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JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT Volume 34, No. 6, November—December 1997 1997 Journal of Aircraft Index How to Use the Index In the Subject Index, pages 818-822, each technical paper is listed under a maximum of three appropriate headings. Note the number in boldface type following each paper title, and use that number to locate the paper in the Chronological Index. The Author Index, page 823, lists all authors associated with a given technical paper. The locating numbers are identical to those in the Subject Index. The Chronological Index, pages 824-828, lists all papers by their unique code numbers. This listing contains titles, authors and their affiliations, and volume, issue number, and page where the paper appeared. It also gives the AIAA paper number, if any, on which the article was based, as well as the “CP” or conference volume number if the paper was published in a bound collection of meetings papers. Comments, Replies, and Errata are listed directly beneath the paper to which they refer. If the paper to which they refer was published prior to 1997, that paper also will appear in the Chronological Index. Authors of Comments also are listed in the Author Index. J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO. 6: 1997 INDEX Subject Index Aircraft Technology, Conventional, Reduction of Transient Adverse Effects of Spoil- Multiple Control Surface Utilization in Active STOL/VTOL ers C97-074 Aeroelastic Wing Technology C97-084 Parametric Investigation of a High-Lift Airfoil at Panel Flutter Constraints: Analytic Sensitivities Aerodynamics High Reynolds Numbers 97-075 and Approximations Including Planform Shape Numerical Simulation of a 65-Degree Delta- Design Variables 97-085 Wing Flowfield C97-076 Post-Instability Behavior of a Structurally Non- Comment on “Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Experimental Investigation of Semispan Model linear Airfoil in Longitudinal Turbulence Two-Dimensional Airfoil with Ground Ef- Testing Techniques 97-077 C97-095 fect” C96-052 Control of High-Incidence Vortical Flow on Method for Enhancement of the Rolling Maneu- Generation of Comprehensive Longitudinal Double-Delta Wings Undergoing Sideslip ver of a Flexible Wing 97-103 Aerodynamic Data Using Dynamic Wind- C97-078 Nonlinear Rotor Aeroelastic Analysis with Stall Tunnel Simulation 97-004 Enhanced Aerofoil Performance Using Small and Advanced Wake Dynamics C97-104 Bounday-Layer Transition in a Cryogenic Wind Trailing-Edge Flaps 97-086 Tunnel Using Luminescent Paint C97-005 High-Lift Low Reynolds Number Airfoil De- Exact Leading-Term Solution for Low Aspect Civil Missions and Transportation sign 97-010 Ratio Wings 97-087 Effect of Angle of Attack on Roll Characteristics Forward-Flight Analysis of Slatted Rotors Using Modeling and Analysis of an Airport Departure of 65-Degree Delta Wing 97-088 Navier-Stokes Methods C97-011 Process C97-006 Development of Vortical Structure over Delta Design of Subscale Airfoils with Full-Scale Wing with Leading-Edge Flap C97-089 Leading Edges for Ice Accretion Testing Extended-Betz Methods for Roll-Up of Vortex Configuration Design C97-013 Sheets 97-091 Aerodynamic Characteristics of the F/A-18 at Experimental Studies of a7 0-Degree Delta Wing Design of Subscale Airfoils with Full-Scale Large Roll Angles and High Incidence with Vortex Flaps C97-092 Leading Edges for Ice Accretion Testing C97-021 Dynamic Leading-Edge Flap Scheduling C97-013 Effect of Canards on Delta Wing Vortex Break- C97-093 Cascade Optimization Strategy for Aircraft and down During Dynamic Pitching C97-026 Dual-Point Design of Transonic Airfoils Using Air-Breathing Propulsion System Concepts Forebody Influence on Rotating Parachute Aero- the Hybrid Inverse Optimization Method C97-020 dynamic Properties C97-028 Airfoil Design for Helicopter Rotor Blades—A C97-094 Induced Drag Computations on Wings with Ac- Three-Dimensional Approach C97-030 Navier—Stokes/Full Potential/Free-Wake Method curately Modeled Wakes C97-038 for Rotor Flows 97-097 New Blunt Trailing-Edge Airfoil Design by In- Experimental Simulation of Runback Ice C97-031 Dynamic Analysis of the Wake Recontact for a verse Optimization Method 97-039 Low-Speed Wall Interference Assessment/Cor- Parachute-Store System 97-100 Application of Wagner Functions in Symmetrical rection with Vortex Flow Effect 97-033 Nonlinear Rotor Aeroelastic Analysis with Stall Airfoil Design C97-041 Induced Drag Computations on Wings with Ac- and Advanced Wake Dynamics C97-104 Optimization of an Advanced Business Jet curately Modeled Wakes C97-038 Supersonic Transitional Airfoil Shapes of Mini- C97-046 Induced Drag Calculation by Numerical Lifting mum Drag C97-110 Gradient-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimiza- Surface Method C97-040 Unsteady Aerodynamics of Airfoils Encounter- tion Using Alternating Direction Implicit Conceptual Fluid/Motion Coupling in the Herbst ing Traveling Gusts and Vortices Method C97-053 Supermaneuver C97-044 C97-111 Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Multidis- Inverse Design Method for Transonic Multiple In-Flight Boundary-Layer State Measurements ciplinary Design of Transonic Wing Planform Wing Systems Using Integral Equations on a High-Lift System: Slat C97-114 C97-106 In-Flight Boundary-Layer State Measurements C97-050 on a High-Lift System: Main Element and Rear Fuselage Transonic Flow Characteristics Flap 97-115 Flight Control Integration for a Complete Wing—Body Configuration Neglect of Wake Roll-Up in Theodorsen’s The- C97-052 ory of Propellers C97-124 Dynamic Leading-Edge Flap Scheduling Gradient-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimiza- C97-093 tion Using Alternating Direction Implicit Method 97-053 Aeroelasticity and Aeroservoelasticity Flight Mechanics Prediction of Vortex Breakdown and Longitudi- nal Characteristics of Swept Slender Plan- Forced Response Analysis Using a Two-Dimen- forms C97-054 sional Multistage Euler Aeroelastic Solver Comment on “Effect of Thrust Vectoring on Experimental and Numerical Investigation of C97-016 Level-Turn Performance” 92-074 Rotor Aerodynamics in Forward Flight Flutter Analysis Using Unsteady Aerodynamics Aerodynamic Characteristics of the F/A-18 at C97-059 in Non-Pade Form C97-019 Large Roll Angles and High Incidence Derivation of Four-Digit Airfoils from the Sunya Modified Genetic Algorithm for the Identifica- C97-021 Airfoil 97-065 tion of Aircraft Structures 97-037 Identification of Speed Brake, Air-Drop, and Effect of Deep-Stall Wing Dynamics on Fore- From Piston Theory to a Unified Hypersonic—Su- Landing Gear Effects from Flight Data body-Induced Wing Rock C97-068 