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JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY Author Index Vol. 559 Ali, H., see Guzman, N. A. 559(1991)307 Cooke, N., see Guttman, A. 559(1991)285 Banke, N., Hansen, K. and Diers, I. Cunico, R. L., Gruhn, V., Kresin, L., Nitecki, D. Detection of enzyme activity in fractions E. and Wiktorowicz, J. E. collected from free solution capillary Characterization of polyethylene glycol electrophoresis of complex samples modified proteins using charge-reversed 559(1991)325 capillary electrophoresis 559(1991)467 Barinaga, C. J., see Smith, R. D. 559(1991)197 Demorest, D. and Dubrow, R. Bonn, G., see Seitz, U. 559(1991)499 Factors influencing the resolution and Brownlee, R. G., see Schwartz, H. E. quantitation of oligonucleotides separated by 559(1991)267 capillary electrophoresis on a gel-filled Bruin, G. J. M., Stegeman, G., Van Asten, A. C., capillary 559(1991)43 Xu, X., Kraak, J. C. and Poppe, H. Diers, I., see Banke, N. 559(1991)325 Optimization and evaluation of the Dovichi, N. J., see Chen, D. Y. 559(1991)237 performance of arrangements for UV Dubrow, R., see Demorest, D. 559(1991)43 detection in high-resolution separations Edmonds, C. G., see Smith, R. D. 559(1991)197 using fused-silica capillaries 559(1991)163 El Rassi, Z., see Nashabeh, W. 559(1991)367 Buchanan, J. S., see Gurley, L. R. 559(1991)411 Escalona, , see Hernandez, L. 559(1991)183 Burgi, D. S., see Chien, R.-L. 559(1991)141 Ettori, C., see Chiari, M. 559(1991)119 Burgi, D. S., see Chien, R.-L. 559(1991)153 Florance, J. R., Konteatis, Z. D., Macielag, M. Burgi, D. S., see Salomon, K. 559(1991)69 J., Lessor, R. A. and Galdes, A. Busch, M. P., see Schwartz, H. E. 559(1991)267 Capillary zone electrophoresis studies of Chen, D. Y., Swerdlow, H. P., Harke, H. R., motilin peptides. Effects of charge, Zhang, J. Z. and Dovichi, N. J. hydrophobicity, secondary structure and Low-cost, high-sensitivity laser-induced length 559(1991)391 fluorescence detection for DNA sequencing Galdes, A., see Florance, J. R. 559(1991)391 by capillary gel electrophoresis Gale, R. J., see Ghowsi, K. 559(1991)95 559(199])237 Ghowsi, K. and Gale, R. J. Chen, F.-T. A. Field effect electroosmosis 559(1991)95 Rapid protein analysis by capillary Grossman, P. D. and Soane, D. S. electrophoresis 559(1991)445 Capillary electrophoresis of DNA in Chen, J. W., Cohen, A. S. and Karger, B. L. entangled polymer solutions 559(1991)257 Identification of DNA molecules by pre- Gruhn, V., see Cunico, R. L. 559(1991)467 column hybridization using capillary Grushka, E. electrophoresis 559(1991)295 Effect of hydrostatic flow on the efficiency in Chiari, M., Ettori, C. and Righetti, P. G. capillary electrophoresis 559(1991)81 Capillary zone electrophoresis analysis of Gurley, L. R., Buchanan, J. S., London, J. E., acrylamido buffers for isoelectric focusing in Stavert, D. M. and Lehnert, B. E. immobilized pH gradients 559(1991)119 High-performance capillary electrophoresis Chien, R.-L. and Burgi, D. S. of proteins from the fluid lining of the lungs Field amplified sample injection in high- of rats exposed to perfluoroisobutylene performance capillary electrophoresis 559(1991)411 559(1991)141 Gurley, L. R., London, J. E. and Valdez, J. G. Chien, R.-L. and Burgi, D. S. High-performance capillary electrophoresis Field-amplified polarity-switching sample of histones 559(1991)431 injection in high-performance capillary Guttman, A. and Cooke, N. electrophoresis 559(1991)153 Effect of temperature on the separation of Cohen, A. S., see Chen, J. W. 559(1991)295 DNA restriction fragments in capillary gel Compton, B. J. electrophoresis 559(1991)285 Electrophoretic mobility modeling of proteins in free zone capillary electrophoresis and its application to monoclonal antibody microheterogeneity analysis 559(1991)357 560 AUTHOR INDEX Guzman, N. A., Ali, H., Moschera, J., Iqbal, K. Lee, K.