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H.H. ROWLEY ........ 117' .. THE CENTURY BIBLE NEW SERIES (Based on the Revised Standard Version) JOB Edited by H. H. ROWLEY Late Professor Emeritus, Manchester University NELSON THE CENTURY BIBLE General Editors t H. H. ROWLEY M.A., B.UIT., D.D., ll.D., f.B.A. (Old Testament) MATTHEW BLACK D.D., D.UIT., F.ll.A. (New Testament) Job THOMAS NELSON AND SONS LTD 36 Park Street WI P.O. Box 2187 Accra P.O. Box 336 Apapa Lagos P.O. BOX2soI2 Nairobi P.O. Box 2II~9 Dar es Salaam 77 Coffee Street San Fernando Trinidad TROMAS NELSON (AUSTRALIA) LTD 597 Little Collins Street Melbourne 3000 THOMAS NELSON & SONS (SOUTH APllICA) (paOPRIBTAllY) LTD P.O. Box 9881 Johannesburg THOMAS NELSON AND SONS (CANADA) LTD 81 Curlew Drive Don Mills Ontario © Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd 1970 First published 1970 17 123131 7 The Bible text in this publication is from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyrighted 19~6 and 1952 by the Division of Christian Education, National Council of the Churches of Christ, and used by permission. Printed in Great Britain by Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd, Aylesbury, Bucks CONTENTS ABBREVUTIONS V11 BIBLIOGRAPHY xiii INTRODUCTION I Title and Place in the Canon 2 2 Contents 2 3 Character and Parallels 5 4 Integrity 8 5 Purpose 18 6 Date and Authorship 21 7 Language and Style 23 8 Text and Versions 25 COMMENTARY 28 INDEX 347 ABBREVIATIONS BIBLICAL (OT) OLD TESTAMENT Gen. Jg. I Chr. Ps. Lam. Ob. Hag. Exod. Ru. 2 Chr. Provo Ezek. Jon. Zech. Lev. I Sam. Ezr. Ee. Dan. Mie. Mal. Num. 2 Sam. Neh. Ca. Hos. Nah. Dt. I Kg. Est. Isa. Jl Hab. Jos. 2 Kg. Job Jer. Am. Zeph. (Apoc.) APOCRYPHA I Esd. Tob. Ad. Est. Sir. S.3 Ch. Bel I Mac. 2 Esd. Jdt. Wis. Bar. Sus. Man. 2 Mae. Ep. Jer. NEW TESTAMENT (NT) Mt. Ac. Gal. ITh. Tit. I Pet. 3Jn Mk Rom. Eph. 2Th. Phm. 2 Pet. Jude Lk. I C. phil. I Tim. Heb. IJn Rev. In 2 C. Col. 2 Tim. Jas 2Jn VERSIONS, ETC. Akk. Akkadian AV Authorized Version Aq. Aquila EVV English Versions LXX Septuagint (LXXB = Codex Va tieanus) M.T. Massoreric Text RSV Revised Standard Version ABBREVIA nONS V1l1 RV Revised Veruon Sam. Samaritan Sym. Synunachus Syr. Syriac (peshitta) Targ. Targum Vulg. Vulgate KI' Keri Kt K"!ib Theod. Theodotion GENERAL AfO ArcJ.iv flir Orielltjorscllfl/lg A]SL American ]ounliJl oj Semitic Latlguages and Literatllres ALUOS AJltIIlal oj the Leeds Ulli,'ersity Oriental Society ANET Atlcient Near Eastem To:ts relatillg to tire Old Testament, ed. by J.B. Pritchard, 2nd 00., 1955 ARW ArclJiv fliT Religotlsll'issetlsd.ajt ASTI AtIIlf/al oj the Swedish Theological [nstiMe AThR Atrglicat. TJreological Ret/iew BA Biblical Archaeologist BASOR Bulletill oj tlre Alllericm. Schools oj OrieT.tal Research BDB F. BroV't"Il. S.R. Driver. C.A. Briggs. A HebrelV and English Lexicon of tIre Old Testmllent, 1907 BZ Biblisc1re Zeitsc1.rift BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitsclzrijt for die alttestameTUlidre Wissensc1.ajt CBQ Catholic BiMieal Q"arterly DB J. Hastings (00.), DictiollaT}' oj tlre Bible. 