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GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE Johann Friedrich WilhelmAdolf von Baeyer A Pioneer of Synthetic Organic Chemistry GopalpurNagendrappa Important discoveries inchemistry most certainly contribute to the industrial and economic developments and indirectly direct the course of history. A majority ofBaeyer’s research findings are of this kind. In the pursuit of synthesising a variety of organic compounds for more than half a century, Baeyer became the first chemist who can be considered as GNagendrappa was a classical synthetic organic chemist. He did groundbreaking ProfessorofOrganic researchin sixteendifferent areas of organic chemistry, such ChemistryatBangalore University,andHeadof asdyes, hydroaromaticcompounds, polyacetylenes,uric acid theDepartmentof and related compounds, natural products. Baeyer’s strain MedicinalChemistry,Sri theory is acommontextbooktopic at the UGlevel. His work Ramachandra (Medical) on hydroaromatic compounds strongly supported Kekule’s University,Chennai.Heis currentlyinJainUniver- benzene structure. For this and the work on dyes, he was sity, Bangalore. He awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. continuestoteachanddo research.Hisworkisin Introduction theareaoforganosilicon chemistry, synthetic and Organic synthesis is the science as well as the art of putting mechanistic organic togethersimplermoleculesstep-by-stepinordertogetamolecule chemistry,and clay- ofpreviouslydeterminedmorecomplexstructure.Themethodol- catalysed organic reactions (Green Chemistry). ogy had a humble beginning around the mid-nineteenth century and has reached a stage where it has become possible to make molecules of mind-boggling complexity. Starting with alizarine and then indigo, the two important dyes that used to be extracted from plant sources, Baeyer and his associateswereabletofirstsystematicallydeterminetheir struc- tures and synthesise them by rationally planned multistep reac- tions.Themethodologytheyusedmayseemtobeprimitivenow, but that was a great achievement then, and the fundamental Keywords principleof themethod is followed even today. During its initial Baeyer, dyes, alizarin, indigo, period,organicsynthetic chemistrywas significantlyenrichedby straintheory,benzenestructure, phthalein dyes, acetylenes. the pioneering and multifaceted activity of Baeyer’s school, RESONANCE (cid:168) June 2014 489 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE Evenasaboy whichnourishednotonlygoodchemistrybutgreatchemists, who Baeyerhadakeen contributed immensely to the advancement of organic chemistry interestinchemistry. subsequently. Here is a very brief account of Baeyer’s life and Attheageoftwelve some of his achievements. yearshediscovereda Early Life and Education doublesaltofcopper whichwasfoundtobe AdolfBaeyer wasborninBerlinonOctober 31,1835,toJohann CuNa (CO ) .3H O. Jacob Baeyer and Eugenie Hitzig, both of whom belonged to 2 3 2 2 highly respected and well-known families. Johann Jacob Baeyer servedaslieutenant-generalinthePrussianarmyandalsotaught in the army school. He was a famous geodesist who started the European system of geodetic measurement and became the Di- rector of Berlin Geodetical Institute. Eugenie’s father, Julius EduardHitzig,wasajuristanddistinguishedhimselfinliterature too. Hitzigs were Jews, but Eugenie converted to Evangelical Christianity. (However, Jewish records show that Adolf von Baeyer was the first Jew to get the Nobel Prize). Adolf was the fourth of the five children of Johann Jacob and Eugenie Baeyer. TheoldersiblingswereClara,EmmaandEduard,andtheyounger was Jeanette, born respectivelyin1826, 1831, 1832 and1839. Adolf completed his school education at Friedrich Wilhelm GymnasiuminBerlin, andthenjoinedtheUniversityofBerlinin 1853.Evenasaboyhehadakeeninterestinchemistry.Attheage of twelveyears he discovereda double salt of copper which was found to be CuNa (CO ) .3H O. His fascination for the blue 2 3 2 2 indigowas somuch that hebought a lump of thebrilliant dyeto celebrate his 13th birthday. However, when he joined Berlin University he took physics and mathematics as subjects of his Baeyer’s study. After three semesters at the university he had to go for fascinationforthe compulsory military service in the Prussian army for a year. blueindigowasso When he returned to his studies in1856 he went back to his old muchthathe love, chemistry, and headed to Heidelberg to train under Robert boughtalumpof Bunsen. After one semester, he worked there in the private thebrilliantdyeto laboratory of August Kekule. While in Heidelberg with Bunsen celebratehis13th and Kekule, he did his thesis work on methyl chloride and its birthday. arsenicalor