personic Lifting Surface Method 97-048 C97-027 Prediction of Delta Wing Leading-Edge Vortex Analytic Sensitivities and Approximations in Su- Nonlinear Longitudinal Stability of a Symmetric Circulation and Lift-Curve Slope personic and Subsonic Wing/Control Surface Aircraft 97-055 C97-069 Unsteady Aerodynamics C97-056 Sideslip Behavior of Elliptic Cross-Sectional Design-Oriented Leading-Edge Thrust Force Refined Aeroelastic Analysis of Hingeless Rotor Forebodies at High Angle of Attack Prediction for Supersonic Lifting Surfaces Blades in Hover C97-061 C97-073 C97-071 Response, Loads, and Stability of Interconnected Development of Closed-Loop Tail-Sizing Crite- Direct Calculation of Three-Dimensional Indi- Rotor—Body Systems C97-062 ria for a High Speed Civil Transport cial Lift Response Using Computational Fluid Flutter Boundary Prediction Based on Nonsta- C97-101 Dynamics C97-072 tionary Data Measurement 97-063 Different Wings Flowfields Interaction on the Sideslip Behavior of Elliptic Cross-Sectional Modal-Based Structural Optimization with Static Wing-Propeller Coupling C97-113 Forebodies at High Angle of Attack Aeroelastic and Stress Constraints Maneuvering Flight Performance Using the Lin- C97-073 C97-064 earized Propeller Polar C97-516 J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO.6: 1997 INDEX 819 Flight Operations Refined Aeroelastic Analysis of Hingeless Rotor Analysis of OH-6A Helicopter Flight Test Data Blades in Hover 97-061 Using Lissajous Figures C97-002 Modeling and Analysis of an Airport Departure Response, Loads, and Stability of Interconnected Bounday-Layer Transition in a Cryogenic Wind Process 97-006 Rotor—Body Systems 97-062 Tunnel Using Luminescent Paint 97-005 Design and Flight Test of 35-GigaHertz Radar Comparison of Computational Aeroacoustic Pre- Aerodynamic Characteristics of the F/A-18 at for Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance diction Methods for Transonic Rotor Noise Large Roll Angles and High Incidence C97-042 C97-081 C97-021 Helicopter Inverse Simulation Incorporating an Aircraft Engine Bay Cooling and Ventilation: Individual Blade Rotor Model C97-096 Design and Modeling 97-022 General Aviation Navier—Stokes/Full Potential/Free-Wake Method Forebody Influence on Rotating Parachute Aero- for Rotor Flows 97-097 dynamic Properties C97-028 Turboprop Aircraft Performance Response to New Computational Methods for the Prediction Simulations of Turbulent Droplet Dispersion in Various Environmental Conditions 97-045 and Analysis of Helicopter Noise 97-102 Wind-Tunnel Icing Clouds C97-032 Maneuvering Flight Performance Using the Lin- Nonlinear Rotor Aeroelastic Analysis with Stall Low-Speed Wall Interference Assessment/Cor- earized Propeller Polar C97-116 and Advanced Wake Dynamics C97-104 rection with Vortex Flow Effect 97-033 Residual Shaft Bending by Helicopter Rotors KEEP EAGLE F-1S5E High Angle-of-Attack Ground Effect Machines C97-105 Flight Test Program 97-043 Unsteady Aerodynamics of Airfoils Encounter- Experimental Results on a Mach 14 Waverider Comment on “Aerodynamic Characteristics of a ing Traveling Gusts and Vortices C97-111 with Blunt Leading Edges 97-047 Two-Dimensional Airfoil with Ground Ef- Field Measurements of Helicopter Rotor Wash in Single Jet-Induced Effects on Small-Scale Hover fect” C96-052 Hover and Forward Flight 97-123 Data in Ground Effect C97-060 Experimental Investigation of Semispan Model Safety Testing Techniques 97-077 Military Missions Nonlinear Longitudinal Stability of a Symmetric Vibration Comment on “Effect of Thrust Vectoring on Aircraft 97-055 Level-Turn Performance” 92-074 Lateral Escape Guidance Strategies for Mi- Numerical Procedure for the Dynamic Analysis croburst Windshear Encounters 97-079 of Three-Dimensional Aeronautical Structures Noise Neural Network-Based Failure Rate for Boeing- C97-017 737 Tires 97-117 Nonlinear Models for Double-Wall Systems for Comparison of Design Optimization Formula- Vibrations and Noise Control C97-121 tions for Minimization of Noise Transmission Simulation in a Cylinder 97-035 Weather Hazards Computation of Noise Radiation from Fan Inlet Unsteady Fluid Mechanics Applications of Neu- and Aft Ducts 97-058 ral Networks 97-007 Comparison of Computational Aeroacoustic Pre- Icing Calculations on a Typical Commercial Jet Experimental Simulation of Runback Ice diction Methods for Transonic Rotor Noise Engine Inlet Nacelle C97-012 C97-031 C97-081 Motion Washout Filter Tuning: Rules and Re- Simulations of Turbulent Droplet Dispersion in Influence of Shaft Angle of Attack on Sound Ra- quirements 97-023 Wind-Tunnel Icing Clouds 97-032 diation by Subsonic Propellers 97-082 PROTEST: An Expert System for Tuning Simu- TurVbaorpiroousp EAnivricrroanftm enPtearlf oCromnadnictei onsR esponse to New Computational Methods for the Prediction lator Washout Filters 97-024 and Analysis of Helicopter Noise 97-102 Experimental Simulation of Runback Ice C97-045 Nonlinear Models for Double-Wall Systems for C97-031 Lateral Escape Guidance Strategies for Mi- Vibrations and Noise Control C97-121 Helicopter Inverse Simulation Incorporating an croburst Windshear Encounters C97-079 Dual-Polarization Radar to Identify Drizzle, with Individual Blade Rotor Model 97-096 Applications to Aircraft Icing Avoidance Performance Residual Shaft Bending by Helicopter Rotors C97-118 C97-105 Comment on “Effect of Thrust Vectoring on Neural Network-Based Failure Rate for Boeing- Level-Turn Performance” 92-074 737 Tires C97-117 Fluid Dynamics Turboprop Aircraft Performance Response to Various Environmental Conditions 97-045 STOL/VTOL/STOVL Aeroacoustics Maneuvering Flight Performance Using the Lin- earized Propeller Polar C97-116 Comparison of Computation with Experiment for Computation of Noise Radiation from Fan Inlet a Geometrically Simplified Powered-Lift and Aft Ducts 97-058 Propeller and Rotor Systems Model 97-025 Blade—Vortex Interaction Noise Prediction Us- Single Jet-Induced Effects on Small-Scale Hover ing a Rotor Wake Roll-Up Model Influence of Shaft Angle of Attack on Sound Ra- Data in Ground Effect 97-060 C97-080 diation by Subsonic Propellers 97-082 Numerical Study on the Underexpanded Coanda Comparison of Computational Aeroacoustic Pre- Different Wings Flowfields Interaction on the Jet 97-098 diction Methods for Transonic Rotor Noise Wing-Propeller Coupling C97-113 C97-081 Neglect of Wake Roll-Up in Theodorsen’s The- Structural Design (Including Loads) Influence of Shaft Angle of Attack on Sound Ra- ory of Propellers 97-124 diation by Subsonic Propellers 97-082 Matched Filter Concept and Maximum Gust New Computational Methods for the Prediction Rotorcraft Loads 97-014 and Analysis of Helicopter Noise C97-102 Detail Fatigue Analysis