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INDEX Abric Romani (Capellades, Spain), 584 Archaeology of the household, in ancient 86 America, 570-71 Agarwal, Sabrina C., and Bonnie A. Archaeology, and indigenous communi- Glencross, eds., Social Bioarchae- ties, 146-47; interpretive, 436-37; of ology, review of, 565-67 coastal zones, 280-82; of complex Akanle, Olayinka, and A. O. Olutayo, ar- societies, 294-95; of mining, 152 ticle by, 249-71 54; of native resistance to Spanish colonialism, 157-59; postcolonial, Albro, Robert, Roosters at Midnight: 151-52 Indigenous Signs and Stigma in Local Bolivian Politics, review of, Arnn, John Wesley II, Lando f the Tejas: 551-52 Native American Identity and Interaction in Texas, A.D. 1300 to Allen, Jafari S., ;Venceremos? The 1700, review of, 445-47 Erotics of Black Self-Making in Cuba, review of, 432-33 Arnold, Jeanne E., and Michael R. Walsh, Californias Ancient Past: From Alterity, 223-47 the Pacific to the Range of Light, Amazonia, language and performance in, review of, 288-89 315-338, 339-55 prehistoric (see also Rock art), American Southwest (see Southwest) 283-85; Andean, 137-38; of the Amit, Vered, ed., Going First Class? New American Southwest, 286-87 Approaches to Privileged Travel Astronomy, in the Maya codices, 439-41 and Movement, review of, 126-27 Athabaskan (Kaska) language revitaliza- Ancestral Pueblo, 35-69, 473-502, 503 tion, 275-76 17 Andean folk art, 137-38 Bahamas, popular music in, 138-39 Andean technology, 430-31 Bahn, Paul G., Prehistoric Rock Art: Animal domestication, 161—90 Polemics and Progress, review of, Anishnaabeg (Lake Huron), 144-45 147-48 Anthropology, American, reflections on, Barbour, Matthew J., review by, 574-75 561-62; and the national security Barrett, Elinore M., The Spanish Colonial state, 559-61; and the U.S. military, Settlement Landscapes of New 429-30; graduate students’ guide Mexico, 1598-1680, review of, to careers in, 296-98 444-45 Arakawa, Fumiyasu, article by, 35-69 Barrios, Roberto, review by, 124-25 Archaeological cultures, 578-80 Basso, Ellen B., article by, 415-22; essays Archaeological replicas, 554—55 in honor of, 305-422 Archaeology and indigenous peoples, in Bellfy, Phil, Three Fires Unitv: The Latin America, 568-70 Anishnaabeg of the Lake Huron Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 68, 2012 Copyright © by The University of New Mexico 593 JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Borderlands, review of, 144-45 Bray, Tamara L., review by, 586-88 Berge, Anna, Topic and _ Discourse Brazil, ordeals of language and music in, Structure in’ West Greenlandic 339-55; texts of the self in, 315— Agree-ment Constructions, review 338 of, 276-77 Bricker, Harvey M., and Victoria R. Bernardini, Wesley, review by, 575—77 Bricker, Astronomy in the Maya Bernbeck, Reinhard, and Randall H. Codices, review of, 439-41 McGuire, eds., Ideologies in Brown, Terry, and Keri Brown, Archaeology, review of, 580-81 Biomolecular Archaeology: An In- Bicho, Nuno F., Jonathan A. Haws, and troduction, review of, 278-79 Loren G. Davis, eds., Trekking the Brulotte, Ronda L., Between Art and Shore: Changing Coastlines and Artifact: Archaeological Replicas the Antiquity of Coastal Settlement, & Cultural Production in Oaxaca, review of, 280-82 Mexico, review of, 554—55 Bioarchaeology, 565-67; of the human Buchanan, Anne, and Kenneth