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Preview Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 2002: Vol 63 Index

JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH APPLIED BIOMATERIALS INDEX TO VOLUME 63 SPRING-WINTER 2002 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH APPLIED BIOMATERIALS INDEX TO VOLUME 63 SPRING-WINTER 2002 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials) Author Index to Volume 63 Abe, K. ; Sanders, J. C.; Jasper, L. E.: The Effect of Campbell, G. See Wan. W. K., 854 —: Ono, I.: A Comparison of the Shapes of the Monomer-to-Powder Ratio on the Campistron, P. See Lefebvre, F., 441 Hydroxyapatite Implants before and after Material Properties of Acrylic Bone Ce- Camps, J. See About, I., 418 Implantation, 312 ment, 396 Capon, R. J. See Mazzaoui, S. A., 299 About, I. Bellon, J. M. Carrera-San Martin, A. See Bellon, J. M., ; Camps, J.; Mitsiadis, T. A.; Bottero, M.- ; Jurado, F.; Garcfa-Moreno, F.; Corrales, 182 J.; Butler, W.; Franquin, J.-C.: Influence C.; Carrera-San Martin, A.; Bujan, J.: Carroll, M. See Lewis, G., 191 of Resinous Monomers on the Differen- Healing Process Induced by Three Com- Cenni, E. See Savarino, L.. 467 tiation in Vitro of Human Pulp Cells into posite Prostheses in the Repair of Ab- Chan, E.-C. See Liu, S.-J., 807 Odontoblasts, 418 dominal Wall Defects, 182 Chen, S.-L. See Huang, T.-H., 814 Adachi, N. See Uchio, Y., 173 Berg, R. A. See Liu, L.-S., 326 Chen, Y.-C. See Kao, C.-T., 786 Afsar-Keshmiri, A. See Mabrey, J. D., 475 Berthusen, A. H. Chevalier, J. See Bignon, A., 619 Agrawal, C. M. See Mabrey, J. D., 475 —; Tucker, R. D.; Park, J. B.: A Field-Focus- Chi, E. Y. See Tsai, C.-H., 65 —; See Yamashita, J., 31 ing Device to Increase Power Output of Chou, M.-Y. See Tsai, C.-H., 65 Ahite, D. See Lefebvre, F., 441 ThermoRod™ Implants for Thermal Ab- Chung, K.-H. Aho, A. J. See Lindfors, N. C., 237 lation of Tissue, 650 ; Duh, J.-G.: Shin, D.; Cagna, D. R.: Cro Aleksié, R. See Balaé, I., 793 Bevers, R. T. J. See Peerlings, C. C. L., 692 nin, R. J., Jr.: Characteristics and Porce Alexander, H. See Frenkel, S. R.. 706 Bignon, A. lain Bond Strength of (Ti,AI)N Coating Alifragis, J. See Baritaki, S., 830 -; Chevalier, J.; Fantozzi, G.: Effect of Ball on Dental Alloys, 516 Anselme, K. See Cornet, F., 400 Milling on the Processing of Bone Sub- Ciapetti, G. See Savarino, L., 467 Anseth, K. S. See Burdick, J. A., 484 stitutes with Calcium Phosphate Pow- Cima, M. J. See Koegler, W. S., 567 Aoki, T. See Watanabe, I., 760 ders, 619 Claes, L. E. See Schmidt, C., 2 59 Araki, Y. See Hashimoto, M., 306 Boelen, E. J. H. See Peerlings, C. C. L., 692 Cole; 5.C. Armstrong, R. See Turner, A. S., 37 Bonfield, W. See Vazquez, B., 88 ; Lemons, J. E.; Eberhardt, A. W.: Gamma Bottero, M.-J. See About, I., 418 Irradiation Alters Fatigue-Crack Behav- Boudeville, P. See El Briak, H., 447 ior and Fracture Toughness in 1900H Baker, D. A. See Moffitt, T. P., 722 Boughner, D. R. See Wan, W. K., 854 and GUR 1050 UHMWPE, 559 Balaé¢, I. Bres, E. F. Colin, J. See Mortemousque, B., 686 -; Uskokovié, P. S.; Aleksi¢, R.; Uskokovié, ; Hutchison, J. L.: Surface Structure Study Compan, V. See L6pez-Alemany, A., 319 D.: Predictive Modeling of the Mechan- of Biological Calcium Phosphate Apatite Cooper, C. See Kurtz, S. M., 15 ical Properties of Particulate Hydroxyap- Crystals from Human Tooth Enamel, 433 Cornet, F. atite Reinforced Polymer Composites, Bresson, B. See Legrand, A. P., 390 ; Anselme, K.; Grard, T.; Rouahi, M.: 793 Buchanan, F. J. See Kurtz, S. M.. 15 Noél. B.: Hardouin, P.: Jeanfils, J.: The Baldini, N. See Savarino, L., 467 Buffat, P. A. See Suvorova, E. I., 424 Influence of Culture Conditions on Ex- Balducci, C. See Lilli, C., 577 Bujan, J. See Bellon. J. M., 182 tracellular Matrix Proteins Synthesized Baritaki, S. Bumgardner, J. D. by Osteoblasts Derived from Rabbit ; Tzanakakis, G. N.; Alifragis, J.; Zafiro- : Gerard, P. D.; Geurtsen, W.; Leyhausen, Bone Marrow, 400 poulos, A.; Tashmukhamedov, R. L.; G.: Cytotoxicity of Precious and Nonpre- Corrales, C. See Bellon, J. M., 182 Tsatsakis, A.; Shtilman, M. L.; Rizos, cious Alloys—Experimental Compari- Costa, I. See Lavos-Valereto, |. C., 664 A. K.; Krambovitis, E.: Light Scattering son of In Vitro Data from Two Labora- Cronin, R. J., Jr. See Chung, K.-H., 516 and Jn Vitro Biocompatibility Studies of tories, 214 Poly (Vinyl Pyrrolidone) Derivatives Burdick, J. A. Deb, S. See Vazquez, B., 88 with Amino-Acid-Dependent Groups, ; Padera, R. F.: Huang, J. V.; Anseth, K. S.: Deblock, Y. See Lefebvre, F., 441 830 An Investigation of the Cytotoxicity and Dejou, J. See Lu, J., 408 Barralet, J. E. Histocompatibility of /n Situ Forming De La Macorra, J. C. —; Gaunt, T.; Wright, A. J.: Gibson, I. R.: Lactic Acid Based Orthopedic Biomate- : Escribano, N. I.: Comparison of Two Knowles, J. C.: Effect of Porosity Reduc- rials, 484 Methods to Measure Permeability of tion by Compaction on Compressive Burger, E. H. See van Dijk, M., 752 Dentin, 531 Strength and Microstructure of Calcium Burrow, M. F. See Mazzaoui, S. A., 299 Delling, G. See Hahn, M., 354 Phosphate Cement, | Butler, W. See About, [., 418 Deng, Y. Bauer, J. See Shi, D., 71 -: Lawn, B. R.: Lloyd, I. K.: Characteriza- Becchetti, E. See Lilli, C., 577 Cagna, D. R. See Chung, K.