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Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. 2017 PDF

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2017 JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH JINR DUBNA O J N I T N I T I T S T U E F O R N U C L E A R R E S E A R C H -oint ,nstitute for 1uFleDr ReseDrFh 3hone: - - )Dx: - -- (-mDil: post#jinr.ru $ddress: -,1R 'ubnD 0osFow ReJion RussiD :eb http://www.jinr.ru 2nline Yersion: http://wwwinfo.jinr.ru/publish/Reports/Reports_index.html ,6%1 98-5-950-0491-6 ‹ -RinW ,nsWiWuWH IRr 1uFlHar 5HsHarFh, 2018 JINR DUBNA JINR MEMBER STATES RepubliF of $rmeniD RepubliF of $]erbDijDn RepubliF of %elDrus RepubliF of %ulJDriD RepubliF of &ubD &]eFh RepubliF *eorJiD RepubliF of .D]DNhstDn 'emoFrDtiF 3eople’s RepubliF of .oreD RepubliF of 0oldoYD 0onJoliD RepubliF of 3olDnd RomDniD RussiDn )ederDtion 6loYDN RepubliF 8NrDine RepubliF of 8]beNistDn 6oFiDlist RepubliF of 9ietnDm AGREEMENTS ON GOVERNMENTAL LEVEL ARE SIGNED WITH THE FOLLOWING STATES: $rDb RepubliF of (J\pt )ederDl RepubliF of *ermDn\ RepubliF of +unJDr\ ,tDliDn RepubliF RepubliF of 6erbiD RepubliF of 6outh $friFD O J N I T N I I T S T U T E F O R N U C L E A R R E S E A R C H JINR CONTENTS DUBNA INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 GOVERNING AND ADVISORY BODIES OF JINR Activities of JINR Governing and Advisory Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Prizes and Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION Collaboration in Science and Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF JINR Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Laboratory of Information Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Laboratory of Radiation Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 University Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 CENTRAL SERVICES Publishing Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Science and Technology Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Licensing and Intellectual Property Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES Financial Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 O J T N I N I S T I T U T E F O R N U C L E A R R E S E A R C H The year 2017 was the starting point of the new seven- ven-year period with positive results. Active work is year plan of JINR development, and the results achieved conducted in the priority sites of the Seven-Year Pro- by the multinational community of the Joint Institute in gramme. Within the JINR mega-science project NICA 2017, the successful accomplishment of the scientiˇc pro- implementation, for the ˇrst time the mode of accelera- gramme and most important events in international coop- tion of polarized protons in the accelerator Nuclotron was eration show that the Institute has entered a ©new eraª of executed, that is an essential stride in the accomplish- its development ˇrmly basing on the triunity of its fun- ment of the spin physics programme. The main scien- damentals. The latter are fundamental studies on the cut- tiˇc task of this programme is the study of spin quarkÄ ting edge of modern physics, international cooperation and parton structure of proton. Prior to this, a high-intensity multidisciplinary approach in scientiˇc research that, in its source of polarized protons and deuterons had been de- turn, includes extensive educational programmes aimed at veloped by JINR jointly with INP RAS, a new high- search for talented scientists and innovation elaborations frequency section of the pre-accelerator designed in col- where nuclear physics methods open new ways to master laboration JINR/MEPhI/ITEP/NRC KI and manufactured the accomplishments achieved in related scientiˇc ˇelds. in Snezhinsk had been launched. Sophisticated tasks of We also sum up the results of the 25-year period of polarization maintaining of proton beams in ˇxedly focus- modern development of the Institute that is connected with ing superconducting synchrotron were solved, as well as the disappearance of the Soviet Union from the political opportunities to use the Nuclotron at extremely low en- map of the world and political-economic changes in other ergy of proton injection Å 5 MeV. The measurements JINR Member States. This process actually meant the showed that the source parameters will provide production beginning of a new period in the development of the inter- of polarized proton and deuteron beams with intensity on 11 national status of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research the 10 particle level per cycle and polarization degree and allowed our centre to strengthen its position in a great over 90%. A new pre-injector of the linear accelerator number of scientiˇc directions and bring the