Weiss, head, 159-60 review by, 562-64 Biomolecular archaeology, 278-79 Bucholtz, Mary, White Kids: Language, Blackmail, 399-414 Race, and Styles of Youth Identity, review of, 121-23 Bliss, Catherine, Race Decoded: The Genomic Fight for Social Justice, Button, Gregory, Disaster Culture: review of, 562-64 Knowledge and Uncertainty in the Wake of Human and Environmental Bock, Philip K., review by, 557—58 Catastrophe, review of, 124-25 Bodinger de Uriarte, John, review by, 303-4 Cabana, Graciela S., and Jeffery J. Clarke, Body, human, and sense of self, 433-34 eds., Rethinking Anthropological Bolivia, local politics in, 551—S2 Perspectives on Migration, review Bonogofsky, Michelle, ed., The Bioarch- of, 287-88 aeology of the Human Head: Cairoli, M. Laetitia, Girls of the Factory: Decapitation, Decoration, and A Year with the Garment Workers Deformation, review of, 159-60 of Morocco, review of, 134-36 Bornstein, Erica, and Peter Redfield, California, prehistory of, 288-89 eds.. Forces of Compassion: Cameron, Catherine M., review by, 287- Humanitar-ianism between Ethics 88 and Politics, review of, 123-24 Carbonell i Roura, Eudald, ed., High Borrero, Luis Alberto, review by, 136-37 Resolution Archaeology — and Boyd, Colleen E., and Coll Thrush, Neanderthal Behavior: Time and eds., Phantom Past, Indigenous Space in Level J of Abric Romani Presence: Native Ghosts in North (Capellades, Spain), review of, American Culture and History, 584-86 review of, 303-4 Caribbean, protecting heritage in, 289-90 Braje, Todd J., review by, 288-89 INDEX Catastrophe, human response to, 124—25 Darnell, Regna, review by, 561-62 Celtic Tiger, 519-44 Davis, Elizabeth Anne, Bad Souls: Central Andes, 71—93 Madness and Responsibility in Modern Greece, review of, 558-59 Chapman, Anne, European Encounters with the Yamana People of Cape Dean, Carolyn, A Culture of Stone: Inka Perspectives on Rock, review of, Horn, before and after Darwin, review of, 136-37 150-51 Chernela, Janet, article by, 315-338 Death and remembrance, in Western maritime culture, 438-39 Clottes, Jean, Pourquoi l’Art Préhistor- ique?, review of, 283-85 Debenport, Erin, review by, 275—76 Cochrane, Ethan, and Andrew Gardner, Delle, James A., Mark W. Hauser, and eds., Evolutionary and Interpretive Douglas V. Armstrong, eds., Out of Many, One People: The Historical Archaeologies: A Dialogue, 436-37 Archaeology of Colonial Jamaica, Coffee farmers (Maya), 140-41 review of, 291-93 Cognition, 279-80 Demography, 503-17 Cohen, Jeffrey H., review by, 301-2 Dene (Canada) self-censorship, 373—97 Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Chip, and Jami Development, indigenous technologies, Powell, article by, 191-222 and indigenous peoples, 430-31 Compassion, 123-24 Diaspora, 95—116; South Asian, 130-31 Complex societies, archaeology of, 294 Dimock, Julian, historic photographs by, 95 302-3 Constan, Connie I., review by, 573-74 Disaster, human response to, 124-25 Cooking and food preparation, archaeo- Dixon, E. James, review by, 155-57 logical studies of, 586-88 Domestication, 161-90 Corn lifeway, 473-502 Donham, Donald L., Violence in a Time of Corn, transgenic, in modern Mexican Liberation: Murder and Ethnicity countryside, 301—2 at a South African Gold Mine, Coyle, Philip E., review by, 143-44 1994, review of, 425-26 Creek (Muscogee) grammar, 120-21 Douglass, John G., and Nancy