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Preview Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1997: Vol 262-263 Index

Journal of \ 7 PX\IC LOYS Journal of Alloys and Compounds 262-263 (1997) 529-530 Author Index of Volumes 262—263 Aigner, K. 486 Dartyge, E. 198 Gorlich, E.A. 108 Kamozin, P.N. 78 Akselrud, L.G. 346 Davolos, M.R. 292 Goryn, A.M. 476 Kaprzyk, S. 65, 101, 508 Alleno, E. 462 de Groot, C.H. 492 Goto, T. 118, 467 Karla, I. 101 Andraka, B. 211 De Leon-Guevara, A.M. 163 Gottlieb, U. 235 Kato, M. 118 Andreev, A.V. 141, 206, 467 de Rango, P. 366 Gougeon, P. 305, 311 Kenzari, H. 363 Angenault, J. 34 Dedushenko, S.K. 78 Gravereau, P. 114 Khan, M.A. 397 Arnold, Z. 141 Degiorgi, L. 238 Gribanov, A.V. 211 Kholodkovskaya, L.N. 78 Artigas, M. 134, 356 Demazeau, G. 191, 271 Grushko, B. 350 Kiselev, Y.M. 78 Assabaa, R. 512 Députier, S. 416 Grytsiv, A.V. 402 Kleeberg, Ch. 502 Dertinger, A. 459 Guemmaz, M. 397 Kmiec, R. 108 Bacmann, M. 65, 134, 194, 202, Ding, Y. 225 Guénée, L. 45 Kolomiets, A. 206 508 Drillon, M. 423 Guerin, R. 416 Kosuge, K. 118 Baran, S. 225 Duc, N.H. 141 Guille, J.L. 438 Kottar, A. 356 Barner, K. 502 Duczmal, M. 316 Guillot, M. 508 Kouacou, M.A. 101 Bartashevich, M.I. 467 Dunkel, H. 502 Guilloux-Viry, M. 54 Kreiner, K. 118 Bauer, J. 521 Guivarc’h, A. 416 Kreisel, J. 71 Bednarczyk, E. 124 El Bouari, A. 49 Gupta, L.C. 22 Krill, G. 198 Benazeth, S. 433 El Jazouli, A. 49 Gustenau, E. 516 Kueffel, V. 372 Berthet, P. 163 Endo, T. 60 Guth, W. 238 Kume, S. 325 Berthon, J. 163 Enoki, T. 443 Bohn, M. 521 Ernstberger, B. 459 Halet, J.-F. 311 Laborde, O. 235 Bondar, A.A. 402 Escorne, M. 45 Hamard, C. 331, 406 Laffargue, D. 114 , 219 Bonville, P. 462 Estournés, C. 438 Havela, L. 141, 206 Laget, V. 423 Boulet, P. 229 Etourneau, J. 114 Hayashi, K. 325 Lalu, F. 54 Bourée, F. 219 Ettmayer, P. 486 He, J. 118 Lamire, M. 49 Brandstotter, J. 390 Evdokimova, A. 243 Herzig, P. 516 Lander, G.H. 124 Braun, H.F. 459 Hilscher, G. 118 Largeteau, A. 191, 271 Bud’ko, S.L. 169 Fakrane, H. 49 Ho, C.H. 92 Lasjaunias, J.C. 235 Bukowski, Z. 267 Fargin, E. 433 Hodges, J.A. 462 Lastusaari, M. 299 Buscaglia, V. 521 Felser, C. 87, 97 Holland-Moritz, D. 350 Latka, K. 108 Buschinger, B. 238 Ferey, F. 450 H6lsa, J. 299 Latroche, M. 45 Buschow, K.H.J. 335, 492 Ferré, V. 54 Hordequin, C. 101 Lautié, A. 34 Fialin, M. 521 Hornick, C. 423 Lazar, D.P. 356 Canfield, P.C. 169 Filoti, G. 381 Horyn, R. 267, 331, 406 Le Berre, F. 331, 406 Cataldo, L. 129 Finckh, W. 97 Housni, A. 49 Le Breton, J.M. 381 Chabre, Y. 34 Forget, A. 454, 498 Huang, Y.S. 92 Le Flem, G. 49, 433 Chaix-Pluchery, O. 71 Fourgeot, F. 114 Leciejewicz, J. 225 Chajec, W. 108 Fournés, L. 114 Ishii, M. 39 Lefévre, A. 129 Chen, Z. 28 Fruchart, D. 65, 134, 194, 198, 202, Isnard, O. 198, 202 Leliévre-Berna, E. 101 Chevalier, B. 114, 219 366, 508 Isobe, M. 180 Lemée, N. 54 Chijimatsu, Y. 325 Fruchart, R. 65, 508 Ivanov, V. 253 Choisnet, J. 428 Fujii, Y. 175 Lemesheva, D.G. 78 Choy, J.H. 191 Jacob, A. 422 Lemmens, L.W.F. 335 Cichorek, T. 211 Galatanu, A. 356 Jafelicci, Jr., M. 292 Lengauer, W. 390, 486, 521 Lépine, B. 416 Cohen-Adad, M.Th. 129 Gasgnier, M. 275 Jézéquel, G. 416 Colson, D. 454, 498 Gaubicher, J. 34 Jianu, A. 381 Lesueur, J. 54 Corrignan, A. 331 Gautier, R. 305, 311 Jiménez-Lopez, A. 281, 287 Levet, J.C. 229 Crisan, O. 381 Geibel, C. 238 Jung, D.Y. 191 Levin, E.M. 215 Li, J. 28 Cros, C. 191, 271 Gignoux, D. 194 Cuong, T.D. 141 Giorgetti, C. 198 Kaczmarska, K. 248 Liao, P.C. 92 Currat, R. 101 Godart, C. 462 Kaczorowski, D. 211 Liesert, S. 366 Goodenough, J.B. | Kalychak, Y.M. 341 Lundstrém, T. 372 Danilenko, V.M. 263 Gorelenko, Yu.K. 476 Kamarad, J. 141 Lutz, T. 438 Elsevier Science S.A. 530 Author index of Volumes 262-263 Madar, R. 71, 235 Paderno, V. 243 Romero, F. 423 Tournier, R. 366 Maireles-Torres, P. 281, 287 Paderno, Yu. 243 Rusetskaya, N.Yu. 258 Toussaint, G. 363 Malaman, B. 363 Padiou, J. 320 Ryjova, E. 428 Tran, V.H. 471 Manabe, K. 325 Palewski, T. 215 Tremel, W. 97 Mansouri, I. 49 Parent, C. 433 Saillard, J.-Y. 311 Tro¢, R. 211, 471 Marchand, R. 410, 512 Parlebas, J.C. 397 Saprykin, A.A. 78 Tsujii, T. 118 Martin, F. 281, 287 Parmentier, J. 450 Sassoli, H. 81 Turek, P. 423 Marucco, J.F. 454, 498 Paul-Boncour, V. 45 Sato, H. 443 Maruyama, T. 60 Pawlak, L. 316 Schmechel, R. 372 Ueda, Y. 180 Mathey, Y. 81 Pécheur, P. 363 Schmidt, H. 459 Uheda, K. 60 Mayr, W. 521 Pena, O. 331, 406 Schobinger-Papamantellos, P. 335, 492 Mazéas, N. 428 Percheron-Guégan, A. 45 Schiinemann, J.W. 502 Valkonen, J. 299 Velikanova, T. Ya. 263, 402 Mazhuga, T.G. 263 Pérez-Reina, F.J. 281, 287 Sechovsky, V. 141, 206 Melnikov, P. 296 Perfiliev, Y.D. 78 Semenova, E.L. 258, 263 Vescoli, V. 238 Vetcher, A. 502 Mentzen, B.F. 129 Perrier de la Bathie, R. 366 Sénateur, J.P. 157 Viallet, V. 498 Merle, J.C. 438 Perrier, Ch. 71 Sergent, M. 54 Vilminot, S. 450 Messaddegq, Y. 296 Perrin, A. 54 Serikawa, D. 325 Vincent, H. 71, 157 Meyer, B. 235 Perrin, C. 10 Seropegin, Yu. D. 211 Michor, H. 118 Petit, A. 275 Shibata, M. 185 Wada, H. 39 Millet, J.-M. 271 Picard, S. 305 Shimakawa, M. 325 Wang, X. 28 Millot, F. 163 Pierre, J. 101, 157, 248, 346, 476 Sigoli, FA. 292 Wassilew-Reul, C. 238 Miraglia, S. 198, 202 Pietri, R. 211 Simon, P. 147 Wastin, F. 124 Moraitis, G. 397 Pignard, S. 157 Skolozdra, R.V. 101, 346, 476 Weiden, M. 238 Morales, M. 134 Pinsard, L. 152 Smirnov, Yr. 428 Welter, R. 363 Mosser, A. 397 Piriou, B. 450 Soubeyroux, J.L. 134, 194, 202, 366 Werheit, H. 372 Mydlarz, T. 215, 481 Plugaru, N. 356 Stadnyk, Yu.V . 