678(1994)241 broth using capillary zone electrophoresis with indirect Imai, K., see Matsumoto, K. 678(1994)24i UV detection 678(1994)145 Irth, H., see Buscher, B.A.P. 678(1994)145 Cardwell, T.J. and Laughton, W.R. Ito, Y., see Ma, Y. 678(1994)233 Analysis of fluoride, acetate and formate in Bayer Ito, Y., see Weisz, A. 678(1994)77 liquors by ion chromatography 678(1994)364 Kawamoto, K., see Kobayashi, M. 678(1994)351 Chen, N., Zhang, Y., Terabe, S. and Nakagawa, T. Keogh, R.A., see Shi, B. 678(1994)97 Effect of physico-chemical properties and molecular Ketz, H., see Harfst, S. 678(1994)41 structure on the micelle—water partition coefficient in Khanolkar, A.D., see Yin, D. 678(1994)176 micellar electrokinetic chromatography 678(1994)327 Kitaoka, Y., see Kobayashi, M. 678(1994)351 Ciolino, L.A. and Dorsey, J.G. Kobayashi, M., Kitaoka, Y., Tanaka, Y. and Kawamoto, Phosphorimetry and its potential for the study of K. surface heterogeneity of chromatographic silica-based Electrophoretic behaviour and infrared spectra of stationary phases 678(1994)201 dihydroxyboryl compounds in aqueous di- and Cohen, N. and Grushka, E. tricarboxylic acids: paper electrophoresis as a tool for Controlling electroosmotic flow in capillary zone determining the chemical states of a substance in electrophoresis 678(1994)167 solution 678(1994)351 382 Author Index Krasnopolsky, Yu.M., see Menzeleev, R.F. 678(1994)183 Overklift, G.T., see Damm, J.B.L. 678(1994)151 Krock, K.A. and Wilkins, C.L. Pacakova, V., see Novakovic, J. 678(1994)359 Quantitative aspects of a valve-based, multi-stage Panzeter, P.L., Zweifel, B. and Althaus, F.R. multidimensional gas chromatography-infrared Fast protein liquid chromatographic purification of spectroscopy—mass spectrometry system 678(1994)265 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and separation of Kudzin, Z.H., Sochacki, M. and Drabowicz, J. ADP-ribose polymers 678(1994)35 Carboxylic anhydrides—orthoesters —novel reagent Peng, C.T. systems for derivatization of aminoalkanephosphonic Retrieval of structure information from retention index acids for characterization by gas chromatography and (Review) 678(1994)189 mass spectrometry. III 678(1994)299 Kumar, N., Windisch, V., Trivedi, P. and Golebiowski, C. Immobilized metal-ion affinity partitioning of NAD*- Separation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A dependent dehydrogenases in poly(ethylene glycol)- reductase inhibitor drug substance diastereomers, and dextran two-phase systems 678(1994)25 their analogues on B-cyclodextrin stationary phase Recanatini, M., see Biagi, G.L. 678(1994)127 678(1994)259 Redondo, M.J., Ruiz, M.J., Boluda, R. and Font, G. Laughton, W.R., see Cardwell, T.J. 678(1994)364 Determination of thiobencarb residues in water and Lopez, F.J., see Sancho, JV. 678(1994)59 soil using solid-phase extraction discs 678(1994)375 Louter, A.J.H., see Rinkema, F.D. 678(1994)289 Rinkema, F.D., Louter, A.J.H. and Brinkman, U.A.Th. Luyben, K.Ch.A.M., see Valk6, I.E. 678(1994)139 Large-volume injections in gas chromatography—atomic Ma, Y. and Ito, Y. emission detection: an approach for trace-level Separations of basic amino acid benzyl esters by pH- detection in water analysis 678(1994)289 zone-refining counter-current chromatography Rosler, J., see Harfst, S. 678(1994)41 678(1994)233 Ruiz, M.J., see Redondo, M.J. 678(1994)375 Mahalakshmi, P., see Dass, C. 678(1994)249 Ruttkat, A. and Erbersdobler, H.F. Makriyannis, A., see Yin, D. 678(1994)176 Degradation of furosine during heptafluorobutyric Manes, J., see Viana, E. 678(1994)109 anhydride-derivatization for gas chromatographic Maris, F.A., see Vervoort, R.J.M. 678(1994)1 determination 678(1994)103 Martin, M., see Belgaied, J.E. 678(1994)85 Sancho, J.V., Lopez, F.J., Hernandez, F., Hogendoorn, Matsumoto, K., Ichitani, Y., Ogasawara, N., Yuki, H. and E.A. and Van Zoonen, P. Imai, K. Rapid determination of glufosinate in environmental Precolumn fluorescence derivatization of carnitine and water samples using 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl acylcarnitines with 4-(2-aminoethylamino)-7-nitro-2,1,3- precolumn derivatization, large-volume injection and benzoxadiazole prior to high-performance liquid coupled-column liquid chromatography 678(1994)59 chromatography 678(1994)241 Sato, T., see Nishi, H. 678(1994)333 Menzeleev, R.F., Krasnopolsky, Yu.M., Zvonkova, E.N. Shi, B., Keogh, R.A. and Davis, B.H. and Shvets, V.I. Gas chromatographic separation of deuterated and Preparative separation of ganglioside GM, by high- optical isomers of di-2-butyl ethers 678(1994)97 performance liquid chromatography 678(1994)183 Shin, T.