Gonlin, Cuba, homosexuality, race, and sex-work eds. Ancient Households of the in, 432-33 Americas: Conceptualizing What Cultural evolutionary models, 35-69 Households Do, review of, 570-71 Cultural heritage, 289-90, 519-44 Dreams, role and function of, in Islam, 133-34 Cultural production, in Oaxaca, 554-55 Cultural resource management, 437-38 East Asia, cultural transmission in, 426 Cultural trajectories, 35-69 27 Cultural transmission, in East Asia, 426- Edgar, lain R., The Dream in Islam: From 27 Quranic Tradition to Jihadist JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Inspiration, review of, 133-34 Ford, Ben, review by, 438-39 El Sidrén (Asturias, Spain), archaeology Franchetto, Bruna, and Tommaso of, 282-83 Montagnani, article by, 339-55 Ellick, Carol J., and Joe E. Watkins, The Anthropoiogy Graduates Guide Gagnon, Celeste Marie, review by, 159- from Student to Career, review of, 60 296-98 Geib, Phil R., Foragers and Farmers of Emery Thompson, Melissa, review by, the Northern Kayenta Region: 434-35 Excavations along the Navajo Entrepreneurialism (US), 127-28 Mountain Road, review of, 577-78 Erlandson, Jon M., review by, 280-82 Gender, language, and performance, 315 Ethnic minorities, 95-116 338, 339-55 Ethnicity, 223-47; and violence, in Genetically modified corn, in modern South Africa, 425-26; in ancient Mexico, 301-2 Amazonia, 550-51 Ghana, jazz artists in, 557—S8 Ethnoarchaeology, of beer production, Ghosts, belief in and stories of, among 71-93 North American indigenous Ethnomusicology, 339-55 peoples, 303-4 Evolution, of human societies, 434-35 Giambastiani, Mark A., review by, 154 55 Evolutionary archaeology, 436-37 Gibson, Kathleen R., review by, 119-20 Gift-giving, 357-72 Fair-trade coffee, 140-41 Gnecco, Cristobal, and Patricia Ayala, Feld, Steven, Jazz Cosmopolitism in eds., Indigenous Peoples and Accra: Five Musical Years in Archaeology in Latin America, Ghana, review of, 557-58 review of, 568—70 Feliciano-Santos, Sherina, and Barbra A. God concepts, 223-47 Meek, article by, 373-97 Gonzalez Sainz, César, and Rosa Ruiz Fermented beverages, 71—93 Idarraga, Una Nueva Visita a Fernandez, Nadine T., review by, 432-33 Santimaminie: — Precisiones — en Fitch, W. Tecumseh, The Evolution of el Conocimiento del Conjunto Language, review of, 119-20 Parietal Paleolitico, review of, Fitting, Elizabeth, The Struggle for 443-44 Maize: Campesinos, Workers, and Gonzalez, Roberto J., reviews by, 130- Transgenic Corn in the Mexican 31, 559-61 Countryside, review of, 301-2 Graff, Sarah R., and Enrique Rodriguez- Fitzsimmons, James L., and Izumi Alegria, eds., The Menial Art of Shimada, eds., Living with Cooking: Archaeological Studies the Dead: Mortuary Ritual in of Cooking and Food Preparation, Mesoameriga, review of, 567-68 review of, 586-88 Folk art, Andean, 137-38 Graff, Sarah R., review by, 294—95 INDEX 597 Grauer, Anne L., A Companion to Ethnohistory, review of, 550-51 Paleopathology, review of, 564-65 Household archaeology, 1-34, 570-71 Grayson, Donald K., The Great Basin: Hruby, Zachary X., Geoffrey E. A Natural Prehistory, review of, Braswell, and Oswaldo Chinchilla 154-55 Mazariegos, eds., The Technology Great Basin (US), natural prehistory of, of Maya Civilization: Political 154-55 Economy and Beyond in Lithic Greece, effect of local culture on Studies, review of, 295—96 psychiatric practices in, 558-59 Huichol (Mexico) art, 