-H., 516 tion of Damage Modes in Dental Ce- Belcastro, S. See Lilli, C., 577 Calonius, O. See Saikko, V., 848 ramic Bilayer Structures, 137 Belkoff, S. M. Cameron, R. E. See Ooi. C. P., 280, 291 Dennis, M. See Frenkel, S. R., 706 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials), Vol. 63, 863-868 (2002) 864 AUTHOR INDEX Denry, I. L. —; Simon, J.; Alexander, H.; Dennis, M.; Screws in a Minipig Fracture Model: —:; Holloway, J. A.: Effect of Additives on Ricci, J. L.: Osseointegration on Metallic Preliminary Report, 679 the Microstructure and Thermal Proper- Implant Surfaces: Effects of Microgeom- Hashimoto, M. ties of a Mica-Based Glass-Ceramic, 146 etry and Growth Factor Treatment, 706 —; Ohno, H.; Sano, H.; Tay, F. R.; Kaga, M.; —; Holloway, J. A.: Effect of Sodium Con- Fujibayashi, S. See Uchida, M., 522 Kudou, Y.; Oguchi, H.; Araki, Y.; Kub- tent on the Crystallization Behavior of Fujimoto, E. See Mligiliche, N., 591 ota, M.: Micromorphological Changes in Fluoramphibole Glass—Ceramics, 48 Furman, B. R. See Yamashita, J., 31 Resin-Dentin Bonds after | Year of Wa- Descamps, M. See Lu, J., 408 Furze, J. D. See Lewis, A. L., 699 ter Storage, 306 Désévaux, C. Hatano, H. See Ogose, A., 601 —+; Dubreuil, P.; Lenaerts, V.; Girard, C.: Tis- Gansky, S. A. See Staninec, M., 342 He,-¥. sue Reaction and Biodegradation Of Im- Gao, C. See Ma, Z., 838 —; Trotignon, J. P.; Loty, B.; Tcharkhtchi, planted Cross-Linked High Amylose Garcia-Moreno, F. See Bellon, J. M. A.; Verdu, J.: Effect of Antibiotics on the Starch in Rats, 772 Gaunt, T. See Barralet, J. E., 1 Properties of Poly(Methylmethacry late )- Ding, S.-J. See Kao, C.-T., 786 Gerard, P. D. See Bumgardner, J. D., Based Bone Cement, 800 Dubreuil, P. See Désévaux, C., 772 Geurtsen, W. See Bumgardner, J. D., Heidemann, D. See Szep, S., 53 Duh, J.-G. See Chung, K.-H., 516 —; See Engelmann, J., 746 Heo, S.-J. See Kong, Y.-M., 714 Durand, D. See El Briak, H., 447 Giannini, S. See Moroni, A., 61 Herr, M. See Kurtz, S. M., 492 Dutkiewicz, J. K. Gibson, I. R. See Barralet, J. E., | Hickel, R. See Walther, U. I., 643 —+; Superabsorbent Materials from Shellfish Gilbert, J. L. See Wright, D. D., 152 Higgins, B. J. See Lewis, A. L., 699 Waste—A Review, 373 Girard, C. See Désévaux, C., 772 Higham, P. See van Dijk, M., 752 Giunti, A. See Savarino, L., 467 Hilton, J. F. See Staninec, M., 342 Eberhardt, A. W. See Cole, J. C., 559 Gong, Y. See Ma, Z., 838 Hirakawa, K. See Saito, T., 245 Gower, L. B. See Malpass, C. A., 822 Eckerdal, J. See Esposito, M., 548 Hoffmann, J. See Schmidmaier, G., 168 Graffan, R. See Mortemousque, B., 686 Edidin, A. A. See Kurtz, S. M., 15, 492 Holloway, J. A. See Denry, I. L., 48, 146 Granchi, D. See Savarino, L., 467 Egbert, B. See Turner, A. S., 37 Holmstrém, N. See Esposito, M., 548 Grard, T. See Cornet, F., 400 Eick, J. D. See Laughlin, G. A., 671 Horch, K. W. See Lawrence, S. M., 501 Greer, K. See Kurtz, S. M., 15 El Briak, H. Hori, T. See Saito, T., 245 Greil, P. See Lohbauer, U., 780 —; Durand, D.; Nurit, J.; Munier, S.; Pauvert, Hotta, T. See Ogose, A., 601 Griffith, L. G. See Koegler, W. S., 567 B.; Boudeville, P.: Study of a Hydraulic Hua, F. J. Gross, K. A. Dicalcium Phosphate Dihydrate/Calcium —; Kim, G, E.; Lee, J. Dj Son, Y.. K.; Lee, —; Ray, N.; Rokkum, M.: The Contribution Oxide-Based Cement for Dental Appli- D. S.: Macroporous Poly(i-lactide) Scaf- of Coating Microstructure to Degrada- cations, 447 fold 1. Preparation of a Macroporous tion and Particle Release in Hydroxyap- Endo, K. See Mligiliche, N., 591 Scaffold by Liquid—Liquid Phase Sepa- atite Coated Prostheses, 106 Endo, N. See Ogose, A., 601 ration of a PLLA—Dioxane—Water Sys- Gsell, R. See Kurtz, S. M., 15 Engelmann, J. tem, 161 Guidoin, R. See Legrand, A. P., 390 —; Leyhausen, G.; Leibfritz, D.; Geurtsen, Huang, J. V. See Burdick, J. A., 484 W.: Effect of TEGDMA on the Intracel- Huang, T.-H. Haas, N. P. See Schmidmaier, G., 168 lular Glutathione Concentration of Hu- —; Tsai, C.-Y.; Chen, S.-L.; Kao, C.-T.: An Hahn, M. man Gingival Fibroblasts, 746 Evaluation of the Cytotoxic Effects of —; Nassutt, R.; Delling, G.; Mahrenholtz, O.; Engh, G. A. See Mabrey, J. D., 475 Orthodontic Bonding Adhesives upon a Schneider, E.; Morlock, M.: The Influ- Escribano, N. I. See De La Macorra, J. C., Primary Human Oral Gingival Fibroblast ence of Material and Design Features on 531 Culture and a Permanent, Human Oral the Mechanical Properties of Transpe- Esposito, M. Cancer-Cell Line, 814 dicular Spinal Fixation Implants, 354 —; Kennergren, C.; Holmstrém, N.; Nilsson, -; See Kao, C.