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INDEX to THE JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY Volume 32 Number 1 (February 2006) pp. 1-112 Number 2 (May 2006) pp. 113-248 Number 3 (August 2006) pp. 249-396 Number 4 (November 20()6) pp. 397-516 Authors: ADAMS, SCOTT, see Combs, D. R. ALLEYNE, VANESSA L., see Constantine, M. G. ANGLIN, DEIDRE M., “Shifting: The Double Lives of Bkiek Women in Aineriea, by C. Jones and K. Shorter-Gooden” [Book Review), 390. ARONSON, JOSHUA, see Davis III, C. ASHCRAFT, AMIE. see Boyd. K. BARKSDALE. CRYSTAL, see Molock. S. D. BARNES, DONNA HOLLAND, "The Aftermath of Suicide Among African Americans,” 335. BELGRAVE, FAYE Z., see Boyd. K. BENNETT JR., M. DANIEL. "Culture and Context: A Study of NeighborhrxKl Effects on Racial Socialization and Ethnic Identity Content in a Sample of African American Adolescents,” 479. BOWMAN, MARVELLA A., see Prelow. H. M. BOYD, KIMBERLY, AMIE ASHCRAFT, and FAYE Z. BELGRAVE, "The Impact of Mother-Daughter and Father-Daughter Relationships on Drug Refusal Self-Eft'icacy Among African American Adolescent Girls in Urban Communities,” 29. BOYKIN, A. WADE, see Serpell. Z. N. BROWN, KENDRICK T.. “Black Demons: The Media's Depiction of the African American Male Criminal Stereotype, by D. Rome” (Book Review], 243. BYBEE, DEBORAH, see Lewis, K. M. CARTER, ROBERT T., see Hall, S. P. JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 32 No. 4, November 2(X)6 507-511 © 2(K)6 The Association of Black Psychologists 508 JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY / NOVEMBER 2(K)6 CASSISL JEFFREY, see Combs. D. R. CHEN, WILLIAM W., see Mosher. C. E. COGBURN, COURTNEY D.. see Neblett Jr., E. W. COMBS, DENNIS R., DAVID L. PENN, JEFFREY CASSISI, CHRIS MICHAEL, TERRY WOOD, JILL WANNER, and SCOTT ADAMS, “Perceived Racism as a Predictor of Paranoia Among African Americans." 87. CONSTANTINE. MADONNA G., VANESSA L. ALLEYNE, BARBARA C. WALLACE, and DEIDRE C. FRANKLIN-JACKSON. “Africentric Cultural Values; Their Relation to Positive Mental Health in African American Adolescent Girls.” 141. COOK, SARAH, see Kaslow, N. J. CROSBY, ALEX E., and SHERRY DAVIS MOLOCK. "Introduction: Suicidal Behaviors in the African American Community.” 253. DAVIS III. CLAYTIE. JOSHUA ARONSON, and MOISES SALINAS. "Shades of Threat: Black Racial Identity as a Moderator of Stereotype Threat,” 399. DAVIS, CARLA. "Wlute-W'ashing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society, by Michael K. Brown. Martin Carnoy, Elliott Currie, Troy Duster, David B. Oppenheimer, Marjorie M. Shultz and David Wellman” [Book Review), 105. DURANT, TONJl. JAMES MERCY. MARCIE-JO KRESNOW, THOMAS SIMON, LLOYD POTFER, and W. RODNEY HAMMOND, "Racial Differences in Hopelessness as a Risk Factor for a Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempt.” 285. DZOKOTO, VIVIAN AFl, and SUMIE OKAZAKI, "Happiness in the Eye and the Heart: Somatic Referencing in West African Emotion Lexica,” 117. FRANKLIN-JACKSON, DEIDRE C.. see Constantine. M. G. GRIFFIN-FENNELL. FELICIA, and MICHELLE WILLIAMS, "Examining the Complexities of Suicidal Behavior in the African American Community,” 303. HALL. SCHEKEVA P., and ROBERT T. CARTER. "The Relati^mship Between Racial Identity, Ethnic Identity, and Perceptions of Racial Discrimination in an Afro-Caribbean Descent Sample.” 