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Journal of Animal Ecology Volume 66 1997 EDITORS: Bryan Shorrocks & Steve Albon EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD: S. Boutin B. Jonsson J. Clobert J. H. Lawton R. M. Cormack C. M. Lessells C. Godfray S. Nee B. T. Grenfell I. Newton P. J. Hudson J. Pemberton A. Illius S. L. Pimm R. Ims D. Raffaelli J. Jaenike C. Thomas P. Jarman Published for the British Ecological Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications OXFORD LONDON EDINBURGH BOSTON MELBOURNE PARIS BERLIN This journal is covered by Current Contents, CABS the base fee of $14.00 per copy is paid directly to the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Geo Abstracts, CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA GEOBASE and Science Citation Index 01923, USA. This consent does not apply to other kinds of copying for general distribution, for advertis- © 1997 British Ecological Society. Authorization to ing or promotional purposes, for creating new photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the collective works or for resale. internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by The British Ecological Society for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Centre Typeset by BPC Digital Data, Glasgow, UK (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that Printed by the Alden Group, Oxford : Contents Volume Contents Volume 66 Number 1 January 1997 Essay Review Population regulation in mammals: an evolutionary perspective J. O. WOLFF Density dependence in fluctuating grey-sided vole populations T. SAITOH, N. CHR. STENSETH & O. N. BJI@RNSTAD The influence of numbers released on the outcome of attempts to introduce exotic bird species to New Zealand R. E. GREEN The roles of active predator choice and prey vulnerability in determining the diet of predatory stonefly (Plecoptera) nymphs P. TIKKANEN, T. MUOTKA, A. HUHTA & A. JUNTUNEN Local and regional species richness in North American lacustrine fish D. GRIFFITHS Apparent competition between two aphid species C. B. MULLER & H. C. J. GODFRAY Mobile parasitoids may restrict the spatial spread of an insect outbreak P. A. BRODMANN, C. V. WILCOX & S. HARRISON The seasonal decline in the first-year survival of juvenile coots: an experimental approach M. W. G. BRINKHOF, A. J. CAVE & A. C. PERDECK Species composition and morphological structure of the bat fauna of Yucatan, Mexico H. T. ARITA Body size, diet and population density in Afrotropical forest mammals: a comparison with neotropical species J. E. FA & A. PURVIS Synchronization of hatching date with budburst of individual host trees (Quercus robur) in the winter moth (Operophtera brumata) and its fitness consequences S. VAN DONGEN, T. BACKELJAU, E. MATTHYSEN & A. A. DHONDT Effects of individual habitat selection in a heterogeneous environment on fish cohort survivorship: a modelling analysis J. A. TYLER & K. A. ROSE Book Reviews Editors’ Announcement Instructions for Contributors vi Volume 66 Number 2 March 1997 Volume 143 A rise in nest predation enhances the frequency of intraspecific brood parasitism in a moorhen population Contents S. B. MCRAE 154 Life-history traits related to host selection in mycophagous drosophilids M. J. TODA & M. T. KIMURA 167 Long-term effects of brood size manipulation on morphological development and sex-specific mortality of offspring C. H. DE KOGEL 179 Cottonwood hybrid zones as centres of abundance for gall aphids in western North America: importance of relative habitat size K. D. FLOATE, G. D. MARTINSEN & T. G. WHITHAM Effects of parental age and environmental change on offspring sex ratio in a precocial bird E. COOCH, D. LANK, R. ROBERTSON & F. COOKE Spatial strategies of wild Atlantic salmon parr: exploration and settlement in unfamiliar areas J. D. ARMSTRONG, V. A. BRAITHWAITE & F. A. HUNTINGFORD Prevalence, host specificity and impact on host fecundity of