cacodylcompounds (e.g., Me As-AsMe ). Basedon 2 2 490 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)June 2014 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE this work, written in Latin, Baeyer was awarded the doctorate degreein1858bytheUniversityofBerlin.Sincehedidnotgetan academic appointment soon after, Bayer followed Kekule to the UniversityofGhentinBelgium,wherethelatterwasappointedas Professor inthesameyear.AtGhent,Baeyerstartedhisworkon finding the constitution of uric acid (Box 1). Box 1. Uricacidhasalonghistory.ItwasdiscoveredbyKarlWilhelmScheelein1776inbladderstoneandhuman urine. He studied some of its properties. It is a major constituent of excrement of birds and reptiles, but mammals excrete it rarely. Though healthyhuman urine has hardly anyof this substance, gout patients’ urinecontainsitinsignificantamounts.Itformsinthebodyasametabolicproductofproteinsandpurines in nucleic acids. Because of its importance in animals and humans, a lot of work has been done on its chemical, physiological, pathological and other biological aspects. From Scheele to Friedrich Wöhler and Justus von Liebig many chemists studied its properties and reactions.LiebigandMitscherlich independentlydetermineditsmolecular formulaas C H N O in 1834. 5 4 4 3 Between 1834 and 1838, theysubjected uric acid to manyreactions. Baeyer’sworkonuricacidandrelatedcompounds–pseudouricacid, hyeluricacid,violuricacid,dilituric acid and their salts, violautin (a complex derivative of barbituric acid), and allaxan bromide, allaxan derivatives, nitromalonic acid, mesooxalicacid and some of their derivatives – duringthe first half of the 1860sgavesomecluetoitsconstitution.Severalstructureswereproposedforuricacidin1870s(soonafter Kekule’s structural theory was proposed). The structure proposed byL Medicus in 1875 was confirmed by E Fischer in1882. O O HN CO HN CO CO C NH.CN CO C HN HON NH HN NH H CO HN CO HN C NH O N O O O H Baeyer1863 Medicus1875 O Uricacid Violuricacid Allaxan O C HN NH2 NO2 O O O O HN NH HN NH NO2 O O O HO2C CO2H HO2C CO2H Pseudouricacid Dilituricacid Nitromalonicacid Mesoxalicacid (5-Ureidobarbituricacid) (5-Nitrobarbituricacid) RESONANCE (cid:168) June 2014 491 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE Baeyerusedthe BacktoBerlin–aLongTeachingandResearchCareerStarts structuraltheoryin Baeyer presentedhisuric acidworkat Berlin Universityin 1860 hisresearchtosolve by which he earned the eligibility to teach there. As a result, themolecular BerlinUniversityappointedhimasa PrivatDozent(similartoan structuresandlater assistant professor) at a constituent institution, the Gewerbe providedsolid Akademie1.TheAkademieprovidedBaeyera biglaboratory, but experimentalsupport he was given very little remuneration and inadequate funds for tothetheory, thelaboratory.However,hewasquitehappytobeintheAkademie, particularlyto becauseatthattimetheUniversityofBerlindidnothaveaproper Kekule’sbenzene chemical laboratory. structure. Baeyer’s association with Kekule had greatly benefited him in terms of getting to know firsthand the latter’s ideas on the structuraltheoryfromits initialstage. Baeyer usedthestructural 1Trade Academy or the Berlin theoryin his research to solve themolecular structures and later College of Vocational Studies, which was later renamed as providedsolidexperimentalsupporttothetheory,particularlyto Charlottenburg Technische Kekule’s benzene structure. Though Kekule was older and Hochshcule, and now has be- Baeyer’s doctoral thesis adviser, the two had a very cordial and come the Technical University friendly relationship throughout their lifetime. of Berlin In Gewerbe Akademie, Baeyer continued to work on the prob- lems he was engaged in earlier. The experience he had gained fromthestudies onuric acidenabledhimin1864 to develop the Box 2. Barbituric acid is the parent compound of a class of more than 2000 medicinal compounds called ‘barbiturates’. The first barbiturate of medicinal application was ‘barbital’ synthesised by Emil Fischer andvonMering.Itisalong-actingsedative.Itwastestedonadog,whichsleptpeacefullyformanyhours. Itwasmarketedunderthename‘Veronal’,namedbyvonMeringafterthecityofVeronainItaly,because he considered it as the most peaceful place in the world. O O O EtO OEt HN NH HN NH + H2N NH2 O O O O O O Urea Malonicester Barbituricacid CH CH 2 5 2 5 Barbitalor Veronal Box2.continued 492 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)June 2014 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE Box2.continued Asfortheoriginofthename‘barbituricacid’,therearemanystories.Butthemostcredibleoneseemsto bethefollowing.Thedayon which the compoundwaspreparedhappenedtobeSaintBarbaraFeastDay. Baeyer was celebratinghis discoveryof the new compoundin a pub, where a guest suggested to him to use the name of the saint. Thus combining Barbara with urea, Baeyer coined the word ‘barbituric’ and ended it with ‘acid’. There are other interesting stories, which are most likely made up. One such is this. At the time when Baeyersynthesisedbarbituricacid,hehadagirlfriendnamedBarbaraafterwhomhenamedthecompound. Yetanother,quiteaqueerone,isthat theureausedforthesynthesisofthecompoundwas extractedfrom the urine of a local bar maid named Barbara. synthesis of barbituric acid (Box 2) by condensing diethyl malonatewithurea(Scheme1).