476 Wiesinger, G. 45 Poirot, N.J. 147 Steglich, F. 238 Wochowski, K. 481 Nalin, M. 296 Potel, M. 229, 305, 311, 320 Stiisser, N. 225 Wojakowski, A. 331, 406 Neckel, A. 516 Proserpio, D.M. 28 Sulpice, A. 235 Wolcyrz, M. 267 Nieuwenhuys, G.H. 335 Purans, J. 81 Suski, W. 481 Wolfers, P. 65, 134, 508 Niziol, S. 202, 508 Suzuki, A. 185 Noél, H. 229, 320, 471 Quarton, M. 34 Szytuta, A. 225, 253 Yamaguchi, K. 185 Yamamoto, N. 443 Ocio, M. 454 Rabu, P. 423 Tachibana, Y. 175 Yamaura, J.-I. 443 Odier, P. 147 Ramos-Barrado, J.R. 281, 287 Takahashi, T. 325 Yamawaki, M. 185 Ohtani, T. 175 Rebizant, J. 124 Takizawa, H. 60 Yang, H. 235 Olazcuaga, R. 49 Reichl, Ch. 45 Tansho, M. 39 Yartys, V.A. 206 Olejniczak, J. 481 Revcolevschi, A. 152, 163 Teillet, J. 381 Yoshimura, K. 118 Oleksyn, O. 492 Richard-Plouet, M. 450 Tessier, F. 410, 512 Olivera-Pastor, P. 281, 287 Ritter, C. 492 Thomas, C. 305 Zach, R. 202, 508 Onoda, M. 39 Rivoirard, S. 366 Tiong, K.K. 92 Zadvorkin, S.M. 467 Ostoréro, J. 275 Rodrigues-Castellon, E. 281, 287 Tobota, J. 65, 101, 508 Zaleski, A.J. 267 Ouvrard, G. 97 Rodriguez-Carvajal, J. 152 , 335 Tomey, E. 194 Ziessel, R. 423 Roisnel, T. 219 Tominez, E. 462 Zvereva, I. 428 Pacyna, A.W.J. 108 Romaka, L.P. 346, 476 Tougait, O. 320 Zwirner, S. 124 Journal of A LLOY S AND COMPOUNDS "2 ELSEVIER Journal of Alloys and Compounds 262-263 (1997) 531-539 Subject Index of Volumes 262-263 Activated conductivity Band structure calculations synthesis, thermodynamics and electrical properties of non- magneto-elastic properties of MnFeP, _ , As, (0.15 <x < 0.66) stoichiometric Ba,CuO,;,; 498 and MnRhP,,_A s , isostructural series of compounds Ag; NbS, 508 crystal structures of low-temperature phases (Phase II) of Band structure ionic conductors Ag;TaS, and Ag;NbS, 39 ferromagnetism of the chimney-ladder compound Ag 7TaS, Cr,,;Ge,, 363 crystal structures of low-temperature phases (Phase II) of ionic synthesis and characterization of copper intercalated conductors Ag,TaS, and Ag;NbS, 39 ZrTe; 97 Al-—Co-Ni Bond valence quasicrystals and related structures in AI-Ni-Co 350 X-ray powder diffraction study of the stability of solid solutions Alkaline niobate in LaO(Cl,_,Br,) 299 mixed valent niobium nitrides and oxynitrides resulting from Borate ammonolysis of alkaline niobates 512 XAFS investigation of Cu(I) local environment in two types of Alloys glasses of base composition LaMgB,;O,, and LiLaP,O,, the Sc—Ni system 258 433 Aluminosilicates Borocarbides evidence of Eu**-O7~ associates by luminescence study of quaternary borocarbides: the new and exciting magnetic some silicates and aluminosilicates 450 superconductors 22 Ammonolysis Bulk moduli mixed valent niobium nitrides and oxynitrides resulting from RuSi: metal-semiconductor transition by change of ammonolysis of alkaline niobates 512 structure 238 an original way to prepare nitride-type compounds from sulfide precursors 410 Carrier doped (BiO)CuSe Angular dependence electrical properties of layered copper oxyselenides (BiO) angular dependence of metamagnetic transitions in RNi,B,C Cu,_,Se and (Bi,_,Sr,)OCuSe 175 (R = Er, Ho, Dy, and Tb) 169 Cationic distribution Anisotropy crystallochemistry and structural study of some nasicon-like hydrogen insertion effects on the structural and the magnetic phosphates 49 properties of the RFe,,. ;Mo, ;c ompounds (R = rare-earth Ce-diluted layered oxides metals) 194 mutual influence of ‘3d’ and ‘4f atoms in K , NiF,-type structure Antiferromagnetic diluted solid solutions Y,_ ,Nd(Ce),CaCrA,l , _ ,O, magnetic structures of HoRh,_,Ru,Si, compounds 225 (x < 0.1; y<0.1) 428 Antiferromagnetic materials Cerium intermetallics magnetic properties of the UCo,_,Ni,Al system 471 a unique metallic system Ce,Pt,,;Ge,, 211 Antiferromagnetism Chalcogenide cluster compounds neutron powder diffraction study of the antiferromagnetic new experimental and theoretical studies on condensed compound Tb, Pd59;Sng 9; 219 molybdenum chalcogenide cluster compounds 311 magnetic and electrical resistivity of RT, X,,RTX, and RTX Chemical bonding intermetallic compounds 253 electronic structure of AFe,P,, A = Ca,Sr,Ba' 516 RNiAI hydrides and their magnetic properties 206 Chemical potential antiferromagnetic ordering in the novel Dy,Ge, and DyGe,, thermodynamic evaluation of phase equilibria in the compounds studied by neutron diffraction and quasibinary TiNi-TiRu system 263 magnetic measurements 492 Chevrel phases Applied magnetic field superconducting and structural properties of rare-earth-based angular dependence of metamagnetic transitions in RNi,B,C Chevrel-phase selenides REMo, Ses: first single crystal (R = Er, Ho, Dy, and Tb) 169 studies 406 new superconducting materials based upon doping of the Ba,CuO,, 5 Chevrel-phase binary compound Mo,Se, 331 synthesis, thermodynamics and electrical properties of non- in situ pulsed laser deposited thin films of ternary stoichiometric Ba,CuO;,; 498 molybdenum cluster sulfides Cu, Mo,S, (2 <x <4) 54 Elsevier Science S.A. PII §0925-8388(97)00516-1 532 Subject index of Volumes 262-263 Chromium oxide Density of electron states dielectric properties of Li*-exchanged mixed Fe—Cr oxide influence of transition metals on magnetic properties of pillared phosphate 281 GdT,X, 248 electrical conductivity