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Journal of Animal Index Ecology 2003 72, 1097-1102 Blaustein, L. see Kiflawi, M. STANDARD PAPERS Blums, P., Nichols, J.D., Hines, J.E., Lindberg, M.S. & Alonso-Alvarez, C. see Velando, A. Mednis, A. Estimating natal dispersal movement Alphen, J.V. see Casas, J. rates of female European ducks with multistate Altwegg, R., Roulin, A., Kestenholz, M. & Jenni, L. modelling, 1027 Variation and covariation in survival, dispersal, and Blums, P., Nichols, J.D., Lindberg, M.S., Hines, J.E. & population size in barn owls Tyto alba, 391 Mednis, A. Factors affecting breeding dispersal of Amarasekare, P. Diversity-—stability relationships in European ducks on Engure Marsh, Latvia, 292 multitrophic systems: an empirical exploration, 713 Boaventura, D., da Fonseca, L.C. & Hawkins, S.J. Size Ancel, A. see Weimerskirch, H. matters: competition within populations of the Aradis, A. see Miller, M.W. limpet Patella depressa, 435 Arlettaz, R. see Christe, P. Boileau, N. see Roulin, A. Boots, M. see Wilson, K. Baguette, M. see Schtickzelle, N. Boots, M., Greenman, J., Ross, D., Norman, R., Hails, R. Barbraud, C. see Jenouvrier, S & Sait, S. The population dynamical implications of Barbraud, C., Johnson, A.R. & Bertault, G. Phenotypic covert infections in host—-microparasite interactions, correlates of post-fledging dispersal in a population of 1064 greater flamingos: the importance of body condition, Botsford, L.W. see Hill, M.F. 246 Bowen, W.D. see Beck, C.A. Bavoux, C. see Roulin, A. Bown, K. see Begon, M. Beck, C.A., Bowen, W.D. & Iverson, S.J. Sex differences Braithwaite, R.W. see Pardon, L.G. in the seasonal patterns of energy storage and Brewer, A.M. & Gaston, K.J. The geographical range expenditure in a phocid seal, 280 structure of the holly leaf-miner. II. Demographic Beck, C.A., Bowen, W.D., McMillan, J.1. & Iverson, S.J. rates, 82 Sex differences in diving at multiple temporal scales Brinkhof, M.W.G. see Roulin, A. in a size-dimorphic capital breeder, 979 Brommer, J.E., Pihlajamaki, O., Kolunen, H. & Begon, M., Hazel, S.M., Telfer, S., Bown, K., Carslake, D., Pietiainen, H. Life-history consequences of partial- Cavanagh, R., Chantrey, J., Jones, T. & Bennett, M. moult asymmetry, 1057 Rodents, cowpox virus and islands: densities, numbers Brook, B.W. see Pardon, L.G. and thresholds, 343 Broussard, D.R., Risch, T.S., Dobson, F.S. & Murie, J.O. Beisner, B.E., Ives, A.R. & Carpenter, S.R. The effects Senescence and age-related reproduction of female of an exotic fish invasion on the prey communities of Columbian ground squirrels, 212 two lakes, 331 Brown, M.J.F., Schmid-Hempel, R. & Schmid-Hempel, P. Bennett, M. see Begon, M. Strong context-dependent virulence in a host—parasite Benton, T.G. see Grant, A. system: reconciling genetic evidence with theory, Bernstein, C. see Casas, J. 994 Bersier, L.-F. see Bize, P. Brown, N. see Wright, J. Bertault, G. see Barbraud, C. Bshary, R. The cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus, is Bester, M.N. see McMahon, C.R. a key organism for reef fish diversity at Ras Bignal, E.M. see Reid, J.M. Mohammed National Park, Egypt, 169 Bignal, S. see Reid, J.M. Burneleau, G. see Roulin, A. Biro, P.A., Post, J.R. & Parkinson, E.A. Density- Burton, H.R. see McMahon, C.R. dependent mortality is mediated by foraging activity Bustamante, J. see Rodriguez, C. for prey fish in whole-lake experiments, 546 Byrkjedal, I. see Larsen, V.A. Bize, P. see Roulin, A. Bystrém, P., Persson, L., Wahistrém, E. & Westman, E. Bize, P., Roulin, A., Bersier, L.