-T., 786 Hanssen, H. H. L. See Peerlings, C. C. L., S.; Eckerdal, J.; Thomsen, P.: Morpho- Hui, A. J. See Wan, W. K., 854 692 logic and Immunohistochemical Obser- Hutchison, J. L. See Brés, E. F., 433 Hardouin, P. vations of Tissues Surrounding Re- —; Lemaitre, J.; Jeanfils, J.: Editorial Com- trieved Transvenous Pacemaker Leads, ment: Interdisciplinary Research Confer- 548 ence on Biomaterials, 383 Ide, C. See Mligiliche, N., 591 —:; See Cornet, F., 400 Ignatius, A. A. See Schmidt, C., 252 Fabre, J. J. See Lefebvre, F., 441 —+; See Flautre, B., 413 Ishihara, K. See Hasegawa, T., 33: Faldini, C. See Moroni, A., 61 —: See Lu, J., 408 Ishikawa, K. See Momota, Y., 542 Famery, R. See Legrand, A. P., 390 Hasegawa, T. Itoh, S. Fantozzi, G. See Bignon, A., 619 —+; Iwasaki, Y.; Ishihara, K.: Preparation of —; Kikuchi, M.; Takakuda, K.; Nagaoka, K.; Flautre, B. Blood-Compatible Hollow Fibers from a Koyama, Y.; Tanaka, J.; Shinomiya, K.: —; Maynou, C.; Lemaitre, J.; Van Landuyt, Polymer Alloy Composed of Polysulfone Implantation Study of a Novel Hydroxy- P.; Hardouin, P.: Bone Colonization of and 2-Methacryloyloxyethyl Phospho- apatite/Collagen (HAp/Col) Composite B-TCP Granules Incorporated in Brush- rylcholine Polymer, 333 into Weight-Bearing Sites of Dogs, 507 ite Cements, 413 Hasegawa, Y. Iwasa, J. See Uchio, Y., 173 Franquin, J.-C. See About, I., 418 —; Sakano, S.; Iwase, T.; Warashina, H.: The Iwasaki, Y. See Hasegawa, T., 333 Frenkel, S. R. Long-Term Behavior of Poly-L-Lactide Iwase, T. See Hasegawa, Y., 679 AUTHOR INDEX 865 Jandt, K. D. See Uhl, A., 729 Chloroform from Biodegradable Poly- Characteristics of Thermal Therapy Im- Jasper, L. E. See Belkoff, S. M., 396 mers, 567 plants, 24 Jeanfils, J. See Cornet, F., 400 Kokubo, T. See Tanaka, K., 262 Lee, D. S. See Hua, F. J.. 161 Jeanfils, J. See Hardouin, P., 383 ; See Uchida, M., 522 Lee, J. D. See Hua, F. J.. 161 Ji, J. See Ma, Z., 838 Kong, Y.-M. Lee, J. H. Jiang, G. See Shi, D., 71 : Kim, D.-H.; Kim, H.-E.; Heo, S.-J.; Koak, ; Kim, H. 1.; Kim, K. H.; Kwon, Y. H Jonas, M. See Tsai, C.-H., 65 J.-Y.: Hydroxyapatite-Based Composite Effect of Bleaching Agents on the Fluo- Junge, K. See Klinge, U., 129, 765 for Dental Implants: an /n Vivo Removal ride Release and Microhardness of Den- Jurado, F. See Bellon, J. M., 182 Torque Experiment, 714 tal Materials, 535 Koole, L. H. See Peerlings, C. C. L., 692 Lee, Y.-K. Korobelnik, J. F. See Mortemousque, B.., ; Lim, B.-S.; Kim, C.-W.: Effect of Surface Kaga, M. See Hashimoto, M.. 306 686 Conditions on the Color of Dental Resin Kao, C.-T. Korthagen, E. J. M. See Peerlings, C. C. L., Composites, 657 —,; Ding, S.-J.; Chen, Y.-C.; Huang, T.-H.: 692 Lefebvre, F. The Anticorrosion Ability of Titanium Koshino, T. See Saito, T., 245 : Deblock, Y.; Campistron, P.: Ahite, D.; Nitride (TiN) Plating on an Orthodontic Kotz, R. M. See Schwerin, M. R., 739 Fabre, J. J.: Development of a New UI- Metal Bracket and Its Biocompatibility, Koubi, G. See Lu, J., 408 trasonic Technique for Bone and Bioma- 786 Koyama, Y. See Itoh, S., 507 terials Jn Vitro Characterization, 44] —; See Huang, T.-H., 814 Krambovitis, E. See Baritaki, S., 830 Leger, F. See Mortemousque, B., 686 Kaspar, D. See Schmidt, C., 252 Kubota, M. See Hashimoto, M., 306 Legrand, A. P. Katsube, K. See Uchio, Y., 173 Kudou, Y. See Hashimoto, M., 306 ; Bresson, B.; Guidoin, R.; Famery, R.: Kawanabe, K. See Tanaka, K., 262 Kunkel, A. See Szep, S., 53 Mineralization Followup with the Use of Kawasaki, K. See Uchio, Y., 173 Kuo, C.-J. See Lin, H.-R., 271 NMR Spectroscopy and Others, 390 Kawashima, H. See Ogose, A., 601 Kurtz, S. M. Leibfritz, D. See Engelmann, J., 746 Kehe, K. See Walther, U. I., 643 ; Muratoglu, O. K.; Gsell, R.; Greer, K.; Lemaitre, J. See Flautre, B., 413 Kennergren, C. See Esposito, M., 548 Shen, F. W.; Cooper, C.; Buchanan, F. J.: ; See Lu, J., 408 Kerinen, J. See Saikko, V., 848 Spiegelberg, S.; Yau, S. S.: Edidin, Kessler, P. See Wiltfang, J.. 115 \. A.: Interlaboratory Validation of Ox- Lemaitre, J. See Hardouin, P., 383 Lemons, J. E. See Cole, J. C., 559 Khor, E. See Wang, L., 610 idation-Index Measurement Methods for Lenaerts, V. See Désévaux, C., 772 Khor, K. A. See Thian, E. S., 79 UHMWPE after Long-Term Shelf Ag- Lewis, A. L. Kikuchi, M. See Itoh, S., 507 ing, 15 : Furze, J. D.: Small, S.; Robertson, J. D.; Kim, C.-W. See Lee, Y.-K., 657 : Turner, J. L.: Herr. M.: Edidin, A. A.: Higgins, B. J.: Taylor, S.; Ricci, D. R Kim, D.-H. See Kong, Y.-M., 714 Deconvolution of Surface Topology for Long-Term Stability of a Coronary Stent Kim, G. E. See Hua, F. J., 161 Quantification of Initial Wear in Highly Coating Post-Implantation, 699 Kim, H.-E. See Kong, Y.-M., 714 Cross-Linked Acetabular Components Kim, H. I. See Lee, J. H., 535 for THA, 492 Lewis, G. Kim, H.