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Journal of Biogeography CX) Contents Volume 30 Issue I January 2003 Guest Editorial 1 J. C. Briggs: Marine centres of origin as evolutionary engines Special Paper 19 K. A. Triantis, M. Mylonas, K. Lika and K. Vardinoyannis: A model for the species-area-habitat relationship Reflecting on frogs and other animals 29 F. Johansson: Latitudinal shifts in body size of Emillagma cyathigerum (Odonata) 35 K. Summers, T. W. Cronin and T. Kennedy: Variation in spectral reflectance among populations of Dendrobates pumilio, the strawberry poison frog, in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama 55 j. T. Forsman and M. Monkkonen: The role of climate in limiting European resident bird populations 71 L. P. Costa: The historical bridge between the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest of Brazil: a study of molecular phylogeography with small mammals Special Paper 87 J. E. B. Mouw and P. B. Alaback: Putting floodplain hyperdiversity in a regional context: an assessment of terrestrial- floodplain connectivity in a montane environment Phytogeography with a bit of latitude 105 A. T. Moles and M. Westoby: Latitude, seed predation and seed mass 129 H. Qian, J.-S. Song, P. Krestov, Q. Guo, Z. Wu, X. Shen and X. Guo: Large-scale phytogeographical patterns in East Asia in relation to latitudinal and climatic gradients 143 S. Cunningham and J. Read: Comparison of temperate and tropical rainforest tree species: growth responses to temperature 155 Book Reviews Volume 30 Issue 2 February 2003 Special Issue Biogeography of Southeast Asia 161 |. D. Holloway: An addiction to Southeast Asian biogeography 165 J. D. Holloway: Biological images of geological history: through a glass darkly or brightly face to face? 181 P. C. van Welzen, H. Turner and P. Hovenkamp: Historical biogeography of Southeast Asia and the West Pacific, or the generality of unrooted area networks as historical biogeographic hypotheses 193 J. A. N. Parnell, D. A. Simpson, J. Moat, D. W. Kirkup, P. Chantaranothai, P. C. Boyce, P. Bygrave, S. Dransfield, M. H. P. Jebb, J. Macklin, C. Meade, D. J. Middleton, A. M. Muasya, A. Prajaksood, C. A. Pendry, R. Pooma, S. Suddee and P. Wilkin: Plant collecting spread and densities: their potential impact on biogeographical studies in Thailand 211 C. H. Cannon and P. S. Manos: Phylogeography of the Southeast Asian stone oaks (Lithocarpus) 227 W. Mey: Insular radiation of the genus Hydropsyche (Insecta, Trichoptera; Hydropsychidae) Pictet, 1834 in the Philippines and its implications for the biogeography of Southeast Asia Phytogeography: from Selkirk Island to Singapore 239 S. G. Haberle: Late quaternary vegetation dynamics and human impact on Alexander Selkirk Island, Chile 257 H. C. Humphries and P. S. Bourgeron: Environmental responses of Pimis ponderosa and associated species in the south¬ western USA 111 G. A. Jones and G. H. R. Henry: Primary plant succession on recently deglaciated terrain in the Canadian High Arctic 297 H. H. Bruun and j. Moen: Nested communities of alpine plants on isolated mountains: relative importance of colonization and extinction 305 D. H. L. Teo, H. T. W. Tan, R. T. Corlett, C. M. Wong and S. K. Y. Lum: Continental rain forest fragments in Singapore resist invasion by exotic plants 311 Book Reviews Volume 30 Issue 3 March 2003 Guest Report 315 R. j. Whittaker and D. F. Sax: A 21st century Pangea? The emergence of a new international forum for Biogeographers Guest Editorial 319 M. G. P. Van Veller, D. R. Brooks and M. Zandee: Cladistic and phylogenetic biogeography: the art and the science of discovery On aspects of theory 331 S. Meiri and T. Dayan: On the validity of Bergmann’s rule 353 T. D. Drezner: Revisiting Bergmann’s rule for saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea (Engelm.) Britt, and Rose): stem