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Preview JOPERD the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 2009: Vol 80 Index & Table of Contents

Subject Index The 2009 JOPERD index is arranged alphabetically by subject, author, and reviewer. JOPERD is published nine 600¢ times a year: January, February, March, April, May/June, August, September, October, and November/December. It is available online at www.ingentaconnect.com/content/aahperd/joperd and on microfilm from NA Publishing Inc., PO. Box 998, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. To order back issues, call (800) 321-0789. AAHPERD’s 125th Coaching Departments Anniversary (also see Inclusion) 2009 AAHPERD Awards— May/ AAHPERD 1986-2009: A Retro- Using Learning Preferences to Jun:51 SOXOPU] spective —Nov/Dec:48 Improve Coaching and Athletic 2009 JOPERD |Index—Nov/Dec:67 Performance—Mar:30 AAHPERD Chronicle AAHPERD 2009 National Conven- 1986-—2 No0v/1Dec0:5 2 “Why Did You Cut Me?” Preparing tion & Exposition—Mar:12 Coaching Education Students for The American Association for the Team Selection Process—Nov/ Advertiser Index —Jan:15; Feb:15; Physical Activity and Recreation: Dec:39 Mar:56; Apr:56; May/Jun:60; Tracing Our Roots to 1939—May/ Aug:64; Sep:55; Oct:56; Nov/ Jun:16 Cross-Disciplinary Dec:72 Celebrating AAHPERD’s Quas- Connections Conferences and Workshops— quicentennial: Strength Through (see Curriculum, Professional Jan:15; Feb:11; Mar:11; Apr:56; Partnerships—May/Jun:15 Preparation) Aug:61; Sep:55; Oct:56 Celebrating the Modern History of Curriculum Convention Calendar—Aug:61; Health Education in AAHPERD— Oct:54 Aug:51 Integrating Multicultural Educa- tion: Activities to Celebrate the Editorial—Jan:5; Feb:4; Mar:3; Lest We Forget the Service They Chinese New Year—May/Jun:40 May/Jun:3; Aug:4; Sep:4; Oct:4; Rendered—Nov/Dec:54 Nov/Dec:6 Jump Rope Skills for Fun and Fit- NASPE Sets the Standard: 35 Years ness in Grades K-12—Sep:15 Guidelines for Authors—Feb:5; of National Leadership in Sport Apr:4; May/Jun:60; Aug:60; Sep:9; and Physical Education—Oct:46 Dance Oct:7 The National Association for Girls (also see NDA Scholar/Artist Issues—Jan:11; Feb:12; Mar:50; and Women in Sport: 110 Years Lecture) Apr:8; May/Jun:13; Aug:10; Sep:53; Promoting Social Justice and Alignment in Early Movement Oct:10; Nov/Dec:14 Change—Sep:48 Education: Remembering What We Law Review—Jan:9; Feb:8; Mar:9; Know—Mar:24 Adapted Physical Education Apr:6; May/Jun:11; Aug:7; Sep:10; (also see Inclusion) Developing Aerobic Dance Rou- Oct:8; Nov/Dec:19 tines: A Method for Instructing Effectively Using IEP Goal Banks— New Books—Feb:56; Aug:64 Undergraduate Group Fitness Jan:44 Leaders—Sep:23 News —Jan:3; Feb:3; May/Jun:9; Using Visual Supports for Stu- Aug:3; Sep:3; Oct:3; Nov/Dec:5 The Native American Dance Lega- dents with Autism in Physical cy: Introduction—Aug:13 Research Works—Jan:14; Feb:10; Education—Feb:39 Mar:8; Apr:5; May/Jun:10; Sep:52; The Never-Ending Circle of Life: Oct:53; Nov/Dec:8 Native American Hoop Dancing Assessment from Its Origin to the Present (see Teaching, Technology) Teaching Tips—Apr:12; Aug:59; Day—Aug:21 Sep:12; Oct:50 At-Risk Youths Transcending Rhythms: A Celebra- Technology Tips—Jan:17 tion of Native and African Ameri- Fun & Fit, Phase |: A Program for can Culture—Aug:26 Viewpoint—Jan:7; Feb:6; Mar:6; Overweight African