-M. See Uchida, M., 522 Kwon, Y. H. See Lee, J. H., 535 : Key Issues Involved With the Use of Min- iature Specimens in the Characterization Kim, K. H. See Lee, J. H., 535 Kylma, J. See Rich, J., 346 of the Mechanical Behavior of Polymeric Kinney, J. H. See Staninec, M., 342 Biomaterials A Review, 455 Kirkpatrick, S. J. See Moffitt, T. P., 722 Lameiras, F. S. See Silva, V. V., 583 : Carroll, M.: Rheological Properties of Kisielewski, R. W. See Schwerin, M. R., 739 Larsen, J. O. See Lawrence, S. M., 501 Acrylic Bone Cement During Curing and Kiyosue, S. See Watanabe, I., 760 Laughlin, G. A. the Role of the Size of the Powder Par Klinge, U. ; Williams, J. L.; Eick, J. D.: The Influence ticles, 191] -; Junge, K.; Spellerberg, B.; Piroth, C.: of System Compliance and Sample Ge- Lewis, M. A. O. See Price, C., 122 Klosterhalfen, B.; Schumpelick, V.: Do ometry on Composite Polymerization Leyhausen, G. See Bumgardner, J. D., 214 Multifilament Alloplastic Meshes In- Shrinkage Stress, 671 : See Engelmann, J., 746 crease the Infection Rate? Analysis of Lautenschlager, E. P. See Wright, D. D.. the Polymeric Surface, the Bacteria Ad- 152 Li, X. See Yamashita, J., 31 herence, and the /n Vivo Consequences Lavos-Valereto, I. C. Liebl, B. See Walther, U. I., 643 in a Rat Model, 765 —; Costa, 1.; Wolynec, S.: The Electrochem- Lilli, C. : Junge, K.; Stumpf, M.; Ottinger, A. P.; ical Behavior of Ti-6AI-7Nb Alloy with : Marinucci, L.; Stabellini, G.; Belcastro, Klosterhalfen, B.: Functional and Mor- and without Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxy- S.: Becchetti, E.; Balducci, C.; Staffo- phological Evaluation of a Low-Weight, apatite Coating in Hank’s Solution, 664 lani, N.; Locci, P.: Biomembranes En- Monofilament Polypropylene Mesh for Lawn, B. R. See Deng, Y., 137 riched with TGFB, Favor Bone Matrix Hernia Repair, 129 Lawrence, S. M. Protein Expression by Human Osteo- Kloss, F. R. See Wiltfang, J., 115 ; Larsen, J. O.; Horch, K. W.; Riso, R.; blasts in Vitro, 577 Klosterhalfen, B. See Klinge, U., 129, 765 Sinkjer, T.: Long-Term Biocompatibil- Lim, B.-S. See Lee, Y.-K., 657 Knowles, J. C. See Barralet, J. E.. | ity of Implanted Polymer-Based Intrafas- Lim, L. Y. See Wang, L.. 610 Koak, J.-Y. See Kong, Y.-M., 714 cicular Electrodes, 501 Lin, H.-R. Koegler, W. S. Le, U. T. ; Kuo, C.-J.; Yang, C. Y.; Shaw, S.-Y.; Wu, —; Patrick, C.; Cima, M. J.; Griffith, L. G.: : Tucker, R. D.; Park, J. B.: The Effects of Y.-J.: Preparation of Macroporous Bio- Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Residual Localized Cold Work on the Heating degradable PLGA Scaffolds for Cell At- 866 AUTHOR INDEX tachment with the Use of Mixed Salts as ramic of Different Chemical Composi- Nilsson, S. See Esposito, M., 548 Porogen Additives, 271 tion, 200 Noél, B. See Cornet, F., 400 Lin, S.-S. See Liu, S.-J., 807 Marinucci, L. See Lilli, C., 577 Nomura, Y. Lin, W.-J. See Lu, C.-H., 220 Maroney, M. See Turner, A. S., 37 —; Teshima, W.; Tanaka, N.; Yoshida, Y.; Lindfors, N. C. Marshall, G. W. See Staninec, M., 342 Nahara, Y.; Okazaki, M.: Thermal Anal- —; Tallroth, K.; Aho, A. J.: Bioactive Glass Marshall, S. J. See Staninec, M., 342 ysis of Dental Resins Cured with Blue as Bone-Graft Substitute for Posterior Maynou, C. See Flautre, B., 413 Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs), 209 Spinal Fusion in Rabbit, 237 Mazzaoui, S. A. Nurit, J. See El Briak, H., 447 Liu, L.-S. —; Burrow, M. F.; Tyas, M. J.; Rooney, —+; Berg, R. A.: Adhesion Barriers of Car- F, R.; Capon, R. J.: Long-Term Quanti- Ochi, M. See Uchio, Y., 173 boxymethylcellulose and Polyethylene fication of the Release of Monomers Ogose, A. Oxide Composite Gels, 326 from Dental Resin Composites and a -; Hotta, T.; Hatano, H.; Kawashima, H.; Liu, S.-J. Resin-Modified Glass lonomer Cement, Tokunaga, K.; Endo, N.; Umezu, H.: —; Ueng, S. W.-N.; Lin, S.-S.; Chan, E.-C.: 299 Histological Examination of B-Trical- In Vivo Release of Vancomycin from Merten, H. A. See Wiltfang, J., 115 cium Phosphate Graft in Human Femur, Biodegradable Beads, 807 Mills, R. W. See Uhl, A., 729 601 Lloyd, I. K. See Deng, Y., 137 Millsap, K. W. See Malpass, C. A., 822 Oguchi, H. See Hashimoto, M., 306 Lobato, Z. I. P. See Silva, V. V., 583 Mitsiadis, T. A. See About, I., 418 Ohkubo, C. See Watanabe, I., 760 Locci, P. See Lilli, C., 577 Miyamoto, Y. See Momota, Y., 542 Ohno, H. See Hashimoto, M., 306 Loh, N. H. See Thian, E. S., 79 Mligiliche, N. Oka, M. See Tanaka, K., 262 Lohbauer, U. —; Endo, K.; Okamoto, K.; Fujimoto, E.; Ide, Okabe, T. See Watanabe, I., 760 —+; Petschelt, A.; Greil, P.: Lifetime Predic- C.: Extracellular Matrix of Human Am- Okamoto, K. See Mligiliche, N., 591 tion of CAD/CAM Dental Ceramics, 780 nion Manufactured into Tubes as Con- Okazaki, M. See Nomura, Y., 209 Lopez-Alemany, A. duits for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Okuda, K. See Saito, T., 245 —; Compan, V.; Refojo, M. F.: Porous Struc- 591 Ono, I. See Abe, K., 312 ture of Purevision'™ versus Focus‘ Moffitt, T. P. Ooi, C. P. Night&Day™ and Conventional Hydro- —; Baker, D. A.; Kirkpatrick, S. J.; Prahl, —; Cameron, R. E.: The Hydrolytic Degrada- gel Contact Lenses, 319 S. A.: Mechanical Properties of Coagu- tion of Polydioxanone (PDSII) Sutures. Loty, B. See He, Y., 800 lated Albumin and Failure Mechanisms Part I: Morphological Aspects, 280 Lu, C.-H. of Liver Repaired with the Use of an —; Cameron, R. E.: The Hydrolytic Degrada- —; Lin, W.-J.: Permeation of Protein from Argon-Beam Coagulator with Albumin, tion of Polydioxanone (PDSII) Sutures. Porous Poly(e-caprolactone) Films, 220 722 Part II: Micromechanisms of Deforma- Lu, J. Momota, Y. tion, 291 —+; Descamps, M.; Dejou, J.; Koubi, G.; Har- —; Miyamoto, Y.; Ishikawa, K.; Takechi, M.; Ottinger, A. P. See Klinge, U., 129 douin, P.; Lemaitre, J.; Proust, J.