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Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 191 (1993) 327 Author Index of Volume 191 Alberts, H. L., L17 Gnanasekaran, T., 9 Liu, H., 1 Soubeyroux, J. L., 233 Andreev, A. V., 213 Gonzalez, J. M., 127 Lu, M.-Q., 319 Sreedharan, O. M., 219 Andruszkiewicz, R., 203 Gonzalez-Calbet, J. M., 287 Liick, R., L11, 43 Sridharan, R., 9 Gravereau, P., L1 Staun Olsen, J., 309 Baerlocher, Ch., L9 Grieveson, P., 135 Malaman, B., 263 Stevie, F. A., 15 Bastide, J. P., 21 Guan, Z., 1 Mallika, C., 219 Street, R., 197 Battle, P. D., 313 Guérin, R., 53 Martin, V. E., 127 Su, W., 1 Bauer, E., 139 Giirler, R., 31, 83, 165 Mathews, C. K., 9 Suski, W., 213 Belozerov, Ye. V., 79 McCormick, P. G., 197 Syono, Y., 255 Benedict, U., 309 Hafner, P., LS Meschel, S. V., 111 Szytuta, A., 159 Bernardi, J., 127 Harada, T., 255 Mintz, M. H., 91, 179 Blasse, G., 121 He, J. F., 291 Miraglia, S., 233 Tago, S. L., 191 Bloch, J., 91, 179 He, L. L., 291 Mirambet, F., L1 Takeshita, T., 279 Bokhonov, B. B., 239 Heathman, S., 309 Mourksi, D., 21 Tomey, E., 233 Boldyrev, V. V., 239 Hellmann, B., 51, 277 Miller, C., 251 Tomkinson, J., 131 Bouamrane, A., 21 Higashi, I., L21 Miiller-Buschbaum, Hk., Tretyachenko, L. A., 117 Boutserrit, A., 223 Horyn, R., 203, 271 151, 251, 305 Trut, L., Li Hulliger, F., L9, 309 Mushnikov, N. V., 63 Tsunekawa, Y., 191 Cao, L., 301 Huntelaar, M. E., 87 Carré, J., 21 Notis, M. R., 71 Vagizov, F. G., 213 Castanet, R., L15 Isnard, O., 233 Vallet-Regi, M., 287 Castellani, N. J., 173 Itoh, H., 191 Ollitrault-Fichet, R., 223 Venturini, G., 263 Causa, M. T., 287 Ivanov, V., 159 Vinokurova, L., 159 Cebollada, F., 127 Ivanova, G. V., 79 Paljevic, M., 27 Voiron, J., 139 Chen, X., 297 Iwahara, H., 191 Paulus, W., 37 Vuorimaki, A. H., 207 Cheng, X., 297 Payer, A., 37 Chevalier, B., L1 Jacob, I., 91, 179 Petyukh, V. M., 117 Wang, G. Y. Q., 107 Christodoulou, C. N., 279 Jacobs, H., 51, 131, 277 Powell, A. V., 313 Wang, H., L11, 43 Chrysanthou, A., 135 Jeitschko, W., 53 Pratt, J. N., 165 Wang, X.-L., 5 Chuang, Y. C., 169 Ji, Y., 297 Predel, B., 43 Wang, Y., 1 Ciulik, J., 71 Jin, X. M., 169 Punkkinen, M., 207 Wang, Y.-L., 319 Claudy, P., 21 Jin, Y., 107 Wei, W.-D., 319 Cordfunke, E. H. P., 87 Juszcezak, C., 207 Qadri, S. B., 15 Welter, R., 263 Cornish, L. A., 165 Wojakowski, A., 271 Kazakov, A. A., 67 Rama Rao, K. V. S., 101 Wolcyrz, M., 203 Dancausse, J.-P., 309 Khrabrov, V. I., 79 Ramesh, R., 101 Wu, C. H., 169 Desmoulins, C., 233 Kim, Y.-G., 243 Range, K.-J., LS Ding, J., 197 Kitazawa, H., L21 Raub, C. J., 325 Xie, S., 297 Dirksen, G. J., 121 Kleppa, O. J., 111, 145, 155 Ritter, C., 37 Xu, X. R., 291 Drulis, H., 207, 213 Kobayashi, K., L21 Rivet, J., 223 Xue, B., LY Dugué, J., 223 Komatsubara, T., L21 Kong, L.-S., 301 Sanchez, R. D., 287 Ye, H. Q., 291 EBmann, R., 131 Konstanchuk, I. G., 239 Sarussi, D., 91 Yeremenko, V. N., 117 Estermann, M., L9 Kudrevatykh, N. V., 67 Sato, N., L21 Yermolenko, A. S., 79 Etourneau, J., L1 Kuji, T., 255 Sayagués, M. J., 287 Ylinen, E. E., 207 Scheele, A., 87 Ynag, J., 1 Fagan, A., 233 Lbibb, R., L15 Scherbakova, Ye. V., 79 Yoshida, M., L21 Ferullo, R. M., 173 Le Beuze, A., 53 Schliiter, D., 305 Yu, B., 1 Fidler, J., 127 Lee, J.