nhoJ dlonrAPMAKNEDERB ytilanoit ahNc t nu–aDewbabm ilZauD ortela esdmrA s07 9)1rets usbnoitcn adsegdelwonkca-fle sa(isedohR )s089 1q(arI )s089 1n(arI )s00 0;2099 1o(gn oRCD ewbabmiZ ,s0891( ,s0991 )s0002 etipsed UE dna KU ,snoitcnas hguorht sih noitaivA )SC Ay(napm osCecivr eyScnatlusnoC traP fo eht etile“ ”krowten devlovni ni eht lagelli noitatiolpxe fo larutan secruoser ni eht RD,ognoC hguorht sih noitapicitrap ni / lortnoc fo eht aloknababaK gniniM ynapmoC )CMK( ni noitarepo-ochtiw o), zyenGdn hoEua dess Lbpe ncareS m mwsanvecOea.obieamrhDncalfnmotebaeiEFGmtDv(iiZZV .ebagu Mo trie htnerapp adn a,ewbabmi Zn itnemailra Pf orekaep S,awgagnanM :ewbabmi Zdn aogno Cr Dn idevlovn idellortno cr odenw oseinapmoC )ofni.ocerb.ww wp(uo rygnapm ooCcerB )ewbabmiZ ()SCA (ynapmo Csecivre Sycnatlusno CnoitaivA )CR D)(CM Kl(.r.p .ySnapm ogCnin iaMloknababaK )ewbabmiZ (dtL)etP ()ewbabmiZ (farteP tldatmLerT sesirpret nwEeivecaR ehT gniwollof si a ylluf decnerefer noitalipmoc fo noitamrofni morf suoirav ,secruos ylegral dehsi lnboup ), etereh(nt rdentani a :n o.lwi saettevf ascir8merhe1rtuc boaor.mfLsa3en0vi0ot2NsaL 40 0y2raun a 0Jd3ekcehc Commisioned by Pax Christi and NiZA ln.azin.www l n . i t s i r h c x a p . w w w 2 ,PJMAKNEDERB OHN A RNOLD K( IMBERLEY , S OUTH A FRICA , 11 A UGUST 1940) ............................ 3 F AMILY ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 3 N ATIONALITY ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 3 P RIVATE ADDRESSES N ETHERLANDS – B ELGIUM – UK – Z EWBABMI ................................ ................ 4 T OBACCO BUSINESS –C ASALEE ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 5 N‘ OTO NLYT RADINGI NT OBACCO ’ –R HODESIA SANCTIONS BUSTING ................................ ............... 5 N‘ OTO NLYT RADINGI NT OBACCO ’ –A RMS DEALINGS SINCE :0891I NAR , I QAR ................................ 6 S ALEO F C EELASA –N EW VENTURES – B RECO ................................ ................................ .................. 8 B REDENKAOMNP T HE S UNDAY T IMES R‘ ICH L TSI ’ ................................ ................................ ........ 10 :2 S0,002002 UPPORTING M UGABE / Z UNA FP- IENL ECTIONS ................................ ......................... 11 N LOO NGER ‘ NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OIL INDUSTRY ’ – Z IMALZAM ,P FARTE .............................. 11 S PONSORINGS ETTLEMENTI NL ANDI NVASIONC RISIS , M ARCH 1 0/02F ARLMI STED , M HCRA 2002 / B REDENKAMP ’ S REJOINDER TO ALLEGATIONS , M YA 2002 ................................ .............................. 12 Z IMBABWE AND D.R. C ONGO ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 17 M–0002-999 1]1[ EDIRAE VELATIONS ;K AUH;SU OOFU SE L ORDS ;NUS ECURITY C OUNCIL ...... 17 D ISPUTED INSIDE Z IMBABWE ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 20 , 1]0J20[2 NA .-J UNE M– EDIRAE VELATIONS ; B REDENKAMCPO MMENTS ;F IRST R EPOROTF NUP ANEOLF E STREPX ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 21 , 1]0J30[2 ULY D- EC HK U–. OOFU SE C OMMONS N;PU AONFE L E XPERTS A DDENDUM ................. 24 , 2]0J40[2 NA .-J UNE B– NAIGLE S ENATE ; M REEDPIOAR TS ; UK INVESTIGATION ; B REDENKAMRPE JOINDER ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 30 [5B] REDENKAMSPE EKINTGCO L EANRA ME –N OVEMBER 2001, M HCRA 2002 .............................. 32 [6B] DETSILKCAL SA A M UGABE SUPPORTER BY THE SU ANODT HERS , M HCRA 2002 ..................... 32 , 2]0J70[2 ULY D- EC .F–‘ LANI R EPORT ;’KNUUG OVERNMENITN VESTIGATION ; M AIDE ............. 34 ]8[D ISCUSOSNI ON UE SANCTIONS AGAINST M UGABE AND SUPPORTERS , J NA . 2003 ...................... 44 3–0B 0]29[ REDENKAMSPT ATEMENT ;A MNESTY I NTERNATIONAL REPORT ON ARMS EXPORTS N;PU ANEL RENEWEDM ANDATEA NDR EPORTO F O CTOBER 2003; AGAIN UK H OOFU SE C OMMONS ................ 