-P.: The Yuasa, T.; Tatehara, S.; Nagayama, M.,; Biodegradation Mechanism of Calcium Suzuki, K.: Evaluation of Feasibility of Padera, R. F. See Burdick, J. A., 484 Phosphate Biomaterials in Bone, 408 Hydroxyapatite Putty as a Local Hemo- Pantoli, A. N. See Savarino, L., 467 Lytle, C. D. See Schwerin, M. R., 739 static Agent for Bone, 542 Papathanassopoulou, V. S. See Tsapanos, Morlock, M. See Hahn, M., 354 V..S., 10 Moroni, A. Paralika, M. A. See Prombonas, A. E., 605 Ma, Z. —; Faldini, C.; Pegreffi, F; Giannini, S.: Fix- Parker, D. See Turner, A. S., 37 —+; Gao, C.; Gong, Y.; Ji, J.; Shen, J.: Immo- ation Strength of Tapered versus Bicy- Park, J. See Park, K., 363 bilization of Natural Macromolecules on lindrical Hydroxyapatite-Coated Exter- Park, J. B. See Berthusen, A. H., 650 Poly-L-Lactic Acid Membrane Surface nal Fixation Pins: An Animal Study, 61 —; See Le, U. T., 24 in Order to Improve Its Cytocompatibil- Mortemousque, B. Park, K. ity, 838 —; Leger, F.; Velou, S.; Graffan, R.; Colin, —;Park, J.: Investigation of Interfacial Mabrey, J. D. J.: Korobelnik, J. F.: S/e-PTFE Epis- Strength and Its Structure on the Devel- —; Afsar-Keshmiri, A.; Engh, G. A.; Sy- cleral Buckling Implants: An Experi- opment of a New Design of UHMWPE chterz, C. J.; Wirth, M. A.; Rockwood, mental and Histopathologic Study, 686 Acetabular Component, 363 C. A.; Agrawal, C. M.: Standardized Munier, S. See El Briak, H., 447 Pashley, D. H. See Staninec, M., 342 Analysis of UHMWPE Wear Particles Muratoglu, O. K. See Kurtz, S. M., 15 Patrick, C. See Koegler, W. S., 567 from Failed Total Joint Arthroplasties, Pauvert, B. See El Briak, H., 447 475 Nagaoka, K. See Itoh, S., 507 Peerlings, C. C. L. Mahrenholtz, O. See Hahn, M., 354 Nagata, N. See Saito, T., 245 —+; Hanssen, H. H. L.; Bevers, R. T. J.; Bo- Malpass, C. A. Nagayama, M. See Momota, Y., 542 elen, E. J. H.; Stelt, B. J.; Korthagen, —; Millsap, K. W.; Sidhu, H.; Gower, L. B.: Nahara, Y. See Nomura, Y., 209 E. J. M.; Koole, L. H.: Heparin Release Immobilization of an Oxalate-Degrading Nakamura, T. See Tanaka, K., 262 from Slippery-when-Wet Guide Wires Enzyme on Silicone Elastomer, 822 —; See Uchida, M., 522 for Intravascular Use, 692 Manjubala, I. Nassutt, R. See Hahn, M., 354 Pegreffi, F See Moroni, A., 61 —,; Sivakumar, M.; Sureshkumar, R. V.; Sas- Nawa, M. See Tanaka, K., 262 Petschelt, A. See Lohbauer, U., 780 try, T. P.: Bioactivity and Osseointegra- Nazhat, S. N. See Rich, J., 346 Piroth, C. See Klinge, U., 765 tion Study of Calcium Phosphate Ce- Nilius, M. See Walther, U. I., 643 Powers, N. See Turner, A. S., 37 AUTHOR INDEX Prahl, S. A. See Moffitt, T. P., 722 Sanders, J. C. See Belkoff, S. M., 396 Spellerberg, B. See Klinge, U., 765 Price, C. Sano, H. See Hashimoto, M., 306 Spiegelberg, S. See Kurtz, S. M., 15 —; Waters, M. G. J.; Williams, D. W.; Lewis, San Roman, J. See Vazquez, B., 88 Stabellini, G. See Lilli, C., 577 M. A. O.; Stickler, D.: Surface Modifi- Sarkar, M. R. See Schmidt, C., 252 Staffolani, N. See Lilli, C., 577 cation of an Experimental Silicone Rub- Sastry, T. P. See Manjubala, I., 200 Stange, R. See Schmidmaier, G., 168 ber Aimed at Reducing Initial Candidal Savarino, L. Staninec, M. Adhesion, 122 —; Granchi, D.; Ciapetti, G.; Cenni, E.; Pan- —; Marshall, G. W.; Hilton, J. F.; Pashley, Prombonas, A. E. toli, A. N.; Rotini, R.; Veronesi, C. A.: D. H.; Gansky, S. A.; Marshall, S. J.; —; Paralika, M. A.;: Sotiriou, M. P.; Vlissidis, Baldini, N.; Giunti, A.: Ion Release in Kinney, J. H.: Ultimate Tensile Strength D. S.: The Peak-Amplitude Method of Patients with Metal-on-Metal Hip Bear- of Dentin: Evidence for a Damage Me- Vibration Analysis for Nondestructively ings in Total Joint Replacement: A Com- chanics Approach to Dentin Failure, 342 Studying the Structural Integrity of Den- parison with Metal-on-Polyethylene Stathopoulou, L. P. See Tsapanos, V. S.. 10 tal Gypsum, 605 Bearings, 467 Stelt, B. J. See Peerlings, C. C. L., 692 Proust, J.-P. See Lu, J., 408 Schlegel, K. A. See Wiltfang, J., 115 Stickler, D. See Price, C., 122 Schmidmaier, G. Stumpf, M. See Klinge, U., 129 Qu, X. -; Wildemann, B.; Schwabe, P.; Stange, R.;: Siidkamp, N. P. See Schmidmaier, G., 168 —,; Weinberger, J.: Deposition of °°YPO, and Hoffmann, J.; Siidkamp, N. P.; Haas, Sumen, Y. See Uchio, Y., 173 '“CePO, Radioisotopes on Polymer N. P.; Raschke, M.: A New Electrochem- Sureshkumar, R. V. See Manjubala, I., 200 Surfaces for Radiation Delivery Devices, ically Graded Hydroxyapatite Coating Suvorova, E. I. 98 for Osteosynthetic Implants Promotes —; Buffat, P. A.: Model of the Mechanism of Implant Osteointegration in a Rat Model, Ca Loss by Bones under Microgravity Raschke, M. See Schmidmaier, G., 168 168 and Earth Conditions, 424 Rawls, H. R. See Yamashita, J., 31 Schmidt, C. Suzuki, K. See Momota, Y., 542 Ray, N. See Gross, K. A., 106 : Kaspar, D.; Sarkar, M. R.; Claes, L. E.; Sychterz, C. J. See Mabrey, J. D., 475 Refojo, M. F. See