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Job hazard analysis: a guide for voluntary compliance and beyond: from hazard to risk: transforming the JHA from a tool to a process PDF

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Preview Job hazard analysis: a guide for voluntary compliance and beyond: from hazard to risk: transforming the JHA from a tool to a process

About the Authors James E. Roughton has a Master of Science (MS) in Safety from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), a CanadianRegisterSafetyProfessional(CRSP),aCertifiedHazardousMaterials Manager (CHMM), a Certified Environmental Trainer (CET) and a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt. His experience includes 4 years in the military and 40 yearsexperienceinindustry,withthepast30yearsinthesafetyareadeveloping and implementing safety management programs and management systems. Mr.Roughtonhasworkedforvariouscorporationsandhasservedinthefol- lowing capacities: providing consulting services for medium to large manufac- turingfacilities;developingandimplementingsafetyprogramsandmanagement systems; providing consulting services for hazardous waste remedial investiga- tionandsitecleanupregardingdevelopingandimplementingsite-specificsafety plans; conducting site health and safety assessments, and providing internal support for multiple office locations. Inaddition,heisanaccomplishedauthorinvariousareasofsafety,environ- mental, quality, security, computers, etc. He is the author of six books, most notably How to Develop an Effective Safety Culture: A Leadership Approach. Healsoprovidesmentoringtootherprofessionalswhowanttogetpublished and is a frequent co-author with those professionals. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and professional meetings. He is the past president of the ASSE Georgia Chapter, an active member of the safety advisory board of the Department of Labor of Georgia, Lanier Tech SafetyBoard,pastpresidentfortheGwinnettSafetyProfessionalsAssociation, andco-founderandpastpresidentoftheHeartofGeorgiaSafetySociety.Heis alsoanadjunctinstructorforLanierTechandGeorgiaTechinAtlanta,Georgia. In addition, he maintains his own websites, Accident-Related, www.gotsafety.net, 24-7 Safety, Responsibility not Luck and Safety Culture- Related www.emeetingplace.com, Safety Exchange of America. He also has received several management and professional awards for safety related activ- ities, including Safety Professional of the Year (SPY). He can be reached at [email protected]. xvii xviii AbouttheAuthors NathanCrutchfieldhasaprofessionalhistorythatencompassesafullrange of risk control program design, development, implementation and evaluation. He has provided expertise to a broad array of clients that include public enti- ties, associations, and general industry. He has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Georgia State University with a Bachelor of Civil Engi- neering Technology, Southern Technical Institute (now Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia). He holds the designations of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU), Associate in Risk Management (ARM), Associate in Research & Planning (ARP), and Certified Safety Professional (CSP). Nathan is an independent risk control consultant with his own practice and wasavicepresidentwithamajorriskmanagementandbrokerageorganization for over 20 years. He has been involved with the Georgia Department of LaborannualEnvironmentalHealthandSafetyConferenceasaPlanningBoard member,wasontheNationalSafetyCouncilBoardofDirectors(1993–95)and has been a speaker at the various risk and safety conferences. He was awarded the NSC Distinguished Service to Safety Award in 2001. He can be reached at [email protected]. Foreword Whenyoubegintowriteabook,youknowthatitwillbealotofwork,with many nights of research, reading, getting approvals from various sources, then writingandeditingthefinalefforts.Withthisinmind,youarealwaysthinking abouthowtomakethebookbetterthanotherresourcesonthemarketandhow to convey your concepts more clearly to the reader. Part of this process for me involved finding another safety professional who shared my vision and could contribute to the quality of the book and help to conveythecorrectmessagetoothersafetyprofessionals.ThisishowI(James) came up with my co-author, Nathan. He has a wealth of experience in the risk management field and I am lucky to find a co-author who complements my workonthisbooksowell.Wehavehadouragreementsanddisagreements,but in the end this makes a better programmed learning-type of textbook that can be used in all types of safety training, from the college class to many different industries. NormAbram,mastercarpenterfromtheTVprogram“ThisOldHouse,”has many tools in his tool box that allow him to perform wonders when repairing oldhouses.Eachtoolheuseshasaspecificpurposeanduse.Thesetoolsallow Norm to build many different things, such as furniture, molding, siding for a project, etc. Think about it: if Norm