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John Bogle and the Vanguard Experiment: One Man's Quest to Transform the Mutual Fund Industry PDF

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Preview John Bogle and the Vanguard Experiment: One Man's Quest to Transform the Mutual Fund Industry

JOHN BOGLE AND THE VANGUARD EXPERIMENT One Man’s Quest to Transform the Mutual Fund Industry Robert Slater AEF ies Mier ME ghee tacation Group Acknowledgments Le ADL lus John Bogle cu the Vanguard Bsperinants One Months Qnest 9 Trunsiorm the Mail Fed Indice fiom Toba C, Uscky Rg the fonder a fhe Vanguard Group, ft lnyesimsnr Companies, He favored such apinjoc a « way fF polling together tho corparats hissory oF this remarkable uteri aed provid au oudaly wea ap ef his uw: plilosupliy sud ‘efrs “br fname gensratians Bogle relishes his mle ae “earseiance oF the moma rin iahisy” and pices hums” an rounding. Vanguerd and! ic ima one of 22 aatiqn's mast rsmarkable business one AS ho neared reiomet, he Was Feady ta cooperate wth a Book ‘ha weld delice in the nique, campeling, and coneayssial woe of eed. Beale prio ida tp the publisher af his momal ed guid, ‘or Mose! Foes, Inia Professional Publishing, zhigh happens 1 he my publisher aswell, Happy tor ma, Inin asks me 4 rake an the assgninent, Tyas pleased 19 inmerse- Wile wersing on previons bnsiness bank pinjees. I had epme 19 pprestare the face that ning the TWKDs and Ue mili of Arnercans| has hocome players” hawevsr lags. ama, ihe mut} faa indy An yor whl the indhstey was ee Ftoslgewing segment a American Inasness, ras als ane cf the last seruniza, Ievesors il pty gost dea of ths varios kinds of mute Aa, Ht He ad ‘itn furd companies, how ey opera thay 990, and what ther philasaphies and steel “The more that Aseria ‘ist inna! “ne eo 1 in this su pavies, the more erusial “A bouk un Jack Mople azul Vupuanl, ieefure, nae lol of sense ty tte, Ths few uber lind wait suet aad Send personales stick tas as on ate stony ae Jour Boge ced the Feng Experiment Bovks ou the aul lua Geld eal, of couse, Wut they have Fosse lust exclusively vit the alviveiving side. expliing saa! anu Jinls we wal piviag supgestivas about the bet! sestegies when investing Jn glu Sas. Wha. sls this book apuets Dat ts We rst auusiced inside look at a major munis! fund company When] met Jack Bugle for he Gist une in bis oie at Vanguard's hewdqutiers i Malveru. Peunsylvonis, ve agreed Us dhe project would emi. a uot Vanyoaues tt iso sey, tat T would exjuy ee ead in weltng whee I saw ft ta vais, by inshodiag whatever material I ‘dgomelimpavtane and omining whatever hough ierclevant ae nines esting. As ito underline the independence I yuu euley in seseorcing the Doub, Bugle paznitd ax lo pause Ws lu uf eouldestal dace, ics dating back tos fonading oF he campaay in 1875, documents tna portrayed a whale areay of Vanguaed porsonsl es, ichaing Beg, somesines ina negative light, Las ase ae ta inzeviowe Relea Leng about the ust uupleasia, paiod of his caevt, his Uamissal ay head uf 1Wetlingson Management Compang in cory 1934, an event he has never spoken ahont i publi wai a was abe iateview thor paaticipasts i has evoat as ll, In sllasing me all cen, ge aranged far me te interview the Poa spesslist, Dr, Bernert Law, whe syed is haser ailment “era mumber at years, Lovin's eandor in diseussing the precise oss af Ropls's Hears consign helped me to rope as ane af His me povats paris of ogo’ ti “Mos: mporsant Jack Bole promised thar eal hae aseese chim ‘We did ret cigenseat one "est mest hows meh ime he would give me, 2 fecumed cut, | conducted 30 hove ya him apread avr 4 sing-mcnch period {Rohruary 4a Newer 1995}. In aiditin, Bele Ine sore that ha access to a8 many of Vangand’s emplnyses | seished t9 fervie, anahafing hs cop eveeuves, | a alan able 9 alk 1 Vaaguand boaed stembets, pas and prsscne_ Ans x gauge Wanguarcs ropation sikin shy anal tnd indoste, Vspoke with a umber of sndhsty Toadees a well as nasi espe | ara indehace to a aursher af peopl, hoth at Vancuard and ele fiw giving of ehsin time gonoroay for rh of this hea Fiesta forest, to Jack Mole, We eel in diffeneat pices soe limes al his office at Vanguard beadeuarters: sometzees at his sunutes hous i Like Pacis, New York Wy lid loug ghioue vourusaions #3 swell, seuae ot tea wile he way a Pid spa ala sa tensa “My sess spraned ous of te sist aud mast shelling ptivds Jur Boyle including tie anmouaceaneal of is elinanent ia Mw 1995, tutning over the Lexdership to Taek Brennan, end subsequent. Bopk’s say id hoe tneaplat wand, Thoupin Bugle’s tne was Lael be leeiled Ms bouk 18 Wp privity. la ruy previows buvk prviecs, Vave aly beeuable to seuss bow pert uty pujce! vaso Ux pason abou ‘whom T vas vaiting: in the case of this book. I eould fe! and see how Jarge a povty ir as For Bogle. Thar kaossledge gave ms an even great seuise uf rspouuibiity wa Day best job pursible Ts to give special Usake to Tavis Buctai, las ix uly 1996 Inscame Fangnte’s now chit exeemivs ogee, For anus oF years FBogle's heweapharens, Breanaa gated me a numer 0” lengthy in iow his insights have hoon pattenlaly soto 19 ate and Have hel lw slape this buoh ia uaa ways, Aad Tat fo capes aay axe Ia {Water T. Morgan, vio founded she Waingron azganizarin, Vanguard inthe Ins 19204, and whe eontines ta wer at his of ‘Vanguard headquartrs af ths age of 87. met with Morgan on a mmbor fr aecasions and ‘saracta pond deal shoo: the carly days oF Wellingron 88 well as af tho entire smnun! fond industry ins Nomis, Jack Bogle’ edn impovian role in this ho, selding 19 oy understanding af Vanghaed considerahiy and provide sng me with # canting streare of Bets 1p him, Talgo wane ta express my giants the ater poople I interviewed hah inside and outskls 0 Vangnard. They ate: Poss Rerasci, John C Fogle, In, Mike Brescera, Rabore W. Dara, Feomy Gi. Da thow Fink, Rienard Fonsi, Philip J. ina, lon S. Fossel, Jan ‘ames H, Gasly, Nick Giangilia, T, Chandler Harvick, Raehaea , abn. Jacksoo, Rayniard J. Klapinsky. A. Misha! Lipper ewond, Rerand Losin, Peter yneh lan A. NlneKinnon, Barton G. Malkiel, Kenesth G. Mamn, Bran S. Mazes. F Walla MoNah Il, Durean M1 del, an Fils, John B 1D. Rost, Paul Sarmlson, Gonege flu JF, Shera, David Silver, Slat Swalda itDosedowski, Kaen E. Wert, Ache Zekel, Daniel P. Wiser, aad Dexa G. Wluore. Talks ‘vis to thaak dhe countless tiers wl hep to explain Vangie to ane ring uty visits Ty is bewquastes, especially Viekiv Lendutsst. Euily Super. aud Lessor Silver Vusious (els au) femily meibers provided ane weil: moral sa wller support during the ering of this book, Tisy anv: Tach ad Bes Sister, Roslyn and Judd Winisk, Michae] and) Bobbi Winick, Mitchel Sloterand Les Dickstein, Mel aud Aut Lsvtuer, aud ean Mas. em ak su Tvs blessed with otf elitr Juss buck: Aus Gat, te Exoeutive Editor at lin Puossioual Publishing. She aot oaly bought hor cans iftahle knowledge af Vanguard and the mal Kd inde 16 ur project, but alse vauiged ine ongoing dinlegue with axe swat Ie subject safle as fart of He proces of improving the muawsezpl. Hea faving tats ane in ayant avsence aheyghont the pak an Trans her ‘oe mh, Taso vai c9 shank Jeticy Krams, Reito-in-Chist a nein Professional Publishing, wha urged ta me writs This honk an wha rade i possi Thay Far, avery waem hank