-J. and Heo, G. S. and Malick, A. W. Free solution capillary electrophoresis of Assessment of capillary electrophoresis in proteins using untreated fused-silica pharmaceutical applications. Analysis and capillaries 559(1991)317 quantification of a recombinant cytokine in Lehnert, B. E., see Gurley, L. R. 559(1991)411 an injectable dosage form 559(1991)307 Lessor, R. A., see Florance, J. R. 559(1991)391 Guzman, N., see Hernandez, L. 559(1991)183 Li, S. F. Y., see Ong, C. P. 559(1991)529 Hansen, K., see Banke, N. 559(1991)325 Li, 5. F. Y., see Ong, ©. FP. 359(1991)537 Harke, H. R., see Chen, D. Y. 559(1991)237 Li, T. M., see Harrington, S. J. 559(1991)385 Harrington, S. J., Varro, R. and Li, T. M. Liu, J., Shirota, O. and Novotny, M. High-performance capillary electrophoresis Separation of fluorescent oligosaccharide as a fast in-process control method for derivatives by microcolumn techniques based enzyme-labelled monoclonal antibody on electrophoresis and liquid conjugates 559(1991)385 chromatography 559(1991)223 Helmer, J. C., see Salomon, K. 559(1991)69 London, J. E., see Gurley, L. R. 559(1991)411 Henion, J. D., see Johansson, I. M. London, J. E., see Gurley, L. R. 559(1991)431 559(1991)515 Lopes, T., see Lee, C. S. 559(1991)133 Heo, G. S., see Lee, K.-J. 559(1991)317 Low, S. P., see Ong, C. P. 559(1991)529 Hernandez, L., Escalona, , Joshi, N. and Macielag, M. J., see Florance, J. R. Guzman, N. 559(1991)391 Laser-induced fluorescence and fluorescence Malick, A. W., see Guzman, N. A. 559(1991)307 microscopy for capillary electrophoresis zone McDonnell, T. and Pawliszyn, J. detection 559(1991)183 Capillary isotachophoresis with Hurni, W. M. and Miller, W. J. concentration-gradient detection. An Analysis of a vaccine purification process by application to the separation of synthetic capillary electrophoresis 559(1991)337 peptides 559(1991)489 Iqbal, K., see Guzman, N. A. 559(1991)307 Meier, P. and Thormann, W. Jelinek, I., see Snopek, J. 559(1991)215 Determination of thiopental in human serum Jellum, E., Thorsrud, A. K. and Time, E. and plasma by high-performance capillary Capillary electrophoresis for diagnosis and electrophoresis—micellar electrokinetic studies of human disease, particularly chromatography 559(1991)505 metabolic disorders 559(1991)455 Miller, W. J., see Hurni, W. M. 559(1991)337 Johansson, I. M., Pavelka, R. and Henion, J. D. Moschera, J., see Guzman, N. A. 559(1991)307 Determination of small drug molecules by Nashabeh, W. and El Rassi, Z. capillary electrophoresis—atmospheric Capillary zone electrophoresis of proteins pressure ionization mass spectrometry with hydrophilic fused-silica capillaries 559(1991)515 559(1991)367 Joshi, N., see Hernandez, L. 559(1991)183 Ng, C. L., see Ong, C. P. 559(1991)537 Kajiwara, H. Nitecki, D. E., see Cunico, R. L. 559(1991)467 Application of high-performance capillary Novotny, M., see Liu, J. 559(1991)223 electrophoresis to the analysis of Novotny, M., see Snopek, J. 559(1991)215 conformation and interaction of metal- Novotny, M. V., see Soini, H. 559(1991)547 binding proteins 559(1991)345 Oefner, P., see Seitz, U. 559(1991)499 Karger, B. L., see Chen, J. W. 559(1991)295 Ong, C. P., Ng, C. L., Lee, H. K. and Li, S. F. Kawahara, J., see Otsuka, K. 559(1991)209 Khaledi, M. G., see Smith, S. C. 559(1991)57 Separation of Dns-amino acids and vitamins Konteatis, Z. D., see Florance, J. R. by micellar electrokinetic chromatography 559(1991)391 559(1991)537 Kraak, J. C., see Bruin, G. J. M. 559(1991)163 Ong, C. P., Pang, S. F., Low, S. P., Lee, H. K. Kresin, L., see Cunico, R. L. 559(1991)467 and Li, S. F. Y. Lee, C. S., Wu, C.