used a rubber mallet instead of a normal hammer when driving nails, would it be as effective? There are some tools discussed in this book, such as Six Sigma, that are not usually considered for a safety “tool box.” This set of tools has many new and useful features that will allowyoutoperformtasksforawidevarietyofsituationsinthesafetyprocess. In addition, many tools are available in the safety arena that are not fully utilized. Many are from various public domain web sites, such as the OSHA website, www.osha.gov; Oklahoma Department of Labor Safety Man- agementwebsite,http://www.ok.gov/∼okdol/;OregonOSHASafetyandHealth Education website, http://www.cbs.state.or.us/osha/education.html; Washing- tonSafetyOSHAwebsite,http://www.lni.wa.gov/wisha/rules/corerules/HTML/ 296-800-100.htm; Missouri Department of Labor website, http://www. dolir.mo.gov/ls/safetyconsultation/, to name a few. Many more websites were used in researching this book, but these are some of the best public domain xix xx Foreword resources. References are provided for each site where resource material was found to be of benefit. In addition to the hazard recognition and JHA development concepts, this book provides in Chapter 13 a very brief overview of various Six Sigma tools that can be used in the continuous safety improvement process. Many different examples of specific tools such as diagrams, charts, analysis techniques, and methodsprovidestep-by-stephelptoestablishaprocessthatcanbecontinually improved. We mentioned the TV show “This Old House.” To take that concept one step further, if you walked into a hardware store and asked for a table saw, you might be asked what type of table saw you need. There are large saws that do many tasks and small saws that do specific small tasks, as well as many vendors, types, and prices. Take that example into the Six Sigma world and you will find a similar concept. Some Six Sigma tools are simple to use. As you get more deeply into a project, you will discover that the tools will become more detailed and complex. For example, a Pareto chart is easy, but using the XY Matrix and the FMEA requires much more effort, taking a lot more time and resources to complete. Many types of graphs can be used (line charts, histograms, etc) and they should be evaluated to determine which best presents the data. Further into Six Sigma are statistical tools that vary widely and can be quite useful in safety/hazard analysis. The authors hope that this book can be used by management, supervision, safety professionals, educators, and students of safety management as a “road map” that provides an overview as well as new ideas for developing what we believe should be the focal point for a successful safety management process, the Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). We hope that you enjoy this book and look forward to assisting you in your efforts to improve your professional safety skills. Good luck on your journey to success! James E. Roughton, MS, CSP, CRSP, CHMM, CET, 6(cid:2) Black Belt, safe- [email protected],[email protected] Nathan Crutchfield, CPCU, ARM, ARP, CSP Nathan@ crutchfieldconsult- ing.com Preface “I’ve done it this way a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times without getting hurt.” Sound familiar? Maybe, on the thousand and one, ten thousand and one, or hundred thousand and one time, someone does get hurt. The truth is that we may not be doing our jobs in the safest possible way or even conducting our personal business in a safe manner all of the time. We tend to put ourselves at risk each day and so often do not know it because we have done something risky so many times it simply becomes the right way of doing things. If you were to review all of the accidents that still occur you would be amazed. This is the reason that I create the website, GotSafety.net to help highlight accident and methods to prevent them. To help you understand the importance of developing a job hazard analysis, we have divided this book into four parts to help you understand the process. Developing a Toolkit for Identifying Part 1 Workplace Hazards and Associated Risk Part 2 Developing Systems that Support Hazard Recognition Developing an Effective Part 3 Job Hazard Analysis Additional Tools that Can Part 4 Be Used to Develop a Successful JHA xxi xxii Preface PART 1. DEVELOPING A TOOLKIT FOR IDENTIFYING WORKPLACE RISK AND HAZARDS Chapter 1. Preparing for the Risk and Hazard Assessment Leadership and management skills are critical to maintaining and keeping a safetyprocessviableintoday’sbusinessenvironment.Withtheconstanttheme of organizational change, you will always face an array of internal obstacles, departmental political issues, and regulatory requirements that will appear and hinder your best efforts. Add in the behavioral quirks of human nature and the plot really thickens! The need to have foundational skills that go beyond knowledge of compli- ance requirements is surprisingly found within the various compliance