-Y., 243 Schmitt, D., 139 Frantsevich, I. N., 117 Letoffé, J. M., 21 Schéllhorn, R., 37 Zajkov, N. K., 63 Fruchart, D., 233, 263 Li, J. 187, 297 Schrandt, O., 151 Zerrouki, M. C., 53 Fukuoka, K., 255 6 Oe Selhaoui, N., 145, 155 Zhang, F. Y., 139 Li, W., 107 Semenova, E. L., 117 Zhang, H.-F., 319 Gaviko, V. S., 63 Li, W., 107 Sereni, J., 287 Zhong, X. P., 169 Ge, W. Q., 169 Liang, J., 297 Shamir, N., 91 Zhuang, Y., 187 Gerward, L., 309 Lin, W., 187 Shen, B.-G., 301 Zogat, O. J., 207 Gignoux, D., 139 Lissillour, R., 53 Skeath, P., 15 Zygmunt, A., 159 Elsevier Sequoia Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 191 (1993) 329-332 Subject Index of Volume 191 Adsorption Chromium a theoretical molecular orbital approach to the adsorption neutron diffraction study on the structure of chalcogen and absorption of atomic H on Ni(111), 173 spinels Cu,,,Cr.X, (X=Se, Te), 37 Al-substitution on the magnetic phase diagram of dilute Cr—Au alloys, effects of Al-substitution on hydriding reaction rates of L17 LaNi,_,Al,, 5 Cobalt Aluminium structure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed selective oxidation of Zr,Al;, 27 Sm,Co,_,, 197 standard enthalpies of formation of 4d aluminides by Copper direct synthesis calorimetry, 111 neutron diffraction study on the structure of chalcogen crystal structure of CePd,Al,, L21 spinels Cu,,y,Cr.X, (X=Se, Te), 37 Anisotropy ternary system Ag—Cu—Ho at 500 °C, 187 temperature dependence of single-ion anisotropy and Yb,0;—CuO system and the crystal structure of Yb,Cu, Os, magnetostriction coefficients of rare-earth ferro- 297 magnets, in terms of the quantum theory, 67 Copper valency Antiferromagnetism crystallochemical characterization of BigSrg_,Ca,4,Cu,O33_, magnetic phase diagram of the hexagonal DyAlGa type solid solutions, 271 compound, 139 Corrosion Antimony phase equilibrium studies in Na—Fe—O system, 9 description of the Ag—Sb-Se ternary system, 223 Desorption Barium theoretical molecular orbital approach to the adsorption electronic properties of non-stoichiometric barium iridate, and absorption of atomic H on Ni(111), 173 BalIrO3_5 , 313 Bismuth Electrical resistivity on the crystallochemistry of the binary BiSr,0, phase, 203 specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and electrical Borates resistivity measurements on LaNiO;3, 287 tetracalcium gadolinium oxoborate (Ca,GdO(BO3)3) as a Electronic properties new host lattice for luminescent materials, 121 electronic properties of non-stoichiometric barium iridate, Boron BalrO3_5, 313 production of amorphous bulk materials of an Nd,;Fe7,Bg Electronic structure magnetic alloy and their magnetic properties, 255 electronic structrue of ZrNiP, and related compounds with synthesis and sinterability of composite powder of the ZrFe,Si,-type structure, 53 TiB,—B,C system, 191 Europium enhanced luminescence and energy transfer of Eu(IID), Calcium Tb(III) chelates in micelle solution, 107 crystallochemical characterization of BigSrg_,CCua Q,33,_ , structure and luminescence characters of SrSiO,:Eu*Bi*> * type solid solutions, 271 synthesized under high pressure and high tem- Carbides perature, 1 influence of interstitial C atoms on the Curie temperature Exchange interaction and exchange interaction of R,Fe,7C,, 301 influence of interstitial C atoms on the Curie temperature Carbon and exchange interaction of R,Fe,7C,, 301 synthesis and sinterability of composite powder of the TiB,—B,C system, 