L6pez-Alemany, A., 319 Ignatius, A. A.: A Scanning Electron Mi- Szep, S. Reichl, F. X. See Walther, U. 1., 643 croscopy Study of Human Osteoblast —; Kunkel, A.; Ronge, K.; Heidemann, D.: Ricci, D. R. See Lewis, A. L., 699 Morphology on Five Orthopedic Metals, Cytotoxicity of Modern Dentin Adhe- Ricci, J. L. See Frenkel, S. R., 706 252 sives—In Vitro Testing On Gingival Fi- Rich, J. Schneider, E. See Hahn, M., 354 broblasts, 53 —; Tuominen, J.; Kylma, J.; Seppéala, J.; Schultze-Mosgau, S. See Wiltfang, J., 115 Nazhat, S. N.; Tanner, K. E.: Lactic Acid Schumpelick, V. See Klinge, U., 765 Based PEU/HA and PEU/BCP Compos- Schwabe, P. See Schmidmaier, G., 168 Takakuda, K. See Itoh, S., 507 ites: Dynamic Mechanical Characteriza- Schwerin, M. R. Takechi, M. See Momota, Y., 542 tion of Hydrolysis, 346 —:; Walsh, D. L.: Richardson, D. C.; Takema, M. See Saito, T., 245 Richardson, D. C. See Schwerin, M. R., 739 Kisielewski, R. W.; Kotz, R. M.; Rout- Takeuchi, R. See Saito, T., 245 Riso, R. See Lawrence, S. M., 501 son, L. B.; Lytle, C. D.: Biaxial Flex- Tallroth, K. See Lindfors, N. C., 237 Rizos, A. K. See Baritaki, S., 830 Fatigue and Viral Penetration of Natural Tamura, J. See Tanaka, K., 262 Robertson, J. D. See Lewis, A. L., 699 Rubber Latex Gloves Before and After Tanaka, J. See Itoh, S., 507 Rockwood, C. A. See Mabrey, J. D., 475 Artificial Aging, 739 Tanaka, K. Rekkum, M. See Gross, K. A., 106 Seppala, J. See Rich, J., 346 —; Tamura, J.; Kawanabe, K.; Nawa, M.: Ronge, K. See Szep, S., 53 Shaw, S.-Y. See Lin, H.-R., 271 Oka, M.; Uchida, M.; Kokubo, T.; Naka- Rooney, F. R. See Mazzaoui, S. A., Shen, F. W. See Kurtz, S. M., 15 mura, T.: Ce-TZP/AI,O, Nanocomposite Rotini, R. See Savarino, L., 467 Shen, J. See Ma, Z., 838 as a Bearing Material in Total Joint Re- Rouahi, M. See Cornet, F., 400 Shi, D. placement, 262 Routson, L. B. See Schwerin, M. R., 7 —; Jiang, G.; Bauer, J.: The Effect of Struc- Tanaka, N. See Nomura, Y., 209 Rupprecht, S. See Wiltfang, J., 115 tural Characteristics on the /n Vitro Bio- Tanner, K. E. See Rich, J., 346 activity of Hydroxyapatite, 71 Tashmukhamedoy, R. I. See Baritaki, S., Saikko, V. Shin, D. See Chung, K.-H., 516 830 —; Calonius, O.; Keriinen, J.: Wear of Con- Shinomiya, K. See Itoh, S., 507 Tatehara, S. See Momota, Y., 542 ventional and Cross-Linked Ultra-High- Shtilman, M. I. See Baritaki, S., 830 Tay, F. R. See Hashimoto, M., 306 Molecular-Weight Polyethylene Acetab- Sidhu, H. See Malpass, C. A., 822 Taylor, S. See Lewis, A. L., 699 ular Cups against Polished and Rough- Silva, V. V. Tcharkhtchi, A. See He, Y., 800 ened CoCr Femoral Heads in a Biaxial —; Lameiras, F. S.; Lobato, Z. I. P.: Biolog- Teshima, W. See Nomura, Y., 209 Hip Simulator, 848 ical Reactivity of Zirconia-Hydroxyapa- Thian, E. S. Saito, T. tite Composites, 583 —; Loh, N. H.: Khor, K. A.; Tor, S. B.: In —; Takeuchi, R.; Hirakawa, K.; Nagata, N.; Simon, J. See Frenkel. S. R., 706 Vitro Behavior of Sintered Powder Injec- Yoshida, T.; Koshino, T.; Okuda, K.; Sinkjzr, T. See Lawrence, S. M., 501 tion Molded Ti-6Al-4V/HA, 79 Takema, M.; Hori, T.: Slow-Releasing Sivakumar, M. See Manjubala, I., 200 Thomsen, P. See Esposito, M., 548 Potential of Vancomycin-Loaded Porous Small, S. See Lewis, A. L., 699 Tien, Y.-T. See Tsai, C.-H., 65 Hydroxyapatite Blocks Implanted into Smit, T. H. See van Dijk, M., 752 Tokunaga, K. See Ogose, A., 601 MRSA Osteomyelitis, 245 Son, Y. K. See Hua, F. J., 161 Tor, S. B. See Thian, E. S., 79 Sakano, S. See Hasegawa, Y., 679 Sotiriou, M. P. See Prombonas, A. E., 605 Triffitt, J. T. 868 AUTHOR INDEX —; Osteogenic Stem Cells and Orthopedic Uhl, A. gel for the Construction of a Biopros- Engineering: Summary and Update, 384 —; Mills, R. W.; Vowles, R. W.; Jandt, K. D.: thetic Heart Valve Stent, 854 Trotignon, J. P. See He, Y., 800 Knoop Hardness Depth Profiles and Wang, L. Tsai, C.-H. Compressive Strength of Selected Dental —; Khor, E.; Wee, A.; Lim, L. Y.: Chitosan- —; Chou, M.-Y.; Jonas, M.; Tien, Y.-T.; Chi, Composites Polymerized with Halogen Alginate PEC Membrane as a Wound E. Y.: A Composite Graft Material Con- and LED Light Curing Technologies, Dressing: Assessment of Incisional taining Bone Particles and Collagen in 729 Wound Healing, 610 Osteoinduction in Mouse, 65 Umezu, H. See Ogose, A., 601 Wang, X. See Yamashita, J., 31 Tsai, C.-Y. See Huang, T.