opportunity LU-20 was launched; two HF stations and the system of of dynamic efˇcient development to life. electron cooling of the Booster beam were installed and tested. The inauguration of the titles of new elements ©mos- coviumª, ©tennessineª and ©oganessonª synthesized at the More than a third of the effective time of the Nuclotron Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Å famous in the operation (233 h) was used by the start-up installation of world as a ©forgeª of superheavy elements and new data the basic conˇguration of the NICA Å In 2017, the construction of the ˇrst stage of the Su- tromagnetic, inertial and gravitational ˇelds was devel- perheavy Element Factory entered its ˇnal phase. The de- oped. Quantum mechanical and classical dynamics were velopment of the new complex will provide a wide range studied. The complete agreement between quantum me- of research of elements 112Ä118 which had already been chanics and the classical theory was proven in the general discovered. case. It should be stressed that practically all JINR Member The Multifunctional Information and Computing Com- States took part in the development of the new acceler- plex (MICC) is one of the basic facilities of JINR; ator DC-280. All modern technology that our countries its development is conducted in all advanced directions. possess has been applied in it. Considerable progress has The JINR site Tier-1 is one of the centres for storage been achieved in the development of experimental facil- and processing of data from the experiment CMS at the ities, including the target block, separators and detecting LHC (CERN); it is the second in the world Å in 2017 systems. In particular, a new gas-ˇlled separator was man- over 120 million events were processed at it, which ex- ufactured and delivered to Dubna Å a facility where ˇrst ceeds 14% of the total amount. This grid-component of experiments will be conducted at the SHE Factory. It was the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex designed at FLNR JINR and manufactured by the famous of JINR is considered as a prototype of the centre for data French company SigmaPhi. storage and processing of the mega-project NICA. Almost all scientiˇc trends of our Institute are unique; In December 2017, the meeting of the RAS Council on they are much-in-demand in the world community. In Space Issues was held where the results of experimental view of this, a special mentioning should be made about studies of speciˇc radiation damage caused by radiation the inclusion in 2017 of the accelerator complex NICA with various physical characteristics that were obtained by and the SHE Factory into the long-term plan of NuPECC JINR radiobiologists were marked as currently important. ©Prospects in Nuclear Physicsª. In particular, those studies concerned damage in the higher The JINR neutrino programme is actively progress- integrative functions of CNS that is now a major problem ing, in particular, the deep-water neutrino telescope in the for implementation of manned ights in far space. Baikal Å the assembling and launch of the second cluster With the steadily growing pace of accomplishment of of the detector were accomplished which consisted of eight ambitious tasks and projects the role of development of deep-water optical modules that were put down on the lake educational activities of the Institute becomes more im- bed. The launched setup possesses efˇcient capacity for portant. More than 400 students of the basic chairs of search of 100-TeV neutrino events. MSU, MPTI, MEPhI, ©Dubnaª University, and universi- With the stable operation of the IBR-2 pulsed reac- ties of Member States took training courses at the UC of tor, active user policy was successfully continued, as well JINR. Summer training and work-practice courses were as the programme of spectrometer development and new organized for 200 students from higher education institu- projects. A new ring detector for experiments in neu- tions. 163 students took part in the annual summer student tron small-angle scattering was launched. The design was practice in JINR research trends. started of the backward scattering detector with large aper- The Institute took an active part in promotional en- ture for the Fourier diffractometer of high resolution. An gagements. In 2017, a virtual lesson ©NICA Å Universe analytical laboratory equipped with an atomic-force micro- in the Labª was held for the ˇrst time in schools of Rus- scope was established in the Raman spectroscopy sector. sia. It was given by Plenipotentiary of the Government of The complex of cold moderators worked successfully Russia to JINR Academician G.Trubnikov. In the frame- in three reactor cycles in the experiment. A new stage work