American and Apr:3; May/Jun:6; Aug:5; Sep:6;° Hispanic American Children from Voices of the Alaskan Alutiig Cul- Oct:6; Nov/Dec:11 Low-Income Families—Aug:35 tural Reawakening—Aug:15 JOPERD + Volume 80 No. 9 - November/December 2009 Elementary Physical History NDA Scholar/Artist Lecture Education (see AAHPERD’s 125th Wellness Education for Dancers: (see Adapted Physical Education, Anniversary, Dance) A 15-Year Retrospective —May/ At-Risk Youths, Curriculum, Jun:29 Fitness, Health, Inclusion, Inclusion NASPE Symposium, Professional (also see Adapted Physical Preschool Physical Development, Professional Education, Professional Education Preparation, Public Relations, Preparation, Public Relations, (see Curriculum, Fitness, Research, Safety Issues, Teaching, Technology) Professional Development, Technology, Youth Development) Physical Education and Sport Ad- Professional Preparation) I2n0d0e9x es aptations for Students Who Are Fitness Hard of Hearing—Mar:38 Professional Development (also see At-Risk Youths, Curriculum, Dance, Health, Professional Development NASPE Symposium, Professional Leisure and Recreation Schools: A Model for Effective P-16 Preparation, Research, Teaching) (also see At-Risk Youths, Coaching, Physical Education Partnerships— Children and Exercise: Appro- Curriculum, Fitness, NASPE Jan:31 priate Practices for Grades K- Symposium, Youth Development) What Do They Have that | Don’t 6—Apr:18 Journal Assignments for Student Have? Characteristics of National Reflections on Outdoor Pro- Board Certified Teachers—Feb:44 Motivating Students to Be Active grams—Apr:30 Outside of Class: A Hierarchy for Independent Physical Activity— Professional Issues Jan:25 NASPE Symposium (see Professional Development) After-School All-Stars: Providing Gender Issues Professional Preparation Structured Health and Physical (see NASPE Symposium) Activity Programs in Urban Envi- (also see Coaching, Leisure and ronments— Oct:32 Recreation, NDA Scholar/Artist Health Lecture, Technology) Engaging Urban Youths in Physical (also see Dance, Fitness, A Collaboration for Health and Education and Physical Activity: NDA Scholar/Artist Lecture, Physical Education in High-Need Introduction—Oct:25 Professional Preparation) Schools and Communities— Practical Applications and Limita- Engaging Urban Youths: A Youth Sep:29 tions of Tracking Body Mass Index Development Perspective—Oct:27 Implications of the Physical Edu- in Schools—Apr:14 Four Considerations for Urban cator’s Broadened Wellness Role— Physical Education Teachers— Feb:48 High School Physical Oct:29 Lights, Camera, Action: Facilitating Education The Gender Gap in Youth Sports: PETE Students’ Reflection Through (see Adapted Physical Education, Too Many Urban Girls Are Being Film—Sep:36 Curriculum, Dance, Fitness, Health, Left Behind—Oct:35 inclusion, NASPE Symposium, Preparing Physical Educators for Professional Development, Meeting the Needs of Ur- the Role of Physical Activity Direc- Professional Preparation, Public ban Youths in Columbus City tor—Apr:24 Relations, Research, Safety Issues, Schools—Oct:41 Teaching, Technology) Psychology of Sport Struggling to Engage Urban Youths in Meaningful Physical Ed- (see Coaching, Fitness, NASPE Higher Education ucation: A Bailout Plan to Survive Symposium, Teaching) (see Coaching, Leisure and and Thrive—Oct:43 Recreation, NDA Scholar/ Public Relations