of chromia-pillared a-zirconium Desintercalation phosphate 287 in situ pulsed laser deposited thin films of ternary molybdenum Condensed clusters cluster sulfides Cu,Mo,S, (2 <x <4) 54 new reduced molybdenum tellurides (Rb,Cs),,_ »Mo3,Te3, +> Dielectric (n = 4, 5, 6, 8) containing condensed Mo,,, dielectric properties of Li*-exchanged mixed Fe—Cr oxide clusters 305 pillared phosphate 281 Copper-intercalation Diffusion couple synthesis and characterization of copper intercalated nitridation of Ti/Nb alloys and solid-state properties of ZrTe; 97 6-(Ti,Nb)N 521 Cr-—Re-C system Directional crystallization rhenium solid solution in the Cr—Re-C ternary system at directional crystallization of MoSi, and some compositions solidus temperature 402 based on it 243 Cr-diluted layered oxides Doped materials mutual influence of ‘3d’ and ‘4f atoms in K, NiF,-type structure new superconducting materials based upon doping of the diluted solid solutions Y,_ ,Nd(Ce),CaCrA,l ; _ ,O, Chevrel-phase binary compound Mo,Se, 331 (x < 0.y1 <;0 . 1) 428 Crystal field EPMA magnetic properties and crystal field effects in Ti1LnX, nitridation of Ti/Nb alloys and solid-state properties of compounds (X = S, Se, Te) 316 5-(Ti,Nb)N 521 Crystal growth ESR superconducting and structural properties of rare-earth-based complex 6-dependence of electrical and magnetic properties of Chevrel-phase selenides REMo, Seg: first single crystal La,NiO,,; 147 studies 406 EXAFS Crystal structure XAFS investigation of Cu(I) local environment in two types of superconducting and structural properties of rare-earth-based glasses of base composition LaMgB;O,, and Chevrel-phase selenides REMo, Ses: first single crystal LiLaP,O,, 433 studies 406 local structural and magnetic properties of YFe,D, compounds relationship between the structural and the magnetic properties (0<x<3.5) 45 of ErMn,,_,Fe, compounds 134 Electr on spin resonance peculiarities of the composition and structure of the compounds influence of transition metals on magnetic properties of of the rare-earth—Ni-In systems 341 GdT,X, 248 new phases RCu;Sn with the CeCu, structure type 346 Electric conductivity crystallochemistry and physical properties of new phases in effect of Na-deficiency on the spin-Peierls transition in a’- Rh,O,-SrO binary system 267 NaV,O,; 180 crystal structure and magnetic properties of the uranium Electrical conductivity germanide U;Ge, 229 synthesis and characterization of copper intercalated crystal structure and properties of the binary uranium telluride ZrTe; 97 U,Te; 320 electrical conductivity of chromia-pillared a-zirconium crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of ternary stannides phosphate 287 R,M,Sn (R = rare earth or uranium, M = Ni, Pd) 114 Electrical conductivity of transition metal compounds (72.80 G) crystal structures of low-temperature phases (Phase II) of ionic field- and anisotropy-induced states in MnA_ ,sP ,-,sing le conductors Ag7;TaS, and Ag;NbS, 39 crystals 502 Crystallochemistry Electrical properties crystallochemistry and structural study of some nasicon-like controlled reduction and oxidation of Lay g;Srp ;;M nO; single phosphates 49 crystals 163 Cu(I)-Cu(D pairs crystal structure and properties of the binary uranium telluride XAFS investigation of Cu(1) local environment in two types of U,Te; 320 glasses of base composition LaMgB;O,, and Electrical resistance LiLaP,O,, 433 synthesis, thermodynamics and electrical properties of non- Cu(I)-containing glasses stoichiometric Ba,CuO;,; 498 XAFS investigation of Cu(1) local environment in two types of synthesis and electrical properties of solid solutions glasses of base composition LaMgB;O,, and BaNb,_ ,Ti,O; with 0<x<0.8 454 LiLaP,O,, 433 Electrical resistivity Cuprous oxide electrical properties of layered copper oxyselenides (BiO) optical properties of copper-doped silica gels 438 Cu,_,Se and (Bi,_,Sr,)OCuSe 175 a unique metallic system Ce,Pt,,Ge,, 211 magnetic and electrical resistivity of RT, X,,RTX, and RTX Degenerate semiconductor intermetallic compounds 253 electrical properties of layered copper oxyselenides (BiO) new phases RCu,;Sn with the CeCu, structure type 346 Cu,_,Se and (Bi,_,Sr,)OCuSe 175 solid solutions ZrNi,_,M,Sn (M = Cr, Mn, Cu) and their Dense Kondo behavior electrical and magnetic properties 476 synthesis and dense kondo behavior of cubic AuBe,-type Electrical transition YbCu,; compound-systematic change of physical La,_,MnO,_,; thin films grown by a new liquid source CVD properties in the YbCu,_ ,Ag,(0 <x < 1) system 118 process 157 Subject index of Volumes 262-263 Electrical Green intense emission crystallochemistry and physical properties of new phases in synthesis and long-period phosphorescence of ZnGa,O,:Mn** Rh,O,-SrO binary system 267 spinel 60 Electrode material lithium electrochemical intercalation in B-VOSO, 34 Hafnium carbide Electron densities interactions in iron-based cermet systems 486 electronic structure of AFe,P,, A = Ca,Sr,Ba' 516 Half metallic ferromagnet Electron transitions properties on request in semi-Heusler phases 101 localized-itinerant electronic transitions in oxides and Hall coefficient sulfides 1 electrical properties of layered copper oxyselenides (BiO) Electronic structure Cu,_ ,Se and (Bi,_ ,Sr,)OCuSe 175 electronic structure of AFe,P,, A = Ca,Sr,Ba' 516 Hall effect electronic and magnetic structure of ternary transition metal