JOB RELATED ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS IN A TEMPORARY STAFFING AGENCY: A COMPARISON OF PERMANENT AND CONTINGENT EMPLOYEES by Winifred Elaine Bourne B.A., The University of West Florida, 2002 A thesis submitted to the Department of Psychology College of Arts and Sciences The University of West Florida In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts 2006 The thesis of Winifred Elaine Bourne is approved: Claudia J. Stanny, Committee Member Date Sherry K. Schneider, Committee Chair Date Accepted for the Department: Ronald W. Belter, Chair Date Accepted for the College: Jane S. Halonen, Dean Date Accepted for the University: Richard S. Podemski, Dean of Graduate Studies Date ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This page is a tribute to all persons who have offered invaluable support toward the completion of my thesis. First, I would like to thank Dr. Sherry Schneider, the chair of my thesis committee. Dr. Schneider, my advisor and mentor, has been very instrumental in my life as a graduate student. This bond started in my final year as an undergraduate student when she took me under her wing. Dr. Schneider, I sincerely thank you for being a wonderful mentor! I greatly appreciate the time you have spent teaching me to be a good researcher, as well as honing my writing skills. Words are inadequate for expressing my deep gratitude to you. A thesis of this size and complexity required the cooperation of many other persons. I would also like to acknowledge my thanks to them; and so, I must also thank Dr. Claudia Stanny, my undergraduate adviser. I am honored that you have continued this journey with me. Your sage wisdom and words of encouragement have helped to keep me focused over the past four years. I thank you most sincerely for your inspiration. My special thanks is also extended to Denise, Vice President of the temporary staffing agency examined in my thesis. I greatly appreciate your invaluable support throughout the project. I also express my gratitude to the participants who completed the survey. A hearty “thank you!” goes out to Charina Narciso for helping me to format my thesis. Your expertise is greatly appreciated! I would also like to thank Winette George for being a good friend, and to acknowledge the assistance of Diana Robinson, Faye ii i Colley and Rick Hicks in the Psychology Department. I thank you all for the support in assisting me in the preparation of my thesis. I am deeply appreciative of the valuable contribution and support of Marva, Percil, Maxine and Robert Simmons. I thank you all for providing me with a family away from home. To my Aunt Radiance and family and friends in Canada as well as my family and friends in the USA, thanks so much for your support. I cannot forget the important role that my friend Brittany Bjorklund and her family played during my first semester of graduate school. Thanks so much! I would like to thank my buddy Joe Hartz for being my first UWF friend and for the role you played, and continue to play, in my life as a student. My sincere thanks to all of you! I must also thank my fiancé Henson Burke, and my family in Barbados. Henson, thanks so much for your love and support, especially over the past four years. Thanks for listening, caring, and making me laugh and relax. You are a great guy! My parents Henry and Viola Bourne were instrumental in helping me to achieve a 17-year dream. Daddy, thanks so much for your love and support, and for helping me to keep things in perspective. You are the greatest dad ever! Mama, thanks for your love, support and caring manner and for keeping me abreast of the local happenings. To my brothers and sisters, Orlando, Trevor, Henrietta and Arlene, please accept my sincere thanks for your support. To my other family members, friends and well-wishers, I thank you very much for your kind thoughts; I am indeed very grateful for your support. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS..............................................................................................iii LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................viii LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................ix ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................x CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................1 A. The Contingent Worker..........................................................1 B. Current Study..........................................................................4 C. Perceived Organizational Support..........................................5 D. Social Identity Theory.............................................................7 E. Organizational Commitment.................................................10 F. Organizational Citizenship Behavior....................................12 G. Job Satisfaction.....................................................................15 H. Job Insecurity........................................................................17 I. Hypotheses............................................................................19 CHAPTER II. METHOD...................................................................................20 A. Participants............................................................................20 B. Materials...............................................................................22 1. Perceived Organizational Support (POS).....................22 2. Organizational Commitment (OC)...............................22 3. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)................23 4. Organizational Identity (OID).......................................23 5. Job Satisfaction.............................................................23 6. Job Insecurity................................................................24 7. Reasons for Temporary Work.......................................24 8. Preference for Temporary Work...................................24 C. Design...................................................................................25 D. Procedure..............................................................................25 v CHAPTER III. RESULTS...................................................................................27 A. Contingent and Permanent Employees.................................27 B. Demographic Characteristics................................................27 1. Gender...........................................................................28 2. Ethnicity........................................................................28 3. Education......................................................................28 4. Preference for Temporary Work...................................28 5. Perceived Organizational Support (POS).....................29 6. Organizational Identity (OID).......................................29 7. Organizational Commitment (OC) ..............................29 8. Job Satisfaction ............................................................29 9. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)................29 10. Job Insecurity ...............................................................30 C. Internal Consistency Reliability............................................30 1. Perceived Organizational Support (POS).....................30 2. Organizational Identity (OID).......................................30 3. Organizational Commitment (OC)...............................30 4. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)................31 5. Job Satisfaction.............................................................32 D. H1: Contingent Workers versus Permanent Employees.......32 E. Mediation Hypothesis Testing..............................................32 1. An Overview of Mediation...........................................32 2. H2: Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediator........................................................................34 3. H3(a): Organizational Commitment (OC) ...................35 4. H3(b) Job Satisfaction...................................................36 5. H3(c) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)......37 6. H3(d) Job Insecurity ....................................................38 F. Exploratory Mediational Analyses.......................................39 1. Organizational Commitment ........................................40 2. Job Satisfaction.............................................................41 3. Organizational Citizenship Behavior............................42 4. Job Insecurity................................................................45 G. Exploratory Analyses Related to Job Characteristics...........46 1. Importance to the Individual and Job Ratings..............46 2. Influence on Job Satisfaction........................................48 CHAPTER IV. H. DISCUSSION........................................................................52 1. Practical Implications....................................................55 2. Limitations....................................................................57 3. Directions for Future Research.....................................60 4. Conclusion....................................................................62 v i REFERENCES...............................................................................................................64 APPENDIXES................................................................................................................72 A. Questionnaires.......................................................................73 B. Informed Consent Form........................................................84 C. Demographic Information.....................................................86 D. Principal Component Factor Loadings.................................88 E. Analysis of Variance for Work Status..................................94 F. IRB Approval Letter.............................................................96 v i i LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Demographics of the Survey Sample.....................................................................21 2. Job Tenure and Number of Job Placements...........................................................22 3. Summary of Regression Analysis Predicting Organizational Identity .................35 4. Summary of Regression Analysis Predicting Organizational Commitment..........36 5. Summary of Regression Analysis Predicting Job Satisfaction..............................37 6. Summary of Regression Analysis Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior.................................................................................................................38 7. Summary of Regression Analysis Predicting Job Insecurity.................................39 8. Summary of Exploratory Regression Analysis Predicting Organizational Commitment...........................................................................................................41 9. Summary of Exploratory Regression Analysis Predicting Job Satisfaction..........42 10. Summary of Exploratory Regression Analysis Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Identity as Mediators.....................................................................43 11. Summary of Exploratory Regression Analysis Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediator.......45 12. Summary of Exploratory Regression Analysis Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Organizational Identity as a Mediator........................46 13. Summary of Exploratory Regression Analysis Predicting Job Insecurity.............47 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Conceptual model of the relationship between work status, perceived organizational support (POS), organizational identity (OID), organizational commitment (OC), job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and job insecurity.......................................................................................5 2. Summary of major survey measures by work status............................................34 3. Revised conceptual model....................................................................................40 4. Survey respondents’ mean ratings of personal importance of job characteristics (where 1 is unimportant and 5 is very important).........................48 5. Survey respondents’ mean ratings of job characteristics in their current jobs (where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent)......................................................................49 ix ABSTRACT JOB RELATED ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS IN A TEMPORARY STAFFING AGENCY: A COMPARISON OF PERMANENT AND CONTINGENT EMPLOYEES Winifred Elaine Bourne This study tested a conceptual model based on Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986). The relationship between employee work status (contingent or permanent) and perceived organizational support (POS) was examined as an antecedent to employee organizational identity (OID), organizational commitment (OC), organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), Job Satisfaction and Job Insecurity. A sample of 139 employees in a temporary staffing agency in the Southeastern United States participated in an Internet-based survey. As expected, work status was positively related to POS, OID, OC, OCB and job satisfaction, but was negatively related to job security. A new conceptual model was partially supported. POS partially mediated the relationship between work status and OID. POS and OID partially mediated the relationship between work status and OC, and work status and job satisfaction. POS and OID did not mediate the relationship between work status and OCB or job insecurity. A revised model was proposed. x