-S. and Godber, J.S. Moller, D., see Harfst, S. 678(1994)41 Isolation of four tocopherols and four tocotrienols Molto, J.C., see Viana, E. 678(1994)109 from a variety of natural sources by semi-preparative Motozato, Y., see Murakami, R. 678(1994)180 high-performance liquid chromatography 678(1994)49 Murakami, R., Hachisako, H., Yamada, K. and Motozato, Shvets, V.I., see Menzeleev, R.F. 678(1994)183 *. Sochacki, M., see Kudzin, Z.H. 678(1994)299 Gel permeation chromatographic properties of Strydom, D.J. poly(vinyl alcohol) gel particles prepared by freezing Chromatographic separation of 1-phenyl-3-methyl-S- and thawing 678(1994)180 pyrazolone-derivatized neutral, acidic and basic aldoses Nakagawa, T., see Chen, N. 678(1994)327 678(1994)17 Nakai, H., see Nishi, H. 678(1994)333 Tanaka, Y., see Kobayashi, M. 678(1994)351 Nakamura, K., see Nishi, H. 678(1994)333 Terabe, S., see Chen, N. 678(1994)327 Nishi, H., Nakamura, K., Nakai, H. and Sato, T. Thanh, H.H. Chiral separation of drugs by capillary electrophoresis Migration behaviour of triiodinated X-ray contrast using B-cyclodextrin polymer 678(1994)333 media containing diol groups as borate complexes in Novakovic, J., Tvrzicka, E. and Pacakova, V. capillary electrophoresis 678(1994)343 High-performance liquid chromatographic Tjaden, U.R., see Buscher, B.A.P. 678(1994)145 determination of equine estrogens with ultraviolet Trivedi, P., see Kumar, N. 678(1994)259 absorbance and electrochemical detection Tsukamoto, T. and Ushio, T. 678(1994)359 Determination of (2S, 3S, 5R)-3-methyl-7-oxo-3-(1H- Ogasawara, N., see Matsumoto, K. 678(1994)241 1,2,3-triazol-1-ylmethyl)-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]- Ombaba, J.M. and Barry, E.F. heptane-2-carboxylic acid 4,4-dioxide (YTR-830H) and Determination of piperacillin in pharmaceutical preparations by high- (methylcyclopentadienyl )manganesetricarbonyl in performance liquid chromatography 678(1994)69 gasoline by capillary gas chromatography with Tvrzicka, E., see Novakovi¢, J. 678(1994)359 alternating current plasma emission detection Ushio, T., see Tsukamoto, T. 678(1994)69 678(1994)319 Author Index Valk6, I.E., Billiet, H.A.H., Frank, J. and Luyben, Wilkins, -C.L., see Krock, K.A. 678(1994)265 K.Ch.A.M. Windisch, V., see Kumar, N. 678(1994)259 Effect of the degree of substitution of (2- Yamada, K., see Murakami, R. 678(1994)180 hydroxy )propyl-8-cyclodextrin on the Yin, D., Khanolkar, A.D., Makriyannis, A. and enantioseparation of organic acids by capillary Froimowitz, M. electrophoresis 678(1994)139 Chiral resolution of 1,3-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperidine Van Zoonen, P., see Sancho, J.V. 678(1994)59 derivatives using high-performance liquid Van der Greef, J., see Buscher, B.A.P. 678(1994)145 chromatography with a chiral stationary phase Vervoort, R.J.M., Derksen, M.W.J. and Maris, F.A. 678(1994)176 Selection of stationary phases for the liquid Yuki, H., see Matsumoto, K. 678(1994)241 chromatographic analysis of basic compounds using Zhang, Y., see Chen, N. 678(1994)327 chemometric methods 678(1994)1 Zutautas, V., see Pesliakas, H. 678(1994)25 Viana, E., Molté, J.C., Manes, J. and Font, G. Zvonkova, E.N., see Menzeleev, R.F. 678(1994)183 Clean-up and confirmatory procedures for gas Zweifel, B., see Panzeter, P.L. 678(1994)35 chromatographic analysis of pesticide residues. Part II 678(1994)109 Weisz, A., Andrzejewski, D. and Ito, Y. Preparative separation of components of the color additive D&C Red No. 28 (phloxine B) by pH-zone- refining counter-current chromatography 678(1994)77

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