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Preview Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1998: Vol 275-277 Index

Journal of ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS See cok ELSEVIE Journal of Alloys and Compounds 275-277 (1998) 945-947 Author Index of Volumes 275—277 Adachi, G.-y., 99, 620 Bénalloul, P., 709 Chevalier, B., 537 Dushin, R.B., 295 Adam, J.L., 455, 716 Benoit, J., 709 Chou, S., 831 du Trémolet de Lacheisserie, E., Aegerter, M.A., 333 Berger, P., 123 Chudnovskaya, G.P., 295 685 Akama, Y., 868 Betz, J., 685 Cohen-Adad, M.T., 556 Ala-Kleme, T., 476, 911 Binnemans, K., 455 Colineau, E., 154 Edvardsson, S., 174, 230 Alcacer, L., 21 Bioud, H., 591 Colon, C., 750 Egger, Ph., 442 Alleno, E., 123, 642 Blanco, J.A., 519, 565 Corré, S., 99 Eichler, H.J., 442 Allenspach, P., 560, 587 Bobrysheva, N., 533 Couchaud, M., 67, 311 Eid, K.A., 929 Bobylev, A.P., 96 Cousseins, J.C., 301, 304, 307, 831 Elbanowski, M., 225, 349 Alonso, J.A., 109 Altwein, M., 181, 209 Bohn, M., 123 Couto dos Santos, M.A., 86, 89, El-Ghozzi, M., 1, 301 Alves, M.-G., 258 Borel, C., 311 435 Enaki, V., 196 Alves de Carvalho, C.A., 254 Borkowski, M., 754 Couwenberg, I., 388 Endo, T., 746 Amako, Y., 611 Bosse, D., 569 Csanadi, J., 915 Eriksson, O., 472 Ershova, G.I., 291 Bottger, G., 560 Amara, M., 549 Etourneau, J., 468, 537 Amberger, H.-D., 318, 323 Boubekeur, K., 50 D’Ascenzo, G., 940 Eyring, L., 30, 721 Boubentsova, M.N., 96 Daiguebonne, C., 50 Andes Hess, Jr., B., 170 Bouguerra, A., 598 Dankova, M., 827 André, N., 891 Fakhry, A.A., 929 Boukenter, A., 276 Dartyge, E., 526 Antic-Fidancev, E., 177, 412, 416, Farkas, G., 915 Boukhari, A., 424 da Silva, H.E.B., 801 424, 435 Fast, L., 472 Boulard, B., 716 de Andrés, A., 279 Antonio, M.R., 827 Faucher, M.D., 258 Boulon, G., 105, 269 de Araujo, A.CV., 738 Aoki, Y., 560 Faure, C., 311 Boumali, A., 594 Décamps, B., 123 Apostolidis, C., 798 Felner, I., 642 Bououdina, M., 99 de Castro, A.M., 86 Araujo Melo, D.M., 795, 801 Feng, L., 606 Bourée-Vigneron, F., 118 de Leebeeck, H., 407 Aric6, E.M., 798 Fernandez Diaz, M.T., 629 Boutinaud, P., 304, 307 Delin, A., 472 Aride, J., 424 Fernandez, F., 750 Boysen, J., 493 de Oliveira, O.A., 801 Arlot, R., 620 Fernandez, J., 214 Branco, J., 841 de Oliveira, W., 894 Arnold, Z., 480 Ferrand, B., 67, 311 Brec, R., 46 Delobbe, A., 581 Aspinall, H.C., 773 Ferraz, R., 254 Brito, H.F., 254 de Melo, CV.P., 242 Assungao, M., 21 Filimonov, V.T., 863 Broquin, J.E., 716, 742 de Mello Donega, C., 738 Fillion, G., 288, 591, 594, 598, Atchison, F.W., 765 Brown, G., 769 Demnitz, F.W.J., 844 602 Auffrédic, J.-P., 130 Bryson, A.R., 284 Demourgues, A., 113 Finazzi, M., 581 Auzel, F., 430, 692 Avignant, D., | Bucio, L., 629 De Nadai Fernandes, E.A., 924 Findeisen, J., 442 Buddhudu, S., 327 Denniss, I.S., 769 Flachbart, K., 480 Bukietynska, K., 818 De Rango, P., 620 Flint, C.D., 250 Babu, P., 369 Burdick, G.W., 379 Deren, P.J., 393, 420 Flitsiyan, E., 918 Bagayev, S.N., 442 Buschinger, B., 633 Derouet, J., 646 Florez, A., 333 Balda, R., 214 Buschow, K.H.J., 498 de Sa, G.F., 844 Florez, M., 333 Ballou, R., 510 But, S., 349 Deschanvres, J.L., 742 Fomicheva, L.N., 484 Barajas, R., 750 Butashin, ANV., 442 Dexpert-Ghys, J., 258 Fonteneau, G., 716 Baran, E.J., 127 de Zea Bermudez, V., 21 Fornasiero, P., 877 Baran, S., 541 Calefi, P.S., 838 Diallo, P.T., 307 Fourgeot, F., 537 Barbanel’, Y.A., 295 Calvarin, G., 646 Di Monte, R., 877 Fragoso, W.D., 738 Barbara, B., 602, 615 Campero, A., 273 Divis, M., 591 Francesconi, L.C., 827 Barthou, C., 709 Carlos, L.D., 21 Donni, A., 560 Franville, A.C., 831 Bartis, J., 827 Carretas, J.M., 84] Dormond, A., 891 Fritzer, H.P., 250 Batail, P., 50 Casais, M.T., 109 D’Ors, A., 750 Fruchart, D., 99, 611, 615, 620, Baudelet, F., 526 Cascales, C., 384, 629 Doualan, J.L., 264 637 Baudry, D., 891 Caspi, E., 545 Douysset-Bloch, L., 67 Frukacz, Z., 361, 365 Bazela, W., 578 Castellano, E.E., 242 Drozdzynski, J., 393, 848 Fukuda, T., 76, 697 Beaury, L., 646 Cataldo, L., 556 Duan, C., 450 Fulbert, L., 67 Becerril, M., 750 Cechova, N., 200 Duan, J.-F., 72 Furrer, A., 587 Becker, A., 62 Chadeyron, G., 67, 301 Duarte, M.C., 21 Becker, J., 205 Champagnon, B., 269 Dugat, P., | ‘Gaft, M., 269 Belokoneva, E.L., 291 Chateigner, D., 660 Duran, A., 750 Gaishun, V.I., 420 Belsky, A.N., 488 Cheng, Q.M., 6 Durygin, A., 365 Gao, F.M., 835 Elsevier Science S.A. PII: $0925-8388(98 )00696-3 946 Author Index of Volumes 275-277 Gao, Y., 716 Idehara, K., 58 Kukli, K., 10 Malinowski, M., 304 Garcia, J., 273 Illarramendi, M.A., 214 Kuznietz, M., 545 Malkin, B.Z., 181, 209 Garcia-Landa, B., 611 Imamura, H., 903 Kvapil, J., 200 Malta, O.L., 254, 333 Gardant, N., 430 Ionov, A., 493 Marcalo, J., 841 Garnier, A., 565 Ionov, S., 785 Labbé, C., 264 Marco de Lucas, M.C., 716 Gasgnier, M., 41 Ionova, G., 785 Lacha, L.M., 214 MareS, J.A., 200 Gasser, U., 587 Iskhakova, A.I., 209 Lachévre, V., 615 Marinho, E.P., 795 Gatti, P.M., 894 Isnard, O., 637 Laffargue, D., 537 Marques, N., 841 Gaumet, V., | Isolani, P.C., 242, 782 Lahoubi, M., 288, 591, 594, 598, Martel, J.-F., 353 Gautam, M., 338 Ivanova, T.I., 625 602 Martin, C., 461 Gauthier, G., 46 Laine, E., 476 Martin, I.R., 345 Gawryszewska, P., 356 Jabtonski, R., 105 Lamminmaki, R.