microparasites and epibionts in three sympatric Daphnia species H. A. STIRNADEL & D. EBERT Predators use volatiles to avoid prey patches with conspecifies A. JANSSEN, J. BRUIN, G. JACOBS, R. SCHRAAG & M. W. SABELIS A critical assessment of the form of the interspecific relationship between abundance and body size in animals T. M. BLACKBURN & K. J. GASTON Interactive effects of sublethal nematodes and nutritional status on snowshoe hare vulnerability to predation D. L. MURRAY, J. R. CARY & L. B. KEITH Can sublethal parasitism destabilize predator-prey population dynamics? A model of snowshoe hares, predators and parasites A. R. IVES & D. L. MURRAY Calcium availability limits breeding success of passerines on poor soils J. GRAVELAND & R. H. DRENT Forum paper Mortality during dispersal stabilizes local population fluctuations G. RUXTON, J. L. GONZALES-ANDUJAR & J. N. PERRY Book Reviews Errata Volume 66 Number 3 May 1997 297 Flight costs, flight range and the stopover ecology of migrating birds T. P. WEBER & A. I. HOUSTON 307 Life-history adaptations and reproductive costs associated with specialization in predacious insects G. S. ALBUQUERQUE, M. J. TAUBER & C. A. TAUBER Feeding success in African wild dogs: does kleptoparasitism by spotted hyaenas influence hunting group size? C. CARBONE, J. T. DU TOIT & 1. J. GORDON Differences in population density and energy use between birds and mammals: a macroecological perspective M. SILVA, J. H. BROWN & J. A. DOWNING Territorial behaviour and reproductive success of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus females E. KOSKELA, T. MAPPES & H. YLONEN Interactive effects of prey and weather on golden eagle reproduction K. STEENHOF, M. N. KOCHERT & T. L. MCDONALD Thermal disruption of transitive hierarchies in Mediterranean ant communities X. CERDA, J. RETANA & S. CROS Phenology of winter moth feeding on common heather: effects of source population and experimental manipulation of hatch dates J. E. KERSLAKE & S. E. HARTLEY The importance of adverse weather conditions for behaviour and population ecology of an aphid parasitoid W. W. WEISSER, W. VOLKL & M. P. HASSELL A test of habitat selection at two spatial scales in a sit-and-wait predator: a web spider in the Namib Desert dunes J. R. HENSCHEL & Y. D. LUBIN The demography and age-specific annual survival of song thrushes during periods of population stability and decline D. L. THOMSON, S. R. BAILLIE & W. J. PEACH Changes in proximate composition and estimates of energetic costs during upstream migration and spawning in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar N. JONSSON, B. JONSSON & L. P. HANSEN Book Reviews Erratum vii Volume 65 Number 4 July 1997 Volume 439 Numbers and production of Eurasian wigeon in relation to conditions in a breeding area, Lake Myvatn, Iceland Contents A. GARDARSSON & A. EINARSSON 452 Mass loss in breeding blue tits: the role of energetic stress J. MERILA & D. A. WIGGINS Interference competition at low competitor densities in blackbirds Turdus merula W. CRESSWELL Changing reproductive rates in a Neotropical forest rodent, Proechimys semispinosus G. H. ADLER & R. P. BEATTY Spatial patterns of depletion imposed by foraging vertebrates: theory, review and meta-analysis P. M. DOLMAN & W. J. SUTHERLAND Nutrient or energy limitation on egg formation: a feeding experiment in great tits R. G. NAGER, C. RUEGGER & A. J. VAN NOORDWIJK Modelling persistence in dynamic landscapes: lessons from a metapopulation of the grasshopper Bryodema tuberculata C. STELTER, M. REICH, V. GRIMM & C. WISSEL Self-thinning in juvenile sea trout and other salmonid fishes revisited J. D. ARMSTRONG Population limitation in Arctic ground squirrels: effects of food and predation A. H. HUBBS & R. BOONSTRA Dynamical effects of host size- and parasitoid state-dependent attacks by parasitoids W. W. MURDOCH, C. J. BRIGGS & R. M. NISBET The body size—population density relationship in tropical rocky