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Josh Waitzkin's Attacking Chess Aggressive Strategies and Inside Moves from the U.S. Junior Chess Champion PDF

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Preview Josh Waitzkin's Attacking Chess Aggressive Strategies and Inside Moves from the U.S. Junior Chess Champion

WAITZKIN'S ATTACKING CHES•S A AGGRESSIVES TRATEGIESA ND INSIDE MOVES FROM THE U.S.J UNIOR CHESS CHAMPION .JOSHW AITZKIN, INTERNA TIONAL MA STER, with FrWeadi tzkin A FIRE SIDE BOOK Publishbeyd Simon& Schuster NEW YORK LONDON TORONTOS YDNEY TOKYO SINGAPORE Form y family. [E FIRESIDE RockefellCeern ter 1230Av enuoef t heAm ericas NewY orkNY, 10020 CopyrigICh 1t9 95b yJ oshW aitzkin Allr ighrtess erved, includtihnger ighotfr eproduction in wholeor i np arti na nyf orm. Fnu:smE andc olophaorne r egisterterda demarkso fS imon & SchustIenrc . DesignebdyS tanleSy. O rate/FoGlriaop hiCcos. I,n c. Manufactureidn t heU nitedS tateosf Am erica 109 8 Libraryo fC ongresCsa taloging-in-PublicDaattiao n Waitzkin, Josh. [Attackincgh ess] JoshW aitzkin'sa ttackincgh es:sa ggresssitvrea tegainedis n side movesf romth e U.SJ.u niorC hampionI J oshW aitzk.in with Fred Waitzkin. p. em. "AF iresibdoeo k." Includeisn dex. 1C.h ess.I .W aitzkinF,r ed.n .T itle. GV1449.5:W3159 95 794.1'2-dc20 95-12178 CIP ISBNQ- 684-8025Q-3 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 8 INTRODUCTION 9 1 MATE 19 2 THE FORK 35 3 PINS AND SKEWERS 42 4 DO UBLE THREAT 54 5 REMOVING THE DEFENDER 62 6 DISCOVERY 68 7 BUST 76 8 PAWN STORMS AND THE POWER OF THE KAM IKAZE 83 9 QUEEN TRAPS 88 10 MINOR TRAPS 101 1 1C OURAGE 113 12 DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS 133 13 OPEN ING TRAPS 141 14 QUIET MOVES INA TTACK 151 15 ZWISCHENZUG 159 16 THE SEVENTH RANK AND THE PIG 179 17 MATING NETS 187 18 SAC FOR MATE! 195 19 GRADUATE WORK 219 APPENDIXA:L GEBRAICN OTATION 237 INDEX 240 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My loavnedg ratittou demm yo thewrh,oc ontributed here xperieansca ec hsest eachaenrdh er cloafer xi­ty presstioto hnib so oIka .m i ndebttote hdee f rfotsJ oohfn MacArthwuhro,s penlto nhgo urs entmeyr eiarnlgy gameisn tCoh esassBea,n dt om y freindBsru ceP andol­ finiM,a uricAes hleayn,d G regori Kaiwdhaon ov, scourtehdem anuscrfiopertr roAlrsso.f, o trh ien sp-'i ra tloonfJ acNke,a aln,d Ki tty. ThankDsad,, f otrae chimnegh owt owri te. " INTRODUCTION I begapnl ayicnhge sast s ixy earosf a gei nW ashington SquarPea rkM.y firsotp ponenwtesr ec heshsu stlers, ex­ consd,r ugd ealeras h,o melesRsu ssiacnh essg enius, foul-moutghaemdb lerbsi,gj okerasn,d c rafty tactical playewrhso t rietdol urpea sser_isnqtyao g amef orfif ty centosr a dollarE.a cho new asa na uthorointyc hessI. remembetrh oseea rlgya mesv ery wellI.w ould plunk down inf ronotfs omeguy fivet imemsy sizaen di ssue thec hallen"gWea,n nap lay?" Iw antetdo b eaetv eryone. Thatw asmy earlivieeswt oft heg ameW.e would begin top usho urp ieceash eada ndI w asi nstantclayu ghitn thef eaarn d throifbl alt tlMey. o bjectwiavse a lways rathesri mplteo:a ttacakn dd estroTyh.i sw asw hatt he gamew asa bouItw .a sg ointgom aket hreacthso,p d own hisd efensessa,c rifipcaewn s and pieicfIe h sa dt oa nd thenm atet hibsi gf ellFao.rm e cheswsa sl ivionngt he edges,l uggiintog u tt,h rowimnagt eritalot hew ind, giv­ ing maItr ee.c all bitter icnot lhde dpaawyrhske ns weat drippeddo wn my sideass I b attlseodm es cary-looking dudea crostsh eb oardIo. n ces aitdo m y dad",N os port makesm e sweaats m ucha sc hess." Throughomuyt careerI 'vbee enk nown asa fierce attackpilnagy earn,d t hissty leh asw orkedw elflo rm e. SincIew ase ighIht a vec onsistentltyh etb oepe-nr anked playeirnAm ericaf orm y ageS.o metimeIs s eey oung 9 10 c JoshW aitzkinA'tst ackinCgh ess playemrakisn g listlesmso