diameter patterns over space 361 T. M. Doan: A south-to-north biogeographic hypothesis for Andean speciation: evidence from the lizard genus Proctoporus (Reptilia, Gymnophthalmidae) 375 L. D. Habib, Y. F. Wiersma and T. D. Nudds: Effects of errors in range maps on estimates of historical species richness of mammals in Canadian national parks Special Paper 381 j. C. Briggs: The biogeographic and tectonic history of India From fossil wood to primeval forest via waterfowl 389 M. Philippe, G. Cuny, M. Bamford, E. jaillard, G. Barale, B. Gomez, M. Ouaja, F. Thevenard, M. Thiebaut and P. Von Sengbusch: The palaeoxylological record of Metapodocarpoxylon Uhanoticum (Edwards) Duperon-Laudoueneix et Pons and the Gondwana Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous continental biogeography 401 T. Dirnbock, S. Dullinger and G. Grabherr: A regional impact assessment of climate and land-use change on alpine vegetation 419 W. L. Strong and L. V. Hills: Post-Hypsithermal plant disjunctions in western Alberta, Canada 431 G. Brehm and K. Fiedler: Faunal composition of geometrid moths changes with altitude in an Andean montane rain forest 441 M. L. Mallory, L. A. Venier and D. McKenney: Winter weather and waterfowl surveys in north-western Ontario, Canada 449 O. R. Rojas-Soto, O. Alcantara-Ayala and A. G. Navarro: Regionalization of the avifauna of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico: a parsimony analysis of endemicity and distributional modelling approach 463 R. Kowalczyk, B. J^drzejewska and A. Zalewski: Annual and circadian activity patterns of badgers (Meles meles) in Biatowieza Primeval Forest (eastern Poland) compared with other Palaearctic populations Correspondence 473 J. E. Dobson: Independent corroboration of a previously proposed Palaeozoic link between eastern Australia and eastern North America 473 Comment in response to Professor Dobson’s Letter Volume 30 Issue 4 April 2003 Guest Editorial 475 P. J. D. Lambshead and G. Boucher: Marine nematode deep-sea biodiversity - hyperdiverse or hype? Plant systems 487 A. Hampe: Large-scale geographical trends in fruit traits of vertebrate-dispersed temperate plants 497 J. T. Hunter: Persistence on inselbergs: the role of obligate seeders and resprouters 511 S. W. Laffan and M. D. Crisp: Assessing endemism at multiple spatial scales, with an example from the Australian vascular flora 521 W. W. Oswald, P. M. Anderson, L. B. Brubaker, F. S. Hu and D. R. Engstrom: Representation of tundra vegetation by pollen in lake sediments of northern Alaska 537 C. Lavoie, M. Jean, E. Delisle and G. Letourneau: ENotic plant species of the St Lawrence River wetlands: a spatial and historical analysis The Isthmus of Kra 551 D. S. Woodruff: Neogene marine transgressions, palaeogeography and biogeographic transitions on the Thai-Malay Peninsula 569 J. B. Hughes, P. D. Round and D. S. Woodruff: The Indochinese-Sundaic faunal transition at the Isthmus of Kra: an analysis of resident forest bird species distributions Animal landscapes: presence and absence 581 B. A. Reutter, V. Heifer, A. H. Hirzel and P. Vogel: Modelling habitat-suitability using museum collections: an example with three sympatric Apodemiis species from the Alps 591 R. P. Anderson: Real vs. artefactual absences in species distributions: tests for Oryzofnys alhigularis (Rodentia: Muridae) in Venezuela 607 D. W. Macdonald and S. Rushton: Modelling space use and dispersal of mammals in real landscapes: a tool for conservation 621 J. L. Telleria, R. Baquero and T. Santos: Effects of forest fragmentation on European birds: implications of regional differences in species richness 629 Book Reviews Volume 30 Issue 5 May 2003 Guest Editorial 633 A. MacDougall: Did Native Americans influence the northward migration of plants during the Holocene? Special Paper 649 W. A. Weber: The Middle Asian Element in the