553; territory, Green, Nile, review by, 133-34 143-44 Greenlandic (West) linguistics, 276-77 Human evolution, and the archaeology of thought, 279-80 Grier, Colin, and Jangsuk Kim, article by, 1-34 Human head, bioarchaeology of, 159-60 Guatemala, indigenization of a popular Humanitarianism, 123-24 saint in, 223-47 Gustafson, Bret, review by, 551-52 Identity, 519-44; constructs of, 191-222 Ideologies, in archaeology, 580-81 Hanks, William F., article by, 449-71 Indigeneity, 449-71 Hardesty, Donald L., Mining Archaeology Indigenization of a Guatemalan popular in the American West, review of, saint, 223-47 152-54 Indigenous archaeology, 146-47 Haudenosaunee, 191-222 Indigenous peoples, and archaeology, Hawaii, agriculture and social complexity in Latin America, 568-70; and in, 293-94 stewardship, 129-30 Health reform, in Mexico, 141-42 Inka, use of stone by, 150—S1 Herzfeld, Michael, review by, 558-59 Innes, Pamela, review by, 120-21 Hip hop music, Intensification, 1-34 Historic preservation, 437-38; in the Interaction, in the prehistoric — Inter- Caribbean, 289-90 mountain West (US), 571-73 Hoffecker, John F., Landscape of the Interactional surveillance, 373—97 Mind: Human Evolution and the Intimate grammars, 399-414 Archaeology of Thought, review Ireland, 519-44 of, 279-80 Iroquois, 191-222 Hoffman, David M., review by, 425-26 Islam, role and function of dreams in, Hogan, Patrick, review by, 437-38 133-34 Hopi ritual song texts, 473-502 Hornborg, Alf, and Jonathan D. Hill, eds., Jackson, Margaret A., review by, 150-51 Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia: Reconstructing Past — Identities Jamaica, historical archaeology of, 291 from Archaeology, Linguistics, and 93 598 JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Japanese Americans, 95-116 Language renewal in native communities, Jazz, by Ghanaian artists, 557-58 547-48 Jennings, Justin, ed., Bevond Wari Walls: Language revitalization, ethnography of, Regional Perspectives on Middle 275-76 Horizon Peru, review of, 148-49 Language. evolution of, 119-20 Language, race, and youth identity, 121 Kaska (Canada), language revitalization 23 of, 275-76 Leonard, Steven Pax, review by, 276-77 Kayenta (UT/AZ) region, foragers and Liebmann, Matthew, review by, 151- farmers of, 577-78 52; Revolt: An Archaeological Kehoe, Alice Beck, and Paul L. Doughty, History of Pueblo Resistance and eds., Expanding American Revitalization in 17" Century New Anthropology, 1945-1980: A Mexico, review of, 574-75 Generation Reflects, review of, Liebmann, Matthew, and Melissa S. 561-62 Murphy, eds., Enduring Conquests: Kelly, Kenneth G., review by, 289-90 Rethinking the Archaeology of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism Kemp, Brian M., review by, 278-79 in the Americas, review of, 157-59 Killion, Thomas W., review by, 146-47 Liffman, Paul M., Huichol Territory and Kilpatrick, Alan, review by, 553 the Mexican Nation: Indigenous King, Thomas F., A Companion to Ritual, Land Conflict, |a nd Cultural Resource Management, Sovereignty Claims, review of, review of, 437-38 143-44 Kinship constructions, in Nigeria, 249-7] Lillios, Katina T., review by, 554—55 Kirch, Patrick, ed., Roots of Conflict: Soils, Linguistic anthropology, 305422 Agriculture, and Sociopolitical Linguistics, of West Greenlandic, 276—77 Complexity in Ancient Hawai'i, Lithic studies, Maya, 295-96 