Exceedance Spectra De- termined from Random Multidirectional Force Analysis of OH-6A Helicopter Flight Test Data Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition Components C97-015 Using Lissajous Figures 97-002 Modal-Based Structural Optimization with Static Forward-Flight Analysis of Slatted Rotors Using Bounday-Layer Transition in a Cryogenic Wind Aeroelastic and Stress Constraints 97-064 Navier-Stokes Methods C97-011 Tunnel Using Luminescent Paint Airfoil Design for Helicopter Rotor Blades—A C97-005 Three-Dimensional Approach C97-030 Testing, Flight and Ground Method for the Constrained Design of Natural Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Laminar Flow Airfoils C97-109 Rotor Aerodynamics in Forward Flight Development of a Low-Cost and Versatile Flight Supersonic Transitional Airfoil Shapes of Mini- 97-059 Test Piatform 97-001 mum Drag C97-110 820 J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO.6: 1997 INDEX In-Flight Boundary-Layer State Measurements High-Performance Supersonic Missile Inlet De- Supersonic Flow on a High-Lift System: Slat C97-114 sign Using Automated Optimization In-Flight Boundary-Layer State Measurements C97-108 Supersonic Transitional Airfoil Shapes of Mini- on a High-Lift System: Main Element and Novel Nacelle Thermal Anti-Icing Exhaust Grill mum Drag C97-110 Flap 97-115 for Enhanced Mixing C97-122 Transonic Flow Computational Fluid Dynamics Jets, Wakes, and Viscid-Inviscid Flow Interactions Comment on “Aerodynamic Characteristics of a New Blunt Trailing-Edge Airfoil Design by In- Two-Dimensional Airfoil with Ground Ef- verse Optimization Method 97-039 fect” C96-052 Comparison of Computation with Experiment for Rear Fuselage Transonic Flow Characteristics Effect of Geometry on the Unsteady Type-IV a Geometrically Simplified Powered-Lift for a Complete Wing—Body Configuration Shock Interaction 97-009 Model C97-025 C97-052 Single Jet-Induced Effects on Small-Scale Hover Forward-Flight Analysis of Slatted Rotors Using Data in Ground Effect C97-060 Navier-Stokes Methods C97-011 Unsteady Flows Blade—Vortex Interaction Noise Prediction Us- Forced Response Analysis Using a Two-Dimen- ing a Rotor Wake Roll-Up Model C97-080 Comsipoanrail soMnul toifs tCaogmep uEtualteiro nA erwoietlha sEtxipc erSiomlCev9ne7rt- 01fo6r ExtSehnedeetds- Betz Methods for Roll-Up of CV9o7r-0t9e1x Pitdcho wnRa te Effects on Delta Wing Vortex C9B6r-e0a9k9- a Geometrically Simplified Powered-Lift Numerical Study on the Underexpanded Coanda Moving Wall Effects Causing Fluidelastic Insta- bility C97-003 Model C97-025 Jet C97-098 Airfoil Design for Helicopter Rotor Blades—A Neglect of Wake Roll-Up in Theodorsen’s The- Unsteady Fluid Mechanics Applications of Neu- Three-Dimensional Approach 97-030 ory of Propellers C97-124 ral Networks 97-007 Forced Response Analysis Using a Two-Dimen- Low-Speed Wall Interference Assessment/Cor- sional Multistage Euler Aeroelastic Solver rection with Vortex Flow Effect 97-033 Separated Flows Automated Design Optimization for the P2 and C97-016 Flutter Analysis Using Unsteady Aerodynamics P8 Hypersonic Inlets C97-034 Pitch Rate Effects on Delta Wing Vortex Break- in Non-Pade Form C97-019 New Blunt Trailing-Edge Airfoil Design by In- verse Optimization Method C97-039 down C96-099 Effect of Canards on Delta Wing Vortex Break- Inverse Design Method for Transonic Multiple Mobviilnitgy Wall Effects Causing FluidelasticC 97I-ns0t0a3- down During Dynamic Pitching Wing Systems Using Integral Equations C97-026 C97-050 Conceptual Fluid/Motion Coupling in the Herbst Conceptual Fluid/Motion Coupling in the Herbst Gradient-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimiza- Supermaneuver C97-044 Supermaneuver C97-044 tion Using Alternating Direction Implicit Partial-Span Leading-Edge Vortex Characteris- From Piston Theory to a Unified Hypersonic—Su- Method C97-053 tics in High-Rate Oscillations in Pitch personic Lifting Surface Method Parametric Investigation of aH igh-Lift Airfoil at C97-066 C97-048 High Reynolds Numbers C97-075 Effect of Deep-Stall Wing Dynamics on Fore- Unsteady Pressure Measurements for Parallel Numerical Simulation of a 65-Degree Delta- body-Induced Wing Rock C97-068 Vortex—Airfoil Interaction at Low Speed Wing Flowfield C97-076 Impact of Initial Conditions on Vortex Break- C97-051 Computation of Cavity Flows with Suppression down on Pitching Delta Wings C97-070 Analytic Sensitivities and Approximations in Su- Using Jet Blowing C97-083 Computation of Cavity Flows with Suppression personic and Subsonic Wing/Control Surface Navier—Stokes/Full Potential/Free-Wake Method Using Jet Blowing C97-083 Unsteady Aerodynamics C97-056 for Rotor Flows C97-097 Effect of Angle of Attack on Roll Characteristics Critical-State Transients for a Rolling 65-Degree Dynamic Analysis of the Wake Recontact for a of 65-Degree Delta Wing C97-088 Delta Wing 97-057 Parachute-Store System C97-100 Analysis of the Effect of Sideslip on Delta Wing Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Multidis- Roll-Trim Characteristics C97-090 Rotor Aerodynamics in Forward Flight ciplinary Design of Transonic Wing Planform C97-059 C97-106 Shock Waves and Detonations Partial-Span Leading-Edge Vortex Characteris- Method for the Constrained Design of Natural tics in High-Rate Oscillations in Pitch Laminar Flow Airfoils C97-109 C97-066 Effect of Geometry on the Unsteady Type-IV Different Wings Flowfields Interaction on the Effect of Deep-Stall Wing Dynamics on Fore- Shock Interaction C97-009 Wing—Propeller Coupling C97-113 body-Induced Wing Rock C97-068 Novel Nacelle Thermal Anti-Icing Exhaust Grill Experimental Results on a Mach 14 Waverider Impact of Initial Conditions on Vortex Break- for Enhanced Mixing C97-122 with Blunt Leading Edges 97-047 down on Pitching Delta Wings 97-070 Reduction of Transient Adverse Effects of Spoil- Hydrodynamics Subsonic Flow ers C97-074 Control of High-Incidence Vortical Flow on Moving Wall Effects Causing Fluideiastic Insta- High-Lift Low Reynolds Number Airfoil De- Double-Delta Wings Undergoing Sideslip bility 97-003 sign C97-010 C97-078 Prediction of Vortex Breakdown and Longitudi- Computation of Cavity Flows with Suppression Hypersonic Flow nal Characteristics of Swept Slender Plan- Using Jet Blowing 97-083 forms C97-054 Development of Vortical Structure over Delta Effect of Geometry on the Unsteady Type-IV Prediction of Delta Wing Leading-Edge Vortex Wing with Leading-Edge Flap C97-089 Shock Interaction C97-009 Circulation and Lift-Curve Slope C97-069 Analysis of the Effect of Sideslip on Delta Wing Automated Design Optimization for the P2 and Parametric Investigation of a High-Lift Airfoil at Roll-Trim Characteristics C97-090 P8 Hypersonic Inlets C97-034 High