Southern Rocky Mountain Flora of the western United States: a critical biogeographical review Animals: small and large from coasts to cattle 687 A. M. M. Richardson, R. Swain and C. McCoull: What limits the distributions of coastally restricted terrestrial invertebrates? The case of coastal landhoppers (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Talitridae)in southern Tasmania 697 W. N. Camargo, J. S. Ely and P. Sorgeloos: Morphometric characterization of thalassohaline Artemia franciscana populations from the Colombian Caribbean 703 R. M. McDowall: Hawaiian biogeography and the islands’ freshwater fish fauna 711 P. S. Levin: Regional differences in responses of chinook salmon populations to large-scale climatic patterns 719 M. D. Eyre, M. L. Luff, J. R. Staley and M. G. Telfer: The relationship between British ground beetles (Coleoptera,Carabidae) and land cover 731 N. R. Andrew, L. Rodgerson and M. Dunlop: Variation in in vertebra te-bryophyte community structure at different spatial scales along altitudinal gradients 747 D. W. Zeh, J. A. Zeh and M. M. Bonilla: Phylogeography of the giant harlequin beetle (Acrocimis longimanus) 755 D. Ontiveros and J. M. Pleguezuelos: Influence of climate on Bonelli’s eagle’s {Hieraaetus fasciatus V.1822) breeding success through the Western Mediterranean 761 M. Clavero, J. Prenda and M. Delibes: Trophic diversity of the otter {Lutra lutra L.)in temperate and Mediterranean freshwater habitats 771 P. Bover and j. A. Alcover: Understanding Late Quaternary extinctions: the case of Myotragus balearicus (Bate, 1909) 783 B. R. Sharp and R. J. Whittaker: The irreversible cattle-driven transformation of a seasonally flooded Australian savanna 803 Book Reviews Volume 30 Issue 6 June 2003 Guest Editorial 805 R. W. Sutherst: Prediction of species geographical ranges 817 M. J. Samways: Critical response Theoretical concerns 819 D. R. Brooks and M. G. P. van Veller: Critique of parsimony analysis of endemicity as a method of historical biogeography 827 E. Tjorve: Shapes and functions of species-area curves: a review of possible models 837 R. Poulin and D. Mouillot: Host introductions and the geography of parasite taxonomic diversity From termite diversity to mammal diversity 847 R. G. Davies, P. Eggleton, D. T. Jones, E. j. Gathorne-Hardy and L. M. Hernandez: Evolution of termite functional diversity: analysis and synthesis of local ecological and regional influences on local species richness 879 U. Brose: Island biogeography of temporary wetland carabid beetle communities 889 J. Krauss, 1. Steffan-Dewenter and T. Tscharntke: How does landscape context contribute to effects of habitat fragmentation on diversity and population density of butterflies? 901 D. Bonte, P. Criel, 1. Van Thournout and ).-P. Maelfait: Regional and local variation of spider assemblages (Araneae) from coastal grey dunes along the North Sea 913 D. Zacherl, S. D. Gaines and S. 1. Lonhart: The limits to biogeographical distributions: insights from the northward range extension of the marine snail, Kelletia kelletii (Eorbes, 1852) 925 L. Joseph, T. Wilke and D. Alpers: Independent evolution of migration on the South American landscape in a long-distance temperate-tropical migratory bird, Swainson’s flycatcher (Myiarchus swainsoni) 939 R. Real, A. Marcia Barbosa, D. Porras, M. S. Kin, A. L. Marquez, J. C. Guerrero, L. Javier Palomo, E. R. Justo and J. Mario Vargas: Relative importance of environment, human activity and spatial situation in determining the distribution of terrestrial mammal diversity in Argentina 949 C. Pertoldi, L. A. Bach, A. B. Madsen, E. Randi and V. Loeschcke: Morphological variability and developmental instability in subpopulations of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in Denmark Correspondence 959 M. C. Ebach and C. J. Humphries: Ontology of biogeography 963 Book Reviews Volume 30 Issue 7 July 2003 Phytogeographical patterns 965 H. Groth, M. Lindner, R. Wilson, F. A. Hartmann, M. Schmull, S. R. Gradstein and J. Heinrichs: Biogeography of Plagiochila (Hepaticae): natural species groups span several floristic kingdoms 979 L. Wanntorp and H.