191 Ferromagnets Carbon monoxide temperature dependence of single-ion anisotropy and simultaneous carburisation/oxidation of Nb in the: presence magnetostriction coefficients of rare-earth ferro- of Co, 135 magnets in terms of the quantum theory, 67 Carburisation simultaneous carburisation/oxidation of Nb in the presence of Co, 135 Gallium Cerium information on Zn,GaV;0,,, 251 H-induced transformation to an amorphous state in the Germanium Laves phases Ce(Ru, M), (M=Fe, Co, Ni), 243 calorimetric determination of the enthalpies of formation GdPt,Sn-type crystal structure of CePd,In, L9 of the solid compounds of the Pt-Ge system, L15 crystal structure of CePd,Al,, L21 stages of formation of a solid solution during the mechani- kinetics and mechanism of Ce hydride formation, 91 cal alloying of Si and Ge, 239 Chalcogen spinels Gold neutron diffraction study on the structure of chalcogen magnetic phase diagram of dilute Cr—Au alloys, L17 spinels Cu,,,Cr.X, (X =Se, Te), 37 the Au-Sn phase diagram, 71 Elsevier Sequoia 330 Subject Index of Volume 191 Hafnium Lanthanum construction of the Hf-Ni system up to 50 at.% Ni, 117 NMR line shape of La in non-stoichiometric La hydrides Heat capacity at low temperatures, 207 heat capacity of the Fe,Zr intermetallic compound, L11 specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and electrical Holmium resistivity measurements on LaNiO;, 287 H absorption characteristics of Zr;_,Ho,Co, system in the Laves phase pressure range 0-40 bar, 101 H-induced transformation to an amorphous state in the the ternary system Ag—Cu-—Ho at 500 °C, 187 Laves phases Ce(Ru, M). (M=Fe, Co, Ni), 243 Hydrides Luminescence hydration of Y: determination of the enthalpies of forma- enhanced luminescence and energy transfer of Eu(III), tion of YbH;, and YbH.; phases, 21 Tb(IIT) chelates in micelle solution, 107 inversion of the magnetization near the compensation tetracalcium gadolinium oxoborate (Ca,GdO(BO3)3) as a point in TbFe,H, hydrides, 63 new host lattice for luminescent materials, 121 NMR line shape of '*’La in non-stoichiometric La hydrides structure and luminescence characters.of SrSiO,:Eu>Bi*> * at low temperatures, 207 synthesized under high pressure and high temperature, effect of vacuum annealing on the hydriding kinetics of Zr, 1 179 effects of Al-substitution on hydriding reaction rates of Magnesium LaNi,_,Al,, 5 structure refinement of AuMg;, IrMg; and IrMg>., L5 Hydrogen Magnetic properties a theoretical molecular orbital approach to the adsorption °7Fe Mossbauer effect study of the UFe,9_,Al,Si, system, and absorption of atomic H on Ni(111), 173 213 H absorption characteristics of Zr,;_,Ho,Co, system in the magnetic structures of PrMn,Si, and NdMn,Si, from pressure range 0-40 bar, 101 neutron diffraction studies, 263 H-induced transformation to an amorphous state in the modulation of spin reorientation transitions in the series Laves phases Ce(Ru, M), (M=Fe, Co, Ni), 243 R(Fe, M).X, (R= Y, Nd, Ho; M=Mo, Ti; X=N, H), surface modification of V and its H absorption properties, 233 319 magnetic phase diagram of dilute Cr—Au alloys, L17 kinetics and mechanism of Ce hydride formation, 91 production of amorphous bulk materials of an Nd,,;Fe7Bg Hydrogen storage magnetic alloy and their magnetic properties, 255 effects of Al-substitution on hydriding reaction rates of