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Preview Josephson coupling in junctions made of monolayer graphene on SiC

Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Josephson coupling in junctions made of monolayer graphene grown on SiC B. Jouault1 · S. Charpentier2 · D. Massarotti3,4 · A. Michon5 · M. Paillet1 · J.-R. Huntzinger1 · A. Tiberj1 · A. Zahab1 · T. Bauch2 · P. 6 Lucignano4 · A. Tagliacozzo6,4,7 · F. Lombardi2 · F. Tafuri4,3 1 0 2 r a M March 16,2016 5 Abstract Chemicalvapordepositionhasprovedtobe Keywords Graphene, Josephson effect, Silicon 1 successfulinproducinggraphenesamplesonsiliconcar- Carbide ] bide(SiC)homogeneousatthecentimeterscaleinterms n of Hall conductance quantization. Here we report on o c therealizationofco-planardiffusiveAl/monolayergra- 1 Introduction - phene/ Al junctions on the same graphene sheet, with r p separations between the electrodes down to 200 nm. The remarkable electrical properties of graphene, in- u Robust Josephson coupling, as the magnetic pattern duced by the chiral nature of its charge carriers, rises s . of the critical current, has been measured for separa- big expectations presently, of increasing functionalities t a tions not larger than 300 nm. Transport properties are in hybrid superconducting quantum devices. Joseph- m reproducible on different junctions and indicate that son junctions in which the supercurrent flows through - graphene on SiC substrates is a concrete candidate to normal-conducting graphene across closely spaced Su- d n providescalabilityofhybridJosephsongraphene/super- perconductors (S), have been realized up to now only o conductor devices. with exfoliated graphene. Usually the graphene flakes c are deposited on a Si/SiO substrate[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]. [ 2 Eveniftheachievementsareformanyrespectsspec- 2 1 tacularatpresent,thegoalofrealizingwhateversimple v Universit´e Montpellier-CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb hybrid circuit with a number of these junctions on the 2 UMR5221,F-34095,Montpellier, France 5 same graphene sheet is a long way off, because of the 2 5 severe limits imposed by the present fabrication proto- Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Go¨teborg, 4 Sweden cols. Every junction will have its own properties (and 0 story),withnochanceofcontrollingtheelectrodynam- . 3 1 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione, ics and its functionality, when engineering the full cir- 0 SecondaUniversita´ diNapoli, I-81031Aversa(CE),Italy cuit. 6 1 4 In this work we propose to use Chemical Vapor De- : CNR-SPIN, Monte S. Angelo-Via Cintia, I-80126, Napoli, position (CVD) of graphene on large silicon carbide v Italy i (SiC) areas, which does not require subsequent exfolia- X 5 tion. We report on the characteristics of the fabricated r CRHEA - Centre de Recherche sur l’H´et´ero´epitaxie et ses junctions, demonstrating that the high quality of the a Applications, CNRS, rue Bernard Gr´egory, 06560 Valbonne, devices,patternedonasinglegraphenesheet,pavesthe France way to finally taking on this limit, an utmost priority 6 in view of any future application. Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Napoli ”Federico II”, Monte S.Angelo-ViaCintia,I-80126Napoli, Italy GraphenemadebyCVDonmetals[9]andgraphene 7 on SiC cover large surfaces and are homogeneous at INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Via E.Fermi, Fras- the centimetre scale. Thus relatively simple lithogra- cati,Italy phy processes allow to obtain thousands of devices on 2 B.Jouault1 etal. thesamewafer[10].Themobilityofgraphenegrownby CVDonmetalsismainlylimitedbydefectsintroduced duringthetransferprocess[11],whereasthemobilityof graphene on SiC is essentially controlled by the car- rier concentration. In graphene on SiC, the mobility can reach µ ≈ 45,000 cm2V−1s−1 at T=2 K and at carrier concentrations 2 × 1010 cm−2[12]. This corre- sponds to a mean free path l ≈ 80 nm. Additionally, the quantum Hall effect of graphene on SiC is remark- ably precise even at magnetic fields as low as B = 3.5 T[13,14], which makes graphene on SiC the material of choice for the next generation of easy-to-use quan- tum electrical standards. By combining Josephson ar- rayssupportingrelativelylargemagneticfieldsandHall bars made of graphene, complex metrological devices like quantum current standards could be designed on thesamewafer[15,16].Besides,theinterfaceand/orthe surface of graphene on SiC can be modified. Various atomic species like oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, can be intercalated or deposited whereas it is well established that intercalated graphite or few layer graphene be- come superconductive[17,18,19]. Thus, CVD graphene onSiCisalsoagoodplatformtostudygraphene-based superconductivity[20]. 