intertidal communities S. A. NAVARETTE & B. A. MENGE Demographic and life-history variation in two proximate populations of a viviparous skink separated by a steep altitudinal gradient D. H. ROHR Interspecific abundance-range size relationships: an appraisal of mechanisms K. J. GASTON, T. M. BLACKBURN & J. H. LAWTON 602 Book Reviews Volume 65 Number 5 September 1997 607 Small mustelid predation slows population growth of Microtus voles: a predator reduction experiment T. KLEMOLA, M. KOIVULA, E. KORPIMAKI & K. NORRDAHL The analysis of the spacing of animals, with an example based on oystercatchers during the tidal cycle A. L. MOODY, W. A. THOMPSON, B. DE BRUIJN, A. I. HOUSTON & J. D. GOSS-CUSTARD Food availability as a determinant of pairing behaviour in the European robin J. TOBIAS Causes of natal dispersal in the lesser kestrel: inbreeding avoidance or resource competition? J. J. NEGRO, F. HIRALDO & J. A. DONAZAR Nutritional constraints on egg production in the blue tit: a supplementary feeding study S. L. RAMSAY & D. C. HOUSTON Facultative helping does not influence reproductive success or survival in cooperatively breeding white-browed scrubwrens R. D. MAGRATH & S. M. YEZERINAC Influence of conspecific attraction on the spatial distribution of learning foragers in a patchy habitat G. BEAUCHAMP, M. BELISLE & L. A. GIRALDEAU Experimental manipulation of brood reduction and parental care in cooperatively breeding white-winged choughs C. R. J. BOLAND, R. HEINSOHN & A. COCKBURN Modelling interference from basic foraging behaviour R. A. STILLMAN, J. D. GOSS-CUSTARD & R. W. G. CALDOW Transitions in population dynamics: equilibria to periodic cycles to aperiodic cycles B. DENNIS, R. A. DESHARNAIS, J. M. CUSHING & R. F. COSTANTINO Interspecific abundance—occupancy relationships: a test of mechanisms using microcosms P. H. WARREN & K. J. GASTON Asymmetric interactions between species of seaweed fly S. HODGE & W. ARTHUR Spatial regulation and population growth in the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus: experimental manipulations of males and females in natural populations W. I. MONTGOMERY, W. L. WILSON & R. W. ELWOOD Forum paper Species abundance patterns: the problem of testing stochastic models L. F. BERSIER & G. SUGIHARA Book Reviews Erratum viii Volume 65 Number 6 November 1997 Volume 781 Adaptation vs. constraint: intraclutch egg-mass variation in birds Contents J. VINUELA 793 The effects of density on the zoanthid Palythoa caesia J. E. TANNER 811 Range expansion of raptors in Britain and the Netherlands since the 1960s: testing an individual-based diffusion model R. LENSINK 827 Immunocompetence of nestling barn swallows in relation to brood size and parental effort N. SAINO, S. CALZA & A. P. MOLLER The central-place territorial model does not apply to space-use by juvenile brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis in lakes P. A. BIRO, M. S. RIDGWAY & D. L. G. NOAKES Models of interference and their consequences for the spatial distribution of ideal and free predators J. VAN DER MEER & B. J. ENS Female-biased mortality in nestlings of a bird with size dimorphism R. TORRES & H. DRUMMOND Habitat profitability and choice in a sit-and-wait predator: juvenile salmon prefer slower currents on darker nights N. B. METCALFE, S. K. VALDIMARSSON & N. H. C. FRASER Effects of experience and risk of predation on the foraging behaviour of the South-eastern Pacific muricid Concholepas concholepas (Mollusca: Gastropoda) G. SERRA, G. CHELAZZI & J. C. CASTILLA Consumption of fisheries discards by benthic scavengers: utilization of energy subsidies in different marine habitats K. RAMSAY, M. J. KAISER, P. G. MOORE & R. N. HUGHES Trophic resource partitioning and competition between the two sibling bat species Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii R. ARLETTAZ, N. PERRIN & J. HAUSSER Book Reviews Index Pe oa

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