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Preview Journal of Aerosol Science 2003: Vol 34 Table of Contents

CONTENTS NUMBER 1 Regular Papers G. Lammel, E. Briiggemann, A new method to study aerosol source contribu- T. Gnauk, K. Miller, tions along the tracks of air parcels and _ its C. Neusiiss and A. R6hrl application to the near-ground level aerosol chemical composition in central Europe C. F. Clement Mean field theory for condensation on aerosols and application to multi-component organic vapours T. Anttila and Condensational growth of atmospheric nuclei by V.-M. Kerminen organic vapours R. E. Speer, E. O. Edney and Impact of organic compounds on the concentra- T. E. Kleindienst tions of liquid water in ambient PM; 5 J. Fernandez de la Mora, Mass and size determination of nanometer parti- L. de Juan, K. Liedtke and cles by means of mobility analysis and focused A. Schmidt-Ott impaction F. Yan, B. Farouk Numerical modeling of an electrostatically driven and F. Ko liquid meniscus in the cone-jet mode A. Maisels, F. Jordan On the effect of charge recombination on the and H. Fissan aerosol charge distribution in _ photocharging systems NUMBER 2 Regular Papers R. Przekop, A. Moskal Lattice-Boltzmann approach for description of and L. Gradon the structure of deposited particulate matter in fibrous filters N. Settumba and Direct numerical simulation of nanoparticle S. C. Garrick coagulation in a temporal mixing layer via a moment method IV Contents Y. Efendiev and Hierarchical hybrid Monte-Carlo method for M. R. Zachariah simulation of two-component aerosol nucleation, coagulation and phase segregation R. McGraw and Chemically resolved aerosol dynamics for internal D. L. Wright mixtures by the quadrature method of moments J.-W. Lee, M.-Y. Yi Inertial focusing of particles with an aerodynamic and S.-M. Lee lens in the atmospheric pressure range B. Sierau, F. Stratmann, A condensation-growth and impaction method for M. Pelzing, C. Neusiifi, rapid off-line chemical-characterization of organic D. Hofmann and M. Wilck submicrometer atmospheric aerosol particles A. D’Alessandro, Hourly elemental composition and sources identi- F. Lucarelli, P. A. Mando, fication of fine and coarse PM 10 particulate matter G. Marcazzan, in four Italian towns S. Nava, P. Prati, G. Valli, R. Vecchi and A. Zucchiatti NUMBER 3 Regular Papers W. Theerachaisupakij, Reentrainment of deposited particles by drag and S. Matsusaka, Y. Akashi aerosol collision and H. Masuda S. Froeschke, S. Kohler, Impact fragmentation of nanoparticle A. P. Weber and G. Kasper agglomerates S. B. Kwon, K. S. Lim, Design and calibration of a 5-stage cascade J. S. Jung, G. N. Bae and impactor (K-JIST cascade impactor) K. W. Lee V. Agranovski, Z. Ristovski, Real-time measurement of bacterial aerosols with M. Hargreaves, P. J. Blackall the UVAPS: performance evaluation and L. Morawska R. Vogt, U. Kirchner, Identification of diesel exhaust particles at an V. Scheer, K. P. Hinz, Autobahn, urban and rural location § using A. Trimborn and single-particle mass spectrometry B. Spengler Contents Vv B. Schwade and P. Roth Simulation of nano-particle formation in a wall-heated aerosol reactor including coalescence T. Petelski Marine aerosol fluxes over open sea calculated from vertical concentration gradients News Item The Ist Czech-Finnish symposium on aerosols List of reviewers NUMBER 4 Regular Papers A. A. Onischuk, Evolution of structure and charge of soot S. di Stasio, aggregates during and after formation in a V. V. Karasev, propane/air diffusion flame A. M. Baklanov, G. A. Makhov, A. L. Vlasenko, A. R. Sadykova, A. V. Shipovalov and V. N. Panfilov C. Darquenne and Effect of gravitational sedimentation on simulated G. K. Prisk aerosol dispersion in the human acinus M. Hori, S. Ohta, Activation capability of water soluble organic N. Murao and substances as CCN S. Yamagata Y. K. Tiwari, Tropical urban aerosol distributions during pre- BE €:S. Devara, sunrise and post-sunset as observed with lidar and P. solar radiometer at Pune, India R. :S ilat G. natitornl and K. K. Dani A. S. Hasson and An investigation of the relationship between S. E. Paulson gas-phase and aerosol-borne hydroperoxides in urban air A. Ya. Bekshaev, Resonance penetration of gas bubbles through a S. M. Kontush, S. S. Rybak, thin liquid layer: a capillary resonator and its use G. Schweiger and C. Esen for the generation of droplets VI Contents M. Sillanpaa, R. Hillamo, Field and laboratory tests of a high volume T. Makela, A. S. Pennanen cascade impactor and R. O. Salonen Technical Note A. K. Oskouie, K. E. Noll Minimizing the effect of density in determination and H.-C. Wang of particle aerodynamic diameter using a time of flight instrument News Item International Aerosol Fellow Award 2002 Recipients—Helmuth Horvath and Denis Boulaud NUMBER 5 Regular Papers C. Artelt, H.