man- dates. The Federal Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Act states that “Employers must furnish a place of employment free of recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees,” “OSHA ACT OF 1970, 29 CFR 1903.1.” Further, the Ameri- can National Standards Institute’s Z10-2005, Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard, 4.3 Objectives, states that: “The organization shall establish and implement a process to set documented objectives, quanti- fied where practicable, based on issues that offer the greatest opportunity for Occupational Health and Safety Management System improvement and risk reduction.” Job hazard analysis (JHA) is an essential safety management tool. Used consistently and correctly, it will increase your ability to build an inventory or portfolio of hazards and risks associated with various jobs, job steps and the detailed tasks performed by your employees. Your professional “mental map” and skills will improve as you begin to use JHA to determine the interrelations between the job steps and tasks and the dynamics of the organization. As your portfolio of JHAs increase, you will improve your safety “tool box” and the skillsetsthatincreaseyoureffectivenessinimplementingyourprogramsinthe face of continual organizational change. The JHA provides the basic methodology and structure needed to recognize hazards and the elements of personal choices that are associated with each job. IntroducingaJHAprocesswillgreatlyenhanceanorganization’sevaluationof hazards and their associated risks and should be an essential, fundamental part of any safety process. Chapter 1 will focus on identifying existing and potential hazards that may be associated with your workplace. Preface xxiii Chapter 2. Workplace Risk and Hazard Reviews The JHA, as the centerpiece of your safety program, provides the blueprint to design the workplace review. A JHA enhances your ability to anticipate and understand how all job elements combine and allows you to develop effective control programs and procedures. It is important in your process to ensure that the work environment is actively analyzed and monitored. To build your process, a workplace review should be conducted by designated knowledgeable employees who physically review the operations and activi- ties. By asking specific questions concerning their observations, they develop an insight on conditions within their work areas that may cause harm or damage. Safety reviews should do more than identify visible hazards. They should provide useful data for the purpose of effective analysis and evaluation of the safety management system. The analysis should also attempt to understand howourownpersonalbehavioraffectspotentialharm.Ourpersonalworkplace behaviors can be driven by the importance management places on correcting identified hazards or controls to risks. Chapter 2 will focus on workplace analysis and how a variety of workplace review methods can identify existing hazards or potential hazards, which are the conditions and operations where changes could create hazards. Chapter 3. Developing Systems to Manage Hazards An effective JHA management system provides for the continual analy- sis of the workplace and anticipates changes needed to modify or develop policies and procedures to control new, existing, or reoccurring hazards. The JHA provides the structured format that determines the variety of job steps required to complete a task and the conditions needed for its safe completion. For better or worse, the safety professional usually inherits an ongoing workplace as it is, with or without management support, operational hazards, andanarrayofemployeeandmanagementbehaviorsthathavedevelopedover a long period of time. Many levels of risk exist in the workplace and stem from things such as chemicals, materials, equipment, tools, and environment and, of course, the long term behaviors of employees and management within the organization. Hazardandriskmeasuresprovidetheinformationrelatedtoofdefinespecific hazardtraining.Hazardsthatemployeesareexposedtoshouldbesystematically identified and evaluated. xxiv Preface Chapter 3 will discuss the systems used in a hazard analysis of the work environment. PART 2. DEVELOPING SYSTEMS THAT SUPPORT HAZARD RECOGNITION Chapter 4. Understanding the Human Role in the Safety Process After the risk and hazards have been identified and assessed, behaviors of the individuals in the operation must be reviewed. A great control program is worthless if the individuals will not or cannot follow its criteria. The controls definedforthesafetyprocessmustbefollowedtobesuccessfulandthisrequires building in knowledge of what influences behavior. Chapter 4 is designed to assist those not familiar with the human role in the safety process and provide some background information on how the process works and its value in providing for continuous improvement of the JHA process. Chapter 5. Effective Use of Employee Participation The success of any business depends on