Artist Lecture, Proféssional __ What's Skill Got to Do With It? A Development, Professional Developmental Approach to Pro- Communicating with Hispanic Par- Preparation, Technology) moting Physical Activity in Urban ents of Children with and without -Youths—Oct:38 Disabilities—Apr:48 JOPERD + Volume 80 No. 9 - November/December 2009 Promoting Physical EducationT:h e ical Education Students—Oct:12 Technology Link to Academic Achievement— (also see Coaching, Professional Integrating Motor-Learning Con- Jan:39 Preparation, Research) cepts into Physica! Education: Us- ing Guided Discovery to Address A Checklist for Designing and Research NASPE Standard 2—Nov/Dec:23 Evaluating Physical Education Pro- Step It Up: Activity Intensity Using gram Web Sites— Nov/Dec:43 Observing and Diagnosing Stu- Pedometers—Jan:22 dent Performance Problems in Integrating Digital Video Technol- Games Teaching —Aug:46 ogy in the Classroom —Aug;:40 Safety Issues Planning for Learning: A Simpli- The Mobile Gymnasium: Using The Voluntary Use of Physical fied Method for Student-based Tablet PCs in Physical Education— 6SO0X0e6p U] Education Safety Guidelines in instruction—Apr:39 Feb:24 Schools—Mar:43 Positive Psychology and Quality Using Online Videos for Disability Physical Education—Sep:42 Awareness— Oct:19 Teaching (also see Adapted Physical The Sport Education Tactical Mod- Youth Development Education, Curriculum, Fitness, el—Nov/Dec:31 (also see At-Risk Youths, Fitness inclusion, NASPE Symposium, Professional! Preparation, Teaching Taekwondo Through NASPE Symposium) Technology, Youth Development) Mosston’s Spectrum of Styles— Rock Climbing: An Experience Feb:32 Content Development: Using Ap- with Responsibility —Feb:17 plication Tasks to Celebrate and Using Motor-Learning Theory to Calibrate —May/Jun:47 Design More Effective Instruc- Youth Sports tion—Mar:17 (see Coaching, Inclusion, Creating Instructional Environ- NASPE Symposium) ments that Keep Students on Using Sport Education ta Teach TARGET —Jan:49 an Autonomy-Supportive Fitness Curriculum —May/Jun:20 Fostering Critical Thinking in Phys- Author Index Cc A E — Adams, Jaime B.—Apr:14 Cardinal, Marita—May/Jun:29 EguaToerrjy —eOc,t:4 6 Adams, Jessica B.—Apr:14 Castelli, Darla—Apr:24 Ernst, Michael—Apr:24 Aiello, Rocco—Jan:44 Cherubini, Jeffrey —Sep:42 Erwin, Heather—Apr:24 Anton, Vanessa—Aug:21 Clements, Rhonda—Oct:29 Arndt, Katrina—Oct:19 Collier, Connie—Aug:46 f Columna, Luis—Apr:48; Oct:19 Connor, Bill—Feb:6 B Fisher, Michele—Apr:18 Couturier, Lynn E.—Nov/Dec:39 Fittipaldi-Wert, Jeanine—Feb:39 Crabtree, Kacy E.—Aug:13 Banville, Dominique—Jan:17 Fort, Inza—Nov/Dec:11 Barnes, Diane—Oct:41 Foxworth, K. Randell—Mar:17 Batista, Paul J.—Jan:9 D Beale, Angela—Sep:29 G Bemiller, James H.—May/Jun:11 Dail, Teresa—Sep:23 Beighle, Aaron—Apr:24 Darst, Paul W.—Oct:50 Gaines, Willysann—Sep:6 Bian, Wei—May/June:40 Deglau, Dena A.—Oct:41 Glave, A. Page—Nov/Dec:11 Boatwright, Douglas—Sep:15 DeMarzo, Jenine—Sep:29 Gober, Donna—Sep:15 Boyce, B. Ann—Jan:49 Denny, Vicky Grooms—Aug:59 Goodway, Jacqueline D.—Oct:38 Brusseau, Timothy A.—Oct:50 DiBrezzo, Ro—Nov/Dec:11 Graser, Susan Vincent—Jan:22 Buchanan, Alice M.—May/Jun:20 Doolittle, Sarah—Sep:29 Gregg, Amy—Apr:30 Burton, Laura J.—Oct:4 Dunn, Julia L.—Mar:30 JOPERD « Volume 80 No. 9 » November/December 2009 Griffin, Kent—Aug:35 Lyras, Alexis—Jan:7 Gubacs-Collins, Klara—Feb:24 Lytle, Rebecca—Apr:48 Guedes, Claudia—Oct:46 Sabo, Don—Oct:35 Sawyer, Thomas H.