you, Te my wife Flin, my cildeon “iviam, Shimi, Adam, and Rachsl aad ta my grands Fal, am grate for all the help and soppore I eocived ie siting, this hoak Rohert Slater Introduction fous ¢, BOLE, 3 Tover uf ullary, aul, ad vistion hissy Tas tka pti aay bales of Lis woe Wubi is Le Same Have bson persone. peisslany a serie af hoae azaaks, ethers hays been om te fick at busines, inching tho llyted merger he enginestod hewscn his nas Fans Ti, Wellingiou Manageuteat Conpiaay hich Bogle lsu bouu selected ta Tend by is foneder, Walter T. Bloygan and 4 high-aetieving, Boston invesonsni-canngoling Ham, whose purtnors eventually woold une @ success! campaign to firs him fam his posta Weiliegsn’s peesidom ane CRO, Foy Tack: ogle, the hares ia ihc ha Das engaged ae, more oon ‘nan net, sndod winemphantly Despite the glonmyagnascs of hs many and alegists who reaed him theaughont his lif, Bogie was ll eiving 8 yoars mer is frst heart fain, Plowing his ose" Frm Wellington “Managemnt Comping, Bogle moved mt fod Tre Vanguard Gina ft Inyeument Comiganies al built ne a powserhnnse with es in dhe mumet fond industry, Mest immpastan” ofall, Bogle Ind numerous ors, many’ af ther aiszestl ted what he ai? ae the overall sre fr the mitual And indus, ts sccessive clares of investment manig= mont supeest, and its fk af eandar in adkeasing and marketing (Gn May 8, 1995, hon Bogle med i, ns desided it was time 3 ‘nim Vangnants reins avor tthe nost goneiaton, Medically speaking Fogle ws walking miacls. When ho <ufered fie fst her: stack 9 1, his eardinlogitsbotioved he would nnelive w 23240; Boe 4 hicma:s aptsts, nl tional Hat he doubted hs wuld make 30. Na soryizingly. at Feast n those who knew him he fis the at, less hy awhot ners called ths Jack Ragle Factr—an ante lw sure, Noueeless. Belle ial lage eonsideved the ay seen bis Dbusiues creer woul el sd fe wuld au Iaager espuat fo Uae wlive bo ‘ura a cae, be ke el, Fraga’ xls, At aune ia, it saccade Ua at a yal a Huger be ble to allege his colleqyaes af iter saul and companies su Lerveuly in his ques tsa Me eta Fu iahsty ‘hs Bogle eouiavd his duvision uver Ie neal fee days. le hae be ‘wanted o assume 9 erctly diminishes rele in Vanguard's leadership only when Vangel was ins strony a pasion as possible. ane te lie 35 Figll, As Vaaguane appuovcael its 200s anniversary. i oats eying its sl pear eve sso aude mmusggeunal gas SLA bile al Uae finm’s iacepuen supassed $150 billion oa Mey 16, 1995. mabing ‘Vanguard the sesand largest mumal fonl company in the United Sees, Dbliad Fidelity lavestautts. lade Lunds, loug seomsel by the dost Toa Tilly gue usin aeptauee. cud he i vow prising Boe fr intaing inde Ts av the istry and shamgning te eanse Final a For the pac tn decades, Bogle had eon Hie deminant ins hing eno of the lergest and mest speeessil mutual fund cempaeies nthe word, He was an incising prosene> in sho company, and while ho snug conasel an iscned othe advioe a is ascaates, ts eaepany ‘wa an demoermsy, Inthe en, i as usally his yan tha saa Seema isu tn wer Rr ad if his eg made is his crew merahers gave histor full suppaet—nor simply ost af aly, ht bocase he vas right about so mans things so rach ase time. And hing eights na climate af unprecedoate bill aarti ocks and bard, he presi over kang, peried ef praspatty at Vanguatd, White al of the Hn ends te nny re tri fiw thoi starznners and po ‘Thus, as Bogle prepared to Tears she areas h> loved 30 ach, the ramet yas biersiost. Floysn days ater his ft hithday, he walks tno the hourdraom st Wangunrs news headgiaers in Walser, Ponasy arta, and anon he wished to ep dan a8 chi sccousive affier efectve January 3 1946, bu with