Reynolds Numbers C97-075 Dynamic Leading-Edge Flap Scheduling Experimental Results on a Mach 14 Waverider Experimental Investigation of Semispan Model C97-093 with Blunt Leading Edges C97-047 Testing Techniques 97-077 Dual-Point Design of Transonic Airfoils Using From Piston Theory to a Unified Hypersonic—Su- Method for the Constrained Design of Natural the Hybrid Inverse Optimization Method personic Lifting Surface Method C97-048 Laminar Flow Airfoils C97-109 C97-094 In-Flight Boundary-Layer State Measurements Dynamic Analysis of the Wake Recontact for a Inlet, Nozzle, Diffuser, and Channel Flows on a High-Lift System: Slat C97-114 Parachute-Store System C97-100 In-Flight Boundary-Layer State Measurements Unsteady Aerodynamics of Airfoils Encounter- Automated Design Optimization for the P2 and on a High-Lift System: Main Element and ing Traveling Gusts and Vortices P8 Hypersonic Inlets 97-034 Flap C97-115 C97-111 J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO. 6: 1997 INDEX Vortices Artificial Intelligence Sensor Systems Pitch Rate Effects on Delta Wing Vortex Break- Unsteady Fluid Mechanics Applications of Neu- Design and Flight Test of 35-GigaHertz Radar down C96-099 ral Networks 97-007 for Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance Effect of Canards on Delta Wing Vortex Break- PROTEST: An Expert System for Tuning Simu- C97-042 down During Dynamic Pitching lator Washout Filters 97-024 C97-026 Unsteady Pressure Measurements for Parallel Propulsion Vortex—Airfoil Interaction at Low Speed Control Theory C97-051 Airbreathing Propulsion Rear Fuselage Transonic Flow Characteristics Development of Closed-Loop Tail-Sizing Crite- for a Complete Wing—Body Configuration ria for a High Speed Civil Transport C97-052 C97-101 Cascade Optimization Strategy for Aircraft and Prediction of Vortex Breakdown and Longitudi- Air-Breathing Propulsion System Concepts nal Characteristics of Swept Slender Plan- C97-020 forms C97-054 Flight Mechanics Aircraft Engine Bay Cooling and Ventilation: Critical-State Transients for a Rolling 65-Degree Design and Modeling 97-022 Delta Wing 97-057 Helicopter Inverse Simulation Incorporating an Novel Nacelle Thermal Anti-Icing Exhaust Grill Partial-Span Leading-Edge Vortex Characteristics Individual Blade Rotor Model for Enhanced Mixing C97-122 C97-096 in High-Rate Oscillations in Pitch C97-066 Residual Shaft Bending by Helicopter Rotors Droplet Characterization Prediction of Delta Wing Leading-Edge Vortex C97-105 Circulation and Lift-Curve Slope Simulations of Turbulent Droplet Dispersion in C97-069 Structural Control Wind-Tunnel Icing Clouds 97-032 Impact of Initial Conditions on Vortex Break- down on Pitching Delta Wings Multivariable Active Lifting Surface Control Us- Environmental Effects C97-070 ing Strain Actuation: Analytical and Experi- Reduction of Transient Adverse Effects of Spoil- mental Results 97-049 Icing Calculations on a Typical Commercial Jet ers C97-074 Engine Inlet Nacelle C97-012 Control of High-Incidence Vortical Flow on System Identification Double-Delta Wings Undergoing Sideslip C97-078 Blade—Vortex Interaction Noise Prediction Us- Identification of Speed Brake, Air-Drop, and Structural Mechanics and Materials ing a Rotor Wake Roll-Up Model Landing Gear Effects from Flight Data 97-080 97-027 Aeroelasticity and Control Effect of Angle of Attack on Roll Characteristics of 65-Degree Delta Wing C97-088 Active Flutter Suppression Using Multi-Input/ Development of Vortical Structure over Delta Interdisciplinary Topics Multi-Output Adaptive Least Mean Square Wing with Leading-Edge Flap 97-089 Control 97-036 Analysis of the Effect of Sideslip on Delta Wing Multivariable Active Lifting Surface Control Us- Analytical and Numerical Methods Roll-Trim Characteristics C97-090 ing Strain Actuation: Analytical and Experi- Extended-Betz Methods for Roll-Up of Vortex mental Results C97-049 Sheets C97-091 Finite Difference Maxwell Solver to Study Geo- Analytic Sensitivities and Approximations in Su- metric Shape Effects on Radar Signature personic and Subsonic Wing/Control Surface C97-008 Unsteady Aerodynamics 97-056 Icing Calculations on a Typical Commercial Jet Flutter Boundary Prediction Based on Nonsta- Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Engine Inlet Nacelle C97-012 tionary Data Measurement C97-063 Technology Application of Wagner Functions in Symmetrical Smart Stiffness for Improved Roll Control Airfoil Design C97-041 C97-067 Aircraft Dynamics Inverse Design Method for Transonic Multiple Multiple Control Surface Utilization in Active Wing Systems Using Integral Equations Aeroelastic Wing Technology Critical-State Transients for a Rolling 65-Degree C97-050 C97-084 Delta Wing 97-057 Panel Flutter Constraints: Analytic Sensitivities Lateral Escape Guidance Strategies for Mi- Atmospheric and Space Sciences and Approximations Including Planform Shape croburst Windshear Encounters Design Variables 97-085 C97-079 Dual-Polarization Radar to Identify Drizzle, with Dynamic Model Analysis Applications to Aircraft Icing Avoidance Aircraft Stability and Control C97-118 Dynamic Response of Composite Beams with Development of a Low-Cost and Versatile Flight Reliability, Maintainability, and Logistics Application to Aircraft Wings C97-119 Test Platform C97-001 Support Analysis of OH-6A Helicopter Flight Test Data Flexible and Active Structures Using Lissajous Figures C97-002 Neural Network-Based Failure Rate for Boeing- Generation of Comprehensive Longitudinal 737 Tires 97-117 Active Flutter Suppression Using Multi-Input/ Aerodynamic Data Using Dynamic Wind- Multi-Output Adaptive Least Mean Square Tunnel Simulation C97-004 Control 97-036 Active Flutter Suppression Using Multi-Input/ Safety Multivariable Active Lifting Surface Control Us- Multi-Output Adaptive Least Mean Square ing Strain Actuation: Analytical and Experi- Control 97-036 Design and Flight Test of 35-GigaHertz Radar mental Results 97-049 Nonlinear Longitudinal Stability of a Symmetric for Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance Method for Enhancement of the Rolling Maneu- Aircraft C97-055 97-042 ver of a Flexible Wing C97-103 Development of Closed-Loop Tail-Sizing Criteria Dual-Polarization Radar to Identify Drizzle, with Nonlinear Models for Double-Wall Systems for for a High Speed Civil Transport Applications to Aircraft Icing Avoidance Vibrations and Noise Control C97-101 C97-118 C97-121 822 J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO.6: 1997 INDEX Structural Composite Materials Structural Dynamics and Characterization Structural Optimization Matched Filter Concept and Maximum Gust Comparison of Design Optimization Formula- Dynamic Response of Composite Beams with Loads C97-014 tions