-E. Wanntorp: The biogeography of Gumiera L.: vicariance and dispersal 989 P. Y. Ladiges, F. Udovicic and G. Nelson: Australian biogeographical connections and the phylogeny of large genera in the plant family Myrtaceae 999 M. Sawada, A. E. Viau and K. Gajewski: The biogeography of aquatic macrophytes in North America since the Last Glacial Maximum 1019 T. Korvenpaa, M. von Numers and S. Hinneri: A mesoscale analysis of floristic patterns in the south-west Finnish Archipelago 1033 F. Delisle, C. Lavoie, M. Jean and D. Lachance: Reconstructing the spread of invasive plants: taking into account biases associated with herbarium specimens 1043 F. Gerhardt and S. K. Collinge: Exotic plant invasions of vernal pools in the Central Valley of California, USA Forests and trees 1053 G. iM. Foody and M. E. J. Cutler: Tree biodiversity in protected and logged Bornean tropical rain forests and its measurement by satellite remote sensing 1067 J.-P. Puyravaud, C. Dufour and S. Aravajy: Rain forest expansion mediated by successional processes in vegetation thickets in the Western Ghats of India 1081 S. P. Norman and A. H. Taylor: Tropical and north Pacific teleconnections influence fire regimes in pine-dominated forests of north-eastern California, USA 1093 D. McKenzie, D. W. Peterson, D. L. Peterson and P. E. Thornton: Climatic and biophysical controls on conifer species distributions in mountain forests of Washington State, USA 1109 D. K. Swanson: A comparison of taiga flora in north-eastern Russia and Alaska/Yukon 1123 Book Reviews Volume 30 Issue 8 August 2003 Fish and fowl to the fore 1125 P. Neige: Spatial patterns of disparity and diversity of the Recent cuttlefishes (Cephalopoda) across the Old World 1139 P. B. Berendzen, A. M. Simons and R. M. Wood: Phylogeography of the northern hogsucker, Hypentelium nigricans (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): genetic evidence for the existence of the ancient Teays River 1153 K. F. Smith and S. D. Gaines: Rapoport’s bathymetric rule and the latitudinal species diversity gradient for Northeast Pacific fishes and Northwest Atlantic gastropods: evidence against a causal link 1161 L. A. Rocha: Patterns of distribution and processes of speciation in Brazilian reef fishes 1173 S. V. Drovetski: Plio-PIeistocene climatic oscilations, Holarctic biogeography and speciation in an avian subfamily 1183 J. Jokimaki and M.-L. Kaisanlahti-Jokimaki; Spatial similarity of urban bird communities: a multiscale approach 1195 D. Storch, M. Konvicka, J. Benes, J. Martinkova and K. J. Gaston: Distribution patterns in butterflies and birds of the Czech Republic: separating effects of habitat and geographical position From parasites to patches, ticks to topography 1207 N. Wilson and L. A. Durden: Ectoparasites of terrestrial vertebrates inhabiting the Georgia Barrier Islands, USA: an inventory and preliminary biogeographical analysis 1221 J. M. Olwoch, C. J. de W. Rautenbach, B. F. N. Erasmus, F. A. Engelbrecht and A. S. van Jaarsveld: Simulating tick distributions over sub-Saharan Africa: the use of observed and simulated climate surfaces 1233 A. Guisan and U. Hofer: Predicting reptile distributions at the mesoscale: relation to climate and topography 1245 E. Meijaard: Mammals of south-east Asian islands and their Late Pleistocene environments 1259 R. K. Swihart, T. C. Atwood, J. R. Goheen, D. M. Scheiman, K. E. Munroe and T. M. Gehring: Patch occupancy of North American mammals: is patchiness in the eye of the beholder? 