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1996 Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Author Index Anno, T, 378 Iwatsuka, T, 378 Moran, MG, 91 Ashley, R, 9 Jacobs Jr, D, 183 Myers, J, 151 Balady, GJ, 38 Jensen, BE, 227 Oberman, A, 227 Balady, GJ, 239 Jette, D, 38 Ohta, T, 378 Barr, P, 63 John, FM, 47 Okuma, K, 378 Berra, K, 7, 402 Jones, PP, 47 Otto, RM, 353 Black, WR, 100 Kataoka, T, 366 Parker, ND, 56 Boro, JE, 109 Kavanaugh, T, 193 Porcari, JP, 87 Brawner, CA, 366 Kawamura, T, 378 Porcari, JP, 245 Brice, G, 245 Kekes-Szabo, T, 56 Posner, J, 93 Brunotte, F, 169 Kell, SH, 56 Postma, DS, 386 Bryant, CX, 56 Keteyian, SJ, 366 Ribisl, P, 151 Buchanan, GM, 109 Kevorkian, CG, 413 Rossi, CD, 413 Casal, D, 183 Klein, J, 117 Rouhier-Marcer, I, 169 Casillas, JM, 169 Knapik, GP, 100 Roy, BA, 251 Christie, LG, 251 Koéter, GH, 386 Ruff, JE, 280 Clarke, DE, 372 Kong, K-H, 4130 Rupp, JC, 227 Cohen, M, 169 Kramer, FM, 163 Ryan, KP, 175 Cottin, Y, 169 Lamendola, C, 402 Safran, C, 109 Covino, NA, 109 Landsberg, L, 93 Safran, DB, 109 Cuddy, TE, 372 Larsen, K, 251 Scheer, J, 38 Daub, WD, 100 Lee, JY, 227 Shaw, CE, 93 Davis, RB, 109 Leon, AS, 183 Skinner, JS, 47 Didier, JP, 169 Lerman, RH, 239 Slack, WV, 109 Downing J, 38 Levine, AB, 366 Smith, LK, 47 Durstine, JL, 402 Levine, JB, 109 Spahn CM, 239 Felando, MN, 117 Levine, TB, 366 Steele, B, 25 Fernhall, B, 394 Louis, P, 169 Strijbos, JH, 386 Fletcher, BJ, 227 Mahler, DA, 357 Stubbing, DG, 63 Fletcher, GF, 227 Manfredi, T, 394 Terry, L, 245 Forkner, T, 9 Marks, CRC, 355 Thomas, RJ, 402 Franco, MJ, 357 Massachusettes Association of Cardio- Treuth, MS, 56 Froelicher, VF, 151 vascular and Pulmonary Rehabili- van Alten, R, 386 Gervino, EV, 109 tation Database Co-investigators, Verrill, D, 9 Gimeno, F, 386 38 Vongvanich, P, 233 Greenland, P, 219 McConnell, TM, 160 Walker, JR, 0372 Grove, MA, 251 McConnell, TR, 34 Walker, P, 169 Hall, LK, 87 McCully, KK, 93 Walter, PR, 245 Haskell, W, 402 McInnis, KJ, 239 Weinsier, R, 56 Hattori, R, 378 Merterns, DJ, 193 Weiser, P, 175 Hedbiack, B, 402 Merz, CN, 117 White, M, 56 Herbert, W, 151 Merz, CNB, 233 Witt, K, 9 Hiser, E, 217 Milani, J, 394 Wolf, JE, 169 Honeyman, P, 63 Miller, NH, 349, 402 Wygand, J, 353 Hunter, GR, 56 Mizuno, Y, 378 Yokoi, M, 378 Ichihara, Y, 378 Moore, SM, 123, 163 ] Cardiopulmonary Rehabil 1996;16:429 429 1996 Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Subject Index Abstracts, 68, 130, 197, 258, 419 early strength training and, 100 Coronary artery bypass graft surgery, Age, changes in exercise capacity fol- peak oxygen uptake and skeletal hemoglobin-hematocrit levels and, lowing cardiac rehabilitation and, metabolism and, 169 251 38 supervised exercise and ECG moni- Coronary artery disease Airflow limitation, chronic, effect of toring during, 233 cholesterol awareness in patients wheeled walking aid on, 63 use of telephone in, 349 with, 117 American Association of Cardiovascu- use of walking poles in, 245 effect of exercise on ventilatory lar and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Cardiac rehabilitation programs threshold in, 227 Eleventh Annual Meeting, 280 gender and, 402 effect of hemoglobin on oxygen up- American College of Sports Medicine, gender preferences for, 163 take in, 251 exercise specialist, 353 monitoring and supervision of, estimating oxygen consumption dur- Anaerobic threshold, blood lactate guidelines for, 9 ing treadmill and arm ergo- and, 227 women’s views of, 123 metry activity in, 394 Ankle-brachial index, 47 Cardiopulmonary cycle ergometer