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L I V X X 3 A X 10 EM 2 re b U m N L e O c e V D R P A U R O e h T J Pagba sa . . . Pag-asa! Published by the READING ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES A National Affiliate of the INTERNATIONAL READING ASSOCIATION XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The RAP Table of Contents JOURNAL 1 From the editor Panel of reviewers VOLUME XXXVI December 2013 ISSN 1908-8744 Perspective 2 On being a CAREFUL reader in the twenty-first century John Daryl B. Wyson Research Pagbas a . . . Pag -asa! 10 Antas ng readability ng mga piling Published by the tekstong naratibo at ekspositoryo READING ASSOCIATION sa Filipino OF THE PHILIPPINES Leonor E. Diaz Dina S. Ocampo 23 Teachers’ support of students’ feedback and types of peer feedback provided in elementary classrooms A National Affiliate of the Shelley Stagg Peterson INTERNATIONAL READING ASSOCIATION Featured Author 32 Nakalagda sa dagat: Mga konteksto at Portia P. Padilla layunin sa pagsulat ng Anina ng mga Alon Editor Eugene Y. Evasco Jaimee T. Baliton Layout Artist 39 Call for papers Diana G. delos Reyes Encoder The views articulated in the papers published in The RAP Journal do not necessarily reflect the views of the Reading Association of the Philippines. Correspondence regarding the articles in this volume must be addressed to the author/s concerned. The RAP Journal accepts articles on reading, literature, language, and literacy education, and related educational topics. Research-based papers and theory-into-practice articles are preferred. The RAP Journal Reading Association of the Philippines 3rd Floor, National Library TM Kalaw St. Manila E-mail: [email protected] 1 From the Editor The four articles in this issue of The RAP Journal come in three categories: perspective, research, and feature. The Perspective section presents John Daryl B. Wyson’s discussion of some guidelines on effective reading in the twenty-first century. It illustrates how this is done through the analysis of a poem, using the reading guidelines in the acronym CAREFUL. The Research section presents two papers. The paper of Leonor E. Diaz and Dina S. Ocampo analyzes the readability of selected Filipino narrative and expository texts for Grades 1-6 through the following: a multiple choice comprehension test, a cloze test, students’ and researcher’s assessments of text difficulty, and the University of the Philippines-Adarna House Filipino Text Readability Index. On the other hand, the paper of Shelley Stagg Peterson reports on a preliminary inquiry into teachers’ support of students’ feedback and types of peer feedback in Grades 1-6 Canadian classrooms, using data sourced from class observations, interviews with students and teachers, and actual feedback on students’ writing. Finally, Featured Author Eugene Y. Evasco talks about the personal, social, and literary contexts, and the different, yet connected, purposes behind his award-winning young adult novel Anina ng mga Alon. Through this issue, teachers can find some answers to their questions about the teaching of reading and writing, especially in connection with text analysis and text composition. Happy reading! PANEL OF REVIEWERS Larcy C. Abello (University of the Philippines Los Baños); Marie Yvette C. Alcazar (University of the Philippines Diliman); Patricia B. Arinto (University of the Philippines Open University); Lourdes R. Baetiong (University of the Philippines Diliman); Ma. Theresa L. De Villa (University of the Philippines Open University); Perlita P. Depatillo (Malayan Colleges); Leonor E. Diaz (University of the Philippines Diliman); Lina B. Diaz De Rivera (University of the East); Bernadette Dwyer (St. Patrick's College, Dublin City University); Zarah C. Gagatiga (The Beacon Academy); Leah Blescila S. Labastilla (Christian School International); Jill Lewis-Spector (New Jersey University); Lydia B. Liwanag (Philippine Normal University Manila); Maureen McLaughlin (East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania); Rosella S. Moya-Torrecampo (University of the Philippines Diliman); Marla C. Papango (Philippine Normal University); Bernadette Y. Santos (University of the East); Neil Armstrong M. Satoquia (University of Santo Tomas); Shelley Stagg Peterson (University of Toronto); Melchor A. Tatlonghari (University of Santo Tomas, Philippine Normal University Manila); Ma. Lourdes J. Vargas (University of the Philippines Integrated School); Aurelio P. Vilbar (University of the Philippines Cebu); Cynthia A. Villafranca (Department of Education- Philippines); Julie Weygan-Aparato (Loyola Heights Interactive Literacy Center); Lalaine Yanilla-Aquino (University of the Philippines Diliman) 2  John Daryl B. Wyson INTRODUCTION University of the Philippines Diliman In his recently published essay, University of the Philippines Professor Emeritus Gemino Abad identifies the core of English language teaching as the “business of freeing iliman ourselves” through “critical understanding (2012).” By taking a look at the history of English studies, particularly in the field of literary studies, as a subject of academic study, we realize that the central philosophy by which the said field is established is liberal humanism, which in the words of F.D. Maurice, “would free us from the notions and habits which are