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JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS A GUIDE FOR VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE AND BEYOND SECOND EDITION JAMES ROUGHTON NATHAN CRUTCHFIELD Amsterdam • Boston • Heidelberg • London New York • Oxford • Paris • San Diego San Francisco • Singapore • Sydney • Tokyo Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Copyright Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA Copyright © 2016, 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- tronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with orga- nizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this feld are constantly changing. As new research and experi- ence broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluat- ing and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instruc- tions, or ideas contained in the material herein. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-12-803441-5 For information on all Butterworth-Heinemann publications visit our website at http://store.elsevier.com/ Typeset by Thomson Digital Printed and bound in US DEDICATION I dedicate this book to my loving wife, who has been my friend and partner for 45 years. She has always been patient with me in my endeavors to en- hance the safety profession and has always given me the freedom to pursue my dreams. I also owe a lot to the safety professionals whom I have met throughout the many years of my career who have helped me in many aspects of learn- ing my profession. Their professionalism, continued friendship, insights and encouragement, and feedback have been very valuable to me. I am also grateful to all of the social media gurus who have inspired me in my interest on learning how to use social media to be more productive. James Roughton My efforts for this book are dedicated to lifelong learners with whom I have been associated throughout my professional life – Dr Michael Waite, William Montante, and James Roughton; the Georgia Safety, Health, and Environmental Conference Board; fellow consultants from my brokerage life; and the consultants, risk and safety managers who are on the “front lines” in the continual effort to improve organizations and workplace. I am grateful to have learned and benefted from them all. Nathan Crutchfeld ABOUT THE AUTHORS James is an experienced Safety Professional with an in-depth knowledge in the use of Social Media to help improve the productivity. He is an ac- complished speaker, author, and writer, develops and manages his own web sites that provide a resource network for small businesses at http://www. safetycultureplusacademy.com. Three of his most notable books include, Safety Culture: An Innovative, Leadership Approach, Developing an Effective Safety Culture: A Leadership Approach, and Job Hazard Analysis and A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond. He is an active board member and web master for the Georgia Conference – www.georgiaconference.org. He is the past President of the Georgia of the ASSE; Past Chair – Gwinnett Safety Professionals, Past Adjunct Professor Safety Technology Lanier Tech, Georgia Tech, and currently an adjunct Professor in Co- lumbia Southern University. He has received awards for his efforts and was named the Georgia Chapter ASSE Safety Professional of the Year 1998–1999, Project Safe Georgia Award, 2008, and received the Georgia Safety, Health, and Environmental Conference’s Earl Everett distinguished Service Award, 2014. James Roughton, MS, CSP, CRSP, R-CHMM, CIT, CET, Certifed Six Sigma Black Belt Nathan is an independent consultant whose professional history encom- passes a full range of risk control program design, development, implemen- tation, and evaluation. He has provided expertise to a broad array of clients that include public entities, associations, and general industry. He was awarded the National Safety Council’s “Distinguished Service to Safety Award” in 2001 and served on the National Safety Council Board of Directors in 1993–1995 was a Vice President, with a major risk manage- ment and insurance brokerage for over 20 years. He has been a speaker at various risk and safety conferences throughout his career. He has served on the Executive Board of the Georgia Safety, Health, and Environmental Conference. He received the Georgia Safety, Health, and Environmental Conference’s Earl Everett distinguished Service Award, 2014. Nathan Crutchfeld, CSP, CPCU, ARM, ARP xv FOREWORD In this second addition of “Job Hazard Analysis, A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond”, we continue to follow a hands-on, compre- hensive approach to build and enhance a job hazard analysis (JHA) process. From our experiences since the frst edition, we are even more convinced that JHA provides the critical link between risk assessment and an effective safety system. In our discussions about new concepts, we wanted to keep an emphasis on creating and sustaining an effective safety culture, as discussed in our book, “Safety Culture, An Innovative Leadership Approach.” We believe the new perspectives bring together a wider array of new concepts and tech- niques. We