1281 Book Reviews 1283 Announcement Volume 30 Issue 9 September 2003 Guest Editorial 1285 M. C. Ebach, C. J. Humphries and D. M. Williams: Phylogenetic biogeography deconstructed Regional biogeographies 1297 T. W. Pietsch, V. V. Bogatov, K. Amaoka, Y. N. Zhuravlev, V. Y. Barkalov, S. Gage, H. Takahashi, A. S. Lelej, S. Y. Storozhenko, N. Minakawa, D. J. Bennett, T. R. Anderson, M. Ohara, L. A. Prozorova, Y. Kuwahara, S. K. Kholin, M. Yabe, D. E. Stevenson and E. L. MacDonald: Biodiversity and biogeography of the islands of the Kuril Archipelago 1311 N. Kingston, S. Waldren and U. Bradley: The phytogeographical affinities of the Pitcairn Islands - a model for south-eastern Polynesia? 1329 L. Zhang and R. T. Corlett: Phytogeography of Hong Kong bryophytes 1339 T. Schils and E. Coppejans: Phytogeography of upwelling areas in the Arabian Sea Special Paper 1357 C. Cristoffer and C. A. Peres: Elephants versus butterflies: the ecological role of large herbivores in the evolutionary history of two tropical worlds Remnants and disturbances 1381 B. S. van Gemerden, H. Olff, M. P. E. Parren and E. Bongers: The pristine rain forest? Remnants of historical human impacts on current tree species composition and diversity 1391 J. L. Hill and P. J. Curran: Area, shape and isolation of tropical forest fragments: effects on tree species diversity and implications for conservation 1405 R. J. Fensham, R. J. Fairfax, D. W. Butler and D. M. J. S. Bowman: Effects of fire and drought in a tropical eucalypt savanna colonized by rain forest 1415 M. A. MacDonald and J. B. Kirkpatrick: Explaining bird species composition and richness in eucalypt-dominated remnants in subhumid Tasmania 1427 E. J. Southall, M. P. Dale and M. Kent: Spatial and temporal analysis of vegetation mosaics for conservation: poor fen communities in a Cornish valley mire 1445 D. Kulakowski, T. T. Veblen and P. Bebi: Effects of fire and spruce beetle outbreak legacies on the disturbance regime of a subalpine forest in Colorado 1457 Correspondence 1465 Book Reviews Volume 30 Issue 10 October 2003 Indicator plants and floristic analyses 1469 S. R. Karlsen and A. Elvebakk: A method using indicator plants to map local climatic variation in the Kangerlussuaq/ Scoresby Sund area. East Greenland 1493 S. Schmidtlein and J. Ewald: Landscape patterns of indicator plants for soil acidity in the Bavarian Alps 1505 S. Maranz and Z. Wiesman: Evidence for indigenous selection and distribution of the shea tree, Vitellaria paradoxa, and its potential significance to prevailing parkland savanna tree patterns in sub-Saharan Africa north of the equator 1517 J. W. E. Slik, A. D. Poulsen, P. S. Ashton, C. H. Cannon, K. A. O. Eichhorn, K. Kartawinata, I. Lanniari, H. Nagamasu, M. Nakagavva, M. G. L. van Nieuwstadt, J. Payne, A. Saridan, K. Sidiyasa, R. W. Verburg, C. O. Webb and P. Wilkie: A floristic analysis of the lowland dipterocarp forests of Borneo 1533 E. Wittmann and W. J. Junk: Sapling communities in Amazonian white-water forests Disjunction, dispersal, distance and diversification 1545 D. McCarthy: The trans-Pacific zipper effect: disjunct sister taxa and matching geological outlines that link the Pacific margins 1563 M. Spironello and D. R. Brooks: Dispersal and diversification: macroevolutionary implications of the MacArthur- Wilson model, illustrated by Simtilium (Inseliellum) Rubstov (Diptera: Simuliidae) 1575 K. Barrett, D. A. Wait and W. B. Anderson: Small island biogeography in the Gulf of California: lizards, the subsidized island biogeography hypothesis, and the small island effect 1583 J. L. Telleria and J. Perez-Tris: Seasonal distribution of a migratory bird: effects of local and regional resource tracking 1593 W. Wehtje: The range expansion of the great-tailed grackle {Qniscalus mexicauus Gmelin) in North America since 1880 1609 R. Poulin: The decay of similarity with geographical distance in parasite communities of vertebrate hosts 1617 S. Renaud and