45 3 , dPnlMhoAonKJrNAEDERB ,yelrebmiK( htuoS ,acirfA 11 tsuguA)0491 nroB ,yelrebmiK htuoS ,acirfA 11 tsuguA.0491 1 devoM ot ewbabmiZ neht( )aisedohR saa .dlihc eH‘ saw detacude ta naewbabmiZ sloohcs tub syas eh saw erom detseretni nistrops naht cimedaca ’.srettam 2 C niatpa fo eht naisedohR lanoitan ybgur maet ;8691–5691 3 d e, sghsnteiis nwb enO dhi‘eew’v y.ihalstlasipeewzcxe 4 pmaknederB‘ sebircsed flesmih sa na cilohocla ohw t’nsah“ dah a knird ni 02”,sraey dna syas sih rehtaf dna rehtafdnarg erew scilohocla .oot eH did ton nioj a margorpot pots .gniknird I“ tsuj tog pu eno gninrom dna ”,tiuq eh .syas emoS“ elpoepdeen .smargorp yehT era ton .gnorts I saw yrev ”.gnorts )...( nehW eh saw a ,reganeetsih ’.fle s nm edeidsfnhheiiat lhw,lsi nkta ser emefd mooormcacf anbaoit s,er deaohhtRaf 5 ylimaF deirraM2691 6 to refinneJ eeLttocS nrob( ,prodsregurK htuoS ,acirfA 81 enuJ,)2491 7 ylde tra r e soam rhsp.crmet ietioatuhdMrt rfihotnofflgSeacoAlunSianWdeK 8 rebmetpeS :6791 owt ,srethguad nrob yrubsilaS 4691 dna negninorG;2791 9 ni 9791 diasot evil nimuigleB htiw eerht.nerdlihc 10 siH‘ ylimaf efil si .xelpmoc eH sah a efiw dnaeerht y londsee lrtsntadrawulohobipr ’he ga.crg rnl iuanao tofymisforara fmnaartxe 11 Nationality pmaknederB saw dias ot evah nekat no hctuDpihsnezitic ni0791 12 dna ot evahelpitlum ,seitilanoitan gnidulcni htuoS ,nacirfA hsitirB dna .hctuD nehW eh dna sih ylimafdevom morf ehtsdnalrehteN otmuigleB ni ,6791 yeht lla deralced rieht ytilanoitan ot eb;hctuD 13 ni eht hsitirB dna eht ssiwS ynapmoc sretsiger s’pmaknederB ytilanoitan saw dedrocer sahctuD ni9791 14 dna 9891 ta eht,tsetal 15 .ylevitcepse rpmaknederB saw detroper ot eb ton‘ ahsitirB 1 yftoilapici n,urMetsi gsenRe ilA .]AZ i tNtaseuq e trealbala vyapocotoh p)[muigle Bp(rewt n,AnellepaK 2 ‘ ,’eso lscda eghnipe e ykhbc iyra tssnooc ymtiZ tnednep eydandInuS mo rdfetou q1(0 0l2i r ,p8aAcir fhAtu o,S lmth.1002_01rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www eh tn ipmakneder Bhti wweivretn itnece r agnitou q,) ewbabmiZ tnednepednI . 3 etisb epwuo roGce rB lmth.tnemeganam/ofni.ocerb.www//:ptth si hde4lcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG 6 991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres si hde5lcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG 6 991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres 6.se luiafe rhucBrae sgenRipp ienh tiSoN 7 yftoilapici n,urMetsi gsenRe ilA .]AZ i tNtaseuq e trealbala vyapocotoh p)[muigle Bp(rewt n,AnellepaK 8,’ebag upMl eo hhsweti hywldrawo C,‘nosnh osJir oogBtnidroc c.Asel iufaer uhBcraes egRnippi hnsSiet oN rotat ceehpTS mo rdfetou q2(0 0l2ir p 3A,1 K,U lmth.2002_a21rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www ssiM -:x)e .aisedohR 9 yftoilapici n,urMetsi gsenRe ilA .]se luiafe rhucBrae sgenRipp iynhpiSocoto h)pm[uigl epBr(ew t,nnAellepaK 10 ,)’eda rotccab olta gel lmio rsfm rnaaisedohR ‘’(ladna cestag-rellu Mne‘olcit r,anamirr adHE t seosPgaaH 6,1 .)hc t nu7iD 2(,492 7e9n1uJ 11si hdelcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG .6991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres 12si hdelcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG .6991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres 13 yftoilapici n,urMetsi gsenRe ilA .]AZ i tNtaseuq e trealbala vyapocotoh p)[muigle Bp(rewt n,AnellepaK 14 .5177 1r4e1b myunNap m,o dC)t.LK .sUe(itidom meoeCla saC 4 ’nezitic ni eht KU sserp.)2002( 16 I‘ ma .nacirfA )...( I saw a ;naisedohR I ma won a ’.naewbabmiZ 17 nO eht ht6 fo rebmev o,N3002 ni eht esus onfHoommoC eh saw derreferot g nai vsaah hctturD o-lpnasausedawpbabmiZ . 