155. HAMMOND. W. RODNEY, see Durant. T. HOLMES, MARCELLE CHRISTIAN, "African American Psychology, by F. Z. Belgrave and K. W. Allison” [Book Review], 501. JACOBS, CARLI H., see Kaslow, N. J. JOE, SEAN. "Explaining Changes in the Patterns of Black Suicide in the United States From 1981 to 2(K)2: An Age, Cohort, and Period Analysis,” 262. JOE. SEAN, see Walker, R. L. KASLOW. NADINE J.. CARLI H. JACOBS. SHARON L. YOUNG, and SARAH COOK. "Suicidal Behavior Among Low-Income African American Women: A Comparison of First-Time and Repeat Suicide Attempters,” 349. KERPELMAN, JENNIFER, and LLOYD WHITE. "Interpersonal Identity and StKial Capital: The Importance of Commitment for Low Income, Rural, African American Adolescents.” 219. KRESNOW, MARCIE-JO, see Durant. T. LESTER, DAVID, see Walker, R. L. LEWIS, KELLY M., CRIS M. SULLIVAN, and DEBORAH BYBEE. “An Experimental Evaluation of a School-Based Emancipatory Intervention to Promote African American Well-Being and Youth Leadership,” 3. MADHERE. SERGE, see Serpell. Z. N. MATLIN, SAMANTHA, see Molock, S. D. INDEX 309 MERCY. JAMES, see Durant. T. MICHAEL. CHRIS, see Combs. D. R. MOLOCK. SHERRY DAVIS. RUPA PURI. SAMANTHA MATLIN. and CRYSTAL BARKSDALE. "Relationship Between Religious Coping and Suicidal Behaviors Among Afriean Ameriean Adoleseents.” 366. MOLOCK. SHERRY DAVIS, see Crosby. A. E. MOSHER. CATHERINE E.. HAZEL M. PRELOW. WILLIAM W. CHEN, and MOLLY E. YACKEL. "Coping and Social Support as Mediators of the Relation of Optimism to Depressive Symptoms Among Black College Students." 72. MOSHER. CATHERINE E.. see Prelow. H. M. NASIM. AASHIR. see Serpell. Z. N. NEBLETT JR.. ENRIQUE W.. CHERI L. PHILIP. COURTNEY D. COGBURN. and ROBERT M. SELLERS. "African American Adolescents' Discrimination Experiences and Academic Achievement: Racial S(x;iali/ation as a Cultural Compensatory and Protective Factor." 199. OKAZAKI. SUMIE. see Dzokoto. V. A. PENN. DAVID L.. see Combs. D. R. PHILIP. CHERI L.. see Neblett Jr.. E. W. POTTER. LLOYD, see Durant. T. PRELOW', HAZEL M.. CATHERINE E. MOSHER, and MARVELLA A. BOWMAN, “Perceived Racial Discrimination, Social Support, and Psychological Adjustment Among African American College Students." 442. PRELOW. HAZEL M.. see Mosher. C. E. PURI. RUPA. see MokKk. S. D. ROLLINS, VANESSA B., and JESSE N. VALDEZ. “Perceived Racism and Career Self- Efficacy in African American Adolescents.” 176. SALINAS. MOISES, see Davis III. C SELLERS. ROBERT M., see Neblett Jr.. E. W. SERPELL. ZEWELANJl N.. A. WADE BOYKIN, SERGE MADHERE. and AASHIR NASIM, "The Significance of Contextual Factors in African American Students' Transfer of Learning,” 418. SIMON. THOMAS, see Durant. T. SULLIVAN. CRIS M., see Lewis. K. M. VALDEZ. JESSE N., see Rollins. V. B. WALKER. RHEEDA L., DAVID LESTER, and SEAN JOE. "Lay Theories of Suicide: An Examination of Culturally Relevant Suicide Beliefs and Attributions Among African Americans and European Americans." 320. WALLACE. BARBARA C., see Constantine. M. G. WANNER. JILL, see Combs. D. R. WHITE, AARONETTE M., "African American Feminist Fathers' Narratives of Parenting.” 43. W'HITE. AARONETTE M.. "Racial and Gender Attitudes and Predictors of Feminist Activism Among Self-Identified African American Feminists.” 433. WHITE, LLOYD, see Kerpelman. J. WILLIAMS, MICHELLE, see Griffm-Fennell. F. WOOD. TERRY, see Combs. D. R. YACKEL, MOLLY E., see Mosher. C. E. » YOUNG, SHARON L., see Kaslow, N. J. 510 JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY / NOVEMBER 2006 Articles: "The Aftermath of Suicide Among African Americans.” Barnes, 335. “African American Adolescents’ Discrimination Experiences and Academic Achievement: Racial Socialization as a Cultural Compensatory and Protective Factor,” Neblett Jr. et al., 199. “African American Feminist Fathers’ Narratives of Parenting,” White. 