low physical activity and, 378 Arm ergometry, oxygen consumption stress test, submaximal, results in safety and effectiveness of walking in coronary artery disease and, older adults, 93 poles and, 245 394 Cardiopulmonary exercise _ testing Coronary heart disease, risk factors for, Arm exercise, responses in patients (CPEX), clinical applications of, effects of 2000 kcal per week of ex- with compensated heart failure, 357 ercise and, 183 366 Cardiopulmonary illness, chronic, ex- CPEX. See Cardiopulmonary exercise Asthma, diagnosis of, vocal cord dys- ercise capacity in, timed walking testing function and, 91 tests of, 25 Cycle ergometry, exercise stress testing Atrial fibrillation, chronic, exercise Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, in- and, 93 training and, 193 ternships in, 87 Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation pro- Depression, rehospitalization of pa- Blood pressure, systolic, total body grams tients with cardiac disease and, strength training and, 56 home-care, 386 109 Book Reviews, 72, 134, 202, 262 Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Dela- Disability, in COPD, effect of wheeled Breathlessness, in COPD, effect of ware regional survey of, 175 walking aid on, 63 wheeled walking aid on, 63 Cardiovascular disease, rehospitaliza- tion of patients with, 109 ECG monitoring, in cardiac rehabilita- Cardiac disease, patients hospitalized Cardiovascular medicine, future of, tion, 9 with, predictors of subsequent 219 Editorials, 9 medical care among, 109 Cholesterol awareness, in patients Electrocardiographic monitoring, car- Cardiac patients, exercise complica- with coronary artery disease, 117 diac rehabilitation and, 233 é tions in, 9 Chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- Energy expenditure, during exercise in Cardiac rehabilitation ease (COPD) obese women, 239 changes in exercise capacity follow- disability, oxygenation, and breath- Exercise ing, 38 lessness in, effect of wheeled effect on ventilatory threshold in changes in health-care delivery and, walking aid on, 63 men with coronary artery dis- 151 home-care rehabilitation program ease, 227 cholesterol awareness and, 117 and, 386 supervised, cardiac rehabilitation in coronary artery disease, effect of Claudication pain, peripheral vascular and, 233 hemoglobin on oxygen uptake, occlusive disease and, 47 Exercise capacity 251 Cookbooks, "heart healthy", 217 changes following cardiac rehabili- after heart surgery, 413 COPD. See Chronic obstructive pul- tation, 38 after myocardial infarction monary disease timed walking tests of, 25 430 ] Cardiopulmonary Rehabil 1996;16:430-431 Exercise conditioning services, deliv- recovery after, perceived overpro- Safety ery of, 175 tectiveness and, 372 strength training early after myocar- Exercise prescription, 34 rehabilitation after, peak oxygen up- dial infarction and, 100 Exercise specialist, American College take and skeletal muscle meta- use of walking poles by patients of Sports Medicine, 353 bolism and, 169 with coronary artery disease Exercise therapy, Pennsylvania, New strength training early after, 100 and, 245 Jersey, and Delaware regional sur- Skeletal muscle metabolism, oxygen vey of, 175 National Cholesterol Education Pro- uptake and, rehabilitation Exercise tolerance, compensated heart gram (NCEP), 117 after myocardial infarction and, failure and, 366 NCEP. See National Cholesterol Edu- 169 Exercise tolerance test, results in older cation Program Stair climbing, effects on physical fit- adults, 93 New Products and