5 vols .• 1898-1904 (also. where indicated, one volume 00., 1909; revised ed., 00. by F.e. Grant and H.H. Rowley, 1963) DThC A. Vacant, E. Mangenot, and E. Amann (ed.), Dictionnaire de Tlteologie Cat/.Oliqrlf, IS vok, 1899-1950 EB T.K. Che)"Ile and J.S. Black (005.), Encyclopaedia BibUea, 4 vols., 1899-1903 ET Expository Times EThL Ephemerides Theologicae Lo.,at.ieT.ses Exp Expositor GB Gesenius-Buhl, Hebraisches aM Aratnaisches HaMwoTierbuch uber das Alte Testament, 17th ed., 1921 IX ABBREVIATIONS GGA Giittingische gelehrte Anzeigen GK Gesenius-Kautzsch. Hebrew Grammar, Eng. Trans. by A.E. Cowley, 1910 GSAl Giornale della Sodeta Asiatica Italiana HN Pliny, Historia Naturalis HSAT Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments, ed. by E. Kautzsch and A. Bertholet, 4th ed., 2 vols., 1922-23 HTR Harvard Theological Review HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual m Interpreter's Bible, vol. m, 1954 JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JBL Journal of Biblical Literature JDTh Jahrbucher fur deutsche Theologie JJS Journal ofJ ewish Studies JMEOS Journal oj the Manchester University Egyptian and Oriental Society JPTh Jahrbucher fur protestantische Theologie JPh Journal of Philosophy JPOS Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society JQR Jewish Quarterly Review JR Journal ofR eligion JSS Journal of Semitic Studies JTS Journal oj Theological Studies KB Koehler-Baumgartner, Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros, 1953 LOT S.R. Driver, Introduction to the Literature oj the Old Testa ment, 9th ed., 1913 MFO Melanges de la Faculte Orientale de I' Universite St Joseph de Beyrouth NTT Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift OTMS The Old Testament and Modern Study, ed. by H.H. Rowley, 1951 OTS Oudtestamentische Studiifn PEFQS Quarterly Statement oj the Palestine Exploration Fund PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly PRE Herzog-Hauck. Realencyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche, 3rd ed., 24 vols., 1896-1913 RB Revue Biblique RHR Revue de l'H istoire des Religions RQ Revue de Qumran RR Review of Religion RThPh Revue de Theologie et de Philosophie T.e.B.: J.-I· x ABBREVIATIONS SDB Supplement au Dictionn4ire de ta Bible, ed. by L. Pirot, A. Robert, H. Cazelles, A. Feuillet, 7 vols. (vol. vru in progress), 1928- SVT Supplements to Vetus Testamentum ThLZ Theologische Literaulrzeitung ThR Theologische Rundschau ThT Theologisch TijdschriJt ThZ Theologische ZeitschriJt VT Vetus Testamentum WO Die Welt des Orients WZKM Wiener ZeitschriJt fur die KMnde des Morgenlandes ZAW ZeitschriJt fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschqft WORKS CITED BY AUTHOR'S NAME ONLY Ball CJ. Dall, The Book ojJ ob, 1922• Beer G. Deer, Der Text des Buches Hiob, 2 parts, 1895-97; and Edition of Job in Kittel, Biblia Hebraica, 2nd ed., 1913; 3rd ed., 1932. Ben Yehuda E. Ben Yehuda, Thesaurus Totius Hebraitatis, 16 vols and Prolegomena, 1908-59. Bickell G. Bickell, 'Kritische Dearbeitung des Jobdialogs', Vienna Oriental