intrinsic properties of NiSi 235 arsenides related to the Fe,X type (X =P, As) 65 Hard magnetic materials properties on request in semi-Heusler phases 101 magnetic properties of (Y,_,Th,),Fe,,B 467 electronic structure of sub-stoichiometric titanium carbides, Heat capacity nitrides and carbonitrides: comparison of TB-LMTO a unique metallic system Ce,;Pt,,Ge,, 211 calculations and valence XPS spectra 397 High oxidation states am electrons high oxygen pressures and the stabilization of the highest copper hydroxide based organic /inorganic ferromagnets 423 oxidation states of transition elements 191 3d electrons High oxygen pressures copper hydroxide based organic /inorganic ferromagnets 423 high oxygen pressures and the stabilization of the highest Epitaxial thin-film oxidation states of transition elements 191 La,_,MnO,_, thin films grown by a new liquid source CVD High pressure measurements process 157 magneto-elastic properties of MnFeP, _ , As, (0.15 <x < 0.66) Eu?*-O?~ associates and MnRhP_ ,,A s , isostructural series of evidence of Eu**-O7~ associates by luminescence study of compounds 508 some silicates and aluminosilicates 450 High temperature Kelvin probe Eu-doped silicates effect of oxygen potential change on the surface potential of evidence of Eu>*-O7?~ associates by luminescence study of YSR, ZrO,-Y*O, 185 some silicates and aluminosilicates 450 High-7,. superconductivity Exchange interactions quaternary borocarbides: the new and exciting magnetic hydrogen insertion effects on the structural and the magnetic superconductors 22 properties of the RFe,,) ;M o, ;c ompounds (R = rare-earth HoNi,B,C metals) 194 superconductivity and magnetism in the Ho—Ni-B-C Exciton system 462 temperature dependent study of the band edge excitons of Hopping conduction ReS, and ReSe, 92 magnetism and electron transport phenomena of manganese oxide ion exchanger with tunnel structure 443 Fe—Cu-Nb-Si-B ribbons Hydride structural properties of amorphous and nanocrystallized local structural and magnetic properties of YFe,D, compounds Fe—Cu-Nb-Si-B and Fe—Gd-—Cu-Nb-Si-B ribbons 381 (0<x<3.5) 45 *7Fe Mo Hydrides magnetic properties and >’ Fe Méssbauer effect in the RNiAI hydrides and their magnetic properties 206 U,Fe,7_,Ge, system 481 Hydrogen insertion Ferromagnetic alloys magnetic properties of Ce,Fe,,H, hydrides under hydrostatic relationship between the structural and the magnetic properties pressure 202 of ErMn,,_,Fe, compounds 134 Hydrozincite hydrogen insertion effects on the structural and the magnetic morphological evolution of zinc oxide originating from zinc properties of the RFe,,) ;Mo, ;c ompounds (R = rare-earth hydroxide carbonate 292 metals) 194 Ferromagnetic materials Indium magnetic properties of Ce,Fe,,H, hydrides under hydrostatic peculiarities of the composition and structure of the compounds pressure 202 of the rare-earth—Ni-In systems 341 Fiber glasses Intercalation scandium fluorides 296 in situ pulsed laser deposited thin films of ternary molybdenum Fluorides; cluster sulfides Cu, Mo,S, (2 <x <4) 54 scandium fluorides 296 Intermetallic Raman spectroscopy synthesis, crystal structure, physical properties and Raman Gd addition spectroscopy of transition metal phospho-silicides MSi, P, (M = Fe,Co, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt) 71 ; structural properties of amorphous and nanocrystallized Fe-—Cu-—Nb-Si-B and Fe-Gd-—Cu-Nb-Si-B Intermetallic compound ribbons 381 peculiarities of the composition and structure of the compounds Giant magnetoresistance of the rare-earth—Ni-In systems 341 La,_,MnO,_, thin films grown by a new liquid source CVD neutron powder diffraction study of the antiferromagnetic process 157 compound Tb,Pd) 95Sny95 219 534 Subject index of Volumes 262-263 Intermetallic compounds Lithium exchanged ferromagnetism of the chimney-ladder compound Cr,, dielectric properties of Li*-exchanged mixed Fe—Cr oxide Ge, 363 pillared phosphate 281 effect of aluminium on phase stability in the Gd,Co,,(B,AD, Lithium intercalation system 356 lithium electrochemical intercalation in B-VOSO, 34 Intermetallic crystal structure Localized to itinerant synthesis, crystal structure, physical properties and Raman localized-itinerant electronic transitions in oxides and spectroscopy of transition metal phospho-silicides MSi, P, sulfides 1 (M = Fe, Co, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt) 71 Long-period phosphorescence Intermetallics synthesis and long-period phosphorescence of ZnGa,O,:Mn** quasicrystals and related structures in Al-Ni-Co 350 spinel 60 Interplay Long-range crystallographic order quaternary borocarbides: the new and exciting magnetic influence of thermal treatment on the phase properties of superconductors 22 HoNi,B,C 459 Ionic conductors Low-dimensional compounds crystal structures of low-temperature phases (Phase II) of ionic synthesis and characterization of copper intercalated conductors Ag;TaS, and Ag;NbS, 39 ZrTe;, 97 Ir(VI) oxides Luminescence high oxygen pressures and the stabilization of the highest XAFS investigation of Cu(D local environment in two types of oxidation states of transition elements 191 glasses of base composition LaMgB,O,, and LiLaP,O,, Iron oxide 433 dielectric properties of Li*-exchanged mixed Fe—Cr oxide evidence of Eu**-O*~ associates by luminescence study of pillared phosphate 281 some silicates and aluminosilicates 450 Itinerant