-F., Pfluger, D. & Richner, H. Size- and density-dependent habitat use in predators: Parasitism and developmental plasticity in Alpine consequences for habitat shifts in young fish, 156 swift nestlings, 633 Bjornstad, O.N. see Tobin, P.C. Caloin, M. see Weimerskirch, H. Blais, S. see Durant, D. Cam, E., Monnat, J.-Y. & Hines, J.E. Long-term fitness Blanco, G., Martinez-Padilla, J., Serrano, D., Davila, J.A. consequences of early conditions in the kittiwake, 41 1 & Vifiuela, J. Mass provisioning to different-sex eggs Carpenter, S.R. see Beisner, B.E. within the laying sequence: consequences for adjust- Carslake, D. see Begon, M. © 2003 British ment of reproductive effort in a sexually dimorphic Casas, J., Driessen, G., Mandon, N., Wielaard, S., Ecological Society bird, 831 Desouhant, E., Alphen, J.V., Lapchin, L., Rivero, A., Christides, J.P. & Bernstein, C. Energy dynamics in a Driessen, G. see Casas, J. parasitoid foraging in the wild, 691 Du Plessis, M.A. see Radford, A.N. Cavanagh, R. see Begon, M. Duncan, P. see Durant, D. Cazelles, B. & Stone, L. Detection of imperfect Durant, D., Fritz, H., Blais, S. & Duncan, P. The population synchrony in an uncertain world, 963 functional response in three species of herbivorous Chantrey, J. see Begon, M. Anatidae: effects of sward height, body mass and bill Chapman, C.A. see Wasserman, M.D. size, 220 Chastel, O. see Weimerskirch, H. Choquenot, D. & Ruscoe, W.A. Landscape comple- Edmunds, J., Cushing, J.M., Costantino, R.F., Henson, mentation and food limitation of large herbivores: S.M., Dennis B. & Desharnais, R.A. Park’s Tribolium habitat-related constraints on the foraging efficiency competition experiments: a non-equilibrium species of wild pigs, 14 coexistence hypothesis, 703 Chown, S.L. see Warren, M. Einum, S., Fleming, I.A., Coté, ILM. & Reynolds, J.D. Chown, S.L. see Zapata, F.A. Population stability in salmon species: effects of Christe, P., Giorgi, M.S., Vogel, P. & Arlettaz, R. population size and female reproductive allocation, Differential species-specific ectoparasitic mite inten- 811 sities in two intimately coexisting sibling bat species: Eitam, A. see Kiflawi, M. resource-mediated host attractiveness or parasite Ellis, J.C. see Farina, J.M. specialization?, 866 Estes, J.A., Riedman, M.L., Staedler, M.M., Tinker, M.T. Christides, J.P. see Casas, J. & Lyon, B.E. Individual variation in prey selection Cockburn, A., Osmond, H.L., Mulder, R.A., Green, D.J. by sea otters: patterns, causes and implications, 144 & Double, M.C. Divorce, dispersal and incest avoid- ance in the cooperatively breeding superb fairy-wren Farifia, J.M., Salazar, S., Wallem, K.P., Witman, J.D. & Malurus cyaneus, 189 Ellis, J.C. Nutrient exchanges between marine and Colazza, S. see Wajnberg, E. terrestrial ecosystems: the case of the Galapagos sea Costantino, R.F. see Edmunds, J. lion Zalophus wollebaecki, 873 Coté, I.M. see Einum, S. Festa-Bianchet, M., Gaillard, J.