for Minimization of Noise Transmission Application to Aircraft Wings Modified Genetic Algorithm for the Identifica- in a Cylinder C97-035 C97-119 tion of Aircraft Structures 97-037 Modal-Based Structural Optimization with Static Refined Aeroelastic Analysis of Hingeless Rotor Aeroelastic and Stress Constraints C97-064 Blades in Hover C97-061 Structural Design Flutter Boundary Prediction Based on Nonsta- Panel Flutter Constraints: Analytic Sensitivities and Approximations Including Planform Shape tionary Data Measurement 97-063 Design Variables 97-085 Dynamic Response of Composite Beams with Comparison of Design Optimization Formula- Application to Aircraft Wings C97-119 Maximization of the Fundamental Frequencies of tions for Minimization of Noise Transmission Laminated Curved Panels Against Fiber Ori- in a Cylinder C97-035 entation C97-120 Structural Finite Elements Structural Durability (Including Fatigue, Method for Enhancement of the Rolling Maneu- Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Fracture, and Environmental Degradation) ver of a Flexible Wing C97-103 Structural Modeling Thermal Control Detail Fatigue Analysis Exceedance Spectra De- termined from Random Multidirectional Force Modified Genetic Algorithm for the Identifica- Aircraft Engine Bay Cooling and Ventilation: Components C97-015 tion of Aircraft Structures 97-037 Design and Modeling 97-022 Introduction to ircraft Performance Mario Asselin, Royal Military College of Canada Designed for aerospace engineering students, government agencies responsible for certifying military and civilian aircraft, and individuals involved in aircraft accident investigation and consulting, Introduction Capt. Asselin’s veteran analysis and clear explanation to Aircraft Performance provides a comprehensive and of aircraft performance issues have already found their useful approach to aircraft performance issues. In way into many university classrooms, including those of addition to covering the broad area of performance, the Royal Military College of Canada, and have proved this book also examines specialized subjects such as essential for those practicing engineers and individuals the Ground Proximity Warning System and ice forma- who can use his book for its practical applications. tion on the aircraft while on the ground or in flight. AIAA textbook 1997, est. 344 pp, Hardback ISBN 1-56347-221-X CALL 800/682-AIAA TO ORDER TODAY! Member $69.95 List Price $94.95 Order #: 21-X(945) Visit the AIAA Web site at http://www.aiaa.org @AIAA CA and VA residents add applicable sales tax. For shipping and handling add $4.75 for 1-4 books (call for rates for higher quantities). 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Non-U.S. residents are responsible for payment of any taxes fequired by their governmer J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO.6: 1997 INDEX Author Index Al-Garni, Ahmed Z., C97-117 Farren, Roy, C97-122 Lee, B. H. K., C97-021 Rennie, R. M., C97-093 Al-Khalil, Kamel M., C97-012 Favier, D., C97-059 Lee, In, C97-061 Rho, Oh-Hyun, C97-094 Almsted, Larry D., C97-042 Fedorov, A. V., C97-110 Leishman, J. Gordon, C97-111 Ribner, Herbert S., C97-124 Andersen, G., C97-084 Fischenberg, D., C97-027 Levin, D., C97-028, C97-099, Rinoie, Kenichi, C97-092 Ardito Marretta, Rosario M., Fonseca, A. A., C97-001 C97-107 Roback, V. E., C97-114, C97-115 C97-113 Forster, E., C97-084 Levin, Daniel B., C97-060 Rossow, Vernon J., C97-09% Asai, Keisuke, C97-005 Fujieda, Hirotoshi, C97-092 Lewis, Mark J., C97-047 Roth, Karlin R., C97-025 Asami, Kengo, C97-098 Fujita, Toshimi, C97-092 Li, Wei-Lin, C97-056, C97-071 Rutherford, Stephen, C97-096 Ashenden, Russell, C97-045 Gallman, John W., C97-046 Lin, Charrissa Y., C97-049 Saeed, Farooq, C97-013 Azinheira, J. R. C., C97-001 Gatlin, Gregory M., C97-077 Lin, John C., C97-075 Sahasrabudhe, Vineet, C97-112 Baeder, James D., C97-018, Gelsey, Andrew, C97-034, C97-108 Lind, Charles A., C97-009 Sanders, Karl L., C92-074 C97-072 George, Charles W., C97-123 Liu, D. D., C97-048 Sankar, L. N., C97-011 Banerjee, J. R., C97-119 Gillan, Mark A., C97-122 Liu, Tianshu, C97-005 Sankar, Lakshmi N., C97-097 Bangalore, A., C97-011 Gillum, Michael Joseph, C97-047 Livne, Eli, C97-056, C97-071, Sarhaddi, D., C97-048 Bartlett, C. Scott, C97-032 Gordnier, Raymond E., C97-076 C97-085 Sarigul-Klijn, Martinus M., Baysal, Oktay, C97-053 Grant, Peter R., C97-023, C97-024 Los, S. M., C97-114, C97-115 C97-002 Berenger, T., C97-059 Green, Bradford E., C97-109 Loth, Eric, C97-032 Sarigul-Klijn, Nesrin, C97-002 Berezin, Charles R., C97-097 Griffin, Kenneth E., C97-067 Loura, J. P., C97-001 Sawada, Keisuke, C97-098 Berkman, Mert E., C97-097 Grismer, Deborah S., C97-057 Love, M. H., C97-064 Schreck, Scott J., C97-007 Bertelrud, A., C97-114, C97-115 Gu, W., C97-074 Lowry, John T., C97-116 Schwabacher, Mark, C97-034, Berton, E., C97-059 Guglielmo, James J., C97-010 Lun, Isaac, C97-031 C97-108 Beyers, Martin E., C97-044 Hassan, Ahmed A., C97-030 Lyrintzis, Anastasios S., C97-081 Segal, Corin, C97-022 Biswas, Rupak, C97-102 Hayashibara, Shigeo, C97-026 Malmuth, N. D., C97-110 Selig, Michael S., C97-010, C97-013 Bland, Jeffrey D., C97-015 Hebbar, Sheshagiri K., C97-078 Maresca, C., C97-059 Séraudie, A., C97-052 Bloy, A. W., C97-086 Hebert, Joseph E., C97-006 Martner, Brooks E., C97-118 Shashidhar, S., C97-087 Bragg, Michael B., C97-013 Hinson, Michael L., C97-046 Marwitz, John D., C97-045 Shpund, Z., C97-028, C97-099 Brentner, Kenneth S., C97-081 Holdg, Arne E., C97-031 Matrosov, Sergey Y., C97-118 Shukla, Vijay, C97-034 Brown, D., C97-021 Hopkins, Dale A., C97-020 Matsuda, Akira, C97-040 Singh, Rajneesh, C97-072 Buttrill, Carey S., C97-101 Hopkins, Mark A., C97-067 Matsuo, Yuichi, C97-039 Sitz, David M., C97-043 Calay, Rajnish K., C97-031 Howard, Richard M., C97-101 Matsushima, Kisa, C97-050 Smith, Donald, C97-034, C97-108 Campbell, Richard L., C97-109 Hsing, Ching-Chyuan A., C97-033 Matsuzaki, Yuji, C97-063 Smith, Stephen C., C97-038 Campos, L. M. B. C., C97-001, Hsu, C. W., C97-089 Mayman, Philip, C97-031 Srivastava, R., C97-016 C97-055 Hu, Hsuan-Teh, C97-120 McGhee, Robert J., C97-077 Steinbach, Dieter, C96-052 Carpenter, Mark R., C97-043 Ichikawa, Masami, C97-040 Mellor, N. T., C97-086 Strawn, Roger C., C97-102 Celi, Roberto, C97-029, C97-112 Iwamiya, Toshiyuki, C97-050 Mignosi, A., C97-052 Sullivan, John P., C97-005 Chandrasekharan, Reuben M., Iwasaki, Akihito, C97-092 Miley, S. J., C97-114, C97-115 Suresh, J. K., C97-062 C97-046 Jategaonkar, R. V., C97-027 Miller, L. Scott, C97-026 Tajfar, Amir H., C97-073 Chang, Dar-Ming, C97-051 Jenkins, Jerry E., C97-057 Mineau, David, C97-085 Takanashi, Susumu, C97-050 Chang, Wen-Huan, C97-078 Jeon, Seong Min, C97-061 