-H., 814 Uskokovié, D. See Balac, I., 793 Warashina, H. See Hasegawa, Y., 679 Tsapanos, V. S. Uskokovié, P. S. See Balac, I., 793 Watanabe, I. —:; Stathopoulou, L. P.; Papathanassopoulou, —; Kiyosue, S.; Ohkubo, C.; Aoki, T.; Ok- V. S.; Tzingounis, V. A.: The Role of Vallo, C. I. abe, T.: Machinability of Cast Commer- Seprafilm™ Bioresorbable Membrane in —;Flexural Strength Distribution of a cial Titanium Alloys, 760 the Prevention and Therapy of Endome- PMMA-Based Bone Cement, 226 Waters, M. G. J. See Price, C., 122 trial Synechiae, 10 —; Theoretical Prediction and Experimental Wee, A. See Wang, L., 610 Tsatsakis, A. See Baritaki, S., 830 Determination of the Effect of Mold Weinberger, J. See Qu, X., 98 Tucker, R. D. See Berthusen, A. H., 650 Characteristics on Temperature and Wildemann, B. See Schmidmaier, G., 168 Monomer Conversion Fraction Profiles Williams, D. W. See Price, C., 122 —; See Le, U. T., 24 During Polymerization of a PMMA- Williams, J. L. See Laughlin, G. A., 671 Tunc, D. C. See van Dijk, M., 752 Based Bone Cement, 627 Wiltfang, J. Tuominen, J. See Rich, J., 346 van Dijk, M. —; Merten, H. A.; Schlegel, K. A.; Schultze- Turner, A. S. —;Tunc, D. C.; Smit, T. H.; Higham, P.; Mosgau, S.; Kloss, F. R.; Rupprecht, S.; — Parker, D.; Egbert, B.; Maroney, M.; Burger, E. H.; Wuisman, P. I. J. M.: Jn Kessler, P.: Degradation Characteristics Armstrong, R.; Powers, N.: Evaluation Vitro and in Vivo Degradation of Bioab- of a@ and B_ Tri-Calcium-Phosphate of a Novel Hemostatic Device in an sorbable PLLA Spinal Fusion Cages, 752 (TCP) in Minipigs, 115 Ovine Parenchymal Organ Bleeding Van Landuyt, P. See Flautre, B., 413 Wirth, M. A. See Mabrey, J. D., 475 Model of Normal and Impaired Hemo- Vazquez, B. Wolynec, S. See Lavos-Valereto, I. C., 664 stasis, 37 —+; Deb, S.; Bonfield, W.; San Roman, J.: Wright, A. J. See Barralet, J. E., | Turner, J. L. See Kurtz, S. M., 492 Characterization of New Acrylic Bone Wright, D. D. Tyas, M. J. See Mazzaoui, S. A., 299 Cements Prepared with Oleic Acid De- —; Lautenschlager, E. P.; Gilbert, J. L.: The Tzanakakis, G. N. See Baritaki, S., 830 rivatives, 88 Effect of Processing Conditions on the Tzingounis, V. A. See Tsapanos, V. S., 10 Velou, S. See Mortemousque, B., 686 Properties of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Verdu, J. See He, Y., 800 Fibers, 152 Veronesi, C. A. See Savarino, L., 467 Wu, Y.-J. See Lin, H.-R., 271 Uchida, M. Vlissidis, D. S. See Prombonas, A. E., 605 Wuisman, P. I. J. M. See van Dijk, M., 752 —; Kim, H.-M.; Kokubo, T.; Fujibayashi, S.; Vowles, R. W. See Uhl, A., 729 Nakamura, T.: Effect of Water Treat- Yamashita, J. ment on the Apatite-Forming Ability of Walsh, D. L. See Schwerin, M. R., 739 —;Li, X.; Furman, B. R.; Rawls, H. R.; NaOH-Treated Titanium Metal, 522 Walther, S. C. See Walther, U. I., 643 Wang, X.; Agrawal, C. M.: Collagen and —; See Tanaka, K., 262 Walther, U. I. Bone Viscoelasticity: A Dynamic Me- Uchio, Y. —; Walther, S. C.; Liebl, B.; Reichl, F. X.; chanical Analysis, 31 —; Ochi, M.; Sumen, Y.; Adachi, N.; Ka- Kehe, K.; Nilius, M.; Hickel, R.: Cyto- Yang, C. Y. See Lin, H.-R., 271 wasaki, K.; Iwasa, J.; Katsube, K.: Me- toxicity of Ingredients of Various Dental Yau, S. S. See Kurtz, S. M., 15 chanical Properties of Newly Developed Materials and Related Compounds in L2- Yoshida, T. See Saito, T., 245 Loop Ligament for Connection between and A549 Cells, 643 Yoshida, Y. See Nomura, Y., 209 the EndoButton and Hamstring Tendons: Wan, W. K. Yuasa, T. See Momota, Y., 542 Comparison with Ethibond Sutures and —+; Campbell, G.; Zhang, Z. F.; Hui, A. J.; EndoButton Tape, 173 Boughner, D. R.: Optimizing the Tensile Zafiropoulos, A. See Baritaki, S., 830 Ueng, S. W.-N. See Liu, S.-J., 807 Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydro- Zhang, Z. F. See Wan, W. K., 854 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials) Subject Index to Volume 63 Abdominal wall repair, 182 Biomedical materials, 10 Cobalt chromium alloy, 252 Accelerated aging, 739 Biomembranes, 10, 577 Cold work, 24 Accuracy, 15 Biomineralization, 433 Collagen, 37, 793 Acetabular component, 492 Biominetism, 433 Collagen denaturation, 31 Acrylic bone cement, 88, 191, 455 Bioprosthetic heart valve, 854 Collagen sponge, 37 Acrylic bone cements, 627 Biphasic calcium phosphate, 200 Color difference, 657 Activation energy, 209 BISGMA, 299 Color-measuring geometry, 657 Acute toxicity tests, 583 Bisphenol A, 299 Commercially pure Ti (c.p. Ti), 714 Adherence, 765 Bleaching, 535 Complex viscosity, 191 Adhesions, 326 Blood compatibility, 333 Compliance, 671 Alginate, 610 Bond strength, 516 Compomers, 535 Alloys, 214 Bone, 384, 424 Composite, 793 a-TCP, 115 Bone cement, 152, 226, 396, 408, 800 Composites, 729 Anatase, 522 Bone filling, 200 Computed tomography, 312 Animal model, 706 Bone graft, 601 Computer simulations, 627 Antibiotic beads, 807 Bone matrix proteins, 577 Conduit, 591 Anticoagulation, 37 Bone remodeling unit, 507 Coronary stents, 699 Anticorrosion, 786 Bone substitute, 237, 619 Corrosion, 354, 467, 664 Antigen presentation, 830 Bone tissue, 408, 413 Cortical bone, 31, 441 Apatite, 79, 522 Bone tissue engineering, 484 Crack growth, 780 Apatite cement, 542 Bone wax, 542 Cranioplasty, 312 Argon-enhanced electrocautery (AEC), Brachytherapy, 98 Cross linking, 492 Vz Cross-linked starch implant, 772 Asherman’s syndrome, 10 Cross-linking, 848 Atomic force microscopy, 699 CAD/CAM, 780 Cruciate ligament, 173 Autograft bone, 237 Calcification, 65 Crystallinity, 106 Calcification processes, 390 Crystallization behavior, 48 Bacterial infection, 765 Calcium oxide, 447 Culture, 418 Bacterial inhibition, 807 Calcium phosphate, 408, 619 Cure rate, 191 Ball milling, 619 Calcium phosphate cement, 1, 542 Cytotoxicity, 214, 814 Batch casting, 627 Calorimetry, 24 Cytotoxicity tests, 583 Bearing, 