-M. & Coté, S.D. Coté, S.D. see Festa-Bianchet, M. Variable age structure and apparent density depend- Cox, S.J. see Doncaster, C.P. ence in survival of adult ungulates, 640 Crabtree, R.L. see Wilmers, C.C. Fitze, P.S. see Tschirren, B. Cresswell, W. & McCleery, R. How great tits maintain Fleishman, E., McDonal, N., Mac Nally, R., Murphy, D.D., synchronization of their hatch date with food supply Walters, J. & Floyd, T. Effects of floristics, physio- in response to long-term variability in temperature, gnomy and non-native vegetation on riparian bird communities in a Mojave Desert watershed, 484 356 Curty, C. see Wajnberg, E. Fleming, I.A. see Einum, S. Cushing, J.M. see Edmunds, J. Floyd, T. see Fleishman, E. da Fonseca, L.C. see Boaventura, D. Dahle, B. & Swenson, J.E. Seasonal range size in Fox, B.J., Taylor, J.E. & Thompson, P.T. Experimental relation to reproductive strategies in brown bears manipulation of habitat structure: a retrogression of Ursus arctos, 660 the small mammal succession, 927 van Dam, N.M. see Harvey, J.A. Fritz, H. see Durant, D. Davila, J.A. see Blanco, G. Dennis B. see Edmunds, J. Gaillard, J.-M. see Festa-Bianchet, M. Dernie, K.M., Kaiser, M.J. & Warwick, R.M. Recovery Gaston, K.J. see Brewer, A.M. rates of benthic communities following physical dis- Gaston, K.J. see Koleff, P. turbance, 1043 Gaston, K.J. see Storch, D. Desharnais, R.A. see Edmunds, J. Gaston, K.J. see Zapata, F.A. Desouhant, E. see Casas, J. George-Nascimento, M. see Mouillot, D. Devillard, S., Say, L. & Pontier, D. Dispersal pattern of Getz, W.M. see Wilmers, C.C. domestic cats (Felis catus) in a promiscuous urban Gibson, D.J. see Newman, J.A. population: do females disperse or die?, 203 Gilbert, I. see Laurenson, M.K. Dobson, F.S. see Broussard, D.R. Giorgi, M.S. see Christe, P. Doncaster, C.P. see Kent, A. Gols, R. see Harvey, J.A. Doncaster, C.P., Pound, G.E. & Cox, S.J. Dynamics of Gonsard, P.-A. see Wajnberg, E. regional coexistence for more or less equal competi- Gotelli, N.J. see McCabe, D.J. © 2003 British tors, 116 Grant, A. & Benton, T.G. Density-dependent populations Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Double, M.C. see Cockburn, A. require density-dependent elasticity analysis: an illus- Ecology, 72, Downes, B.J. see Lancaster, J. tration using the LPA model of Tribolium, 94 1097-1102 1099 Green, D.J. see Cockburn, A. Jonsson, M. & Malmgvist, B. Importance of species Index Greenman, J. see Boots, M. identity and number for process rates within different Griffiths, A.D. see Pardon, L.G. stream invertebrate functional feeding groups, Grolet, O. see Perret, N. 453 Hails, R. see Boots, M. Jungi, T.W. see Roulin, A. Halley, J. see Inchausti, P. Kaiser, M.J. see Dernie, K.M. van der Hammen, T. see Janssen, A. Kanowski, J., Irvine, A.K. & Winter, J.W. The Hart, P.J.B. Habitat use and feeding behaviour in two relationship between the floristic composition of rain closely related fish species, the three-spined and forests and the abundance of folivorous marsupials nine-spined stickleback: an experimental analysis, in north-east Queensland, 627 777 Kent, A., Hawkins, S.J. & Doncaster, C.P. Population Harvey, J.A., van Dam, N.M. & Gols, R. Interac- consequences of mutual attraction between settling tions over four trophic levels: foodplant quality and adult barnacles, 941 affects development of a hyperparasitoid as mediated