-J., 398, 402 Martin, J., 333 Gatdecka, E., 356 Jacoboni, C., 716 Lange, M., 181 Martin, N., 304 Gatdecki, Z., 356 Jacquier, B., 67, 186, 716 Largeau, E., | Martins Bacchi, F.A., 924 Geibel, C., 569, 633 Jandl, S., 353 Laronze, H., 113 Martinez, J.L., 127 Gérault, Y., 50 Jank, S., 318 Lastusaari, M., 402 Martinez-Lope, M.J., 109 Gesland, J.Y., 205, 435 Jayasankar, C.K., 369 Latroche, M., 118 Maruno, S., 505 Gibson, J.K., 759 Jennings, G., 827 Latva, M., 476, 911 Maruszewski, K., 420 Gignoux, D., 565, 611 Jiang, J., 733 Laubschat, C., 493 Masuda, Y., 872 Giorgetti, C., 526 Jia, J., 940 Lavin, V., 345 Matar, S.F., 468 Girard, S., 264 Jobic, S., 46 Lazar, G., 908, 915 Mata, S., 480 Gtowiak, T., 852 Johansson, B., 472 Lazar Jr., G., 908, 915 Matkovski, A., 365 Glukhov, R.A., 488 Josse, E., 716 Leblanc, M., 416 Matsumoto, T., 76 Le Boulanger, P., 264 May, I., 769 Gobichon, A.-E., 130 Joubert, J.C., 742 Godart, C., 123, 642 Joubert, J.-M., 118 Lebrasseur, E., 716 Maya, O., 273 Lecerf, A., 50 Mclver, E.G., 773 Gomez-Berisso, M., 569 Joubert, L., 934 Gopalakrishnan, R., 327 Joubert, M.-F., 67, 186 Leciejewicz, J., 541 Meffre, W., 742 Lefévre, A., 556 Meinrath, G., 777 Gorller-Walrand, C., 388, 407, 455 Julian, I., 750 Le Gall, H., 677 Melamud, M., 545 Goulon, J., 581 Jiistel, T., 669 Legendre, J.-J., 934 Melnik, M.I., 863 Gourier, D., 177 Legendziewicz, J., 219, 356, 852 Melnikov, P., 81, 86, 96 Goutaland, F., 276 Kaczmarek, B., 105 Legrand, B.A., 660 Menezes, J.F.S., 254 Grando, D., 81 Kaczmarek, M., 225 Leite, S.R.A., 89 Menovsky, A., 480 Grange, W., 581 Kacymarek, S.M., 105 Lejus, A.M., 353 Mentzen, B.F., 556 Grannec, J., 113 Kahn, M., 50 Lemaitre-Blaise, M., 412, 416, Mercier, N., 416 Graziani, M., 877 Kahn, O., 50 424, 435 Mesot, J., 560 Greeves, N., 773 Kamarad, J., 480 Leskela, M., 702 Mesquita, M.E., 844 Groupe d’Optique des Terres Kaminskii, A.A., 442 Less, R., 769 Messaddeq, Y., 81, 333 Rares, 430 Kanda, K., 903 Li, B., 872, 940 Meyer, G., 219 Giidel, H.U., 191 Kanellakopulos, B., 798 Li, D., 234 Michor, H., 642 Guillaumont, R., 785 Kang, Z.C., 30, 721 Li, D.X., 665 Mierczyk, Z., 361 Guillen, F., 113 Kanno, H., 868 Li, W., 940 Mihalik, M., 480 Guillot, M., 637 Kappler, J.-P., 581 Liao, C., 234, 940 Mill, BV., 291 Guillot-Noel, O., 177 Kapusta, C., 161 Limaye, S.N., 338 Miraglia, S., 637 Guillou, O., 50 Karbowiak, M., 393, 848 Lin, J.H., 6 Mironov, D.I., 291 Gutiérrez Puebla, E., 629 Karelin, E.A., 863 Lis, S., 349, 754 Mizuno, K., 903 Guy, S., 186 Kaspar, J., 877 Liu, B., 442 Molodtsov, S.L., 493 Kato, Y., 806 Liu, C., 234 Mondragon, M.A., | Haapakka, K., 476, 911 Katsura, M., 58, 725, 730 Liu, G.K., 137 Mondry, A., 818 Haberlandl, D., 93 Kawasaki, S., 46 Llopis, J., 750 Monnom, G., 276 Haen, P., 591 Kihal, A., 598 L6épez-Rivera, S.A., 333 Morin, P., 549 Haga, Y., 505 Kimura, T., 806 Lorriaux-Rubbens, A., 412 Moriyama, H., 898 Hakanen, A., 476 Kirikova, N-Y., 205 Louér, D., 130 Mori, K., 447 Harat, A., 591 Kiss, I., 908 Lozano, L., 113 Moune, O.K., 258 Hasegawa, Y., 859 Kit6, H., 574 Lucas, J., 716 Mrozinski, J., 219 Heber, J., 181, 209 Klintenberg, M., 174, 230 Lukasiewicz, T., 105 Mulder, F.M., 498 Heikkinen, H., 10 Kloss, M., 93 Lupei, A., 196 Mulders, A.M., 587 Hejtmanek, J., 591 Kochetkov, V.N., 484 Lupei, V., 196 Munhoz, C., 782 Hernandez-Velasco, J., 651 Koizumi, K., 447 Luxbacher, T., 250 Hilic, S., 301 Kolacéek, J., 288 Nabar, M.A., 54 Hill, N.J., 769 Kolin, VV., 295 Macaudiere, P., 46, 113 Naik, V.R., 54 Hilscher, G., 642 Komissarova, L.N., 96 Machida, K., 620 Nakagawa, T., 58 Hirasawa, A., 859 Kotlin, V.P., 295 Mackay, K., 685 Nakahara, A., 58 Hofmann, P., 541 Kramer, K.W., 191 Madic, C., 785 Nakamura, S., 574 Holsa, J., 398, 402, 646 Kratky, R., 200 Maestro, P., 113 Namekata, S., 868 Homma, Y., 665 Krill, G., 581 Mahdy, A.A., 929 Narozhnyi, V.N., 484 Hudson, M.J., 785 Kruczynski, Z., 349 Mahiou, R., 301, 304, 307, 831 Nassar, E.J., 315, 838 Hulliger, J., 442 Krupa, J.-C., 205, 393, 416, 435, Maignan, A., 461 Nekhoroshkov, S.N., 295 Huskowska, E., 852 450 Makhov, V.N., 205 Nekvasil, V., 288, 591 Husztik, E., 908 Kubota, S.-i., 746 Malashkevich, G.E., 420 Nguyen, Y., 811 Author Index of Volumes 275-277 Niinisto, L., 10 Rajeshwari, N., 327 Siekierski, S., 754 Urland, W., 62 Nikitin, S.A., 625 Rasines, I., 629 Silber, H.B., 811 Uvarova, TNV., 205 Nikl, M., 200 Raveau, B., 461 Silva, A.G., 792 Nikol, H., 669 Rawson, J.M., 769 Silva, C.J.R., 21 Van Deun, R., 455 Nishihara, Y., 37 Razumova, I.K., 291 Silva, M.M., 21 Vasil’ev, A.N., 488 Nykanen, E., 10 Reddmann, H., 318, 323 Skokov, K.P., 625 Vert, R., 611 Reid, M.F., 284 Slaski, M., 541 Viana, B., 177, 353 O’Connor, C.E., 606 Reisfeld, R., 269 Smentek, L., 170 Vicentini, G., 242, 782 Oczko, G., 219 Rezlescu, E., 657 Smirnov, V., 533 Virey, E., 311 Odin, S., 526 Rezlescu, L., 657 Smith, M.J., 21 Visseaux, M., 891 Oguro, I., 505 Rezlescu, N., 657 Soderholm, L., 827 Vivien, D., 177, 353 Ohara, S., 505 Ribeiro, S.J.L., 81 Soltani, M.L., 602 Voda, M., 214 Ohishi, K., 903 Richardson, F.S., 379 Souza, L.R., 254 Vorlicek, V., 288 Oka, K., 37 Richter, M., 493 Spiridonov, F.M., 96 Vulliet, P., 154 Olah, J., 908 Rimet, R., 716, 742 Spiryakov, V.I., 863 Waerenborgh, J.C., 841 Oliveira, L.F.C., 81 Robaut, F., 742 Staninski, K., 225 Onuki, Y., 505 Rodionova, M.P., 181 Starynowicz, P., 815 Wallart, F., 412 Ostoréro, J., 41, 288 Rodriguez, V.D., 345 Steglich, F., 569, 633 Wallwork, A.L., 769 Wang, S., 238 Ouerdane, Y., 276 Rodriguez-Carvajal, J., 651 Strek, W., 420 Wang, X., 246 Ozaki, H., 447 Rodriguez-Mendoza, U.R., 345 Stucchi, E.B., 86, 89 Ozawa, M., 886 Rogalev, A., 581 Stiisser, N., 578 Warchol, S., 105 Weber, I.T., 738 Rohmann, A., 93 Su, M.