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Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials) Author Index to Volume 33 Abdulla, D. See Filiaggi, M. J., 239 Dauner, M. See Sittinger, M., 57 Geesin, J.C. Adamyan, A. See Horak, D., 193 de Mol, B. A. J. M. —; Brown, L. J.; Liu, Z.; Berg, R. A.: De- Agrawal, C. M. See Wang, X., 13 —; van Gaalen, G. L.: The Editor’s Corner: velopment of a Skin Model Based on —; See Wang, X., 133 Biomaterials Crisis in the Medical De- Insoluble Fibrillar Collagen, | Anderson, P. L. See Szivek, J. A., 121 vice Industry: Is Litigation the Only Goodman, S. Anissian, L. See Good, V. D., 275 Cause? 53 —; Aspenberg, P.; Song, Y.; Regula, D.; Ashammakhi, N. A. Deng, M. See Witkiewicz, H., 73 Lidgren, L.: Different Effects of Phago- Neomembranes: A Concept Review with DeYoung, D. W. See Szivek, J. A., 121 cytosable Particles during Bone For- Special Reference to Self-Reinforced Dhanda, R. See Wang, X., 133 mation Versus Remodeling, 153 Polyglycolide Membranes, 297 Dishongh, T. J. See Szivek, J. A., 121 Good, V. D. Aspenberg, P. See Goodman, S., 153 Doi, Y. See Hamanishi, C., 139 —,; Clarke, C.; Anissian, L.: Water and Bo- Drake, D. B. See Woods, J. A., 47 vine Serum Lubrication Compared in Berg, R. A. See Geesin, J. C., 1 Dupuy, B. See Fricain, J. Ch., 23 Simulator PTFE/CoCr Wear Model, Blunn, G. W. See Walker, P. S., 159 275 Bolander, M. E. See Witkiewicz, H., 73 Edlich, R. F. See Faulkner, B. C., 187 Gumargalieva, K. See Horak, D., 193 Bravo, M. See Osorio, R., 269 —; See Fisher, M. D., 291 Guseinov, E. See Horak, D., 193 Brown, L. J. See Geesin, J. C., 1 —; See Leslie, L. F., 41 Bujia, J. See Sittinger, M., 57 —; See Neal, J. G., 285 Hamanishi, C. Burmester, G. R. See Sittinger, M., 57 —; See Woods, J. A., 47 —,; Kitamoto, K.; Tanaka, S.; Otsuka, M.; Bush, R. B. Doi, Y.; Kitahashi, T.: A Self-Setting A Bibliography of Monographic Works on TTCP-DCPD Apatite Cement for Re- Faulkner, B.C. Biomaterials and Biocompatibility: Up- lease of Vancomycin, 139 —; Tribble, C. G.; Thacker, J. G.; Rode- date, 107 Hammer, C. See Sittinger, M., 57 heaver, G. T.; Edlich, R. F.: Knot Per- formance of Polypropylene Sutures, Hashemi, A. Cabrerizo-Vilchez, M. A. See Osorio, R.., 187 —- Shirazi-Adl, A.; Dammak, M.: Bidirec- 269 Filiaggi, M. J. tional Friction Study of Cancellous Calvert, J. M. See Kapur, R., 205 —; Pilliar, R. M.; Abdulla, D.: Evaluating Bone-Porous Coated Metal Interface, Cassinelli, C. See Marmieri, G., 29 Sol-Gel Ceramic Thin Films for Metal 257 Chapekar, M.S. Implant Applications. I]. Adhesion Hierlemann, H. See Sittinger, M., 57 Regulatory Concerns in the Development and Fatigue Properties of Zirconia Hoglin, D. P. See Pienkowski, D., 65 of Biologic-Biomaterial Combinations, Films on Ti-6AI-4V, 239 Horak, D. 199 —,; Pilliar, R. M.; Yakubovich, R.; Shapiro, —+; Guseinov, E.; Adamyan, A.; Titova, Cheng, W.-H. See Sung, H.-W., 177 G.: Evaluating Sol-Ge! Ceramic Thin M.; Danilov, M.; Trostenyuk, N.; Vor- Chen, H.-L. See Yang, J.-M., 83 Films for Metal Implant Applications. onkova, O.; Gumargalieva, K.: Poly(2- Chen, M.-S. See Kapur, R., 205 I. Processing and Structure of Zirconia Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate) Particles Chiu, I.