the hoards consort cu Hike #9 reregin x5 chairman ‘Rogle futher announced shat he planed ta nominate his he paren ‘hn. Brennan, to secced im ash). I abil gave hin no persue cr, a be itssed that he mel “St ‘er the inleess of shareholders sad seri involved i invssuue poly. wail sual repo ut ix public ou ssc dolier issues.” Touncled Wazyoand in 1975, he ofleneeferzed ty it as the Vanguard eaperiment [is yoo! su to estiblish & zeutal usd cusspane tha ss Hae to wes in Ue idstey Until Bogle cua akg. the eat veetienal mums! fad company emplayed a aausgement company to eet the stiles of is rata Laas, ig akinisetion. Uist Dutivn. and invesionen! vonseliny services, Bugle. om the uther has enue Iu Ueliose Das sanelsees wou being salsa wale sch system, ad tat dey would be eared ely only ifpowat wecetakea fom thy management comaany and yYaeed diterly in shy hands nt sho ind pesaeul dueotus sod sberchules uf Ute Lunds. By scckiay ly have Wellinglou Masapemont Compsuy Vangucad's pledocossay linguists neae-tin ego oxer is val tas, Bogle fof an experiment that a Fst seemed ta have Title chance at sueoess, He got his chaacs 28 pat his plan into acrion whoa Wellington Jed Mie a 1974. Ua the woe of Ue shvaises san) Wad Wood Us surrounded Wis sismissal tom Belington Management Campany’ Bogle hia new anual Fuad sompeny based an his vaconversiaagl model It ‘would bo the Ties ime anyans in chores ata momal Fund compeny ad challenged te sans gp, tht is, the Holi thar management cempanies| Aosorved 2 reap enemenis profits a he expense of their fod ineesors "Bur sonteoversal at was, Bogle"s cancaatin af the pertact mamal Hand sompany became ¢ reli A he prepared ro stp davin 98 hots oftcer of Vang ‘Bogle was pr thar she Vanguard -epvimeonrhad come sa far: Vangnae ‘was tho largest pure no lead mobial Td ganization isthe aor and 4 domivanr player in what bad heoame 9 $2.8 cfm iachsty. Quite ira al finds 48 re sway many meron p= wide fr tev fa ‘sey neh they thou ahoue inset ang the isancia! makers, Rope, however, fl lingering sense of di peainimeat an trystation hae his hyper dteam—to ans the mana fet indus inte Vanguanl'simags—hod yet 10 he eali73, While the insestry had changed somowhae aa a result af hie prechings—heonming aware of ens nmipeion, conde hate ng with fond stare ders ofthe ecenornies at sca har Wore geno enermnus ofits ne managemenecorapaniss andiseginning wx {nes sente of eardor and responsiainy—Hing e soll 8 ot se ‘Alera, Vanguard reser deamost pa Kees wil follows Bogle believed tha waly when rautual lund voupanies Uberaled thea selves rum their usujgeaet coupponies would He interests of ana Jina) slivchuhas uly costs Zest, He opnistivally oot Us this resirucloring would wees sein the text 23 5 Tad Bovle bea misur player the industry is eulleggues atthe Jinas, whu were vaing buge pris fou the sistus quo. could Dave Aismissed is jxemals. To however, Vanguaisas too much fa presence in the insti for Bugle be easily dismissed is curspans hha become 4 betlunusk, sa iadusty slundard x au differen! level, Jou ils umscule expense ratios. we Mw eae of the destaipivus of is imal sotuas snd ssks in anaval reports ¢ de investment aevomplish mons of is emtoal Finds Infood, ia mid-1995, Vangnatd wae intone Jnghy regard as Hae muerte el fst Fd i a iasy, 2 sol, Boyle's cues ta set ta aul dad dis as sui ign fr scons, any when she Tees Vangnard clanes appeared would oats scknersledge that the Vanguaedl expeeimert has tly seceded. This honk isthe stoey af Jack Ragh—a man hoth resored and ro led) aus dae Vauguced experiment, is quest we isesToan ch ants fiona insry

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