-Z., 6, 72 Weiden, M., 633 Paje, S.E., 750 Romero, J., 127 Su, Q., 238 Wojcik, W., 420 Panczer, G., 269 Ronda, C.R., 669 Suchocki, A., 361, 365 Wu, C.X., 835 Pandey, P., 338 Rosa, LLNV., 315, 838 Suda, E., 903 Wyon, C., 311 Pardes, C., 891 Rout, P., 338 Sugak, D., 365 Patroniak-Krzyminiewska, V., 822 Routsi, Ch., 27 Sulyanov, S.N., 442 Xavier de Matos, J.E., 795 Pavlik, V., 480 Rouxel, J., 46 Sumiyama, K., 665 Xia, S., 450 Pawlak, D., 361 Ruan, S.-K., 72 Sun, L., 234 Pawlik, E., 420 Ruan, Y., 246 Suzuki, K., 665 Yadav, A., 338 Pedrazzini, P., 569 Runne, M., 205 Szakacs, J., 908 Yajima, S., 859 Pedrini, C., 488 Szyczewski, A., 349 Yamada, K., 725 Pei, Z., 238 Saez de Ocariz, I., 214 Szytuta, A., 541, 578 Yamamoto, E., 505 Pellé, F., 430 Saez-Puche, R., 127, 279, 384, Yamana, H., 898 Pelletier, R., 374 651, 750 Taboada, S., 279 Yamanaka, S., 725, 730 Pelletier-Allard, N., 374 Sailynoja, E., 402, 646 Taibi, M., 424 Yamane, H., 746 Pen’kin, MYV., 295 Sainctavit, P., 581 Takakuwa, Y., 665 Yan, C., 234, 872, 940 Percheron-Guégan, A., 118 Sakamoto, I., 505 Takano, Y., 447 Yang, X.-B., 72 Perrier de la Bathie, R., 660 Sakata, Y., 903 Takizawa, H., 746 ¥e, J., 37, 76 Petit, A., 41 Sanchez, J.-P., 154, 581 Tanaka, M., 574 Yin, M., 450 Petraru, A., 196 Santos, V.D., 792 Tang, J., 606 Young, V.G., 765 Peuser, P., 442 Sasum, U., 93 Tarasov, V.F., 209 Yu, J., 234 Peuzin, J.C., 685 Sato, H., 560 Tauber, U., 442 Picard, G., 934 Saxena, M.C., 338 Taylor, R.J., 769 Zachara, J., 361 Pietrzak, J., 349 Sbiaa, R., 677 Terada, Y., 697 Zambon, D., 301, 831 Pinto, H., 545 Scarpari, S.L., 89 Tereshina, I.S., 625 Zeng, Q., 238 Pires de Matos, A., 841 Schiffmacher, G., 123 Tesar, R., 288 Zhang, G., 15, 733 Piriou, B., 258 Schmitt, D., 565 Thiel, R.C., 498 Zhang, S.Y., 835 Pogossian, S., 677 Schneider, W., 493 Thomas, J.O., 174 Zhang, W., 450 Pontonnier, L., 615 Schoenes, J., 148 Thompson, L.C., 765 Zhang, Y., 872 Popa, P.D., 657 Schwartz, R.N., 191 Tkachuk, A.M., 291 Zhong, A.-M., 72 Popova, M.N., 142 Schwarz, L., 93 Tomala, K., 154 Zhorin, VV., 137 Porcher, P., 177, 333, 384, 398, Segovia, P., 493 Tominez, E., 123, 642 Zhou, J.-G., 72 402, 412, 424, 435 Sekizawa, K., 447 Tournier, R., 660 Zimmerer, G., 205 Pospisil, J., 200 Senateur, J.P., 742 Tressaud, A., 113 Zinner, K., 792, 795 Pottgen, R., 537 Sereni, J.G., 569 Troin, Y., 831 Zinner, L.B., 792, 795, 798, 801 Poulain, M.J., 15, 733 Serra, O.A., 315, 838 Trovarelli, O., 569, 633 Zou, Z., 37 Pracka, I., 105 Shakurov, G.S., 209 Tsuboi, T., 246 Zukerman-Schpector, J., 242, 782 Presura, C., 196 Shimada, M., 746 Tsuchiya, S., 903 Zygmunt, A., 578 Shimamura, K., 697 Tsvyashchenko, AN., 484 Queffelec, M., 205 Shiokawa, Y., 665 Turowska-Tyrk, I., 852 Shishido, T., 76 Radecka-Paryzek, W., 822 Shoval, S., 269 Unrecht, B., 323 AND CAJoLOurLMnOaPlY OSo fU NDS Journal of Alloys and Compounds 275-277 (1998) 949-965 Subject Index of Volumes 275-277 Absorption Alumina novel polynuclear compound of europium with N- rare earth-doped alumina thin films deposited by liquid source CVD phosphonomethylglycine: spectroscopy and structure 356 processes 742 crystal field effect in RE**-doped lanthanum oxycyanamide, Aluminium oxide F-center La,O,CN,:RE** (RE*’=Pr°* and Eu**) 402 quenching of cathodic electrogenerated F-center luminescence of absorption and fluorescence of Er’ *-doped LiYF,: measurements aluminium oxide by lanthanide cations at the electrode/ and simulation 435 electrolyte interface 476 electronic absorption spectroscopy of neodymium acetate single 241 Am crystals 818 application of “*'Am EDXRF to the determination of rare earth Absorption spectra samples of solvent extraction processes 940 absorption and fluorescence spectra of Am*’-doped Cs,NaLuCl, Americium elpasolite crystals 295 absorption and fluorescence spectra of Am*‘-doped Cs,NaLuCl, 4f—4f intensities of the Tm** ions in fluoroindate glasses: the elpasolite crystals 295 influence of third-order effects through odd intensity parameters 3-Amino-2-carboxypyridine-N-oxide 333 synthesis, characterization and spectroscopic studies of a new crystal-field effects and simulation of the energy level scheme of europium(III) complex of 3-amino-2-carboxypyridine-N-oxide Nd** in magnesium borate MgNd(BO,), 384 844 Absorption spectroscopy Aminopolycarboxylic acids two high and low symmetry europium complexes with L-proline: the influence of aminopolycarboxylic acids on the Spectroscopy and structure 852 chemiluminescence of the Eu(II)/Eu(III)N-H,O, system 225 Acetate Amorphous alloy electronic absorption spectroscopy of neodymium acetate single random anisotropy in UGe, amorphous alloy 665 crystals 818 Amorphous alloys Actinide magnetic properties of amorphous Sm—Co and Er—Co alloys 602 transition amplitude calculations for one- and two-photon absorption Anhydrous rare earth chlorides 284 Raman study of alcoholic solutions of anhydrous rare earth dispersion of f states in U-metal and CeRh, 493 chlorides 868 Actinide ions Anionic organometallics modelling crystal-field interaction for f-elements in LaCl, 137 electronic structures of organometallic complexes of f elements. Activated crystals XLIV. Parametrization