Kersten, M. see Weimerskirch, H. through a herbivore and its primary parasitoid, Kestenholz, M. see Altwegg, R. 520 Kiflawi, M., Eitam, A. & Blaustein, L. The relative Harwood, J.D., Sunderland, K.D. & Symondson, impact of local and regional processes on macro- W.O.C. Web-location by linyphiid spiders: prey- invertebrate species richness in temporary pools, 447 specific aggregation and foraging strategies, 745 Knell, R. see Wilson, K. Hastings, A. see Hill, M.F. Koch-Osborne, J. see Wilson, K. Hatchwell, B.J. see McGowan, A. Koleff, P., Gaston, K.J. & Lennon, J.J. Measuring beta Hawkins, S.J. see Boaventura, D. diversity for presence—absence data, 367 Hawkins, S.J. see Kent, A. Kolunen, H. see Brommer, J.E. Hazel, S.M. see Begon, M. Komdeur, J. see Ridley, J. Heath-Coss, R. see Rogers, C.M. Koskela, E. see Oksanen, T.A. Heino, J., Muotka, T. & Paavola, R. Determinants of macroinvertebrate diversity in headwater streams: Lambin, X. see Matthiopoulos, J. regional and local influences, 425 Lancaster, J., Downes, B.J. & Reich, P. Linking Henson, S.M. see Edmunds, J. landscape patterns of resource distribution with Hero, J.-M. see Morrison, C. models of aggregation in ovipositing stream insects, Hill, M.F., Botsford, L.W. & Hastings, A. The effects of 969 spawning age distribution on salmon persistence in Landucci, G. see Miller, M.W. fluctuating environments, 736 Langlais, M. see Sauvage, F. Hines, J.E. see Blums, P. Lapchin, L. see Casas, J. Hines, J.E. see Cam, E. Larsen, V.A., Lislevand, T. & Byrkjedal, I. Is clutch size Hudson, P.J. see Laurenson, M.K. limited by incubation ability in northern lapwings? Hudson, P.J. see Mougeot, F. 784 Hyvarinen, M. see Poykko, H. Laurenson, M.K., Norman, R.A., Gilbert, I., Reid, H.W. & Hudson, P.J. Identifying disease reservoirs in Inchausti, P. & Halley, J. On the relation between complex systems: mountain hares as reservoirs of temporal variability and persistence time in animal ticks and louping-ill virus, pathogens of red grouse, populations, 899 7i7i5 Irvine, A.K. see Kanowski, J. Lennon, J.J. see Koleff, P. Iverson, S.J. see Beck, C.A. Lezcano, N. see Wajnberg, E. Ives, A.R. see Beisner, B.E. Lindberg, M.S. see Blums, P. Lislevand, T. see Larsen, V.A. Janssen, A., Willemse, E. & van der Hammen, T. Lyon, B.E. Ecological and social constraints on con- Poor host plant quality causes omnivore to consume specific brood parasitism by nesting female American predator eggs, 478 coots (Fulica americana), 47 Jenni, L. see Altwegg, R. Lyon, B.E. see Estes, J.A. Jenouvrier, S., Barbraud, C. & Weimerskirch, H. Effects of climate variability on the temporal population Mac Nally, R. see Fleishman, E. dynamics of southern fulmars, 576 Malmgvist, B. see Jonsson, M. Johnson, A.R. see Barbraud, C. Mandon, N. see Casas, J. Jokinen, I. see Oksanen, T.A. Mappes, T. see Oksanen, T.A. © 2003 British Joly, P. see Perret, N. Marchesi, L. see Sergio, F. Ecological Society, Jones, C.G. see Nicoll, M.A.C. Martinez-Padilla, J. see Blanco, G. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72, Jones, T. see Begon, M. Matthiopoulos, J. see Mougeot, F. 1097-1102 1100 Matthiopoulos, J., Moss, R., Mougeot, F., Lambin, X. Oksanen, T.A., Jokinen, I., Koskela, E., Mappes, T. & & Redpath, S.M. Territorial behaviour and popu- Vilpas, H. Manipulation of offspring number and Index lation dynamics in red grouse Lagopus lagopus size: benefits of large body size at birth depend upon scoticus. 