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1992 Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Subject Index Age, and cardiac disease in public safety of- Competence and quality in rehabilitation, ergometer, 244-252 ficers, 51-54 managing for, 237-242 Exercise Angioplasty, coronary, return to work af- Compliance beta-blockers affecting heart rate in, 202- ter, 20-24 and exercise endurance in chronic obstruc- 206 Anticoagulants, oral, improving safety of, tive pulmonary disease, 105-110 blood pressure measurements in, 277-285 15-17 with exercise programs, 18-19 caffeine affecting heart rate and blood pres- Arkansas physicians, views on rehabilita- with low-fat vegetarian diet in cardiac dis- sure in prolonged walking, D3 tion, 32-35 ease, D5 gender differences in cardiac response to, Arm exercise with outpatient rehabilitation services, 183-186 on air-braked ergometer, cardiorespiratory 25-30 and life style changes affecting atheroscle- responses to, 244-252 Coronary angioplasty, return to work after, rosis progression, 159-163 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 20-24 walking with ankle and wrist weights in hemodynamic and respiratory responses Coronary artery bypass surgery cardiac disease, 254-259 to, D4 effects on smoking behavior, D6 Exercise testing ergometry in prediction of treadmill per- exercise testing after, prediction of oxygen after bypass surgery, and prediction of ox- formance, 36-41 uptake in, 111-115 ygen uptake, 111-115 postinfarction, with leg ergometry, 174-181 Coronary artery disease arm ergometry and treadmill performance Asthma risk, with inhaled beta-agonists, functional classes affecting energy expen- in, 36-41 233-235 diture in daily activities, 56-61 energy expenditure in coronary heart dis- Atherosclerosis progression, life style infarction in. See Myocardial infarction and ease of different functional classes, 56-61 changes affecting, 159-163 prediction of oxygen uptake after bypass oxygen cost and heart rate in treadmill surgery, 111-115 walking on soft platform belt, D2 Beta-agonists, inhaled, and risk of fatal secondary prevention by lowering choles- postinfarction arm crank with leg ergome- asthma, 233-235 terol, 87-90 try in, 174-181 Beta-blockers, and heart rate response to responses to maximal treadmill and arm ex- exercise, 202-206 Daily activities ercises in chronic obstructive pulmonary Blood pressure and energy expenditure in coronary heart disease, D4 calcium intake affecting, 13-14 disease of different functional classes, Exercise training diet and exercise program in hypertension 56-61 benefits in chronic obstructive pulmonary with diabetes, 194-200 postinfarction leisure and social activity af- disease, 188-192 measurements at rest and during exercise, ter rehabilitation program, 117-124 cholesterol levels in, 42-49 277-285 Depression, in chronic oi structive pulmo- compliance affecting endurance in chronic in prolonged walking, caffeine affecting, nary disease, 261-268 obstructive pulmonary disease, 105-110 D3 Diabetes mellitus, hypertension with, diet dietary program with, in diabetes with hy- Bypass surgery and exercise program in, 194-200 pertension, 194-200 effects on smoking behavior, D6 Diet. See Nutrition evolution at San Diego State University, exercise testing after, prediction of oxygen 70-71 uptake in, 111-115 Editorials, 87-90, 159-163 improving compliance with, 18-19 Energy expenditure and prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscita- Caffeine, and heart rate and blood pressure with air-braked ergometer, 244-252 tion by conditioned patients, 208-212 response to prolonged walking, D3 in daily activities of coronary heart disease resonses to leg and arm work in air-braked Calcium intake, affecting blood pressure, patients of different functional classes, ergometer, 244-252 13-14 56-61 and ventilatory threshold in heart trans- Cardiopulmonary _ resuscitation, pro- in treadmill walking on soft platform belt, plant recipients, 126-129 longed, by conditioned patients with car- D2 walking with ankle and wrist weights in diac disease, 208-212 Ergometry cardiac disease, 254-259 Children, actual dietary intake compared to arm performance in prediction of treadmill recommendations, 92-93 capacity, 36-41 Fatty acids in n-3 family, affecting cardio- Cholesterol levels postinfarction arm crank exercise with leg vascular health, 288-292 endurance training affecting, 42-49 ergometry, 174-181 Fish oil intake, affecting cardiovascular oat cereals affecting, 164-166 responses to arm ergometry exercises in health, 288-292 omega-3 fatty acids affecting, 288-292 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, reduction as secondary prevention mea- D4 Gender, and left ventricular response to sure, 87-90 responses to leg and arm work in air-braked exercise, 183-186 Subject Index 1992+447 Heart disease benefits of exercise training in, 188-192 105-110 compliance with low-fat vegetarian diet in, comparison of two adaptive pacemakers in, cost of services in, 171-173 D5 270-275 and depression in chronic obstructive pul- prolonged CPR by conditioned patients in, depression in, 261-268 monary disease, 261-268 208-212 exercise compliance affecting endurance in, evolution at San Diego State University, walking with