2 Sample Characterization and preparation Fig.1 (a)Ramanspectra(withSiCbackgroundsubtracted) obtained on a given location (black line) and averaged over Graphenehasbeengrownbypropane-hydrogenCVD[23] a 24 µm ×24 µm area (red line). (b) Histogram of the inte- ontheSifaceofasemi-insulating0.24o-off-axis6H-SiC grated intensity AG of the G Raman peak, normalized over the integrated intensity AHOPG of the G peak of a Highly substrate purchased from TankeBlue, using conditions G Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) reference. 98% of the similartothoseusedinRef.[24].Thegrowthisdonein surfacegivesavaluecloseto3.2%,whichisclosetoexpecta- one minute, at a temperature of 1550 ◦C under a 800 tionsforamonolayergraphene(seeRef.[21]).(c)AngleRe- mbar atmosphere made of argon, propane and hydro- solved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) Intensity map of the sample surface. The red dashed line is the theoretical gen (3 slm argon, 10 slm hydrogen, 5 sccm propane). dispersion of the valence band of a monolayer graphene, ac- The substrate is then cleaved to obtain several sam- cordingtoRef.[22].Theinsetisacolormapofthegraphene ples of total size 6 mm × 6 mm. Fig. 1 resumes the conduction band in the reciprocal space. The ARPES map structural characteristics of the graphene samples. Ra- is taken along the direction indicated by a black solid line. (d)Sketchand(e)scanning-electronmicrographofaL≈200 man spectra, obtained after the growth, are reported nm short junction with artificial colors. The sample struc- in panel (a). For 98% of the surface, the integrated in- ture after lithography is indicated in the inset of panel (b) tensity of the G peak, normalized with respect to a for completeness (total size 5 mm × 5 mm, green: SiC, blue: graphite reference, is about 3.2%, see panel (b). This graphene,darkyellow:contacts). is very close to the experimental value reported for a graphene monolayer[21]. By contrast, bilayer graphene wouldyieldabouttwicethisintensity[21].ARPESmea- presenceoftheso-calledcarbon-richinterface.Here,the surements,carriedoutontheCassiop´eebeamlineatthe p-dopingistheexperimentalsignaturethatthiscarbon- synchrotronradiationfacilitySOLEIL,revealsthatthe rich interface has been neutralized and replaced by an sample is a p-doped monolayer graphene, see panel(c). hydrogenated interface between graphene and SiC[24]. On a similar growth, magnetotransport measurements also revealed the half-integer quantum Hall effect spe- Van der Pauw and Hall measurements, done before cific to monolayer graphene[24]. The ARPES measure- lithography on the 6 mm × 6 mm sample, give a car- ments are done under ultra-high vacuum, after an ini- rier concentration p ≈ 6.2×1012 cm−2 and a mobility tial degassing performed at 500 oC. On the silicon-face µ ≈ 1,100 cm2·V−1·s−1 at room temperature under of SiC, the graphene is usually n-doped, because of the ambient atmosphere. This corresponds to a sheet resis- Josephsoncouplinginjunctions madeofmonolayergraphenegrown onSiC 3 tivity ρ = 920 Ω, with a form factor f = 0.9 which evidences a small anisotropy of conductivity linked to the SiC steps. The low mobility is typical for graphene on SiC which is not compensated. In principle, mobil- ity higher by one order of magnitude can be obtained by an appropriate gating which would reduce the car- rier concentration[12]. As both ARPES and Hall mea- surements give similar carrier concentration, the atmo- sphericcontaminationplaysaminorroleandisnotthe main source of doping, which is likely to be due to the interface. The Josephson devices are fabricated by conven- tional e-beam lithography. The graphene junctions are patterned by oxygen plasma. Then, the contacts are deposited,seeFig.1(d,e).Theyconsistofa5nminter- facial layer of titanium, a 80 nm thick aluminium layer and a 3 nm thick gold layer. The gaps L between the electrodes ranges from 200 nm to 600 nm. The width is fixed at W =4 µm. A total of twelve junctions have been defined, with two orientations with respect to the substrate. The samples have been thermally anchored to the 3He pot of a 3He cryostat (Heliox VL Oxford Fig. 2 (a) Temperature dependence of the resistance R(T) for four junctions of lengths L ≈ 200,300,400 and 600 nm, Instruments) and four probes electrical measurements normalizedbytheirresistanceatT =1.2K.Theinsetrepre- have been performed. The cryostat is equipped with sents the resistance at T =1.2 K of the same four junctions, a room temperature electromagnetic interference filter plottedasafunctionoftheirwidthasfilledsquareswiththe samecolourcode.TwoadditionaljunctionsofwidthL≈200 stage followed by low pass RC filters anchored at 1.5 nm are also plotted as open squares. (b) V(I) characteris- K and by copper powder filters stage anchored at the tics of the four junctions presented in panel (a), at the base sample stage[25]. Standard measurements of current- temperatureofT =280mK. voltage V(I) characteristics as a function of tempera- ture and magnetic field along with R(T) curves with a biascurrentofabout5nAhavebeenperformed.Inad- dition, conductance spectra dI/dV(V) have been mea- corresponding V(I) characteristics taken at T = 280 sured by superimposing a low amplitude (a few nA) mK for the four junctions presented in panel (a). The sinusoidal signal with frequency of about 30 Hz to a V(I)characteristicispracticallyohmicforthejunction triangularslowramp,withafrequencyofabout1mHz, with L≈600 nm. A Josephson critical current I ≈40 and by reading the response from the sample by using c and10nAcanbereadoffforthejunctionswithL≈200 the lock-in technique. nm and 300 nm respectively. The small steps at finite voltagebelowtheTi/Algapcanbeattributedtolocal- 3 Results ized subgap states (see below). The mean free path of grapheneonhydrogenatedSiCisestimatedtobe(cid:96)∼50 The temperature dependence of the resistance of four nmfromroomtemperaturemeasurementsandthecar- junctions is presented in Fig. 2(a). There is a kink at rierdensityandmobilityareonlyweaklymodifiedfrom about1Kmonitoringthetransitiontosuperconductiv- roomtemperaturetoliquidHeliumtemperature[26,24]. ity of the Ti/Al contacts. The junction with L ≈ 600 Thus even the smallest of the junctions should be dif- nm (green curve), appears to be going insulating. Not fusive. Estimating the aluminium gap ∆ ≈ 100 µeV even in the smallest junctions with L≈200 nm (black from conductance dI/dV (V) measurements (see Fig. curve) and L≈300 nm (red curve) is the transition to 4(a)), we obtain a superconducting coherence length (cid:112) thesuperconductingstatecompleteabove280mK.The ξ = ¯hD/∆ ≈ 300–400 nm, where D is the diffusion 0 precursory effects of the dissipationless conductance in constant. Hence our junctions with L ≤ 300 nm are in these junctions will be discussed elsewhere. Here we the crossover between the short and the long junction show that, no matter that some residual resistance is limit. A reduction of the Josephson critical current is presentabove280mK,thesejunctionsattainphaseco- expectedinthelongjunctionlimit,asconfirmedbythe herenceandJosephsonconduction.Fig.2(b)showsthe experiment. 4 B.Jouault1 etal. Fig.4 (coloronline)(a)Measurementsofconductancespec- tra dI/dV(V) as a function of temperature on the L ≈ 200 nm junction. On a large scale the temperature modulation of the Al gap clearly appears, as indicated by the black ar- rows.Panel(b)isazoomaroundzerovoltageandshowsthat subgappeaksdonotshiftwithtemperature. sistance.Consequently,asimilarmagneticpatternisre- trievedfromthemagneticfielddependenceofdV/dI at I =0, see panel (c). In panels (a,c), we have added for reference a conventional Fraunhofer interference curve: I ∝|sin(πBS /Φ )/(πBS /Φ )| c eff 0 eff 0 where Φ = hc/2e is the flux quantum. The one dis- Fig. 3 (color online) (a) Colormap of the differential resis- 0 played here corresponds to an effective area S = 1.6 tance dV/dI(B,I) for the junction of width L≈300 nm pre- eff sented in Fig. 2. The data have been collected by decreasing µm2. As the width of the junction is 4 µm and the the absolute value of the applied magnetic field. The dark length L ≈ 300 nm one could infer that the critical blueareacorrespondstothesuperconductiveregion.Thesu- currentdensityishomogeneousacrossthejunctionand perposedbluecurveisaFraunhoferinterferencepatterngiven as a reference, corresponding to a total area S =1.6 µm2. that the physical area of the junction is involved, with eff (b) Enlargement of a region (white rectangle) of panel (a), the addition of some small penetration of the magnetic evidencing additional fast oscillating patterns. (c) Residual fieldintheAl/Ticontacts.Howeverthesample,includ- resistance at I= 0 nA. The data are shown as open red cir- ingtheAl/Ticontacts,isaplanarstructureinthethin cles. The blue solid line appearing in panel (a) is also shown film limit and the field penetration in the Al/Ti con- here,asa guide