of the crystal field splitting pattern of spectroscopic studies of Ln,Ca,B,O,,-Nd°* (Ln=Y, La, Gd) [((MeCp),PrCl] = 323 crystals 291 Anisotropy Active waveguide orientation of samarium—cobalt compounds by solidification in a towards composite solid state laser materials 692 magnetic field 660 Adducts Annealing complexation of tris(®-diketonato)lanthanoids with monodentate and radiation defects in Dy*’ doped LiNbO, single crystals 105 bidentate Lewis bases in chloroform 859 Antiferromagnetic coupling Alanine magnetotransport and antiferromagnetic coupling in nanocomposites lanthanide complexation with amino acids: Eu(III) with alanine in EuS—Co 606 aqueous methanol 811 Antiferromagnetism Alcoholic solutions magnetic properties of new oxides of the type R,Ba,CuPtO, (R= Raman study of alcoholic solutions of anhydrous rare earth Er and Lu) 127 chlorides 868 magnetic ordering in the RE,Pd,, Sn, _ ternary stannides (RE= Al-doped LaNiO, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) 537 stabilization of Ni’ in defect perovskites La(Ni,_,Al,)O,,, with magnetic properties of RAuSn compounds 541 ‘infinite-layer’ structure 109 Yb,BaCoO, magnetic and crystal structure determination from Alkoxides neutron scattering 651 the ‘dissolution’ of europium and ytterbium in alcohols 841 Apatite Alkyls luminescence of uranium in natural apatites 269 undercoordinated neodymium and samarium hydrides and alkyls: Arc-melting synthesis Their behaviour and stability in solution. Application in arc-melting synthesis and crystal chemistry of RT,B,(C) (R=rare isoprene polymerization 891 earth, T=Rh, Co) compounds 76 Allylation Arsenovanadates ’ new homochiral lanthanide(III) triflates in Lewis acid catalysis europium luminescence in Eu, ,Bi,V, ,As,O, materials of 773 tetragonal form 412 Elsevier Science S.A. PII: S0925-8388(98 )00697-5 950 Subject Index of Volumes 275-277 ASW Cerium fluoride local spin density functional investigations of the ternary systems cerium-containing glasses for fast scintillators 733 UT,Ge, (T=Mn,Fe) 468 Cerium monochalcogenides Atomic layer epitaxy magneto-optics as a tool to study occupied and empty 4f and 5f deposition of lanthanum sulfide thin films by atomic layer epitaxy states 148 10 Cerium monopnictides Automobile exhaust magneto-optics as a tool to study occupied and empty 4f and 5f role of cerium—zirconium mixed oxides as catalysts for car states 148 pollution: A short review 886 Cerium substitution stabilisation of high dissociation pressure hydrides of formula La,_,Ce,Ni, (x=0-0.3) with carbon monoxide 99 Band structure Cerium-triscyclopentadienide local spin density functional investigations of the ternary systems synthesis and magnetic properties of (C;H,),Ce-HMPA 798 UT,Ge, (T=Mn,Fe) 468 Ce,(SiS,),1 Bismuth synthesis and structure of the first cerium iodothiosilicate: europium luminescence in Eu, ,Bi,V,_,As.O, materials of Ce,(SiS,),I1 46 tetragonal form 412 Ce—Zr mixed oxide Bond energy role of cerium—zirconium mixed oxides as catalysts for car structural investigations of N,N’-substituted malonamide crystal pollution: A short review 886 compounds as a basis to support trivalent lanthanide extraction Chelating agents mechanisms 785 Y(III)-enhanced DY(III) and Sm(III)-specific electrogenerated Borate luminescence of heterodinuclear 1—Y(III)—DY(III)—1 and 1- the reduction of Eu*’ in SrB,O,, prepared in air and the Y(I11)—Sm(II1)—1 chelates 911 luminescence of SrB,O,,:Eu 238 Chemical bond properties Borocarbide chemical bond properties of rare earth ions in crystals 835 arc-melting synthesis and crystal chemistry of RT,B,(C) (R=rare Chemical bonding earth, T=Rh, Co) compounds 76 local spin density functional investigations of the ternary systems Borocarbides UT,Ge, (T=Mn,Fe) 468 magnetoresistance study of some RENi,B,C borocarbides 484 Chemiluminescence p-t-Butylcalix|n]arenes (n=4,6,8) the influence of aminopolycarboxylic acids on the synthesis and characterization of scandium(III) complexes with p- chemiluminescence of the Eu(II)/Eu(III)-H,O, system 225 tert-butylcalix|n]arenes (n=4,6,8) 872 Chemometrics chemometric analysis: Uranium(VI) hydrolysis by UV-Vis Canted magnetic structures spectroscopy 777 high de fields magnetisation of YbIG at low temperatures 594 Chloroform/2-propanol mixture Carbon monoxide isomerism in the adduct of tris(4,4,4,-trifluoro-1-(2-naphthyl)-1,3- stabilisation of high dissociation pressure hydrides of formula butanedionato)europium(ili) with dipyridyl 765 La,_ .Ce,Ni, (x=0-—0.3) with carbon monoxide 99 Cobalt Carbothermic reduction what about the role of B elements in the CMR properties of ABO, preparation of Ce—Pr mixed carbide by carbothermic reduction 58 perovskites? 