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Author Index Angel IT, 75 LaBahn DW, 173 Athanassopoulos AD, 191 Lee O, 219 Li ZG, 121 Bernhardt KL, 161 Brouthers LE, 231 Mak YT, 147 Murray LW, 121 Butel L, 27 Parker AR, 55 Childers TL, 109 Pelled LH, 209 Cragg MI, 3 Phelps B, 1 Cummings TG, 209 Ritchie JRB, 91 Dobni D, 91 Rose GM, 239 Donthu N, 161 Roush ML, 147 Dyck IJ, 3 Scott D, 121 Fenwick GD, 135 Shoham A, 239 Forrester RH, 35 Slater J, 75 Hung S-C, 47 Viswanathan M, 109 Javalgi RG, 219 Watkins A, 27 Watkins J, 65 Kahle LR, 239 White DS, 219 Kaynama SA, 19 Whittington R, 47 Keesling G, 19 Wilkinson TJ, 231 Kennett PA, 161 Wright CI, 135 Kizilos MA, 209 Krapfel R, 173 Zerbe W, 91 Journal of Business Research 47, 253 (2000) © 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 0148-2963/00/$-see front matter 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 Pll $0148-2963(99)00117-4 Ba S I E T e B a paauS nh Pee A R AD Se NOD FIA IVAN ET Subject Index AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENTAL (NATURAL) ISSUES Capturing Learning and Applying Knowledge: An The Impact and Implications of Environmentally Linked Investigation of the Use of Innovation Teams in Strategies on Competitive Advantage: A Study of Japanese and American Automotive Firms, 35 Malaysian Companies, 75 EXECUTIVE PAY BANKING INDUSTRY Executive Pay and UK Privatization: The Demise of ‘One Customer Satisfaction Cues To Support Market Segmentation Country, Two Systems’, 3 and Explain Switching Behavior, 191 EXPORT Is a Step-by-Step Approach to Change a Viable Option for An Evaluation of State Sponsored Promotion Programs, 231 the U.K. Retail Banking Sector?, 65 Firm Characteristics Influencing Export Propensity: An BEVERAGE INDUSTRY Empirical Investigation by Industry Type, 219 The Influence of Organizational Demography on Customer- Oriented Prosocial Behavior: An Exploratory FAST-FOOD RESTAURANTS Investigation, 209 A Longitudinal Analysis of Satisfaction and Profitability, 161 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS Factors Affecting the Characteristics of Boards of Directors: FEDERAL SUBSIDIES An Empirical Investigation of the Nonprofit Organization An Empirical Study of New Zealand Initial Public Responses to Anticipated Changes in Government Offering Firms, 147 Support for HIV/AIDS Services: A Cross-Regional CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Analysis, 19 Effect of a Buy-National Campaign on Member Firm Performance, 135 GAS SUPPLY INDUSTRY Global Sourcing, Multiple Country-of-Origin Facets, and Evolving Complex Organizational Structures in New and Consumer Reactions, 121 Unpredictable Environments, 27 A Longitudinal Analysis of Satisfaction and Profitability, 161 GLOBAL SOURCING Representation of Numerical and Verbal Product Information Global Sourcing, Multiple Country-of-Origin Facets, and in Consumer Memory, 109 Consumer Reactions, 121] COUNTRY-OF-ORIGIN RESEARCH GREEK RESEARCH Effect of a Buy-National Campaign on Member Firm Customer Satisfaction Cues To Support Market Segmentation Performance, 135 and Explain Switching Behavior, 191 Global Sourcing, Multiple Country-of-Origin Facets, and Consumer Reactions, 121 HEALTH CARE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION An Empirical Investigation of the Nonprofit Organization Customer Satisfaction Cues To Support Market Segmentation Responses to Anticipated Changes in Government and Explain Switching Behavior, 191 Support for HIV/AIDS Services: A Cross-Regional A Longitudinal Analysis of Satisfaction and Profitability, 161 Analysis, 19 ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION An Empirical Investigation of the Nonprofit Organization Is a Step-by-Step Approach to Change a Viable Option for Responses to Anticipated Changes in Government the U.K. Retail Banking Sector?, 65 Support for HIV/AIDS Services: A Cross-Regional Analysis, 19 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY Evolving Complex Organizational Structures in New and Playing by the Rules: Institutional Foundations of Success and Unpredictable Environments, 27 Failure in the Taiwanese IT Industry, 47 Journal of Business Research 47, 255-257 (2000) © 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 0148-2963/00/$-see front matter 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 Pll S0148-2963(99)00116-2 256 J Busn Res Subject Index 1999:47:255-257 INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING FIRMS PROSOCIAL ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Factors Affecting the Characteristics of Boards of Directors: The Influence of Organizational Demography on Customer- An Empirical Study of New Zealand Initial Public Oriented Prosocial Behavior: An Exploratory Offering Firms, 147 Investigation, 209 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTS ON STRATEGY Playing by the Rules: Institutional Foundations of Success and RECREATION Failure in the Taiwanese