-S. See Sung, H.-W., 177 Films on Ti-6AI-4V, 225 for Management of Hemorrhage of Cho, S.-B. Fisher, M. D. Complicated Origin: Treatment of —; Nakanishi, K.; Kokubo, T.; Soga, N.; —; Neal, J. G.; Kheir, J. N.; Woods, J. A.; Hemobilia, 193 Ohtsuki, C.; Nakamura, T.: Apatite Thacker, J. G.; Edlich, R. F.: Ease of Howlett, C. R. See Zreiqat, H., 217 Formation on Silica Gel in Simulated Donning Commercially Available Hsu, H.-L. See Sung, H.-W., 177 Body Fluid: Its Dependence on Struc- Powder-Free Surgical Gloves, 291 Hunter, F. P. See Neal, J. G., 285 tures of Silica Gels Prepared in Differ- Franzén, H. See Wang, J.-S., 115 ent Media, 145 Fricain, J. Ch. Jacob, R. J. See Pienkowski, D., 65 Clarke, C. See Good, V. D., 275 —+; Rouais, F.; Dupuy, B.: A Two-Step Em- Jones, D. W. bedding Process for Better Preserva- —->; Rizkalla, A. S.: Characterization of Ex- Dammak, M. See Hashemi, A., 257 tion of Soft Tissue Surrounding Coral perimental Composite Biomaterials, Danilov, M. See Horak, D., 193 Implants, 23 89 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials), Vol. 33, 307-308 (1996) 308 Kapur, R. Osorio, R. —; See Leslie, L. F., 41 —; Spargo, B. J.; Chen, M.-S.; Calvert, J. —:;Toledano, M.; Cabrerizo-Vilchez, —; See Neal, J. G., 285 M.; Rudolph, A. S.: Fabrication and M. A.; Rosales, J. I.; Bravo, M.; Oso- Titova, M. See Horak, D., 193 Selective Surface Modification of 3- rio, E.: Influence of Enamel Prophy- Toksvig—Larsen, S. See Wang, J.-S., 115 Dimensionally Textured Biomedical laxis on Wettability of Three Commer- Toledano, M. See Osorio, R., 269 Polymers from Etched Silicon Sub- cially Available Orthophosphoric Tribble, C. G. See Faulkner, B. C., 187 strates, 205 Acids, 269 Trostenyuk, N. See Horak, D., 193 Kastenbauer, E. See Sittinger, M., 57 Otsuka, M. See Hamanishi, C., 139 Kaufer, H. See Pienkowski, D., 65 van Gaalen, G. L. See de Mol, B. A. J. M., Kheir, J. N. See Fisher, M. D., 291 Pachence, J. M. 53 —; See Neal, J. G., 285 Collagen-Based Devices for Soft Tissue Re- Vegella, T. J. See Matchette, L. S., 101 Kitahashi, T. See Hamanishi, C., 139 pair, 35 Vidovszky, T. See Witkiewicz, H., 73 Voronkova, O. See Horak, D., 193 Kitamoto, K. See Hamanishi, C., 139 Pettenati, M. See Marmieri, G., 29 Kokubo, T. See Cho, S.-B., 145 Pienkowski, D. Walker, P.S. —; Hoglin, D. P.; Jacob, R. J.; Saum, K. A.; Leslie, L. F. Nicholls, P. J.; Kaufer, H.: Shape and —; Blunn, G. W.; Lilley, P. A.: Wear Test- —; Woods, J. A.; Thacker, J. G.; Morgan, Size of Virgin Ultrahigh Molecular ing of Materials and Surfaces for Total R. F.; McGregor, W.; Edlich, R. F.: Knee Replacement, 159 Weight GUR 4150 HP Polyethylene Needle Puncture Resistance of Surgi- Walsh, W. R. See Zreigat, H., 217 Powder, 65 cal Gloves, Finger Guards, and Glove Pilliar, R. M. See Filiaggi, M. J., 225 Wang, J.-S. Liners, 41 —,; Toksvig—Larsen, S.; Miiller—Wille, P.; —-,; See Filiaggi, M. J., 239 Leslie, L. F. See Woods, J. A., 47 Franzén, H.: Is There Any Difference Planck, H. See Sittinger, M., 57 Lidgren, L. See Goodman, S., 153 between Vacuum Mixing Systems in Lilley, P. A. See Walker, P. S., 159 Reducing Bone Cement Porosity? 115 Regula, D. See Goodman, S., 153 Liu, S.-A. See Sung, H.