46] Catalysis magnetic properties of zinc-coated Sm,(Fe, ,Co, ,),,N, powders new homochiral lanthanide(III) triflates in Lewis acid catalysis 620 773 Cohesive properties role of cerlum—zirconium mixed oxides as catalysts for car effect of generalized gradient corrections on lanthanide cohesive pollution: A short review 886 properties 472 Cathodic luminescence Colloid quenching of cathodic electrogenerated F-center luminescence of study of the optical properties of Eu*’-doped ZnS nanocrystals aluminium oxide by lanthanide cations at the electrode/ 234 electrolyte interface 476 Color centers Ce spectroscopy of color centers in yttrium—aluminium perovskite preparation of Ce—Pr mixed carbide by carbothermic reduction 58 crystals 365 Ce-doping Complexation cerium-doped RE*’ AlO, perovskite scintillators: Spectroscopy and neptunium(IV) and uranium(VI) complexation by hydroxamic acids radiation induced defects 200 769 CeO,—-ZrO, mixed oxides complexation of tris(B-diketonato)lanthanoids with monodentate and oxygen storage and catalytic NO removal promoted by CeO,- bidentate Lewis bases in chloroform 859 containing mixed oxides 877 Complex lanthanide chlorides Ceramics crystal structures and magnetic behaviour of new complex the Y,BaCuO, oxide as green pigment in ceramics 750 lanthanide chlorides with organic cations 62 Cerium Conductivity measurements synthesis and structure of the first cerium iodothiosilicate: synthesis and characterization of scandium(III) complexes with p- Ce,(SiS,),1 46 tert-butylcalix[m]arenes (n=4,6,8) 872 kinetic study of the coordination compounds Configuration interaction [{M(DMA),(H,O),|(CF,SO,),, where M=Ce**, Tb** and Lu’! electronic structure of Pr*’ and Tm*’ doped LiYO, 258 801 Coordination Cerium(III) Raman study of alcoholic solutions of anhydrous rare earth synthesis and magnetic properties of (C;H,),Ce-HMPA 798 chlorides 868 Subject Index of Volumes 275-277 Coordination number a new honeycomb-like molecular compound: luminescence study on hydration states of lanthanide(III)— Gd[C,H,(COO),|(H,O),°1.5H,O 50 polyaminopolycarboxylate complexes in aqueous solution 806 crystal structures and magnetic behaviour of new complex Copper lanthanide chlorides with organic cations 62 comparative spectroscopic and magnetic studies of two types of Ln crystal structure of europium(II) bis(hydroxyacetate) 815 and Ln:Cu trichloroacetates 219 two high and low symmetry europium complexes with L-proline: Correlation-crystal-field Spectroscopy and structure 852 correlation-crystal-field delta-function analysis of 4f° (Pr**) energy- Crystal structures level structure 379 dimorphism and magnetic properties in iron rare earth germanates 629 Critical magnetic fields CsCdBr, magnetic properties and thermal expansion of DyBa,Cu,O, , 591 room temperature fluorescence of CsCdBr,:Re (Re=Pr, Nd, Dy, Crystal chemistry Ho, Er, Tm) in the 3—5-ym range 311 arc-melting synthesis and crystal chemistry of RT,B,(C) (R=rare CsCdBr,:Tm*' earth, T=Rh, Co) compounds 76 local lattice structure, crystal field and energy level patterns in Crystal field CsCdBr,:Tm** crystals 181 modelling crystal-field interaction for f-elements in LaCl, 137 Curie temperature local lattice structure, crystal field and energy level patterns in effects of rare-earth oxides on physical properties of Li—Zn ferrite CsCdBr,:Tm** crystals 181 657 submillimeter EPR spectroscopy of lanthanide compounds: Pair CVD centers of Ho** in CsCdBr, 209 rare earth-doped alumina thin films deposited by liquid source CVD spectroscopic properties of rare earths in K,Bi,_,(RE),(MoO,), processes 742 crystals 214 Cyclic lactones electronic structure of Pr’’ and Tm** doped LiYO, 258 compounds of lanthanide picrates and 2-azacyclononanone (aza): absorption and fluorescence spectra of Am*‘-doped Cs,NaLuCl, synthesis, characterization and thermal study 795 elpasolite crystals 295 Cyclopentadieny] Electron Paramagnetic Resonance study of chosen gadolinium(III) synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity in cyclohexene sandwiched- and encapsulated-polyoxometalate complexes 349 hydrogenation of some organolanthanides 894 optical crystal field study of Sm,O, (C- and B-type) 353 Cyclotron mass crystal-field effects and simulation of the energy level scheme of De Haas-van Alphen effect in ytterbium and uranium compounds Nd** in magnesium borate MgNd(BO,), 384 505 simulation of the energy levels of Dy** in DyOC] 398 Eu°* as a local probe to characterize the structure of acentric K,Eu,(Co,),F, 416 Defect centres the determination of crystal field parameters in rare earth cerium-doped RE** AlO, perovskite scintillators: Spectroscopy and intermetallic compounds 519 radiation induced defects 200 magnetic properties of singlet ground states in RM,X, compounds Defects in laser crystals 565 spectroscopic and crystallographic studies of YAG:Pr** single two types of magnetism in the magnetic superconductor TmNi,B,C crystals 361 587 Defects in laser materials Crystal field analysis spectroscopy of color centers in yttrium—aluminium perovskite electronic structures of highly symmetrical compounds of f crystals 365 elements XXXI. Simulation of the crystal field splitting pattern De Haas-van Alphen effect of (THF) ,Li(j-Cl)Nd[N(SiMe,),], 318 De Haas-van Alphen effect in ytterbium and uranium compounds electronic structures of organometallic complexes of f elements. 