review of, 293-94 Lohse, Jon C., review by, 445-47 Knowlton, Timothy, article by, 223-47 Lopez, Nancy, review by, 277—78 Korean archaeology, 1-34 Low, Bronwen, Slam School: Learning Kroskrity, Paul, ed., Telling Stories in through Conflict in the Hip-Hop the Face of Danger: Language and Spoken Word Classroom, Renewal in’ Native American review of, 548-49 Communities, review of, 547-48 Lydon, Jane, and Uzma Z. Rizvi, Kuikuro (Central Brazil) language and eds., Handbook of Postcolonial music, 339-55 Archaeology, review of, 151-52 Lyman, R. Lee, review by, 436-37 Labuski, Christine, review by, 433-34 Lyon, Sarah, Coffee and Community: Lake Huron (Canada, US), aboriginal- Maya Farmers and Fair-Trade centered history of, 144-45 Markets, review of, 140-41 Language contact, 449-7] INDEX M’Closkey, Kathy, review by, 424-25 Metaphor, for maize, 473-502 MacDonald, Mary N., review by, 428-29 Metapopulations, 503-17 MacLean, Hope, The Shaman’ Mirror: Mexican community health, 141-42 Visionary Art of the Huichol, Migration, 35-69; — anthropological review of, 553 perspectives on, 287-88 Maize (also see Corn), 473—502, 503-17 Mikulak, Marcia, review by, 121-23 Manderson, Lenore, Surface Tensions: Milanich, Jerald T., and Nina J. Root Surgery, Bodily Boundaries, and Hidden Seminoles: Julian the Social Self, review of, 433-34 Dimock’s Historic Florida Martin, Jack B., A Grammar of Creek Photographs, review of, 302-3 (Muskogee), review of, 120-21 Miller, Daniel, Tales from Facebook, Material culture, variability, and review of, 298-99 transmission, 578—80 Mining, archaeology of, 152—54 Matsumoto, Naoko, Hidetaka Bessho, and Minn, Pierre, review by, 123-24 Makoto Tomii, eds., Coexistence Missionary linguistics, 449-7] and Cultural Transmission in East Asia, review of, 426-27 Molle beer production, 71-93 Mauldin, Barbara, Folk Art of the Andes, Morales, Alfonso, review by, 127—28 review of, 137-38 Morin, Eugéne, Reassessing Paleolithic Maupin, Jonathan N., review by, 141-42 Subsistence: The Neandertal and Modern Human Foragers of Saint- May, Simon, review by, 429-30 Césaire, review of, 441-43 Maya, colonial Yucatec, 449-71; lithic Morning, Ann, The Nature of Race: How technology, 295-96 Scientists Think and Teach about Mayan astronomy, 439-41 Human Difference, review _ of, McDougall, Allan K., review by, 144-45 277-78 McGlotten, Shaka, review by, 298-99 Morocco, female garment workers in, McNamara, Laura, and Robert 134-36 Rubinstein, —_eds., Dangerous Mortuary ritual, in Mesoamerica, 567-68 Liaisons: Anthropologists and the Moss, Madonna L., Northwest Coast: National Security State, review of, Archaeology as Deep History, 559-61 review of, 155—57 Meek, Barbra A. (also see Feliciano- Munson, Marit K., The Archaeology of Santos, Sherina), We Are Our Art in the American Southwest, Language: An Ethnography of review of, 286-87 Language Revitalization in a Museum anthropology, 191-222 Northern Athabaskan Community, review of, 275—76 Music, popular, in the Bahamas, 138-39 Meisch, Lynn A., review by, 137-38 Mesa Verde (CO, US) archaeology, 35-69 NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act), Mesoamerica, 473—502; colonial, 449—7 1 191-222 600 JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Native American identity, in protohistoric Peru archaeology, regional perspectives Texas, 445-47 on, 148-49 Nature, stewardship of, 129-30 Peruvian