-J. Schmid On the relevance of accounting for the evolution and W. Peukert of the fractal dimension in aerosol process simulations J. M. Lopez-Herrera, Coaxial jets generated from electrified Taylor A. Barrero, A. Lopez, cones. Scaling laws I. G. Loscertales and M. Marquez B. Y. Shekunov, Aerosolisation behaviour of micronised and J. C. Feeley, supercritically-processed powders A. H. L. Chow, H. H. Y. Tong and P. York J.-S. Lin and C.-J. Tsai Thermophoretic deposition efficiency in a cylindrical tube taking into account developing flow at the entrance region J. Goo and C. S. Kim Theoretical analysis of particle deposition in human lungs considering stochastic variations of airway morphology M. N. A. Karlsson and Methods to measure and predict the transfer B. G. Martinsson function size dependence of individual DMAs T. M. Peters and D. Leith Concentration measurement and _ counting efficiency of the aerodynamic particle sizer 3321 Contents Technical Note C. van Gulijk, Oil-soaked sintered impactors for the ELPI in J. C. M. Marijnissen, diesel particulate measurements M. Makkee and J. A. Moulijn News Item The 6th aerosol conference of the Hungarian Aerosol Society (HAS) Debrecen, October 10-11 2002 NUMBER 6 Regular Papers S. L. Clegg, J. H. Seinfeld Thermodynamic modelling of aqueous aerosols and E. O. Edney containing electrolytes and dissolved organic compounds. II. An extended Zdanovskii-Stokes Robinson approach S. Nijhawan, An experimental and numerical study of particle P. H. McMurry, nucleation and growth during low-pressure M. T. — thermal decomposition of silane S. A. Campbell and J. E. Brockmann J. I. Jeong and M. Choi Analysis of non-spherical polydisperse particle growth in a two-dimensional tubular reactor A. Hernandez-Sierra, Unipolar charging of nanometer aerosol particles F. J. Alguacil and in a corona ionizer M. Alonso G. Buzorius, U. Rannik, Analysis of measurement techniques to determine E. D. Nilsson, T. Vesala dry deposition velocities of aerosol particles with and M. Kulmala diameters less than 100 nm A. H. Ibrahim, Microparticle detachment from surfaces exposed P. F. Dunn and to turbulent air flow: controlled experiments R. M. Brach and modeling Vill Contents A. F. Miguel Effect of air humidity on the evolution of permeability and performance of a fibrous filter during loading with hygroscopic and non- hygroscopic particles G. Pace, M. Cacciani, Observation of polar stratospheric clouds with the P. G. Calisse, ABLE LIDAR during the APE-POLECAT flight A. di Sarra, of January 9, 1997 G. Fiocco, D. Fua, L. Rinaldi and S. Casadio NUMBER 7 Regular Papers O. Wilhelm, L. Madler and Electrospray evaporation and deposition S. E. Pratsinis V. Devarakonda and Effect of inter-particle interactions on evaporation A. K. Ray of droplets in a linear array D. S. Kim, S. H. Park, Brownian coagulation of polydisperse aerosols in Y. M. Song, D. H. Kim the transition regime and K. W. Lee K. Nakaso, B. Han, Synthesis of non-agglomerated nanoparticles by K. H. Ahn, M. Choi an electrospray assisted chemical vapor deposition and K. Okuyama (ES-CVD) method P. Guyon, O. Boucher, Refractive index of aerosol particles over the B. Graham, J. Beck, Amazon tropical forest during LBA-EUSTACH O. L. Mayol-Bracero, 1999 G. C. Roberts, W. Maenhaut, P. Artaxo and M. O. Andreae L. Jianzhong, S. Xing Effects of the aspect ratio on the sedimentation of and Y. Zhenjiang a fiber in Newtonian fluids H. Setyawan, M. Shimada, Characterization of particle contamination in Y. Imajo, Y. Hayashi and process steps during plasma-enhanced chemical K. Okuyama vapor deposition operation A. Avci and I. Karagoz Effects of flow and geometrical parameters on the collection efficiency in cyclone separators Contents Technical Note B. U. Lee and S. S. Kim New type of impactor with a cooled impaction plate for capturing PM2.5 and other aerosols News Item “Particulate matter and health’—International Technion Symposium NUMBER 8 Regular Papers J. I. Jeong and M. Choi A simple bimodal model for the evolution of non-spherical particles undergoing nucleation, coagulation and coalescence T. Hakoda, H.