505 XLIV. Parametrization of the crystal field splitting pattern of Delta-function [(MeCp),PrCl] 323 correlation-crystal-field delta-function analysis of 4f° (Pr**) energy- Crystal field calculation level structure 379 crystal field and EPR studies of Nd**:YMO, (M=V, As, P) 177 Density functional calculation Crystal field effect effect of generalized gradient corrections on lanthanide cohesive magnetic properties and thermal expansion of DyBa,Cu,O,_, 591 properties 472 Crystal field effects Descending symmetry crystal field in praseodymium gallium garnet 288 crystal-field effects and simulation of the energy level scheme of luminescence properties of (La,Pr),Ti,O, 307 Nd** in magnesium borate MgNd(BO,), 384 Crystal-field parameters Diamide role of the electrostatic model in calculating rare-earth crystal-field structural investigations of N,N’-substituted malonamide crystal parameters 230 compounds as a basis to support trivalent lanthanide extraction theoretical study on complex f-f transition simulation of mechanisms 785 luminescence spectra of nanocrystalline X,-Y,SiO,:Eu*’ 450 Dielectric description theory Crystal growth chemical bond properties of rare earth ions in crystals 835 new anisotropic rare earth fluorides BaR,F, (R=Y, Dy—Lu): growth Diels—Alder and characterization 442 new homochiral lanthanide(III) triflates in Lewis acid catalysis Crystal structure 773 recent progress in tetravalent terbium chemistry | Di-(2-ethylhexy])phosphate crystal structure and magnetic properties of the RCo, ,Ga, (x=1, preparation of lanthanide (III) neutral compound ligands in the 1.5, 2, 3, 4) and RCo, ,FeGa, (x=1, 2) compounds (R=rare Ln(CH ,COO) ,-HDEHP-decane system and study of their earth) 27 solubility in HDEHP-—decane solutions 863 952 Subject Index of Volumes 275-277 -Diketonatochelates Elpasolites complexation of tris(B-diketonato)lanthanoids with monodentate and absorption and fluorescence spectra of Am’*' -doped Cs,NaLuCl, bidentate Lewis bases in chloroform 859 elpasolite crystals 295 8-Diketones synthesis and characterization of caesium tetrachlorouranate(III) and luminescence of a new Tm** B-diketonate compound 838 dicaesium lithium hexachlorouranate(III) 848 N,N-dimethylacetamide Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy spectroscopic studies of lanthanide picrate complexes with N,N- application of “*'Am EDXRF to the determination of rare earth dimethylacetamide. Structure of the La compound 242 samples of solvent extraction processes 940 Dipolar interaction Energy-level modeling magnetic properties of the high-temperature superconductor correlation-crystal-field delta-function analysis of 4f° (Pr°*) energy- R,Ba,Cu,O,,_, (R=Er, Dy) 560 level structure 379 Dipole strength Energy level simulation the simulation of polarised absorption and magnetic circular simulation of the energy levels of Dy** in DyOCl 398 dichroism in LiYF,:Nd** 407 crystal field effect in RE**-doped lanthanum oxycyanamide, La,O,CN,:RE** (RE*’=Pr°* and Eu’*) 402 Divalent europium divalent europium in silica gels 273 Energy levels crystal structure of europium(II) bis(hydroxyacetate) 815 the simulation of polarised absorption and magnetic circular dichroism in LiYF,:Nd** 407 Double-sheet network a new huneycomb-like molecular compound: Energy migration Gd[C,H,(COO),](H,O),°1.5H,O 50 luminescence properties of rare earth ions in polytantalate 746 DSC Energy transfer a novel class of luminescent polymers obtained by the sol-gel fast VUV emission of rare earth ions (Nd°*, Er’*, Tm**) in wide approach 21 bandgap crystals 205 spectroscopic studies of Ln,Ca,B,O,,-Nd** (Ln=Y, La, Gd) Dysprosium simulation of the energy levels of Dy** in DyOC] 398 crystals 291 high-resolution spectroscopic study of Er:YAIO, 374 Electric field gradient Energy-transfer rate magnetic properties of 4f-based intermetallics studied by means of applicability of the shell model for energy transfer 250 '*°Gd Mossbauer spectroscopy 498 Energy transfer upconversion (ETU) Electrochemiluminescence visible emission processes in heavily doped Er/Yb silica optical fibers 276 Y(II])-enhanced DY(III) and Sm(III)-specific electrogenerated EPR luminescence of heterodinuclear 1-Y(III)—DY(III)—1 and 1- Y(III)—Sm(1I1)—1 chelates 911 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance study of chosen gadolinium(III) Electroluminescence sandwiched- and encapsulated-polyoxometalate complexes 349 rare earths in electroluminescent and field emission display Erbium phosphors 702 the excited state absorption of Er’ ”:LiYF, and Er’ ’:Na.Y,F,, SrGa,S,: RE phosphors for full colour electroluminescent displays 264 709 high-resolution spectroscopic study of Er:YAIO, 374 Electrolytic amalgamation Erbium cross-sections characteristics of the electrolytic amalgamation of trivalent f- towards composite solid state laser materials 692 elements and its application 898 Erbium doped silica glasses Electron bands spectroscopic properties of erbium doped silica glasses obtained by dispersion of f states in U-metal and CeRh, 493 sol-gel method 420 Electron paramagnetic resonance Er° + crystal field and EPR studies of Nd*’ :>YMO, (M=V, As, P) 177 optical-physical-electrical properties of Er*’ :B,O,-BaO-RF glasses Electronic absorption spectra 327 synthesis and characterization of caesium tetrachlorouranate(III) and spectroscopy of color centers in yttrium—aluminium perovskite dicaesium lithium hexachlorouranate(III) 848 crystals 365 Electronic and magnetic properties Er’ ‘-doped LiNbO, electronic and magnetic properties of the 4f and 5f intermetallics up-conversion in Er’- *dop ed LiNbO, crystals 246 Er’*:Y,0, from Mossbauer spectroscopy 154 Electronic clusters disorder energy level and oscillator strength calculations for Er’*:Y,O,: A magnetic properties of the high-temperature superconductor molecular dynamics based study 174 R,Ba,Cu,0O,,_, (R=Er, Dy) 560 Eu* + Electronic spectral studies excitation and desexcitation processes of Eu*’ luminescence in electronic spectral studies on lanthanide(III) in