the total involvement of every employee in the operation. Without the involvement of the employees, the potential for developing a full understanding of the job and how it is currently completed is limited. This chapter looks at the reasons behind employee par- ticipation and suggests methods and activities that can help to increase the potential for the successful implementation of JHA process. Chapter 5 will outline the objective of employee participation and how it is used to encourage everyone to help in the structuring and effective functioning of the safety process and with the decisions that directly affect their personal safety. Chapter 6. Defining Associated Risk Risk management principles have been used for many years and in many high hazard industries and operations. However, as many programs have been typically designed around regulatory compliance or losses, the risk manage- ment concepts are still new to many employees and still are rarely used in Preface xxv many organizations to assess events that could cause an injury. Even experi- enced safety professionals still go on their “gut” instinct—“I think, I feel”—or prior knowledge to develop safety programs. A shift must take place in our thought process. We must understand the need to collect risk-related data, analyze the data, and make decisions based on risk assumptions. Risk princi- ples are used to prioritize and clarify the importance and objectives of hazard control. Risk can be defined as a measure of the probability and severity of adverse effects.Wewillprovideseveralsimple,logicalformatstoprovideunderstanding onhowtouseeffectiveriskmanagementprinciples.Theseformatswilloutline how hazards are associated with specific job steps and related tasks. Chapter 6 will discuss risk and the measurement of probability and severity of adverse effects. Chapter 7. Assessing Safety and Health Training Needs TheJHAprocessrequiresthetransferofknowledgeaboutspecificjobrisksin awaythatcanbeeasilyandreadilyunderstoodbyalllevelsoftheorganization. Having knowledge of risk, safety management, and the JHA process is not enough. You must be able to clearly communicate the importance of the JHA tools, methods, and concepts. To do this, you must have an understanding of training and learning theory. Chapter 7 provides a basic overview of the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as a safety trainer. The basic information relevant to planning, preparing, presenting, and evaluating the classroom is provided. PART 3. DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Chapter 8. Planning for the Job Hazard Analysis Today,awidearrayofsafetymaterialisavailablefrommanysafetyvendors whospecializeindevelopingcompliance-relatedsafetyprograms,presentations, supervisor handbooks, general safety tips, safety slogans, etc. Compliance- related safety material has become the basis for many organizations’ safety programs. These generic programs can be easily purchased, allowing you to put your company name on the program and quickly produce it. We refer to this type of program as “plug-n-play.” xxvi Preface Chapter8willdiscussplanninganeffectiveJHA.Itwilldiscusshowtoplan for the JHA and why it is important to keep it current when changes require it to be modified to ensure that it continues to be an effective procedure. Chapter 9. Breaking the Job Down into Individual Components Youmayhavedevelopedamanagementsystembuiltaroundtraditionalhaz- ard recognition programs and communicated specific hazards to employees. You must be aware of the perceptions that management and employees may have regarding a hazardous task. When planning a systematic process to ana- lyze each task in your workplace, you will want to ensure that the individual evaluations are handled consistently, thoroughly, and thoughtfully. By estab- lishingastructuredprocedure,theresultsofyouranalysisprogramwillprovide consistent and reliable information. Chapter 9 will discuss fundamental issues that need to be considered when developing a JHA program. Chapter 10. Putting Together the Puzzle Pieces ToaddconsistencytoJHAdevelopment,theinformationdetailedinthisbook is a combination of information collected from many public domain resources and also from personal and professional experiences. You will see that every safety professional has a different way of doing a JHA, but we believe that youwillalsofindthatifyoufollowtheelementsoutlinedinthisbook,theend result will provide a more comprehensive JHA. Chapter 10 will detail the complete JHA and how to use it in your environ- ment. Chapter 11. Safe Operating Procedure Whydevelopasafeoperatingprocedure(SOP)?Isn’ttheJHAtheendresult of the process? The JHA is the methodology used to pull together all aspects and elements of the job. However, the information the SOP provides must be put into the format of your organization’s SOP. Chapter 11 will discuss a simple method of outlining an SOP that will close the gap between it and the JHA.

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