magnetism properties on request in semi-Heusler phases 101 Magnetic transition La,_,MnO,_, thin films grown by a new liquid source CVD Jahn-Teller effect structural phase diagram of La,_,Sr,MnO, for low Sr process 157 doping 152 Magnet materials hydrogen insertion effects on the structural and the magnetic properties of the RFe,,. ;Mo, ;c ompounds (R = rare-earth Kondo systems metals) 194 transport properties of (U,_,Np,)Ru,Si, alloys 124 Magnetic anisotropy (75.30 G) field- and anisotropy-induced states in MnA_ ,sP ,-,sing le La,NiO,, 5 crystals 502 complex 6-dependence of electrical and magnetic properties of Magnetic anisotropy La,NiO,,; 147 magnetic properties of (Y,_ ,Th,),Fe,,B 467 Lacunar lanthanum manganites Magnetic couplings La,_,MnO,_., thin films grown by a new liquid source CVD relationship between the structural and the magnetic properties process 157 of ErMn,,_,Fe, compounds 134 Lanthanum manganites Magnetic hydrides controlled reduction and oxidation of Lay g;S;;r MnpO; single hydrogen insertion effects on the structural and the magnetic crystals 163 properties of the RFe,,) ;Mo, ;c ompounds (R = rare-earth Laser ablation metals) 194 in situ pulsed laser deposited thin films of ternary molybdenum Magnetic materials cluster sulfides Cu,.Mo,S, (2 <x <4) 54 controlled reduction and oxidation of Lay g;S;r; MpnO , single Lattice deformation crystals 163 magnetic properties and crystal field effects in T1LnX, Magnetic phase diagram compounds (X = S, Se, Te) 316 magnetic properties of the UCo,_,Ni,Al system 471 Lattice parameter Magnetic phase transitions (75.30 K) nitridation of Ti/Nb alloys and solid-state properties of field- and anisotropy-induced states in MnAs, _ , P,-single 5-(Ti,NbJN 521 crystals 502 Lattice parameters Magnetic phase transitions rhenium solid solution in the Cr—Re-C ternary system at magneto-elastic properties of MnFeP,_ , As, (0.15 <x < 0.66) solidus temperature 402 and MnRhP_ ,,A s , isostructural series of Layer growth compounds 508 nitridation of Ti/Nb alloys and solid-state properties of Magnetic properties 5-(Ti,Nb)N 521 influence of transition metals on magnetic properties of multiphase reaction diffusion in transition metal-boron GdT,X, 248 systems 390 crystallochemistry and physical properties of new phases in Layered structure Rh,O,-SrO binary system 267 a novel two-dimensional mercury antimony telluride: low crystal structure and magnetic properties of the uranium temperature synthesis and characterization of germanide U;Ge, 229 RbHgSbTe, 28 crystal structure and properties of the binary uranium telluride Layered-transition metal dichalcogenide U,Te; 320 microwave absorption of mixed-layer transition metal crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of ternary stannides dichalcogenides 325 R,M,Sn (R = rare earth or uranium, M = Ni, Pd) 114 Subject index of Volumes 262-263 Magnetic semiconductor Metal clustering synthesis, crystal structure, physical properties and Raman XAFS studies of local atomic structure of niobium spectroscopy of transition metal phospho-silicides MSi, P, tellurides 81 (M = Fe, Co, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt) 71 3 Metal phosphide Magnetic structure synthesis, crystal structure, physical properties and Raman electronic and magnetic structure of ternary transition metal spectroscopy of transition metal phospho-silicides MSi,P , arsenides related to the Fe,X type (X =P, As) 65 (M = Fe, Co, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt) 71 ; neutron powder diffraction study of the antiferromagnetic Metal silicide compound Tb,Pd,9;Sngg5 219 synthesis, crystal structure, physical properties and Raman magnetic structures of HoRh,_,Ru,Si, compounds 225 spectroscopy of transition metal phospho-silicides MSi,P,, structure and magnetic ordering in CeNi,Sn, compounds 335 (M = Fe, Co, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt) 71 Magnetic structures Metallic copper magneto-elastic properties of MnFeP,_ ,A s, (0.15 <x < 0.66) optical properties of copper-doped silica gels 438 and MnRhP,_ ,A s, isostructural series of Metallization contacts compounds 508 the ternary compound Fe,Ga,_, As,: a promising candidate antiferromagnetic ordering in the novel Dy;Ge, and DyGe, ; for epitaxial and thermodynamically stable contacts on compounds studied by neutron diffraction and GaAs 416 magnetic measurements 492 Metamagnetic transitions Magnetic superconductors angular dependence of metamagnetic transitions in RNi,B,C superconducting and structural properties of rare-earth-based (R = Er, Ho, Dy, and Tb) 169 Chevrel-phase selenides REMo, Seg: first single crystal Metamagnetism studies 406 magnetic properties of the UCo,_,Ni,Al system 471 new superconducting materials based upon doping of the Metastable phases (64.60 M) Chevrel-phase binary compound Mo,Se, 331 field- and anisotropy-induced states in MnA_ ,sP ,-,sing le Magnetic susceptibility crystals 502 effect of Na-deficiency on the spin-Peierls transition in a’- Mic rohardness NaV,O; 180 nitridation of Ti/Nb alloys and solid-state properties of a unique metallic system Ce,;Pt,,Ge,, 211 5-(Ti,Nb)N 521 new phases RCu,Sn with the CeCu, structure type 346 Microcrystallites complex 6-dependence of electrical and magnetic properties of solvothermal synthesis of microcrystallites of transition metal La,NiO,,; 147 oxides 271 mutual influence of ‘3d’ and ‘4f atoms in