ves, hangbiancgkw itht heir piecebse,i ncga utiosuest,t lfionrdg r awsi nw inninpgo ­ sitiotnryisn,g n ott ol osien steoafdp layinga ggressively tos quasthh ee nemyk ingF.r ankly,I t hintkh aptl aying fearfdurla wischh esiss a wastoef t imeb,u tt hissty listic malaiscea np lagueev ent heb ravesotf c ompetitors whent heya res lumpianngd s horotf c onfidencTeh.e re isa huged ifferebnectwee enw antintgos luigt o uta nd knowingh ow tod o itA. youngp rizefighwtietrhg reat hearwti llg etk nockeodu ta gaiann da gaiunn tihle learntsh es cienocfeb oxing. It hinokf m yselafs a na ggresspievres obny n ature. WhenI p layefdo rm y highs choobla sketbtaelalmI a l­ waysl ooketdo d rivteo t heb askeItn.m y classiens schooIlh aven evebre ens hya bouatr guinmyg poinotf view.In chessw,h ether syeoeui ta sa gamea,r ts,p ort, sciencoera, combinatoifot nh �sey,o urp ersonaliityn ­ variabhlaysa l argreo lien d evelopyionugrp layings tyle. When Ifi rsstt artpelda yitnhge g amea ts ixI w asp ure aggressitoryinn,g t ol ayo utm y oversizoepdp onenatss ifw e werei np hysicbala ttNloet.i nmgy feisetya rlpyl ay­ ings tylea ndb urnindge sirteow inm,y firscto acahn d dearf rienBdru,c eP andolfibneig,a nt oc allm e "Tiger." He sticlall lmse "TigeTr.h"i sb ooki st hec hessmiacn i­ festoof a n attackinmgi ndI.n l ifweo,u ldy oup refetro beb olda nda dventuroourps a ssiavned f earfIuh la?v e alwaysf avoretdh ef ormearn dI t hintkh iiss t her ight approafcohr a chespsl ayer. Needlestsos ay,m otherhsa vea slightdliyf ferent view ofm ostt hingMsy. mom recaltlhsa tw hen she watchemde playing my firssth egd aimdenss'e te a w ild­ cats om ucha sa little boayn o wdidst ehr iousnaessi sf, herk id weirneh abitbeyad wi se oldm an.S hes ayst hat therwee re afternoonsI p wlhaeynei dnt hep arkw itha steadinaensdsw isdomt haste emecdo mpletaelliye tno ther ough-and-tusmibxl-ey earw-hool wda s herJ osh. INTRODUCTION o 11 Ho hum.L ifies n evesri mple.. B utm aybeI w asb oth, thet igearn dt heo ldm an.C hessi sfi llewdi thp aradoIxt. requirceosu ragaes wella sp atiencOen.e musth ave ricihm aginattiooc no mplemencto lcda lculation. Whether tigeorr o ldm an,o net hinigs s urew:h enI wasfi rssta crificmyi ngp iecefso rm atei nt hep arka,n d fory earasf terwardIsh ,a dl ittalneal ytiucn derstanding ofw hatI w as doingIn. a senset hewr itingo ft hifisr st bookh asb eena formo fs elf-discoMvaenryy. o ft he ruleasn dp rincipIld eiss cushse rew eren ott aughtto me butc amei ntuititvherloyu gahb sorbihnagr dk nocks ine arlgya mesI.n t heb eginniIn dgi dn otu nderstand thesied eacso ncretebluytI, p layebdy t hemS.o mehowI feltth eiers senticaolr rectneIsh sa.da strangceo nnec­ tiotno t hec hessboaarndd i tmse n,o net haItw ilnle ver truluyn derstand. Thewr itinogf t hibso okh asf orcemde tol ooakn alyti­ callayt w hatf ort hem ostp artc amen aturallyI.t h as beena triipn tpoa rtosf my . mindt haItn everb othered toc onsidePre.r hapbse causIea m fort hefi rstti mef or­ mulatinkge yi deaisn my chessl ifteh,e sei deawsi ll seemf resahn da livteo y oua st heyd o tom e.S omeo f these chapterse xtwreermee dliyf ficulatn df rustrating towr iteT.i mea nda gaimyn fathewro uldr eadm y drafts ands ays ucht hingass " Joshy,o un everr ealleyxp lain why iti si mportatnotp lacreo okso n thes eventho"r "Why wast havta riatai bolnu ndeYro?u d idne'xtp laiitn clearly." Hatvione gx plaiwnh atc omesi ntuitiwvaesl y infuriatainndgm adem e wantt og iveu p these words and gob ackt op layimnogv esI.s uspectth awrti ting may bea sd ifficualsct h ess. I willd emonstratteec hniquoefs a ttackicnhge ss fromp ositiotnhsa Ith avec hosefnr ommy games.T he positiownisl ble ar rangedt hematicaalnldwiy l lt endt o becomem ored ifficualstt h eb ookg oeso n.T hrougthh e useo fd iagramasn dc olloquliaanlg uagIeh avet rietdo 12o JoshW aitzikn' sA ttackinCgh