peculiar to our own On being a CAREFUL age” and link us with “what is fixed and enduring (in Bertens, 2001).” In other reader in the words, English teachers have the primary task of equipping students with language twenty-first century skills not only to perform rote or routine tasks that will allow them to navigate through different social worlds, but more importantly, to make them more human, in a sense, by enabling them to develop The birth and rapid growth of the digital critical faculties that they would employ in their era, which ushered in a multiplicity of texts and exercise of the linguistic macroskills (Abad, 2012), modalities such as e-books, e-journals, and blogs on the Internet and other new media thereby making them not simply receptacles of technologies, gave opportunities for a multiplicity knowledge but also harbingers of humanistic of voices to make their presence known in the development. public sphere. Consequently, these developments in information and communication technologies have also posed new challenges in Among these critical faculties, perhaps the area of reading. In an attempt to address reading is the most potent tool by which one can these challenges, I would like to propose some guidelines for CAREFUL reading. CAREFUL is navigate through and learn more about the world. an acronym that stands for some guidelines on Through the unlocking of words on a page, how to be an effective reader in the twenty-first electronic pages included, readers are offered a century. In this paper, I am going to explain what glimpse of the world presented by the text, and CAREFUL reading is and how it is to be performed. To better illustrate what CAREFUL up to a certain extent, of even the world where the reading entails, I am going to apply these text was born. guidelines as I read and interpret Jose Y. Dalisay’s poem “At the Embassy”. In today’s world where we are constantly inundated by information, reading becomes all the more important as people should now be more perspicacious both to ascertain the 1This is not to say, however, that the CAREFUL reading literariness of the material and to decipher the approach may be applied only to poetry; it can also be applied message it communicates, and appropriate it to to other literary texts. The constraint on the number of words, the setting of the contemporary interpretive however, limits the application to only a one-stanza poem. community. The latter objective becomes more December 2013 3 challenging to meet when we read literary texts. like it to mean. In this paper, CAREFUL is an Through the power of the Internet, almost every acronym which stands for a set of hermeneutical voice, from the most obscure to the most famous, procedures which I find helpful in decoding from the most distant past to the most recent, is literary texts in the twenty-first century: given a chance to be heard. What makes the situation even more complicated is the seemingly 1. C - Closely read the text. infinite number of potential forms that literary 2. A - Ask the right questions. texts can take in this postmodern era. While it is 3. R - Relate to the world of the text and convenient to have so many texts available for our in which the text is born. perusal and enjoyment, the task of textual 4. E - Examine linguistic nuances. interpretation becomes more challenging since 5. F - Free yourself from fixed one might not readily identify where the voice is interpretations of the text. coming from, what it is saying, and what it could 6. U - Underscore the possible messages probably mean. Perhaps what is even more the text conveys. problematic is that the same voice we hear 7. L - Live out the lessons learned from speaking may have equivocal meanings to its the text. readers, and because of this, one might get too focused on the search for which meaning is Adopting the philosophy of liberal accurate. humanism as its linchpin, the CAREFUL reading framework can be used in a humanistic way – that In the Philippine education setting, we is, to empower the reader to transcend his own are not alien to these challenges I have mentioned. limitations and focus on the “fixed and enduring” With the introduction of the K-12 curriculum, (Bertens, 2001) things and ideas that the texts which has Mother Tongue-Based Multi-Lingual present to us. While it seems at face value that the Education (MTB-MLE) in the early grades as one CAREFUL framework is simply a hodgepodge of of its principal tenets, the problem of reading and reading theories (i.e., formalist, reader response, textual interpretation should all the more be and psychoanalytic) melded into one acronym, it addressed. In this day and age, we are no longer does lend itself well to twenty-first century confined to tackling canonical texts and their readers who presumably have access to all of canonical readings in class. One of the stark these theories with the help of the Internet, and as advocacies of such a system is to enable different such, are in a better position to offer multiple, voices to be heard, from the local, global, and complementary, critical, and richer readings of even “glocal” (which is the coalescence of local texts regardless of their origin. Indeed, the and global cultural and linguistic perspectives in multiplicity of voices and perspectives in the the creation of the text). Thus, it