11. Population models, 1083 the rearing environment, 321 McCabe, D.J. & Gotelli, N.J. Caddisfly diapause Olive, P.J.W., Pinnegar, J.K., Polunin, N.V.C., Richards, G. aggregations facilitate benthic invertebrate colonization, & Welch, R. Isotope trophic-step fractionation: a 1015 dynamic equilibrium model, 608 McCleery, R. see Cresswell, W. Osmond, H.L. see Cockburn, A. McCracken, D.I. see Reid, J.M. Paavola, R. see Heino, J. McDonal, N. see Fleishman, E. Pardon, L.G., Brook, B.W., Griffiths, A.D. & McGeoch, M.A. see Warren, M. Braithwaite, R.W. Determinants of survival for the McGowan, A., Hatchwell, B.J. & Woodburn, R.J.W. northern brown bandicoot under a landscape-scale The effect of helping behaviour on the survival of fire experiment, 106 juvenile and adult long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus, Parkinson, E.A. see Biro, P.A. 49] Parsons, A.J. see Newman, J.A. McMahon, C.R., Burton, H.R. & Bester, M.N. A Peacor, S.D. see Pfister, C.A. demographic comparison of two southern elephant Pedrini, P. see Sergio, F. seal populations, 61 Perret, N., Pradel, R., Miaud, C., Grolet, O. & Joly, P. McMillan, J.I. see Beck, C.A. Transience, dispersal and survival rates in newt Mednis, A. see Blums, P. patchy populations, 567 van der Meer, J. see Smallegange, I.M. Persson, L. see Bystrém, P. Miaud, C. see Perret, N. Pfister, C.A. & Peacor, S.D. Variable performance of Miller, M.W., Aradis, A. & Landucci, G. Effects of fat individuals: the role of population density and endo- reserves on annual apparent survival of blackbirds genously formed landscape heterogeneity, 725 Turdus merula, 127 Pfluger, D. see Bize, P. Monaghan, P. see Reid, J.M. Pietidinen, H. see Brommer, J.E. Monnat, J.-Y. see Cam, E. Pihlajamaki, O. see Brommer, J.E. Morrison, C. & Hero, J.-M. Geographic variation in Pinnegar, J.K. see Olive, P.J.W. life-history characteristics of amphibians: a review, Polunin, N.V.C. see Olive, P.J.W. 270 Pontier, D. see Devillard, S. Moss, R. see Matthiopoulos, J. Pontier, D. see Sauvage, F. Moss, R. see Mougeot, F. Post, J.R. see Biro, P.A. Mougeot, F. see Matthiopoulos, J. Poulin, R. see Mouillot, D. Mougeot, F., Redpath, S.M., Moss, R., Matthiopoulos, J. Pound, G.E. see Doncaster, C.P. & Hudson, P.J. Territorial behaviour and popula- Péykké, H. & Hyvarinen, M. Host preference and tion dynamics in red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. performance of lichenivorous Ei/ema spp. larvae in I. Population experiments, 1073 relation to lichen secondary metabolites, 383 Mouillot, D., George-Nascimento, M. & Poulin, R. How Pradel, R. see Perret, N. parasites divide resources: a test of the niche appor- tionment hypothesis, 757 Radford, A.N. & Du Plessis, M.A. Bill dimorphism and Mulder, R.A. see Cockburn, A. foraging niche partitioning in the green woodhoopoe, Muotka, T. see Heino, J. 258 Murie, J.O. see Broussard, D.R. Redpath, S.M. see Matthiopoulos, J. Murphy, D.D. see Fleishman, E. Redpath, S.M. see Mougeot, F. Murphy, K.M. see Wilmers, C.C. Reich, P. see Lancaster, J. Reid, H.W. see Laurenson, M.K. Newman, J.A., Gibson, D.J., Parsons, A.J. & Thornley, Reid, J.M., Bignal, E.M., Bignal, S., McCracken, D.I. & J.H.M. How predictable are aphid population Monaghan, P. Age-specific reproductive performance responses to elevated CO,? 