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Dictionario Anglese-Interlingua Josu Lavin – 2013 [email protected] English-Interlingua Dictionary Discarga/Download 1 A = la (the note) [Mus] n la abbey n abbatia abiogenesis (spontaneous abbot n abbate generation) n abiogenese, a bird in the hand is worth more abbreviate v abbreviar abiogenesis than two in the bush phr plus abbreviated addressing [Comp] n abiogenetic adj abiogenetic vale ave in le mano que cento adressation abbreviate abject (mean, miserable) adj abjecte volante abbreviated adj abbreviate abjection (abjectness) n abjection a certain something phr un io non abbreviation (abridgment) n abjectness (abjection) n abjection sape que abbreviation abjuration n abjuration a chip off the old block phr un abbreviation (shortened form of a abjure (renounce, recant, forswear, pannetto del mesme drappo word) n abbreviatura repudiate) v abjurar, renunciar a dollar a dozen un dollar per abbreviator [R.C.Ch] n abbreviator ablativo absolute [Gram] n ablativo dozena abbreviator n abbreviator absolute a little at a time (gradually, by abc's n abece, alphabeto ablativo [Gram] n ablativo degrees, little by little) paulatim abdicate (give up) v abdicar ablaze (glittering; on fire) adj a lot of multe abdication n abdication resplendente; in flammas a lot multo abdicative adj abdicative able bodied adj robuste, valide a posteriori adj aposteriori abdomen (belly, stomach) n gastro able seaman n marinero a posteriori adv a posteriori abdomen n abdomine able to loosen (loosing) adj lytic a priori reasoner n apriorista abdominal (ventral) adj abdominal, able (capable; skilful) adj capabile, a priori reasoning n apriorismo ventral capace; habile a priori adj apriori, aprioristic abduce (lead away) [Physiol] · be able v poter, esser capabile a priori adv a priori (abduct) v abducer ablution (washing; wash the body) n a tapering point [Bot] acumine abduct (kidnap) v raper ablution a = an indef art un abduct v abducer ably adv habilemente a (letter a) n a, littera a abduction (carrying off illegally) n abnegate (deny oneself) v abnegar Aachen = Aix-la-Chapelle n rapto abnegation (giving up rights; self- Aachen ¬G, Aquisgrano abduction n abduction denial) n abnegation aardwolf n protele abductor [Physiol] n abductor abnormal adj anormal Aaron n Aaron aberrance n aberrantia abnormality n anormalitate aback adv a retro aberrant (abnormal) adj anormal abnormally adv anormalmente · taken aback v attonite, stupefacte, aberrant (deviating from the normal aboard adv a bordo surprendite type) adj aberrante abode (domicile, house) n domicilio, abacus n abaco aberrate (deviate) v aberrar casa, domo abaft adv/prep detra aberration n aberration abolish v abolir abandon (desert) v deserer [-ser-/- abess n abbatessa abolishment (abolition) n sert-], desertar abet v adjutar, appoiar, esser abolimento abandon (forsake) vt abandonar, complice abolition (abolishment) n abolition derelinquer, relinquer abettor n adjutator, appoiator, abolition n dissolution abandon n abandono complice abolitionism n abolitionismo abandoned adj abandonate, abeyance n suspension abolitionist n abolitionista derelicte, relicte; desertate · in abeyance pendente, in abominable (hateful, horrible) adj abandonment (action of suspension abominabile, abhorribile abandoning; state of being abhor (detest, hate) v abhorrer, abominably adv abominabilemente abandoned) n abandono; detestar abominate v abominar abandonamento abhorrence n abhorrimento abomination (loathing; loathsome abase v abassar abhorrent (detestable) adj object) n abomination abasement n abassamento abhorrente, abhorribile, detestabile aboriginal adj aboriginal abash v disconcertar abide (dwell) v coler [col-/cult-] aborigine n aborigine abashed adj disconcertate abide vi demorar abort (remain undeveloped or shrink abate (reduce) vt reducer, minuer abide vt tolerar away) [Biol] v abortar abate (settle down, subside) v abide an opinion v mantener una abortion (miscarriage) n subsider opinion abortamento abate vi remitter abide by a law v observar la ley abortion n aborto abatement n diminution abiding (faithful) adj fidel abortive adj abortive abattoir (slaughterhouse) n · law abiding adj observante le lege abound (be plentiful, be abundant) v abattitorio, macello ability (competence, qualification) n abundar, exuberar abbacy n abbatia sufficientia abounding in fish adj abundante in abbatial adj abbatial ability (capacity, skill) n habilitate, pisces, piscose abbess n abbatessa capacitate abounding adj abundante 2 about face n reverso de direction abscond (go away and hide) v de votar about face v reversar direction discampar abstemious (temperate) adj about forty n quarantena absence n absentia abstemie, abstinente about thirty n trentena absent minded adj distracte abstention n abstention about town adj cosmopolitan, urban absent mindedness n distraction abstentionist n abstentionista about to phr al - (+inf) absent oneself v absentar se abstergent adj abstergente about (around) prep circa absent without leave (AWOL) adj abstergent n abstergente about (concerning, regarding, on) absente sin permisso abstersion n abstersion prep de, in re, re, super absent adj absente abstersive (cleansing) adj abstersive about adv approximativemente, circa absentee owner n absentista abstinence n abstinentia · be about to v esser super le puncto absentee n absentista abstract adj abstracte de absenteeism n absentismo abstract n summario · be about v esser super absentia: abstract v abstraher above all phr super toto · in absentia phr in absentia abstraction n abstraction above mentioned phr supra absentminded adj distracte abstractionism n abstractionismo mentionate, jam mentionate absentmindedness n distraction abstruse adj abstruse; difficile de above (before) adv/prep ante absinthe (1. [Bot] Absinthium; 2. comprender above (on the top, over) adv supra, in alcoholic liquor absinthe) n absurd adj absurde, extravagante alto absinthio (ppr of extravagar) above prep super absinthial (absinthic) adj absinthic absurdity (nonsense, oddness, aboveboard adj/adv apertemente, absinthin [Chem] n absinthina strangeness) n absurditate, sin deception absinthism [Med] n absinthismo extravagantia, ineptia aboveground adv al superficie absinthium [Bot] n absinthio absurdly adv absurdemente terrestre absolute temperature n abundance (uberty, fertility) n abracadabra (magical incantation) temperatura absolute ubertate, abundantia n abracadabra (incantation magic) absolute adj absolute abundance (copiousness, plenty) n abrade (wear away) v abrader absolutely adv absolutemente abundantia, copiositate, copia Abraham [Bib] n Abraham absolution (remission) n absolution abundant adj abundante, copiose abrasion n abrasion absolutism n absolutismo abundantly adv abundantemente abrasive (irritating) adj abrasive absolutist n absolutista abuse (improper or wrong use, abreast of the times phr al currente absolutory (absolving) adj misuse) n abuso, misuso del cosas absolutori abuse (injure, insult) vt injuriar, abreast adv in fila absolve (acquit) v absolver [-solv-/- insultar · three abreast adv in fila triple solut-] abuse (insult, invective) n insulto, · two abreast adv in fila duple absolver (acquitter) n absolutor invectiva abridge (abbreviate) v abbreviar absorb (resorb) v resorber abuse (misuse) v abusar, misusar abridgement (abbreviation) n absorb v absorber abuse of confidence (confidence abbreviamento, abbreviation, absorb (imbibe liquid) v imbiber trick) phr abuso de confidentia summario absorb (knowledge) v assimilar abuser (misuser) n abusator, abridger (abbreviator) n abbreviator absorbable adj absorbibile misusator abridging (abbreviatory) adj absorbed (engrossed, preoccupied) abusive (insulting) adj injuriose abbreviative adj preoccupate (pp of preoccupar) abusive (of improper or wrong use, abroad adv al estraniero, al extero absorbency n absorbentia misusing) adj abusive abrogable adj abrogabile absorbent cotton n coton abusive (reviling) adj invective abrogate (cancel) v abrogar absorbente, coton hydrophile, watta abut on phr confinar con abrogating (rescinding) adj absorbent (absorbing substance) n abutment n confinamento abrogatori absorbente abysm n abysmo abrogation (repeal) n abrogation absorbent adj absorbente abysmal adj abysmal abrogative adj abrogative absorption (resorption) n resorption abysmally adv abysmalmente abrogator n abrogator absorption (imbibition) n imbibition abyss (whirlpool, gulf) n gurgite abrupt (very steep) adj abrupte, absorption (soaking up) n abyss n abysso brusc imbibimento abyssal adj abyssal abruptly adv abruptemente, absorption n absorption Abyssinia [Geog] npr Abyssinia bruscamente abstain v abstiner se de Abyssinian adj abyssin Abruzzi nprpl Abruzzi abstain from blood v abstiner se de Abyssinian n abyssino Absalom [Bib] nprm Absalom sanguine acacia [Bot] n acacia abscess n abscesso abstain from drinking v abstiner Academia pro Interlingua abscind (cut off) v abscinder se de biber (Interlingua Association) n abscissa [Math] n abscissa abstain from voting v abstiner se Academia pro Interlingua 3 academia (the academics) n accident (mishap) n accidente accord (agreement) n accordo academia accident (nonessential quality) n · of one's own accord adv academic adj academic accidente spontaneemente academical adj academic accidental (happening by chance) accord v accordar academician n academico adj accidental, fortuite according as prep secundo que Academus [Gr. Mythol] n Academo accidental (nonessential) adj according to prep secundo, academy n academia accidental conforme a, secun Acanthaceae [Bot] n acanthaceas accidental [Mus] n accidental according prep accordante acanthaceous [Bot] adj acanthacee accidentally adv accidentalmente accordingly (therefore, then, acanthophorous (spine-bearing) acclaim (acclamation) n acclamation consequently) adv ergo, in adj acanthophore acclaim (applaud) v acclamar consequentia acanthus [Arch] [Bot] n acantho acclaimer n acclamator accordingly (under the acappella (singing without music) acclamation n acclamation circumstances) adv ita adv acappella acclimate v acclimatar accordion n accordion accede (approach, assent) v