18 sdna lsree shestteearNvdidraP m u–igleB e–w bKaU b–miZ kooT pu ecnediser ni edleE ( sdnalrehteN ) no 62 yraunaJ ;8691 eman devomer morf lapicinum retsiger ta edleE 82 rebmevoN.2791 19 deviL ni ,neraH esretseW tfirD ,87 litnu31 rebmetpeS ,6791 nehw eh devom ot ,nellepaK prewtnA( muigleB ). 20 noitamrofn Imorf:9791 p m iadekelnv pei,i dl nn,enes3 rilteBluceon.pHi6as7K91 21 nI 9791 ehtCBB detroper taht pmaknederB dna sih ylimaf evil‘ ni s’prewtnAtsetrams ,brubus ,netohcS ni a egral esuoh htiw sinnet struoc dna evisnetxe .’sdnuorg 22 hsitirB ynapmoC esuoH noitamrofni ,9791 3891 no s’pmaknederB naigleB :sserdda ielrenneD,03 Schoten. 23 n,o ed7 rrnW, eaoSW:iuLJ]lq 1? eSs90p s81tee9ntr1oad[MvdiarP UnKiitnegdd om .24 e Hs‘ev iw]lo6n99 1n[i naois nnaom a felsorgu onci Sunningdale , outside London.’ 25 ‘ nhoJ s’pmaknederB noisnam seil ta eht dne fo a etavirp daor no eht strikstuo fo ehterihskreB egalliv fo .eladgninnuS tI si a s’erianoillim“ ”wor fo eguh sesuoh dna gnidniw .sevird s ’epmmo ahski neen’do .eftro sBeehgtgib 26 ewbabmiZ :10/0002 siH‘ didnelps ,ecnediser droftehTesuoH , syojne a gnidnammocweiv over the ewozaMyellaV , tuoba 53 sertemolik htron fo .eraraH ehT s’latipac stnediserwonk nehw pmaknederB si ni nwot esuaceb yeht raeh sih etavirp retpocileh gnitropsnart mihmorf ’ e. s myoieotthhhitc 27 ss eeon eci–lcsaausbbaoCT den is asonrec iTnca iainsbsiuoeb tdsoahR a f areel yr uerb ho.af dlltdl iLea,tdG5nn6uo9c1es ot a mrif dellac occaboT ;noitaroproC derrefsnart ot eht sdnalrehteN ni 86/7691 ot krowrof 15 . )eGeAlas a0C9(/9 8i9l1s slülF erO 16 ’stamolpi dhsitir Bpo tte m”srelae dsmrA“ ‘ , revres beOhT :mo rdfeto u;q20 0r2ebmec e 4D,1 922=rohtua?psa.srohtua/sretpahc/moc.elzzub.www 17 ;20 0,2etisb epwuo roGce r,B’puo re Ghfrtoednu o,Fpmaknede r.nBAh oytJbnemetat S‘ lmth.noitcudortni/ofni.ocerb.www//:ptth 18 30 0r2ebme v r o6osNfetab edDrasn a,Hsnomm ofeCosu oH mth.10h6113/txetllah/601130mc/drasnahmc/302002mc/ap/ku.oc.eciffoyrenoitatseht.tnemailrap.www 19 regnino rnG e.Eëisedo h rRa alnekkomsnepa W,‘]negnino rpGuo ragcir fnArehtuo Ss[a lrP end aovguH : aAised ogohntRilgg usmms r’An(oitcennoc negninorG ,)noitce nnoc aldnamA ,9 7r9e1bme c,e)DsdnalrehteN( .)h c0nt2iu(D 20 yftoilapici n,urMetsi gsenRe ilA .]AZ i tNtaseuq e trealbala vyapocotoh p)[muigl e,Bprewt n,AnellepaK 21 amaron aCP B9B7 9m1o rdfeviec enroitamrof n;i68 9m1o refl iufaer uhBcraes egRnippi h nSeit oN .rotaroba lelmomcargorp 22 .97 9e1n u1,J1gnits uobgrab msem rnaaisedo hneRommargo r,pamaron aC PBB 23 .51771 4r1ebm uyNnapm o,Cd t)L.K. Us(eitidomm oeCelas a,Cesu oyHnapm oC 24 .98 9m1o ryfltnerap p,ael iufaer uhBcraes egRnippi hneSit oN 25si hdelcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG 6 991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres 26 ,sirr alHu adP ntatenr ayBnotnA ,’tops endacir f oArta eygratil igmnill e fsdoesuc ctane gsatro pKs U‘ ehT revresbO ;2 0r0e2bo t,7c2O lmth.00C2%040028C2%47601C2%0/yrots/edartsmra/ku.oc.naidraug.www 27,’sremr atfil posstna ldpnih enbooc ye th:Tebag ufsMoe osfelkc aotr eyhbgu R,‘)erar an Him(urdl ewMerd nA revre sebhOT 10 0h2cr a5,M2 lmth.00C2%3868514C2%3724C2%0/elcitrA/evihcrA/ku.oc.naidraug.www 5 rejiemeiN . 28 L tfe rejiemeiN ni .6791 29 H da detrats sih nwo occabot ,mrif eelasaC , ni .67/5791 30 s’pmaknederB mrif depoleved otni a egral occabot ,puorg ,hcihw ,revewoh saw ton‘ylno gnidart ni.’occabot 31 morF s’pmaknederB nwoocerB puorG etisbew :)2002(eelasaC‘ saw yliramirp a fael occabot gnitnahcrem ynapmoc tub saw osla degagne ni lareneg gnidartdna na evitca rotaitini fo retnuoc edart dna retrab .slaed ehTeelasaC puorG werg revo 61sraey ot emoceb eht htfif tsegral occabot tnahcrem ni eht dlrow dna eht tseggib SU-nonfael occabot.ynapmoc 32 t Ise idna ahmnpuimiogcleB , ,KU dnalreztiwS dna nrehtuoS acirfAdna eyl nbs .saae teeplmt srsmiaadeesoannuhe Cvaqwrt(a.eeda)rsdAlaZeiN toN ‘yglnniod a ’rnotic csga nnb aoio–iittstsecudnboahsR nI June 1979 , a BBC amaronaP‘ ’ emmargorp saw spahrep eht tsrif ot yap noitnetta oteht e lgp o n m frrio ano. otg nkhhnfsrsin otauame.JiIbbrdAmmaeSerB 33 morF a troper ni Africa Confidential rebmevoN( :)9991 pmaknederB sah‘ neeb elbarenluvot lacitilop msicitirc rof sih degdelwonkca troppus rof eht naI htimS emiger dna stiterces ’ryhpeZ‘ ,emmargorp hcihw ekorb detinU snoitaNsnoitcnas tsniaga eht ytironimnaisedohR .emiger tA eht thgieh fo s’ewbabmiZ noitarebil ,raw hctuD stsilanruoj dehpargotohp nia naigleB ragnah a teelf fo nailatI itteuqraM rethgif senalp derucorp yb pmaknederB rofeht htimS’.emiger 34 ralimiS stroper erew dehsilbup ni a htuoS nacirfArepapswen 35 dna hcnuP enizagaM s eecc r nnose aFrf e i ielcfesa Danogefne iOrdfihfc‘ao aton(hheacRhntif ’) 36 gnidroccA ot esoht ohw ni 9791 depleh ot laever s’pmaknederB gnitaloiv eht smraograbme no ,aisedohR eno fo eht seinapmoc eh dah tes pu ni ro dnuora 6791 saw xebatnI )occabot(ni .dnalreztiwS 37 ( xebatnIAS xebatnI(GA ) xebatnI( )dtL ]dnalreztiwS[ – noitamrofnidetadpu 9o8t91 38 ). 28 ‘ ,’eso lscda eghnipe e ykhbc iyra tssnooc ymtiZ tnednepe dynaIdnuS mo rdfeto u;q10 0l2i r ,p8aAcir fhAtu o,S lmth.1002_01rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www ;etisbe wpuor Gocer Bdn a lmth.tnemeganam/ofni.ocerb.www//:ptth 29 aldnamA .9 7r9e1bme c,esDdnalreh t,eN 30si hdelcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG .6991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres oce r;B etis bpeuworG lmth.tnemeganam/ofni.ocerb.www//:ptth ogtnidroc c’a579 1;‘’679 1:‘eelas agCnidnu o ffroae y( t seosPgaaH , dn a,979 1enu J61 aldnamA dnoc ersie hs’taee Le‘v al hlsarethgu ad dneaf isw’pmakned e .r–)B97 9r1ebmec e,D ( eman nevig yftoilapici n,urMetsi gsenReilA ttaseuq e trealbala vyapocotoh p)[muigle Bp(rewt n,AnellepaK .)]AZiN . 31 rettelswe Nnaec Onaidn IehT .,629 9h1cr a1,M2sir a,P 32 lmth.tnemeganam/ofni.ocerb.www//:ptth 33 gnippi h nStipircsna r;tw olesn etDreb o yRtbrop e,r.m .0p1 .,897 9e1n u 1J,1yadn o,Mamaron aCPBB d a,hpmaknede rypt Bbueysldetrop e,rynapm oxcebat nsIsi we Sh,tsi horttoi r. PB ..–sNel iufaer uhBcraeseR emmargo rapmaron aC PBe Bh9t7 9nr1ie t )a–oLccabo ts(noitcn ansaisedo hgRnikae rfdboesuc cnae eybdaerla ’drednar esvte i snri E,‘noisivel eAtRA Vs(dnalreht eeN h ntdietsacdao robs lsaaw ]degn a shgaCnHihtoN[ 2,1 .) 9r7e9b1otcO 34 ecnan i ofgtnipl eeh rsadnei rdf lso’hti mnS a fIeom o:Seucs eer h otsteido hK–R-ognoC/ewbabmi Z‘ ,’trof fre aowgn osC’ebaguM laitnedif naocCirfA ts oemnizag aem h .T,599 9r1ebmev o,5N 2.2 o 0N.4l o,V .97 9ft1osacdao r’bamarona PC ‘Be Bhndtie sluairet aodmterref eyrlekil 35 ‘ ,’eso lscda eghnipe e ykhbc iyra tssnooc ymtiZ tnednepe dynaIdnuS mo rdfeto u;q10 0l2i r ,p8aAcir fhAtu o,S lmth.1002_01rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www ralim ie s soeutm itta hdtnuo rtasr ie fht tos narwep ae phT .sgnidrow 36 ,’ nse’Meba glu lM,Ar‘ey wea tSeP enizagaM hcnuP mor fdetou q;)000 2,03-7 1yaM (60 1.o N, lmth.91yam/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 37 aldnamA .9 7r9e1bme c,esDdnalreh t,eN 38 .]09/9 8i9l1s slülFe r9O 8[r9e1tsi gyenRap msosC iwS 6 nI ]?[8791 a tnialpmoc saw degdol htiw eht NU ytiruceSlicnuoC snoitcnaSeettimmoC g n g ixnt sd.eiseerabl nhta iagmittgfstgoaeeoenurgrrdImfaaosghiRc 39 , ee d c w tetn db eat iegaarhhrsd nhbettoannomt‘pwe olifepswZAretdini eelasaC group is not ylno gnidart ni .occabot )...