—Sep:10; Oct:8 H Schaefer, George R.—Aug:7 Mally, Kristi—Apr:39 Seidler, Todd L.—Mar:9 Hansen, Ken—Feb:17 Martin, Nathan T.—Mar:9 Senne, Terry A.—Apr:48 - Hart, Melanie A.—Aug:35 Marx, Anne C.—Apr:12 Sinelnikov, Oleg A.—May/Jun:20 Hearn, Colleen Porter—Aug:26 McCall, Renée—Jan:44 Sluder, J. Brandon—May/Jun:20 Helion, John G.—Aug:5 McCollum, Starla—Nov/Dec:31 Smith, Becky—Aug:51 Hellison, Don—Oct:27 McCullick, Bryan—Oct:25 Smith, Nicole J.—Jan:39 I2n0d0e9x es Hernandez, Barbara L. Michiels— McKinley, Betsy —May/Jun:40 Snyder, S. A.—May/Jun:16 Sep:15 Meaney, Karen S.—Aug:35 Strickland, George—Sep:15 Hill, Grant—Jan:25; Nov/Dec:43 Melton, Deana—Sep:23 Hixon, Kathy—Aug:21 Melville, Scott—Feb:48 Holman, Margery—May/Jun:6 Mitchell, Murray —May/Jun:47 Hums, Mary A.—Jan:7 Mitchell, Stephen—Aug:46 Thompson, Walter R.—Oct:32 Hypes, Michael G.—Nov/Dec:6 Mowling, Claire M.—Feb:39 Tucker, Michael—Nov/Dec:43 Murgia, Carla—Oct:25 | V Ivan, Emese—Feb:8 Van Oteghen, Sharon—Nov/Dec:54 Na, Jaekwon—Feb:32 Van't Hof, Ellen—Aug:15 J Vincent, William J.—Jan:22 Virgilio, Stephen J.—Jan:5 Jeansonne, Jennifer J.—Nov/Dec:23 Johnson, Jay—May/Jun:6 Oliver, Suzanne—Mar:24 Ww Johnson, Tyler—Oct:50 O'Neill, Aaron—Oct:43 Johnston, Rhea—Aug:21 Judge, Lawrence W.—Nov/Dec:19 Wang, Jianyu—May/Jun:40 Juniu, Susana—Feb:24 - Jutte, Lisa—Feb:8 Padilla, James M.-—Apr:6 Pangrazi, Robert P —Jan:22 Yang, Stephen—Oct:19 K Parker, Melissa—Feb:17 Pellett, Heidi Henschel —Jan:31; Yarger, Leland—Apr:3 Kane, Nancy—Mar:6 Aug:40 Z Kim, So-Yeun—Mar:3 PellTreacyt —Jtan,:31 ; Aug:40 Kowalski, Ellen—Jan:44 Petersen, Jeffrey C.—Apr:6; Oct:6; Kozub, Francis M.—Sep:12 Nov/Dec:19 Zieff, Susan G.—Oct:46 Phillips, Amber D.—Feb:44 L Polifko, Michael F —Jan:17 Pritchard, Tony—Nov/Dec:31 JOPERD back issues Ladda, Shawn—Sep:48 are an untapped resource of infor- Landwer, Jerry E.—Nov/Dec:48 mation and ideas that practitio- Lavay, Barry—Mar:38 R ners can apply in their classes and Lee, Myung-Ah—Sep:36 professors can use for research. Lee, Okseon—Sep:36 Ravizza, Dean—Sep:36 Prices: Lepczyk, Billie—Feb:4; Aug:4 Reich, Lori M.—Mar:38 $14 per issue for individuals Lieberman, Lauren—Jan:44; Oct:19 Rhea, Deborah J.—May/Jun:3 $22 per issue for institutions Lim, Jon—Aug:40 Rikard, G. Linda—Sep:4 Available issues: Lodewyk, Ken R.—Oct:12 Rothe, J. Peter—Mar:43 October 2006 Lounsbery, Monica—Jan:39 Ross, Frank Russel—Sep:6 through October 2009 Lumpkin, Angela—Oct:46; Nov/ Rukavina, Paul B.—Mar:17; Nov/ Dec:52 Dec:23 Supplies are short, so order now! To order, call 1-800-321-0789 JOPERD - Volume 80 No. 9 » November/December 2009 Reviewer Index The stringent review process has helped make JOPERD the most widely respected, refereed journal in its field. The dedication of the professionals who serve as reviewers enables JOPERD to maintain its high standards. Each professional listed below reviewed one or more manuscripts between October 1, 2008, and October 1, 2009. If any reviewer has been inadvertently omitted, we ask that he or she notify us, and we will publish a correction. A E Kozub, Francis M. Kulinna, Pamela Hodges Adair, Jan Edwards, Steven Allen, Mary Lou Ego, Michael S6O0x0e6P U] Appleby, Karen M. Elliott, Gloria L Ayvazo, Shiri Erwin, Heather E. La Vine, Mary E. Lam, EddieT. C. B F LaMaster, Kathy