fortheeye. tacts is expected to be large. In fact, a conventional Fraunhofer pattern only gives a qualitative envelope of a strongly oscillating pattern that is observed. For the L ≈ 200 nm junction, the product eIcRN Fig.3,panel(b)isanenlargementoftheselowfields /∆ ≈ 0.09 is smaller than the theoretical estimate[27] oscillations. They are quasi periodic, with a pseudo- eIcRN/ ∆ ≈ 0.66 derived for junctions in which the periodof1–3Gausswhichcorrespondstoamuchlarger Thouless energyis ¯hD/L2 ∼∆. Thisis the upper limit effective area of ≈ 32µm2. To account for a more ex- of the difference, since it is calculated for Ic at T ≈0.3 tended flux penetration in the contacts, we have nu- TcAl (TcAl is the critical temperature of the electrodes). merically calculated the macroscopic magnetic vector The measured critical current density Jc =Ic/W ≈ 10 potential profile by solving the London equation, fol- nAµm−1 atL≈200nmfallsintherangeofthevalues lowing a method originally employed by Rosenthal et reported in the literature, i.e. between 1 and 100 nA al.[30,31,32] for planar junctions. The I oscillations c µm−1,whenthetemperatureisnormalizedtoTc ofthe with the period of 3 Gauss and their enveloppe can electrodes[28,7,29,2]. be reproduced in this way by choosing a Pearl pen- OneofthemostdirectevidenceofagenuineJoseph- etration length within the contacts λ = 1 µm and a son coupling is provided by a modulation of I with a non uniform critical current density across the junc- c magneticfieldBwhichisappliedperpendicularlytothe tion.However,amacroscopicLondonpictureisstillnot substrate. The magnetic field dependence of the mea- fully convincing as the aperiodicity of the fast oscillat- sureddifferentialresistancefortheL≈300nmjunction ing pattern, the residual resistance (see Fig. 3(c)) and is reported in Fig. 3(a). Experimentally, there is also a some (fully reproducible) dependence on the sweeping one to one correspondence between the magnitude of of the applied magnetic field imply additional phenom- theJosephsoncriticalcurrentandthesmallresidualre- ena which cannot be accounted for within the macro- Josephsoncouplinginjunctions madeofmonolayergraphenegrown onSiC 5 scopic Rosenthal model. Most likely, vortex pinning in 43]. The possible use of graphene junctions in real cir- the Al/Ti contacts takes also place, as many impuri- cuits is hindered, however, by the substantial limit of a ties and pinning centers are expected to diffuse in the technologythatcannotproducealargenumberofjunc- contacts during the deposition process. The fast oscil- tions patterned on a single graphene flake with simi- lations in the pattern could be due to a non-uniform larproperties,thuscontrollingtheelectrodynamicsand critical current density distribution[33,34]. A more de- functionality of each of them, as well as of the global tailed account on the magnetic field dependence of I circuit. c will be given elsewhere[35]. This work demonstrates the Josephson conduction When investigating the behavior of the Al/Ti con- at subKelvin temperature, in various co-planar struc- tacts further, by monitoring the conductance measure- tures on one single monolayer of graphene and pat- mentsdI/dV(V)fordifferenttemperaturesreportedin ternedAlsuperconductingcontacts.Grapheneisgrown Fig. 4, we can identify the Al/Ti gap, with a marked by CVD on SiC. The Josephson coherence appears to temperature dependence (panel (a)), and few subgap be highly reproducible, isotropic with respect to the structureswhichgiverisetothestepsintheV(I)char- substrate orientation and easily scalable with present acteristics at finite voltage, see Fig. 2(b). Temperature standardlithographictechniques.Theseresultshavean seems not to have any effect on these subgap struc- immediate applicative impact opening up to a system- tures, as shown in Fig. 4(b). This rules out the possi- atic comparative study where single constructive pa- bility that they originate from multiple Andreev reflec- rameters of the graphene junctions can be selectively tion (MAR)[3]. This can be explained by considering changed and barriers can be appropriately engineered. thattheinterfaceswiththecontactsareexpectedtobe rather rough. Poor transmission between the metallic aluminiumcontactsandtheunderlyinggraphenelayer, 5 Acknowledgements responsible for a sizeable contact resistance, has also been found in the case of diffusive graphene transis- DiscussionswithPietBrouwerandVictorRoucoGomez tors[36]. Possible origin of the subgap resonances could are gratefully acknowledged. 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