acceder acclimation n acclimatation accordionist n accordionista accelerando [Mus] n accelerando acclimatization (acclimation) n accost (address) v accostar, abbordar accelerate (quicken) v celerar acclimatation accostable (approachable) adj accelerate v accelerar, accelerar se acclimatize (acclimate) v acclimatar, accostabile acceleration n acceleration acclimatar se account for v dar conto de accelerator (anything which accolade (ceremonious salutation account (bill) n conto, nota increases speed of motion, and embrace) n accollada account (calculation) n conto contrivance for producing greater accommodate (adapt) v · on account of a causa de speed in a machine) n accelerator accommodar, adaptar account (story, report) n conto, accensibility (inflammability, accommodate (adjust) v adjustar, relation, reporto combustibility) n accensibilitate accommodar accountability (responsibility) n accensible (inflammable, accommodate (lodge) v albergar, responsabilitate combustible) adj accensibile allogiar, accommodar accountable adj responsabile accent mark n accento, marca de accommodate (settle disputes) v accountancy (bookkeeping) n accento accommodar contabilitate accent (stress) n accento accommodating (complaisant) adj · expert accountant n contabile accent v accentuar complacente accounting (bookkeeping) adj accentuate (accent) v accentuar accommodating (ready to contabile accentuation n accentuation compromise) adj transigente accouter (equip) v equipar accept v acceptar accommodation (adaptation, accoutrements (equipment) n acceptability n acceptabilitate adapting) n accommodation, equipage, equipamento acceptable adj acceptabile adaptation accredit (send with credentials) v acceptance n acceptation accommodation (adjusting) n accreditar acceptation (standard meaning) n adjustamento, accommodation accreditation n accreditation acception accommodation (lodgings) n accretion n accretion, accrescimento, access arm [Comp] n brachio / albergo, allogiamento, accumulamento bracio de accesso accommodation accrue v accrescer, accumular access time [Comp] n tempore de accommodator n accommodator accumulate (heap up) v accumular accesso accompaniment n accumulate v accumular (se) access type [Comp] n typo de accompaniamento accumulation (heaping or piling up) accesso accompanist [Mus] n n accumulamento, accumulation access (access to a place; fit) n accompaniator accumulator (one who accumulates) accesso accompany v accompaniar n accumulator access [Comp] n accesso accompanying (action of) n accumulator (storage battery) n accessibility n accessibilitate accompaniamento accumulator accessible adj abbordabile, accomplice n complice accuracy (precision, exactitude, accessibile accomplish (achieve) v complir exactness) n precision, exactitude, accession (accession to a dignity or a accomplished (perfect in justessa throne) n accession acquirements) adj complite (pp of accurate (correct, exact, precise) adj accessory (adjunct) adj accessori complir) correcte, exacte, precise, juste accessory (object) n accessorio accomplished adj experte accursed (cursed) adj condemnabile. accessory (person) n complice accomplisher n complitor maledicte accidence [Gram] n accidente accomplishment (action of accurst (accursed) n condemnato accident (chance) n accidente accomplishing or achieving) n accusation n accusation accident (contingency) n accidente complimento accusative [Gram] n accusativo 4 accusative adj accusative acicula acquirable adj acquiribile accusative n accusativo acicular adj acicular acquire v acquirer accuse v accusar acid precipitation n precipitation acquirement n acquisition accused (defendant) n accusato de aciditate acquirer n acquiritor accused [Jur] adj accusate acid rain n pluvia acide acquisition (act of acquiring) n accuser n accusator acid test n test de acido acquisition accusing (accusation) n accusamento acid adj acide acquisition (thing acquired) n accusing (accusatory) adj accusatori acid n acido acquisition, acquesto accustom (habituate) v accostumar, acidic adj acide, acidic acquit (free from obligation) v habituar acidifiable adj acidificabile absolver, disculpar · be accustomed to v haber le acidification n acidification acquit (release from a duty or costume de, soler, esser accostumate acidify (make acid, convert into an obligation) v quitar a acid) v acidificar acquittal n absolution accustomed (usual, wonted) adj acidimeter n acidimetro acre ¬A n acre accostumate (pp of accostumar), acidity n aciditate acreage n area usual, solite acidosis n acidosis, acidose acrid (bitter) adj acride, acerbe, acre accustomed past part accostumate, acidulate (flavor with an acid) v acridness n acritate consuete, habituate acidular acrimonious adj acrimoniose ace (cards) n asse acidulous adj acidule acrimony (bitterness in argument) n ace (dice) n asse acierage (steel plating) n acierage acrimonia ace (highly skilled person) n asse ¬acieraje acro- (terminal, topmost) [occurring ace (tennis) n asse acieration (conversion into steel) n in compounds] adj acro- ace [Aviation] n asse acieration acrobat n acrobata acephalous (headless) adj sin capite, acknowledge v admitter acrobatic adj acrobatic acephale acknowledge v recognoscer acrobaticly adv acrobaticamente acerb (acrid, harsh) adj acerbe · acknowledge receipt of v accusar acrobatics n acrobatia acerbate v acerbar reception de acrobatism n acrobatismo acerbity (bitterness in taste) n acknowledgement n admission acronym n acromymo acerbitate acknowledgement n recognoscentia acrophobia n acrophobia acetabulum [Rom. Antiq] n acme n culmine acropolis n acropole, acropolis acetabulo acne n acne across (over, beyond, on the farther acetamide [Chem] n acetamido aco- (remedy) [occurring in side of) prep trans, al transverso de, acetate [Chem] n acetato compounds] n aco- al altere latere de acetic adj acetic acologic [Med] adj acologic across adv a transverso, al altere acetification n acetification acology [Med] n acologia latere acetify v acetificar acolyte n acolyto acrostic (initial spelled line verse) acetone [Chem] n acetona aconite [Bot] n aconito [Pros] n acrostichio acetose adj acetose acorn n glande act of god n caso fortuite acetous (acetose) adj acetose acorn-shaped (glandiform) adj act of parliament n acto del acetylene [Chem] n acetylen glandiforme parlamento, lege, statuto ache (pain) n dolor, mal acotyledon n acotyledon act of soaking n imbibition ache v doler acoustic adj acustic act (act of a play) n acto · my head aches n le capite me dole acoustical adj acustic act (action, deed) n acto Acheron npr Acheronte acousticly adv acusticamente act (behave) v conducer; conducer achieve v complir acoustics n acustica (se) achievement n complimento acquaint v informar, poner al act (do) vi ager Achillea [Bot] n achillea currente act (theat) vt jocar, representar Achilles [Gr. Mythol] n Achilles acquaintance (knowledge) n · in the act adv in flagrante delicto, achromatic (colorless) [Opt] adj cognoscentia in le acto achromatic acquaintance (person with whom acting (temporary) adj interimari (in achromatism [Opt] n achromatismo one is acquainted) n cognoscentia le interim) achromatization [Opt] n acquainted: acting n joco, representation achromatisation · be acquainted with v cognoscer, actinia (sea anemone) [Bot] n actinia achromatize [Opt] v achromatisar esser al currente de actinic adj actinic achromatopsy (complete color acquiesce (agree without actinium (Ac) n actinio, actinium blindness) n achromatopsia enthusiasm) v acquiescer action (act, acting) n action achromatous (colorless) adj acquiescence n acquiescentia action (lawsuit) n action achromate acquiescent adj acquiescente (ppr of actionable adj actionabile acicula (needle, prickle) [Bot] n acquiescer) activate v activar 5 activation n activation ad (advertising) [Amer] n annuncio address (address of a letter, package) active voice phr voce active adage n adagio, proverbio n adresse ¬F active adj active adagio [Mus] adv adagio, lentemente address (formal communication) n activist n activista adagio [Mus] n adagio adresse ¬F activity n activitate Adam [Bib] npr Adam address (speak to) v abbordar actor n actor adamant (unyielding) adj address (speech) n discurso actress n actrice intransigente address (to address a prayer to) v acts of desperation phr actos de adamant adj adamante adressar desperation Adamic adj adamic address (write the address on, direct) acts of love phr actiones de amor, Adam's apple [Anat] n pomo de v adressar actos de amor Adam address [Comp] n adresse acts of negligence phr actiones de adapt v adaptar (se) address n direction negligentia, actos de negligentia adapt v adaptar, appoppriar, addressee n destinatario acts of violence phr actos de accommodar addressing n adressation violentia adaptability n adaptabilitate adduce (cite, give proof) v adducer actual (current, present) adj actual adaptable adj adaptabile, adducer n adductor actual (real) adj actual, real appropriabile, accommodabile adduct [Med] v adductar actuality (actual existence) n adaptation (action of adapting) n adduction (act of adducing) actualitate adaptation, appropriation, [Physiol] n adduction actualization n actualisation accommodation adductor [Physiol] n adductor actualize v actualisar adapter (adaptor) n adaptator adelph-, adelpho- [occurring in actually (at present, now, just now) adaptor n adaptator compounds] (brother, twin) n adv actualmente add to v adder a, annexar adelph-, adelpho- actually adv in realitate, realmente add up (sum up) [Math] v summar, adenitis [Pathol] n adenitis actuarial adj actuarial additionar adenography n adenographia actuary (risk calculator) n actuario add (add one thing to another) v adenoid (adenoidal) adj adenoide actuary's office (or profession) n adder adenoidal (adenoid) adj adenoide actuariato addenda n addenda adenoids npl adenoides actuate (put into motion or motion, addendum n addendum (pl adenoma [Pathol] n adenoma set in action or motion) v actuar, addenda) ¬NeoL adenose (glandulous) adj adenose actionar adder [Comp] n additionator, adept (skillful) adj adepte, experte actuation n actuation additor, summator adept n adepto, experto acuity n acuitate adder [Zool] n vipera adequate (deserved) adj condigne aculeate [Zool/Bot] adj aculeate addict (enthusiast) n enthusiasta adequate adj adequate (pp of aculeiform adj aculeiforme addict (of drugs, substances) n adequar) acumen (keenness) n acumine narcomano adequate v adequar acuminate (pointed) adj acuminate addicted to drink (bibulous) adj adequation n adequation (pp of acuminar) bibule adhere (stick fast) v adherer acuminate (sharpen) v acuminar addiction (drugs) n narcomania adhere (to an opinion, party) v acupuncture (needle medicine) n addiction (enthusiasm) n adherer acupunctura enthusiasmo adhere v adherer acupuncture v acupuncturar adding machine n calculator adherence (attachment) n acutangular [Geom] (acute-angled) addition (action of adding) n adherentia adj acutangule, acuntangular addition adherence (to a treaty, a party) n acute accent n accento acute addition (supplement) n accession, adherentia acute angled [Geom] (acutangular) supplemento adherent (follower) n adherente adj acutangule addition (thing added) n addition adherent adj adherente acute pain n dolor acute · in addition to prep extra, in plus, adhesion (assent) n adhesion acute (acting keenly on the senses) preter, in addition a adhesion (sticking) n adhesion adj acute · in addition conj/prep in plus, in adhesive plaster (sticking plaster) n acute (sharp-pointed) adj acute addition sparadrapo acute (shrewd, penetrating, keen) adj additional adj additional adhesive tape n sparadrapo acute additionally adv additionalmente adhesive (sticking) adj adhesive acuteness (sharpness) n acutessa additive adj additive adiabatic adj adiabatic ad hoc phr ad hoc addle (confuse) v confuse adieu ¬F n adeo, adieu ¬F ad infinitum phr ad infinitum, sin addled adj putride adipocere n adipocera fin address (a letter or person) v adipose (fat, fatty) adj adipose ad lib (improvise) v improvisar adressar adiposis (fatty degeneration) n ad lib adj/adv ad lib address (accost) v abbordar adiposis 6 adiposity (fatness) n adipositate administration (action of furnishing ado (activity) n activitate adit (entrance, access, door, passage or applying) n administration ado (agitation) n agitation through which one enters) n adito administration (management of adobe ¬H n adobe adjacency (state of being adjacent) n public affairs, an institution, adobo ¬H n adobo adjacentia business) n administration, gestion adolescence n adolescentia adjacent (circumjacent) adj administration (persons collectively adolescent adj adolescente adjacente, limitrophe, circumvicin, managing public affairs, an adolescent n adolescente circumjacente institution, business, etc.) n Adonian (Adonic) adj adonie, adonic adjectival (adjective) [Gram] adj administration Adonic [Pros] n adonico, adonio adjectival, adjective administrative adj administrative Adonic adj adonic, adonie adjective [Gram] adj adjective, administrator (manager) n Adonis [Gr. Mythol] n Adonis adjectival administrator adopt (give birth to, bear) (a child, a adjective [Gram] n adjectivo admirable adj admirabile litter, etc) v filiar, adoptar adjoin v adjunger admiral n admiral adopt v adoptar adjoining (contiguous, near, admiralship (admiralty) n adoptability n adoptabilitate neighboring) adj adjuncte, contigue, admiralato adoptable adj adoptabile vicin, vicinal admiralty (admiralship) n adopted child n infante adoptate adjoining adj adjuncte admiralato adopter n adoptator adjourn (postpone) v ajornar admiralty (government department adoption n adoption adjournment (postponement) n in charge of naval affairs) n adoption n filiation, adoption ajornamento admiralitate adoptive parent n genitor adoptive, adjudge (award judicially as a prize) admiralty (law or court of the parente adoptive v adjudicar admiralty) n admiralitate adoptive adj adoptive adjudger (awarder) n adjudicator admiration n admiration adorability n adorabilitate adjudging (awarding) adj admire v admirar adorable adj adorabile adjudicative admirer n admirator adoration (worship) n adoration adjudgment (award) n adjudication admiring adj admirative adore (worship) v adorar adjudicate (judge a dispute) v admissibility n admissibilitate adorer [Fem] n adoratrice adjudicar admissible adj admissibile adorer [Masc] n adorator adjudicated adj adjudicate admission (acknowledgement) n adorn with gems (ingem, gem) v adjudication n adjudication confession ingemmar, gemmar adjudicator v adjudicator admission (allowing entrance or adorn v adornar, ornar, parar adjunct [Gram] n adjuncto access) n admission adorner n adornator adjunction (the act of joining or admission (conceding the validity or adornment (action of adorning, adding) n adjunction truth of, entrance, concession) n ornament) n adornamento, adjunctive adj adjunctive admission ornamento adjuration (solemn command) n admit (acknowledge as valid or true) adrenal (suprarenal) [Anat] adj adjuration v admitter, confessar adrenal, suprarenal adjure v adjurar admit (allow in, concede) v admitter adrenalin n adrenalina adjust v adjustar admit (allow to enter) v admitter Adria [Geog] (city of) n Adria adjustable (as in adjustable quarrel) admittance n