Central Highlands, 71—93 Navajo (Diné) textiles, 424-25 Peterson, Leighton C., review by, 547-48 Navajo English, 399-414 Phillips, Caroline, and Harry Allen, eds., Navajo Mountain (AZ), archaeological Bridging the Divide: Indigenous excavations at, 577-78 Communities and Archaeology into the 21" Century, review of, 146-47 Navajo poets, 399-414 Phillips, David A. Jr., article by, 503-17 Navarro-Farr, Olivia, review by, 568—70 Pinson, Ariane O., review by, 571-73 Neanderthal behavior, at Abric Romani 584-86 Pithouse communities, in the American Southwest, 573-74 Nelson, Sarah Milledge, review by, 426- 27 Poetry, 399-414; slam, 548-49 New Mexico, seventeenth-century, Pueblo Political discourse, 357-72; economy, resistance and revitalization in, 574- 1-34 75; Spanish colonial landscapes of, Politics, local, in Boliva, 551—52 444-45 Price, David H., Weaponizing Anthropo- Nigeria, use of proverbs in, 249-71 logy, review of, 429-30 Nikkei, 95-116 Primate social evolution, 434-35 Northwest Coast (US), 1-34; archaeology Proverbs, use of, in Nigeria, 249-7 as deep history of, 155-57 Psychiatric practices, in Greece, effect of Nowell, April, review by, 147-48 local culture on, 558—59 Pueblo Revolt, archaeological history of, Ordeals of language, 305—422 574-75 Puerto Rico, Taino self-determination in, 373-97 Pakistani transnational migrant workers, post-9/11, 130-31 Paleolithic subsistence, at Saint-Césaire, Quilter, Jeffrey, review by, 148-49 441-43 Paleopathology, 564-65 Race, science and teaching of, 277—78 Palkovich, Ann M., review by, 565-67 Race, the genome, and social justice, Papua New Guinea, sung tales in, 428-29 562-64 Paredes, J. Anthony, review by, 302-3 Ramenofsky, Ann F., review by, 444-45 Peale-Eady, Tryphenia B., review by, Rana, Junaid, Terrifying Muslims: Race 548-49 and Labor in the South Asian Diaspora, review of, 130-31 Pearson, Mike Parker, review by, 580-81 Rasilla, Marco de la, Antonio Rosas, Pearson, Osbjorn M., review by, 564-65 Juan Carlos Cafiaveras, and Carles Perry, Marc D., review by, 132-33 Lalueza-Fox, eds., La Cueva de El INDEX 601 Sidron (Borines, Pilotia, Asturias): Indigenous Peoples and the Investigacion Interdisciplinar de Collaborative Stewardship of un Grupo Neandertal, review of, Nature: Knowledge Binds and 282-83 Institutional Conflicts, review of, Read, Dwight W., How Culture Makes Us 129-30 Human: Primate Social Evolution Rountree, Kathryn, article by, 519-44 and the Formation of Human Rumsey, Alan, and Don Niles, eds., Societies, review of, 434-35 Sung Tales from the Papua New Religion, 223-47 Guinea Highlands: Studies in Form, Meaning, and Sociocultural Renshaw, Layla, Exhuming — Loss: Memory, Materiality, and Mass Context, review of, 428-29 Graves of the Spanish Civil War, review of, 299-301 Sacred landscape, 519-44 Repatriation, 191-222 Saint-Césaire, Paleolithic subsistence at, Resource patches, 503—17 441-43 Rhode, David, ed., Meetings at the Salazar, Noel B., review by, 126-27 Margins: Prehistoric Cultural Salish (NW Coast) archaeology, |—34 Interactions in the Intermountain Santimamifie Cave (Spain), cave art of, West, review of, 571-73 443-44 Riggs, Charles R., review by, 570-71 Schachner, Gregson, Population Circula- Ritual song texts, 473-502 tion and the Transformation of Roberts, Benjamin W., and Mare Vander Ancient Zuni Communities, review Linden, eds., /nvestigating Arch- of, 