Services, 74, 138, ness and risk factors for coronary Exercise training 205, 266, 432 heart disease, 183 patients with chronic atrial fibrilla- Nutrition, 217 StairMaster exercise training, patients tion and, 193 with intermittent claudication patients with intermittent claudica- Obesity, oxygen uptake and energy ex- and, 47 tion and, 47 penditure during exercise and, Strength training risks of, 9 239 cardiovascular responses during Overprotectiveness, recovery after submaximal walk and, 56 Focus groups, cardiac rehabilitation myocardial infarction and, 372 early after myocardial infarction, programs and, 123 Oxygenation, in COPD, effect of 100 wheeled walking aid on, 63 Stress test, results in older adults, 93 Gender Oxygen consumption, in coronary ar- cardiac rehabilitation programs and, tery disease, treadmill and arm er- Telephone, cardiac and pulmonary re- 163, 402 gometry activity and, 394 habilitation and, 349 changes in exercise capacity following Oxygen intake, exercise training in Training Level Comparison (TLC) cardiac rehabilitation and, 38 chronic atrial fibrillation and, 193 Trial, 227 Geriatrics, exercise stress testing and, Oxygen uptake Treadmill activity, oxygen consump- 93 in coronary artery disease tion in coronary artery disease effect of exercise on, 227 and, 394 Habituation, exercise stress testing effect of hemoglobin on, 251 Treadmill exercise training, patients and, 93 during exercise in obese women, 239 with intermittent claudication Health care costs physical activity and coronary risk and, 47 reasons for increases in, 151 factors in middle-aged Japanese Treadmill test heart rate/oxygen up- rehospitalization of patients with and, 378 take regressions, selecting train- cardiac disease and, 109 skeletal muscle metabolism and, re- ing workloads using, 160 Health-care delivery, changes in, car- habilitation after myocardial in- diac rehabilitation and, 151 farction and, 169 Ventilatory threshold, in coronary ar- Heart failure, compensated, arm exer- treadmill testing and, 160 tery disease, effect of exercise on, cise and, 366 227 Heart rate Peripheral vascular occlusive disease Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD), 91 total body strength training and, 56 (POVD), claudication pain treadmill testing and, 160 and, 47 Walking, effects on physical fitness Heart surgery, cardiac rehabilitation Physical activity, coronary artery dis- and risk factors for coronary heart after, 413 ease and, 378 disease, 183 Hemoglobin, oxygen uptake in coro- Physical fitness, effects of 2000 kcal per Walking aids, patients with chronic nary artery disease and, 251 week of exercise on, 183 airflow limitation and, 63 Home-Care Rehabilitation Program Pulmonary rehabilitation, use of tele- Walking poles, safety and effectiveness (HCRP), chronic obstructive pul- phone in, 349 of, patients with coronary artery monary disease and, 386 Pulmonary rehabilitation programs, disease and, 245 Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Women Letters to Editor, 136, 427 and Delaware regional survey of, cardiac rehabilitation programs and, Literature Update, 68, 130, 197, 258, 175 123 419 obese, oxygen uptake and energy Rate pressure product (RPP), expenditure during exercise in, Medical care, rehospitalization of pa- total body strength training and, 239 tients with cardiac disease and, 109 56 Work rate, exercise training in chronic Myocardial infarction RPP. See Rate pressure product atrial fibrillation and, 193 Subject Index 1996 - 431

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