IT Industry, 47 Practitioners of Risky Sports: A Quantitative Examination, 239 ISRAEL RESEARCH RETAIL SALES Practitioners of Risky Sports: A Quantitative Examination, 239 Effect of a Buy-National Campaign on Member Firm Performance, 135 Global Sourcing, Multiple Country-of-Origin Facets, and JAPANESE RESEARCH Consumer Reactions, 121 Capturing Learning and Applying Knowledge: An Representation of Numerical and Verbal Product Information Investigation of the Use of Innovation Teams in in Consumer Memory, 109 Japanese and American Automotive Firms, 35 SERVICE QUALITY MEASUREMENT MALAYSIAN RESEARCH Customer Satisfaction Cues To Support Market Segmentation The Impact and Implications of Environmentally Linked Strategies on Competitive Advantage: A Study of and Explain Switching Behavior, 191 Malaysian Companies, 75 SERVICE WORKER PRODUCTIVITY Organizational Values: The Inside View of Service MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Firm Characteristics Influencing Export Propensity: An Productivity, 91 Empirical Investigation by Industry Type, 219 SPORTS CONSUMPTION Practitioners of Risky Sports: A Quantitative Examination, 239 NATIONAL SYSTEMS STATE GOVERNMENT PROMOTION Executive Pay and UK Privatization: The Demise of ‘One An Evaluation of State Sponsored Promotion Programs, 231 Country, Two Systems’, 3 STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS Playing by the Rules: Institutional Foundations of Success and The Impact and Implications of Environmentally Linked ; Failure in the Taiwanese IT Industry, 47 Strategies on Competitive Advantage: A Study of NEW ZEALAND RESEARCH Malaysian Companies, 75 Effect of a Buy-National Campaign on Member Firm STRATEGY DYNAMICS Performance, 135 Capturing Learning and Applying Knowledge: An Factors Affecting the Characteristics of Boards of Directors: Investigation of the Use of Innovation Teams in An Empirical Study of New Zealand Initial Public Japanese and American Automotive Firms, 35 Offering Firms, 147 An Empirical Investigation of the Nonprofit Organization NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Responses to Anticipated Changes in Government | An Empirical Investigation of the Nonprofit Organization Support for HIV/AIDS Services: A Cross-Regional Responses to Anticipated Changes in Government Analysis, 19 Support for HIV/AIDS Services: A Cross-Regional Evolving Complex Organizational Structures in New and Analysis, 19 Unpredictable Environments, 27 Executive Pay and UK Privatization: The Demise of ‘One ORGANIZATIONAL DEMOGRAPHY Country, Two Systems’, 3 The Influence of Organizational Demography on Customer- The Impact and Implications of Environmentally Linked Oriented Prosocial Behavior: An Exploratory Strategies on Competitive Advantage: A Study of Investigation, 209 Malaysian Companies, 75 Impact on the Organizational Performance of the PRIVATIZATION Strategy—Technology Policy Interaction, 55 Executive Pay and UK Privatization: The Demise of ‘One Introduction: Special Issue on the Dynamics of Strategy, 1 Country, Two Systems’, 3 Playing by the Rules: Institutional Foundations of Success and PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Failure in the Taiwanese IT Industry, 47 Early Supplier Involvement in Customer New Product Is a Step-by-Step Approach to Change a Viable Option for Development: A Contingency Model of Component the U.K. Retail Banking Sector?, 65 Supplier Intentions, 173 STRATEGY-TECHNOLOGY INTERACTION PRODUCT INFORMATION Impact on the Organizational Performance of the Representation of Numerical and Verbal Product Information Strategy—Technology Policy Interaction, 55 in Consumer Memory, 109 Is a Step-by-Step Approach to Change a Viable Option for the U.K. Retail Banking Sector?, 65 PROFITABILITY SUPPLIERS A Longitudinal Analysis of Satisfaction and Profitability, 161 Subject Index J Busn Res 257 1999:47:255-257 Early Supplier Involvement in Customer New Product TRADE SHOWS Development: A Contingency Model of Component An Evaluation of State Sponsored Promotion Programs, 231 Supplier Intentions, 173 UNITED KINGDOM RESEARCH | TAIWAN RESEARCH Evolving Complex Organizational Structures in New and Playing by the Rules: Institutional Foundations of Success and Unpredictable Environments, 27 Failure in the Taiwanese IT Industry, 47 Executive Pay and UK Privatization: The Demise of ‘One TEAM INNOVATION Country, Two Systems’, 3 Capturing Learning and Applying Knowledge: An Is a Step-by-Step Approach to Change a Viable Option for Investigation of the Use of Innovation Teams in the U.K. Retail Banking Sector?, 65 Japanese and American Automotive Firms, 35 TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY VALUE SYSTEMS Impact on the Organizational Performance of the Organizational Values: The Inside View of Service Strategy—Technology Policy Interaction, 55 Productivity, 91 oF Be eeeaeisNs Fay“ ps ses ene aek Ss

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