see safety as a result of many dynamics of the ever-changing or- ganizational environment. It is an ecosystem where changes and operational conditions can occur quickly. Since the frst edition, more emphasis has been placed on the use of risk management concepts. We have long held that when the JHA process incorporates risk-assessment criteria within its hazard analysis, it becomes the foundation for effective implementation of a safety system’s elements. We have included insights and materials derived from human perfor- mance improvement concepts to add new dimensions to the analysis of a job. The basic structure we developed continues to follow the one outlined in our frst edition, use of the risk matrix and cause and effect diagrams for job component assessment, and use of the tools found in a Six Sigma process. In addition to the hazard, risk recognition, and JHA development con- cepts, a brief overview of Six Sigma tools is provided for use as part of a continuous improvement effort for a safety system. Many different uses of specifc tools such as diagrams, charts, analysis techniques, and methods pro- vide step-by-step help to establish a process that can continually improve. We have found that while we are from different professional backgrounds, that is, manufacturing and risk management, we have similar experiences in a wide range of diverse industries. This difference in perspective has allowed us to create diverse points of view based on our personal histories. Both of us have lived the experience, from both the inside and outside of organiza- tions. We have seen both, the good and the bad in the process and program design, administration, and leadership of safety systems.We believe that this xvii x iv Foreword edition will continue to provide the tools, methods, and concepts that meet the challenge of sustaining an effective safety system within an organization. The authors hope that this book is used by the leadership, safety profes- sionals, safety educators, and students of safety management for developing the focal point for a successful safety system, the JHA. James Roughton, MS, CSP, R-CRSP, R-CHMM, CET, CIT, Six Sigma Black Belt Nathan Crutchfeld, MBA, CSP, CPCU, ARM, ARP PREFACE The truth is that we may not be doing our jobs in the safest possible way or even conducting our personal business in a safe manner all of the time. We tend to put ourselves at risk each day and so often do not know it because we have done something at-risk so many times it just becomes the right way of doing things. It is the intent of our book to help you discover way to prevent loss- producing events from occurring. CHAPTER 1, WHY FOCUS ON THE JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS PROCESS Based on our opinion and lessons learned through experience, we have found that the job hazard analysis (JHA) is “The Centerpiece and Critical Link” to ensure a solid foundation for the safety system. A safety system can be defned as “… the formal, top-down business approach to managing risk, which includes a systemic approach to manage safety, in- cluding the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies, and procedures.” The overarching safety system goal is to ensure an effective safety culture exist within an organization. A true safety culture can only exist when the leadership team fully embraces and understands how jobs, their steps and tasks are defned, administered, and completed as a whole unit. “A safety culture goes beyond simply managing a basic series of required programs for regulatory compliance. The design of job(s), step(s), and task(s) must take into consideration the variations in cultures and account for the inherent hazards and associated risk that must be managed and controlled.” CHAPTER 2, UNDERSTANDING HUMAN PERFORMANCE IN THE JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS PROCESS The development of a JHA must include elements that go beyond just listing a job’s steps. While not part of the actual JHA, organizational, and human performance elements and issues directly infuence the effective im- plementation of the process. Even with an in-depth understanding of how to develop a JHA, getting the leadership team and employees to buy into the effort involves more than a mechanical, rote flling out of a document. xix xx Preface CHAPTER 3, INTRODUCING JHA INTO THE ORGANIZATION The JHA is still viewed as an additional activity not a fundamental part of an overall safety system. As with the issue found in quality control where the effort was to fx defects and not the cause of defects, loss-produc- ing events still focus on the immediate cause and not the reduction of risk found within the system. Various levels of activities must be considered in order to improve the existing the safety system. After decades of research and insights within the safety profession, the misconception still remains that the majority of inju- ries are due to unsafe acts or human error. Why? Improving safety efforts are still in many cases restricted to trying to change employee behavior through incentive programs, games, or low value activities such as exhortations (lec- turing), posters, and