Lambdin, Dolly Baum, Sally Foret, Claire LaPointe-Crump, Janice Bechtel, Pamela A. Lee, Anita N. Behrman, Edward H. Lepczyk, Billie Belka, David G Leung, Raymond Bibik, Janice M. Lieberman, Lauren Block, Martin Gabbei, Ritchie Little, Stephanie Bolton, Kristin N. Gagen, Linda M. Liu, John Bott, Timothy S. Gano-Overway, Lori Lombardo, Benneit Bowyer, Garry Garcia, Clersida Lorson, Kevin Braxton, Jean Garcia, Luis E. Lumpkin, Angela Brett, Christine E. W. Garman, J. Frederick Lyons, Gerard G. Brylinsky, Jody Gorecki, Jennifer J. Grimes, G. Richard M C H MacCracken, Mary J. Cai, Sean Martin, Melissa Cardinal, Bradley Hall, Tina J. McBride, Ron Carpenter, Linda Jean Harvey, Rachel McCollum, Starla Cathey, R. Michael Haymes, Emily Menear, Kristi Sayers Chase, Melissa Ann Hearn, Michael Patrick Metcalf, James Chen, Gong Hellison, Don Mintah, Joseph Kwame Claxton, David Hensley, Larry D. Mitchell, Murray Clements, Rhonda Hernandez, Barbara Moerchen, Victoria A. Conkle, Terry Hester, Donna Murphy, Kelle L. Corbin, David Humphries, Charlotte Murray, Mimi Cowden, Jo E. Crabtree, Kacy J O Craft, Diane Cuneen, Jacquelyn Jefferies, Stephen Jenkins, Jayne Overdorf, Virginia D Johnson, Tyler G. Davakos, Harry Pp Davis, Kathryn L. K Davis, Ron Palmer, Steve Dean, Colleen Kelly, Luke Pangrazi, Robert P. DeBolt, Louisa S. Kennison, Judith Patrick, Tim DeSensi, Joy Kerst-Davis, Cam Patterson, Deborah Docheff, Dennis M. Kiger, Joy Petersen, Susan Donnelly, Joseph Kim, So-Yeun Phillips, Amber D. Kovar, Susan Pissanos, Becky Pleban, Lisa A. JOPERD - Volume 80 No. 3 - November/December 2009 PohIman, Roberta Stevens-Smith, Deborah A. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, Pritchard, Tony Stewart, Craig AND CIRCULATION REQUIRED BY SECTION Pyfer, Jean Stier, William, Jr. No. 3685, TITLE 39, UNITED STATES CODE for JOPERD (The Journal of Physical Education, Stoll, Sharon Kay Recreation & Dance; |SSN 0730-3084). JOPERD Sunderland, Jon is published nine times a year: monthly, R except in June, July, and DecemberT.h e annual subscription rate for U.S. nonmembers T is $100. The publication office address is Ray, Judith D. JOPERD, 1900 Association Drive, Reston,V A 20191-1599T.h e address of the headquarters Rhea, Deborah J. and general business office of the publisher is Rikard, G. Linda Tannehill, Deborah AAHPERD, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1599. Rintala, Jan Templin, Thomas The names and addresses of the Rizzo, Terry Thomas, David pu’ Sisher, editor, and managing editor are: publisher: American Alliance for Health, I2n0d0e9x Reokossz , Frank Thompson, Walter Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Romance, Tom 1900 Association Drive, Reston,V A 20191-1599; Rosenberg, Danny editor: MichaelT .S hoemaker, 1900 Association Drive, Reston,V A 20191-1599; managing Rukavina, Paul V editor: none. The owner is the American Rupp, Jeffrey Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1900 Association Drive, Ryan, Carol A. Van Oteghen, Sharon L. Reston, VA 20191-1599. Stockholders owning Veal, Mary Lou 1 percent or more of total amount of stock: none. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 S percent or more of the total amount of bonds, W mortgages, or other securities: none. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this Satern, Miriam organization and the exempt status for federal Schempp, Paul Walsh, David income tax purposes have not changed during the preceding 12 months. Schwager, Susan Wang, Jin The issue date for circulation data (issue Schifflet, Bethany Ward, Sheila nearest to filing date) is September 1, 2009. Tine average number of copies each issue Solomon, Gloria B. Wiegand, Robert during the preceding 12 months is: (a) Total Sperazza, Lynda Wiersma, Lenny number of copies (net press run): 13,754. (b) Paid circulation: (1) mailed outside-county Staffo, Donald Wilder, Milton paid subscriptions stated on PS Form 3541: Stein, Julian Williams, Lori 12,901; (2) mailed in-county paid subscriptions stated on PS Form 3541: none; (3) paid Stevens, Nancy Wuest, Deborah distribution outside the mails including sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, counter sales, and other paid distribution outside USPS: 397; (4) paid distribution by other classes of mail through the USPS Advertiser Index (e.g., First-Class Mail): 213. (c) Total paid distribution: 13,511. (d) Free or nominal rate distribution: (1) free or nominal rate outside- Advertisers county copies included on PS Form 3541: Active Plastics none; (2) free or nominal rate in-county copies Advanced Fitness Designs included on PS Form 3541: none; (3) free or Army National Guard through the USPS (e.g., First-Class Mail): 36; Cameron University (4) free or nominal rate distribution outside the mail: 86. (e) Total free or nominal rate Carone Fitness distribution: 122. (f) Total distribution: 13,633. Fit4Learning (g) Copies not distributed: 121. (h) Total: 13,754. (i) Percent paid: 99.1. The number of copies of single issue The Hershey's Company published nearest to filing date is: (a) Total number of copies (net press run): 12,850. (b) MilkPEP Paid circulation: (1) mailed outside-county paid subscriptions stated on PS Form 3541: 12,073; (2) mailed in-county paid subscriptions North Carolina Central University stated on PS Form 3541: none; (3) paid PE Fit/PE Journal distribution outside the mails including sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, Pick-a-Paddle counter sales, and other paid distribution Speed Stacks outside USPS: 385; (4) paid distribution Sportime by other classes of mail through the USPS (e.g., First-Class Mail): 200. (c) Total paid United States Tennis Association distribution: 12,658. (d) Free or nominal rate University of East-West Medicine... distribution: (1) free or nominal rate outside- county copies included on PS Form 3541: none; (2) free or nominal rate in-county copies AAHPERD Advertisements included on PS Form 3541: none; (3) free or AAHPERD Membership nominal rate copies mailed at other classes through the USPS (e.g., First-Class Mail): 42; AAHPERD National Convention and Exposition (4) free or nominal rate distribution outside AAHPERD Resource Guide the mail: 26. (e) Total free or nominal rate distribution: 68. (f) Total distribution: 12,726. American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation (g) Copies not distributed: 124. (h) Total: CareerLink 12,850. (i) Percent paid: 99.5. | certify that all the above information is JOPERD Back Issues true and complete. National Association for Sport and Physical Education... (signed) MichaelT .S hoemaker, Editor, September 29, 2009 JOPERD - Volume 80 No. 9 - November/December 2009

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