is but timely to twenty-first century calls for a dynamic reading equip our students with critical reading faculties approach – a tool of empowerment for readers in that will enable them to decipher these texts, the digital age. properly contextualize the “voices” which have created them, and relate or apply their meanings To illustrate my point further, I am going to everyday experiences. to present an explanation of each of the points I propose, followed by an illustration on how to apply it on an actual literary text, which is Jose Y. CAREFUL READING Dalisay Jr’s At the Embassy, a poem which requires a multi-faceted reading given its use of non- In response to the contemporary traditional stylistic devices crucial in challenges of reading, I would like to argue that communicating powerful insights regarding a readers today should be CAREFUL, both in the twenty-first century dilemma. traditional sense of the word, and how I would Wyson…On being a CAREFUL reader in the twenty-first century PERSPECTIVE 4 C - Closely read the text. Let us now apply close reading in our analysis of Jose Y. Dalisay Jr’s poem. This suggestion is largely inspired by the close reading framework proposed by I.A. At the Embassy Richards which eventually gave birth to Anglo- Name: dickhead American New Criticism (Bertens, 2001). The term Date of Birth: you keep filling out “close reading” refers to the close scrutiny of the Place of Birth: this same stupid form formal and linguistic elements of the text devoid Country of Citizenship: only to be thrown out of of information about its context. The underlying Permanent Address: this goddamned embassy principle behind this is that the text is alive and Purpose of Travel: because you’re dying can mean something its writer may never have Duration of Travel: to live and die in intended it to mean, thus the formulation of Sources of Funds: their milk and honey Wimslatt’s and Beardsley’s (1946) intentional fallacy, which means that what the author meant Taking an initial look at the poem, one or intended when he wrote a work is not can immediately notice that it follows the format necessarily what the text means. of an immigration form found in embassies, probably at the US Embassy (as suggested by the I believe that this framework has a salient weakness, and that is, any text, regardless of its epithet “milk and honey” that alludes to the United States as a country), where many Filipino genre, is still written by an author, and this author in turn, has been influenced in one way or another applicants for migration queue up. At the left column, one will find the fields that require the by his historicity. In fact, I would later on argue that the use of background information about the applicant to supply information about, when he applies for a US Visa. The peculiarity of the form author and his context may also potentially enrich the reading of the text. In this regard, I would like and language of the poem, however, lies in the responses provided in the right column. All the to clarify that what I am arguing for is simply the use, and not the exclusive use, of close reading at the words on the right form one sentence intended to onset of the reading experience, since through this be read by somebody aspiring to migrate to the technique, the reader gets to closely examine the US. Nonetheless, reading only either the right or linguistic and stylistic resources used in a the left column of the poem gives us an particular work as a resource for interpretation. incomplete picture of the poem’s message. As Thus, his critical faculties are honed, and he is suggested by the poem’s form, the words have to then empowered to come up with his own viable be read the way we read a form – that is, read the interpretation of the text without being influenced field required and information supplied as a a priori by what other commentators have said response to the field – to create the intended about it. By first looking at what others have said meaning or paradox that the poem communicates about a text, he becomes disempowered to come as a whole. What the poem actually stands for will up with his own interpretation, thus taking a toll be unlocked gradually as the other guidelines for on his reading skills (Afsar, 2011). Nonetheless, by CAREFUL reading in the twenty-first century are using close reading as a starting point for tackled. interpretation, a reader is empowered to see a text from his point of view through a close A - Ask the right questions. examination of its nuances. This is a very crucial step in meaning making since the words on the For close reading to be more effective as page, by and large, constitute the corpus to be an interpretive tool, a reader should be able to ask interpreted. the questions which will help him probe deeper into the text to more or less grasp the message it communicates. Mailloux (1995) sees interpretation December 2013 5 as an act that connects the text to its readers – that another country, probably to the United States, is, an interpreter should be able to provide a that the poem espouses. He addresses the viable and acceptable rendering of what the text immediate “reader” of the poem – that is, the one means to its audiences. For one to come up with a being addressed in the world of the poem - using viable interpretation, he