556 in red-billed choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax: Newton, I. see Sergio, F. patterns and processes in a natural population, Nichols, J.D. see Blums, P. 765 Nicoll, M.A.C., Jones, C.G. & Norris, K. Declining Reid, J.M., Bignal, E.M., Bignal, S., Mccracken, D.I. & survival rates in a reintroduced population of the Monaghan, P. Environmental variability, life-history Mauritius kestrel: evidence for non-linear density covariation and cohort effects in the red-billed dependence and environmental stochasticity, 917 chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, 36 © 2003 British Norman, R. see Boots, M. Reynolds, J.D. see Einum, S. Ecological Society, Norman, R.A. see Laurenson, M.K. Richards, G. see Olive, P.J.W. Journal of Animal Ecology, 72, Norris, K. see Nicoll, M.A.C. Richner, H. see Tschirren, B. 1097-1102 1101 Richner, H. see Bize, P. Stone, R.E. see Wright, J. Index Richner, H. see Roulin, A. Storch, D., Sizling, A.L. & Gaston, K.J. Geometry of Ridley, J., Komdeur, J. & Sutherland, W.J. Population the species—area relationship in central European regulation in group-living birds: predictive models birds: testing the mechanism, 509 of the Seychelles warbler, 588 Sunderland, K.D. see Harwood, J.D. Riedman, M.L. see Estes, J.A. Sutherland, W.J. see Ridley, J. Risch, T.S. see Broussard, D.R. Swenson, J.E. see Dahle, B. Rivero, A. see Casas, J. Symondson, W.O.C. see Harwood, J.D. Rodriguez, C. & Bustamante, J. The effect of weather Tabone, E. see Wajnberg, E. on lesser kestrel breeding success: can climate change Taylor, J.E. see Fox, B.J. explain historical population declines? 793 Telfer, S. see Begon, M. Rogers, C.M. & Heath-Coss, R. Effect of experimentally Tella, J.L. see Serrano, D. altered food abundance on fat reserves of wintering Thompson, P.T. see Fox, B.J. birds, 822 Thornley, J.H.M. see Newman, J.A. Ross, D. see Boots, M. Tinker, M.T. see Estes, J.A. Roth, J.D. Variability in marine resources affects arctic Tobin, P.C. & Bjernstad, O.N. Spatial dynamics and fox population dynamics, 668 cross-correlation in a transient predator—prey system, Roulin, A. see Altwegg, R. 460 Roulin, A. see Bize, P. Tschirren, B., Fitze, P.S. & Richner, H. Sexual Roulin, A., Brinkhof, M.W.G., Bize, P., Richner, H., dimorphism in susceptibility to parasites and cell- Jungi, T.W., Bavoux, C., Boileau, N. & Burneleau, G. mediated immunity in great tit nestlings, 839 Which chick is tasty to parasites? The importance of host immunology vs. parasite life history, 75 Velando, A. & Alonso-Alvarez, C. Differential body Ruscoe, W.A. see Choquenot, D. condition regulation by males and females in re- sponse to experimental manipulations of brood size Sait, S. see Boots, M. and parental effort in the blue-footed booby, 846 Salazar, S. see Farina, J.M. Vilpas, H. see Oksanen, T.A. Sauvage, F., Langlais, M., Yoccoz, N.G. & Pontier, D. Vinuela, J. see Blanco, G. Modelling hantavirus in fluctuating populations of Vogel, P. see Christe, P. bank voles: the role of indirect transmission on virus persistence, | Wahistrém, E. see Bystrom, P. Say, L. see Devillard, S. Wajnberg, E., Gonsard, P.