575-77 aeological Cultures: Material Cul- Schaefer, John, review by, 134-36 ture, Variability, and Transmission, Schinus molle, 7\—93 review of, 578-80 Schneider, Susanne, Mexican Community Rock art, 147-48, 443-44 Health and the Politics of Health Rodriguez, Juan Luis, and Anthony K. Reform, review of, 141-42 Webster, introductory article by, Schwendler, Rebecca H., review by, 305-14; guest editors, Ordeals 296-98 of Language: Essays in Honor of Ellen B. Basso, 305-422 Seminoles (Florida), historic photographs of, 302-3 Rodriguez, Juan Luis, article by, 357—72 Sharma, Nitasha Tamar, Hip Hop Desis: Roe, Peter G., review by, 550-51 South Asian Americans, Blackness, Rommen, Timothy, Funky Nassau: Roots, anda Global Race Consciousness, Routes, and Representation in review of, 132-33 Bahamian Popular Music, review Sheets, Payson, review by, 295-96 of, 138-39 Siegel, Peter E., review by, 291-93; and Ross, Anne, Kathleen Pickering Sherman, Elizabeth — Righter, Protecting Jeffrey G. Snodgrass, Henry D. Heritage in the Caribbean, review Delcore, and Richard Sherman, of, 289-90 602 JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH Sisk, Matthew L., review by, 279-80 Taino (Puerto Rico) self-determination, Small-scale societies, development of, 373-97 1-34 Tara (Ireland), 519-44 Smiley, Francis E., review by, 577-78 Territoriality, sovereignty, and conflict, Smith, Michael E., ed., The Comparative 143-44 Archaeology of Complex Societies, Texas, protohistoric interaction in, 445 review of, 294-95 47 Social construction, 249-71 Tisdale, Shelby J., ed., Spider Woman’ Social hierarchy, incipient, 35-69 Gift: Nineteenth Century Diné Textiles, review of, 424-25 Social media, 298-99 Translation, 449-71 Source-sink dynamics, 503-17 Transnational travel, 126—27 South Africa, violence and ethnicity in, 425-26 Transnationalism, 95—116 South Asian American youth, 132-33 Trinidad, use of Facebook in, 298-99 South Asian diaspora, 130-31 Tsuda, Takeyuki (Gaku), article by, 95 116 Southwest (US), persistence of Neolithic occupation in, 503-17; maize metaphor in, 473-502 Vail, Gabrielle, review by, 439-41 Sovereignty claims, of Huichol peoples of Valdez, Lidio M., article by, 71-93 Mexico, 143-44 Valdez, Zulema, The New Entrepreneurs: Spanish Civil War, memory of and How Race, Class, and Gender material/human remains from, Shape — American Enterprise, 299-301 review of, 127-28 Spanish colonial landscapes, of New Valencia, Cristobal, review by, 555-56 Mexico, 444-45, 574-75 Van Pool, Christine, review by, 578-80 Spanish colonialism, archaeology of Venezuela, agonistic exchange in, 357—72 native resistance to, 157—59 Voicing, 399-414 Staib, Patrick W., review by, 140-41 Stewart, David J., The Sea Their Graves: Walker, John H., review by, 430-31 An Archaeology of Death and Wanano Tukano (Brazilian Northwest Remembrance in Maritime Amazon), 315-338 Culture, reviews of, 438-39 Storey, Rebecca, review by, 567-68 Warao (Orinoco Delta, Venezuela), 357 72 Straus, Lawrence G., reviews by, 282-83, 283-85, 299-301, 441-43, 443- Wari (Peru) archaeology, 148-49 44, 581-84, 584-86 Washburn, Dorothy K.. article by, 473-502 Stuempfle, Stephen, review by, 138-39 Wassilowsky, Alexander Herrera, La Susquehannock, 191-222 Recuperacion de Tecnologias Indigenas: Arqueologia, Tecno- logia vy Desarollo en los Andes,

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