(Itshouldberememberedthatthe structures written here were unknown in this formthen.) By1869he convertedindigo In 1865, Baeyer started his life’s most important work, namely intoindolethrough the determination of indigo structure (more about this later), aseriesof whichheld his attention for nearly two decades. Heproposed its reactions.Thus, correctstructurefinallyin1883. Thereafter,hecontinuedtotake hediscovered interest in making its commercial production possible. indole,oneofthe mostimportant In 1866, impressed by the success of young Baeyer, August heterocyclic Wilhelm Hofmann, who was then Professor and Director of the compounds. chemistrylaboratory inBerlin University, recommended himfor Professor’s position. Baeyer was promoted, but was not given financialbenefits. ThoughBaeyer felt unhappy about this, it did not detracthimfromhis hardwork. By1869heconvertedindigo into indole through a series of reactions. Thus, he discovered indole, one of the most important heterocyclic compounds. In 1867, he took a leading role in establishing the Deutsche O O C2H5O OC2H5 H2N NH2 + HN NH + 2C2H5OH O O O O Diethylmalonate Urea Barbituric Scheme1.Baeyer’sbarbitu- acid ric acid synthesis. RESONANCE (cid:168) June 2014 493 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE Chemische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, the oldest forerunner of the present day Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (Society of Ger- man Chemists). The first President of the Society was AW Hofmann and the Secretary was Baeyer. 2 TheUniversity was named af- In1872,theUniversityofStrassburg2(StrasbourginFrench)was ter the Prussian ruler Kaiser re-establishedunder Prussianrule after the Franco–German war Wilhelm. It has a long history of1870–71endedandStrassburgwascededtoGermany.Baeyer starting from the 16th century wasofferedthepositionofChairofOrganicChemistrythere,and under German rule. It changed hands several times between he gladly accepted it. There he continued to work on uric acid FranceandGermany,andpres- derivatives,nitrosocompounds,indigo, andalsostartedresearch ently it is the second largest onphthaleindyesandphenol-formaldehydereactions.OttoFischer university in France. andEmilFischer3 joinedhimasPhD students. Baeyer stayedin 3 See Resonance, Vol.16, Strassburg only for three years and moved to the University of pp.606–618, 2011. Munich in 1875 to succeed Justus von Liebig4, an eminent and 4 See Resonance, Vol.18, influential chemist, who had passed away in 1873. He was pp.397–417, 2013. associated withMunichUniversityfor thenext 43 years untilhe retiredin1915at theageof80 years,just 2yearsbeforehedied on August 20, 1917. During this period he completed his most important work on the elucidation of the structure of indigo and its synthesis, proposed the strain theory of ring compounds, worked on the C- and N-nitroso compounds and acetylenes, provided a great deal of experimental evidence for Kekule’s benzene theory, discovered oxidation of ketones with peracids (Baeyer–Villiger reaction), continued his collaboration with the BASF chemicalcompany bywhich he greatly contributedto the development of the German dye industry, and received, apart fromother honours, the NobelPrize in1905. Marriage and Family Baeyer married Adelheid Bendemann in 1868. They had four Baeyerwas children: Eugenie (Baeyer’s mother’s namesake), Franz, Hans associatedwith Emil Ritter andOtto, bornrespectivelyin1869, 1870,1875 and MunichUniversity 1877. Eugenie married the well-known organic chemist Oskar forthenext43 Piloty.PilotyhadjoinedBaeyerforhisPhD,butlaterworkedand yearsuntilhe obtained the degree under Emil Fischer at Berlin (Box 3). Franz retired. died at the age of 10. Hans Emil Ritter von Baeyer studied 494 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)June 2014 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE Box 3. Oskar Piloty (1866–1915) fell in love with Eugenie while working as a doctoral student of Baeyer. The story is that as Baeyer did not like the affair, he failed Pilotyin an examination and Piloty had to leave. However, Piloty joined Emil Fischer and obtained