-H. Kim, Charged nanoparticle formation from humidified K. Okuyama and T. Kojima gases with and without dilute benzene under electron beam irradiation F. Utheza and F. Garnier Numerical investigation of the motion of a growing droplet in a thermal diffusion cloud chamber A. Messerer, R. Niessner Thermophoretic deposition of soot aerosol and U. Péschl particles under experimental conditions relevant for modern diesel engine exhaust gas systems D. E. Evans, The generation and characterisation of elemental R. M. Harrison carbon aerosols for human challenge studies and J. G. Ayres J. Pagels, M. Strand, Characteristics of aerosol particles formed during J. Rissler, A. Szpila, grate combustion of moist forest residue A. Gudmundsson, M. Bohgard, L. Lillieblad, M. Sanati and E. Swietlicki M. D. Hays, N. D. Smith, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon size distributions J. Kinsey, Y. Dong and in aerosols from appliances of residential wood P. Kariher combustion as determined by direct thermal desorption—GC/MS X Contents K. S. Lim, S. B. Kwon Characteristics of the collection efficiency for a and K. W. Lee double inlet cyclone with clean air Technical Note B. U. Lee and S. S. Kim Sampling E. coli and B. subtilis bacteria bioaerosols by a new type of impactor with a cooled impaction plate News Item Abstracts of the CFA 2002 NUMBER 9 A. A. Lushnikov, Stochastic approach to chemical kinetics in J. S. Bhatt and ultrafine aerosols I. J. Ford R. S. Galeev and A theoretical study of aerosol sampling by an S. K. Zaripov idealized spherical sampler in calm air W. C. Su and Experimental measurements of aspiration J. H. Vincent efficiency for idealized spherical aerosol samplers in calm air H. Tanaka and Experimental transfer function for a low-pressure K. Takeuchi differential mobility analyzer by use of a monodisperse Cg6g monomer T. Gemci, B. Shortall, A CFD study of the throat during aerosol drug G. M. Allen, delivery using heliox and air T. E. Corcoran and N. Chigier D. Y. Lee and J. W. Lee Characteristics of particle transport in an expanding or contracting alveolated tube C. H. Jung, Y. P. Kim A moment model for simulating raindrop and K. W. Lee scavenging of aerosols X. Wen and S. Dunnett The aspiration efficiency of a tube sampler operating in a slow moving air stream facing vertically upwards Contents XI S. Ude and J. F. de la Mora Hypersonic impaction with molecular mass standards F. J. Gomez-Moreno, Characterization of particulate emissions D. Sanz-Rivera, during pyrolysis and incineration of refuse M. Martin-Espigares, derived fuel D. Papameletiou, G. De Santi and G. Kasper NUMBER 10 Regular Papers H. Saathoff, O. Moehler, The AIDA soot aerosol characterisation U. Schurath, S. Kamm, campaign 1999 B. Dippel and D. Mihelcic H. Saathoff, K.-H. Naumann, Coating of soot and (NH4),SO4 particles by M. Schnaiter, W. Schéck, ozonolysis products of x-pinene O. Mohler, U. Schurath, E. Weingartner, M. Gysel and U. Baltensperger U. Kirchner, R. Vogt, Single particle MS, SNMS, SIMS, XPS, and C. Natzeck and J. Goschnick FTIR spectroscopic analysis of soot particles during the AIDA campaign M. Wentzel, H. Gorzawski, Transmission electron microscopical and aerosol K.-H. Naumann, H. Saathoff dynamical characterization of soot aerosols and S. Weinbruch K.-H. Naumann 1371 COSIMA—a computer program simulating the dynamics of fractal aerosols H. Saathoff, K.-H. Naumann, 1399 Carbon mass determinations during the AIDA M. Schnaiter, W. Schéck, soot aerosol campaign 1999 E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger, L. Kramer, Z. Bozoki, U. Péschl, R. Niessner and U. Schurath M. Schnaiter, H. Horvath, UV-VIS-NIR spectral optical properties of soot O. Mohler, and soot-containing aerosols K.-H. Naumann, H. Saathoff and O. W. Schock XII Contents E. Weingartner, 1445 Absorption of light by soot particles: determina- H. Saathoff, tion of the absorption coefficient by means of M. Schnaiter, aethalometers N. Streit, B. Bitnar and U. Baltensperger B. V. Kuznetsov, 1465 Water adsorption and_ energetic properties T. A. Rakhmanova, of spark discharge soot: Specific features of O. B. Popovicheva and hydrophilicity N. K. Shonija NUMBER I1 Regular Papers G. M. Letts, P. C. Raynor Selecting fiber materials to improve mist filters and R. L. Schumann J. H. Ji, G. N. Bae, Effect of particle loading on the collection S. H. Kang and J. Hwang performance of an electret cabin air filter for submicron aerosols W. Tanthapanichakoon, Estimation of collection efficiency enhancement K. Maneeintr, factor for an electret fiber with dust load T. Charinpanitkul and C. Kanaoka H. Granek, J. Gras The aerosol transmission efficiency of the and D. Paterson Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station 10 m sampling inlet K. Okada and Size distribution, state of mixture and morphology J. Heintzenberg of urban aerosol particles at given electrical mobilities V. N. Piskunov, Modeling particle formation kinetics in A. M. Petrov and mixed-phase clouds A. I. Golubev H. Horvath and A low-voltage spark generator for production of M. Gangl carbon particles Technical Note B. W. LaFranchi, Leaching as a source of residual particles from M. Knight nebulization of deionized water and G. A. Petrucci

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