( erofeB ,ecnednepedni eht naisedohR tnemnrevog saw rednua detinUsnoitaN smra ,ograbme dna ti sraeppa taht ta siht emiteelasaC saw gnikrow noflaheb f eos m’ nihrea’gtosI.e ifasre mhnhfScotorpuapew 40 ,pmaknederB ni na weivretni ni ,6991‘ degdelwonkca taht eh sah nekorbsnoitcnas . He dettimda ot gnitaloiv detinU snoitaN cimonocesnoitcnas tsniaga aisedohR ni ,2791 nieht syad nehw naI htimS saw eht tnediserp fo eht ,yrtnuoc yb gniyub tfarcria rof ehtnur-etihw t ntea mh sn tngarnanweeiiv’hs go. telagsladawnio tavhrui iR arshckwbetcdiaowlhbR 41 d newIt enoia t vrarergehetttanli ewbabmiZtnednepednI ylbaborp( ylrae ,)1002 ehyldetroper dettimda gnitsub snoitcnas roirp ot:0891 ,seY“ I saw detseuqer yb eht tnemnrevog fo ehtyad ot pleh ecruos seilppus dna tnempiuqe rof eht dereugaeleb yrtnuoc dna ,sey I did .os sihTsah neeb ylnepo ”,degdelwonkca eh dias ni eht ,weivretni hcihw saw dehsilbup yltnecer ybeht yletav idrepn wet’own.beradebnpmeaippZesdwneIn 42 oN noitaroborroc saw dnuof rof eht rettal trap fo na ddo noitagella no pmaknederBgnivah‘ neeb desucca fo gnitsub detinU snoitaN snoitcnas tsniaga naI s’htimS emiger dna ytlstnni eaeughqate ’sd. bieAuemSshitgrearpa 43 : ’ens0gocag8 ncnr n9tic iIyn–i1odasslilNabmna‘roroettAd q a,rI retfA s’ewbabmiZ ecnednepedni s’pmaknederB ssenisub eripme deunitnoc ot ,worg .ylsl a gtoisnnssmielr rlraeeaaa vuepdoddper autonntiotcnoc nI ylrae ,2991 sserp stroper ni dnalreztiwS dnamuigleB er edwetouq s aswollo fni The Indian naecOrettelsweN )siraP( : gnidroccA‘ ot a tnecer yriuqni yb ssiwS swen ,ycnega .PkrowteN , dekcip pu yb eht ssiwS dna naigleB ,sserp ehteelasaC puorg si ton ylno gnidart ni.occabot si hm Tr)i.f. . d(seige lolt aedv eanvhel eonbvini arebm ufno smr aslaed dna selas foyratilim .ygolonhcet )...( nI ,4891 eht ynapmoc serugif ni na barAeugaeL yriuqni otni smra selasot narI , deltitbus tnemucod N o ;22 tnemamrA noitarepooC neewteb muigleB dnanarI . Atsil gniniojda siht troper sevig deliated secnerefer fo eht yratilim tnempiuqe dlos ylbaton(senim .e)e sl,hne a1cIces9riva9aviC1Mes dodlnpaxe ,yr ai ddnin asasibtluiastI eelasaC Italia ,erew devlovni ni eht alleslaV onacceMacinceT )MTSV( ,lairt erehw eht rettal saw desuccafo gnilles smra ot qarI gnirud eht doirep morf 2891 ot .6891eelasaC si degella ot evah edameht stcatnoc dna ot evah dereviled eht .smra A inatsikaP lanoitan detcivnoc fo smra gnikciffartni eht detinU ,setatS firAinarruD , dna ohw stimda ot gnivah neeb s’narI smra tnega nieporuE gnirud eht doirep morf 1891 ot ,6891 dah decnuonedeelasaC sa gnieb eno fo ehtseinapmoc gsnmi rtoarntoaprsInart ’. 39 aldnamA .9 7r9e1bme c,esDdnalreh t,eN 40 rettelswe Nnaec Onaidn IehT ,629 9h1cr a1,M2sir a,P ]detcerroc[ y byriuqn itnece ra ‘o ttra pn ignirrefe r, ,ycn esg wasesniwS krowt e.NP .’ss enrapig l desnBsa i ewdpyhSeubtk c,ip 41si hdelcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG ,6991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres 42 ‘ ,’eso lscda eghnipe e ykhbc iyra tssnooc ymtiZ tnednepe dynaIdnuS :mo rdfeto u;q10 0l2i r ,p8aAcir fhAtu o,S lmth.1002_01rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 43 ,’slee hgW iK–B-ognoC/ewbabmi Z‘ laitnedifnoC acirfA .,899 9y 1 a4,M 10. 1 o0.N4l o,V 7 ehT hcnerF rettelswen dias ,taht gnidrocca ot .P ,krowteN gnoma esoht deyolpme ybeelasaC erew y. r’agralnetei binks rmlnne t ouioacrefnmsrieror-vmcehrrepgeosisfh‘ 44 hcnuPenizagaM no elas fo lennosrepitna senim ot qarI . ]..[‘ naigleB ,seitirohtuahcihw yltneuqesbus detagitsevni eht ,snoitagella detcepsuseelasaC fo gnieb ylpeed devlovnihtiw 5IM , hcihw yllacirotsih sah laiceps ytilibisnopser rof remrof seinoloc hcus sa .ewbabmiZA wef sraey ,oga a ssiwS ,reywal hcirlU ,ilhoK ohw deldnah evitartsinimda krowrepaprof eelasaC ,GA demees ot mrifnoc .siht eH dlot a tsilanruoj taht 5IM erew eht”srezinagro“ dnihebeelasaC , hcihw dah wohemos osla tog flesti delgnatne htiw smra gnilaed otnarI . pe dm eseatslyikaaaannhhsweetalddCaerB de vs lanowiv ne’ ih.stemdraart 45 ehT lained saw detaeper ni eht weivretni htiwpmaknederB roF“ ynam sraey I evah tonneeb devlovni ni eht smra ssenisub ta .lla tahW nemswen evah enod si tca rltaxiesrevortsneoicrots ”e,sm ieel.h hadtsmnieoo alridds cftnlniaaoetshrntaes 46 nI 9 