ankle and wrist weights in, 105-110 70-71 254-259 responses to maximal treadmill and arm ex- life style changes in, 159-163 Heart rate ercises in, D4 occupational therapist in, 98-104 comparison of two pacemaker models in Occupational therapist, role of, 98-104 views of Arkansas physicians on, 32-35 patients with pulmonary disease, 270- Omega-3 fatty acids, affecting cardiovas- Relaxation techniques, and life style 275 cular health, 288-292 changesaffecting atherosclerosis progres- in exercise, beta-blockers affecting, 202-206 Outpatient rehabilitation services, atten- sion, 159-163 in prolonged walking, caffeine affecting, dance in, 25-30 Respiratory responses, in maximal tread- D3 Oxygen cost mill and arm exercises in COPD, D4 Heart transplantation, and ventilatory in daily activities of coronary heart disease Risk factors threshold after exercise training, 126-129 patients of different functional classes, evaluation in public safety officers, 51-54 Hemodynamic responses, in maximal tread- 56-61 serum cholesterol levels, 87-90 mill and arm exercises in chronic obstruc- in treadmill walking on soft platform belt, tive pulmonary disease, D4 D2 Safety of oral anticoagulants, improvement Hypertension in diabetes mellitus, diet and Oxygen uptake of, 15-17 exercise program in, 194-200 prediction from treadmill performance af- San Diego State University, evolution of ter bypass surgery, 111-115 cardiac rehabilitation in, 70-71 Infarction. See Myocardial infarction and ventilatory threshold after exercise Sex-related differences, in cardiac response training in heart transplant recipients, to exercise, 183-186 Leg exercise 126-129 Smoking behavior, coronary artery bypass on air-braked ergometer, cardiorespiratory in work on air-braked ergometer, 244-252 surgery affecting, D6 responses to, 244-252 Stress reduction, and life style changes af- postinfarction, arm crank exercise with, Pacemakers, comparison of two models in fecting atherosclerosis progression, 159- 174-181 patients with pulmonary disease, 270- 163 Letters to the editor, 302-303 275 Sudden death, and risk factors in public Life style changes, affecting atherosclerosis Practice issues safety officers, 51-54 progression, 159-163 compliance with exercise programs, 18-19 Lipid levels. See Cholesterol levels costs of rehabilitation services, 171-173 Theophylline, toxicity of, 167-169 managed-care negotiations, 170-171 Transplantation of heart, and ventilatory Managed-care organizations, negotiations operations management modeling to deter- threshold after exercise training, 126-129 with, 170-171 mine optimal case mix of three cardiac Treadmill exercise Management practices. See Practice issues services, D-1 after bypass surgery, prediction of oxygen Myocardial infarction quality management methods, 237-242 uptake in, 111-115 and leisure and social activities after reha- role of occupational therapist, 98-104 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bilitation program, 117-124 Psychologic outcome hemodynamic and respiratory responses postinfarction arm crank with leg ergome- in depression with chronic obstructive pul- to, D4 try in exercise testing, 174-181 monary disease, 261-268 performance prediction with arm ergome- reinfarction prevention by lowering cho- occupational therapy affecting, 98-104 try, 36-41 lesterol, 87-90 Public safety officers, cardiac disease in, on soft platform belt, oxygen cost and heart 51-54 rate response in, D2 Nitroglycerin, properties of, 94-97 Pulmonary patients. See also Obstructive Nutrition pulmonary disease, chronic (COPD) Ventilatory threshold, after exercise train- actual intake of young children compared asthma risk with inhaled beta-agonists, 233- ing in heart transplant recipients, 126- to recommendations, 92-93 235 129 calcium intake affecting blood pressure, 13-14 Quality management methods, 237-242 Walking compliance with low-fat vegetarian diet in Quality of life with ankle and wrist weights, in cardiac cardiac disease, D5 after coronary angioplasty, 20-24 disease, 254-259 intensive diet and exercise program in dia- occupational therapy affecting, 98-104 prolonged, caffeine affecting heart rate and betes with hypertension, 194-200 pulmonary rehabilitation program affect- blood pressure in, D3 and life style changes affecting atheroscle- ing, 105-110 Warfarin, improving safety of, 15-17 rosis progression, 159-163 Weighted exercise, in walking with ankle lipid-lowering effects of oat cereals, 164- Rehabilitation programs and wrist weights in cardiac disease, 166 affecting postinfarction leisure and social 254-259 omega-3 fatty acids affecting cardiovascular activities, 117-124 Work activity health, 288-292 after coronary angioplasty, 20-24 after coronary angioplasty, 20-24 attendance in outpatient services, 25-30 assessment by occupational therapist, 98- Oat cereals, lipid-lowering effects of, 164- and bypass surgery affecting smoking be- 104 166 havior, D6 functional classes of coronary heart disease Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic compliance affecting exercise endurance in affecting energy expenditure in, 56-61 (COPD) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sudden cardiac death in, 51-54 448-Subject Index 1992

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