his PhD degree at the University of Würzburg and married Eugenie. He moved to the University of Berlin with Fischer. In 1900, Baeyer offered Piloty a position in his department in Munich, which Piloty accepted, although Fischer offered him a better position in Berlin. Pilotyhadto gofor compulsorymilitaryservice duringWorld War I. He was killedin 1915 during a fight at the battle of Champagne in the Western Front. His research workwas in the field of natural products, particularly on the structure of haemoglobin. medicine and became Professor of Orthopaedics and Physician- Bayerislistedasthe in-Chief at the University of Heidelberg. In 1930, he was the firstamongthe191 President of the German Society for Orthopaedics. In 1933, he Jewswho havewon was dismissed by the Nazi government, because of his Jewish theNobelPrize, ancestry.(AdolfvonBaeyer’smother as wellashiswifewereof whichamountsto Jewish descent and he is listed as the first among the 191 Jews about22%ofall who havewon the NobelPrize, whichamounts to about 22% of NobelPrizewinners allNobelPrizewinnersworldwidebetween1901and2013,while worldwidebetween theJewsconstitutejustabout0.2%oftheworldpopulation).Otto 1901and2013, von Baeyer became Professor of Physics at the Agricultural University in Berlin. Awards and Honours The impact of Baeyer’sworkindifferentareas oforganic chem- istry on contemporary and later research and German chemical industry was enormous. The methodology he developed for de- termining the structures of a large number of organic molecules was highly systematic, and the crowning glory was solving the Theimpactof structureandthesynthesis oftheso-called‘kingofdyes’,indigo, Baeyer’sworkin (whichwasconsideredatthattimeasa toughtask)accomplished differentareasof with great skill, perseverance and hard work. It was the first organicchemistryon natural product molecule whose structure was solved systemati- contemporaryand callybydegradativereactionsfollowedbyanalysingtheproducts laterresearchand formed, which culminated in developing several logical routes by Germanchemical himandothers for itssynthesis.Theprocedurebecamea modelfor industrywas natural products studies. The development of industrial production enormous. RESONANCE (cid:168) June 2014 495 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE Indigohadaspecial of syntheticindigo hada specialimplicationfor Indianagriculture, implicationforIndian andtheeconomic,socialandpoliticalsettingintheearlypartofthe agriculture,andthe 20thcentury5. economic,socialand These accomplishments naturally attracted recognition by the politicalsettinginthe academic, scientific and industrial community and Baeyer was earlypartofthe20th honouredwithawards,prizesandinotherways.In1905,hewas century. given the Nobel Prize “in recognition of his service in the advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industry, throughhisworkonorganicdyesandhydroaromaticcompounds”. 5See Resonance, Vol.8, No.3, pp.42–48, 2003. The accolades had started pouringin much earlier. In 1881, the Royal Society of London honoured him with the prestigious Davy Medal. In 1884, he was elected foreign honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. On his 50th birthday(in1885)Bayer, likehispredecessor Justus vonLiebig, wasbestowedwiththestatusofhereditarynobilitybytheBavar- ianruler,andsincethenhisfamilynamegottheprefixofhonour ‘von’. In 1891, the Bavarian government conferred himwith its highestcivilianaward‘OrderofMaximilian’. Likewise,in1894, thePrussiangovernmentgranted‘OrderpourleMerite’. Baeyer’s studentscelebratedhis70thbirthdayandtheoccasionwas com- memorated by the publication of two volumes of Collected Works(GesemmellteWerke),a collectionof hisresearchpapers classified in sixteen groups (more on this later). On his 75th birthday, an endowment was created in his honour by Carl 6One of the giant chemical in- Duisberg, who, once Baeyer’s assistant in Munich, became one dustries of Germany,BayerAG, of theoutstanding industrialchemists of the20thcentury6. With thrived under Duisburg’s leader- theproceedsofthisendowment,theSocietyofGermanChemists ship presents the Adolf von Baeyer Medal once in 2–3 years to a distinguished organic chemist. Baeyer’s Scientific Achievements Baeyer’sresearch Baeyer’s research activity spanned almost sixty years of the activityspanned eighty-two years of his life, though the last ten years were not almostsixtyyears quite productive, as he published only two of his 305 papers in oftheeighty-two thisperiod.Therangeoftopicsheworkedonisamazinglyvaried yearsofhislife. and spread over many different classes of organic compounds. 