rebmevoN ,4991 a yratnemucod saw nwohs ni eht hsitirB evitagitsevni swenwohs sehctapsiD , ,hcihw ni eht sdrow fo a flog retroper ohw deweivretni pmaknederB ni,6991 ,sebircsed‘ ni eht dnik fo liated taht si drah ot ,etacirbaf s’pmaknederB ylesnemmielbatiforp thgin boj sa a gnikaerb-snoitcnas smra ,namselas a namelddim neewteb srerutcafunamdna gnirraw .seirtnuoc ehT margorp ,sliated rof ,ecnatsni woh a ynapmoc denwo ybpmaknederB dlos dnal senim otnarI dna tfarcriaitna snug ot qarI ni eht narI-qarI raw ni eht ,s0891dimdna woh esoh tsen idme lhl sisikrteiirdBlo sni eht flug raw ni .199 1)...( eh Thsiti rsBwemnargorp seilpmi taht eht nosaer segrahc erew reven thguorb tsniaga pmaknederB si taht ehdetarepo htiw eht ticat lavorppa fo hsitirB dna naciremA ecnegilletni )…(’.snoitazinagro lleT“em :gnihtemos fI I dah nekorb snoitcnas dna enod lla eht sgniht taht evah neeb ,detroper oduoy ton kniht emos laiciffo dluow emoc ot eht eciffo rof a ?noissucsid I evah reven dahydobyna emoc ot em , pdmna a k)e,nn…vy ie( ’awd’euse e’doier.aYvhBy m‘rtl enelrnitaaonglielloldi sih retipuJ esuoh [Fla, USA] )...( dettimda ot gnitaloiv detinU snoitaN cimonocesnoitcnas tsniaga aisedohR ni 2791 .)...( ,yllaniF neve occabot sevitucexe ohw dekrow rofpmaknederB ylenituor draeh mih kaeps fo smra .slaed s’eH“ syawla neeb na smra ”,relaed syasnairB yhpruM fo ,eraraH ,ewbabmiZ ohw dekrow sa na evitucexe taeelasaC morf 0891 ot.8891 , y s,hnsiypoy“ rri ao auta styrMse rt”ehgyen.gtinvoegbAciuls 47 sdraw oeTht dne fo eht s0991 ta e h,tt sle atsuaenltnaadp ufo eht enimdnaL rotinoMtropeR yb namuH sthgiRhctaW dna rsenhotiotas idnea tgdsrnioallreztiwS sa devlovni‘ ni[ eht ]tsapni 44 rettelswe Nnaec Onaidn IehT sw esnsi w ySybriuq ntinec e ar o‘ttr a npginirref e ,r,629 9h1cr a 1M,2sir a,P ,ycnega krowt e.NP .’ss enrapig l desnBsa i ewdpyhSeubtk c,ip 45 ,’ nse’Meba glu lM,Ar‘ey wea tSeP ,enizagaM hcnuP :mor fdetou q;)000 2,03-7 1yaM (601.oN lmth.91yam/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 46 ‘ ,’eso lscda eghnipe e ykhbc iyra tssnooc ymtiZ tnednepe dynaIdnuS mo rdfetou q1(0 0l2i r ,p8aAcir fhAtu o,S lmth.1002_01rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www eh tn ipmakneder Bhti wweivretn itnece r agnitou q,) ewbabmiZ tnednepednI . – an iqar Idn anar Io tsela ssmr aeseh t’deine dsyawla ‘eva ho tdia sosl asa wpmaknederB rewe ntahwemos revresbO tnedneped nndiaeredisn oescbtceps el r lntaionn ahcci h)w20 0r2ebotc Oe(lcit ra o tdegell as ie H.egartu odesua ceva hseitivitc as’pmakneder Bemi ttsri feh tto ns iti...‘ (noitamrofn if oecruos ynot n’A.dein esdyaw lsa a ehghnihtem o,s88 9 o10t8 9 f1ro anwarI-qa reI h ntsied ihst o obstm rdaeilpp uesvah ,sir rla u HdatnPtaenraB ,’tops endacir forAta eygratil igmnill efdsoesuc ctane gsatro pK sU‘ revre sebhOT 7,2 ; 2r0e0b2otcO lmth.00C2%040028C2%47601C2%0/yrots/edartsmra/ku.oc.naidraug.www .) 47si hdelcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG ,6991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres 8 eht tisnart fo sevisolpxe neewteb srofoB ni nedewS dna alleslaV ni ylatI hguorht assiwS ece el d tad,neiseaac fasvinoCaefiCbnfeoG G’A. hnciirüZ 48 nI yraunaJ ,9991 snoitseuq erew deksa ni eht KUtnemailrap no stcatnoc neewteb eht tnemtrapeD fo edarT dna yrtsudnI dnaeelasaC dna sti – desab-hsitirB –.renwo 49 nI,1002 eelasaC dna pmaknederB erew niaga denoitnem ni a esuoH fo snommoC ,etabed nihcihw ecnerefer saw edam ot eht‘ seitivitca fo .rM s’pmaknederB neht ,ynapmoceelasaC , [which] erew desopxe ni[ ]4991 yb a suoegaruoc lennahC 4sehctapseD“ ” programme’. 50 nI aetabed ni rebmevoN 3002 eht emas PM detaeper eht dlo noitagella taht pmaknederBdeilppus‘ ,snopaew gnidulcni lennosrepitna ,senim ot qarI gnirud sti ydoolb raw tsniaganarI ,hcihw s ph os noit irts y etindl 0hrielf9tBasal9guu ru1ateaGnrweevwe ’. 