mixed metal Eu,BaZnO, 279 environments of the type [Ln(III);-DTPA-M(II)]: Ln(iII)=Pr, Nd, Eu(lII) Sm, Dy, Er, Tm and M(II)=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn 338 novel polynuclear compound of europium with N- Electronic structure phosphonomethylglycine: spectroscopy and structure 356 simulation of energy conversion and transfer in CeF, after VUV Eu(III) ions photon absorption 488 the influence of aminopolycarboxylic acids on the Electrostatic model chemiluminescence of the Eu(II)/Eu(III)-H,O, system 225 role of the electrostatic model in calculating rare-earth crystal-field Europium parameters 230 In(PO,), stabilised fluoroindate glasses 81 Element—oxygen groups the reduction of Eu** in SrB,O,, prepared in air and the magnetic properties of iron—oxygen nanostructure doped with 4f luminescence of SrB,O,,:Eu 238 elements 533 luminescence behavior of Eu*’ with thenoyltrifluoroacetonate, sulfoxides and macrocyclics 254 Subject Index of Volumes 275-277 luminescence-structure correlation in C€aYOBO,:Eu*’ 301 f—f intensities Eu** and Tb** organophosphonates: synthesis, characterization and synthesis, characterization and spectroscopy of the europium doped luminescent properties 315 lanthanum trimetaphosphate 86 crystal field effect in RE**-doped lanthanum oxycyanamide, f—f transition La,O,CN,:RE** (RE*’=Pr** and Eu**) 402 theoretical study on complex f-f transition simulation of europium luminescence in Eu,_,Bi,V,_,As,O, materials of luminescence spectra of nanocrystalline X,-Y,SiO.:Eu’’ 450 tetragonal form 412 Field emission Eu** as a local probe to characterize the structure of acentric rare earths in electroluminescent and field emission display K,Eu,(Co,),F, 416 phosphors 702 coordination and valence of europium in [Eu(a-2-As,W,,0,,),]'" Fluorescence and [Eu(W.O,,),]” 827 room temperature fluorescence of CsCdBr,:Re (Re=Pr, Nd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm) in the 3—5-ym range 311 the ‘dissolution’ of europium and ytterbium in alcohols 841 absorption and fluorescence of Er*’-doped LiYF,: measurements two high and low symmetry europium complexes with L-proline: and simulation 435 Spectroscopy and structure 852 Fluorescence spectra Europium complexes absorption and fluorescence spectra of Am*' -doped Cs,NaLuCl, lanthanide complexation with amino acids: Eu(III) with alanine in elpasolite crystals 295 aqueous methanol 811 Fluoride Europium(III) complex optical spectra and analysis of Pr*’ in B-NaYF, 304 synthesis, characterization and spectroscopic studies of a new Fluoride glasses europium(III) complex of 3-amino-2-carboxypyridine-N-oxide In(PO,), stabilised fluoroindate glasses 81 844 optical amplification and laser spectroscopy of neodymium-doped Europium diphenylphosphinate complex fluoride glass channel waveguides 716 preparation, characterization and spectroscopy of the europium Fluorides diphenylphosphinate complex 89 recent progress in tetravalent terbium chemistry | Europium triflate Fluorination treatment a novel class of luminescent polymers obtained by the sol-gel preparation and characterization of alkali- and alkaline earth-based approach 21 rare earth sulfides 113 Eu(TAN),-dipy Fluorite-related oxides isomerism in the adduct of tris(4,4,4,-trifluoro-1-(2-naphthy])-1,3- the prediction of the structure of members of the homologous series butanedionato)europium(iii) with dipyridyl 765 of the higher rare earth oxides 30 Exchange interactions Fluorite-type structure principles magnetic properties of singlet ground states in RM,X, compounds the prediction of the structure of members of the homologous series 565 of the higher rare earth oxides 30 Excited state absorption Fluoroborate glasses up-conversion in Er’ ’-doped LiNbO, crystais 246 optical-physical-electrical properties of Er*’:B,O,-BaO-RF glasses the excited state absorption of Er’*:LiYF, and Er**:Na.Y,F,, 327 264 Fluorocarbonate Excited state absorption (ESA) Eu** as a local probe to characterize the structure of acentric visible emission processes in heavily doped Er/Yb silica optical K,Eu,(Co,),F, 416 fibers 276 Fluorogallate glass Extracted complexes influence of rare-earth ions on fluorogallate glass formation and preparation of lanthanide (III) neutral compound ligands in the properties 15 Ln(CH ,COO) ,-HDEHP-—decane system and study of their Fluoroindate glass solubility in HDEHP-—decane solutions 863 4f—4f intensities of the Tm** ions in fluoroindate glasses: the influence of third-order effects through odd intensity parameters 333 Factor analysis Fluoroindate glasses chemometric analysis: Uranium(VI) hydrolysis by UV-Vis upconversion dynamics in Yb°'—Ho** doped fluoroindate glasses spectroscopy 777 345 Far infrared absorption Fluorophosphate glass crystal field in praseodymium gallium garnet 288 cerium-containing glasses for fast scintillators 733 Fast scintillator Formohydroxamic acid cerium-containing glasses for fast scintillators 733 neptunium(IV) and uraniumV(I ) complexation by hydroxamic acids Fermi surface 769 De Haas-van Alphen effect in ytterbium and uranium compounds Fourier transform spectroscopy 505 high-resolution spectroscopy of rare earth cuprates and nickelates Ferrimagnetism 142 high de fields magnetisation of YbIG at low temperatures 594 f-Radiography Ferrites use of neutron-activation techniques for studying elemental effects of rare-earth