admission Adrian nprm Adriano adj adjustabile, accommodabile admix v admiscer Adrianople n Adrianopolis adjuster n adjustator admixtion n admixtion Adriatic Sea n Mar Adriatic, adjustment (action of adjusting) n admixture (admixtion) n admixtion Adriatico adjustamento admonish beforehand (forewarn) Adriatic (pertaining to the Adriatic) adjustment (compromise) [Law] n v premoner adj adriatic transaction admonish (advise) v moner, Adriatic (pertaining to the city of adjustment (settlement) n admoner, admonestar Adria) adj adriatic adjustamento admonisher (monitor) n monitor Adriatic [Geog] n Adriatico, Mar adjutant (assistant, helper) n admonishment (admonition) n Adriatic adjutante admonestation, admonition, adrift adj flottante al deriva adjutant [Mil] n adjutante monition adroit (adept) adj adepte adjuvant (helpful) adj adjuvante admonition (admonishment) n adroit (expert) adj experte (ppr of adjuvar) admonestation, admonition, adroit (handy) adj dextere administer (to direct, manage) v monition adroit (skillful) adj habile administrar, gerer admonitor (admonisher) n adulate (praise highly) v adular administer (to furnish or apply) v admonitor adulation n adulation administrar admonitory (monitory) adj adulator n adulator administrable adj administrabile admonitori, monitori adulatory adj adulatori 7 adult adj adulte advertentia aerobe [Biol] n aerobio adult n adulto advertent (attentive) adj advertente aerobic [Biol] adj aerobic, aerobie adulterate v adulterar, alterar (ppr of adverter) aerodrome n aerodromo adulteration (action of adulterating) advertise v annunciar, facer reclamo aerodynamic adj aerodynamic n adulteration, alteration (pro) aerodynamics n aerodynamica adulterator n adulterator advertisement n annuncio, reclamo aerodyne n aerodyno adulterer [Masc] n adultero advertising (publicity) n reclamo, aerofoil n aerofilo adulterer n adulterator publicitate aerography n aerographia adulteress [Fem] n adultera advice (counsel, notice) n aviso, aerolite n aerolitho adulterine adj adulterin consilio, notitia aerolith n aerolitho adulterous adj adulterose advisable adj consiliabile, judiciose aerolitic adj aerolitic adultery n adulterio advise (urge, persuade) v suader aerology n aerologia adumbrate (overshadow) v advise v avisar, consiliar, moner, aerometer n aerometro adumbrar adverter aerometry n aerometria adumbration (overshadowing) n advised: aeronaut (airman) n aeronauta adumbration · ill advised adj incaute aeronautic (aeronautical) adj adust (burnt, scorched) adj aduste · well advised adj avisate, judiciose, aeronautic advance a payment v anticipar un sage ¬saje aeronautical (aeronautic) adj pagamento advisedly adv deliberatemente aeronautic advance guard (outpost) [Mil] n adviser (counsellor) n consiliator, aeronautics n aeronautica avantiata consiliero aeroplane (airplane) n aeroplano, advance payment n pagamento adviser (consultant) n consultor avion anticipate advisory committee phr committee aerosol (mist) n aerosol advance (money) v anticipar consultative aerosol (spray canister) n atomisator advance (progress) n progresso advisory (consultative) adj aerostat [Aeronaut] n aerostato advance (progress) v progreder, consultative aerostatic adj aerostatic progressar advocacy n defensa aerostatics n aerostatica advance n avantia advocate (champion, supporter) n aerostation n aerostation advance n avantiamento advocato Aeschylus n Aeschylo, Eschylo advance v avantiar advocate [Law] n advocato Aesculapius [Gr. Mythol] n advancement n avantiamento advocate v favorar Esculapio, Aesculapio advancing (making progress) adj advocate v recommendar Aesop [Gr. Lit] n Esopo, Aesopo proficiente adynamia [Med] n adynamia Aesopian (Aesopic) adj esopic, advantage (profit) n partito adynamic adj adynamic, adyname aesopic advantage n avantage ¬avantaje adze (adz) n hachetto aesthete (esthete) n estheta · take advantage of v prender Aegean Sea n Mar Egee; Egeo aesthetic (esthetic) adj esthetic avantage de Aegean adj egee aesthetical adj esthetic advantageous adj avantagiose Aegeus [Gr. Mythol] n Egeo aesthetically adv estheticamente ¬avantajose aegis [Gr. Antiq] n egide aestheticly adv estheticamente Advent [Eccl] n Advento aegis (shield, protection) n egide, aesthetics (esthetics) n esthetica advent n advenimento protection aetiology n aetiologia Adventist n adventista · under the aegis of phr sub le egide Aetna (Etna) n Etna adventitious adj adventicie de afar adv a distantia, a un distantia, de adventure n aventura Aeneas [Gr. Mythol] n Eneas longe adventure v aventurar, aventurar se Aeneid [Lat. Lit] n Eneide · from afar adv de longe, a distantia adventurer n aventurero Aeolian (of Aeolus) adj eolic, eolie affability n affabilitate adventurous adj aventurose Aeolus [Mythol] n Eolo affable (friendly) adj affabile adverb n adverbio aerate v aerar affair (matter, thing) n re adverbial adj adverbial aeration (airing) n aerage ¬aeraje, affair n pragma adversary n adversario aeration affair ¬F (concern) n affaire ¬F adversative [Gram] adj adversative aerial view phr vista aeree affair ¬F (event) n affaire ¬F adverse (contrary, unfavorable) adj aerial adj aeree · amorous affair n affaire amorose adverse aerial n antenna affect with caries (rot) [Med] v adversity (mishap, contrariety) n aeriferous adj aerifere cariar adversitate, contrarietate aerification n aerification affect (concern) v concernar advert (have reference to) v adverter aeriform adj aeriforme affect (have an affection for) v advertence (advertency) n aerify (change to an aeriform state) v affectar advertentia aerificar affect (have an effect on) v afficer advertency (advertence) n aerobatics n aerobatica affect (impress) v impressionar 8 affect (influence) v influer super suffering) n affliction, pathos, · just after phr sovente, subinde affect (pretend, feign) v affectar passion afterbirth [Anat] n placenta, affect v conmover affluence (as in affluence of people) secundinas affect v mover n affluentia after-burner n becco de post- affectation (artificiality of manner, affluence (concourse, flowing ignition preciosity) n affectation, preciositate towards) n affluentia after-care n cura de convalescentia affected (impressed, deeply) adj affluence (opulence, profusion) n after-effect [Med] n sequela, effecto penetrate (pp of penetrar) affluentia secundari, consequentia, affected pose n posa affluent (tributary) (stream) n repercussion affected with caries (carious) adj affluente afterglow n brillantia restante cariate, cariose affluent (opulent) adj affluente afterimage n imagine restante affected (full of affectation) adj afflux n affluxo afterlife n vita post-morte affectate afford (give) v dar aftermath n consequentias, effectos, affection (fondness) n affection, · we cannot afford v. phr nos non resultato affecto pote tolerar le expensa de afternoon n postmeridie affection (love) n dilection affording compensation afterthought n reflexion posterior affection (tenderness) n teneressa (compensative) adj compensative afterwards (after, later, thereafter) affection (the fact or state of being afforest v afforestar adv post, pois, depois, depost, affected or acted upon) n affection affray (brawl) n rixa postea affection [Pathol] n affection affront (insult) n affronto afterwards (then, following in time, affectionate (loving) adj affectuose affront (to face in defiance, to insult next in order) adv deinde affectionate devotion n pietate, to the face) v affrontar again and again adv repetitemente devotion affectuose affronter (insulter) n affrontator again (anew) adv de novo, de nove, affectionate adj affectionate (pp of affronting (insulting) n altere vice, novemente, re-, itero affectionar) affrontamento against one's will (unwillingly) adv affective (emotional) adj affective affusion n affusion nolente, non volente affiance (betroth) v fidantiar Afghan adj afghan against prep contra, erga affidavit (written statement made on Afghan n afghano agape (love) n agape, amor christian oath) n affidavit Afghanistan [Geog] npr Afghanistan agar [Bot] n agar affiliate (affiliated) adj affiliate afield (astray) adv disviate agar [Bot] n gellatina de alga affiliate (receive or connect as · far afield adv multo lontan agar-agar n agar-agar [Mal] member, branch, etc.) v affiliar, aflame (in flames) adv in flammas agaric [Bot] adj agaric affiliar se aflame (inflamed) adj inflammate, in agaric [Bot] n agarico affiliated (pp of affiliar) adj affiliate flammas agate (agatine) adj agatin affiliation n affiliation afloat adj flottante, in barca agate (the stone agate) n agata affinity (attraction) n affinitate aflutter adj nervosemente excitate agatiferous adj agatifere affinity (of similar structure) n afoot adj/adv in motion agatiform adj agatiforme affinitate aforementioned (aforesaid) adj agave [Bot] n agave affinity (relationship by marriage) n precitate, mentionate o citate age (1. lapse of time; 2. period in life) affinitate previemente n etate affinity (resemblance, likeness) n aforesaid (aforementioned) adj age (long period of time) n evo affinitate precitate, mentionate o citate age (oldness) n vetulessa, vetustate affirm positively (asseverate) v previemente age (period) n epocha asseverar, affirmar positivemente afraid adj apprehensive, pavorose, age (years) n etate affirm (assert) v affirmar, asserer, timorose age vi inveterar pretender · be afraid of ) v haber pavor de, aged adj vetule affirmable adj affirmabile haber timor de agency (as in news agency, real estate affirmation (assertion) n afresh adv de nove agency, etc.) n agentia affirmation, assertion Africa [Geog] n Africa agenda (memorandum book) n affirmative (affirmative statement, African adj african agenda reply, etc.) n affirmativa African n africano agent (1. active power; 2. one who affirmative (assertive) adj after all prep post toto acts for another) n agente affirmative, assertive after that (thereupon, tenceforward, agent (emissary) n emissario affirmer n affirmator from that time) adv inde agent (minister) n ministro affirming (assertory) adj assertori after (following) prep secundo, secun agent (representant) n representante affix (fasten) v affiger, affixar after adv depost, depois, pois, post, agent