K, NiF,-type structure Microstructure diluted solid solutions Y,_ , Nd(Ce),CaCr,Al , _ ,O, nitridation of Ti/Nb alloys and solid-state properties of (x <0.1; y<0.1) 428 ; 5-(Ti,Nb)N 521 solid solutions ZrNi,_,M,Sn (M = Cr, Mn, Cu) and their Microwave electrical and magnetic properties 476 Yttrium iron garnet and Y, Fe binary oxides synthesized by Magnetisation measurements microwave monomode energy transfer 275 magneto-elastic properties of MnFeP_, ,A s , (0.15 <x < 0.66) Microwave absorption and MnRhP_ ,,A s , isostructural series of microwave absorption of mixed-layer transition metal compounds 508 dichalcogenides 325 Magnetisation Mixed valence relationship between the structural and the magnetic properties magnetism and electron transport phenomena of manganese of ErMn,,_,Fe, compounds 134 oxide ion exchanger with tunnel structure 443 Magnetism Mixed-layer structure quaternary borocarbides: the new and exciting magnetic microwave absorption of mixed-layer transition metal superconductors 22 dichalcogenides 325 superconductivity and magnetism in the Ho—Ni-B-C Mo system 462 crystal and magnetic properties of GdTSn compounds local structural and magnetic properties of YFe,D, compounds (T= Ag, Au) 108 (0<x<3.5) 45 structural properties of amorphous and nanocrystallized ferromagnetism of the chimney-ladder compound Cr,, Fe—Cu-—Nb-Si-B and Fe-Gd-—Cu-Nb-Si-B Ge, 363 ribbons 381 Manganese oxides local structural and magnetic properties of YFe,D, compounds magnetism and electron transport phenomena of manganese (0<x<3.5) 45 oxide ion exchanger with tunnel structure 443 on the possible existence of unusual higher oxidation states of Manganese-activated phosphor iron in the Na—Fe-—O system 78 synthesis and long-period phosphorescence of ZnGa,O,:Mn** MoO, spinel 60 solvothermal synthesis of microcrystallites of transition metal Melt spinning oxides 271 structural properties of amorphous and nanocrystallized Molecular magnetism Fe-Cu-Nb-Si-B and Fe-Gd-—Cu-Nb-Si-B copper hydroxide based organic /inorganic ferromagnets 423 ribbons 381 Molten salt synthesis Mercury antimony telluride an original way to prepare nitride-type compounds from sulfide a novel two-dimensional mercury antimony telluride: low precursors 410 temperature synthesis and characterization of Molybdenum RbHgSbTe; 28 new experimental and theoretical studies on condensed Subject index of Volumes 262-263 molybdenum chalcogenide cluster compounds 311 Optical properties new reduced molybdenum tellurides (Rb,Cs),,_ ,Mo3,Te3, ,> RuSi: metal-semiconductor transition by change of (n = 4, 5, 6, 8) containing condensed Mo,, structure 238 clusters 305 Organic /inorganic materials Monovalent copper copper hydroxide based organic /inorganic ferromagnets 423 optical properties of copper-doped silica gels 438 Outgasing behaviour Morphology interactions in iron-based cermet systems 486 morphological evolution of zinc oxide originating from zinc Oxygen potential hydroxide carbonate 292 effect of oxygen potential change on the surface potential of YSR, ZrO,-Y7O, 185 Oxynitride Na-deficiency mixed valent niobium nitrides and oxynitrides resulting from effect of Na-deficiency on the spin-Peierls transition in a- NaV,0,; 180 ammonolysis of alkaline niobates 512 Nanoparticles optical properties of copper-doped silica gels 438 Nanostructure Pack-boriding structural properties of amorphous and nanocrystallized multiphase reaction diffusion in transition metal-boron Fe-—Cu-Nb-Si-B and Fe—Gd-—Cu-Nb-Si-B systems 390 ribbons 381 Perovskite compounds Nasicon structural phase diagram of La,_,Sr,MnO, for low Sr crystallochemistry and structural study of some nasicon-like doping 152 phosphates 49 Perovskites a'-NaV,0; localized-itinerant electronic transitions in oxides and effect of Na-deficiency on the spin-Peierls transition in sulfides 1 a'-NaV,O,; 180 Phase equilibria Nd-diluted layered oxides the Sc—Ni system 258 mutual influence of ‘3d’ and ‘4f atoms in K, NiF,-type structure a representation of the Sm—Co-Zr—Cu-—Fe quinary system: a diluted solid solutions Y,_ ,N d(Ce),CaCr,Al , _ ,O, tool for optimisation of 2/17 permanent magnets 129 i~ x (x <0.1; y<0.1) 428 thermodynamic evaluation of phase equilibria in the Neutron diffraction quasibinary TiNi-TiRu system 263 antiferromagnetic ordering in the novel Dy,Ge, and DyGe, ; Phase diagram compounds studied by neutron diffraction and synthesis and dense kondo behavior of cubic AuBe,-type magnetic measurements 492 YbCu,; compound 0 systematic change of physical structure and magnetic ordering in CeNi,Sn, compounds 335 properties in the YbCu,_ ,Ag,(0 <x < 1) system 118 Neutron diffraction measurements Phase properties electronic and magnetic structure of ternary transition metal influence of thermal treatment on the phase properties of arsenides related to the Fe,X type (X = P, As) 65 HoNi,B,C 459 Neutron powder diffraction Phase transition neutron powder diffraction study of the antiferromagnetic electrical properties of layered copper oxyselenides (BiO) compound Tb, Pd, 95Snp95 219 Cu,_,Se and (Bi,_,Sr,)OCuSe 175 New materials Phase transitions new superconducting materials based upon doping of the localized-itinerant electronic transitions in oxides and Chevrel-phase binary compound Mo,Se, 331 sulfides 1 NiSi Phosphate intrinsic properties of NiSi 235 crystallochemistry and structural study of some nasicon-like Nickel phosphates 49 