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T ssctoe A, Batwck SON £74: # LAW OFFICES OF VICTOR A BULLOCK, W, Slousan Ave, S09 202 a tas Angelos, CA gts jYeepoomes"1215) 8870002 wn 2470 __ [fAtoneys for Plaisiff JOHN 4. HUNTER courr 5 i 6 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE St41LOF €41 : COUNTY DFSAN ERANCISCD | : ! {011 HUNTER, | Caen 2 5 ! 88G-13-52620% Piatt COMPLAINT FOR ASSAULT, BATTERY, INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS AND 100 BETHEL AME CHURCH SAN FRANCISCO, INC. BOBBY SISK, LAWRENCE ACKrg, | DEMAND FORJURY TRIAL RANDOT PH SCOTT, DENNIS WATTS, FAMES| HOKU, IDELL HULL DOES | though 100. inclusive on ey FAX Be wa : | ee il Sa oi # ig ‘Plaistiff, JOHN 7. AUN TER ("Plaingitt"), 0 infurnuliua and betel, alleges as fotlows. | in MQN AND VENUE. the Osi we Seba sac fe the ate 3] | GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 3. ACall ce meatiered hereie, Plains Flu J, Hate an a vo iam inlvial a resident ofthe County of Lox Angeles Stale uf Calizomia. tall times mestioned hea, Plant is irtormer: ant Polos thal the defeudants e-net AMM Chussh San Eeunisoo, Ine, Baby Sink, ‘Lawwone Atker. Rardolph Sent, Dennis Watts, Jaies oakerthereinafercoteesiely refered 09, sdants"}acd Idol Hill, weet, aud now are, indivduals on rsidents ef dae County of Sun Fiaciten, Stale of Catia 4 Thetrusaarecr capacities whete= ndivadnl, corporate, asiviate or otherene ofthe defendants BOFS ¢ uous JO ae uskown u Pain a tists, wha Blerefore si ach lteadants by suk tcttivis names, and will amend ‘hs Comaplot wo allege thei mde wanes a rapscities wea ayectnmed. Plinct i infeed aad believes, and thereon allages, hal wack: of sad 2 Rettiously named detenelaas fy vesponsibe far the aceurrenses herein afleged, xa lal Ptantit’s injuries, a hein allege, wre proximately caused by said doadants 5. Princ s inforued und el ls, art ewwon aleges, thas each af the defeadans ue herein as OES were the agents, servants, employes ve exployersef heir eo-efendeut aud on doing The things Bereinacter alleged, see ating inthe cau aa scope oc arity us Such agers, Ioan. sages erenplyes an wih he ermine emia Be ST. CAUSE OF ACTION. A giuseD siefeot aro DOME Fa 8 Phonics op dle we te af ene ua ave sifega ints nF Pain ie ae a fies wil weds hams eioyes =a the Defeadans unit GOES i tnvsage 2, scbesounally. vet dei, saontanty acd reloubsiy tsoireet inten eam ans eaenive tact ow Bima i 1 fencer. Due ae Defendants’ pasture ape satsmeats ide Ur Pinal, a reasemete person a Plats poniton weld have hee offend by and in reasonable far ofthe dusted vinlew contact 3 Defeats intended cause nd dl case Phi esate appshcasicn sl immedine | 4 [foam and offensive contact hy Refendeats Tee fear une apprenensine hat Pains suttesed as 2 5 |] est uf Devendasts cetious tas caused hin Lo incor general damage in an amiont toe etestined by 65H proc ; iy st SECOND CAUSH OF ACTION ° Barton (Against Defendants xf DOES 1 theugh 25) 9. Painter olf ena Alsen eng gh ent i 1 toes art es eas rn in Fa 19, OnoraboneNorber 212, San ico, Com, Pit nam ant 88514 | ptnes anton arbi ages tt Defeats and DOES gh 25, toll wll, | By bis | sauunyantnaionty paieant se a nfl andor mn SF 6] 0. ingen ofthe sty Bins Deen nly comets Pai FE + [vn mes nat nd bes Darn se come he ection Deel shoved a pba 18 | Pisintt marnciony dines. Prem ses forced ta ace Us eid father ingeey ase toe atl a ars eave wath Plemiet 3 pewon, Petuninat 90 oe pete Ara. age seep a Svseal pas Ee clues ie conse Fite ot pen atti (As Beet snl prnanate 2 Asa harbor diet 2 pees resi def lanes cone, Plane ws erabie to er toca psi eft feast eight weeks and, aneordigty, Jas wages in an encanta xe determined by prowl trial ‘ LED CALS OF ACTION 5 ‘or tential Lolition of Emon Distess} ! 