oxides on physical properties of Li—Zn ferrite distributions. Applications to geochemistry 918 657 FTIR Ferromagnetism a novel class of luminescent polymers obtained by the sol—gel magnetic properties of new oxides of the type R,Ba,CuPtO, (R= approach 21 Er and Lu) 127 investigations of alkaline rare earth orthophosphates M ,RE(PO,), f—d transitions 93 . synthesis and characterization of caesium tetrachlorouranate(III) and synthesis and characterization of scandium(III) complexes with p- dicaesium lithium hexachlorouranate(III) 848 tert-butylcalix[n]arenes (n=4,6,8) 872 954 Subject Index of Volumes 275-277 Gadolinium Hexachloroelpasolite crystals Electron Paramagnetic Resonance study of chosen gadolinium(III) applicability of the shell model for energy transfer 250 sandwiched- and encapsulated-polyoxometalate complexes 349 Hexamethylphosphoramide Gadolinium chloride synthesis and magnetic properties of (C,;H,),Ce-HMPA 798 immunomodulation by gadolinium chloride-induced Kupffer cell Higher rare earth oxides phagocytosis blockade 908 the prediction of the structure of members of the homologous series Kupffer cell blockade prevents rejection of human insulinoma cell of the higher rare earth oxides 30 xenograft in rats 915 fluorite structural principles: disordered a-phase to ordered Gain cross-section intermediate phases in praseodymia 721 the excited state absorption of Er’’:LiYF, and Er*’:Na.Y,F,, High field magnetisation 264 magnetic phase diagrams of dysprosium iron garnet (DyIG) in high Gamma-irradiation de fields 598 High-resolution spectroscopy radiation defects in Dy*’ doped LiNbO, single crystals 105 155 Gd Mossbauer spectroscopy high-resolution spectroscopic study of Er:YAIO, 374 High 7. superconductors magnetic properties of 4f-based intermetallics studied by means of magnetic properties and thermal expansion of DyBa,Cu,O,_, 591 '"°Gd Mossbauer spectroscopy 498 H,O GdIII) desorption behavior of hydrogen and water from Yb-doped SrCeO, a new honeycomb-like molecular compound: 730 Gd[C,H,(COO),|(H,O),°1.5H,O 50 Holmium GdNi,B,C submillimeter EPR spectroscopy of lanthanide compounds: Pair effect of chemical composition on magnetic properties of centers of Ho*’ in CsCdBr, 209 GdNi,B,C 642 Human insulinoma xenograft Gels Kupffer cell blockade prevents rejection of human insulinoma cell divalent europium in silica gels 273 xenograft in rats 915 Generalized gradient approximation Humoral immune response effect of generalized gradient corrections on lanthanide cohesive immunomodulation by gadolinium chloride-induced Kupffer cell properties 472 phagocytosis blockade 908 Geometric frustration Hybrid geometric frustration in Rare Earth antiferromagnetic compounds synthesis and optical features of an europium organic—inorganic 510 silicate hybrid 831 Giant magnetostriction Hydrides from bulk to film magnetostrictive actuators 685 thermodynamic and structural comparison between two potential Glass metal-hydride battery materials LaNi, ;,;Mn, ,Al, ,Co,,,; and spectroscopic properties of U*" ions in a ZnCl,-based glass 393 CeNi, 5;Mn, Al, ,Coo,; 118 Glass formation hydrogen effects on the magnetic properties of RFe, ,Ti compounds influence of rare-earth ions on fluorogallate glass formation and 637 properties 15 undercoordinated neodymium and samarium hydrides and alkyls: Glasses Their behaviour and stability in solution. Application in saturation effect on multiphonon relaxation rates 430 isoprene polymerization 891 luminescence and properties of La,O,-B,O,-M,O,:Ln (M=Nb(V) Hydrogen storage or Ta(V) and La,O,-B,O,-M,O,—PbO/Bi,O, glasses 738 stabilisation of high dissociation pressure hydrides of formula Grafting La,_ Ce Ni, (x=0-0.3) with carbon monoxide 99 synthesis and optical features of an europium organic—inorganic Hydrogenation silicate hybrid 831 synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity in cyclohexene Green phases hydrogenation of some organolanthanides 894 the Y,BaCuO, oxide as green pigment in ceramics 750 Hydrolysis Growth and aging processes chemometric analysis: Uranium(VI) hydrolysis by UV-Vis study of the optical properties of Eu*'-doped ZnS nanocrystals spectroscopy 777 234 Hydroxyacetate crystal structure of europium(II) bis(hydroxyacetate) 815 Hyperfine fields — magnetic H, NMR spectroscopy of rare earth—3d transition metal alloys 161 desorption behavior of hydrogen and water from Yb-doped SrCeO, Hyperfine structure 730 submillimeter EPR spectroscopy of lanthanide compounds: Pair Hard magnets centers of Ho*’ in CsCdBr, 209 hydrogen effects on the magnetic properties of RFe,,Ti compounds Hysteresis loops 637 magnetic properties of amorphous Sm—Co and Er—Co alloys 602 Heavy-fermion systems metallurgic, structural and magnetic properties of Ce(Pd,_,Rh,),Si, IgG 569 immunomodulation by gadolinium chloride-induced Kupffer cell transport and magnetic properties of new ternary Ce,T,X,- phagocytosis blockade 908 compounds (T=Rh, Ir, X=Al, Ga) 633 IgM Heavy fermions immunomodulation by gadolinium chloride-induced Kupffer cell anisotropy of Cr-like anomaly in U, ,Ce,Ru,Si, 480 phagocytosis blockade 908 Heteropolyanion Immunomodulation coordination and valence of europium in [Eu(a-2-As,W,,O,,),]'" immunomodulation by gadolinium chloride-induced Kupffer cell and [Eu(W.O,,),]’ 827 phagocytosis blockade 908

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