51 eel a esflaoaCS so e cr–eu rt–wBneeNv nI ,3991 pmaknederB dloseelasaC .G.A sih‘(eelasaC occabot gnitnahcrem )’ssenisubot . o ).pyc lAcrnc faSn oaaoas UInCpbce rt–,( imocLfes deoTaaveelhcbeighrtolnrtotUawl ee l e arelfs ehaoanttsCofoaS Bredenkamp created the ocerB puorG foseinapmoC , ‘a group f oet asyvetiiirnupaqpe mootc edart dn atsevni no e dai ws-idslarbo wdna r anliuci tnriap-bus narahaS .acirfA ehT puorG stsevni ni a ediw egnar fo srotces no a mret-gnol sisab’.)...( 52 ocerB 53 si detroper ot eb yletamitlu ,denwo aiv na elsI fo naM ,ynapmoc yb ylimaf.stsurt 54 ‘ ehT lluf tnetxe fo sih ssenisub eripme si tluciffid ot ,niatrecsa htiw ynam fo sihseinapmoc deretsiger ni xat snevah ekil eht elsI fonaM dna eht hsitirB nigriVsdnalsI . ,revewoHsih s’ynapmoc etisbew srefer ot a krowten fo gnidart snoitarepo ni ,lio ytreporp dna dooftaht n,seraepecsotis rsroduafrnEEAca- seshitr cr’a.FtsaE 55 nI ,4991 pmaknederB deretne otni eht flog dna rehto stropstnemeganam .ssenisub morFa GolfWeb elcitra morf ,6991 desab ni trap no na weivretni htiw pmaknederB :flesmih pmaknederB‘ yltnerappa sah tfel occabot dna snopaew dna detoved flesmih ot a emageh modles .syalp siH raey-owt dlo tnemeganam-strops ,ynapmoc sretsaMlanoitanretnI ,hcihw sah 06 seeyolpme dna seciffo ni ,retipuJ ,.alF sa llew sa ni ,grubsennahoJ ,nodnoL,wocsoM eropagniS dna ,oykoT ,stneserper gnoma ,srehto owt sreyalp ohw detepmoc ni ehtstnediserP Cup, kciNecirP dna treboRybnellA . )...( reilraE siht raey pmaknederB ylraen thguoba gnilggurts tnempiuqe ,rerutcafunam srednuoF ,bulC tub denodnaba eht laed nehw ehdediced eht smret erew elbarovafnu ot .mih s’eH gnikool ta rehto flog seinapmoc dna rehto.sreflog yademoS eh thgim tnaw ot eganam flog ,stnemanruot nur flog sloohcs dna dliub .sesruocnI 48 ,sreh td onhact asWthg inRamuH 999 1trope Rrotino MenimdnaL ;)troper reilrae ni txet ralimis( 9991 yaM , noisrev- bm eodwreftouq lmth.dnalreztiws/9991/ml/gro.lbci.www 49 ydbek ssanoitse uQ .999 1yrauna J8 1srewsn a;sruovaS-llebpma C.rM 998 9n9o1is s,esSnom mefosoCuoH mth.11w72109/txet/721099ov/drsnahmc/9989 9/1ampc/ku.oc.eciffoyrenoitatseht.tnemailrap.www 50 ) PyMllerr alFua P8( 0n4mul o,C10 0r2ebmev or8N osfetab edDrasn a,Hsnomm o fCeosu oH mth.7180111/txetbed/801110ov/drsnahmc/201002mc/ap/ku.oc.eciffoyrenoitatseht.tnemailrap.www 51 r osfetab edDrasn a,Hsnomm ofeCosu oH HW95 3nmulo C,300 2rebmevo N6 mth.10h60113/txetllah/601130mc/drsnahmc/302002mc/ap/ku.oc.eciffoyrenoitatseht.tnemailrap.www 52 /moc.lanoitanretniocerb.www 53 .]ynapm []opCmakned[ erB 54 ,’ nse’Meba glu lM,Ar‘ey wea tSeP enizagaM hcnuP mo rdfeto u;q)00 0,203- 7y1a M6(01. o,N lmth.91yam/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 55 ,sirr alHu adP ntatenr ayBnotnA ,’tops endacir f oArta eygratil igmnill e fsdoesuc ctane gsatro pKs U‘ ehT revresbO ;2 0r0e2bo t,7c2O lmth.00C2%040028C2%47601C2%0/yrots/edartsmra/ku.oc.naidraug.www 9 eht emitnaem elpoep ni eht flog ssenisub era gnihctaw dna gnitiaw dna ,gnirepsihw neveeht .h ygd tinehhahgtim (...) roF a feirb doirep sretsaM lanoitanretnI detneserper owt fo eht tseb sreyalp ni eht:dlrow ,eci roPhw saw o sdleas i,a ernwib adbnmaiZ einrEslE , eht htuoS nacirfA ohw now eht4991 .S.U .nepO slE emaceb trap fo sretsaM lanoitanretnI nehw sih ssenisub ,reganam ciN Frangos, 56 dna pmaknederB dehcnual eht ynapmoc sa 05-05 .srentrap slE skaeps rofsih .rega nyaemhT“ ekorb pu nehw taht laed emac pu tuoba nhoJ gnieb na sm r”a,relae dslE,syas referring to the sehctapsiD report. 57 lan os iittra an sprfreoettnsIaM ocerB s’ st rtonpeSmegana Mdna gnitenkoriasMiviD . 