43. “Africentric Cultural Values: Their Relation to Positive Mental Health in African American Adolescent Girls," Constantine ct al., 141. “Coping and Social Support as Mediators of the Relation of Optimism to Depressive Symptoms Among Black College Students.” Mosher et al., 72. “Culture and Context: A Study of Neighborhood Effects on Racial Socialization and Ethnic Identity Content in a Sample of African American Adolescents.” Bennett Jr. et al., 479. “Examining the Complexities of Suicidal Behavior in the African American Community,” Griftin-Fennell and Williams, 303. “An Experimental Evaluation of a School-Based Emancipatory Intervention to Promote African American Well-Being and Youth Leadership,” Lewis et al., 3. “Explaining Changes in the Patterns of Black Suicide in the United States From 1981 to 2(K)2: An Age, Cohort, and Period Analysis.” Joe, 262. “Happiness in the Eye and the Heart: Somatic Referencing in West African Emotion Lexica.” Dzokoto and Okazaki, 117. “The Impact of Mother-Daughter and Father-Daughter Relationships on Drug Refusal Self- Efficacy Among African American Adolescent Girls in Urban Communities,” Boyd et al., 29. “Interpersonal Identity and Social Capital: The Importance of Commitment for Low Income, Rural. African American Adolescents,” Kerpelman and White, 219. “Introduction: Suicidal Behaviors in the African American Community.” Crosby and Molock, 253. “Lay Theories of Suicide: An Examination of Culturally Relevant Suicide Beliefs and Attributions Among African Americans and European Americans," Walker et al., 320. "Perceived Racial Discrimination, Social Support, and Psychological Adjustment Among African American College Students,” Prelow et al., 442. “Perceived Racism and Career Self-Efficacy in African American Adolescents.” Rollins and Valdez, 176. “Perceived Racism as a Predictor of Paranoia Among African Americans." Combs et al., 87. “Racial and Gender Attitudes and Predictors of Feminist Activism Among Self-Identified African American Feminists.” White. 455. "Racial Differences in Hopelessness as a Risk Factor for a Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempt,” Durant et al., 285. “The Relationship Between Racial Identity. Ethnic Identity, and Perceptions of Racial Discrimination in an Afro-Caribbean Descent Sample.” Hall and Carter. 155. “Relationship Between Religious Coping and Suicidal Behaviors Among African American Adolescents,” MoltK'k et al.. 366. “Shades of Threat: Black Racial Identity as a Moderator of Stereotype Threat.” Davis III et al., 399. “The Significance of Contextual Factors in African American Students’ Transfer of Learning.” Serpell et al., 418. "Suicidal Behavior Among Low-Income African American Women: A Comparison of First- Time and Repeat Suicide Attempters,” Kaslow et al.. .349. INDEX 511 Book Reviews: “White-Washing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society, by Michael K. Brown, Martin Carnoy, Elliott Currie, Troy Duster, David B. Oppenheimer, Marjorie M. Shultz and David Wellman,” Davis, 105. “African American Psychology, by E. Z. Belgrave and K. W. Allison,” Holmes, 501. “Black Demons: The Media’s Depiction of the African American Male Criminal Stereotype by D. Rome,” Brown, 243. “Shifting: The Double Lives of Black Women in America, by C. Jones and K. Shorter-Gtxjden,” Anglin, 390.

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