of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students in the development of the IREN facility has been ac- in Sochi an international group of young JINR staff mem- complished Å the second accelerator section of the fa- bers presented the agship project of the Institute Å the cility was launched. In collaboration with the RAS In- accelerator complex NICA, and familiarized guests and the stitute of Archaeology studies were conducted in one of festival participants with the JINR educational programme the new trends in condensed matter physics Å nonde- and opportunities for students and post-graduates. Tradi- structive research of inner structure of objects of historical tionally, the Institute took part in organization of many heritage with methods of neutron radiography and tomog- international meetings, conferences, and schools. raphy. The rate of the scientiˇc, science-organizational, and Outstanding results were achieved by the community educational life at the Institute has really increased. In this of JINR theoreticians: they worked out a large number of connection, a number of events should be mentioned, such models and innovative efˇcient numerical methods. These as the development of the virtual laboratory of ˇssion studies are closely connected with the main experimental physics for students from Member States, adoption of the programmes that are implemented at JINR facilities and Code of Professional Ethics for JINR staff members by the abroad, with physics of great interest for SHE Factory and JINR Science and Technology Council; the resolution of ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator at JINR, as well as the Government of the Russian Federation came into effect for other facilities that operate or are in the start-up pe- that granted JINR the right to confer scientiˇc titles on its riod, such as FAIR, SPES, HIE-ISOLDE, SPIRAL2, and own authority, which shows deep trust to the Institute and ELI-NP. becomes our lofty and challenging task. The general theory of spinning particles with electric The second stage of the 10th meeting of the Senior and magnetic dipole moments that move in arbitrary elec- Ofˇcials Group of the Global Network of Research In- 6 frastructures was held in Dubna, and it can be regarded A delegation of JINR took part in the RussianÄGerman as an indisputable proof of keen attention to the Institute meeting in Berlin on elaboration of the ©Road Map of and its programmes in the world community. The Se- GermanÄRussian Cooperation in Education, Science, Re- nior Ofˇcials Group of the Global Network of Research search and Innovationsª. The projects NICA and FAIR Infrastructures was established in order to look for oppor- were discussed with great interest. tunities of international cooperation and construct a system Progress should be mentioned in the activities to up- of efˇcient joint usage of scientiˇc research infrastructure grade scientiˇc organizational issues at the Institute, work- sites in all ˇelds of knowledge. out of measures to increase the efˇciency of application Among most important events in strengthening inter- of material and ˇnancial resources, enriching the erudition national scientiˇc cooperation that were numerous last year level among staff members, provision of efˇciency and is the signing of a new Agreement on cooperation between high quality of management, openness and transparency JINR and INFN (Italy), in the presence of the President of in all levels of administration and JINR directorate as a the Republic of Italy S. Mattarella. whole. In October an expert meeting of the RussiaÄChina Today, in the period of this stage of development working group on cooperation in the frames of large related to implementation of the strategic programme of scientiˇc structures was held in Beijing. The tasks of JINR on the basis of a new seven-year plan for 2017Ä2023, the meeting were determination and speciˇcation of in- the Institute increases its outreach with clear understand- volvement of Chinese scientiˇc centres in the project ing of its responsibility for observance of all scheduled NICA and participation of JINR in large scientiˇc projects terms, with full hope that the launched projects will be of China. accomplished. V. Matveev Director Joint Institute for Nuclear Research 2017 GOVERNING AND ADVISORY BODIES JINR OF JINR O J N I T N I T I T S T U E F O R N U C L E A R R E S E A R C H SESSIONS OF THE JINR COMMITTEE OF PLENIPOTENTIARIES A regular session of the Committee of Plenipo- tiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States tentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member take measures for the timely payment of contributions States was held on 27Ä28 March. It was chaired by in full as