ess makee vedni fficiudletam so rea ccebslsaein dh uman. Whens tudyAtitancgking ChesIs su gsgett hatth ree ader stowph enevIea rs ka q uestiIf opnos.si blseet,th edi a­ gramm edp ostiiounp o n cah essabrodp,u tt heb ook down anddo n'ptic iktu pu ntyiolu h avfeou ndw hat seemtsob ea solutTryi onno.tt o l ooakh eaadt tahne­ swerW!h enI fi rssttar tetdo s tudy cmyh efsaste,hrp ut tape otvheer ansswoeI rw sou ldnp'ete kB.e liemvee, Ikn ow thet emptatbiuottn h,el essownislh lo lmdo re meaniinyfgo ue arnt hem. iEyfvo eunc annfiontd sao lu­ tiosnt,ru ggwliet thh ee lemenotfs tphreo blbeemof re readimyn ge xplannastA.i wilolingensst oa ccetphte challenogfde e mandimnagt erihaall tfih bsea ttle. Ih avber oketnh eb oodko wn intvoa roiusa ttacking themse,b eginnwiintgeh l ementoanrye ssu ch faoksrs , pinasn,d s keweran�d, m ovingp rogsrsveieltyo m ore advanceandd subtildee assu cahs p awn storcmosu,r ­ aged,o n't fsorel tetslbseu, so tp etnh cee ntaenrd,z wis­ chenzTuhg.em ovearse giveinn a lgebrnaoiticao tnIf. thre eadiesnr o tc ompelteclyo mfortawibtlhea legbraic notatiano ne,x planatiisgo inv einnt haep pendiaxtt he end tohfib so okT.h ep ositfiroonmyms gamesi llursatte keya ttackinigd eaEsve.ry analysiisn t hibso ok ai s cheslse ssporno viditnhge s rudenwitt h numerous questitoosn tsu dayn da nswearsw elals p ractical ad­ victeo d igsetB.y the ytoiurm eea cthh ec oncluding chatperosf twhoirskm ,o sotf t hec ritpiocsali twiiolnls requitrheee mploymeonftwt o orm orea ttackiindge as. The mossotpih stiacteadn dc omplcehxse sp layiendt he worlda cirse ataimvaleg am oft hev eryi deaysou wil l studyh erIne .t hfien aclh aptoeftr hi sb ooyko uwi lln ot bet olind a dvancweh icthh ememsu sbte e mployteod findt hean swerBsa. seudp ownh ayto uh avlee arneind thper eciendpga geyso,uwil l "feetlh"e movd.ei sd eanas muchin thew ay thaa stt rong pilnatyuecirrt ist ical movsei na b eautgiamfule .B yl earntihnemg a nneirn I NTRO DUCTIOcN13 which key chess ideas grow out of one another, it is my hope thAattta cking Chehseslp wiltlo foster a player's creatlvity. In additot ioofnf ering a tfeoarcmhaictnugll ed from my Mames, and my best sIu wgagnetsA ttitaocnskin,g Chess to be enjoyablGeo orde amdoivnegs. are com­ bined with narrative accounts ofI h eaxvpeeriences that had playing big games around the world. As a young vet­ eran of many chess toIuc ranna mpernotmsi se you that whether you are a thousand miles from home playing for first place in the final round of a world championship or at your local chess club facing a familiar rival in a weekend Swiss tournament, the theater of chess is as exciting as the moves themselves . Most chess books are dense with analysis and are relatiIvely devoid of life. believe that understanding the emotional turmoil of im­ portant chess games and hearing some of the wild and woolly stories surrounding tense chess rivalries will in­ spire the student of chess to study and improve his or her play. Let's consider the short-lived but brutal rivalry of Waitzkin vs. Waitzkin. For the first two months of my chess lmyi ffea,t her Iap nlda yed nearly every day. We had some terrific battles. Dad thought he was pretty good and in our games he never held back. Some after­ noons he beat me three or four tiImes and afterwards felt numb. But by the next Idw aays, raefatdeyr school, to fight him again. We must have played a hundred gamesb eforIefi nally beat him. After that, our competi­ tion changed in almost evIer rye calrle sptehcatt. after my first win Dad was tbhurtil ltehdi s. di�'t last. For the next couple ofI b weegeakntos ,w ina s more often, he read chess books to get the upper hand. He was terri­ bly proud of my chess ability, but at the same time he seemed frustrated. He didn't like losing to me. For my

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