n mandatario affix n affixo postea agglomerate (gather into a mass, afflict v affliger, remorder after conj post que gather or heap together) v affliction (distress, passion, after prep depost, depois, pois agglomerar 9 agglomerate n agglomerato disturbance) n commotion, agitation ah interj ah agglomeration n agglomeration agitation (trepidation) n trepiditate ah interj ei agglutinant (agglutinative) adj agitation (1. violent moving or ah interj eia, heia agglutinante (ppr of agglutinar) shaking; 2. disturbance, excitement) aha interj aha agglutinate (stick or glue together) v n agitation ahead adv ante, avante agglutinar agitator (1. [Pol]; 2. apparatus for ahem interj ehem agglutinating (agglutinative) adj shaking or mixing) n agitator aid n adjuta, auxilio, subvention, agglutinative aglet (aiguillette) n agulietta succurso agglutination n agglutination agnate (on father's side) adj de parte aid v adjutar, adjuvar, auxiliar, agglutinative (agglutinating) adj del patre succurrer, juvar, coadjuvar, agglutinative agnostic adj agnostic subvenir, succurrer aggrandize (augment, increase the agnostic n agnostico aide (assistant) n adjuta power, wealth, or rank, of; make agnosticism n agnosticismo aigrette ¬F n aigrette ¬F bigger) v aggrandir, augmentar, ago adv in passato aiguillette (aglet) n agulietta aggrandisar ago adv retro ail v doler, penar aggrandizement n aggrandimento agog (excited) adj excitate aileron n aleron aggravate (make worse, worsen, agon [Gr. Antiq] n agon ailment n infirmitate, maladia, infuriate, make worse a disease, agonist [Gr. Antiq] n agonista morbo pain, etc.) v aggravar, exasperar agonistic [Gr. Antiq] adj agonistic aim a gun v punctar un arma aggravated [Law] adj qualificate pp agonize (anguishing, suffering, suffer aim a telescope v punctar un of qualificar mental anguish) v agonisar telescopio aggravating (annoying, making agonizing adj agonisante aim (as in take aim, good aim, etc.) n worse) adj aggravante, exasperante agony (1. death struggle; 2. extreme mira aggravation (act of aggravating, or pain of mind) n agonia aim (blow) vt diriger state of being aggravated, agony (anguish) n angustia aim (end) n fin annoyance, making worse) n agora [Gr. Hist] n agora aim (goal) n gol aggravation, exasperation, agoraphobe [Pychopathol] n aim (intend) vi aspirar, aspirar a, aggravamento agoraphobo intender, intender de aggravator n aggravator agoraphobia [Psychopathol] n aim (objective, scope, object) n aggregate adj collective, total, global agoraphobia objectivo, scopo, objecto aggregate (collect or unite into a agoraphobic adj agoraphobic, aim (purpose) n proposito mass or sum) v aggregar agoraphobe · take aim v visar, mirar aggregate n aggregato agrarian adj agrari aiming (pointing) (of guns, etc) n aggregate n total agree (be in agreement, come to an punctage ¬punctaje aggregate v aggregar agreement, concur) v concordar, aimless adj sin proposito aggregate v aggregar (se) convenir [-ven-/-vent-], consentir, aimlessly adv sin proposito aggregation n aggregation esser de accordo ain't (isn't) v il non es aggregative adj aggregative agree [Gram] v concordar air condition v climatisar aggression n aggression agreeable (pleasing) adj agradabile air conditioning n climatisation aggressive adj aggressive agreeableness (pleasantness) n air hostess n stewardessa aggressor n aggressor agradamento, agradabilitate air pressure n pression atmospheric aggrieve n offender agreement (concurrence) n accordo air raid n incursion aeree aghast adj horrificate agreement (pact) n convention air (1. atmospheric air; 2. appearance; agile (fleet, nimble) adj legier ¬lejer agreement (treaty) n tractato 3. melody) n aere agile (nimble, quick) adj preste agreement n concordantia air (airy, aerial) adj aeree agile adj agile agricultural (farming) adj aratori air (expose to the open air) v aerar agility (fleetness, nimbleness) n agricultural (agronomic) adj air (in the open) phr al aere libere legieressa ¬lejeressa agricultural, agricole, agronomic airborne adj portate per le aere agility (nimbleness, quickness) n agriculturalist n agricola air-condition v climatisar prestessa agriculture (farming) n agricultura air-conditioning n climatisation agility n agilitate agriculturist n agricultor aircraft carrier n porta-aviones agio (exchange premium) [Commer] agronomic (agricultural) adj aircraft n aeronave, aeronaves n agio ¬ajo agronomic, agricultural airfield n aerodromo, campo de agiotage (exchange business, agronomist n agronomo, aviation stockbroking) n agiotage ¬ajotaje agronomista airforce n fortia aeree, armea aeree agitate (1. to move or shake violently, agronomy (agronomics) n airing (aeration) n aerage ¬aeraje, stir up) v agitar agronomia aeration agitation (commotion, tremor; aground adv arenate airing n aeration, ventilation violent physical or mental · run aground v arenar, arenar se airline n linea aeree 10

abdication n abdication abdicative adj abdicative abdomen (belly, stomach) n gastro abdomen n abdomine abdominal (ventral) adj abdominal, ventral.
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