58 56 .b ee whnytolevisnet xseeruta esfogna rc FiN 57si hdelcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG ,6991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres 58 lmth.strops_rg/ofni.ocerb.www 01 pmakn endoerB e hyTa dsneu mShicTi’Rt‘siL yrevE ,raey eht hsitirB yadnuS semiT sehsilbup a hciR‘ ’tsiL fo eht tseihtlaew elpoepgnivil ni taerG .niatirB nI 1996 pmaknederB deknar.ht67 59 1999 : A‘ ssenisub etaicossa smialctaht na yrtne ni eht KU yadnuSsemiT hciR‘tsiL ’ hcihw stup s’pmaknederB lanosrep htlaewta 053£ noillim 065$SU( ).nm si a elbaredisnoc‘.’etamitserednu 60 nI 2000[?] pmaknederB deknar ;ht55 sih htlaew saw deulav ta.m004£ 61 2001 – ht84.m055£ 62 eH‘ saw dias oteb reihtlaew naht ,annodaM ot evah detalumucca erom yenom naht cisum oiraserpmiwerdnA dyolL ,rebbeW dna ot eb rehcir naht eht neeuQ fo.’dnalgnE 63 2002 – ht33 m027£occaboT( dna.)stnemtsevni 64 p makned esgrinBi‘dna ps xisehse neirsiupbme ni acirf Ahtiw ehtgninepo fo a wen etteragic yrotcaf ot troppus sih occabot .stseretni desaB ni ,erihskreB,pmaknederB ,16 edam sih lani geinruotrof morf eht m07£ elas fo reht oonc ac,asbsoetneiesluabsaC Group, ni .3991 ehT remrof naisedohR ybgur niatpac osla sah stseretni ni ,lio ,msiruot ytreporpdna .s s tle es sai, veneutlsalI rn iauhasenfdtos itaoooil’hn mtrl.irmaemeovw0vc5o2£ 65 2003 – ehT ewbabminZoitautiS etorw no st i:etis bhecwaE‘ ,raey ew eva hdehctaw ehtydaets bmilc pu eht sknar fo nhoJ ,pmaknederB eht laisrev onratenwobc a.bnmaimZssenisub )...(eW tnew ot eht yadnuS semiT ,etisbew tub eht hcraes ytilica fdedleiy eht tluser gnihtoN“.”dnuoF y :lt nsnpoue mi os?satsrduka a ee nnthdn nrneaaleeeMadlhugvpepWoaprxchaBeh )...(“ uoY dluohs eb erawa taht eht nosaer rof ym ton gniraeppa no taht tsil sitahwemos fles tnedive .e.i ym tn eescenrepdiser si on regnol ni eht KU dna I ma ton a KUnezitic . ehT sucof fo y mssesietniivsiu tbtcaa eh ttnese repmit syi lnirr ea.hmaticurioprSfAehT tcaf taht I levart ot eht KU morf emit ot emit seod ton yfilauq em sa a hsitirB,nezitic ron seod ti r e,ddne esyral bged-nmnhiasdir toIicrcBa od t oynfila unrqooifsul cnniieht hs iht ci.irtRBsiL nI o” ti.lstt luassirniiwtashlstpaxe pnm hadoklJnoendreArB 66 kcaB ot :ewbabmiZ nI‘ eht tsap raey eh devom sih sretrauqdaeh ot ,ewbabmiZ erehw ehwon stds nof ’emosepimshi(t revre sebhOT , March 2001). 67 egb snaFnig Potu/- i rMunt,:onic02pae00pZl00ue22S nI‘ ,ewbabmiZ pmaknederB sah desserpxe sih nepo troppus rof tnediserP Robert Mugabe s’ FP-unaZ tnemnrevog . pmaknederB dlot eht ewbabmiZ tnednepednI taht sih tsavssenisub stseretni dna evisnetxe levart ecneirepxe dah edam mih a dneirf fo snaicitilop dna eh dahon 59si hdelcsu msa h,relae dsmr aremro flufrewo pdn ahci ra,pmakneder Bnho J:namgnortS ‘,regrebma Bleahci M ,’f lo otygnaiw beWfloG 6 991 lmth.pmaknederb/3090/6991/is/moc.bewflog.secivres 60 ,’slee hgW iK–B-ognoC/ewbabmi Z‘ laitnedifnoC acirfA .,899 9y 1 a4,M 10. 1 o0.N4l o,V 61 ‘ ,’eso lscda eghnipe e ykhbc iyra tssnooc ymtiZ The tnedneped nyIadnuS deto u;q10 0l2i r ,p8aAcir fhAtu o,S morf lmth.1002_01rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 62 ,’ nse’meba g rusoMefnut rdoefx iM‘ sem iyTadn ueShT :mo rdfeto u;q20 0l2i r ,p 7KA,U ewbabm ieZhT entoiistautiS lmth.2002_8rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 63 30 0l2ir p7,A2MOC.SWEN WZ 0566=DIelcitrA?mfc.llufeussi/moc.swenwz.www 64 ,’ nse’meba g rusoMefnut rdoefx iM‘ sem iyTadn ueShT :mo rdfeto u;q20 0l2i r ,p 7KA,U ewbabm ieZhT entoiistautiS lmth.2002_8rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 65 ,’ nse’meba g rusoMefnut rdoefx iM‘ sem iyTadn ueShT :mo rdfeto u;q20 0l2i r ,p 7KA,U ewbabm ieZhT entoiistautiS lmth.2002_8rpa/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 66 ,’...de veov m’I‘ sw eeNwbabmiZ et insoitaut ieSwbabm ie Zhn,To30 0e2n u1,J1 lmth.3002_21nuj/moc.noitautisewbabmiz.www 67,’sremr atfil posstna ldpnih enbooc ye th:Tebag ufsMoe osfelkc aotr eyhbgu R,‘)erar an Him(urdl ewMerd nA revre sebhOT 10 0h2cr a5,M2 lmth.00C2%3868514C2%3724C2%0/elcitrA/evihcrA/ku.oc.naidraug.www