prescribed by the Charter and the Financial the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Repub- Protocol of JINR. lic of Bulgaria, L. Kostov. Regarding the report ©Implementation of the Seven- Year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010Ä2016ª The Committee of Plenipotentiaries (CP) considered presented by N. Russakovich, Chief Scientiˇc Secretary the report ©Results of JINR activities in 2016. Recom- of JINR, the CP recognized that the objectives of the mendations of the 121st session of the JINR Scientiˇc seven-year plan in the area of major facilities had been Council (February 2017)ª presented by JINR Director achieved by JINR. These include the stable operation of V. Matveev. The CP recognized the signiˇcant progress the modernized IBR-2 reactor and the increased num- in implementing the priority projects of the JINR sci- ber of spectrometers now available for experiments at entiˇc programme, in particular: the progress in the this facility, the ongoing construction of the Factory civil construction work of the NICA collider building, of Superheavy Elements with an expectation to put it the successful commissioning of the linear accelerator into operation in 2017, the recent signature of impor- of heavy ions HILAC, the ofˇcial start of the assembly tant contracts which provide timely realization of the and testing line for superconducting magnets; the active NICA project, the commissioning of the Dubna cluster effort towards the preparation of the technical design of the Baikal-GVD facility, and the start-up of the CMS reports and mass production of the MPD detector el- Tier-1 centre. ements; the approval by IUPAC of the names of the Based on the report ©Execution of the JINR budget new superheavy elements moscovium, tennessine and in 2016ª presented by S. Dotsenko, Chief Accountant oganesson synthesized at FLNR; the good progress of of JINR, the CP noted the balanced execution of the the installation of the DC-280 cyclotron with its major budget in 2016 in conditions of incomplete and unstable technological systems in the building under construction receipt of budget revenues. of the Factory of Superheavy Elements; the high-quality The CP took note of the information on the situa- scientiˇc results obtained at the spectrometers of the tion with industrial return to Member States in 2016 IBR-2 research facility and the progress of implemen- and commissioned the JINR Directorate to continue tation of the User Programme at the Frank Laboratory work towards securing the right of industrial return for of Neutron Physics and its further development; the new each Member State in an amount of at least 20% of results achieved in the ˇeld of information technology its contribution on the basis of JINR competitive pro- and the achievements in the development of the JINR cedures. The Directorate was also commissioned to educational programme. continue improving the procurement activities of JINR, The CP expressed concern about the tendency in which should facilitate efˇcient work and timely fulˇll- recent years towards an annual reduction in the level ment of obligations for the implementation of projects, of actual revenues of the JINR budget, which jeopar- to analyze the application of the Regulation for the Pro- dizes the implementation of the Institute's scientiˇc pro- curement Activities of JINR, and to present the results gramme. The Committee proposed that the Plenipoten- at the next session of the CP. 11 Based on the report ©Results of the meeting of The CP thanked JINR Chief Scientiˇc Secretary the JINR Finance Committee held on 24Ä25 March N. Russakovich and JINR Chief Engineer G. Shirkov 2017ª presented by A. Khvedelidze, Plenipotentiary of for many years of their successful work as members the Government of Georgia to JINR, the CP approved of the JINR Directorate, for their contributions to the the protocol of this meeting. The Committee appealed results obtained by the Institute and to the development to the Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR of international scientiˇc cooperation. Member States which are in arrears with the payment Based on the results of open vote, the CP deferred of contributions to the JINR budget to take urgent mea- the appointment of new candidates for the positions of sures for their repayment and in the future to ensure the three Vice-Directors of JINR to the session of the CP timely delivery of contributions. in March 2018, allowed Director V. Matveev to extend The CP commissioned the JINR Directorate and the the term of ofˇce of JINR Vice-Director R. Lednicky Working Group under the CP Chairman for JINR Fi- until 31 March 2018 and granted the right to extend nancial Issues to submit the draft texts of the ©Rules of the powers or assign temporary duties of JINR Vice- Procedure of the JINR Finance Committeeª, the ©Rules Directors, including to other persons, until their ofˇcial of Procedure of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of approval by the CP. the Governments of the JINR Member Statesª, and the In accordance with Item 2, Article 17 of the Charter ©Regulation for the JINR Staffª for consideration by of JINR, the CP allowed Director V. Matveev to in- the Finance Committee and the CP in November 2017. troduce the position of a fourth Vice-Director at JINR The CP supported the position of the JINR Direc- and commissioned him to send the material on this po- torate that funds for grants and cooperation programmes sition to the Plenipotentiaries, substantiating the goals, should be generally allocated after the Member State tasks, duties and requirements for the candidates, for the has paid its contribution to the budget, in accordance subsequent endorsement of the appointment as Vice- with the Financial Protocol and the Regulation for the Director of one of the candidates, nominated by the Grants of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the Member States, at the session of the CP in March 2018. JINR Member States. The CP heard with interest the report ©New arrivals The CP suspended, beginning in 2017, the increase from the stability island of superheavy elementsª pre- of the arrears of Ukraine in the payment of its contri- sented by Yu. Oganessian, Scientiˇc Leader of FLNR. bution to the JINR budget due to force majeure and A regular session of the Committee of Plenipo- deferred the consideration of the issue of Ukraine's ar- tentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member rears to the session of the Committee of Plenipoten- States was held in Dubna on 24Ä25 November. It was tiaries in March 2018. The Committee authorized the chaired by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of CP Chairman to address the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Russian Federation, G. Trubnikov. of Ukraine with a request to ensure the participation of Ukraine's ofˇcial representative in the meetings of the The CP heard and discussed the report ©Recom- Finance Committee and in sessions of the CP. The CP mendations of the 122nd session of the JINR Scientiˇc set up a working group of representatives or designated Council (September 2017). Brief overview of the re- delegates of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Re- sults of JINR activities in 2017 and plans for 2018ª public, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic, presented by JINR Director V. Matveev. The CP took and of the JINR Directorate to develop proposals for note of the information presented, approved the rec- the redemption of Ukraine's arrears in the payment of ommendations of the 121st and 122nd sessions of the its contribution to the JINR budget. Scientiˇc Council, and the JINR Topical Plan of Re- Regarding the ©Proposals of the Finance Committee search and International Cooperation for 2018. for the selection of a company for auditing the ˇnan- The CP noted the important plans for JINR to cial activities of JINR for the year 2016ª presented by achieve new scientiˇc and technological results of high A. Khvedelidze, Plenipotentiary of the Government of signiˇcance in 2017Ä2023, in particular, in the process Georgia to JINR, the CP approved the LLC AC ©Kor- of realizing and launching the NICA megaproject and sakov and Partnersª as JINR's auditor for the year 2016 the Factory of Superheavy Elements (SHE), and in ex- and the plan for auditing the ˇnancial activities of JINR panding the spectrometer complex of the IBR-2 reactor for 2016 as presented by the JINR Directorate. and the User Programme at this facility. Based on the report ©Endorsement of the appoint- The CP also noted the importance for JINR to elabo- ment of the Vice-Directors, the Chief Scientiˇc Sec- rate a new strategic plan for the long-term development retary, and the Chief Engineer of JINRª presented by of the JINR Laboratories and requested the JINR Di- V. Matveev, Director of JINR, and based on the re- rectorate to present regular information on the work in sults of secret ballot, the CP endorsed the appointment this direction. of A. Sorin as Chief Scientiˇc Secretary of JINR and The CP supported the efforts by the JINR Direc- B. Gikal as Chief Engineer of JINR, until the comple- torate towards developing the Institute's research in- tion of the term of ofˇce of the current Director of JINR frastructure and integrating it into the European scien- (1 January 2022). tiˇc landscape. In particular, it noted with satisfaction 12

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