Journal, VI, 1892, pp. 137ff., 241ff., 327ff., VII, 1893, pp. 1fT.. 153fT.; also: Carmina Veteris Testamenti metrice, 1882; Das Buch Job, 1894. Bleeker L.H.K. Bleeker,Job, 1926. Budde K. Budde, Das Buch Hiob, 1913. Buttenwieser M. Buttenwieser, The Book ofJ ob, 1922. Calmet A. Calmet, Commer:taire litteral sur Ie livre de Job, in Com mentaire litteral sur tous les livres de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament, m, 1724. Cheyne T.K. Cheyne, Job', EB, II, I901, cols 2464ff. Davidson A.B. Davidson, The Book ofJ ob, 1884; revised by H.C.O. Lanchester, 1918. Delitzsch F. Delitzsch, Biblical Commentary on the Book ofJ ob, Eng. tr. by F. Bolton, 2 vols., 1866. Dhorme E. Dhorme, Le livre de Job, 1926; Eng. tr. by H. Knight, 1966 (page references are to the English edition). Dillmann A. Dillmann, Hiob, 4th ed., 1891. Driver S.R. Driver, The Book ofJ ob in the Revised Version, 1906. Duhm B. Duhm, Das Buch Hiob, 1897. Ehrlich A.D. Ehrlich, Randglossen zur hebriiischen Bibel, VI, 1913, pp. 18off. · Xl ABBREVIATIONS Eichhorn J.G. Eichhorn, Hiob, 1800. Ewald G.H.A. von Ewald, Commen~ry on the Book oj Job, Eng. tr. by J.F. Smith, 1882. Fohrer G. Fohrer, Das Buch Hiob, 1963. Gibson E.C.S. Gibson. The Book ofJ ob, 1899. Graetz II. Graetz, 'Lehrinhalt der "Weisheit" in den biblischen Biichern,' MGWJ, XXXVI, 1887, pp. 402ff., 544ff. Gray S.R. Driver and G.B. Gray, The Book ojJ ob, 1921. Hahn H.A. Hahn, Commen~r uber Jas Buch Hiob, 1850. Hirzel L. Hirzel, Hiob, 1839 (2nd ed. by Olshausen; see below). Hitzig F. Hitzig, Das Buch Hiob, 1874. Hoffmann G. Hoffmann, Hiob, 1891 ; and: 'Erganzungen und Berich tigungen zu Hiob', ZAW, N.F., VIII, 1931, pp. 141ff., 270£ Holscher G. Holscher, Das Buch Hiob, 1937. Hontheim J. Hontheim, Das Buch Job, 1904. Horst F. Horst, Hiob, Fasc. I-IV, 1960-2. Houbigant C.F. Houbigant, Notae criticae in universos V. T. libras, n, 1777· Hupfeld H. Hupfeld, Commen~tio in quosdam lobeiJcs locos, 1853. Ibn Ezra Abraham Ibn Ezra, Hebrew commentary on Job in the Amsterdam Rabbinical Bible, IV, 1728. Irwin W.A. Irwin, Job, in Peake's Commentary on the Bible, revised ed. by M. Black and RH. Rowley, 1962. Jastrow M. Jastrow, The Book ojJ ob, 1920. Junker H. Junker, Das Buch Job, in Behter Bibel, ed. by F. Notscher, IV, 1959. Kamphausen A. Kamphausen, Die Schriften, in Bunsen's Bibelwerk, m, 1868. Kissane E.]. Kissane, The Book ojJ ob, 1939. Klostennann A. Klostermann, 'Hioh', in PRE, VIII, 1900, pp. 97ff. Knabenbauer J. Knabenbauer, Commentarius in librum lob, 1886. Konig E. Konig, Das Buch Hiob, 1929. Larcher C. Larcher, Le livTe de Job, 2nd ed., 1957. LeHir A.M. Le Hir, Le livTe de Job, 1873. Ley J. Ley, Das Bueh Hiob, 1903· Marshall J.T. Marshall, The Book ojJ ob, 1904. Merx A. Merx, Das Gedicht von Hiob, 1871. Montet E. Montet,Job, in La Bible du Centenaire, m, 1947. Olshausen J. Olshausen, Hiob, 2nd ed., 1852 (4th ed. by Dillmann, see above). Peake A.S. Peake, Job, 1905. Perles F. Pedes, Analekten zur Textkritik des Alten Testaments, 1895; Neue FoIge, 1922.

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