should consider the the derogatory term dickhead. Apparently, this words or elements it contains (Approximating dickhead is somebody who keeps on filling out the what?: What is the nature of the text being application form for migration in the hope of analyzed?), the method to be used for interpreting basking in their milk and honey, a term which it (Translating how?: How should the text be signifies abundance or prosperity. The form itself interpreted?), and the audience it addresses is considered to be stupid because it is not (Acceptable to whom?: To whom is the effectual in any way, because he keeps on interpretation acceptable? Will the contemporary applying for a Visa only to be rejected. In fact, the readers be able to relate to the interpretation?). juxtaposition of the terms Permanent Address and There are no fixed and clear cut rules that govern this goddamned embassy suggests that the poem’s the process of interpretation. Thus, the reader has addressee has been coming back to the embassy to be discerning enough to determine the genre so often for re-application that it has become some being interpreted (whether it is poetry, fiction, or sort of a permanent address or a second home. To non-fiction), the method of interpretation to be this effect, it can be surmised that the term stupid used (whether it is formalist, historical, or may refer not only to the form but to the applicant postmodernist), and what it actually means to itself, who, after several repeated attempts to contemporary readers. secure a US Visa, is still as zealous as ever to get one, as evidenced by his perennial returning to In the case of At the Embassy, one can the embassy to apply for one. notice right away that the language featured in the poem appeals to contemporary audiences, and Clearly, in this case, the formalist so it implies that to be able to approximate what approach to interpretation would suit the poem the text meant at the time of its writing, the well since it features stylistic devices as well as connotations and denotations to be used in contemporary connotations to deliver its message. interpreting the passage should more or less If the text were read, say, fifty to sixty years from coincide with how such words are understood now, and the Philippines of the future would no today, for “language does not exist simply in the longer exhibit the colonial mentality very abstract, untouched and untouchable; it is used prevalent among Filipinos of today, then some and reproduced in the service of local sort of historicizing would then be called for, in communities” (Eckert in Coupland and order to determine the context in which a poem is Jaworkski, 2009). The author, Jose Y. Dalisay Jr., written. In poetry interpretation, we do consider comes from the very same era as the the historical context in which the poem is born contemporary readers. Further explanation has to for us to better approximate what it actually be incorporated, though, if the poem were to be meant to the people who first read it. In light of read by other nationalities, especially those who the poem At the Embassy, the Philippines’ colonial might not be able to relate to the experience of past may have a lot to do with the person being having a strong desire to migrate to the United described in the poem as wanting to migrate to States. They might not be coming from the milieu the USA; that ultimately, by means of migration, where Filipino readers are situated. he would attain the socio-economic status enjoyed by his former colonizers. Evidently, this reading Upon closer examination of the poem, one was construed as a result of using the close may immediately notice the condescending reading approach vis-à-vis a historical approach attitude towards those who wish to migrate to to reading; this resulted in a rich interpretation of Wyson…On being a CAREFUL reader in the twenty-first century PERSPECTIVE 6 the text which would have otherwise been meanings neither explicitly nor implicitly hinted unarticulated had these two approaches not been at the text. applied side by side. Doing this nowadays would prove to be Of course, it would not be enough for us much easier than it was in the days gone by. to simply arrive at an approximation of what the Through the use of the Internet, a reader can text meant for its original readers. We also have to easily access secondary references which talk ask what the text would mean today, that is, how about the socio-historical milieu surrounding a the text is relevant to modern-day readers, for text. One must take extra caution, though, in literature, first and foremost, is an embodiment of doing this, for the multitude of information found significant human experiences, and as such, its on the Internet can prove to be misleading at significance should transcend the boundaries of times. While the Internet provides easy access to space and time. Thus, it is but right to give several sources, it also provides several avenues modern-day readers/reading students a voice in of “unrefereed” expression, thus putting the echoing what the text means for them since credibility of the information one can access at teachers, or even scholars, should not have a stake. In this regard, a twenty-first century reader monopoly over the act of interpretation (Giroux, should be discerning enough to