496 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)June 2014 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE ThetwovolumesoftheCollectedWorksbroughtoutathis70th birthday celebrations together consisted of sixteen different areasof research:(1) Organicarsenic compounds,(2) Uric acid group, (3) Indigo – indigo researches, (4) Pyrrole and pyrrole bases, (5) Condensation reactions, (6) Phthaleins, (7) Hydroaromatic compoundsandstructureof benzene,(8) Terpe- nes, (9)Nitrosocompounds, (10)Furfural, (11) Acetylenecom- pounds and strain, (12) Peroxides, (13) Basic properties of oxygen and oxonium salts, (14) Dibenzalacetone and triphenyl- methane,(15)Aromaticseries,and(16)Aliphaticseries.Mostof themwereof fundamentalimportanceinadvancing theprogress of organic chemistry. Althougheachoneof thesetopics became significant,theonesthatmadethegreatestimpactonthecontem- porarychemistryincludeindigo, hydroaroamtic compounds and strain theory of ring compounds. Before Baeyer started his work on indigo, his major research activityduring1860–1865wasintheareaofuricacidandrelated compounds. Theanalysis of the components and characteristics of urinehadengagedthe attentionofscientists andmedical men sincea longtime. Fromthetime Walter Scheeleisolatedit from kidneystones,manyleadingchemistsworkedonvariousaspects ofitsproperties,reactionsandstructure.(MoreonthisinBox1.) WorkonDyes Baeyer’s research work on indigo has special significance to India, because the synthetic indigo completely eliminated the Thesordidevents cultivation of indigo plants which had provided livelihood to a broughtMahatma large number of farmers, labourers and traders. The shift from Gandhi onthescene natural to the synthetic dye brought misery not only to these toresolvethrough communities, but it also led to a minor social and political negotiationsthe upheavalin a largepart of Bihar andBengalin theearlypartof conflictthathad the20thcentury.ThesordideventsbroughtMahatmaGandhion ensuedbetweenthe the scene to resolve through negotiations the conflict that had farmersandthe ensued between the farmers and the landlords who had leased landlordswhohad land to cultivate indigo crop. Gandhiji’s intervention was ini- leasedlandtocultivate tially prevented by the British rulers, but they quickly relented indigocrop. RESONANCE (cid:168) June 2014 497 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE Indigocharacterises when they realised that they could not handle the consequences themagnificenceof ofthefirmstandhehadtakentoresolvetheissue.Itwasthefirst AdolfvonBaeyer’s instance of the Mahatma’s involvement with the civil disobedi- researchworkandis enceaspart oftheIndianindependencemovement. Moreonthis integraltothestoryof subject and chemistry aspect can be found inearlier Resonance hislife. articles7. Synthetic indigo had impact on commercial interests, history and of course chemistry. It characterises the magnifi- cenceofAdolfvonBaeyer’sresearchworkandisintegraltothe story of his life. Therefore, a perspective of indigo chemistry is 7 See Resonance, Vol.16, presented here. pp.1168–1175, 2011; Vol.17, pp.1022–1033, 2012. Alizarin Baeyerstartedhisresearchonindigoin1865.Theblue-coloured indigo and the red-coloured alizarin were then the two most important dyes in use; these were isolated from plant sources. Indigo was produced mainly from Indigofera tinctoria and a relatively small quantity from Isatis tinctoria (woad plant) in Europe. Alizarin was extracted from the roots of madder plant (Rubia tinctorum, the common madder; Rubia peregrine, the In1868,Baeyer’s wildmadder;andRubiacordifolia,theIndianmadder,Manjistha, groupreducedalizarin used even at the time of Mohenjo-daro). The common madder toanthracenebyits wasthemainsourceofalizarinandwasgrownlargelyinFrance. drydistillationwithzinc Carl Liebermann, who had obtained his PhD in 1865 under dust,aprocedure Baeyer,andCarlGräbe,whohadreceivedhisPhDfromHeidel- discoveredbyBaeyer bergunderthesupervisionofBunsen,wereinBaeyer’sgroup.In whilereducing 1868, they reduced alizarin to anthracene by its dry distillation anthraquinoneto with zinc dust (Scheme 2), a procedure discovered by Baeyer anthracene. while reducing anthraquinone to anthracene. It was an exciting revelationtoknowthatthebeautifulreddyeisasimpledihydroxy derivative of anthracene. Scheme 2. Reduction of al- The fledgling chemical company, Badische Anilin and Soda izarin to anthracene. Fabrik, saw the commercial possibility in it and supported the Zn+ ZnO C14H8O4 C14H10 + 4H2O Gräbe-Liebermann Distil Alizarin Anthracene 498 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)June 2014

Baeyer was the first Jew to get the Nobel Prize). Adolf was the . indole, one of the most important heterocyclic compounds. In 1867, he took a leading
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