TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF PLATES CHAPTER INTRODUCTION . ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL SETTING: THE BEAR CREEK WATERSHED . Introduction Climate ; Physiography, Topaloee, ‘onl Seeker Flora and Fauna : Previous Secheeclecion. Ywoust igations EXCAVATION OF SHEEPS BLUFF SHELTER . Introduction Excavation Methods Stratigraphic Zones Cultural Zones Radiocarbon Dating TOOL TYPOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIONS Lithological Categories Introduction 5 - Lithological Types, or Niches] ¥; Neilson . Lithic Artifact Descriptions Introduction Chipped Stone Pecked and Ground ne artifacts Debitage Bone and Antler hetifects TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) CERAMIC DESCRIPTIONS AND DISCUSSION Introduction Fiber Tempered Coranine Sand Tempered Ceramics Limestone Tempered Ceramics Grog Tempered Ceramics Shell Tempered Ceramics FEATURES . Introduction Excavated Features Surface Features BOTANICAL MATERIALS Introduction ‘ Laboratory Procedares Plant Remains FAUNAL MATERIALS Introduction Composition of the Sepie SITE SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Introduction Archaic Stage Gulf Formational Stage Woodland Stage Mississippian Stage Conclusions REFERENCES CITED .