determine which 1990). In this light, an interpreter should not only sources of data are reliable. Those pieces of consider what the text meant for its original information coming from reputable web sites audiences, but what the text could also potentially such as those hosted by universities, journals, and mean for the modern-day readers, who, for the other academic institutions are usually the ones most part, come from multicultural societies, and which have undergone a thorough process of in effect, reflect different ways of looking at review, and thus, are more likely accurate than things. In the case of At the Embassy, a those that did not come from these. contemporary reader might see the poem as a call for nationalism through a critique of colonial Let us go back again to the poem as a case mentality and the futility of one’s attempt to be in point. Upon glancing at the poem, we can sense similar to his colonizer. However, a reader of the right away the possible frustration and same poem in the future might not be able to see disgruntlement of the person who wishes to the poem in the same light, especially if the socio- migrate to another country, say, the United States cultural milieu he would be living in would be and the persona’s condescending attitude towards different from that of the contemporary reader such desperation. In the Philippines, the country and the author. where the text is born, such an occurrence is not new; in fact, the long queues in the US Embassy R - Relate to the world of the text and in which are a testament to the validity of the human the text is born. experience being communicated by the text. There are those who have been begging the consul for a In the act of interpretation, Mailloux US Visa for decades -- to no avail. Those who are (1995) advocates the examination of both the more fortunate do successfully migrate but only world of the text and the world in which the text after ten to twenty years of constant begging and is born. Looking at both worlds contributes rich praying. While migration seems to be a sign of insights into what the text could have possibly disloyalty to one’s nation, it may also be an meant, thus providing us with a richer, fuller indication of the dire economic conditions in interpretation. While we can get to a good which many Filipinos find themselves, thus approximation of what the text could have meant solely through the use of close reading, examining the world of the author can provide added December 2013 7 creating a desire to search for a better quality of desire, through the powerful connotative meaning life overseas.2 of dying, to spend the rest of one’s life, as implied by the terms live and die, in the opulence of E - Examine the linguistic nuances. another country, as suggested by the terms their milk and honey, a Biblical allusion to Canaan, the Both Abad (2012) and Eco (2004) prosperous land promised by God to the recognize the importance and centrality of Israelites. Furthermore, the word live, which language in the study of literature. When looking seems like a homonym of leave, may also have at a poem or any piece of literary work, a reader been intended as a pun referring to the act of has to take extra care in deciphering what leaving one’s country of origin. Finally, the use of meanings can be unlocked through a close the word die may connote two things as a result of examination of linguistic nuances present in the migrating, which are literal death since the text. migrant will be mostly preoccupied by work during his stay in the USA, and even cultural Let us refer once more to Dalisay’s poem death, since it is presumed that a migrant’s sense to demonstrate this point. In At the Embassy, the of identity might die once he is immersed in the words used in the poem are so carefully selected culture of the host country. The use of such that they carry very powerful connotative words, from a liberal humanist’s point of view meanings which might have been otherwise (Bertens, 2001), makes the text sincere, as it does absent if they were not used strategically. For not “tell of” the rigors, hardships, and heartaches example, the term dickhead is written as a response one experiences in filing for an immigration visa. to the required field name. In a literal sense, a Rather, it simply “shows” these exact emotions dickhead is the part of the penis exposed upon through a skillful use of words. circumcision. Nonetheless, in the contemporary context, a dickhead can be someone stupid, F – Free yourself from fixed interpretations moronic, or basically anyone possessing of the text. unpleasant qualities. In a similar manner, the adjectives same stupid, when used to describe the With the birth of I.A. Richards’ practical application form, communicate some sort of criticism and Reader’s Response Criticism, the disgust over the fact that filling it out quite a idea of a text’s having one, fixed, canonical number of times is altogether ineffectual. interpretation has now been largely challenged. Likewise, the use of the word goddamn, which Today, the text is now viewed as an independent may probably have its origins from a Biblical entity, free from whatever the author could have sense of God’s damnation upon the unrepentant, originally conceived it to be. I believe that this is suggests that the embassy, as