4 ‘Aan Defendants nat DOFS 1 Uncut 30) 1] TR Phat ete 2 the whole of i Genel Alkegations.paragsap# erough Tan hy 8 4] retereune ineurporates the samme erin 35 fst Forth a al herein 19. Plein informe and beleven. anderen Una suc ets oF Doondants, and j| DOES b dongh $9, were mentions, exreme, and rageous. Pint i forthe inforwed and teow ni uereon alleges, that suc petions were ume with be intent tn ese serious emotional | Uiseas ur with reckles dsregant af the probahitity oPeausing Plait soious exutional distoss 20, Av adioct, lege: 20d pronimate resuleoF seh aes of Delendnls. OLS 1 thraagh 100, Plain sustere severe creiono! distress whic: han ccused Mairi sestun sevre, serio aa jl esate injures his person, all. his Uan:age i a sora i be showe avon to poet ad ica he: isdiotion f he Suyerive Coust, Fah. Asadieut tegul and proximan: roa fant as of Defendants, and OLS Fduroush 25, Paine? vas conyelie to and id eroplny the secvies uf pals, pgsictany and aurses Reva for nd tid eve moro, prado since wsvense. PLA a oan at boeves, abe vm ate ok aE Be cena | ley annie ete save : stich Din We LE ES hen RET Usted) (Against Delendants Betlel AME Church Ssn Francie, tae, Bobhy Sisk, Laareace Asker, Illa Til | 4 und DOES Sh eoceuig F20) i 5 22 Plansity ers to Ue whete of he General Allegations, paragraph tvreugh 22 and by 4 |f reference inconporaics the same heroin ns elt Ful here, ? 24, on November 3, 2012 defeadaats Bethel AME Chusch San Eraogivo. In 1 Holby Sisk, nd 81} Lenetoe Acker, tela Ht peblished Zale soxaments spout lun comane in Exit “A 9 |fo¥ Stewards Resolution date November, 212 "Resolution" ‘The Resolutior inctuded Une Lelsestetemea thet Plain had “chayes” pending sgaint him that adversely affected his ability ur yuafifications te hecowae the eburei's ptr. “The Resalian [Peat thatthe allepe “urges” were hused on some unidenifed virions ofthe AME; Chunk Fook of Distipline. ‘The Revelotin further demanded dh a Conciliativn Commits be appa ts resolve “charges” thas id not fut, exist. "The Resolusion demanded ut the noncvistent “charges” { [de ssolved before Plate could cxemvine hs "Pastral tie” ws the aesly appeiniet pasior ofthe | ce, 25, Tha foie ststemone shal theee were “ehenges” peining upaine: Phin sugsestod on 18 Hiomied nat these nado aid sanexisten charges were, Jest im part th ston daferdank? 19 Prajected” Pabst 's potent hy Bish Terry Kitbag, Phestding shop ede lth Fylegal 1 Beat sens 4 onde #8 8 pase JC AIR ATSDR ez Soe ier Ble ee tie * in the ARIE Choreh, Ye favenbane mae Hee Ps ins en Flee ane eaters sesh i conse 1 |foneh Ate sitements, Belendants new hat Phin had no charges pending egainst ius wd 2 |fassest x snuch svan nt ronson 3 28, Phan is ene zo enesal casas fr his loss of repuurion, shams, wonsifcation, tut feeisgs, ane emotional sisess in accordance with proof a ti 0, Plain is exiled ta speci: damages for ch damage done ta his propery business, 1 |] ride, profession or cccupation, inclutiug anvunts of mony Pain expended a3 result af he these 1 |] teendsc’ defamatory stareneuts and asserions. Ia pasicater, dhe Fst nd defaratory saeitents will make it very ffcul foe Plaine oan worn the fms Apu direct result of these defedane” wrengtul acs, Plum has suffeed emotiona Aisteess aud other damage sed hts sufTeed an inslis roach om his septation san sama 0 be cl mule at with inter 32, These ueteusturspubtished shose statements ith 43 couse