Mineck, Raymond E., C97-109 Tang, Deman, C97-104 Charles, Bruce D., C97-030 Jeong, Shinkyu, C97-039 Ménnich, W., C97-027 Teske, Milton E., C97-123 Chavez, F., C97-048 Johnson, Gregg M., C97-123 Moulin, B., C97-064 Thomson, Douglas G., C97-096 Chen, Jerry M., C97-051 Juang, Chin-Deng, C97-120 Myose, Roy Y., C97-026 Tizzi, Silvano, C97-017 Cho, Maeng Hyo, C97-061 Jumper, E. J., C97-093 Nagabhushanam, J., C97-062 Torii, Hiroshi, C97-063 Chokani, Ndaona, C97-083 Kaminer, Isaac I., C97-101 Nakamura, Takashi, C97-106 Torok, Michael S., C97-097 Coroneos, Rula M., C97-020 Kanda, Hiroshi, C97-005 Naliasamy, M., C97-058 Traub, Lance W., C97-054, C97-069 Coustols, E., C97-052 Karpel, M., C97-064 Nelson, David C., C97-043 Tsioumanis, N., C97-086 Crane, Scott P., C97-035 Katz, Amnon, C97-105 Nguyen, L. Cathy, C97-082 Turnour, Stephen Richard, Crawley, Edward F., C97-049 Kaufman, Andrew E., C97-123 Nissim, E., C97-019 C97-029 Cunefare, Kenneth A., C97-035 Kaul, Randy W., C97-046 Obayashi, Shigeru, C97-039, Vaicaitis, Rimas, C97-121 Danda Roy, Indranil, C97-036 Keith, Theo G., Jr., C97-012 C97-106 van Dam, C. P., C97-008, C97-114, De Witt, Kenneth J., C97-012 Kelly, Jeffrey J., C97-082 Oliker, Leonid, C97-102 C97-115 DeAngelis, Brian C., C97-032 Khot, N. S., C97-103 Onur, N., C97-041 Vinh, Hoang, C97-008 Delrieux, Y., C97-080 Kim, Hyoung-Jin, C97-094 Pandya, Mohagna J., C97-053 Visser, H. G., C97-079 Dietz, Dennis C., C97-006 Knight, Doyle, C97-034, C97-108 Parameswaran, Vasudev, C97-018 Wardwell, Douglas A., C97-060 Dominik, Chet J., C97-075 Kolonay, R., C97-084, C97-103 Patnaik, Surya N., C97-020 Wei, Yen, C97-121 Dowell, Earl H., C97-104 Koutsavdis, Evangelos K., C97-081 Platzer, Max F., C97-078 Whitesides, John L., C97-109 Dunn, S. A., C97-037 Krag, B., C97-027 Poirel, Dominique C., C97-095 Woo, Sung Hyun, C97-061 Dwyer, H. A., C97-008 Kroo, Ilan M., C97-038 Powell, Eugene A., C97-035 Xu, C., C97-074 Eastep, F., C97-084, C97-103 Kropfli, Robert A., C97-118 Price, Stuart J., C97-095 Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro, C97-106 Engelstad, Stephen P., C97-035 Kunimasu, Tetsuya, C97-005 Rahier, G., C97-080 Yao, Z. X., C97-048 Ericsson, Lars E., C96-099, Kuo, Cheng-Hsiung, C97-089 Rajamurthy, M. S., C97-004 Yavuz, T., C97-100 97-003, C97-044, C97-066, Lamont, Peter J., C97-073 Rajan, S. C., C97-087 Yeong, Ping-Chian, C97-026 97-068, C97-070, C97-088, Lamp, Alison M., C97-083 Ramamoorthy, P., C97-065 Yeung, W. W. H., C97-074 C97-090 Lan, C. Edward, C97-033 Rasheed, Khaled, C97-108 Yip, L. P., C97-114, C97-115 Eslimy-Isfahany, S. H. R., C97-119 Lankford, Dennis, C97-032 Reddy, T. S. R., C97-016 Zeiler, Thomas A., C97-014 Eversman, Walter, C97-036 Lavelle, Thomas M., C97-020 Reid, Lloyd D., C97-023, C97-024 Zelenka, Richard E., C97-042 Faller, William E., C97-007 Lazarus, Kenneth B., C97-049 Reinking, Roger F., C97-118 Zha, Ge-Cheng, C97-108 J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO.6: 1997 INDEX Chronological Index C92-074 Effect of Thrust Vectoring on Level-Turn Perfor- Urbana-Champaign (34, 1, p. 72) Article based on AIAA Paper mance. Pai-Hung Lee, Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Tai- 94-1866 CP946 wan, ROC; and C. Edward Lan, University of Kansas (29, 3, p. 509) Engineering Note C97-011 Forward-Flight Analysis of Slatted Rotors Using Technical Comment by Karl L. Sanders (34, 4, p. 576) Navier-Stokes Methods. A. Bangalore and L. N. Sankar, Georgia Institute of Technology (34, 1, p. 80) Article C96-052 Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Two-Dimensional Airfoil with Ground Effect. Chih-Min Hsiun and Cha’o-Kuang C97-012 Icing Calculations on a Typical Commercial Jet En- Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, ROC (33, 2, p. gine Inlet Nacelle. Kamel M. Al-Khalil, Cox & Company, Inc.; 386) Article and Theo G. Keith Jr. and Kenneth J. De Witt, University of Toledo Technical Comment by Dieter Steinbach, DLR, German Aero- (34, 1, p. 87) Article based on AIAA Paper 94-0610 space Research Establishment (34, 3, p. 455) C97-013 Design of Subscale Airfoils with Full-Scale Leading C96-099 Pitch Rate Effects on Delta Wing Vortex Breakdown. Edges for Ice Accretion Testing. Farooq Saeed, Michael S. Selig, Lars E. Ericsson (33, 3, p. 639) Engineering Note based on AIAA and Michael B. Bragg, University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign Paper 95-0367 (34, 1, p. 94) Article based on AIAA Paper 96-0635 Errata (34, 2, p. 264) C97-014 Matched Filter Concept and Maximum Gust Loads. C97-001 Development of a Low-Cost and Versatile Flight Test Thomas A. Zeiler, University of Alabama (34, 1, p. 101) Article Platform. L. M. B. C. Campos, A. A. Fonseca, J. R. C. Azinheira, and J. P. Loura, /nstituto Superior Técnico, Portugal (34, 1, p. 9) C97-015 Detail Fatigue Analysis Exceedance Spectra Deter- Article mined from Random Multidirectional Force Components. Jef- frey D. Bland, The Boeing Company (34, 1, p. 109) Article C97-002 Analysis of OH-6A Helicopter Flight Test Data Using Lissajous Figures. Nesrin Sarigul-Klijn, University of California, C97-016 Forced Response Analysis Using a Two-Dimensional Davis; and Martinus M. Sarigul-Klijn, U.S. Naval Air Warfare Cen- Multistage Euler Aeroelastic Solver. R. Srivastava and T. S. R. ter (34, 1, p. 20) Article Reddy, University of Toledo (34, 1, p. 114) Article based on AIAA Paper 94-0739 C97-003 Moving Wall Effects Causing Fluidelastic Instability. Lars E. Ericsson (34, 1, p. 23) Article based on AIAA Paper 96- C97-017 Numerical Procedure for the Dynamic Analysis of 1246 CP964 Three-Dimensional Aeronautical Structures. Silvano Tizzi, University of Rome “La Sapienza,” Italy (34, 1, p. 120) Article C97-004 Generation of Comprehensive Longitudinal Aerody- C97-018 Indicial Aerodynamics in Compressible Flow—Direct namic Data Using Dynamic Wind-Tunnel Simulation. M. S. Ra- Computational Fluid Dynamic Calculations. Vasudev jamurthy, National Aerospace Laboratories, India (34, 1, p. 29) Parameswaran and James D. Baeder, University of Maryland (34, Article based on AIAA Paper 96-0777 1, p. 131) Engineering Note C97-005 Bounday-Layer Transition in a Cryogenic Wind Tun- C97-019 Flutter Analysis Using Unsteady Aerodynamics in nel Using Luminescent Paint. Keisuke Asai, Hiroshi Kanda, and Non-Pade Form. E. Nissim, Technion—lsrael Institute of Tech- Tetsuya Kunimasu, National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan, and nology (34, 1, p. 133) Engineering Note Tianshu Liu and John P. Sullivan, Purdue University (34, 1, p. 34) Article based on AIAA Paper 96-2185 C97-020 Cascade Optimization Strategy for Aircraft and Air- Breathing Propulsion System Concepts. Surya N. Patnaik, Ohio 97-006 Modeling and Analysis of an Airport