-A., Tabone, E., Curty, C., Schmid-Hempel, M. see Brown, M.J.F. Lezcano, N. & Colazza, S. A comparative analysis of Schmid-Hempel, P. see Brown, M.J.F. patch-leaving decision rules in a parasitoid family, Schtickzelle, N. & Baguette, M. Behavioural responses 618 to habitat patch boundaries restrict dispersal and Wallem, K.P. see Farina, J.M. generate emigration—patch area relationships in frag- Walters, J. see Fleishman, E. mented landscapes, 533 Warren, M., McGeoch, M.A. & Chown, S.L. Predicting Sendor, T. & Simon, M. Population dynamics of the abundance from occupancy: a test for an aggregated pipistrelle bat: effects of sex, age and winter weather insect assemblage, 468 on seasonal survival, 308 Warwick, R.M. see Dernie, K.M. Sergio, F. & Newton, I. Occupancy as a measure of Wasserman, M.D. & Chapman, C.A. Determinants of territory quality, 857 colobine monkey abundance: the importance of Sergio, F., Marchesi, L. & Pedrini, P. Spatial refugia food energy, protein and fibre content, 650 and the coexistence of a diurnal raptor with its Weimerskirch, H. see Jenouvrier, S. intraguild owl predator, 232 Weimerskirch, H., Ancel, A., Caloin, M., Zahariev, A., Serrano, D. & Tella, J.L. Dispersal within a spatially Spagiari, J., Kersten, M. & Chastel, O. Foraging structured population of lesser kestrels: the role of efficiency and adjustment of energy expenditure in a spatial isolation and conspecific attraction, 400 pelagic seabird provisioning its chick, 500 Serrano, D. see Blanco, G. Welch, R. see Olive, P.J.W. Simon, M. see Sendor, T. Westman, E. see Bystrém, P. Sizling, A.L. see Storch, D. Whitfield, D.P. Predation by Eurasian sparrowhawks Smallegange, ILM. & van der Meer, J. Why do shore produces density-dependent mortality of wintering crabs not prefer the most profitable mussels? 599 redshanks, 27 Smith, D.W. see Wilmers, C.C. Wielaard, S. see Casas, J. © 2003 British Spagiari, J. see Weimerskirch, H. Willemse, E. see Janssen, A. Ecological Society, Staedler, M.M. see Estes, J.A. Wilmers, C.C., Crabtree, R.L., Smith, D.W., Journal of Animal Stone, L. see Cazelles, B. Murphy, K.M. & Getz, W.M. Trophic facilitation by Ecology, 72, 1097-1102 1102 introduced top predators: grey wolf subsidies to FORUM PAPERS Index scavengers in Yellowstone National Park, 909 Wilson, K., Knell, R., Boots, M. & Koch-Osborne, J. Akcakaya, H.R., Halley, J.M. & Inchausti, P. Population- Group living and investment in immune defence: an level mechanisms for reddened spectra in ecological interspecific analysis, 133 time series, 698 Winter, J.W. see Kanowski, J. Witman, J.D. see Faria, J.M. Ellingsen, K.E. see Ugland, K.I. Woodburn, R.J.W. see McGowan, A. Wright, J., Stone, R.E. & Brown, N. Communal roosts as Gray, J.S. see Uglana, K.I. structured information centres in the raven, Corvus corax 1003 Halley, J.M. see Akcakaya, H.R. Yoccoz, N.G. see Sauvage, F. Inchausti, P. see Akc¢akaya, H.R. Zahariev, A. see Weimerskirch, H. Ugland, K.I., Gray, J.S. & Ellingsen, K.E. The species- Zapata, F.A., Gaston, K.J. & Chown, S.1. Mid-domain accumulation curve and estimation of species richness, models of species richness gradients: assumptions, 888 methods and evidence, 677 © 2003 British Ecological Society, Journal of Animal Ecology, 72, 1097-1102

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