the Sc—Ni system 258 XAFS investigation of Cu(I) local environment in two types of peculiarities of the composition and structure of the compounds glasses of base composition LaMgB,;O,, and of the rare-earth—Ni-In systems 341 LiLaP,O,, 433 Niobium tellurides Photoemission XAFS studies of local atomic structure of niobium valence instabilities and inhomogeneous mixed valence in some tellurides 81 ternary europium compounds 87 Niobium Piezoreflectance mixed valent niobium nitrides and oxynitrides resulting from temperature dependent study of the band edge excitons of ammonolysis of alkaline niobates 512 ReS, and ReSe, 92 Nitride Pillared mixed valent niobium nitrides and oxynitrides resulting from dielectric properties of Li*-exchanged mixed Fe—Cr oxide ammonolysis of alkaline niobates 512 pillared phosphate 281 an original way to prepare nitride-type compounds from sulfide electrical conductivity of chromia-pillared a-zirconium precursors 410 phosphate 287 Non-stoichiometric spinel Powder method synthesis and long-period phosphorescence of ZnGa,O,:Mn?* new phases RCu-;Sn with the CeCu, structure type 346 spinel 60 Preferential occupation Non-stoichiometry effect of aluminium on phase stability in the Gd,;Co11(B,Al), synthesis, thermodynamics and electrical properties of non- system 356 stoichiometric Ba,CuO;,; 498 Pressure effects controlled reduction and oxidation of Lag g;S;r; pMnO , single magnetic properties of Ce, Fe,,H, hydrides under hydrostatic crystals 163 pressure 202 Subject index of Volumes 262-263 Quasibinary section Selenium thermodynamic evaluation of phase equilibria in the new experimental and theoretical studies on condensed quasibinary TiNi-TiRu system 263 molybdenum chalcogenide cluster compounds 311 Quasicrystals Semiconductor-metal cross-over quasicrystals and related structures in Al-Ni-—Co 350 properties on request in semi-Heusler phases 101 Quaternary Semiconductor quaternary borocarbides: the new and exciting magnetic solid solutions ZrNi,_,M,Sn (M = Cr, Mn, Cu) and their superconductors 22 electrical and magnetic properties 476 Si microelectronics intrinsic properties of NiSi 235 Silicides Rare earth directional crystallization of MoSi, and some compositions crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of ternary stannides based on it 243 R,M,Sn (R = rare earth or uranium, M = Ni, Pd) 114 Sintering Rare-earth interactions in iron-based cermet systems 486 peculiarities of the composition and structure of the compounds Sm,Co,; type magnets of the rare-earth—Ni-In systems 341 a representation of the Sm—Co-—Zr—Cu-—Fe quinary system: a Rare earth intermetallic compounds tool for optimisation of 2/17 permanent magnets 129 , influence of transition metals on magnetic properties of Sm—Co-Zr—Cu-—Fe system GdT,X, 248 a representation of the Sm—Co-—Zr—Cu-—Fe quinary system: a Rare earth intermetallics tool for optimisation of 2/17 permanent magnets 129 magnetic and electrical resistivity of RT, X,,RTX, and RTX Sodium ferrate intermetallic compounds 253 on the possible existence of unusual higher oxidation states of Rare-earth intermetallics iron in the Na—Fe-—O system 78 magnetic structures of HoRh,_,Ru,Si, compounds 225 Sol-gel magnetic properties of (Y,_,Th,),Fe,,B 467 optical properties of copper-doped silica gels 438 Rare-earth germanides Solid solutions Ba(Nb, TiO, antiferromagnetic ordering in the novel Dy,Ge, and DyGe, ; synthesis and electrical properties of solid solutions compounds studied by neutron diffraction and BaNb,_ ,Ti,O,; with 0<x <0.8 454 magnetic measurements 492 Solid solutions Rare earth oxyhalides X-ray powder diffraction study of the stability of solid solutions X-ray powder diffraction study of the stability of solid solutions in LaO(Cl,_,Br,) 299 in LaO(Cl,_,Br,) 299 solid solutions ZrNi,_,M,Sn (M = Cr, Mn, Cu) and their Rare earths electrical and magnetic properties 476 RNiAI hydrides and their magnetic properties 206 Solid state phase equilibria structure and magnetic ordering in CeNi,Sn, compounds 335 the ternary compound Fe;Ga,_, As,: a promising candidate Re-entrant behaviour for epitaxial and thermodynamically stable contacts on influence of thermal treatment on the phase properties of GaAs 416 HoNi,B,C 459 Solid-liquid equilibria Reaction diffusion a representation of the Sm—Co-—Zr—Cu-—Fe quinary system: a multiphase reaction diffusion in transition metal-boron tool for optimisation of 2/17 permanent magnets 129 systems 390 Solubility Reactions rhenium solid solution in the Cr—Re-C ternary system at interactions in iron-based cermet systems 486 solidus temperature 402 Resistivity Solvothermal reaction complex 6-dependence of electrical and magnetic properties of a novel two-dimensional mercury antimony telluride: low 9La,NiO,,; 147 temperature synthesis and characterization of intrinsic properties of NiSi 235 RbHgSbTe,; 28 influence of transition metals on magnetic properties of Solvothermal synthesis GdT,X, 248 solvothermal synthesis of microcrystallites of transition metal transport properties of (U,_,Np,)Ru,Si, alloys 124 oxides 271 Rhodium-—strontium—oxygen system Specific heat crystallochemistry and physical properties of new phases in intrinsic properties of NiSi 235 Rh,O,-SrO binary system 267 Spin-Peierls transition Rietveld analysis effect of Na-deficiency on the spin-Peierls transition in a’- X-ray powder diffraction study of the stability