Departure Pro- Aerospace Institute; and Thomas M. Lavelle, Dale A. Hopkins, and cess. Joseph E. Hebert and Dennis C. Dietz, U.S. Air Force Insti- Rula M. Coroneos, NASA Lewis Research Center (34, 1, p. 136) En- tute of Technology (34, 1, p. 43) Article gineering Note based on AIAA Paper 96-4145 97-007 Unsteady Fluid Mechanics Applications of Neural C97-021 Aerodynamic Characteristics of the F/A-18 at Large Networks. William E. Faller, Johns Hopkins University, and Scott Roll Angles and High Incidence. B. H. K. Lee and D. Brown, Na- J. Schreck, U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (34, 1, p. tional Research Council, Canada (34, 1, p. 139) Engineering Note 48) Article based on AIAA Paper 95-0529 C97-022 Aircraft Engine Bay Cooling and Ventilation: Design C97-008 Finite Difference Maxwell Solver to Study Geometric and Modeling. Corin Segal, University of Florida (34, 1, p. 141) Shape Effects on Radar Signature. Hoang Vinh, High Technol- Engineering Note ogy Corporation; and C. P. van Dam and H. A. Dwyer, University of California, Davis (34, 1, p. 56) Article based on AIAA Paper 95- C97-023 Motion Washout Filter Tuning: Rules and Require- 1950 ments. Peter R. Grant and Lloyd D. Reid, University of Toronto, Canada (34, 2, p. 145) Article based on AIAA Paper 95-3408 C97-009 Effect of Geometry on the Unsteady Type-IV Shock CP959 Interaction. Charles A. Lind, U.S. Naval Academy (34, 1, p. 64) Article based on AIAA Paper 95-3157 C97-024 PROTEST: An Expert System for Tuning Simulator Washout Filters. Peter R. Grant and Lloyd D. Reid, University of C97-010 High-Lift Low Reynolds Number Airfoil Design. Toronto, Canada (34, 2, p. 152) Article based on AIAA Paper 95- Michael S. Selig and James J. Guglielmo, University of Illinois at 3409 CP959 J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO.6: 1997 INDEX 825 C97-025 Comparison of Computation with Experiment for a C97-038 Induced Drag Computations on Wings with Accu- Geometrically Simplified Powered-Lift Model. Karlin R. Roth, rately Modeled Wakes. Stephen C. Smith, NASA Ames Research NASA Ames Research Center (34, 2, p. 160) Article based on AIAA Center; and Ilan M. Kroo, Stanford University (34, 2, p. 253) Engi- Paper 96-2431 CP965 neering Note C97-026 Effect of Canards on Delta Wing Vortex Breakdown C97-039 New Blunt Trailing-Edge Airfoil Design by Inverse During Dynamic Pitching. Roy Y. Myose, Shigeo Hayashibara, Optimization Method. Shigeru Obayashi and Shinkyu Jeong, To- Ping-Chian Yeong, and L. Scott Miller, Wichita State University hoku University, Japan, and Yuichi Matsuo, National Aerospace (34, 2, p. 168) Article based on AIAA Paper 97-0613 Laboratory, Japan (34, 2, p. 255) Engineering Note C97-027 Identification of Speed Brake, Air-Drop, and Land- C97-040 Induced Drag Calculation by Numerical Lifting Sur- ing Gear Effects from Flight Data. R. V. Jategaonkar, W. Mén- face Method. Masami Ichikawa and Akira Matsuda, Okayama nich, D. Fischenberg, and B. Krag, DLR, German Aerospace Prefectural University, Japan (34, 2, p. 257) Engineering Note Research Establishment (34, 2, p. 174) Article based on AIAA Pa- per 94-3473 CP949 C97-041 Application of Wagner Functions in Symmetrical Airfoil Design. N. Onur, Gazi University, Turkey (34, 2, p. 259) Engineering Note C97-028 Forebody Influence on Rotating Parachute Aerody- namic Properties. Z. Shpund and D. Levin, Technion—srael In- C97-042 Design and Flight Test of 35-GigaHertz Radar for stitute of Technology (34, 2, p. 181) Article based on AIAA Paper Terrain and Obstacle Avoidance. Richard E. Zelenka, NASA 95-1555 CP953 Ames Research Center; and Larry D. Almsted, Honeywell Military Avionics (34, 2, p. 261) Engineering Note based on AIAA Paper 96- C97-029 Effects of Unsteady Aerodynamics on the Flight Dy- 5617 namics of an Articulated Rotor Helicopter. Stephen Richard Turnour and Roberto Celi, University of Maryland (34, 2, p. 187) C97-043 KEEP EAGLE F-15E High Angle-of-Attack Flight Article Test Program. David M. Sitz, David C. Nelson, and Mark R. Car- penter, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace (34, 3, p. 265) Article based C97-030 Airfoil Design for Helicopter Rotor Blades—A Three- on AIAA Paper 96-5574 Dimensional Approach. Ahmed A. Hassan and Bruce D. Charles, McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Systems (34, 2, p. 197) Article 97-044 Conceptual Fluid/Motion Coupling in the Herbst Su- based on AIAA Paper 90-1588 permaneuver. Lars E. Ericsson; and Martin E. Beyers, Institute for Aerospace Research, Canada (34, 3, p. 271) Article based on AIAA C97-031 Experimental Simulation of Runback Ice. Rajnish K. Paper 96-0787 Calay, Arne E. Holdg, and Philip Mayman, University of Hertford- shire, England, UK; and Isaac Lun, City University of Hong Kong C97-045 Turboprop Aircraft Performance Response to Vari- (34, 2, p. 206) Article ous Environmental Conditions. Russell Ashenden and John D. Marwitz, University of Wyoming (34, 3, p. 278) Article based on C97-032 Simulations of Turbulent Droplet Dispersion in AIAA Paper 97-0305 Wind-Tunnel Icing Clouds. Brian C. DeAngelis and Eric Loth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Dennis Lankford C97-046 Optimization of an Advanced Business Jet. John W. and C. Scott Bartlett, Sverdrup Technology, Inc. (34, 2, p. 213) Ar- Gallman, NASA Ames Research Center, and Randy W. Kav, ticle Reuben M. Chandrasekharan, and Michael L. Hinson, Learjet, Inc. (34, 3, p. 288) Article based on AIAA Paper 94-4303 CP9413 C97-033 Low-Speed Wall Interference Assessment/Correction with Vortex Flow Effect. Ching-Chyuan A. Hsing and C. Edward C97-047 Experimental Results on a Mach 14 Waverider with Lan, University of Kansas (34, 2, p. 220) Article Blunt Leading Edges. Michael Joseph Gillum, U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center; and Mark J. Lewis, University of Maryland (34, 3, p. 296) Article based on AIAA Paper 96-0812 C97-034 Automated Design Optimization for the P2 and P8 Hypersonic Inlets. Vijay Shukla, Andrew Gelsey, Mark Schwa- C97-048 From Piston Theory to a Unified Hypersonic—Super- bacher, Donald Smith, and Doyle D. Knight, Rutgers University sonic Lifting Surface Method. D. D. Liu, Arizona State Univer- (34, 2, p. 228) Article sity; and Z. X. Yao, D. Sarhaddi, and F. Chavez, ZONA Technology (34, 3, p. 304) Article C97-035 Comparison of Design Optimization Formulations for Minimization of Noise Transmission in a Cylinder. Scott P. C97-049 Multivariable Active Lifting Surface Control Using Crane and Kenneth A. Cunefare, Georgia Institute of Technology; Strain Actuation: Analytical and Experimental Results. Ken- and Stephen P. Engelstad and Eugene A. Powell, Lockheed Martin neth B. Lazarus, Active Control Experts, Inc.; and