structure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed LaNi;_,Al,, 5 Sm,Co,_,, 197 Hydrogenation Magnetic susceptibility hydrogenation and nitrogenation of SmFe3, 279 specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistiv- ity measurements on LaNiO3;, 287 Imide ions Magnetization neutron vibrational spectroscopy of imide ions, (NH’~) in inversion of the magnetization near the compensation bariumimide (BaNH), 131 point in TbFe,H, hydrides, 63 Indium magnetic phase diagram of NdRh2_,Ru,Si, in high GdPt,Sn-type crystal structure of CePd,In, L9 magnetic field, 159 Iridium questions about the existence of the spin reorientations in electronic properties of non-stoichiometric barium iridate, HoFej9_,Co,Mo,, 79 BalrO3_;, 313 role of the heating rates up to the annealing temperature Iron on the hysteretic properties of hard magnetic materials ‘7Fe Mossbauer effect study of the UFe,)_,Al,Si, system, prepared from amorphous precursors, 127 213 Magnetostriction crystal structure of the new ternary stannides U,M,Sn with structure and magnetostriction of Dyg,9_,Pr,T,bF,e , M=Fe or Rh, L1 pseudobinary compounds, 169 heat capacity of the Fe,Zr intermetallic compound, L11 temperature dependence of single-ion anisotropy and hydrogenation and nitrogenation of SmFe3, 279 magnetostriction coefficients of rare-earth ferro- phase equilibrium studies in Na—Fe—O system, 9 magnets in terms of the quantum theory, 67 production of amorphous bulk materials of an Nd,;Fe7B; Mechanical alloying magnetic alloy and their magnetic properties, 255 surface modification of V and its H absorption properties, study of the microstructure of a new hexagonal Sm,Fe,, 319 phase with the Th,Ni,7-type structure, 291 stages of formation of a solid solution during the mechani- cal alloying of Si and Ge, 239 Metamagnetism Kagomé nets magnetic phase diagram of the hexagonal DyAlGa crystal structure of Ba,;Ln,O, (Ln=Dy, Er, Y/Yb), 151 compound, 139 Kinetics Molybdenum H absorption characteristics of Zr, _,Ho,Co, system in the computer assessment of the Mo—Pd phase diagram, 83 pressure range 0-40 bar, 101 role of the heating rates up to the annealing temperature on the hysteretic properties of hard magnetic materials Neodymium | prepared from amorphous precursors, 127 production of amorphous bulk materials of an Nd,,Fe7;Bg kinetics and mechanism of Ce hydride formation, 91 magnetic alloy and their magnetic properties, 255 Subject Index of Volume 191 331 Neutron diffraction Phosphides magnetic phase diagram of the hexagonal DyAlGa electronic structure of ZrNiP, and related compounds with compound, 139 ZrFe,Si,-type structure, 53 magnetic structures of PrMn,Si, and NdMn,Si, from Platinum neutron diffraction studies, 263 calorimetric determination of the enthalpies of formation Neutron vibrational spectroscopy of the solid compounds of the Pt-Ge system, L15 neutron vibrational spectroscopy of imide ions, (NH?~) in structure refinement of AuMg;, IrMg,; and IrMg >», L5 bariumimide (BaNH), 131 Pseudobinary compounds Nickel structure and magnetostriction of Dyg9_,Pr,Tb,Fpe , theoretical molecular orbital approach to the adsorption pseudobinary compounds, 169 and absorption of atomic H on Ni(111), 173 Rare earths construction of the Hf-Ni system up to S50 at.