467 Candida albicans, 122 B-TCP, 115 Carbonated hydroxyapatite, 200 B-TCP granules, 413 Carbon-dioxide extraction, 567 Degradation, 15, 280, 291, 306, 679 Bias, 15 Carboxymethylcellulose, 326 Degradation characteristics, 115 Bicylindrical pins, 61 Cardiac valve, 424 Degree of crystallinity, 71 Binder-jet method, 312 Carrier, 507 Dental alloys, 516 Bioactive ceramic, 601 Cast titanium alloys, 760 Dental ceramics, 137 Bioactive glass, 237 Cell attachment, 271 Dental composites, 671 Bioactivity, 522 Cell culture, 214, 814 Dental implant, 664, 714 Bioceramic filler, 346 Cell metabolism, 746 Dental materials, 214 Bioceramics, 408 Cell therapy, 384 Dental resin, 209 Biocompatibility, 129, 262, 484, 501, Cement, 447 Dental resin composite, 657 583, 610, 772, 786, 838 Ceramic, 780 Dental restorations, 146 Biocompatibility testing, 214 Cerium-144, 98 Dentin adhesives, 53 Biocompatible materials, 686 Chitin, 373 Dentin perfusion, 531 Biodegradable polymers, 271, 807 Chitosan, 98, 373, 610 Dexamethasone, 400 Biodegradation, 390, 408, 772 Chondrocyte, 838 DFDBA, 65 Biological crystals, 433 Coating, 516 Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, 447 Biomaterial, 664 Coating degradation, 106 Dispersion, 619 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials), Vol. 63, 869-872 (2002) 870 SUBJECT INDEX Disposable absorbent, 373 HA-based composite, 714 Joint prosthesis, 706 Dissolution, 79, 619 Hardness, 137 Drug delivery system, 245 HEMA, 299, 643 Knoop hardness, 209, 729 Dynamic fatigue, 780 Hemodialysis, 333 Dynamic mechanical analysis, 346 Hemostatic agents, 542 Lactic acid, 346 Dynamic rheometry, 191 Hemostatic device, 37 Lamb’s wave, 441 Heparin release, 692 Laser ablation high-resolution Effects of sera, 400 High load bearing, 752 inductively coupled plasma mass Elastic modulus, 137 High-resolution electron microscopy spectometery, 699 Electric hand piece, 760 (HREM), 433 Laser extraction, 548 Electrochemically graded coating, 168 High-resolution transmission electron Laser lithography, 312 Electron diffraction, 424 microscopy, 424 Latex, 739 Encrustation, 822 Histology, 413 Layer structures, 137 EndoButton, 173 Histomorphometric analysis, 413 LED 729 EndoButton tape, 173 Hollow fiber, 333 Light curing unit (LCU), 729 Endometrial synechiae, 10 h-p refinement, 671 Light scattering, 830 Endothelium, 548 Human, 601 Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 209 Enzyme immobilization, 822 Human amnion, 591 Liver trauma, 722 Ethibond, 173 Human osteoblasts, 577 Loop ligament, 173 Experimental uncertainty, 15 Human pulp odontoblast differentiation, Loss tangent, 31 Extended-wear contact lenses, 319 418 Lumbar interbody fusion, 752 External fixation, 61 Hybrid layer, 306 Lung cells, 643 Extracellular matrix, 591 Hydrogel contact lenses, - Lysozyme, 220 Extracellular matrix proteins, 400 Hydrolysis, 280, 291 Hydrophilic coating, 692 Machinability, 146, 760 Failure mechanisms, 354 Hydroxyapatite, 1, 61, 168, 312, 424, Machining efficiency, 760 Fatigue, 559, 739 433, 664, 793 Macroporous scaffold, 161 Ferrofluid, 650 Hydroxyapatite coatings, 106 Material design, 137 Fibers, 152 Hydroxyapatite putty, 542 Material properties, 396 Fibrin sealant, 37 Hydroxyapatite/type I collagen Mechanical and rheological properties, Fibrinogen, 548 (HAp/Col) composite, 507 447 Fibroblasts, 53, 746 Hydroxylapatite (HA), 71 Mechanical properties, | Filament surface, 765 Hyperthermia, 24 Mechanical property, 262 Finite-element analysis, 671, 793 Mechanical testing, 226, 354 Flaw, 342 Immunoglobulin, 830 Medical care, 373 Flexing, 739 Immunohistochemistry, 548 Mercury compounds, 643 Flexural strength, 226 Implant, 467, 507 Mesh repair, 182 FLODEC, 531 Implant loosening, 706 Mesothelium, 182 Fluoramphibole glass—ceramics, 48 Implant osteointegration, 168 Metal bracket, 786 Fluorescence microscopy, 115 Implantation, 65 Metal ions, 467 Fluoride release, 535 In situ formation, 484 Metal-on-metal, 467 Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy In vitro, 577 2-Methacryloyloxyethy] (FTIR), 15 In vitro and in vivo degradation, 752 phosphorylcholine polymer, 333 Fractographic analysis, 306 In vivo elution, 807 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Fracture, 137, 291, 342, 679 In vivo test, 714 aureus, 245 Fracture pattern, 363 Infertility, 10 Methodology, 531 Fracture toughness, 559 Injectable calcium phosphate cement, Mica glass-ceramics, 146 Freeze—thaw, 854 413 Interfacial strength, 363 Microprobe analysis, 516 Gamma irradiation, 559 Interfacial structure, 363 Microstructure, 1, 146 Gelation, 16] Interfibrillar, 291 Microtensile bond test, 306 Gentamicin, 226 Interlamellar, 291 Miniature test specimens, 455 Gentamicin sulfate, 800 Internal fixation, 679 Minipig, 115, 679 Glutathione, 746 Interstitial hyperthermia, 650 Moisture, 31 Gold particles, 643 Interstitial thermal rod, 24 Monofilament, 129, 765 Growth factor, 706 Intracoronary radiation, 98 Monomers, 299 Guide wire, 692 Intrafascicular electrodes, 501 Monomer-to-powder ratio, 396

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