Edward F. Craw- Aeronautical Systems Company (34, 2, p. 236) Article based on ley and Charrissa Y. Lin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology AIAA Paper 96-1480 CP962 (34, 3, p. 313) Article C97-036 Active Flutter Suppression Using Multi-Input/Multi- 97-030 Inverse Design Method for Transonic Multiple Wing Output Adaptive Least Mean Square Control. Walter Eversman Systems Using Integral Equations. Kisa Matsushima, Fujitsu and Indranil Danda Roy, University of Missouri—Rolla (34, 2, p. Lid., Japan; and Susumu Takanashi and Toshiyuki Iwamiya, Na- 244) Article tional Aerospace Laboratory, Japan (34, 3, p. 322) Article based on AIAA Paper 96-2465 CP965 C97-037 Modified Genetic Algorithm for the Identification of Aircraft Structures. S. A. Dunn, Defence Science and Technology C97-051 Unsteady Pressure Measurements for Parallel Vor- Organisation, Australia (34, 2, p. 251) Engineering Note tex—Airfoil Interaction at Low Speed. Jerry M. Chen and Dar- 826 J. AIRCRAFT, VOL. 34, NO.6: 1997 INDEX Ming Chang, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, ROC (34, C97-066 Partial-Span Leading-Edge Vortex Characteristics in 3, p. 330) Article High-Rate Oscillations in Pitch. Lars E. Ericsson (34, 3, p. 443) Engineering Note based on AIAA Paper 97-0327 97-052 Rear Fuselage Transonic Flow Characteristics for a Complete Wing-Body Configuration. E. Coustols, A. Séraudie, C97-067 Smart Stiffness for Improved Roll Control. Kenneth and A. Mignosi, ONERA, France (34, 3, p. 337) Article E. Griffin, Southwest Research Institute, and Mark A. Hopkins, U.S. Air Force Wright Laboratory (34, 3, p. 445) Engineering Note C97-053 Gradient-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimization based on AIAA Paper 95-1194 CP952 Using Alternating Direction Implicit Method. Mohagna J. Pandya and Oktay Baysal, Old Dominion University (34, 3, p. 346) C97-068 Effect of Deep-Stall Wing Dynamics on Forebody-In- Article based on AIAA Paper 96-0091 duced Wing Rock. Lars E. Ericsson (34, 3, p. 448) Engineering Note based on AIAA Paper 96-3404 CP967 C97-054 Prediction of Vortex Breakdown and Longitudinal Characteristics of Swept Slender Planforms. Lance W. Traub, C97-069 Prediction of Delta Wing Leading-Edge Vortex Cir- Texas A&M University (34, 3, p. 353) Article culation and Lift-Curve Slope. Lance W. Traub, Texas A&M University (34, 3, p. 450) Engineering Note 97-055 Nonlinear Longitudinal Stability of a Symmetric Air- craft. L. M. B. C. Campos, /nstituto Superior Técnico, Portugal C97-070 Impact of Initial Conditions on Vortex Breakdown on (34, 3, p. 360) Article Pitching Delta Wings. Lars E. Ericsson (34, 3, p. 452) Engineer- ing Note based on AIAA Paper 96-3405 CP967 C97-056 Analytic Sensitivities and Approximations in Super- sonic and Subsonic Wing/Control Surface Unsteady Aerody- C97-071 Design-Oriented Leading-Edge Thrust Force Predic- namics. Wei-Lin Li and Eli Livne, University of Washington (34, tion for Supersonic Lifting Surfaces. Wei-Lin Li and Eli Livne, 3, p. 370) Article University of Washington (34, 4, p. 457) Article C97-057_ Critical-State Transients for a Rolling 65-Degree C97-072 Direct Calculation of Three-Dimensional Indicial Lift Delta Wing. Deborah S. Grismer and Jerry E. Jenkins, U.S. Air Response Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Rajneesh Force Wright Laboratory (34, 3, p. 380) Article based on AIAA Pa- Singh and James D. Baeder, University of Maryland (34, 4, p. 465) per 96-2432 CP965 Article C97-058 Computation of Noise Radiation from Fan Inlet and C97-073 Sideslip Behavior of Elliptic Cross-Sectional Fore- Aft Ducts. M. Nallasamy, NYMA, Inc. (34, 3, p. 387) Article based bodies at High Angle of Attack. Amir H. Tajfar and Peter J. La- on AIAA Paper 96-1769 mont, University of Manchester, England, UK (34, 4, p. 472) Article C97-059 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Rotor Aerodynamics in Forward Flight. T. Berenger, D. Favier, C. C97-074 Reduction of Transient Adverse Effects of Spoilers. Maresca, and E. Berton, University of Aix-Marseille I & Il, France W. W. H. Yeung, C. Xu, and W. Gu, Nanyang Technological Uni- (34, 3, p. 394) Article based on AIAA Paper 96-0676 versity, Singapore (34, 4, p. 479) Article C97-060 Single Jet-Induced Effects on Smail-Scale Hover Data C97-075 Parametric Investigation of a High-Lift Airfoil at in Ground Effect. Daniel B. Levin and Douglas A. Wardwell, High Reynolds Numbers. John C. Lin, NASA Langley Research NASA Ames Research Center (34, 3, p. 400) Article Center; and Chet J. Dominik, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace (34, 4, p. 485) Article C97-061 Refined Aeroelastic Analysis of Hingeless Rotor Blades in Hover. Maeng Hyo Cho, Seong Min Jeon, Sung Hyun C97-076 Numerical Simulation of a 65-Degree Delta-Wing Woo, and In Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technol- Flowfield. Raymond E. Gordnier, U.S. Air Force Wright Labora- ogy (34, 3, p. 408) Article tory (34, 4, p. 492) Article based on AIAA Paper 95-0082 C97-062 Response, Loads, and Stability of Interconnected Ro- C97-077_ Experimental Investigation of Semispan Model Test- tor—Body Systems. J. K. Suresh, Hindustan Aeronautics, Ltd., In- ing Techniques. Gregory M. Gatlin and Robert J. McGhee, NASA dia; and J. Nagabhushanam, /ndian Institute of Science (34, 3, p. Langley Research Center (34, 4, p. 500) Article based on AIAA Pa- 416) Article per 96-2386 CP965 Errata (34, 5, p. 696) C97-063 Flutter Boundary Prediction Based on Nonstationary Data Measurement. Hiroshi Torii, Meijo University, Japan; and C97-078 Control of High-Incidence Vortical Flow on Double- Yuji Matsuzaki, Nagoya University, Japan (34, 3, p. 427) Article Delta Wings Undergoing Sideslip. Sheshagiri K. Hebbar, Max F. based on AIAA Paper 95-1487 CP952 Platzer, and Wen-Huan Chang, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (34, 4, p. 506) Article based on AIAA Paper 96-0663 C97-064 Modal-Based Structural Optimization with Static Aeroelastic and Stress Constraints. M. Karpel and B. Moulin, C97-079 Lateral Escape Guidance Strategies for Microburst Technion—srael Institute of Technology, and M. H. Love, Lock- Windshear Encounters. H. G. Visser, Delft University of Tech- heed Martin Corporation (34, 3, p. 433) Article based on AIAA Pa- nology, The Netherlands (34, 4, p. 514) Article based on AIAA Pa- per 96-1479 CP962 per 97-0535 C97-065 Derivation of Four-Digit Airfoiis from the Sunya Air- C97-080 Blade—Vortex Interaction Noise Prediction Using a foil. P. Ramamoorthy, National Aerospace Laboratories, India Rotor Wake Roll-Up Model. G. Rahier and Y. Delrieux, ONERA, (34, 3, p. 441) Engineering Note France (34, 4, p. 522) Article

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