harm t9 laitH€, The sstamers wore reckless, wills ovltous diseegnid fe Pind eights ud with mee, Fraud or oppressioa towne Paul, thereby milling Plein an ued of punitive dbmeges in aceasance with proot st a PRAYER FOR Rud WHEREFORE, Ping cequeus yadgmestagainet defends 3% felhos, $ Por Plausets cst ot 8c and 3. Fe cach other fica the coun may deve jst nd proper Dated Trwagy 24,2013 1 LAW OFHICES OF VICTOR A. BULLOCK fy ay aby ~ ‘ Wed Bled Ase for Pom fon HURTER U Bethel African Methadist Episcopal Church of San Francisca Boara of Stewards Resolution November 3, 2012 Whereas, Bethel AME Chu:cs of San Francisca has aavomplished the mission of the AME Church by Shating Faith, Butling Civea and Dewetopirg Communities ioe One Hundred ond Sity years ands Whareae, Bethel AME Churoh of San Francisco has rendered to the City and County of San Franciuco witness andl sevice through its vavied minasties and Whereas, Ihe legary of Pastoral Laadership of Bethel AME Churen, most recently provided by Rev Edgar E. Boyd, nas established an unquestioned raputalion and sffectve partnerships with community, rebglous, govemmantal agancies and other inetitutions bultton the principles of trust, cocountabily and intogity and: Whereas, during tha 2012 meoting of Southam California Annual Ca-erenco of the Fith Dist’et of the AME Church, twas annaurced on Oclobes 28, 2012 Urat the Rev ddoha J, Huntor would be Wansforred from First AME Crurch of Las Angeine in the Southern Califorla Confaronce to Gotha! AME Church of San Francisca in the Calfornia Contarence and: Whereas, his anrounced Pastore! transfer and appointment has and wil sevarely disturb the ooace of the Office's and Members of Batkel AMIE Church of San Francisca ‘and can impair the legacy, reputation, rolatonships and goodwill of Bethal AME Gausch of San Francisco among iis commurty, religious, govemmental agency and otter rettutional paaners, Be It Therefore Resolved, that he Board of Stewards raiecte the appointinant of Rev Joh J. Humter and urgently demands Sat, Bishop T. Lary Kirkland - Presiding Bishop of he Fi: Episcopal District of he AME Churcit, on tehaif cf the Trustecs. Othec Offigars ana Mo-nbnrs of Baihel AME Shue af Saq Feareinca, that a Cuntiation Canvas vee. apecnannon wh Beat 2 Riese et cant seat eran marie Rayer HZ l23 of The Kank of Lisaaina of the Addin Matnautst Episiaapal Church, 2808 at Bosna! Ave Bethe! African Methodist Episcopal Church of San Francisco Board of Stewards Resolution November 3, 2012 Be Further Resolved, that 9 copy of ih resolution he personally deivarad 4 Rev Jan z. Hunteron Saturday November 8, 2072 with a demand that he not seek to exercise any Pastoral duties as dascrine! in Part ¥, Section Vl pages 112-120 of Tha Book of Disciotine of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 2068. at Bolnel AME Churet of San Francisco beginning un Sunday November 4, 2012, ‘And Be It Further Resolved, that copios ofthis resalution be Aeivered lo Reverend Dr. W. Bartalette Finney, Sy., Presialig Etter San Piancisca ~ Sacramento Disbict ofthe Calfomnia Conference, The Right Ravorond Theodora L. Kialand, Sr Presiding Bishoa, Fit Distict of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and cetained in ine archives of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopa Church of San Francisco, California Date Adopted Novomber 3, 2012 Signed on Bexalt of the Boerd of Stewards and Menibers ¢f Bethel AME Church, Lawrones Acker Chale Pea Tem Hele Hil, Sneratary ‘Bethel AME Church, San Francisco

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