the like. CHAPTER 4, LEADERSHIP TEAM AND EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION Organizations have a “built-in” resource that can be utilized in the JHA process. This resource is its employees who have the direct experience about the job, its required steps and related tasks. When engaged and motivated, employees can be excellent problem-solvers as they are closest to the “what, when, why, and how” of required actions that must be accomplished. CHAPTER 5, PREPARING FOR THE HAZARD AND RISK ASSESSMENT An important objective of a JHA process is to assist the leadership team and employees in understanding and improving their knowledge of hazards and associated risks. A hazard and risk assessment is accomplished by conducting structured surveys that are designed to review the organiza- tion’s operations. An analysis is completed of the assessment survey fndings to establish the nature and potential impact of activities, potentially unsafe practices, and any history of at-risk or loss-producing events that may have occurred. Preface xxi CHAPTER 6, HAZARD ANALYSIS AND REVIEW OF ASSOCIATED RISK Untold thousands of interactions are occurring every day in the average organization. The JHA process can aid in these interactions, for example, job requirements, specifc activities, the required steps, and tasks of a job, etc. JHA provides the blueprint for designing and customizing surveys and inspections to be used within the safety system. It enhances the ability of an organization to anticipate and understand how job elements (steps and task(s)) combine and interact with each other. CHAPTER 7, ENHANCING THE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN MANAGING RISK Organizations are dynamic and are always in a state of fux and can change due to many types of internal and external infuences. These infu- ences are always present and do not always act consistently. The premise is that the JHA when considered the centerpiece for a safety system provides the critical linkage between all aspects of a Safety Management System. The view of the JHA as the linkage is used to pro- vide essential information for the leadership team and employees about the scope and severity of hazards and risk exposure. With this information, the leadership team can then better weigh the impact of changes in job related tasks and select more informed decisions as loss-producing consequences are made visible. CHAPTER 8, DEFINING ASSOCIATED RISK The concept of risk must be clearly defned and included as a ma- jor element in the JHA process. Using only loss-related data that is solely based on injuries, incident rates, and/or damage does not provide a full understanding of the potential for loss-producing events. This data only provides a snapshot of what has occurred. To understand how risk affects an organization, a risk assessment must be conducted. A risk assessment deter- mines where hazards and associated risk may exist but may or may not have resulted in a loss-producing event. xxii Preface CHAPTER 9, PLANNING FOR THE JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS One goal for the job hazard analysis (JHA) process is to become self- sustaining and effective. That goal frst begins by establishing a JHA com- mittee that can provide experience, expertise, and assistance in developing the process. A properly structured committee working on the JHA process increases the effectiveness of the safety system. For the JHA to become an integral part of the organization’s planning and daily management activities, a focused committee approach provides leadership and can guide the necessary activities if given the tools and au- thority to make change. Before starting the JHA development, determine and carefully consider who is going to be on the development committee. Experienced employees actually doing the job should be involved for a comprehensive job steps and tasks development. The insights and perspectives of all employees should be considered as solid insights from unlikely sources may come out of the process. The JHA process involves developing an inventory of jobs and a search for nonroutine jobs that may be hidden from view. The use of the JHA committee and employees can improve the depth and scope of the JHA portfolio. The JHA process can restore the feel of the workplace as it iden- tifes how things are getting done and how hazards and associated risk are controlled. CHAPTER 10, BREAKING THE JOB DOWN INTO INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS The job hazard analysis (JHA) process begins by selecting designated jobs, ranked in order by priority, and ends with standard operating pro- cedures (SOP.) Used this way, the JHA process provides a baseline for the development and refnement of SOPs, safety protocols, work instructions, and guidelines. Consider the job as a whole system when breaking it down into in- dividual components of action steps and the tasks required within each step. The suggested method to structure the JHA is through the use of the Ishikawa or “Fishbone” diagram. This creates a cause and effect graphic

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