-T., Lopes, T. and Patel, B. Migration behaviour of catechols and Analysis of separation efficiency in capillary catecholamines in capillary electrophoresis electrophoresis with direct control of 559(1991)529 electroosmosis by using an external electric Otsuka, K., Kawahara, J., Tatekawa, K. and field 559(1991)133 Terabe, S. Lee, H. K., see Ong, C. P. 559(1991)529 Chiral separations by micellar electrokinetic Lee, H. K., see Ong, C. P. 559(1991)537 chromatography with sodium N-dodecanoyl- L-valinate 559(1991)209 AUTHOR INDEX 561 Pang, S. F., see Ong, C. P. 559(1991)529 Stavert, D. M., see Gurley, L. R. 559(1991)411 Patel, B., see Lee, C. S. 559(1991)133 Stegeman, G., see Bruin, G. J. M. 559(1991)163 Pavelka, R., see Johansson, 1. M. 559(1991)515 Strasters, J. K., see Smith, S.C. 559(1991)57 Pawliszyn, J. and Wu, J. Sunzeri, F. J., see Schwartz, H. E. 559(1991)267 Moving boundary capillary electrophoresis Swerdlow, H. P., see Chen, D. Y. 559(1991)237 with concentration gradient detection Takigiku, R. and Schneider, R. E. 559(1991)111 Reproducibility and quantitation of Pawliszyn, J., see McDonnell, T. 559(1991)489 separation for ribonucleoside triphosphates Popp, M., see Seitz, U. 559(1991)499 and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates by Poppe, H., see Bruin, G. J. M. 559(1991)163 capillary zone electrophoresis 559(1991)247 Righetti, P. G., see Chiari, M. 559(1991)119 Tatekawa, K., see Otsuka, K. 559(1991)209 Rodriguez, R., see Zhu, M. 559(1991)479 Terabe, S., see Otsuka, K. 559(1991)209 Salomon, K., Burgi, D. S. and Helmer, J. C. Thormann, W., see Meier, P. 559(1991)505 Evaluation of fundamental properties of a Thorsrud, A. K., see Jellum, E. 559(1991)455 silica capillary used for capillary Time, E., see Jellum, E. 559(1991)455 electrophoresis 559(1991)69 Tsuda, T. and Zare, R. N. Schneider, R. E., see Takigiku, R. 559(1991)247 Split injector for capillary zone Schwartz, H. E., Ulfelder, K., Sunzeri, F. J., electrophoresis 559(1991)103 Busch, M. P. and Brownlee, R. G. Tsuda, T., see Soini, H. 559(1991)547 Analysis of DNA restriction fragments and Udseth, H. R., see Smith, R. D. 559(1991)197 polymerase chain reaction products towards Ulfelder, K., see Schwartz, H. E. 559(1991)267 detection of the AIDS (HIV-1) virus in Valdez, J. G., see Gurley, L. R. 559(1991)431 blood 559(1991)267 Van Asten, A. C., see Bruin, G. J. M. Seitz, U., Bonn, G., Oefner, P. and Popp, M. 559(1991)163 Isotachophoretic analysis of flavonoids and Varro, R., see Harrington, S. J. 559(1991)385 phenolcarboxylic acids of relevance to Vinther, A. and Soeberg, H. phytopharmaceutical industry 559(1991)499 Mathematical model describing dispersion in Shirota, O., see Liu, J. 559(1991)223 free solution capillary electrophoresis under Smith, R. D., Udseth, H. R., Barinaga, C. J. and stacking conditions 559(1991)3 Edmonds, C. G. Vinther, A. and Soeberg, H. Instrumentation for high-performance Temperature elevations of the sample zone capillary electrophoresis—mass spectrometry in free solution capillary electrophoresis 559(1991)197 under stacking conditions 559(1991)27 Smith, S. C., Strasters, J. K. and Khaledi, M. G. Wehr, T., see Zhu, M. 559(1991)479 Influence of operating parameters on Wiktorowicz, J. E., see Cunico, R. L. reproducibility in capillary electrophoresis 559(1991)467 559(1991)57 Wu, C.-T., see Lee, C. S. 559(1991)133 Smolkova-Keulemansova, E., see Snopek, J. Wu, J., see Pawliszyn, J. 559(1991)111 559(1991)215 Xu, X., see Bruin, G. J. M. 559(1991)163 Snopek, J., Soini, H., Novotny, M., Smolkova- Yim, K. W. Keulemansova, E. and Jelinek, I. Fractionation of the human recombinant Selected applications of cyclodextrin tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) selectors in capillary electrophoresis glycoforms by high-performance capillary 559(1991)215 zone electrophoresis and capillary isoelectric Soane, D. S., see Grossman, P. D. 559(1991)257 focusing 559(1991)401 Sgeberg, H., see Vinther, A. 559(1991)3 Zare, R. N., see Tsuda, T. 559(1991)103 Seeberg, H., see Vinther, A. 559(1991)27 Zhang, J. Z., see Chen, D. Y. 559(1991)237 Soini, H., Tsuda, T. and Novotny, M. V. Zhu, M., Rodriguez, R. and Wehr, T. Electrochromatographic solid-phase Optimizing separation parameters in extraction for determination of cimetidine in capillary isoelectric focusing 559(1991)479 serum by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography 559(1991)547 Soini, H., see Snopek, J. 559(1991)215

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