-W., 177 Wang, X. Reitzel, D. See Sittinger, M., 57 Liu, Z. See Geesin, J. C., 1 —; Agrawal, C. M.: Fracture Toughness of London, S. D. See Neal, J. G., 285 Rizkalla, A. S. See Jones, D. W., 89 Bone Using a Compact Sandwich Rock, M. G. See Witkiewicz, H., 73 Specimen: Effects of Sampling Sites Markovic, B. See Zreigat, H., 217 Rodeheaver, G. T. See Faulkner, B. C., 187 and Crack Orientations, 13 Marmieri, G. Rosales, J. I. See Osorio, R., 269 —+; Subramanian, A.; Dhanda, R.; Agra- —; Pettenati, M.; Cassinelli, C.; Morra, M.: Rouais, F. See Fricain, J. Ch., 23 wal, C. M.: Testing of Bone-Biomate- Evaluation of Slipperiness of Catheter Rudolph, A. S. See Kapur, R., 205 rial Interfacial Bonding Strength: A Surfaces, 29 Comparison of Different Techniques, Maruyama, T. Saha, S. See Maruyama, T., 9 133 —; Saha, S.; Mongiano, D. O.; Mudge, K.: Saum, K. A. See Pienkowski, D., 65 Witkiewicz, H. Metacarpal Fracture Fixation with Shalaby, S. W. See Witkiewicz, H., 73 —; Deng, M.; Vidovszky, T.; Bolander, Absorbable Polyglycolide Rods and Shapiro, G. See Filiaggi, M. J., 225 M. E.; Rock, M. G.; Morrey, B. F.; Stainless Steel K Wires: A Biomechan- Shih, C.-H. See Yang, J.-M., 83 Shalaby, S. W.: A Differential Scan- ical Comparison, 9 Shirazi-Adl, A. See Hashemi, A., 257 ning Calorimetry Study of Retrieved Matchette, L. S. Sittinger, M. Orthopedic Implants Made of Ultra- —+; Vegella, T. J.: Glutaraldehyde Retains —; Reitzel, D.; Dauner, M.; Hierlemann, high Molecular Weight Polyethylene, Its Disinfectant Properties in Presence H.; Hammer, C.; Kastenbauer, E.; ae of Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose Planck, H.; Burmester, G. R.; Bujia, J.: Woods,J . A. (HPMC) Gel, 101 Resorbable Polyesters in Cartilage En- —; Leslie, L. F.; Drake, D. B.; Edlich, R. F.: McGregor, W. See Leslie, L. F., 41 gineering: Affinity and Biocompatibil- Effect of Puncture Resistant Surgical Mongiano, D. O. See Maruyama, T., 9 ity of Polymer Fiber Structures to Gloves, Finger Guards, and Glove Morgan, R. F. See Leslie, L. F., 41 Chondrocytes, 57 Liners on Cutaneous Sensibility and Morra, M. See Marmieri, G., 29 Soga, N. See Cho, S.-B., 145 Surgical Psychomotor Skills, 47 Morrey, B. F. See Witkiewicz, H., 73 Song, Y. See Goodman, S., 153 —; See Fisher, M. D., 291 Mudge, K. See Maruyama, T., 9 Spargo, B. J. See Kapur, R., 205 —-; See Leslie, L. F., 41 Miller-Wille, P. See Wang, J.-S., 115 Subramanian, A. See Wang, X., 133 Sung, H.-W. Yakubovich, R. See Filiaggi, M. J., 225 Nakamura, T. See Cho, S.-B., 145 —+; Cheng, W.-H.; Chiu, I.-S.; Hsu, H.-L.; Yang, J.-M. Nakanishi, K. See Cho, S.-B., 145 Liu, S.-A.: Studies on Epoxy Com- —; You, J.-W.; Chen, H.-L.; Shih, C.-H.: Neal, J. G. pound Fixation, 177 Calorimetric Characterization of the —; London, S. D.; Kheir, J. N.; Hunter, Szivek, J. A. Formation of Acrylic Type Bone Ce- F. P.; Thacker, J. G.; Edlich, R. F.: —; Anderson, P. L.; Dishongh, T. J.; De- ments, 83 Studies of Determinants of Glove Young, D. W.: Evaluation of Factors You, J.-W. See Yang, J.