% Ni, 117 temperature dependence of single-ion anisotropy and specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistiv- magnetostriction coefficients of rare-earth ferro- ity measurements on LaNiO3;, 287 magnets in terms of the quantum theory, 67 Niobium structure and luminescence characters of SrSiO,:Eu*Bi*? * simultaneous carburisation/oxidation of Nb in the presence synthesized under high pressure and high temperature, of Co, 135 1 Nitrides Rhodium synthesis and structure of a caesium niobium(V) nitride, computer assessment of Ru-Rn and Ru-Pd systems, 31 CsNbN2, 277 computer assessment of the Pd—Rh system, 165 Nitrogen crystal structure of the new ternary stannides U,M,Sn with synthesis and sinterability of composite powder of the M=Fe or Rh, L1 TiB,—B,C system, 191 Ruthenium Nitrogenation computer assessment of Ru-Rh and Ru-Pd systems, 31 hydrogenation and nitrogenation of SmFe3, 279 potentiometric determination of the thermodynamic Nuclear magnetic resonance stability of SrO—RuO, system, 219 NMR line shape of '’La in non-stoichiometric La hydrides at low temperature, 2(7 Samarium hydrogenation and nitrogenation of SmFe;, 279 Oxidation structure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed crystallochemical characterization of BigSrg_,Ca,4,Cu,O33_, Sm,Co,_,, 197 type solid solutions, 271 study of the microstructure of a new hexagonal Sm,Fe,, standard enthalpies of formation of 4d aluminides by phase with the Th,Ni,7-type structure, 291 direct synthesis calorimetry, 111 Scandium simultaneous carburisation/oxidation of Nb in the presence standard enthalpies of formation of La alloys, La+Me of Co, 135 (Me=Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt), by high-temperature Oxides calorimetry, 155 multi-layered perovskite with ordered metal distribution: Selenium Ba,Al,Rh,Ho,0;5, 305 description of the Ag—Sb-Se ternary system, 223 phase equilibrium studies in Na—Fe—O system, 9 Silicides selective oxidation of Zr,Al,, 27 electronic structure of ZrNiP, and related compounds with tetracalcium gadolinium oxoborate (Ca,GdO(BO3)3) as a ZrFe,Si.-type structure, 53 new host lattice for luminescent materials, 121 Silicon Oxygen phase relations in the SrO-SiO,—ZrQ, system, 87 crystallochemistry of the binary BiSr;O, phase, 203 stages of formation of a solid solution during the mechani- cal alloying of Si and Ge, 239 Palladium Silver computer assessment of Ru-Rh and Ru-—Pd systems, 31 description of the Ag—Sb-Se ternary system, 223 computer assessment of the Mo—Pd phase diagram, 83 the ternary system Ag—Cu-Ho at 500 °C, 187 computer assessment of the Pd—Rh system, 165 Single crystals GdPt,Sn-type crystal structure of CePd,In, L9 multi-layered perovskite with ordered metal distribution: crystal structure of CePd,Al,, L21 Ba,Al,Rh,Ho,0;;, 305 Phase diagrams synthesis and structure of a sodium niobium(V) nitride, computer assessment of the Mo—Pd phase diagram, 83 NaNbN;, 51 computer assessment of the Pd—Rh system, 165 X-ray diffraction analysis of Ti-diffused single-crystal magnetic phase diagram of NdRh2_,Ru,Si, in high LiNbO, 15 magnetic field, 159 crystal structure of Ba,;Ln,O,, (Ln=Dy, Er, Y/Yb), 151 magnetic phase diagram of the hexagonal DyAlGa Sodium compound, 139 phase equilibrium studies in Na—Fe—O system, 9 construction of the Hf-Ni system up to 50 at.