J. R. Michaux: Adaptive latitudinal trends in the mandible shape of Apodemus wood mice Volume 30 Issue I I November 2003 Special Paper 1629 J. E. Keeley and C. j. Eotheringham: Species-area relationships in Mediterranean-climate plant communities Aspects of New World phytogeography 1659 R. P. Lopez: Phytogeographical relations of the Andean dry valleys of Bolivia 1669 S. W. Brewer, M. Rejmanek, M. A. H. Webb and P. V. A. Fine: Relationships of phytogeography and diversity of tropical tree species with limestone topography in southern Belize 1689 J. H. D. Wolf and A. Flamenco-S: Patterns in species richness and distribution of vascular epiphytes in Chiapas, Mexico 1709 H. Asselin, S. Payette, M.-J. Fortin and S. Vallee: The northern limit of Finns hanksiana Lamb, in Canada: explaining the difference between the eastern and western distributions Special Paper 1719 S. Reddy and L. M. Davalos: Geographical sampling bias and its implications for conservation priorities in Africa Plants - ‘Downunder’ 1729 L. R. Perrie, P. J. Brownsey, P. J. Lockhart, E. A. Brown and M. F. Large; Biogeography of temperate Australasian Polystichum ferns as inferred from chloroplast sequence and AFLP 1737 P. B. Heenan and A. D. Mitchell: Phylogeny, biogeography and adaptive radiation of Pachycladon (Brassicaceae) in the mountains of South Island, New Zealand 1751 K. M. Lloyd, J. Bastow Wilson and W. G. Lee: Correlates of geographic range size in New Zealand Chionochloa (Poaceae) species Special Paper 1763 J. 1. House, S. Archer, D. D. Breshears, R. J. Scholes and and NCEAS Tree-Grass Interaction Participants: Conundrums in mixed woody-herbaceous plant systems 1779 Correspondence 1781 Book Reviews 1785 Notice Volume 30 Issue 12 December 2003 Water, water everywhere... 1787 J. M. Waters and M. S. Roy; Marine biogeography of southern Australia: phylogeographical structure in a temperate sea-star 1797 A. R. Davis, S. K. Fyfe, X. Turon and M. J. Uriz: Size matters sometimes: wall height and the structure of subtidal benthic invertebrate assemblages in south-eastern Australia and Mediterranean Spain 1809 J. T. Carlton and A. N. Cohen: Episodic global dispersal in shallow water marine organisms: the case history of the European shore crabs Carcimis maenas and C. aestiiarii 1821 O. Beauchard, j. Gagneur and S. Brosse: Macroinvertebrate richness patterns in North African streams 1835 M. D. Eyre, G. N. Foster, M. L. Luff and J. R. Staley: An investigation into the relationship between water beetle (Coleoptera) distribution and land cover in Scotland and northeast England 1851 E. Suarez-Morales: Historical biogeography and distribution of the freshwater calanoid copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico 1861 R. Aguilar-Aguilar, R. Contreras-Medina and G. Salgado-Maldonado: Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAP') of Mexican hydrological basins based on helminth parasites of freshwater fishes Insects: diversity and risk 1873 A. Komonen, J. Ikiivalko and W. Weiying: Diversity patterns of fungivorous insects; comparison between glaciated vs. refugial boreal forests 1883 1. Sanmartin: Dispersal vs. vicariance in the Mediterranean: historical biogeography of the Palearctic Pachydeminae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) 1899 J. H. Speer and R. R. Jensen: A hazards approach towards modelling pandora moth risk 1907 D. Maes, M. Gilbert, N. Titeux, P. Goffart and R. L. H. Dennis: Prediction of butterfly diversity hotspots in Belgium: a comparison of statistically focused and land use-focused models 1921 M. Pfeiffer, L. Chimedregzen and K. Ulykpan: Community organization and species richness of ants (Hymenoptera/ Formicidae) in Mongolia along an ecological gradient from steppe to Gobi desert 1937 Book Reviews - Saharan Special 1941 Author Index I 1

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