-M., 83 Hole Puncture during Electrosurgery, Affecting Bonding Rate of Calcium 285 Phosphate Ceramic Coatings for In Zreiqat, H. —; See Fisher, M. D., 291 Vivo Strain Gauge Attachment, 121 —; Markovic, B.; Walsh, W. R.; Howlett, Nicholls, P. J. See Pienkowski, D., 65 C. R.: A Novel Technique for Quanti- Tanaka, S. See Hamanishi, C., 139 tative Detection of mRNA Expression Ohtsuki, C. See Cho, S.-B., 145 Thacker, J. G. See Faulkner, B. C., 187 in Human Bone Derived Cells Cul- Osorio, E. See Osorio, R., 269 —; See Fisher, M. D., 291 tured on Biomaterials, 217 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials) Subject Index to Volume 33 Adhesion, 239 Fatigue, 239 Packaging agent, 101 Analysis, 101 FDA regulations, 199 Polyethylene, 153 Fixation rate, 177 Polyglycolide, 297 Bending stiffness, 9 Fracture morphology, 13 Polylactide, 297 Bibliography, 107 Fracture toughness, 13, 133 Polymer, 89 Bioactive cement, 139 Friction, 65, 257 Polymers, 205 Bioactivity, 145 Polypropylene, 187 Biocompatibility, 57 Glove, 285 Polytetrafluoroethylene, 275 Biomaterials, 199 Gloves, 41, 47, 291 Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), Bioprostheses, 177 GUR 4150, 65 193 Bonding strength, 133 Porosity, 115 Bone, 13, 133, 257 Hemobilia, 193 Powder-free gloves, 291 Bone cement, 83, 115 Hemorrhage, 193 Proteins, 205 Bone formation, 153 Hip simulator, 275 Puncture, 285 Bone remodeling, 121, 153 HPMC, 101 Puncture resistant materials, 41, 47 Bone-biomaterial interface, 217 Hydrogel, 193 Bovine collagen, | Hydrophilic Resorbable polymers, 57 poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate), Catheter tubing, 29 29 Sandwich specimen, 13 Cell retaining behavior, 57 Hydrophobic polymer, 23 Self-reinforced polyglycolide (SR- Ceramic filler, 89 Hydroxyapatite, 121, 139, 145 PGA) rods, 9 Collagen, 35 Sensibility, 47 Combination products, 199 Immunostaining, 23 Sensitivity, 47 Contracted collagen lattices, | Implant, 257 Silane, 89 Cortical bone, 9 Intercenter agreement, 199 Silanol group, 145 Crosslinking density, 177 Interface, 257 Silica gel, 145 Crystallinity, 73 Soft tissue, 23 Knee replacements, 159 Soft tissue repair, 35 Decalcifying agents, 23 Knot security, 187 Sol-gel, 225, 239 Dental composite, 89 Somatic cells, 199 Differential scanning calorimetry, 73, Metacarpal fracture, 9 Strain gauge, 121 83 Microstructure, 145 Subsurface crack propagation, 159 Donning forces, 291 Mixing systems, 115 Surface modification, 205 Moduli of elasticity, 89 Surface morphology, 29 Electrosurgery, 285 Monographs, 107 Surface wear, 159 Embolization, 193 Suture, 187 Enamel surface, 269 Needle stick injuries, 41 Enzyme histochemistry, 23 Neomembrane, 297 Tetracalcium phosphate, 139 Epidermal differentiation, | Texture, 205 Epidermal keratinocytes, | Orientation, 13 Thermal necrosis, 83 Epoxy compound, 177 Orthophosphoric acid, 269 Tissue engineering, 57 Etching, 205 Osteoblast mRNA expression, 217 Tissue regeneration, 297 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (Applied Biomaterials), Vol. 33, 309-310 (1996) 310 Titanium, 153 Vacuum, 115 Wear, 275 Total hip arthoplasty, 73, 275 Virgin powder, 65 Wound care applications, 35 Total joint replacement, 153 Viscous disinfecting shipping medium, 101 UHMW-PE, 73 Ultrahigh molecular weight Zirconia, 225 polyethylene, 159 Wear, 65 Zirconia, 239 ES ts

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