% Ni, 117 Sodium niobium nitride phase relations in the SrO-SiO,-ZrO, system, 87 synthesis and structure of a sodium niobium(V) nitride, standard enthalpies of formation of 4d aluminides by NaNbN,, 51 direct synthesis calorimetry, 111 Spin reorientation Au-Sn phase diagram, 71 modulation of spin reorientation transitions in the series Yb,0;—CuO system and the crystal structure of Yb,Cu,Os, R(Fe, M).X, (R=Y, Nd, Ho; M=Mo, Ti; X=N, H), 297 233 332 Subject Index of Volume 191 Spin reorientations Transmission electron microscopy questions about the existence of the spin reorientations in study of the microstructure of a new hexagonal Sm,Fe,7 HoFej9)_,Co,Mo,, 79 phase with the Th,Ni,7-type structure, 291 Steel phase equilibrium studies in Na—Fe—O system, 9 Uranium Strontium ‘7Fe Mossbauer effect study of the UFe,)_,Al,Si, system, crystallochemistry of the binary BiSr,O, phase, 203 213 phase relations in the SrO—SiO,—-ZrO, system, 87 potentiometric determination of the thermodynamic Vacuum annealing stability of SrO-—RuO, system, 219 effect of vacuum annealing on the hydriding kinetics of Zr, Synchrotron radiation 179 high pressure XRD study of UC, using synchrotron Vanadium radiation, 309 surface modification of V and its H absorption properties, 319 Terbium enhanced luminescence and energy transfer of Eu(III), X-ray diffraction Tb(III) chelates in micelle solution, 107 high pressure XRD study of UC, using synchrotron Ternary stannides radiation, 309 crystal structure of the new ternary stannides U,M,Sn with XRD analysis of Ti-diffused single-crystal LiINbO;, 15 M=Fe or Rh, L1 Thermodynamics Ytterbium computer assessment of the Pd—Rh system, 165 hydration of Yb: determination of the enthalpies of potentiometric determination of the thermodynamic formation of YbH; , and YbH,, phases, 21 stability of StO-RuQ, system, 219 the Yb,0;—CuO system and the crystal structure of standard enthalpies of formation of Sc alloys, Sc+Me Yb ,Cu,0,, 297 (Me=Fe, Co, Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt), by high tempera- Yttrium ture calorimetry, 145 standard enthalpies of formation of Sc alloys, Sc+ M e standard enthalpies of formation of La alloys, La+Me (Me=Fe, Co, Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt), by high tempera- (Me=Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt), by high-temperature ture calorimetry, 145 . calorimetry, 155 standard enthalpies of formation of La alloys, La+Me synthesis and structure of a caesium niobium(V) nitride, (Me=Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt), by high-temperature CsNbN,, 277 calorimetry, 155 thermodynamic calculations in quaternary transition metal systems, 43 Zinc Tin information on Zn,GaV;30,;, 251 the Au-Sn phase diagram, 71 Zirconium Titanium electronic structure of ZrNiP, and related compounds with standard enthalpies of formation of Sc alloys, ZrFe,Si,-type structure, 53 Sc+Me (Me=Fe, Co, Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt), by high heat capacity of the Fe,Zr intermetallic compound, L11 temperature calorimetry, 145 H absorption characteristics of Zr,;_,Ho,Co, system in the XRD analysis of Ti-diffused single-crystal LiNbO;, 15 pressure range 0-40 bar, 101 Transition metals selective oxidation of Zr,Al3, 27 thermodynamic calculations in quaternary transition metal effect of vacuum annealing on the hydriding kinetics of Zr, systems, 43 179

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