of solid solutions NaV,O,; 180 in LaO(Cl,_,Br,) 299 Stannides Rietveld refinement solid solutions ZrNi,_,M,Sn (M = Cr, Mn, Cu) and their effect of aluminium on phase stability in the Gd,Co, ,(B,AD, electrical and magnetic properties 476 system 356 crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of ternary stannides RuSi R,M,Sn (R = rare earth or uranium, M = Ni, Pd) 114 RuSi: metal-semiconductor transition by change of Stripe order structure 238 complex 6-dependence of electrical and magnetic properties of La,NiO,,; 147 Structural analysis effect of aluminium on phase stability in the Gd;Co, ,(B,Al), Scandium the Sc—Ni system 258 system 356 scandium fluorides 296 Structural phase transition Subject index of Volumes 262-263 RuSi: metal-semiconductor transition by change of Ternary phosphides structure 238 electronic structure of AFe,P,, A = Ca,Sr,Ba' 516 Structural transition ThCr,Si, structure superconducting and structural properties of rare-earth-based electronic structure of AFe,P,, A = Ca,Sr,Ba’ 516 Chevrel-phase selenides REMo, Seg: first single crystal Thermal expansion studies 406 magnetic properties of (Y,_,Th,),Fe,,B 467 Structural transition Thermodynamic model new superconducting materials based upon doping of the thermodynamic evaluation of phase equilibria in the Chevrel-phase binary compound Mo,Se, 331 quasibinary TiNi-TiRu system 263 Structural transitions Thermoelectric power structural phase diagram of La,_ ,.Sr,MnO, for low Sr magnetism and electron transport phenomena of manganese doping 152 oxide ion exchanger with tunnel structure 443 Structure calculations Thermogravimetric analysis mutual influence of ‘3d’ and ‘4f atoms in K , NiF,-type structure controlled reduction and oxidation of Lay g;S;r; MpnO , single diluted solid solutions Y,_ ,Nd(Ce),CaCr, Al, _ ,O, crystals 163 (x <0.1; y<0.1) 428 ; Thermopower Structure—property relation new phases RCu-;Sn with the CeCu, structure type 346 microwave absorption of mixed-layer transition metal solid solutions ZrNi,_ ,M,Sn (M = Cr, Mn, Cu) and their dichalcogenides 325 electrical and magnetic properties 476 Structure Thin film crystallochemistry and structural study of some nasicon-like in situ pulsed laser deposited thin films of ternary molybdenum phosphates 49 cluster sulfides Cu,Mo,S, (2 <x <4) 54 local structural and magnetic properties of YFe,D, compounds Thin-film (0<x<3.5) 45 the ternary compound Fe;Ga,_, As,: a promising candidate Sub-stoichiometric compounds for epitaxial and thermodynamically stable contacts on electronic structure of sub-stoichiometric titanium carbides, GaAs 416 nitrides and carbonitrides: comparison of TB-LMTO Thin-film synthesis calculations and valence XPS spectra 397 La,_,MnO,_., thin films grown by a new liquid source CVD Sulfide process 157 an original way to prepare nitride-type compounds from sulfide TiC,N, precursors 410 electronic structure of sub-stoichiometric titanium carbides, Sulfides nitrides and carbonitrides: comparison of TB-LMTO localized-itinerant electronic transitions in oxides and calculations and valence XPS spectra 397 sulfides 1 Titanium carbonitride Superconductivity interactions in iron-based cermet systems 486 superconductivity and magnetism in the Ho—Ni-B-C Transition metal borides system 462 multiphase reaction diffusion in transition metal-boron nitridation of Ti/Nb alloys and solid-state properties of 6- systems 390 (Ti,Nb)N 521 Transition metals influence of thermal treatment on the phase properties of an original way to prepare nitride-type compounds from sulfide HoNi,B,C 459 precursors 410 valence instabilities and inhomogeneous mixed valence in some Transition-metal dichalcogenides ternary europium compounds 87 temperature dependent study of the band edge excitons of Susceptibility ReS, and ReSe, 92 magnetic properties of the UCo,_,Ni,Al system 471 Tunnel structure Synthesis of B-VOSO, magnetism and electron transport phenomena of manganese lithium electrochemical intercalation in B-VOSO, 34 oxide ion exchanger with tunnel structure 443 Synthesis Two-dimensional systems yttrium iron garnet and Y, Fe binary oxides synthesized by copper hydroxide based organic /inorganic ferromagnets 423 microwave monomode energy transfer 275 System the Sc-Ni system 258 U,_,Np,Ru,Si, transport properties of (U,_,Np,)Ru,Si, alloys 124 UCo,_, Ni, Al magnetic properties of the UCo,_,Ni,Al system 471 TB-LMTO calculations Uranium germanides electronic structure of sub-stoichiometric titanium carbides, Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the uranium nitrides and carbonitrides: comparison of TB-LMTO germanide U;Ge, 229 calculations and valence XPS spectra 397 Uranium telluride Tellurides Crystal structure and properties of the binary uranium telluride new reduced molybdenum tellurides (Rb,Cs),,_ ,Mo;,Te;,, > U,Te; 320 (n = 4, 5, 6, 8) containing condensed Mo,, clusters 305 Uranium 3d ternary arsenides crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of ternary stannides electronic and magnetic structure of ternary transition metal R,M,Sn (R = rare earth or uranium, M = Ni, Pd) 114 arsenides related to the Fe,X type (X = P, As) 65 Ternary lanthanide chalcogenides magnetic properties and crystal field effects in T, LnX, VO** structural unit compounds (X = S, Se, Te) 316 lithium electrochemical intercalation in B-VOSO, 34

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