far as the persona is rightly so since the text, in itself, may produce concerned, is an accursed place since the dreams meanings which the author himself might not of the people who go there turn into have imagined. Thus, the reader is now seen as a disillusionment after experiencing several subject, an interpreter of text not only for himself rejections. Consequently, the phrase dying to live but even probably for the interpretive community, and die in their milk and honey implies a very strong whose members are able to establish shared meanings (Fish, 1980), rather than simply as an object who would simply accept what so-called 2“The number of Filipino immigrants in the United States literary critics have said about a particular work. tripled between 1980 and 2006, from 501,440 to 1.6 million, making them the second largest immigrant group in the In effect, the reading of Jose Y. Dalisay Jr’s United States after Mexican immigrants and ahead of the At the Embassy which I previously proposed, Chinese, Indian, and Vietnamese foreign born”(Terrazas, despite its apparent coherence, does not preclude 2008). Wyson…On being a CAREFUL reader in the twenty-first century PERSPECTIVE 8 the possibility of the poem’s having other England’s moral decline as a result of the meanings although admittedly, such alternative capitalistic and materialistic ideologies that were readings may be inconceivable today. Thus, pervasive during its era of industrial revolution. dominant or canonical readings can either be What he meant by such statement, then, is that challenged or reaffirmed depending on a reader’s literature has the capacity to instill moral values repertoire of interpretive theories. And as history among its readers and give them a sense of would attest, new reading and critical paradigms belonging in an age characterized by are devised every now and then as a result of fragmentation. Eco (2004) agrees with this intellectual, political, and social influences, and in assertion, as he also sees literature as a medium effect, newer readings of texts are also offered. for fostering human values. In this light, it can be said that reading literature without actually living U - Underscore the possible messages out the lessons we learn from it is an exercise in that the text conveys. futility. After closely reading the text, examining For this reason, At the Embassy can be read the world it portrays and the context in which it is as a call to action. By exposing the harsh born, and deciphering the meanings behind the application system evident at the US Embassy, the linguistic nuances present in it, the reader is then poem challenges its readers to rethink their value enabled to come up with a synthesis of the towards migrating to the US, and at the same time interpretive act, that is, to produce a viable invites them to turn their eyes towards their interpretation or even multiple interpretations of country of origin, and perhaps, address its plight a text. Meaning is now derived from the so that they may contribute in developing a better multiplicity of resources available to the reader, quality of life there. In effect, the poem then linguistic or otherwise. And as already asserted becomes not just a tool to delight and instruct its earlier, a text may have equivocal meanings, each readers, but more importantly, an agent of change of which is valid as long as it is derived with the in society. Thus, what would be at play if such call use of a sound process of interpretation. is heeded is literature’s power to change lives and question dominant yet oppressive beliefs; it is a Taking a look once more at the poem and power that we have seen at work in establishing the analyses that we have come up with, we can and toppling down regimes, in proposing and then safely say that At the Embassy speaks of how repealing laws, and ultimately, in showcasing a Filipino’s desire to migrate to another country to what it truly means to be human. improve his lot is being constantly thwarted by the representatives of the host country. Despite CONCLUSION the frustration a Filipino might feel as a result of being perennially rejected, he still persistently The CAREFUL reading paradigm, applies for an immigrant’s visa time and again; although by no means the panacea to the this reflects his probably distorted view of what a contemporary concerns in reading, may serve as a “quality life” means – that it can only be achieved potent guide for both students and teachers alike if lived out in a foreign country that does not even in decoding the multiplicity of texts and voices in welcome him. the twenty-first century. Since employing it entails the application of several reading theories, L - Live out the lessons learned from the text. it can be said that it is an eclectic approach not necessarily designed to help readers arrive at a Matthew Arnold, during his time, viewed fixed, determinate textual interpretation, but literature as a “substitute for religion” (Bertens, rather a richer interpretation which considers the 2001). He made this assertion during the time of words on the page, the work’s context, and the December 2013

Antas ng readability ng mga piling tekstong layunin sa pagsulat ng Anina ng mga Alon. Eugene ng pagbasa ay ang mapadali ang pag-unawa.
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